
chapter 1- Collin

My body was in all sorts of pain. Most of which I couldn’t feel at this point. My mind had blocked everything out. But I would still catch bits of what was happening around me.
Apparently we had made it out of Hell without anymore casualties. And we were somewhere in India.
I blacked out again, this time for what seemed like a shorter amount of time. When I came back around this time, I was actually able to keep my eyes open.
I was in a standard hospital room. Everything was white and clean. I looked to my right and saw an IV running into my arm. A slightly clear red liquid was in it. I reached to take the IV out, but it hurt to move my shoulder.
“I’m so happy to see you awake.” Said the sweetiest voice I ever heard.
I smiled. “It’s good to be awake again. How long have I been out?”
“Three days.”
I just nodded my head. “How bad is it?”
She didn’t answer me right away. “When we got you here, you were almost dead. You were barely hanging on. The doctor said you were lucky to still be breathing.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.” I looked at Astra and saw tears forming in her eyes.
“The arrow left a scar. But the poison really worked its magic. It left your shoulder slightly green, and damaged some vital organs.”
To lighten the mood I tried to be funny. “I thought you were going to say something worse. Like I lost my arm.”
She gave a small smile. “You would say something like that.” She looked away from me.
“What aren’t you telling me?”
“In order to save you….” She trailed off. “The procedure was slightly painful since I don’t like needles, but I stuck through it.” She lifted up her shirt¸ showing her stomach. And a scar that went from one hip, up to her chest. “They took out small pieces of my heart, liver, lungs, and blood.”
A goofy grin spread across my face. “I have a piece of your heart.”
“That would be the first thing you say.”
I scooted closer to her. “I’m thankful for you saving me. But how was this able to work?”
She looked at the door. “I don’t know if Nova told you, but she was told that her parents died in a bank robbery. The details are not for me to tell. But her mother was a healer. One of the best out there. She found a ways to heal any creature. One of her healing ideas was this. But she never got to try it out before she supposedly died.”
“If she didn’t get to try it, how come it’s been tried on me?”
She got a strange look on her face. And stood up. “I’m going to go so she can explain it.” She leaned down and gave me a kiss on the lips. “I’ll come back later.”
“I’ll be waiting for you then.” I laid back down on my bed.

