

Mom: Linzy hurry up or you'll be late? Don’t you promised Gina to meet her today dear?
she calling her daughter from downstairs.

Linzy: Yeah, I know...and I'll come in a minute mom..!”
She replied.

Mom: Make sure you'll young lady.
She told her.

Then Linzy quickly comb her hair and put a little make-up on her face. She has a round face, sharp nose and beautiful brown eyes. Her hair was same color with her eyes and long until her waist. After she was done, she take her hand bag that laying on her desk and run downstairs then go to the dining table. Her mom still busy preparing the breakfast on the table. She has blue eyes that look like a cyrstal-clear like ocean. Also she has such a beautiful face that look much younger than her ages.

Mom: Morning...
She said while her hand still busy set the plate on the table.

Dad: Morning, dear.
He said, while enjoying his favorite beverage coffee.

Linzy: Morning I'm sorry for being late...again...
She said.

Then her dad and mom turn and look at her, and they said simultaneously.
Dad & Mom: You always like that, Queen Of Lateness!
Then both of them laugh.

It made her started making faces.
She pulled out the chair that in front of her, and sit on it with her dad next to her, Also ignore their jokes.

Dad: It seems that my beloved daughter was sulky?"
He said with a smooth voice.

Linzy just remained silent and achieving a slice of toast for her breakfast. Her mom just looked at them and her eyes meet Linzy. She can see the regret and compassion displayed in her eyes.

Mom: Oh dear, we’re sorry. We do not mean to make fun of you?
She apologizes and smiling sweet to Linzy.

She was really stunning and Linzy thought that she should terminate her childish behavior. They just joking with her, anyway... She think.

Linzy: Fine, I give up? You both win and I’ll stop sulking. Ok?"
She said.

Then dad stroking her head, and said .

Dad: Such a good little girls.
He grins.

Mom: Young lady it almost at 9?
She remind her.

Then she begin to realize that she was late to meet with Gina!

Linzy: Oh shit, she must be angry with me. How can I forget about her? I need to go now...or Gina'll started a morning lectures. I don’t want to hear it!”
She said and she hastily tried to finish the toast that in her hands as soon as possible and took a sip of juice that has been prepared by her mom.

Linzy get up from her seat and hug her parents. Then give a kiss on their cheek.

Linzy: I love you.
She told them.

And all of a sudden, she feel sad and don’t want to release them from her arms. It strange, she doesn’t know why she feel this way. A feels like she will lose them forever, it make her feel afraid.

Mom:Are you alright? you were shaking...?
She ask with worries.

Linzy: I'm fine mom. Don’t worry about me, ok?”
She smile and try to convince her.

Dad: Hurry up or you will be late young lady.
He interrupted.

Then he push her to the front door and pat her shoulder.

Dad: You should go now, and remember not return late. Also straight home after your work. Understand young lady?
He said.

Linzy just smile and put her right hands up near the forehead and said.

Linzy: Yes sir! I promise not to violate the rules."
She smile and winked her eyes.

Her dad begins to laugh, and she saw her mom coming towards them with a smile on her face. They both know that she generous with a smile.

Mom: Hurry dear or you'll miss the bus? Don't waste a time, because time is gold.
She said with a smile on her face.

After she wear her shoes, she stand outside the house looking at her mom and dad. Both of them standing before the door as they waited for her to go. They look like a happy couple and it made her feel a little envious. She walk to the road and turn back to look at her parents and waved.

When she arrive at the bus stop, she immediately ran up the bus that has stoped there and pay the fare to the bus driver then sat next to the window. She feel the wind blowing toward her and her hairs were blown. She close her eyes while enjoying the feeling. When she look outside, she can see such a beautiful view. All around the places is full with the green plants and the beautiful flowers that has covered the whole places. This beautiful place has been called as Green Hill Town.

Also inside the bus, does not have many passengers. It just an elderly woman, also a mother who was holding on her baby and her daughter sat next to her.

Then she saw Gina sitting outside a cafe from the bus, she promptly ring the bell and ran out to get Gina.

Gina looks toward her with a sharp gaze.
Gina: You late, again... how long do you want to let me waiting for you? I can die spasms here! You know that! "
She said with a loud tone, it made her feel that she'll be deaf soon.

Linzy: Gina I’m not deaf, yet? Before I’m really deaf I think that you should slow down and stop screaming at me?
She said to her with calm.

Gina: This is all your fault! Who ask you to be late?
Gina turns away from look at her.

She know that Gina was angry with her. Now Gina just looked at her drink and ignored her.
Linzy sit next to Gina and tried to persuading her.

Linzy: I’m sorry? It was my fault, please forgive me?
She said to her.

But Gina did not heed her words. It starts to make her feel annoyed.

But no matter how much she annoyed about Gina, She could not hate her.
Because they has been friends since they were kids and a best friend. They're used to fight for small things then they'll be making up again and apologize to each other.

