
Chapter 1: This is the Plan?

I woke to a sound of clanging. "Get dressed." Destin told me. I got some clothes and changed. My name is Serenity I am 17 years old. Tonight is the night, I run away from my abusing mother. "Do you have our shoes, accessories, and keys to my electric scooter?” “Do you have our shoes, accessories, and keys to my electric scooter?” She mocked me, adding a nasal condition a didn‘t have. “I’m not kidding!” I screamed. “Sorry, god! I was just picking” she screamed back. She grabbed the two suitcases and walked out the motel room into the forest, throwing my keys on the ground. I got them, and started my scooter, then followed Destin. She kept walking, taking lefts and rights. Going straight and taking curves. Finally she stopped I looked up and saw our old tree house. The stairs were even still there, looking new as ever. Destin carefully walked up the steps. I parked my electric scooter and followed her quietly. “She kept ignoring her sister.” I said sarcastically. However, she just kept walking. Soon I couldn't see her anymore. I walked a couple more feet. Then I saw our old Christmas lights up hanging around the tree. The roof looked brand new. In addition, the rug we put down a couple years ago didn't look to bad. The only things in the tree house were three windows with home-made curtains and some sleeping bags. Plus two dressers made out of a type of clay. “I remember dad you and me always slept in here and played board games.” I said. However, of course Destin did not say a word. Sometimes I hate being the younger sister. “Look, I’m sorry.” I told Destin. “I know you are I just wanted to hear you say It.” she laughed like she was telling the truth, but her eyes were still burning with bitterness. “Truce?” I asked her. “Bring it in, Dork.” she giggled then spread out her arms and hugged me so tight I almost couldn’t breath. Now, it was about 8:30, Jessica should be getting home right about…now. Destin and I boarded up the windows, and locked the door with a latch, our father made when we were very little. Destin spread out our sleeping bags and took out our pillows she threw in our suitcases, as I checked through a tiny hole in a window facing our ‘HOUSE’, A.K.A., hotel room. Nothing suspicious, time for bed. “Love you, sis. Goodnight.” I told Destin as I climbed into our sleeping bags. She must be asleep. I thought. And as if she read my mind, she replied, “Night Serene.” Destin was the only person who called me that. Serene, is sleepy I thought to myself. I closed my eyes and that was that.

The next morning I woke up, I did not see Destin, and the tree-house door was un-latched. I looked at myself for a second. I was still dressed in my everyday. I walked out the tree house door, with our suitcases packed up again and ran down the stairs and hopped on my scooter, after tying the suitcases to it. I already knew where Destin would be, the Central Park. I started to remember our dad used to take us there. I started my scooter and headed off. On my way I heard something ring. I took it out my pocket and found my purple razor, Destin must’ve put it in my pocket when she left. I remember Jessica took it about, two years ago. I answered my phone. It was my best friend, Justin Jackson. “Serenity?” Justin asked. “You there?” “Um, yeah.” I answered awkward. “Where are you?” he asked concerned and worried. “Don’t worry, mom, I’m ok.” I said laughing. “Why aren’t you at school, class starts in an hour.” he asked. First of all it’s summer. I’m going to tell him later though. Justin is cute, and completely nerdy, with his brown-black hair. I thought. “Promise you won’t freak out or be mad?” I asked. “You know I can’t be mad at you. You’re my best friend since pre-pre-k.” he laughed fakely. “True,” I said. “Well, uh” I paused. “I’m leaving New York with my little sister. Remember, Destin?” I explained. “Are you crazy! Leaving, your not going to wait until your 18 to leave her?” he replied, confusingly. “Yes, I am crazy. And no, I’ll be legal, your right but Destin won’t and just last week Jessica pushed her into a wall, and bruised her right arm.” I said, holding back my tears of wariness. he asked curious and worried. “So, I mean she’s got Karter to think about. Is she really going to leave him?” “He broke up with her Sunday, Justin!” I said. “I just-” he paused. “Don’t want you and her to get hurt, that’s all. Tell me where are you going?” he asked. Stupid scooter, so freaking loud always telling everybody, I’m not home. “Central Park.” I said hesitating. “O.K., don’t go anywhere.” “Don’t come you’ll get in trouble, and I love you too much for that to happen.” I said. But her already hung up. Finally I made it to Central Park, with all our bags. I saw my sister nowhere! I looked all around the park. I looked over at the streets. At the graveyard, there she was. I thought. I creped up behind the girl, she was crying. “Destin, is that you, why are you crying?” I asked sincerely. She pointed at the grave. It was named John Perne. he died 12-2-98. I was 8. Destin was 9. Destin looked at me. Her mascara was smeared all over her face. I got the end of my shirt and try to get all of it off. But it just stayed on her face. Like glue. Destin smiled. I felt a light touch on my cheek. It was Justin. “Hey Justin.” “Hey.” he said. I hugged him. He stood there hugging me back and soon enough kissed me on the cheek. I pulled Destin off the ground, wiped all the dirt and grass off her rose red dress and just stood. “Well, then, you ready?” he asked us. “What do you mean ready, Justin?” I asked curious. “To go.” he answered. “You’re coming with me!” I screamed happily. Destin frowned. I looked at her. I looked back at Justin. “I mean with US!” I said cheerful and awkward. “C'mon.” he said. He put his arm around me. We both started walking. Destin following closely behind. “Where are we going?” I asked. “To my car.” Justin replied. “Wait! I forgot my scooter and bags.” I said. “I put them in the trunk when you were helping your sister wipe off the mascara and failed to.” he answered and bragged. “Oh.” I said feeling like an idiot. We got into the S.U.V. And drove off. “Where are we going?” I asked. “A hotel." Justin said. I took out my phone. It said today was Sunday. “Um…Justin, my phone says its Sunday, how would we be late for class?” I asked.