chapter 2- Alexzander

I was still trying to process what happened three days ago. First we were falling down a waterfall then we ended up in India. Once we were there Scott and I carried Collin to the nearest home we could find. Surprisingly it was very big and beautiful. It had white walls, peach colored shutters, thick columns in the front, and a cute little garden.
Astra walked out with tears in her eyes and a small smile on her face, “He’s awake.” She sat down next to Scott and grabbed hold of his hand. I stared at their entwined fingers like it was the plague. That whole relationship was just a fall back. Poor Collin.
“Alexzander are you coming?” Nova’s mom stretched out her hand to take. I was hesitant at first, she looked like Nova, talked like Nova, but there wasn’t that spark when we touched. It felt like the universe was mocking me. I grabbed her hand and stood up, I quickly let go and walked into the room. It might have been rude, but it felt so wrong.
“How are you feeling brother?” I walked to the side of the bed. Collin was pale, red eyes, and looked weak.
“I feel better.”
“You sure don’t look better,” I snickered, but a hand punched me in the stomach and I almost fell down crying. “Fuck, you still punch like a dude.” Selena, Nova’s mom, stepped around me and felt Collin’s head. She then injected a needle into his arm, which got a yelp from Collin, and checked his pulse.
“You have a slight fever and you can leave in three days,”
“Three days!” Collin shouted. “No I need to be out there, finding Nova and kicking Scott’s ass whenever it is needed,” he dramatically pointed towards the door. Collin started to pull out his IVs and getting up from the bed.
“Get back,” Nova’s mom told me. When I had my back pressed against the wall and Collin was already half way up, she injected him with another needle. In seconds Collin fell back to the bed, “Give him this every day,” she handed me seven pills, “For this week and put this on his wounded every six hours.” She handed me another container full of goop.
“What is it?” I warily stared at the goop and swear I saw it blink at me.
“It will help Collin’s wound heal quicker,” she started up push me out of the room. “No one is allowed in here until you’ve all had your sleep. When was the last time you slept?”
No one answered. Astra’s head was on Scott’s lap sleeping, Scotts head was leaned back and drooling, and I was already cozy on the floor using my arm as my pillow. Nova. If felt like my bone moved and poked my kidney, then I was in a cave. Well if you can call it a cave. It had three beds, a dresser in the corner, a lamp on a desk, and rugs.
On one of the beds Nova was sleeping. She gotten her color back, her hair was straighten, and it look like she got food in her stomach again. I was fine with just staring at her, but I could feel that time was running low. “Awake,” I commanded.
Shift. Tingle. I turned around and a smile spread across my face. Sparkles fell and turned and formed my Nova. “I’m sorry,” Nova squeaked.
I moved toward her and hugged her, “Why are you sorry?”
“Because I left without telling you, but Fulvia said it was the only time I could leave and I panicked.”
“Are you safe?” she nodded, “Then its fine.” I sat down and pulled her into my lap, “Anyways I got better news. Well more like good news and bad news.”
“Tell me the good news first.”
“Well I have to tell you the bad news first then work my way to good.” I told her the story of us leaving Hell, Collin getting shot by an arrow, and finding her mother. By the end she was in tears. I slowly kissed her tears was and pushed the hair out of her face. “I love you Nova,” I tried to say it all cheery like.
“I love you too,” she mumbled and a smile appeared. I felt my body shifted and the it poked my kidney. “Tell Astra I said happy birthday!”
“Will do,” I softly kissed her lips before I got awoken by Astra.

chapter 3- Collin

I had managed to keep my mind intact. Sitting here waiting for them to make up was excruciating. I had nothing to do except to wait.
The first of everyone to wake up was Scott. When he saw Astra, he got a smile on his face, and began to stroke her head. I wanted to get up and kick his ass, but I couldn’t exactly get up. “Can you please stop stroking my girlfriend’s head?”
Scott didn’t stop. “Are you really still calling her that?”
“Yes. Up until she tells me she doesn’t want to be together anymore. When she does I’ll stop.”
“I’m not going to have to wait long then. I can even bet you don’t know when her birthday is.”
That shut me up effectively. The smile on his face only widened. It was true. I not even once thought to ask when her birthday was.
A few minutes later Astra and Alexzander woke up. “Hey Collin.” Astra said to me sleepily. She got up and gave me a kiss on the lips.
“Nice to see that you’re finally awake.”
“It is. I hate to sleep now.” She got in the bed and curled up next to me. I got a nasty look from Scott, but I ignored it.
“If you want to talk about it we can.” I suggested.
“It’s alright. There’s nothing that can help.”
Alexzander coughed. “If it’s alright, I’d like to talk to Collin. Alone.”
“I’ll see you in a few.” I kissed the top of her head and watched her walk out. “So what did you want to talk about?”
“I heard that little conversation you and Scott had. And I really think he’s trying to get you and Astra to break up.”
“That much is obvious. I just wish I knew when her birthday was.”
“It’s today.”
“Oh, god. I feel like such a douche. I can’t even get her a birthday present.”
“That’s alright. We can plan something together.”
I shook my head. “No. I want to do something for her myself. Thank you though.”
“Alright then. If you need help with anything just ask me.” He got up and went to the door.
“Before you go. Tell me, how did you know it was Astra’s birthday?”
He smiled at me. “Nova told me.” Then he was gone.
I carefully got the IV’s out of my arm and went to the door. If I was going to plan Astra a birthday party, then I’m going to need some help. And the one person I could count on knowing anything Astra would like, it would be Selena.
I snuck down the hallway, careful to avoid the voices of everyone. I would peek into every room to see if Selena was in it.
Finally I found her in an office. I knocked before entering. “What can I do for you Collin?” She said without even looking up. It amazed me how women in this family could do that.
“I was wondering if you could help me plan a birthday party for Astra.”
Her face lit up. “I would love to. It’s been such a long time since I’ve thrown a party. And this is a very special birthday to. I’ll get all the ceremonial things ready. You can go to the kitchen and get the things ready. I have a servant in there that will help you if needed.” She clapped her hands together. She got up and went to a book shelf. “Take this.” She handed me a ring.
“What’s this for?”
“You’ll find out later.”
I turned to leave. “One more thing, do you know where I can get her a present?”