Gina such a cute little girl. Her hair was black and short. She has a delicate skin and soft. She also has a beautiful gray eye. When you look at her you’ll be fascinated by her beauty and fall for her. Every girl'll certainly feel jealously and also Linzy.

Linzy: Fine, I think, I should go now and don’t forget come to work. I’ll be waiting for you ok."
She said to Gina and throwing a bland smile.

Linzy get up from her seat and fled from the scene. She take a deep breath and sigh all along the ways. She think it better for her to have peace of her mind right now.

Suddenly she heard a voice .

Unknown: Hey Linzy, wait for me…
It sounds like someone is calling for Her.

But when she look around, she don't see anyone. So she think that's just maybe her feeling then she felt something hard stomping her head.

Linzy: Auuhhh ..! It hurt…Who did that! I totally'll cut him 18 times!”
She shouted in pain.

Linzy feel resentful, if she know who did that to her! she'll toss him into the drain! Let him face her match!

Unknown: I’m sorry; I did not mean to hurt you?
A very soft voice behind Linzy.

So she turn toward the voice, she little surprised it was Gina. LInzy look at her, Gina bowed to the ground and picking something. It was a “high heels”.

As Linzy stare a little, then she yelled at her.
Linzy: You throw that to me? Are you crazy or you actually trying to kill me?
She asked with a rough tone.

Gina: Who want to kill you… and you will never die just being throwing by a high heel. It was your fault because you ignoring my calls!"
She said with a complaining tone, while wearing her heels back.

Linzy: Why it was my fault! Tell me!"
She can feel her blood is boiling and she looked directly toward her eyes.

Then all those people around them just looked at them. They make Linzy feel more annoy.

Gina: Because it really your fault… You made me waits for an hour’s!”
She shouted toward Linzy.

Linzy: I'm sorry, I have no intention to make you die for waiting on me!
She said then sigh. She tried to take a deep breath and control her anger.

Linzy thought before Gina can said anything else that can make the fight more worsed, and before she exploded. It better if she said first and stop this stupid fighting…

Linzy: I think we better stop fighting about this stupid thing!"
She told her and tried to calm herself.

Gina; I'm sorry, I dont mean to make you mad or blame you. We still friends, right?"
She said with a voice that hope Linzy'll forgive her.

Linzy: Yeah, we're still friend. How can I dump you from my life?
She winked her eyes to Gina with a grin on her face.

Gina: But you were really late! And I'll never take back that word.
She said then hugged Linzy with a beautiful smile on her face, like a rainbow in the sky.

Gina: I love you Linzy! You are my best friend for eternity?
She told her with such a soft voice like cotton.

Linzy: It was true, I cannot say anything about it and I admit. So I’m really sorry.
She smile.

Gina: That nice to hear you were admit it!”
She tease her.

Linzy: So can you let me go now? I can’t breathe here?
She tease her back and the giggles can’t be heard in her voice.

Gina: You are so cruel!
She released Linzy from her embrace and grin.

Gina: Let’s go shopping! We need to relax and find peace of mind! We still have a half an hour."
She said and pulled Linzy hands.

Linzy just smiling and follow Gina footsteps. they hold a taxi, and get in.

Taxi Driver: Where you want to go miss?
The driver asked.

Gina: The shopping center, please.
She said to the taxi driver with friendly and a smile on her face.

Then the driver took them to the destination.


The shopping center, it so big and wide. There are so many stores that sell various items such as clothes, jewelry, shoes and many others stuff. It also has a food court. The places were noisy and chaotic.

The two of them didn’t know where to go first, because too many stores that attracted them.

Gina: Where do we need to go first?
Gina look at Linzy, with confusion in her face.

Linzy: How about, we go for the clothes first? How it is sound?"
She smile to her.

Gina: Yeah, why not then we can go to the shoes stores and many other stores, right?"
She said. Then looked at Linzy with excitement and grin.

Linzy: But we need to hurry, or Madam Lessy'll smash us both."
She joke.

Gina: She'll not dare to sack us, because no one who are willing to work with her. Like us.
She joke back and they both laugh.

Then they entering one of the clothing stores and Gina seem so excited about it.

Gina: It just like a dream! I don’t know which to choose, there are all pretty? Help me Linzy?
She voice as pleaded Linzy to help her.

Linzy: Whatever you choose or wear, it'll still look good on you, because you were already pretty.”
She told her.

Gina holds a dress that look really fit on her. Then she look herself in the mirror with a stunning style.

Gina: You know Linzy, you really know how to please me, don’t you?
She said.

Linzy can see she was smiling through the reflection on the mirror.

Linzy: Thanks for your compliment, I really appreciate it.
She said with a grin displayed on her face.

Gina busy picking out the clothes that she like...a lot... Linzy just standing there looking at her and don’t interested to buy anything. But when Gina trying some clothes, she'll just give her a little comment about it. While her body against the wall. Then Linzy feel like a shadows or something past in front of her and her body were frozen for a while.

She feel like they're being observed by someone. Linzy tried looking around them, if anyone looked suspicious.

