
I woke up and touched his beautiful face. Sometimes I couldn’t believe his beauty, his dark russet skin was flawless, and his shaggy black hair glistened in the morning sun light. As soon as my hand made contact with his warm, soft cheek he smiled and opened his eyes. I picked one of my favourite memories of me and him together. Our wedding day! It was ten years to the day I had said “I do” to Jacob, and I had become Renesmee Black. I could never get used to how good that sounded in my head. The image I was now showing him was me walking down the aisle. I remembered it so clearly, the butterflies as I gripped my father’s arm far too tightly (not that that would have hurt him.) I was never one for being the centre of attention. I guess I got that off my mother, but as soon as I saw him the butterflies flew away. Jacob and I were meant for one another, more than that in fact. We were Imprints of each other. Every part of us just fits together perfectly. He is my ying, I am his yang. We got to the front of the aisle and my father kissed me softly on the cheek.

“I love you Nessie.” He whispered. “You look beautiful.” I didn’t have to reply, he knew
exactly what I was thinking.

‘I should look beautiful with the amount of time Aunty Alice has spent on me.’ I thought. Alice
had insisted on being my wedding planner. My mum had previously warned me it would be
much worse to turn her down and to just go along with it. I didn’t mind, I was marrying Jacob,
what else mattered?

My dad chuckled and muttered something like “Just like your mother.” But I wasn’t listening
anymore. Jacob was within my reach and I needed to be near him, to touch him again. Dad
took his place by Jacob’s side, the best man and the father of the bride. Not that he looked
like my father. My dad was frozen at the lovely age of 17, My mother at the age of 18 and I,
well we aren’t sure, but just so I am closer to the age of Jacob, we say I am 16, although it
is more along the lines of 31. I’m not a vampire like my parents, nor am I human. So we are
unsure whether or not I will ever look older than this. My creation is something that is rarely
heard of, even in the world of vampires and shape shifters. So far I have been frozen to look
like this for the past 21 years.

Jacob took my hands and nothing else mattered anymore, I was now complete. He was
staring deep into my eyes. I loved this stare; it made me feel like he felt just as strongly about me as I did about him, quite impossible to believe however.
“Breath, Jake.” I giggled.

He shook his head, remembering the processes involved in inhaling oxygen. “Wow Ness, you’re so beautiful.” He reached out for my hand which I took without hesitation.

I beamed at him and noticed my mother in the corner of my eye. She truly is beautiful. Her
Long dark hair flowed elegantly down her back that complimented her pale smooth skin
beautifully, she was wearing a silk fitted lilac dress, something I know she would have no
enjoyment of wearing. I looked into her eyes, the same eyes I had inherited off her and smiled, she smiled back and I knew that if it were possible for her to cry she would have been. The priest began to say our vows.

“Happy anniversary Ness!” He smiled and rolled so that he was on top of me. The heat that
emitted from him made my skin tingle instantly. It was like my body yearned and ached for this heat, I would never tire of it.

“Happy anniversary Jakey!” I replied, just in time before his mouth was crushing down on mine. I was gentle at first. My tongue curious to touch his, after a few seconds however, it began to grow impatient. My hands helped me by grabbing his neck and pushing him down,closer to me. It seemed like I couldn’t have him close enough. My hands traced up and down his muscular smooth back. I was burning up, like a fever, a fever that was so delicious, so more-ish, I never wanted to recover. He pulled away, too soon for my liking, and stared at me. I couldn’t help but pull a sulking face, He smiled.

“I got you something.” He beamed.

“I’ve got all I need right here in this bed, thank you very much.” I whispered, slightly out of

“Oh is that so?” I nodded. My back arched up enabling me to kiss him again. This time it was
soft, sweet, but oh so tempting.

I gasped for air, “Yes I think you’ll do just fine actually.” It wasn’t that I had anything against
presents, I loved them in fact, I just loved kissing him more.

“Well I know you’re gonna love this.” He unlocked my arms from around his neck, kissed my
head, and then jumped up out of the bed. “I’ll be back in a second.” He strode across to the
door in just three strides, something that would usually take me about eight.

“Your times up.” I teased; he winked at me and left the room. I looked around our bedroom;
it was our own little paradise. My parents had brought us the house as a wedding present;
one of the advantages of my dad being able to be in our heads was that he knew exactly
what we wanted. The room had dark pine walls and floor, with a gigantic, luxurious cream
rug in the middle. Opposite our bed was a huge fire and mantle place, full of photos of our
family. And next to the bed is a huge bay window that looks out onto a small tranquil lake.
Something that Jake loves when he has changed into his wolf self.