chapter 4-Alexzander

“Happy birthday Astra,” I walked up to her and gave her an awkward kind of hug. Only because I could feel Scott’s eyes on me.
“Oh thank you,” she hugged me back, “How did you know it was my birthday?”
“Nova told me,” I shrugged and sat on the uncomfortable wooden chairs.
“She told you before she was taken?”
“No last night,” I got up and went to the kitchen. I pushed past Collin and grabbed an apple from the fridge.
“What do you mean she told you last night? She was here?”
“Who was here?” Collin spoke up.
“Nova,” Astra snapped and turned back to me. Her eyes glistened and a small smile was on her face. I felt bad to break her hope.
“No she wasn’t here…. I went to her,” I tried running away, but Scott and Collin blocked my exits.
“What do you mean you went to her?”
“I… This… It’s hard to explain,” I mumbled and sat down at the table. “I can go to her in my dreams.”
“So it’s fake?”
“No it isn’t,” Selena walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle. “It is very real, probably most real thing on earth.” She gulped down her water, “It is called dream walking, and so that means you are a dream walker.”
“How do you know this?” I asked.
“Astra your dad was a dream walker. He taught me some things, but it’s very tricky and I couldn’t get it. There are only few left in the world.”
I stood up and walked out of the kitchen feeling very claustrophobic all of a sudden, but everyone followed me in till I turned back around and gave them a glare. “Could you bring me with you next time?” Astra grabbed hold of my arm, “You wouldn’t have to buy me a gift; I just want to see my sister.”
“I don’t know…. Can I bring her with me?” Everybody turned to Selena.
“Yes, you can, but it will hurt a lot more carrying the extra weight.”
“Hey! I’m not that fat,” she looked down at her stomach and poked it.
“It is not about your weight. Alexzander is just starting out and I bet he only has twenty minutes with her. The dream walking is like a muscle; every time he does it he could stay there longer and longer. He might be able to bring you, but it will be a short trip.”
Astra stared at me with big puppy eyes, tears at the rims of her eyes, and a small pout on her face. All together she looked like Nova, but with white hair and NO spark. “Fine,” I sighed.
She tackled me to the ground with a huge bear hug, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She got off of me and ran towards her room, “I need to get ready!” she screamed over her shoulder. Once she was gone, I got another glare from Scott and a blank stare from Collin.
“Well, see yeah” I ran out before anyone could start a convocation I needed to be at. I walked the streets of India, stopping to smell exotic spices and visit different store that sold weird…. Weird stuff. It was so hard to look at; it was hard to even explain. I rushed out before the people tried to sell me something. I slowed my walking to a complete stop and stared at the motorcycle store.
A wicked idea formed in my mind and stormed in there emptying my pockets of money.