The Perne Family

....So your the one who abandoned me

happened?" I asked. "She climbed through the window, there." she said pointing to the nearest window above her bed. "What happened after that?" I asked her curious. "Well, she took out a gun and pointed it at my brain." she said making a gun with her hands. "How did she die?" I asked her finally. "I." She stopped her self. "It's ok, you can tell your aunt and me." I told her putting her down. "I." she paused. "I, threw the phone at her head and then she dropped the gun and fell on my bed. I screamed then took the gun and shot her twice and ran to my closet." she explained. I gave Amy a worried look. “Am I in trouble?” she asked. “Of course not. But please do not have me worried like that.” I said putting her hair behind her ear. “Ok, momma.” she replied. “Amy, will you please watch Ally, I just can’t bear her getting hurt. Whatever that woman wants from Serenity, she wants me dead when she does it.” I said after her and I cleaned up Ally’s room, and buried the woman. “Of course. If that assassin was bad, those people are probably going to send an even better one, that can’t be killed so easily.” she replied. “Yeah but I don’t know what to do.” I said frustrated. “You could start with finding Serenity and Justin. Before the other people do. I don’t know what to say or do if something happened to Serenity. You know what I mean?” she said. “Yeah, I do. I guess that would be a good start. I tracked where Justin was on my laptop, so pack Ally up and I’ll go check my computer, deal?” I said. “Deal.” she agreed. Amy and I walked into the house and I went into my bedroom, making sure windows were locked and my bedroom door was open. I sat down at my sparkling silver desk and opened my laptop. Then finally breathed slowly, in and out. The page loaded within seconds. I took out a note and a pen. Then read his address. [Justin Jake Jackson] Address: ‘1320 Pine Field Road’. Yes! 1320 Pine Field Road, Remember Destin! Okay now remembered. After I printed out Justin’s address I helped Ally pack all her clothes up. Her bed, dresser, and all of her belongings went in the back of Amy’s truck, so no one could use her fingerprints to find her. We got all our important stuff out the house also, everything that meant something to us. Then we burned it to smithereens. “Mom, will I ever see you again?” Ally asked. “Of course, mommy just has to go on a business trip. Now, listen don’t talk to strangers, and always stay with Aunt Amy.” I ordered her. “Yes mam. But what if Auntie tells me to run?” she asked. “Then you run.” Amy told her. “As fast as your little legs can!” I finished tickling her. She smiled and laughed. “I love you mommy.” she replied running to my open arms. “I love you too.” I told her, kissing her on her cheek and fore-head, while tears streaming down my face and out of my eyes. “Go in the car, Ally.” Amy ordered, crying. “I will miss you.” Amy said. “I’ll miss you guys too. But a girl has to do what a girl has to do. Everyday tell Ally that I’m ok. Please.” I said. “I will.” she replied. She went to her truck and got in. I ran to Ally’s door. Ally was crying into her jacket. “Ally, put your hand on your heart,” I said. She did as I said. “Now every time you put your hand on heart I’ll be with you. I’ll always be with you. Now stiffen that upper lip.” I said crying and wiping the tears off her face. “I love you mommy, and I’m gonna miss you and I cant wait till’ I see you again.” she said having her hand lying on her heart. “I will too. Bye Ally!” I screamed, running to my neon purple Tahoe. It started to rain as we parted. So the house stopped burning as much. But in my heart it kept burning. I pulled out of my driveway and typed in Justin’s address on my GPS. Serenity here I come! Just stay where you are. I promise I’ll find you. Someday… I look at the time on my clock, in the car, it’s 6:00 pm. 2 hours to spare. I must call him. I pull out my cell phone and track his number. 