But it was disappointed because there was nothing weird or suspicious. She felt fear all of a sudden, and then she came closer to Gina and grip at her shoulder and whisper to her.

Linzy: I think someone was spying at us.
She told Gina and her face was pale.

Gina: Are you sure..?”
She asked Linzy, by whisper back to her.

Linzy: Yeah, someone was looking at us or spying us... It seems that I can feel it.
She said with confidence and she still grip at Gina shoulder harder.

Gina look at Linzy and their eyes encounter.

Gina : There is definitely someone was looking at us. That was a sales girl!
She joke, then add more.

Gina: Don’t be ridiculous. No one is watching us ok.
She tried to convince Linzy that everything was fine and laugh because she thinks that Linzy was joking and tried to scare her.

Linzy begin to disgust with her behavior and ignore her.

After Gina get what her want, like buying a handbag, a few dresser and other items.
While Linzy with an empty-handed without buying anything. So they decide to head to our work place.

Linzy: (In Heart) No matter what, I know that someone was spying on us... I can feel it some how...
She sigh then her eyes still wild looking around them and alert if something maybe happened.
Gina walks beside her.

Gina :Are you still thinking someone were spying on us?
She smiles as thinking that Linzy was playing around, and conservative-minded.

Linzy: (In Heart) I hate when people not trying to listen what I was saying...
Linzy just ignore her and walk forward more quickly.

Because if she have a conversion with her, she'll be more annoyed and lose her tempered. So Linzy just keep her mouth shut.

Gina: Linzy!
she called her.

Gina tried to catch up with Linzy, but she walk more quickly. Linzy know that she tried to get her and she can’t imagine how Gina chased her while clutching her items.

A few minutes later Linzy heard the sound of someone falling and moaning in pain.
She turn her back, but she could guess who has fallen. She guess was right, Gina looked at her with a glassy eyes and she could see that her tears welling up. Linzy started to panic.

Linzy: Whoa...whoa... whoa... Do not cry or everyone'll think that I'm bullying you!
She gave a long sigh.

Gina: It your fault..?
She voice muffled and her looked down.

Linzy: You love to use the word “IT YOUR FAULT” don’t you?”
She said with lame
Linzy give her hand and dragged Gina to stand back. Also help her collected her stuff that has been dropped on the ground.

Linzy: I’m sorry, maybe you were right? That I to paranoid and thinking too much! No one were looking at us or following and spying to! So we better be hurry or we’ll be roasted by Madam Lessy?
She tried to pretend and forced herself to smiles at her.

But still her heart strongly said that something'll happened and it is not a good one, but more toward the bad one. Linzy believe there was someone who had watched their every movement.

Gina: Worse! I don't want to be a mid-day meal for her or be roasted.
She replied.

Linzy can see her face changed to a little joy. They laugh and walk together side by side until they reach their work place.


It was just a moderate shop and red color at it outside. Also have a large sign that written” loveliest memorable” on it and It was the shops that selling an antique items. Then they opened the door. they seem someone that familiar, it was no one else than madam Lessy. She is a woman in middle of age. She has some wrinkles and the harsh expressions on her face. She eyes was dark blue color and her eyes expiration is look like a snakes who wish to capture his victims. She was gripping her waist, with both her hands.

Mdm. Lessy: Where both of you have been? You were late 5 minutes? Did your parents didn’t teach you how to be punctual? It irritated me? Let me tell you that I don’t like waiting for someone and I don’t hired or paid money to a lazy person who do not know how to be punctual and make their work properly?”
She said out loud and it makes them feel more annoying about her.

Linzy: (In Heart) OMG!

Then they both looking at each other, and rolled their eyes and said.

Linzy & Gina: We're sorry madam lessy! We make sure this'll never happen again and we be punctual next time ok?
They said with a smile.

Madam Lessy was glare at them, then they smile fake to her!

LInzy: (In Heart) It nice to see you were looking at us with full of passion and treat us so kind madam Lessy, but unfortunately we'll never die or you can't torture us easily! You moron! I hate you, even you the one that hired us!

Mdm.Lessy: I need to go now. I have something to settle up with, so if you have anything just call me. And do your work properly if one of the items were broken or be stolen I'll cut off from your salary or not pay you even a penny. Understand it!She said with arrogantly and walks out from the shop like a diva.

Then they said out loud, even they know not just her'll listen to their voice even the people that walk pass by the shop'll hear it to. But they don’t care!

They said or more to shouting.

That is to show they were trying to against her and protest to her stupid rule and her sucked thinking!

Then they have a long sigh in relief.

Gina: I hate her! She was horrible!
She told her.

Linzy: And terrible, also with her idiots rules.
She countinue and said with disgust.

Gina: But she has gone! So we can have some fun and do our work peacefully without her nagging for a whole day long!
Gina voice that seem so excited because the old witch has gone lost from our view and Linzy also excited to.

Linzy: (In Heart) Whatever it is we are free from the clutches of the old witch (Madam Lessy).