chapter 5- Collin

We had spent hours getting the party ready. The whole time somehow managing to keep it a secret from Astra.
By the time we were done, we had transformed the veranda into a party zone. Well, a small party zone. Off on one side we had the traditional party stuff. Balloons, table full of food, a table for presents, etc. On the other side, things were a little more strange. There was an alter, a table with assorted sharp objects, herbs, and garments.
To me it looked like some sort of sacrificial altar, but I couldn’t be sure. Whatever sort of party this was, it was important to the AS.
Alexzander had come to the house with a cheesy grin on his face. “What did you get her?” I asked questioningly.
“I can’t tell you. But it is awesome.”
I honestly didn’t know how I was going to top the birthday presents he was giving her. All I had was this ring. The more I looked at it, the more I realized that it was worn down. And it had an engraving on the inside I couldn’t read.
The sun was just beginning to set. And the party was on its way. “Scott can you please go find Astra so we can begin?” Asked Selena.
“Now boys. About this ceremony. It is a sort of rite of passage for us. It may get a little gruesome. But at the end she will be alright.”
I had no time to question her because Scott and Astra walked in. She had the best smile on her face that I have ever seen. She looked so happy. But I could tell that she was sad. For reasons that we all knew.
“Thank you for the party. Ice cream would have been fine.”
“Not for my girlfriend. This is the first birthday that I’ve actually got to spend with you, and I wouldn’t let you settle for anything else.” I hugged her carefully. Trying not to strain my arm any more than possible.
“It’s about the fifth one I’ve spent with her. She’s really going to like the present I got her this year.” Said Scott from the back ground.
“Be civil Scott. You don’t want me to band you from my parties.” Said Astra giving him a dirty look.
“If you would stop fighting for a few hours, we can get to the partying. And then the ceremony.”
“So, what would you like to do first?” I asked.
“Of all things that’s open to me. I’d like to open my presents. I really want to know what I got.”
My shoulders fell. I wasn’t able to get her a present. What a good boyfriend I was. “Alright then. We can start with my present.” Scott walked to the table and grabbed a long rectangular box. “I hope you like it.
She opened it and gasped. “It’s beautiful.” She took out a beautifully made bow. The upper limb was carved as the top half of a dragons body, extending down to the lower limb. The grip had a round hole that was filled in with some stone that looked like a dragon’s eye. And the whole thing had a quiver full of arrows.
“When I had picked out the gift, it was before Collin had got shot. So there’s a little irony in it. But that’s not the point. I had found this one day while visiting the market. And there was this old Werewolf trying to sell it. And nobody would buy it. No idea why. But he told me a little about it. He said it had once belonged to the hunter Artemis. And was a gift to someone. Also that it held mystical powers, if it was handled by the right person.”
She picked up the bow and an arrow, lined up the arrow with something off in the trees. And shot it.
Instead of it going right where she aimed, it went right through the ice sculpture’s head. “It seems like you’re going to need some practice with that.” Said Alexzander.
“I don’t think so. I was thinking of how funny it would be to see the arrow go through the sculptures head, and that’s where the arrow ended up.”
“Told you it was special.”
“Now it’s time for my present.” Said Selena. She handed her two boxes. “I’m sure you’ll like these.”

