
The girl screamed saying her prayers that she would live through the night. She should have never gone into the woods to see if her doll was lying there the day before. “Daddy!” she screamed, she knew it was no use. “Hush child, you will be alright” the man said, the man who had grabbed her from behind while she was innocently looking for her doll. It was around six o’clock her dad would be wanting her home soon. “Who are you?” the girl asked. “I cannot say, it would ruin you, trust me” he whispered in her ear. The girl was only 12 she did not live long how she would miss her parents.
“Will I die?” she asked breathing hard. “Yes, but do not worry child it will be a fast and easy death, this is for the best.”

Grace Holly just got the call that she would have to work on a new case. This time it was a 12 year old found in the woods only 3 hours before. But Grace was not worried about the murdered child she was thinking about the night before how her date with the extremely handsome husband of hers had gone. It went down like a house had been burnt down in flames. “Um Grace? Grace you their?’’ her partner Chad asked. “Hmm, oh what?” she and her partner were standing in the main entry way of the girls house with the girl’s mother in front of her. “Do you know what has happened to our daughter?” the mother asked. Her face was pale in the light her brown eyes shad she was so sad she would never forget this day. Her face was red and streaked with tears and her long shirt and jeans said she was not very chic. “No mam but we are here to talk to you about the time she was gone and to when you found her so we may know the time of death.” She gulped in air. Grace’s long brown hair, blue eyes and red lips stood out more than her figure. Her bony hips and scrawny arms and legs did not appeal to her. But standing in the presence of this mother she rather liked her brown boots and black jeans and white shirt and black jacket. But she also had a husband that loved her for who she was. “Oh, ok….Um do you want to go into the living room to…well talk” the mother said. “My name is Lydia, by the way” she walked in and sat down on a brown leather couch. On the walls were pictures and paintings of the girl posing for pictures or paintings. “What a nice place you have Lydia!” said Chad, flirting as always. He had blond boyish hair of a 16 year old when he was 29. His black jeans and boots made him look even better. But his skull and crossbones T- shirt made him look Goth. But the brown heavy coat hid the shirt. “Where is the lucky husband?” he said sitting down on the second couch, across from the glass coffee. “Going downtown to tell his parents, um can we please go on?” “Yes, we can” I said pulling out a pocket notebook, and a pen. “When did she leave the house to go to the woods?” “Um…. Around five” “That means she was gone about an hour if my call came around nine, the death was six a quick thing and fast” I said doing the math in my head. “I don’t know how she died though, our Forensic doctor, Albert, will be able to find that out by tomorrow.” “Ok, is that all are do you have any more questions?” Lydia asked. “Well there are more, but since it just happened I will come back when we figure out what killed her is that ok?” I asked getting up of the couch. “That is perfectly fine I am so sorry I could not give you much information” she said grabbing a tissue and dabbing her eyes. “Do you think you could walk….yourself out?” she asked crying even harder. “Do not worry Lydia I promise we will catch the man who killed your daughter” Chad said, and got up as I did. And we both walked out.
As soon as the cold winter wind you would easily start to shiver. And as Chad and I walked to the car the wind and snow made us feel like our necks were frozen. Chad got into the driver’s seat and me in the passenger side of our black BMW. “That went well” I said as we began to drive to the department. I lived in a small neiberhood in New York. But the department only was a few blocks away. The department, AKA the office, was my home half the day. “I cannot believe that someone would kill an innocent little girl!” Chad braked and then stopped and looked at me. “Do you think we can solve it?” he pulled forward then turned and said, “Poor family, I wonder how they will make it through this tuff time?” he kept on talking. Then when he was in midsentence, my phone rang. I grabbed my phone out of my coat pocket and saw the caller ID and pushed ignore. “That your husband John?” Chad asked. “Yes, we went on a date last night and well it did not go easily, I was late and he was having a bad day. So we ended up yelling at each other.” It felt good to get it all out, but as soon as I said it I regretted yelling at him, John. “Grace, you are 34 and married you will have fights” Chad said pulling into the parking lot. “I know but I have not talked to him all day.” I got out of the car and ran to the other side of the car. “Look I’m going home, let’s work on the case Monday” Chad said ok and walked to his car then I slipped into the driver’s seat and turned on the engine. Then my phone rang again, I grabbed it and flipped it open, knowing who it was. “I love you, and I am so sorry about last night” I said immediately. “I am too, I should have not taken out my anger of the day on you, I love you” his voice was deep and sexy, I could not wait to get home. “Look I am driving now I am about a block away from your house bye!” I hung up the phone. I turned down Moss flower Street and looked at the clock, near 10 o’clock. WOW. Late night, then I turned into my driveway. Our house was a huge 2 story house. It was made out of white brick and had an oval wooden door. As I got close to the end of the driveway I slipped out of the car and handed the keys to the butler Harry, “Good evening Mrs. Holly” he said and bowed and got into the car. “Hi, is he home?” “Yes, in the kitchen.” Then he got into the car and pulled it forward, and I opened the door to our house. As soon as you step in you go straight to the Dining room it had a huge black table with pictures on the wall, and chairs. I put my jacket on the coat rack and walked into the living room. It had a brown leather couch with a plasma TV and a bookshelves filled with movies. Then I walked into the red painted wall kitchen with the stairs leading up to the bedrooms. The marble counter gleamed in the light. The clean stove and oven did too. “Well, it’s about time you came home” he said. I turned around, and I saw John there his arms wide for a hug.
John had brown short hair and crystal eyes; he was still in his work jeans and button down shirt. His arms were made with mussel, 35 and still in great shape. “Dinner is in the fridge, if you would like any?” I let go and looked him in the eyes and said “Yes, what is it?” He started heading toward the fridge. “Spaghetti, your favorite” he said grabbing it out and getting ready to unwrap it. “You know what, I think I might just go to bed” I said turning to go upstairs. John was write behind me. As I got upstairs I went into one of the two bathrooms and turned on the shower getting it warm then went into John’s and my bedroom. The walls were painted dark red, matching the red comforter in our large master bedroom on our bed. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the water in there, knowing John would take a bath. I grabbed a towel and went to take a shower.