Linzy: But I hope her go longer than just a day.
She joke and chuckle.

Gina: If that so we'll never get our payment tomorrow right? And I can’t buy the shoes that I want all this long. So she need to come tomorrow, or get to the worm hole I’ll look for her. I think she doesn’t want it to happen right?
She joke back, then they laugh together.

Linzy: Now we free without anyone yelling at us! It was awesome.

And she forget about the feeling that she had before, as the time passed.

They've been busy doing their own work and without realizing it almost midnight.

Gina: Hey, I need to go first?
She told Linzy.

Just from looking her face, Linzy know that she was worry about her.

Linzy: I’ll be fine. I know that you have a date tonight so you may leave now? And I can’t handle all of this stuff by myself.
She grin and try to convince her that she was fine. So she can go having a romantic dinner with her boyfriend and Gina boyfriend was her ex! Just ex!

Gina: Thank and I have something to give you.
She said and stretches out her hand.

Then Linzy saw a present In her hand. It was wrapping in red and also come with a white ribbon on it. Linzy a little surprise.

Linzy: What it this for?”
She asked her in confusion.

Gina: You not to old don’t you? This is your birthday’s present? Ok? And I want to be the first person to saying this to you `happy birthday’s and I wish all the best for you.
She wishes.

Linzy: It suppose to be tomorrow...
She said and take the present.

Gina: Whatever it is, now you were already 18...? Ok?
She smile and sigh a little.

Then Gina hug Linzy and squeeze her in her arms.

Linzy: Thank you so much Gina.
She told her and smile.

Gina not saying anything, she just hug her harder. Linzy can’t breathe but still she let her hug her tight, Even she can't get any oxygen through her nose and she try to breathe with her mouth.

Linzy: (In Heart) I can't breathe...But it not like we can hug together like this always. So chill out Linzy and give her chance.
She told herself.

Then Linzy saw Adam was watching at them by the door, and she don’t realize when did his was arrive or be there. It look like he was waiting for Gina and then he look at Linzy like give a signal `release he girlfriend and I want her back and date with her’ then he smiling at her.

Linzy: (In Heart) I felt that I want to punch him at the face right now! Really!

So then she tell Gina that her moron boyfriend has coming.

Linzy: Look like your prince charming has come? So you can go and I will take care all the stuff here by myself?
then they separate.

Linzy: (In Heart) How hypocrite I’m.

Gina: But Linzy...
Before she said anything Linzy interject.

Linzy: I'll be fine! Don’t worry about me and have fun ok?”
She said with confidence and her face was serious. To ensure her that she really fine with all of this.

Gina: Love you!
She told Linzy with soft voice.

Linzy send her to the front door and gave Gina back to her moron boyfriend. Adam garbed Gina hand and looked at me.

Adam: Hey, what up? Long time not see?
he grinned.

Linzy: (In heart) You damn idiot!

She nod to him .
Linzy: Nah, I fine and we just meet now don’t we?
She joke and give him a plastic face.

Linzy: (In Heart) Actually I want to bite him 50 times and kill him at the spot but I can’t and so I need to control my anger...
She sigh and chase them away.

Gina waved at her and she waved back to her.

Adam was her Ex they have go out for 5 month, and then he cheat on her. But her heart feel more hurt when she knowing the girl that his cheats was with her best friend `Gina’. It so difficult to tell everything because it complicate! (Totally complicate!)And She don’t feel like to think about this any future but she really hate him! And she never wish they will break up and she want Gina to be happy with him.

Linzy: (In Heart) If he dares to make my best friend like me, I will not tolerate anymore and just punch at his face and torment him before I’m killing him!
She said to herself. Then go back in, continue with the work that she have left.


It was times to close the shops and linzy so excited to go home. Then suddenly she heard someone came in.
she turned around and frozen for a while. Then she look at the stunning beautiful young lady that stand in front of her. She has green eyes like a gem. And her hair was long and dark-blue color. While her lips red like pomegranates.

Linzy: Miss I’m sorry, we just have already closed. If you want anything please came tomorrow morning, because I’m already clean up and put all the stuff in the store.
She told her with friendly smile.

But she just ignoring her word and looking at her with a sharp gaze and it makes her felt awkward .

Linzy: Miss, are you fine?
She asked her.

Lady: I fine. Actually I don’t want to buy anything or want anything... but I just want your life that all. It simple.
She told her. Then she run her finger through her hair and chuckled with evil.

Linzy; Are you joking?
She asked. Her eyebrow ached and she felt curious on what the lady was telling her.

Lady: I'm sorry sweet heart; I don’t have a time to playing with you because My Lord Dendrict has sent me here and order me to bring back your heart to him as a proof that I have killed you?
She explained to her. And her evil chuckle still can be heard.

Linzy was shock and her eyes open wide. Her body was shaking then she step backward a little.

Linzy: (In Heart) Seriously I can’t think anything,..This girl were you need to run and save your life! Then asking a help...Oh, god please help me...
She said to herself.