He was back before I knew it, holding one hand behind his back. I sat up and pushed my curly hair out of my eyes. He bent down next to me. “Close your eyes.” He whispered, his
voice tingling straight through my skin, into my bones. I could never resist this voice. I closed
my eyes without hesitation. He picked up one of my ands and dropped something light
into my palm. “Okay, you can open them now.” Once again I did what he had said. I looked down at the gift he had given me; it was an antique looking bronze ring. At first that’s all I noticed about it, but as I glanced closer I noticed an inscription which Jake said aloud as I read it, “My love is forever yours.” I reached out to him and touched his cheek once more. Ihave always found this a much better way to express myself. To be able to touch someoneand show them exactly how I am feeling or what I am thinking at that exact moment.

“It’s beautiful Jake, it’s absolutely perfect.” And it was, I was a complete sucker for
old meaningful antiques, something with character behind it. He knew me so well.

Jake’s eyes lit up. “I knew you would like it.”

“Like it? I love it! Now where were we?” I was hungry again, not for food, for him! “I want
to give you your present.” I moved in to kiss him, he shifted away again. This time I didn’t
understand. “What’s the matter?”

Jacob stared out the window, alert, someone was out there. “I don’t think now is a good idea
Ness, Bell’s and Edward are on their way.” I groaned at my parents “perfect timing” and slid
out of bed.
I had become rather good at controlling my thoughts around my father. The cons of his gift meant that he heard all the things I thought when I looked at Jacob – not good for me, and definitely not good for him. Counting back from a hundred in Spanish usually did the trick, but I think after a while he may of caught on as to why I was doing this ridiculous procedure. But today was going to be harder. My heart was still beating just slightly too fast, my breathing just a bit too raspy and the hairs on my arms were stuck up right like id had an electric shock. I grabbed the first thing I found in the wardrobe and went to the bathroom to wash my face, maybe that would calm me down. I patted my face dry and walked into the living room. Jake had already let Edward and Bella in as I entered.

“Hiya Ness.” Bella beamed.

“Hey Mom, hey dad.” Cien, Noventa y nueve, noventa y ocho...

As I went over my stupid ritual Bella had glided across the room and was holding me in a tight embrace. I’d forgotten just how much I had missed her. It had been a couple of weeks since I’d last been to visit. I placed my hand on her cheek and “showed” her just how much I’d missed her. She hugged me tighter, and I didn’t need to read her thoughts to know she was thinking she would never leave it this long again.

“Happy anniversary.” Edward announced. “Your Mom and I thought we would make you something.” From behind his back he pulled out a little white box.

“CAKE!” Jake shouted instantly. It reminded me of a little kid on Christmas morning. He strode over to Edward removed the box from his grasp and opened it in no more than a second. I couldn’t help but giggle at Edward’s slightly annoyed face, and neither could Bella. “Come look at this Ness its great! Thanks guys.”

I went over to see the object that had made Jake so happy, and I could see why. There in the box sat a rather large circular cake covered in Ivory icing. On top were 10 red roses – one for each year of our marriage – that were also made out of icing. If it hadn’t of been for my supernatural eyesight I would have sworn the flowers were real. And round the sides of the cake were chocolate swirls. The cake was beautiful. “Wow” I gasped “You made this?”Astonished I Went over to Edward – there was no need to touch his face – and hugged him tightly. He softly kissed my hair. “You’re welcome.” He whispered.

“Ness, you really gotta try some of this cake. It’s amazing!” I giggled again at Jacob’s complete desire for food. With how perfect the cake was I couldn’t possibly imagine destroying something so perfect by eating it, I would have mounted it on a display it looked so good. But there he was, box in one hand, huge chunk of cake in the other. One moment I was there innocently thinking about Jake eating the cake, next thing I knew my mind began exploring ways in which the cake could be put to better use . . .

“Damn it” Cien, Noventa y nueve

I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks and I had no intention whatsoever of turning to face my dad.

“What’s up?” Jake said alarmed through a mouthful of cake.

Bella was by my side in an instant, holding my arm. The worry was clear to see on her face. “You ok Renesmee?” There was absolutely no way in hell I was going to admit as to what was wrong. My face was still burning and I had a huge desire for a hole to magically appear in the floor and swallow me whole.

“She’s fine.” Edward sighed “She just remembered the few errands she needs to run for the meal she is preparing for Jacob later.” He spoke in such a casual tone, even I believed him.

“Aww, Nessie you don’t have to go through any trouble for me.” I smiled weakly, still avoiding any eye contact with Edward. I wasn’t sure if Bella had picked up on the facade, she usually knew when my dad was lying, but she didn’t say a word. She was wiser than that. They stayed until late afternoon and invited us to go hunting with them. Although I was slightly tempted by the offer (I preferred a diet of blood) I had other things on my mind.

As soon as I’d shut the door Jake was behind me whispering in my ear. “I thought I’d never get you to myself.”He teased; his hot breath reached my neck and sent a shiver down my spine. He felt my shudder and chuckled. I turned around and stared deep into his eyes.

“I love you Jacob. More than you’ll ever know.”