John found me upstairs in my huge office; write next door to his, he was a big business man who worked as a Lawyer. “Busy on a case?” he asked in the doorway. “Yes, it’s a 12 year old girl got killed in the woods, but there were no bruises or anything, I am thinking of possible death’s” I looked up from my notebook , pen in my hand, and John gone into his own office. “Ok then” I mumbled to myself looking down at my notebook and I wrote this:
Throat slit No marks
Gagging no bruises
Choking no fingerprints
“That has to be it!” I said to myself. “Honey, I’m heading to bed, care to join?” he yelled from his office. “In a minute, love you” I yelled back. I turned my office chair toward my computer, and went on to my website. It was where I could go and search people, so I could find out about the victims. I typed in the girls name and turned to a blank sheet of notebook paper. When it pulled up the page of the girl I searched the people she knew and there criminal records. None of them had any, except this one man who was faulted of murder three times. His name was Jerry Scott and he had three wives in the past year. I wrote down his name, then I got up and stretched. As I walked into the bedroom my flannel nightgown blew from the air conditioner. “I knew it would not be long before you showed up” John said from the blankets. I slipped in beside him and hugged him close, “Our anniversary is coming up, this Tuesday, it will be 3 whole years” I whispered in his ear. Then we both went straight to sleep.
When I was dressed in a pink button down tee, with black jeans and my brown boots, I went down into my kitchen to find Harry talking on the phone. "Yes.... no.... oh,ok.....that is perfectly fine.....I will ask, hold on" he held the mouthpiece with his hand and looked at me."Miss, may a friend of mine come over for dinner this evening?" he asked. "Harry, you know me you don't even have to ask" i said heading for the fridge as harry went back to his phone call.
"Good morning, my beutiful wife, how is your first day of work in about three years?" John asked sneaking up behind me."So far, so good" I said stepping out of his way. He dug deep into the fridge looking for something edible to eat. I turned behind me to check if Harry was still on the phone. Yes. "John you are cookinf for four people tonight, is that okay?" I asked as he pulled out some eggs."Depends on who this person is" he looked into my eyes and kissed my lips. "One of Harry's friends" I said as he hung up the phone. "Sir, would you like me to cook" he asked. "No thank you, how about if you just clean the windows?" John said getting out a frying pan, and turning on the stove. I grabbed a book on the counter fromm yesterday,Saterday, and read till breakfest was ready. When we had finished eating, I sat there just staring at the walls as John was in the office working. I got up and went into his office. "Do you want to take a break?" I asked in a sexy tone. "Yes, i would love one, but if I wasn't in the most inportant meeting of my life, I will have to pass" he said and turned back to his computer. I stomped out and went to watch TV until the doorbell rang.