Linzy still can see her glare at her with her fucked face and smiling!

Linzy: Damn she was really wanted to kill me for real! But for what, I'm just a normal girl and not rich! I hate it!
She want to scream ask for help but her mouth can’t say a word!

Linzy turn around to run and found her already at behind her! She be more panicked and fears,

Linzy:(In Heart) How she can get behind me so fast just like a wind...
She asking herself.

Then Linzy feel her hand on her cheek.

Lady: Trying to run away, how can I say this it was useless you can't run away from me...Even how far you run I still going to catch you and you still going to die... I’m sorry sweet heart, but I need to. If you still alive, you'll ruin our lord Dendrict plan to rule all over the magic world and I'll make sure that I kill you properly so it won't hurt you that much. You also should be honored to be killed by me.
She whispers at her ear.

Linzy: (In heart) What, be honored? Hell I don’t know what she was mumbling to me! What she mean by a magic world, why would I care if her want to rule the magic world that doesn’t exists (for me) and why I'll ruin the perfect plan of her beloved Lord Dend…detch...Oh whatever it is was! I don’t care! She was insane! Totally!
She mad.

Linzy: Arrrrr………!
Linzy tried to move her body but it numb.

Linzy want to ask her why she do this to her. But nothing was out from her mouth and Linzy felt her hand at her neck and strangle it.
She can’t breathe, and she can feel that her legs not reach the ground. Linzy body was shivering and she tried really hard to get away from her, but her body was helpless.
Linzy eyes feel like it wanted to close and sleep for eternity.

Linzy: (In Heart) I can’t give up yet,
She trying to gasping for air! Exhale! Inhaled! But it failed! And it makes her harder to breathing.

Then Linzy tears start falling to her cheek, when she start to thinking that she going to die and will never met anymore with her parents. And then her view get blur and everything turn to blank and she surround by darkness.


Linzy heard a voice that called someone, but it was not her with multiple.

The voice was gently and soft.

Linzy opened her eyes slowly and she was lying on the spacious lawns.
She get up, tried to look around her with her head headaches. She startled and her mouth opens a bit, when she see all around her.

Linzy: (In Heart) Wow, where am I actually...? in heaven or what...?

She can't keep thinking about it. The last thing she was remembers, she was being strangled at her neck and everything turned to dark and blank. But still her eyes looking around; the place was beautiful and amazing. She even doesn't know how to describe it, but she see a beautiful green mountain from the spot that she stand and a rainbow across it, she also can heard a birds chirping with beautiful flowers all around her like a white roses, daisy and many other type of flower too. There are many types of animals too, that she had never seen before, and the animals are cute. It make she wanted to touch them and hugged them into her arms and she can smell the fragrance of the flower each time her breathing. When she closed her eyes to enjoying the felling without stress and be relaxed for awhile. Then she felt something was flying beyond her head, Linzy opened her eyes then she see a big shadow on the ground and the strong wind blown at her.

Linzy felt curious to know what it is, so she lifted her head up and her eyes opened wide. She stress and fear coming back and relaxed go away.

Linzy: (In Heart) What the hell on earth is that, it was a dragon...!
Then she quickly looked at the ground.

Without thinking her mouth opened by its own.
Linzy: Oh shit,why can't I rest in peace even in a heaven...
She sighed and said it out loud.

All of sudden she heard someone laugh and a movement behind her.
Unknown: You are not death yet my dear Ethna.
The voice is gentle and warm.

She turned her heel to faced the voice, but she froze for awhile when she looked at her face, eyes, lip, cheek, hairs and everything look alike her just that make them different are their clothes and she are stunning and Linzy not. Linzy wearing a blue dress and the the girl was wearing a gold gown with a lace and diamonds on it and also a tiara on her head.

Linzy: (In Heart) Damn!
Linzy take a deep breath.

Then Linzy brave herself and ask the girl direcctly like an idiot.
Linzy: Are we twin or something?
She eyebrow raised and ask in confusion.

The girl looked at Linzy and laugh and it make Linzy felt more annoying with this all thing!

Linzy: (In Heart) I can't be patience or tolerate anymore.

Linzy: Who are you?
She asked the girl.

Then the girl stop from laugh and her face turn to serious and she came closer to Linzy.

Linzy quickly step backward and yell at the girl.
Linzy: Don't you dare to came near me! I don't know who you are, but I'm telling you if you dare to came closer to me I'll never hesitate to hurt you! or even to kill you...
She told the girl.

The girl stop her steps and stared at Linzy with the face that showed her felt guilty and sorry to her.

Girl: I never mean to hurt you or scared you... I just want to tell you that your journey will begin and the power that hidden inside you'll awakening when the time has come,
She said with a wry smile.

Linzy looked at the girl with unbeliever.
Linzy: (In Heart) She was crazy or something!

Linzy: I don't understand what you are talking about.
She told the girl,

Linzy: (In Heart) Crap, I think that I really will be insane soon or later with this all stuff!