He probed my face for a few seconds, and then his eyes lit up “Yeah well, I love you more.” He challenged.”And this cake has filled me right up; I don’t think there is any need for you to go anywhere just yet.” He winked at me, picked me up and before I knew it we were in our bedroom.
I was dreaming again. I knew I was dreaming because I was at my seventh birthday party. It was the time when my feelings for Jacob had changed. It’s not that I loved him any less before that point, it was just different. Before he was like my rock, my best friend, a sort of brother in a way. Then on that day it all altered, except, everything was the same. I was walking down the stairs of Uncle Carlisle’s and Aunty Esme’s. Everyone was there, gathered for my special day. Rosalie was the first person I saw. She was holding a huge present, twice her size. It actually looked quite ridiculous the way she held it effortlessly. “Oh sweetie you look gorgeous” She cooed.

“I know right.” Alice had been right beside me. As if she was going to pass up the chance to be the first person to make me up. I never understood the fascination women had with makeup, but Alice had begged and begged. It was just so much easier for me to agree. She danced in front of me, took my hand and helped me down the stairs. Obviously I wasn’t going fast enough for impatient Alice. Of course she hadn’t missed the opportunity to decorate the entire house either. There were huge ‘Happy Birthday’ banners everywhere, streamers, balloons, and the full works. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks; I wasn’t expecting anything too grand. Next I saw my parents. Bella was holding a handkerchief in one hand (God knows why, I guess it made her feel more comfortable) and Edward was holding the other.

“Happy birthday Renesmee.” She whispered hugging me tightly. “Oh Edward our little baby is seven already.” Her voice was getting rapidly emotional.

“Mom I’m not a little baby.” Everyone laughed at that, I guess I was a baby in comparison to people who were centuries of years old. Edward laughed at my last thought and kissed me on the cheek.

“A century isn’t that old sweet heart.” I rolled my eyes, yeah right!

Next in line was Carlisle and Esme, both of who kissed my cheek and hugged me. “We got you something from the both of us, I hope you like it.” Esme had said. However she was rudely cut off by Edward.

“Not funny Emmett.” Everyone turned to look at Emmett’s guilty face.

“What? It is going better than the last birthday party.” Bella let out a slight hiss at this remark, I didn’t understand why. I was just about to ask when Jacob burst through the door.

“I’m so, so, so, so sorry I’m late.”

It felt like I had been slapped in the face. The impact of it could have literally knocked me off my feet. I looked at Jacob, my Jacob, and felt an overwhelming sense of passion that I wasn’t sure how to contain. Before this point I had always wanted Jake around and I had him in almost every thought I had ever had, but never like this. Had I really never noticed how glossy and intense his dark eyes were? How defined and inviting his lips seemed to me? The way his body was absolutely in every way . . . perfect! I had under gone this complete change in myself in just a fraction of a second. And seeing Jacob stare at me in that way, Bizarrely, I knew he felt exactly the same way.

It sounds weird at the age of seven to have these sorts of feelings, but I wasn’t your average seven year old. I looked about seventeen, maybe eighteen and had the maturity of someone even older.

“Jacob I would appreciate it if you would change your track of thoughts please.” Bella let out another involuntary hiss, jumping to all the right conclusions...
I woke up still feeling tingly from the dream, or rather memory I was just having. It was dark, probably the early hours of the morning. Had we really missed out on the rest of the day? My stomach started to rumble. With the change in the course of events I hadn’t had time to make Jake and I then special tea I was planning. Not that I was a very good cook, I just thought it would be a nice gesture. As my stomach let out a longer and louder rumble Jake let out a huge snore. I could go hunting and be back before he even woke. There was no need to wake him when he looked so peaceful. Plus Jake preferred normal human food to hunting, not that he would ever admit this to me, I could just tell. I would be back just before sunrise and make him something great to eat before he woke up. I quietly slid out of bed, picked up my clothes that were scattered all over the room and went to the en-suite so as not to wake him. I was dressing as quickly and quietly as possible but as I was pulling my arm through my sweater I hit an empty glass from off the sink that went crashing towards the floor. Luckily I was quick enough to catch it before it smashed into a thousand pieces but I still hated being the only clumsy one in the whole entire family. After the bathroom was restored to its normal self I opened the bathroom door and there he was, stood right in front of me, completely naked. I Jumped!

“Oh crap, Jake, you scared the life out of me!” I held my chest; clutching on to my heart that was going ten to the dozen. Whether it was just the fact that I literally jumped out my skin, or that my husband was stood in front of me I couldn’t be sure. I figured it was probably a mixture of both. He laughed at my slight over reaction. If I had been listening properly I would have noticed a change in his breathing when he woke up.

“Aww I’m sorry baby, did I scare you that much?” He taunted.

“Yes you did!” I slapped his chest teasingly “Try not to do it again.”

He winked at me then pulled me closer. “I’ll try.” He promised. “Where are you heading off to without telling me anyway?”

My stomach rumbled answering his question. I looked guiltily into his eyes. “You looked so peaceful I didn’t want to wake you. I figured I’d be back before...” My sentence trailed off.

“Well I’m up now I’ll come with you.”