chapter 6- Alexzander

“Ok?” Astra opened the first one on top. Astra stared at it for awhile, tears started to form in her eyes.
“What is it?” Collin asked. He wrapped his arm around Astra shoulder and kissed her temple. Astra slowly took it out and set it on the table. It was a picture of what looked like Astra and her family. From where I was standing I could see that they were at a beach and Astra was on her dad’s shoulders. Her mom was in the crook of Astra dad’s arm. It was a perfect picture moment.
Astra opened her second present and showed everyone a wooden box. Astra cranked the side and the top flipped up to show a women in a ball gown dancing with a man. They spun, literally coming to life and danced around until the music stopped. “It was your mother’s,” Selena gasped when Astra gave her a huge hug.
“Thank you auntie,” she let go of her and turned towards everyone else, “Ok next present.”
“Oh mine next!” I piped up. I went behind her and tied a scarf around her eyes. I grabbed her arm and walked her into the house.
“Where are we going?” Astra laughed.
“A place,” I simply said and walked her to the garage. I stopped her and waited for everyone to come in. All their eyes were huge; I took the scarf off and watched her eyes bulge out of her head and her mouth hung open a little. “Well are you going to open it?” Astra hesitantly stepped up to the box that was half her sized. She untied the humongous bow and tares the wrapping paper. Collin and Scott helped pick up the box and everyone gasped.
“You got me a Ducati!” she ran up to her black motorcycle and hopped on. She kicked started the bike and rolled down the driveway. “Collin, you need a ride?” Astra called up to him. Collin had a huge smile on his face and ran down to meet her.
I watched them ride away laughing and giggling, “You just had to get her a motorcycle,” Scott walked up to me.
“Well I got Nova one,” I nodded towards the purple bike, “So why not Astra?”
“You knew-“
“Just shut up,” Selena said and pushed Scott into the house. “That was very sweet Alexzander,” she nodded towards me and walked into the house. I didn’t instead; I sat down and thought about the time I was on the bike with Nova. Sigh.
I pushed myself off the ground when they came back and walked into the house. “They’re back!” I screamed to no one. Scott came in seconds later, then Selena. Astra and Collin came in laughing and stopped when they saw everyone in the front room.
“It’s time,” Selena simply said and walked to the back yard. Everyone filed outside and stood around Astra in a triangle. Selena put a cape around Astra’s shoulders and put the hood over her head. Then she put candles at our feet; I had a dark blue one, Collin had a bright red one, and Scott had a forest green candle. Selena stood in front of Astra and placed a silver stone in her hand. “Protegere futurum. Ad repellunt periculis iacet ante et auxilium vobis quid fides vobis.” To protect you in the future. To push away the dangers that lie ahead and help you see what faith has for you. The gem grew brighter in till it was hard to look at,
“Fecisti et ne auferas iniquitates faciendo novae.” To take away the sins you have made and prevent you from making new ones. Astra had a bright white aura around her and her skin started to shine golden. The silver stone grew red and a smoke lifted from it and circled around her. The candles in front of our feet, lit with anyone, lighting anyone.
“Rubro amor, aurantiaco pro ductu, et hyacintho doctrina; tuum die esse plena animalis shifter hodie!” Red for love, green for guidance, and blue for learning; let your day of being a full animal shifter be today! Astra screamed and fell to the ground. The smoke around her circled up her legs, around her waist, and down her arms. The smoke turned into a huge dragon with purple eyes. The head stared into Astra eyes and both their eyes flashed a golden color. Astra screamed out in pain again and fell to the ground. The dragon then plunged into her left ribcage.
Collin was about to move, but Selena put her hand up, “Don’t that will just hurt her more.” Collin stopped and Astra stopped. Something glowed on Astra’s left hip and it dimmed down. Selena moved the robe aside and lifted her shirt up a little bit. Right where it glowed was the dragon, but in tattoo form.