Suddenly the came near Linzy and holds her hand with gentle and caring, at first Linzy were shock and scare. But when Linzy at the girl eyes it make her feel peaceful and safe.

Girl: You'll understand it later, my dear.
She said, then she look up at the sky and sigh.

Girl: It almost the time for you to go and I'll sent you a guardian that'll help and protect you all the way of your journey. Also I'll always by your side whenever you need me and remember always believe in yourself.
She looked at Linzt and smile, then put her other hand at Linzy chest.

Then Linzy heart is pounding like they were attracted to each other.

Linzy: What do you mean?
She asked quizzically.

Girl: Oh, the time has come and we will meet soon.
She replied and Linzy can see her face looked sad.

But it was not the answers to Linzy question or what her want to heard or know.
Then a strong wind has blown at Linzy. her hand was being held by something. But Linzy don't know what it is because the wind was to strong. Linzy can't see anything or opened her eyes and she felt her legs not touch the ground anymore. Again! It makes Linzy felt scared and she struggle herself to escape but it failed. Then Linzy think the last option is screaming!

Linzy: HELP...ME...!
That the only thing she can said and yelled for.

But everything happened so fast and it turn to dark and blank again like before.

Linzy: (In Heart) I really hate it!

Then Linzy felt like someone was holding her hand and it warm... she slowly opened her eyes and see someone was sitting beside her.


Unknown: At last you are awake.
The voice was gently and calm.

It was a boy that his age maybe 7 or 8 years old kid. He eyes were grey. Then he hair was blonde and his face a little pale but it cute.

Linzy looked at him and asked.
Linzy: Where am I? Did I die?
She said with no emotions on her face.

He smile.
Kid: No you are still alive, I was really glad that you have woken and you have been unconscious for a week. It really worried me, but I think it fine now since you are awake and now we are at the cemetery. But please don't be panic, because it little safe here so since you are unconscious and I have to take you here... I'm sorry...
He told her and his voice kind like thankful.

Linzy disbelief on what he was saying, but when she look around them her eyes open wide and shocked. The place was full of foggy and many gravestones everywhere.

Linzy: (IIn Heart) So I think what he saying was true.
Then she looked at the kid.

Linzy: Wow…it...scary…?
She speechless.

The kid looking at her with concern.
Kid: Are you fine? I know it kind of weird and you are still in shock from the attack? But I'll tell you everything later… But right now we need to go and find the others. Everything will be fine.
He tries to comfort her, but Linzy looked at him quizzically.

Linzy: (In Heart) I don't think that everything will be fine. Because for me everything are not fine at all! That true it was weird, really weird. Just like now, I was at the graveyard and almost die being strangle by a psycho! I also unconscious for a week and mom and dad must be worried about me and whatever it is I just want to go home! She said to herself and really mean it.

The kid still holds her hand and kiss it all of a sudden. Linzy was shock and then it made some electrical shoot through her body and vein. Linzy face turn to blush then she looked at his grey eyes.

Linzy: (In Heart) Why are you blushing like an idiot... he just a kid... and he try to comfort you that all...

Then she said.
Linzy: I don’t know who are you and why you saving me? Also why I’m here right now or how, I just begging you please sent me home. My parents will be worried about me and I'll be fine with them. Please.
She pleaded with a soft voice and a small smile on her face.

Kid: I’m sorry...But I can’t send you home, it dangerous and about your parents…
He voice like hesitate to finish his line.

Linzy just looked at him in confusion.

Linzy: (In Heart) Is that mean something bad happened to them... just my imagination...
She think.

Then she asked him.
Linzy: What is about my parents, it there something happening to them? I mean there are definetely nothing happened to them, right? They are fine, don't they...
She grip at his hand and look at his grey eyes again.

He eyes look guilty and sadness in it. She wait for him to answer her question but he just keeps his mouth shut and turn his face from her. But Linzy still waiting for him to answer her.

After 5 minute.
Linzy: (In Heart) I can’t endure it anymore; I want to know what excatly happened to them! I don't care anymore... I want to know...

Linzy: What happened to them?
Linzy asked it again, but right now she screaming at him and put both of her hand at his shoulder and shook him. she tears start flowing to her cheek without knowing.

Linzy: (In Heart) They are gonna be fine and when I came home they will greet and hug me in their arms...they will...
She said deep deep in her heart.

Kid: They have been killed…I’m sorry...
He told her.

Linzy eyes open wide and her heart was pounding so fast.
Linzy: (In Heart) I can’t believe it, this kid must be joking.
She try to comfort herself.

She put both of her hand on her chest and staring at him.
Linzy: You are joking...right…?
She asked him with a hope that he will say “It just a joke!”

Kid: I’m sorry…
he replied.

Then Linzy put her left hands at her head.
Linzy: Why this all thing had happen to me! I never wish it! Why they had to be killed! Why!
She shout.

The kid just looked at her with guilty and tried to comfort. He give her, his hands but she just push him aside.