“No, Jake, it’s fine.” He looked at me sceptically. “Seriously I won’t be long, and I know you don’t like it as much as normal food.”

“Aww don’t be stupid, I love it.” He let out a huge yawn and stretched.

“Humph, you look exhausted” I protested. Then his eyes changed slightly, there was an excitement in them that reminded me of a little kid. I knew what he was going to do.

“Jake, don’t you dare! Not in the house! You’ll break the furniture, you’ll get hair everywhere!”

But it was too late. His body began to ripple and tremble all over. The transition was almost instantaneous. There in front of me stood a huge sandy coloured wolf. I folded my arms across my chest, annoyed at his stubbornness. He walked over to me and licked my face.

“Aww Jake.” I giggled. “Stop that.” I pushed back the huge head and smiled. “I’ll still be annoyed if you break something on the way out.” He rolled his eyes ay me. “Come on then Wolf boy, I’ll race ya.”

I was out the door in just over half a second. Behind me I heard something smash in the kitchen; it was probably the plates I got out for the cake earlier that Jacob had just ruined. I wasn’t angry; this gave me the head start I needed. Jacob was a lot faster than me – not that I’d ever admit to him I knew that. I leapt gracefully over the lake giving myself another advantage. There was no way Jacob could make this jump, he would have to swim through it or run round it. Both of which brought me the vital time I needed when we got to his strong point – the woods.

I landed elegantly and took flight towards the woods. The crisp morning air blew through my hair; I could feel each and every strand it separated. I inhaled deeply and urged my feet to move quicker as I heard splashing in the lake. He would be right behind me soon enough. I ran through the trees with ease, there was never any doubt in my mind that I would bump into anything. I wasn’t as fast as my parents, but no human could run anywhere near this speed. I listened intently to my surroundings and heard the morning birds singing, worms tunnelling underground, ants scurrying to their nests and huge paws pounding against the hard ground. He was gaining on me. I began to smile, I wasn’t exactly sure why. Maybe it was the thrill of the chase or maybe it was knowing that the gap between us was rapidly getting shorter. I could hear his breath now and there was still nothing I could smell that I wanted to eat. I had an idea that would ensure that I couldn’t lose. I purposely slowed down to a pace that was like a human sprinting and when Jake was close enough I flipped up into the air and softly landed on the huge furry back. He chuckled, knowing deep down that he would have beaten me.

Jake ground to a halt about 70 miles away from our home. At first I was reluctant to dismount him as my fingers twiddled through his long saggy fur. I Jumped off and touched his face. I was showing him how I missed cuddling up to him when he was a wolf, there was something soothing and calming when we would lie out under the stars and he wrapped his furry body around me.

He rubbed his nose on me cheek, I guess he was agreeing to what I had just showed him. But before I could show him something else a scent caught me off track, I was so hungry that all I could think about was my prey. Jake’s ears shot up too, he had caught on to what I had smelt. A bear – two of them, not far from where we stood. I could taste their delicious scent on the tip of my tongue that made my mouth water uncontrollably. Jake let out a grunt that caught me off guard slightly, he worried too much. Like a big grizzly bear could hurt me! I rolled my eyes at him and ran towards my meal. In around three seconds flat I had ran through the woods, got down in to a pouncing position and was on top of the larger of the two bears. It didn’t stand a chance. I made it quick; I had never been one for playing with my food. I still didn’t completely enjoy the fact I was killing a living creature to eat, but it wasn’t a human and it just tasted so good! My teeth found its neck and pierced the skin in an instant. My throat was filled with a luxurious and thick fluid running straight down my throat. The bear’s struggling began to ease off as Jake took down the smaller grizzly. I didn’t stop till I had drained it completely. I dropped the lifeless body to the ground and wiped my mouth with a complete satisfaction. Jake finished his breakfast around exactly the same time. The sun was beginning to rise.
“I guess we should get back for school Jakey.” I said with an edge of disappointment in my voice. The one bad thing about being immortal, well sort of immortal, was the repetition of high school. I had now been to six different schools, all of which had the same narrow minded, self indulged teenagers and the same old boring classes. Yet, to fit into an area it was a necessary part of not drawing too much attention to ourselves being different. Of course people still found it slightly odd that Jacob and I lived together at just eighteen (well as far as they knew we were eighteen.) But, they only found it odd because we were so stupidly in love and “obviously wouldn’t last” – Yeah yeah!

I leapt onto Jake’s back, his paws dug deep into the earth and then we were off, racing back to our home. It took no more than twenty minutes to arrive back. I dismounted the huge wolf and as my feet touch the ground Jake’s human hand found mine and we walked into our little house together.

“I’m gonna go for a shower.”

“I’ll come with you.” Jake whispered so temptingly into my ear.

“No you won’t, you will put some clothes on and clear up all this.” I gestured to the mess that Jacob had caused. He let out a small groan and I smiled with the satisfaction that maybe this would be the last time he would decide to transform in the house again. I showered and dressed quickly not bothering too much with my appearance. A baggy pair of pants and a plain white vest top would do the job just fine. I walked down into the kitchen to find Jacob ready to go.