chapter 7- Collin

I was amazed at how different Astra was. Not in how she looked. But how she carried herself. Like she was seeing the world on a whole new plane. Even the way she was seeing the people around her.
For the first few hours after the ceremony, she flew off to be alone. We were told to leave her alone, and that she would come back when she was ready. The whole time I was waiting on the veranda, pacing back and forth.
I knew she could handle herself better now than ever. But that didn’t stop me from worrying about her. “You do know what this means now don’t you?” Said Selena sitting down next to me.
I shook my head. “I don’t.”
She smiled sadly at me. “She is going to need you and those close to her more than ever in the coming future. There are people out there that would kill her to get her power. And she needs to know that there are people out there that will be with her when she needs them?”
“What has this done to her?”
“Some of what you’ve guessed. She’s seeing things on a whole new level. Her power level is up. She has gotten some new powers. And she can change into any creature she wants.”
“I’ll have to make sure not to piss her off then.”
Selena laughed. “That would be for the best.”
“Is there anything else I can do for her?”
“Keep her as calm as possible.”
“Now that’s going to be a challenge.”
I got up and went inside. Scott and Alexzander were talking about video games, when they saw me all talking stopped. “Has she come back yet?”
“No Scott. I’m not back. I’m here.”
I turned to the staircase and found her saw her standing there. “How long have you been here?”
“I wouldn’t say how long. But how far away I was.”
I just looked at her questioningly. “How are you feeling?”
“As well as a person can feel when they’ve had the power of a dragon put inside them.” She sat down in front of the TV.
“I have a ton of questions right now. But I have a feeling that you’re not in the mood for questions. Is there anything that you really want to do?” I asked.
“Actually yes. Two things. I want to go hunting. And I want to sleep like I’m in a coma.” The second one got looks from everybody. “What? If you don’t like it you can sleep outside tonight.”
“I think it would be a good. It will give you a chance to try out your bow some more.” Said Scott.
“But I don’t have a weapon to use.” I said.
“It sucks to be you then.”
“Scott if you’re going to be an asshole, than you’re going to need to grow some hooves and a mane. If you’ll allow me Collin I would like to try something.” Astra held out a hand. “What’s your favorite jungle animal?”
“Jaguar.” I said randomly. I felt a small zap in my hand. “What did you do?”
“I lent you some of my power. It should dissipate in an hour. You want to come Alexzander?”
“Hell yeah. I want to be a jaguar to.”
She did the same thing to him. “I’ll meet ya’ll in the jungle in twenty minutes. I’m giving you a head start.”
“Head start?”
“Yeah. I’m the hunter, and you’re the hunted.” She tapped her wrist. “Nineteen minutes and counting.”
“Shit.” I took off running. Jumping off the veranda, changing forms in mid air.

chapter 8- Alexzander

My bones popped into place and fur grew everywhere as I ran towards the edge of the forest. I pushed through the pain, “Fifteen, fourteen, thirteen,” Astra voice trickled through my ears. I ran the opposite way Collin was going, near a small lake.
I slipped a couple times, not staying steady on my new jaguar feet. “Ready or not here I come,” Astra’s voice rang through the forest. I placed my feet underneath me and started off again. Somewhere behind me, I could hear steady feet rushing toward and an arrow buzzed by my face. “Found you,” another arrow skimmed the top of my head. I dove into the lake and changed back to me human form. I swam underneath the water and to the back of a waterfall. Arrows plunged into the water; hitting fish and plants, but I always found a way out of it.
If she can’t see you, then she can’t tell her arrows to get you, a voice whispered in my head. I swam up and climbed into my favorite spot. I’ve been coming here since we got here, a place to leave when I got worried or upset.
I could hear Astra by the edge of the lake pacing back and forth. She knows she can’t aim for me and she knows if she gets in the water she can’t use her bow and arrow. I sat in my man cave waiting for her to make the decision to go find Collin. If my calculation is right, we only have a couple of minutes in till the game is over. I heard a scream and before I knew it I was diving into the lake and raced toward the scream.
Collin was on the ground holding his side, “What happened?” I fell to his side. Tears gathered at his eyes, so I scooped him up and threw him over my shoulder. “Collin is hurt, we can’t play now!” I screamed into the forest. If I’m lucky Astra would have heard me.
I jogged into the house and set Collin down, “Selena! Help!” In seconds she came in with a white apron on and flour on her face.
“What happened to him?”
“I don’t know. First we were hunting, then I heard him scream and I brought him here.” Selena started to rip his shirt open, “I mean look; he wasn’t even shot.”
“No he wasn’t. Go find Astra!”
“Because they found their other dragon,” she pushed me out the door. I was still confused, but if Astra had something to do with it, I would go find her in a volcano if I had to. I jogged around the forest yelling her name, but nothing. “Astra!”
A heard a scream somewhere far away. I ran toward it; use what I had left of my jaguar power to make me go faster. Astra was leaning against a tree, holding her left side. I slowly walked up to her and picked her up. “It hurts,” she whined into my chest.
“I know it does,” Astra was squeezing my arm while I ran back. I set her next to Collin, “What’s happening?”
“Collin is getting his tattoo,” Selena simply said.
“Astra became an AS, so it took awhile for Collin’s to set in. When a male, Collin, finds his soul mate, Astra, the male will get his tattoo.” Just as she said it Collin’s right side started to glow and Astra’s left side glowed. Both you their eyes popped opened, both glowing gold. Red smoke rose from Astra’s side, turned green, and plunged into Collin’s side. After a while Collin had his tattoo and it came to life.
Selena lifted Astra shirt to show her dragon alive and gliding across her body. Both of the dragons circled around their stomach and came to live. They were floating above Collin and Astra’s bodies, but they looked like ghost. The two dragons circled each other and touched. The dragons eyes turned gold and they twisted into each other in till they were one dragon, and then turned to glitter and fell on the bodies.
“Are they going to be alright?” I whispered.
“They will be more than alright,” Selena walked out of the backroom. I didn’t want to stand over them for how long and the sun was setting, so I decided to go to bed. I walked back to my room and fell to the bed. I thought about the backroom and the two bodies lying in the room.
Shift. Pop. I blinked and I was standing in the front of them again. I walked over to Astra, “Awake,” I whispered. A rush a wind past me and I turned around to find her behind me.
“Whoa, is that me?” she pointed to her sleeping self.
“Yep. Do you still want to go?” I held out my hand.
“Hell yeah!”