331-7703. *RING* *RING*. “Hello?” he asks. “Hey, Karter this must be awkward that I’m calling you and you never gave me your number but I just wanted to ask if you would want to meet up in 30 minutes?” I asked. “Um, well I’m a little caught up in.. uh work. I was… uh… we should, talk later.” he stuttered. “So, you were gonna stand me up.” I said. “No. It’s just. I have to go.” he said. He hung up before I could say anything back. I waited on the phone not hanging up, hoping for his voice to say sorry, to say he would meet up with me anytime, even though I knew there wasn’t a soul there. After a minute of driving toward Serenity and Justin some thing beeped over and over again in my ear, it startled me so much I swerved a little on the road. It was the phone, I hang up and finally get to the road, I’ve been waiting to get on. I turn onto Pine fields Road, and look on the house addresses, and find I’m in the one thousands, I drive a minute down the road and finally see 1,200, I count as the houses fly by, and stop when I see 1345 I reverse and turn around and look for 1320. Then I see it and park my car 3 houses down and walk casually to the door, and knock. No one answers. I look around for a doorbell, but they don’t have one. I knock louder this time and someone answers. It’s a tall man, with brown hair and emerald eyes. “Hello, can I help you?” he asked. “I’m looking for Serenity.” I say confident. He hesitates. “I need you to be more specific.” he replies. “Serenity Perne. Age: 24. 1 sister named Destin Perne, Father: died, mother: jail.” I say in a powerful and harsh voice. “What’s your name?” he asks. “I just answered your questions I think I should see her now.” I say. “I asked you another question which requires another answer.” he replies. “At least let me in.” I say. “Name.” “My name is Kylie Ross.” I answer. He moves out the way and lets me in. “Are you friends with Serenity?” he asks. “Family-friend.” I reply. “Can you get her for me?” I ask. He nods and leaves toward a hallway. Minutes pass by and it feels like eternity passes me by. The man, I think Justin walks back and gestures me to go down the hall. I get up and walk all the way down the dark hallway. At the end I see two bright lamps on the sides of an aqua door, with a sign hanging that says SERENITY . I knock on the door and she opens it. The girl, I’ve been longing to see, finally is here, face to face with me. My sister, the one I haven’t seen in 7 years. All grown up, with her beautiful dirty-blonde hair reaching her middle-back, it curls at the ends, and her blue-green eyes shining off the lamps outside her door, she is very tall, and hypnotizes me with her slim beautifulness. I love her with all my heart, I never did forget her after all these years. The big question is, ‘Does she remember me?’ “Serenity, Do you remember me?” I ask her. “Kylie Ross? Actually I don’t, but the look in your eyes, the smell you made when you entered this room, your resemblance to my parents and I,” she pauses “Your just familiar, it hurts, though it makes me feel pain throughout my body. I feel like someone has thrown a burning match on me, or has stabbed me in the heart, you make me feel weak.” she says. “I never told you my name.” “I never said you did.” she replies. “Then how do you know it? Did Justin tell you?” I ask. “No, Justin never told me your name, and he never told you his name.” she replies. I’m learning that when every minute passes she is being more of a smarty pants. I thought I was bad! “I know Kylie is not your name. I know your someone close to Justin, and me. I’ve seen you before, and I know what you do and I also know you are good at lying at who you are.” she says. I can tell she is not lying when she says those words. She is wise for her age, then again she is my sister. “You may know everything about me, but do you know my real name?” I say. She wait’s a second and puts the facts together. Then she releases my name from her lungs. “Destin Perne. My sister. The one who bailed. Left me with our friend. Now comes to save me because someone wants to kill me,” she pauses. “Is that correct?” she asks me. “I didn’t bail!” I say raising my voice. “Then what do you call it?” she asks. “Not bailing out.” I answered. “I thought so.” “I liked it a lot better when I was at home with Alyson and Amy.” I whisper. Serenity snorts and coughs, “Wimp.” “At least I survived the seven years without trying to be killed.” I say smirking. “The first time I see you in seven years you insult me, and you disgust me.” she says. I raise my eyebrows and smile. “You got to admit, even if you hate and despise me, you HAVE to love me, sorry it’s in the Sister-Hood book.” I say laughing, Serenity joins