“All done.” He smiled. I couldn’t stop myself from smiling back; Jake just had this aura about him that made everything better, happier. He took his hand from behind his back and started to swing a set of keys around his fingers. “You ready?”

“Oh the Aston Martin vanquish, really? How subtle of you.” Jacob had always loved this car. It had been a present off Edward many years back when he had seen just how much Jacob adored it. There was no way I would usually let him drive this car to school, standing out was never something I enjoyed and this would definitely stand out. As if we needed to draw even more attention to us without the extravagant car.

Jacob and I live in Montana, (which is only a couple of hours run from my parents) in the city, Wolf Point – Jake got a kick out of that. Where we attend the college Fort Peck. It’s only a half hour drive from our little cottage, yet today we arrived there in no more than fourteen minutes, Jakes driving was not for the light hearted. And yes just like I had expected, people stared more than usual. Jacob was grinning from ear to ear, relishing in the joy of being the centre of attention. I on the other hand felt the blood rush to my cheeks and wished I could place a paper bag over my head. Really was there any need for this? Reading my face and understanding my embarrassment Jake leant over and kissed my cheek, got out the car and walked round to open my door for me. I inhaled deeply, closed my eyes, and exhaled. They are all just looking at Jacob I told myself, how could anyone not? He was perfect in every single way. I slid out of the magnificent automobile and found Jake’s hand.

“Wow, very nice. Vintage!” I heard as the beaming sun blinded my eyes.

“Hey Celeste, Yeah she sure is a beauty.” Jake had answered as he tapped the bonnet of the car. Celeste was my closest friend at college. I liked her because she had such a good soul. There are no ulterior motives behind her eyes. She is kind, honest and completely selfless. Jake would often say how a like we were personality wise; however I always thought she was much prettier than me, and this is where Jacob and I disagreed. Celeste had long dark hair that reminded me of mother’s but with piercing blue eyes and a lovely olive skin tone. Why the guys in the school weren’t all over her completely puzzled me, but then again her studies were at the utmost importance to her and I guess that put them off.

“Hiya Ness, I missed you!” She smiled and hugged me tightly. “Where were you yesterday?”

“Oh, yeah, sorry about that. My parents came to visit.”

“Oh my god, I still can’t believe your parents brought you your own place. It’s so cool. My parents would completely freak out if I tried to move out with a guy.”

If she only knew we were married. “Hmm, well it took some convincing.” That wasn’t really much of a lie. At the time it did take a while for Edward to agree to let us live so far away and on our own. It was only when we promised that we would visit each other every couple of months that he finally caved in. The bell rang and reminded me that Jacob and I would have to separate until lunch. My heart sank realising this fact and my hand gripped on to his tighter.

“Come on Ness, we don’t wanna be late.”

Jake turned me round so I was facing him and moved my hair from out of my eyes. “I’ll see you in a couple of hours okay?” I nodded as he bent down to kiss the tip of my nose.


“You’re so lucky you know.”

“Hmmm, what?” I had been day dreaming in the middle of biology when Celeste had brought me back down to reality.

“To have Jacob.”

I looked at her confused. Had she really only just noticed how lucky I was?

“I don’t just mean because of how good looking he is. But, I mean that you can tell he absolutely adores you. The way he looks at you, it’s like there’s no one else but you in the world. It’s weird. No, not weird just, like a fairytale you know. Like something you only read about in books. If I ever find a guy who loves me just a quarter as much as Jake loves you then I’ll be happy.” Celeste then looked down at her books and furrowed her eyebrows. I guess she was unsure of how I would react to what she had just said.

“You will find your Jacob one day Celeste, and don’t settle for a quarter, you’re worth more than that.” She looked up and smiled at me, relief clear to see on her face.

“You really think I could get half?”

I couldn’t help but let out a giggle, and neither could she.

“Celeste. Renesmee. Are we interrupting something?” Mr Crawley snapped. Yet again the blood rushed to my cheeks and I buried my head back into my biology book.
The morning dragged on as I was taught the same repetitive lessons that I already knew so well. I was lucky to have Celeste as a partner; she was clearly much smarter than an average eighteen year old so I didn’t feel like I had to look less intelligent around her. I was happy to let her have all the credit when we achieved yet another A on our homework projects. Finally it was lunch time and annoyingly I still had to walk at a human paced speed to the cafeteria. Obviously after that huge grizzly bear I had devoured earlier I wasn’t hungry, I wanted to see Jacob.

“I think I might have the macaroni cheese today. What you having Nessie?” Celeste asked.

“Oh, erm, well I had a huge breakfast so I’m not really that hungry.”

Celeste stopped walking. I turned to her to see what the holdup was.

“Nessie, you are eating properly aren’t you? I hardly ever see you eat” Real concern embraced Celeste’s face, I felt terrible lying to her all the time, but I am pretty sure she would think I was lying if I told her the truth.