chapter 9- Astra

I was honestly amazed that this was even possible. “How long do we have?”
“Six, seven minutes. That’s if we can find Nova.”
“Haven’t you done this before?”
“Off course. But she has to be sleeping for this to work.”
“Oh wow. That would have been nice to know beforehand.” I muttered. “Thank you anyway. But I think it would be best if we just go.”
“It’s up to you. But I’m staying.”
“See you back in the real world.” I pinched my arm and woke up to the real world.
I was kind of disappointed on not seeing Nova, but I was honestly more interested in spending time with Collin.
We had been moved to my room, and into my bed. I started wondering who moved us here. But I stopped when I felt Collin shift under me. “I never thought I’d be so happy to sleep with you.”
I smiled. “Same here. Do you remember anything that happened to you yesterday?”
“Yeah. We had a party, you became a full AS, We went hunting, and I got my tattoo becoming a full HS.” He kissed my neck up and down. “Oh, and a ring.”
“Yep. A ring.”
“Is that ring for me?”
“It is. But I’m not going to give it to you now.”
“Why aren’t you giving it to me now?”
“This is hardly a romantic time to give you the ring.”
“Alright then. If I don’t get the ring, I’m going to go take my motorcycle for a ride. You’re more than welcome to come with.” I said getting up from his arms.
“I don’t have anything to ride.”
“You can take my motorcycle. And I’ll sit in the back so you can look more like a man.” I offered.
“Alright then. I’ll meet you in the garage in thirty minutes.”
He got up and left my room. I took a quick shower and got dressed. Before leaving my room I grabbed my bow and arrows, making sure all the arrows were there.
I went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple. This would probably be the only thing I would eat all day. So I had to make sure that I ate all of it.
As I was walking towards the garage, I saw Scott. He had a sad look on his face. “Hey Scott. Why you so sad?”
“The girl I love has found her soul mate. And now I have nobody to be with.”
“I’m sorry things ended up like this for you, but you have to know things will be alright. There is a person out there for you.”
“What if I don’t want another girl?”
“Then you’re out of luck.” I brushed past him into the garage. That guy was totally getting on my nerves. Now he tells me that he still love me and he wants us to be together. Obviously he doesn’t remember that Collin and I are a thing. Or maybe he doesn’t want to accept it. Either way, he needs to learn to get over things.
I started up my bike, loving the sound the engine made. The deep vibrations, relaxing my every muscle. “So where would you like to go?”
“Anywhere but here.”