The who and sacrifice the what? What about the cliff...

in. One more question, now what was it again Destin? C’mon think! “Oh yeah! I forgot to ask you something.” I said. “What?” “Does Justin know who I am?” I asked. “He,” she pauses. “He said you looked like, well Destin. But he doesn’t know you are.” she says. “I have to say some magic word to make him remember me.” I say. “I’m going to get my stuff and I guess we can head out.” Serenity explains. “Ok. I’ll be in the living room.” I reply. She says ok and I walk back. “Is she ok?” Justin asks a little mad. “None of your business. I was talking to her, so you don‘t need an answer. Now how does it feel?” I reply smirking. Here goes my plan, now please work! “It is my business! I have to protect her not you! Your just some unimportant girl! So lay off, you don‘t know what I‘ve been through!” he yells. “I’m sorry, she is. But just know, if and when you get to know me, I think you’re the one who’s gonna be laying off.” I reply. “He calms down quickly and I learn he has a HOT TEMPER. “Are you mad at me?” he asks. “How could I be mad at you, I’ve known you since pre-pre-k.” There they are. “Where did you, I how, Destin, I, forgive me.” he stutters. “I didn’t know. You, it was you, that’s why you didn’t want to say your name.” he explains. I nod and smile. “You actually thought my name was Kylie Ross?” I asked surprised. Not that surprised though, I know Justin isn’t good at guessing. I think anyone but him could guess that. “Maybe.” he says smiling. “Thank you for watching, Serenity. I bet it wasn’t that hard since you two love each other. I sigh, thinking about Karter. “Kind of. If you look at it like that.” he replies. I laugh. “Yeah.” “Well, I will be right back. By the way, it’s glad to have you back.” he says. I turn around so he cant see my eyes. Not because I’m avoiding or ignoring him. But because a salty tear rolls down face, and I flash back to the day I sit in the graveyard, with my mascara running, and Serenity saying it’s ok. I remember getting in the car, and watching her fall asleep. Then leaving her. A moment passes, and I see Serenity come down the hallway. “You ready? I just got done packing.” she says. I stand there. Unable to move, and talk. My face gets wet and I think someone threw water on it. Another minute passes and I know even though Serenity is behind me, that she is staring at me, whispering a prayer. My face gets sticky and I realize I must be crying again. I feel my legs lock and my arms straighten more. I hear a door slam, after I stop crying. I can tell it’s the bathroom door, because I know that’s the closest door near me. Justin must’ve had to go to the bathroom. My body starts to tingle. I hear someone talking. I can’t hear what they are saying, and I have very acute ears. Then they get louder and then I translate, what their saying. “Thou Osiris, thy shall love and cherish thy god of death.” they pause. “ Thou Aphrodite, thy shall love and cherish thy goddess of love and hatred.” I hear them say. I then hear their voice clearly and find out it is Serenity since were the only women in the house. Her voice echo’s through the room. It sings around my immobile body. I can’t move my arms but just a little bit. She repeats the prayer. “Osiris, thy shall love and cherish thy god of death.” “Aphrodite, thy shall love and cherish thy goddess of love and hatred.” After she finishes the Hymn my arms feel unscrewed and my legs wobble, and seconds later I am on the ground.