“No!” I said in shock. “No it’s just I, well I don’t really like people watching me eat so...” I trailed off. My sensitive hearing had picked up on the most beautiful laugh I had ever heard. It made my ears sing to hear something so wonderful. My worry about Celeste being so observant had completely vanished. I turned my Head slightly and saw Jacob sitting at a table in the far corner. His plate piled high with food; guess the bear wasn’t as filling for him as it was me. He was sat with his two friends Darren and Kyle, both of which I liked very much, they made Jake happy.

“Why don’t you go over?” Celeste suggested “I’ll catch you up in a sec.” I smiled at her; she truly was a great friend. I glided over towards Jacob as quietly as I possibly could, as my hand reached out to grab his shoulder he turned around, picked me up and kissed my lips sweetly, but appropriately for the surroundings we were in.

“Hello beautiful. I missed you.” He cooed. Is it really possible for your heart to stop? (Well when you’re not a vampire, or dead.) Because when Jake spoke so tenderly like this, and held me this way my whole body would freeze even if just for a fraction of a second. He would literally dazzle me into a coma.

“Get a room will ya you two. You’re putting me off my burger.” Darren interjected.

“Got one!” Jake smiled. I joined them at their table and it wasn’t long before Celeste had come to sit by my side.

“So are you gonna ask her then?” Kyle had said this in a way that made me feel uneasy. Ask who what?

“There’s no way she is gonna agree guys. Why do you think I was laughing just then?”

“It’s worth a shot at least.”

So he was laughing at something Kyle had said, something I was unlikely to agree with. Well I had news for Jacob Black; I would not being disagreeing to whatever this was.

“What do you wanna ask me Jake?”

“Ha, not me. It’s these two here.”

I looked towards where Jacob had just gestured. Darren and Kyle were both looking at each other and shaking their heads. Finally Kyle cleared his throat and spoke.

“Right well the thing is Ness, it’s my birthday on Friday. And being eighteen and everything I sort of wanna do something special. And seeing as though you guys have your own place...

I knew where this was going. He was going to ask to have a party at our house. To invite around a load of teenagers all of whom would have the aim of getting completely drunk. So that’s why Jake was laughing. He knew I wouldn’t like that idea, not really. Kids getting drunk was very irresponsible, what if it got out of hand? But no, I would go along with this and show Jacob that I was not always such a party pooper. I could keep everything under control, I think.

...If maybe I could have a party there?” Kyle cringed on his last word.

“Sure” I said instantly. Jake, Kyle, Darren and Celeste all stared at me like I had gone mad. Was I really that against parties? “So this Friday, I think we can do that can’t we darling?”

“Erm. Yeah. Sure.” Jake said confused. “You sure Renesmee?”

“Yeah I think it’s a great idea.”

“Aww Ness you’re awesome! I could kiss you.” Jacob shot Kyle a glance. “But I won’t obviously”

Darren and Kyle went into an instant discussion on who they were going to invite and who they were going to try it on with.

“So I’m finally going to get to see your house. Wow, I can’t wait.” Celeste had a lot more enthusiasm than I did.

“Nope, nor can I.”

“You didn’t have to agree to that you know.” Jake said as he drove us home. “If you don’t really want to do it then I can just ring Kyle and tell him to get somewhere else.”

“No, I don’t mind at all.” Would he see through my lie? “It will be fun.”

Jacob stroked my cheek. Even though we were driving at 60mph and he wasn’t exactly paying attention to the road I never for one second would consider that we could crash. “You’re such a sweetheart Ness. I’ll never know what I have done to deserve you.”

That was another body coma moment. I doubt I would ever get used to the strange sensation it gave me, even though I had had them on countless occasions.

“Put your foot down Jake. There’s something I’ve been dying to do to you all day.”

The force of the acceleration made my head jolt back slightly
The day of the party arrived far too soon for me. I had played my part to a tee about the excitement I felt about the up and coming event that I doubted even Jacob knew it was all just a facade. I had, had an uneasy feeling about it right from the start, but I would stick to my promise and I would go ahead with it. Jake and I had planned to get up early to do all the decorations and last minute preparations, but somehow, we got side tracked.

“I’m gonna have to skip school and finish it off.” I said, getting out of bed.

“I’ll stay with you. It’s not like I’m gonna miss anything.”

That was true. Jacob and I had been through high school enough times now that we probably knew more than the tutor themselves. I reached out my hand, touching his cheek softly and showed him Darren and Kyle. He should go be with them today, get hyped up about tonight’s events. I could handle the house, I think.

“I’ll see them tonight Ness.”

“Yes and you’ll see me too.” Sometimes I don’t know where I got the strength from to tell him to leave. But I knew deep down if he didn’t go, absolutely nothing would get done. And although I wasn’t exactly thrilled about the idea, I did want Kyle to have a party to remember.