Linzy; Don’t touch me!
She told him.

He looked at her with disappointed and turned away.
Kid: I‘ll go get you a water, you may be thirsty. Please wait for me here, ok? And, please don’t go anywhere...It dangerous...I'll be back as soon as I can...So, please...
He voice like pleaded and worried about her.

Before he walk away, he looked at Linzy again.
Kid; You must want to be alone...right...
He said.

Linzy just keep crying and her body was shaking. Linzy head was totally blank and she was confused right now. She also don’t know if her need to replied or make some reaction to his question. Before she notice it, he has disappeared from her view. Then she was crying harder and more loudly as he was gone.

Linzy: (In Heart) I can’t believe it, everything happened so fast and I feel like I just hug them in my arm awhile ago, and now they were gone forever! Is this a punishment for me?

Then all of a sudden.
A Whisper: You need to be strong…It just the begining...more are ahead losing...more death...more blood...more suffer...more scarify...more need to endure it...
Someone whispered at Linzy ear.

Linzy shocked and turned around to see if someone behind her, then she turned her head left and right. But it was useless because no one there.

Linzy; (In Heart) May be it my imagination.
She said.

Then she wiped the tears that still have at edge of her eyes and take a very deep breath and then sigh.

Linzy: (In Heart) I need to find who is the culprit was...So from now on I need to be strong and find as many clue about the culprit...and ask him why...Even I was clueless about everthing now...

Then she stand up and yell.

Linzy: (In Heart) Now It make me felt a little better...even it still hurt...Mom dad I'll miss you... I really want you to know that I really love you...and really going to miss you... I promise that I'll find the culprit and I'll revenge! Even my live will be in danger or be killed...I promise that, I will !

Then Linzy heard someone was running toward her and she turn to look who it was.

Kid: Are you alright?
He asked and looked at her with worried and he try to catch his breath.

Linzy: I fine. Just to release some tension.
She said and tried to force herself to smile.

But Linzy body still shivering a bit and the kid look at her with concern.

Kid: You don’t need to push yourself too hard? You know that?
He told her.

Linzy came closer to him, she looked at his pale face and then saw a sweat all over his face. Then She put both of my hand at his cheek and cupped.

Linzy looked at his eyes.
Linzy: Are you running here just for me?
She asked him with curious.

Linzy: (In Heart) He was cute and adorable it make me want to hug him in my are not a preverted...

He looked at her with blush.
Kid: I just worry about you, because this place not to safe and the demons can attack us anytime so we need to be caution.
He told her while looking around them with alert.

Linzy: A demons, are you joking with me?
She asked him with unbelief.

He shook his head and holds her hand gently.
Kid: I know it hard to you to believe it, but I’ll explain it to you later. Just right now please believe in me ok?
Then he give her a wry smile.

Linzy just nodded to him, as a reaction that she was believed in him.

Kid: Are you fine... I know that it kinda stupid to asking it...
He looked at Linzy face.

Linzy: What with that, you talk like an adult.
She smile.

Kid: I know that you still be shocked by the death of your family and I really sorry about it... If I could do something and save them that day, they may be still be alive now...
He said and looked away from her face.

Linzy: I’m fine, please don’t blame yourself it not your faults or anyone. I think we should stop talking about this. Ok?
She said with a smile and ensure him that is not his faults.

Kid: So I think we better move now?
He said and handed Linzy a bottle of water.

Linzy: Thank.
She replied and take the bottle that he handed to her.

Then they walked through the cemetery and all around them was foggy and it make Linzy hard to breath and see what are in front of them.

Linzy: (In Heart) It scary...

Linzy: This place are creepy don’t you think so?
She said to him with her lip shivering.

The kid just keep silenced and suddenly Linzy felt something warm wrapped at her hand and it shocked her a little. Then she quickly looked at her hand, it was him that holds to her hand. they walking together and holding to each other hand. It makes Linzy felt embarrassing of herself.

Linzy: (In Heart) I looked like a lost child that needs to be guide. But it makes me felt that I still have someone that I can count on...What is going on with me...Whatever, it almost one hour we are walking and I started to felt tired. I don’t know where we are, right now, at the other place or still at the cemetery because I can’t see anything clearly because of the foggy... I hate it!
She looked at him and tried to figure out.

Linzy: (In Heart) How he know where we are going and guide me properly. It was weird but by his side makes me feel safe... What I mumbling about...stop thinking nonsense!

Then he slowed his step and turned around at her. She froze.

He lifted his head and looked at her eyes .
Kid: You are tired don’t you?
He asked her gently.

Linzy just nodded her head as a mean that she was tired.

Linzy: I really wanted to yell at him because he asked me after one hour we were walking with non-stop! But he was to cute and adorable... so I forgiven him!
She looked at the kid and blushing.

Linzy: What?
She asked.

Then the kid takes her hand gently with small smiled on his pale face and led Linzy to a tree that was not far from them.


