
I was a typical girl, Beautiful, popular, had everything, a nice boyfriend. Lots of stuff that I did not need, but I had it any way. As I checked my blond hair, and put makeup on my crystal eyes and high cheekbones, my mom called from downstairs. I ruffled with the ruffles on my blouse and skirt and walked toward the door. I ran down the rugged stairs and walked into the blue kitchen, marble counter top and stove. A blue table with chairs around it, one chair holding my mom as she read the paper and drank her coffee.
"About time you were done up there" she said not looking up.
"Ok do I care?" I asked
"What?" I grabed my backpack and grapped a cookie, and then walked to the door. "Your boyfriend is out there" mom yelled from the kitchen, as I opened the door.
"He babe" I said once the door was shut. He grabed me in his arms and kissed my lips. Daniel had brown eyes, red lips, and brown boyish hair. His muscles looked as if they would rip through his shirt at any moment.
His lips carressed mine, as we madeout on the front portch. "How have you been, Beutiful?" he said talking my hand and walking me to his red porch.
"Would you wanna ditch?" I asked looking up at him, as he helped me into the car. Then he got into his side and started to drive down Clear View Road. "I would love too, if only I did not have a big test in first period."
"How about after first?" he seemed to tense up and steped on the pedal harder, he looked as if he had something to hide.
"Sure" he said as pulled into the school lot. He came around to my side, after he got out. My high heels touched the concrete, the same time I saw him. He was the new kid,Justin was his name, and his blond hair and blue eyes, and light red lips made him look like he was glowing. I watched as Daniel walked up to Justin, aka his best friend, and do their handshake. As they said there "What's up dude?" or "Yo, how are you" greetings.
"Hey, Justin I mumbeld. Yes I know what you are thinking, how can a girl as popular as me, have a crush? Well I do, but the worst part is, I HAVE A BOYFRIIEND.
I walked to my first class, and waited for the bell to ring. All i could think about was Justin, something about him seemed strange, how he was always stiff when someone walked buy. And how he always where's this one ring on his index finger. I waited and thought as the teacher droned on and on.....

I walked around in the deserted halls, waiting for Daniel, he was not there. I looked up from my shoes and saw that Justin was waiting for me. "Um...... Justin, where is Daniel?" I looked him in the eyes. They were dark almost black, has to be contacts.
"He said to take you out, he will catch up, later" he looked, hurt and distracted. "What?" I asked him. He leaned down his lips so close to mine now, his breath hot and steady. Then he gently pushed his lips to mine, eltric curents shot through me. Then my eyes shot open, Justin was pushing me harder on my lips and getting more aggresive. I raised my hands and pushed him away, my eyes lashed out at him, "Justin!, I love Daniel, what were you thinking?" I asked him. His look gave a shimer down my back, His face was, scared and sorry.I did not let him answer, instead I ran, ran far away. I ran down the blue locker filled halls. As I passed the classes of Red Oak high school, I looked behind me, Justin was their, leaning against the wall, watching me, staring, looking. I ran into a classroom I knew best, as I shoved the door open, Daniel's head poped up from the slam of the door. Ms. Brird's old eyes shot back at me, I had to think of something quick!
"Um," my eye's met Daniel's and warmth filled me, "Daniel is needed in the office." Ms. Birds eyes studied me with the intentions of stabbing my heart out. "Very well" Were her only words. Her long skirt shifted as she moved to her desk. I walked out, Danieel behind me, as soon as the door shut, I slammed him on the locker and kissed him hard on the lips. He pushed away, his eyes filled with shock and yet pure Hatered. "What were you thinking? I was in the middle of class, Why did you not go with Justin?" he looked confused. I thought of what to say scared that Daniel would yell again.
"I needed you" I said and touched his shirt gently looking up at him.His eyes went immediatly soft,then went back to cold. "I told JUstin to tell you that I would meat up with you guys latter, why could you not have waited until then. Or are you that percistant?" His eyes were full with anger and hatred, his face red. "Justin... he.." I knew if I told that would ruin there friendship and I did not want to be the cause of that.
I looked over to see if Justin was still there watching me, he was. "Justin did what?" Daniel asked. "Man, Alice I am getting so tierd of this-"
I cut him off. "Tired of what? All I did was get you out of class you always hate school so I thought I could get you out of class, was that wrong?" my voice kept rising as I screamed at him. I was starting to like Justin a little better.
"You know what, why can't you for once listen to me, I told you that I would meat up and yet you wouldn't, Alice I can not keep waisting my time. Ok, I need to get my grade's up and if I don't I could repeat this grade ok" his eyes had softened a little, but his voice was still hard.
"That's it, we are through!" tears were streaming down my face and as I ran down the hall, all Daniel did was stare. When I passed Justin, he lightly touched my ellbow and grabbed on to me, then he drove me home.

I unlocked the door to the house knowing that my mom was already doing her shift as a night nurse at the hodpital down the road. I let Justin in and we sat on the couch staring at nothing except the blank tv.
"About what happened before you went and got Daniel.." the sound of Daniel's name made me wince. I was about to cry. Justin's voice, so calm and tender, erotic at the same time. He went on, "I just can not resist you, you are amazing, and I want you all to myself but I know that will never happen" he looked painful, like saying these words hurt him so bad.
My eye's teard up at the looke of the pain in his eye's. A tear slipped and I tried to hide it but Justin had already caught it. His hand rested on my cheeck, he looked deep into my eye's and my breath slowed, it felt like we were frozen in time. "Look, I am still in love with Daniel, I am shure that by tomorrow we will be back together" when I had finished, his face was distorted in pain. "I understand, but just let me kiss you one last time" I leaned in and our lips were so close.
Finally out lips met and it was heavon, his lips were soft and tender and I did not want to pull away, but I knew that if I did that I would never get to so this again. The kisses became more heated and urgent as his lips pushed hard against mine. I lifted up for air but I went back down to his lips for another amazing kiss when he pulled away, I leaned over to catch him from leaving but almost fell of the couch. "NO!" I yelled getting up and following him.
"I have to go to protect you."
"You can't just leave me, I love you!" as soon as the words were out I regretted it, I knew it was not true, I barly knew him.
He grabbed my hand, and pulled me close to him.
He pressed his lips to mine, hard this time, but I pulled away.
"Go! Leave, I'm sorry I got carried away by the kiss, it meant nothing, just go!" I pointed at the door as he left when the door shut behind hime I sat sown and cried.
Then there was a knock on the door, I got up and prushed my face with my hands and opened the door. Daniel stood there his face red, "What is Justin doing here?" he asked
"He left a minute ago."
"I saw him leave, what was he doing here did you suddenly hook up with him or something!" He was screaming now, my ears were in pain from the shouting.
"No, he drove me home, and anyway why would you care? We broke up remember?"
"Now come on, We had a fight so what? I thought you would have taken me back by now, Look I am sorry for blaming you for all the things that I have done. I love you Alice, and I want you to love me"


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.11.2010

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