I eventually got Jake to leave after making a few promises that I’m sure I wouldn’t have any trouble in keeping. I looked round the house and literally had no idea what to do with it. I could hang up the streamers I had, but was that a bit childish? He was going to be turning eighteen. I knew who I needed; I found my phone and dialled the only person who sprung to my mind.

“Renesmee, how are you sweet heart?”

“Hey, I’m great Alice.” It felt so wonderful to hear her voice, I hadn’t seen her in such a long time and I knew she would love a chance to help me decorate. “Are you busy at all?”

“No, I can be there in the hour.”

Before I had chance to reply she was gone. Did she see what I was asking her to do? I know sometimes I caused loopholes in her visions, but throughout the years she had got better at seeing what I was up to. Not that she had much practise because this only worked when I was nowhere near Jacob, which of course, wasn’t very often. Like Alice had promised, she was round within the hour carrying with her a short, yet elegant looking black dress.

“You will look stunning in this.” She beamed “Just do me a favour and don’t tell your dad.”

Although the dress isn’t exactly something I would have picked out myself, I didn’t care about that. It had been so long since I’d seen my aunty. I hugged her tightly and showed her my gratitude. “Alice you’re a life saver”

It was strange how the afternoon completely flew by, all the anxious feelings I had felt just disappeared. I only wished Bella could be here to, she would have loved to have helped out if it meant spending time with Alice and me. I would ring her tomorrow.

“Right I think that will just about do it.” Alice said after placing the last plate of food down on the fantastic spread she had made “You go get changed Ness, you are going to look drop dead gorgeous.”

I looked around the room, Jake would definitely know I had had help; it looked amazing but maybe slightly over the top. The kitchen now looked like a night club. Alice had in stored a variety of strobe lights, along with a smoke machine. All the furniture had been moved upstairs so there was room for a dance floor along with huge speakers and even a bar.

“Are you sure we should encourage the underage drinking?”

“They are going to be doing it with or without the bar Ness. You’re so like your Mom. Plus the bar has class; it gives the room that little bit extra.” She grinned.

“Oh, Alice I can’t thank you enough, I couldn’t have done anything like this.”

“You can thank me by getting out of them God awful clothes and showing me what you look like before I have to go.”

How could I refuse? I grabbed the dress and ran into the bathroom. I studied myself in the mirror for a fraction of a second and decided on pinning my long bronzed curls up. I twisted and plaited my way through until I was satisfied that Alice would appreciate the effort I had put in. I went the extra mile by even adding a bit of make up to my eyes, cheeks and lips, then slipped into my dress with ease. It was a perfect fit! I walked back into the kitchen, tugging my dress down as I went yet no matter how much I pulled the dress, it was just that bit too short for my comfort zone.

To my surprise Jacob was already in the kitchen hugging Alice when I entered, the day really had flown by. They both turned to look at me as I moved closer. Alice’s angelic smile grew wider where as Jacob’s face looked as though he was in shock. I looked stupid. I knew the dress was too short and the makeup was probably a bit over the top for me. I didn’t really know how to put it on, I should have asked for Alice’s help.

“Too much?” I asked, scared as to what the outcome of my question was.

Jacob’s expression changed into the playful face I love, “How can a dress that short be too much?” he joked, and I knew it was a joke yet because of my insecurities I could not smile back. In an instant Jacob was by my side. “You literally took my breath away when I saw you just then. “He brushed my cheek and I felt my knees quiver. “You look absolutely gorgeous Nessie.”

“Right and that’s my cue to leave.” Alice announced “I’m going to love you and leave you.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to stay for a while? After all it was all your hard work.”

“No, I’ll let you guys tell me all about it when you come visit me and Jas.” She winked and was gone.


Jacob had gone and changed into something smarter than usual to put my mind at ease about the dress and before I knew it Celeste had arrived, who thankfully was wearing a dress that was only quarter of an inch longer than mine.

“I know I’m slightly early but I just couldn’t wait to see your place.” The excitement on her face was actually amusing to see, especially when she walked into the kitchen and saw the mini night club that had been created. It took her at least ten minutes to calm down and stop going on about every little detail.

“You never fail to surprise me Nessie. You’re so different to anyone I’ve ever met.” Her awe inspired tone frightened me. There were always odd moments and weird coincidences where Celeste seemed to notice the differences about Jacob and me. And I didn’t mean the obvious facts like being rich or living on our own either. “I should learn to expect the unexpected with you.”

“Yes but doesn’t that make the unexpected, expected?” I joked and I could tell by the smile on her face, her track of though had vanished.

The house filled up quickly of all ages from our school. I guess Kyle was just so excited he invited everyone or people were just being nosey. Either way the party was not as bad as I had expected, what was I worrying about? I didn’t get to see Jacob all that much as he was doing his part greeting the guests and ensuring Kyle had a great time but I didn’t mind much as I had Celeste to keep me occupied.

“So I was thinking next Saturday we should go out for the day. We could go to the cinema or do some shopping or something?” She yelled over the booming music.