The tree was high and huge. Its leafs are silver and gold, it looks so beautiful and sparkle. Linzy can see the tree sparkling just like it welcome them.

Linzy: it no foggy here.
She realized when they are around the tree,

Linzy: I can see all the things cleared. It awesome and it beautiful…
She said to him with startled and a big smiles on her face.

He just looked at her and smilling, like she was a kid that easily be impresses.

Linzy; What the hell you looking at me like that kids? Are trying to pick up a fight with me?
She raised her eyebrow and make a sound of threaten.

The kid making a weird face when her said it, after a 2 second his laugh…

Linzy: (In Heart) He is getting my nervous on. If I can punch him, I would do it right now!
She think but then she ignored him and sit under the tree and rested her back at the brunch.

Linzy; (In Heart) It was so comfortable and relaxed then having a fight with a kid!
She smile and sigh.

Then the kid seated beside her and stretched his hands.
Kid: I’m sorry...
He said to me.

Linzy just keep silenced and put her knees until her chest and hold it with both hands.
Linzy: It fine, actually I was the one that should apologize…
She replied him.

Linzy lifted her head and looking at the beautiful tree and sighed, suddenly she thinking about the past and it make her felt like to cry again…but she managed to cover it from him. She take deep breaths and smiles.

Linzy: (In Heart) He maybe thinks that I was crazy because I smiling by myself like an idiot.

Then the leaf are falling on her face and it smell was nice. She pick it and looked at it thoroughly. It was gold and shine,

Linzy (In Heart) What if someone sells this leaf, his must have be rich or millionaire right now. Or maybe I can keep this leaf and sells it, then I'll have an easy life and doesn’t need to work and everything has been prepared in fronts of my eyes.
She chuckled by herself from thinking all of that.

Then she heard someone was laugh and she turned her head to him.
Linzy: What?
She growled and give him a sharps gaze.

Kid: Nothing!
He said to her and raised his eyebrows.

Linzy: So, what are you laughing for?
She asked with quizzically.

He looked at her and their eyes encounter, and he face turn to serious all of sudden. But still he giggles can be heard by her.
Kid: You will never be rich by selling it, because this leaf is used to cure a wound or sickness. When you take this leaf to the other world it will be useless. So stop thinking nonsense.
Then he chuckled.

She raised her eyebrows.
Linzy: What are you mean by other world and how can you know what I was thinking?
She asked with curiously.

He sigh.
Kid: I think may be I should tell you the true now…
Before he finished his sentences Linzy interrupted.

Linzy: Yeah, you should because I was clueless about everything here!
She said with a rough voiced and crossed her hand.

Then the kid glaring at her with his beautiful grays eyes.
Kid: Can you listen to me first or you actually doesn’t interested to know the true?
He sait with lame.

Linzy put both of her hand up like she was surrender and bite bottom of her lips as a mean that he can continues with his talk.

Kid: Actually I was one of the guardians that have been assisted to protect you and take you to meet with Gladias. But we are not the true gruadians of your. Each of us have a simbol that showed our clans, types and our master. It hard to understand...don't it...But only Gladias that know the entire true and the reasons why, because she is the one that gathered us to fine you?
he explained to her.

Linzy: So you are the one that followed me back then?
She asked him.

Kid: How you know...But yes, it was me for insure your safety and when I go to your home for waited on you. I saw your family has been killed. So I detect it must had been doing by one of the Dendrict comrade and then I quickly find you. That time I see Kayla was holding on you, without wasting a time I save you and take you to this world.
He face looked a little guilty.

Linzy: (In Heart) May be because about my parents that has been killed. It was lies if I tell that I not sad or depressed by their death but it may be fate that has been written. But how he saved me, he just a little kid and it make me questionably about it. May be I think too much.

Then Linzy hold he hand and kissed his forehead. She tilted he head so their eyes will encounter with each other, she looked at he dazzling grays eyes and smiled. He looked shocked and clueless. Linzy can saw his pale face was blushing.

Linzy: It were fine, we can’t change all the things that had happened or turn back the times. So what is this world called and why all the placed full of foggy?
She asked with calmly.

Kid: This world called as ZARIOUS, a magical world and it full with a magical creature who live in here. They are dividing to 8 groups of clans’ demons, vampires, werewolves, angles, fairies, mermaids, witches, also the hunters. Right now we are at the demons territory, this foggy was created by Dendrict and it will be easy for his demons to make a moved.
He informed me.

Linzy: So who is the Dendrict was?
She asked him.

Linzy: (In Heart) Who it this guy... I want to know about more about him, because this guy have killed my parents and also trying to killed me.

Before he answered her questions, he looking around them and his eyes glowing red. All of a sudden he take her hand in hurry. Linzy looked at him in confused and raised her eyebrows. Then Linzy heard the lightning swoop, again and again.

Kid: They have found us!”
He told her. He face looked serious and worried.

Linzy: Who are they?
she asked him quizzically and her heart was pounding fast.

Kid: The demons!
He whispered.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.05.2012

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