“I watch as my sister, Destin falls to the ground. I walk next to her where she lays on her back and I kneel on one knee and give Aphrodite a nod and say, “Thank you my goddess.” I tell her and bow. Justin walks out the bathroom and walks over to me. “What happened here?” he asked. I kiss him and say, “I don’t know if I can trust her, I almost killed her, then my gods saved her, I guess this isn’t the time for her to leave this planet.” “You know it won’t be for a long time.” he replies. “Remember what Tara told you.” he continues. ‘She will be different, you will be patient.’” he quotes. “Yeah, I know.” I say rolling my eyes. Seven years of being with him and 100 times he has told me that quote. Sometimes I just wish I lived in a big tree and my best friend was an acorn and I was married to a bottle of ketchup. Also sometimes I think I belong in a Mental Facility. I hear a clicking noise and notice my eyes are closed. I open them and see Justin snapping his fingers in front of my face. I lift my hand up and grab his as a warning to stop doing that. “What do we do now?” he asks. “Huh?” I say dazing in and out. I fall this time, but backwards and Justin catches me. “Are you ok?” Justin asks. “Of course. My skin is made of iron, my heart is made of steel, and my bones are made of gold.” I say smiling. “You used to always say that when we were kids, and you didn’t like me.” he says whispering the last part. I don’t have time for sympathy right now. I stand up all the way and give him a long kiss then tell him I’m sorry. For a few minutes we decide how to get Destin in the car, then we realize we can just pick her up. We grab her cell phone she brought, and bring her to the car.
We drive down the highway singing songs from when we were kids. Destin is still asleep, so I cover her up in a thick blanket and a soft pillow. Justin turns the radio off. “I love that song, it’s awesome, and it tells you about life.” he says smiling. “And the electric guitar solo! My favorite part, I think that’s the best part in the whole song.” I reply. “Eh, it’s all right. I like it when it’s whispering, those words.” he says. “What words?” “I don’t know, they just whisper.” he answers me. “What do you mean?” I ask. “I don’t really have a clue. I mean, they’re just words. Right?” he says. “Now I want to know what they’re saying. Thanks a lot. Maybe they…” I lose my train of thought. “Right?” he asks. I travel back to a different time. I feel someone. Someone with an angry hateful spirit. Someone who wants to kill. Who will do anything, to kill, me. Why do they want to kill me? I don’t know but I want to. I don’t want to die. But I will do anything to kill THEM, if they hurt Destin. I know Justin can take care of himself. Or neither of us would still be alive. I can see them, the, Demon Spirit. Attached to a loving, caring woman. She is scrawny, with black eyes and hair. Death surrounds her. I

Curiousity Killed The Cat

think about Osiris, the God of Death. Thou Osiris, thy shall love and cherish thy god of death. I get it now, Aphrodite overpowered Osiris to save Destin from my anger. Now I shall die, in her place. I still don’t get it though. Before I said my hymn, I was being watched. Not wanted to be dead I think, but watched. “Serenity, hello?” My vision fazes in and out, for a moment I can’t see. Who is that voice? For a couple of seconds I see white flashing, a white background, with a pale little girl wearing a white dress, that looks like a mini wedding dress. She has crimson eyes and brushed-down silky brown hair. She gives me a smile and says ‘I’m the angel.’. it still flashes as she says it, just the feeling of her makes me shiver and if I could see, I would probably have goose-bumps right now. I know I can only say the hymn every 3 years so now I’m stuck. Great, I use it on my sister who likes to abandon people. Especially me. Actually just me. I just wish I didn’t have a sister, at times, but I love her and she’s the only family I have. I feel myself move, out of nowhere and everything’s blurry again. I can make out the figures though. Justin is still driving, and Destin is clinging to the backseat, I don’t think we’re going that fast but then again I can’t even make out the speed meter dial. I feel nauseous and now I feel what Destin probably feels. Guilt, abandonment, sadness, something that kills your soul, that makes you see the past, on what could’ve happened. Something that makes you wish you did do that. Something we all hate, TIME. Death that is what I feel. “What are you trying to do?” I ask. “Destin?” I ask screaming for her to answer me. “Serenity, help, I feel sick. What’s he doing? help me.” she kept repeating that last part. ‘Help me.’. I grabbed her hand crying. Not to be rude, but I guess Miss I’m-not-scared of-anything-cause-I’m-a-special-agent-girl found what she is afraid of. We both look ahead, our future, and a cliff. I shake Justin, but it looks as if he can’t feel me pushing him. Prying his hands off the steering wheel. Then it seems he can’t see. Destin and I fly into the water.

THE CAT------


Texte: Alexis Renee' Chavers
Bildmaterialien: Alexis Renee' Chavers
Lektorat: Alexis Renee' Chavers
Übersetzung: Only In English
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.03.2012

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