“Yeah that’s a great idea Celeste. There’s that new movie that I’ve been dying to see. Oh what’s it called?”

“Truth hurts?” A voice interrupted. It was Robbie Johnson, he was in Celeste and mines biology class and I had noticed on more than once occasion the way he looked at her. “Would you mind?” Robbie indicated to the camera he was holding in his hand.

“No of course not” Celeste grinned and wrapped her arm around me.

“Say cheese!”

I did my cheesiest grin and the flash of the camera disorientated me for a split second. After the picture had been taken Robbie didn’t move, it was as if he was actual glued to the spot. All three of us then stood there in that awkward moments silence. (When I say silence I mean conversation wise because the music was very loud.)

“Erm, Celeste, would you like to have a dance with me” Robbie muttered, it was quite pathetic yet cute the way he had said it. Celeste turned to me and gave me the “should I?” look.

“Well, I’m going to get some food so I’ll leave you both to it.” I winked at her and she smiled back. Robbie was a nice guy, I would be so happy for Celeste if she had finally found someone who deserved her. I went over to the table covered in food and grabbed a plate that I put a few pieces of chicken on. I began to nibble on a piece surveying the busy room as I did so.

“Hello Renesmee.” Someone slurred, I turned round to see who it was.

“Oh hi Darren.” He looked incredibly drunk. “Shall I get you some water?”

“Water?” He spat, “No, I want more booze!”

“Oh right, well maybe you should have some food in that case too.” I really was trying not to be a party pooper. “The chicken is really tasty.”

“Do you know what I find tasty?” His eyes that had once been so warm and friendly changed instantaneously into something cold and creepy. “You are looking so tasty this evening Nessie.” He cooed. I knew he was only drunk but he was over stepping, or rather leaping the line here.

“I think you’ve had a bit too much to drink Darren. Let’s go find Jacob yeah?”

“Oh but I want to stay here and talk with you.” He stoked the outside of my thigh which made my skin crawl and venom rise up in my throat. I could break his arm in a second, his neck even. I wouldn’t have to think twice, but I was better than that.

“Darren take your hand off me before I throw you out.”

“Oh, don’t play hard to get Nessie, I’ve seen the way you look at me.” Right, he had definitely had too much to drink, he was deluded. “You can’t be as in love with Jacob as you make out when you haven’t even experienced a real man.”

I began to laugh. Was he being serious? “Jake is more of a man than you’ll ever be.”

“Come on, just a little kiss, it won’t hurt.”

The jokiness before had faded, whether he had, had too much drink or not enough was enough. What kind of a person hits on his friends partner? Before I had chance to get Jacob to take Darren home, he lunged at me. His lips smacked on to mine and his hands wrapped round my hair with such force that I was perilous to stop it, although I was much, much stronger than Darren the sheer shock froze me to the spot. I felt physically sick as his mouth crashed down on mine with too much enthusiasm. Before I could even think about what my natural reaction was to stop it, I had done it. I had shoved my hand on to Darren’s cheek and “showed” him as many images of the word “NO” that I knew. Hundreds of images now ran through Darren’s head and I had let the perfect facade slip. He knew I wasn’t normal. Darren’s lips loosened their grip from mine. He opened his eyes and froze, just the way I had but before I had chance to explain, to tell him how drunk he was and to make him forget what he had just seen, an eruption of screams took over the room.

They were screams of panic of fear. I had no idea what could cause such a reaction. No one else would have seen what I just projected on to Darren and even if they had, the reaction was completely over the top no matter how strange. I turned to see the culprit of such terror, and there on the other side of the room was a huge, angry wolf. So big it towered over everyone else and was more the height of a huge bear. I gasped in shock. This could not be happening, not here! The russet coloured wolf came charging towards my direction snarling and growling as it came. The people in the house were running in every direction trying to escape the nightmare that had become real. I grabbed Darren and thrust him behind me.

“JAKE, NO!” I screamed. I raised my arms out in front of me as a sort of shield, a weak barrier in case Jacob wasn’t able to stop. He wouldn’t kill me, I knew this for sure. But the force of his charge could injure me and more importantly I would seriously hurt Darren if I got thrust into him, or worse, kill him.

Jacob’s claws dug into the laminate flooring tearing up chunks as he skidded to a halt. And the screaming stopped. If the people at the party hadn’t seen Jacob just transform into a wolf in front of their very eyes, they had definitely had heard me scream his name at the huge monster. I stared deep into his eyes; the viciousness was beginning to fade and reality plus guilt had settled in. We couldn’t stay here, we both knew that now. We had to run! Jacob nodded at me, as though he were reading my thoughts. I leapt on to his back and he raced out the door. As I turned back to survey our house the last thing I saw was Celeste’s face, it was not in shock or terror like the others. She looked genuinely upset or betrayed, I couldn’t work out which and I felt a lump in my throat knowing that this would be the last time I ever saw her.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.10.2011

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