I answered the door wondering who would be coming to our house at 10 o'clock in the morning. "Hello" I said, standing there in front of me was a women in a blue coller tee with slacks, he eyes looked black and she wore too much makeup."May I help you?" I asked.
At that moment she broke down, she started crying so hard hell could hear. "My poor child! Who could have done this?" she wailed, her voice was thick and manly.
"Mam?" I said, "Mam, calm down. Your child is gone, and I know it is hard to accept, But I swear too you that I will do whatever I can too catch that Horrid person, who killed Allisa." I had never said the girls name, it hurt me too much.
When I was around 30, I was supposed to have a babby, but it never happened, It died in me. I was never heeled from that, and never will be.
I took her into the living room and sat her down. I asked what her name was and she said Hellen. I asked John if he could make some tea to give to Hellen. after five minutes she had finally stoped crying. "How did you know I was here, let me rephrase, how did you know where I lived?" Harry handed me the tea after I finished the question. "Thanks Harry" I mumbled after him. "I went to the staion" then the crying starded all over again. By staion, she ment office, and by office she ment the FBI station. I could not belive Jade, the front desk guy, had told this random stranger. I knew it had to be Jade he was the only one that knew where I lived.
"Look, I just got the job yesterday, but I promise you that I will find the killer, this is not the only case thatt I have worked on, all my cases I have solved. Trust me I will find this man" I looked her in the eyes as I told her this, but the tears would not stop.
"What is goin on down here?" said a voice in the doorway to the den. I looked up and John stood there, eyes questioning. "John, honey this is Hellen, the grandmother of the victom of the case that I am working on" John went and sat down next to me and laid a hand on my leg. Hellen was still in tears.
"Allisa knew this man that I never really trusted, she was only 6 when she met him. Her parents introduced her, he was 16. He was a drug addict and he was put in jail for some time. Allisa parents tool him in, they met him when they saw him walking in the rain one night.
"She, Allisa, thought he was the greatest person she ever knew. I knew this was a bad idea. And know she is dead!" Hellen said this and I thought of the guy that I had looked up, it was strange for her kind of parents to take in a man like him. "How old was she, when she died?" I asked. Hellen told me 9 and the man, whoose name was Jerry was 19! That was the guy I had looked up! I was so happy, I was about to jump with joy!
After Hellen John and I had finished talking about this, Hellen left and Harry was out shopping for food. "What do you want to do?" John asked breaking the silence between us. Standing at the door I pushed John up the steps to our room.
He kissed me hard on the lips and fumbeld with the buttons on my shirt. As he pushed me on the bed I looked out the window and I saw a man sown on our sidewalk. "John, there is a guy on the sidewalk looking through the window at us" I said. John ran to the window, face red. "Grace, no one is out there!" the anger disappered immediatly when we heard a door open downstairs. Harry could not be back yet he only left a few minutes before.
As John and I snuck downstairs to see who would come into our house, we heard footsteps in the kitchen. We saw a shadow of a man opening and closing cabnets. John grabbed an umbrella next to the back door and held it like a baseball bat. We slowly walked into the kitchen, and John swung the "bat" when we heard the stranger yell our names.

"What are doing?" Harry asked barly missing John's swing. John and I looked at each other in relief. "We thought you were a robber or someone" John said studering over his words. "We did not think it was you because you had just left for the store" I said after John.
"I had to come back for the list" Hary explained. Then we all started to laugh, when we regained our control, Harry left and John and I finished what we had started write their in the kitchen, we made love.

I kissed him again on the lips and looked up out the window again. This time I saw the man staring write at me and write in front of the window. I looked down at John who was looking at the fridge, when I looked back at the window, the man was gone. I got off John and laid next to him.
"Did you believe me when I said I saw a man outside?" I asked John when he looked at me. "Of course I did, It's just it panicked me, Hun. alot of wierd things happen to you. After all you are a detective" his smiled at me, and we got up to go to our room to change into some dinner clothes for our house guest later this evening.
When I walked down the stairs into the kitchen with a lime grean dress on amd black heels, John in a suit was putting a turkey at the table, "Hey baby, WOW That is a bright dress" He said walking over wioing his hands on a towel. He leaned over and kissed me and then turned to find Hary behind us.
"Sir, I would have done the cooking"
"No it was my pleasure, but you could take the rest of the food and put it on the table" He walked over to me and wrapped me in his arms. In my minds eye he would be thinking why would I want to mary a girl so old and not even pretty.
But I knew that John loved me for who I am.
"I had to mop the kitchen floor after our fling this afternoon" He whisperd in my ear. I laughed and kissed him and sat at the table write as the doorbell went off. I got up and went into the living room to find Harry kissing this rather skinny women with twigs for legs and arms.
She was wearing a pink dress with flowers for the paterns and was smiling long lips. "Hi, I am Grace and this is my husband John." We shook hands, and I watched her gaze slip over to Johns. She traced her eyes down his body a pleasureful thing it looked like.
I cleared my throaght


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.11.2010

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