chapter 10- Nova

I felt disappointed that Astra did not come, but that meant more time with Alexzander, all for me. I could hear Alexzander voice in my mind telling to me to wake up and I was standing behind him. I shivered with happiness and jumped onto his back before he could turn around. “Hey Pokey,” I whispered in his ear.
“Yes, Pokey. As in…. very poke able?” I laughed and pushed myself off my bed. In the dream, I could feel myself falling and hitting the ground, the cement ground. I shook off my headache and grabbed a blanket from the closet. Alexzander wrapped his arms around me and pulled me onto the bed; sending tiny sparks to pinch my sides.
We never do anything; mostly I’m Ok with lying in his arms and drawing tiny circle patterns in his chest. “Nova?”
“Yes Pokey,” I smiled to myself and looked up at him.
He pushed back my bangs, “What if we don’t find you?”
“But you will,” I said confidently.
“How are you sure that we can?”
“Because I love and trust you with every cell in my body. If you can’t find me then no one can,” A frown crossed his face.
“But-“A cut him off by kissing him lightly. I felt a tremor from underneath me and I smiled to myself again. “You are so…. Addictive,” he whispered to me. I stopped what I was doing and grabbed my stomach. I never told Alexzander what happened and the thought still scares me. “Are you Ok?”
I took a deep breath and forced a smile on my face, “Yeah just a…. cramp?” I mentally slapped my head, “It is nothing.” Alexzander form kind of hazed and I kissed him again, “I love you Alexzander.”
“I love you more,” he smiled and he was gone. I sighed and climbed into bed, letting sleep take over. I woke up to a knocking on my door.
“Yes?” I opened the door to see a red headed girl.
“Is this B13?”
“I am Marcie, you’re new roommate,” she smiled and held out her hand. I grabbed it and pulled her inside.
“I’m Nova,” I sat down on my bed and smiled, smelling Alexzander’s scent around me. A waterfall. I shoved back those thoughts and looked at Marcie. She had bright red hair that was cut to her chin, yellow eyes, and freckles on her cheeks. “If you don’t mind, what kind of creature are you?”
“I’m a werecat, you?”
I stood and started to get dressed. “I’m an animal shifter,” I shrugged and put on the school uniform. I pair of hunter green skinny jeans, a white t-shirt a size to small that is tight around my chest and arms, and dark tan combat boots. I grabbed Alexzander’s leather jacket and walked out of the room with Marcie following close behind.
“You’re an AS? That is so awesome!” She stopped abruptly and took a deep breath, “Whose jacket is that?”
“Because it smells…. Good? And it’s too big to be yours.”
“How are you sure I don’t like big clothing?” She looked down at my t-shirt and raised her eyebrow, “Good point.” We kept walking and walked outside to a field where every girl in my grade should be by now. “This jacket is my boyfriend’s.”
“Oh really? Who is it?” We walked towards the group and they all separate when I walked in front of them. Blondie and who group of whores were the only ones who didn’t move out of the way. Ever since the visions I never once looked at a blonde and when they asked if I wanted to be in their whore group, no came out of my mouth quicker than anyone expected.
Since then, which has been a couple days ago; I got into five fights, six screams fits, and punched someone twelve times. I am now known as the trouble maker and when I walk by people move out of the way. I never wanted that to happened, but if I learned one thing from Astra is to never back down.
“Hello Blondie,” I smirked at her.
“My name is not Blondie!” She flipped her hair back and stormed into her group.
Marcie grabbed me by the arm and turned me around, “Don’t try to escape my question, who is he?”
“His name is Alexzander; he doesn’t go to this school, or any school.”
“Tell me about him,” we sat down in the grass and looked at passing clouds.
“Well we known each other for a couple of years, but he didn’t ask me out in till a month ago. We left school, traveled the world, I got kidnapped, escaped and now here. He’s a dream walker, so I see him every night,” I smiled at her and looked back at the clouds.
“He sounds special.”
“He is. It is like we are….”
“Soul mates?”
I blushed, “Yeah, it is like we’re soul mates.”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.08.2012

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to Colleen Houck for inspiring us to write about what we love.

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