
1 chapter

I hope you like it.

- Vero xx

Rosie Thomas - Farewell

“Niall!” you shout. “Come back.” You scream and run out. “Please.” You whisper. It’s so cold outside. You are wearing Niall’s hoodie and pyjamas. You feel how the freezing air is burning your lungs. “Niall…” you whisper and then fall on the ground. “I love you.” You say and burst into tears. You sit there and cry alone. “Come back! I love you! Don’t you dare to leave me!” you scream. “Don’t you dare to leave me alone again…”

“Hello, dear! You visited us yesterday, didn’t you?” Roger, an old librarian, says. “I did.” You smile and give him your favorite book. “You have read it already?” he asks. “Yeah, it’s my favorite. You know that.” You say and smile. “I do know that. You want to read this book at least every month.” He says. You blush and shrug. “What can I give you today?” he asks. “Um, what do you suggest?” you ask. “For you? Hmm… take this.” He says and gives you a book. “Consuelo by George Sand?” you whisper and look at him. “I’m sure you like it.” He winks at you. “Thank you.” You say and smile. He nods and you take the book. You sit down at the table and open the first page. This is the best moment while reading a book. You haven’t started yet and you haven’t finished either. You don’t know what will happen and where you are taken. You don’t know anything about the characters. You don’t know who’s your next hero you fall in love with. You look out of the window and smile. Another adventure and another way to escape from reality is in your hands. “(Y/N)?” Roger asks. “Yeah?” you look at him. “You really enjoy these romantic novels?” he grins. You nod. “I do.” You say and look at the ground. “Can I ask why?” he asks. You look at him and smile. “You know Roger, I don’t have my own romantic novel.” You say and look at the book. “I guess I have to read about other people’s happiness and love. That convinces me that love really exists.” You say. “I mean… Where is my Mr Darcy? Why isn’t anyone telling me „You have bewitched me body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. And wish from this day forth never to be parted from you.” You try to imitate Mr Darcy’s voice. “I want Leonardo DiCaprio to sing “Come, Josephine, in my flying machine, going up, up she goes,” while we’re holding each other tightly.” You say and you feel tears in your eyes. “I want Mr Rochester to say “Just one last kiss before you leave!” you smile. “I want my Prince Charming to taste every red apple for me. I want Ronald Weasley to kiss me in the Chamber of Secrets. I want Joe Cocker to say that I am so beautiful. I want to wake George Michael up before I go go. I want to be Billy Joel’s uptown girl. I want to scream at Michael Buble “Hey dude! You finally met me!” you say and look at the ground. “Just once I want my life to be a romantic novel, an amazing movie or a song that is written just for me. Nicholas Sparks, Jane Austen, James Cameron – what about my life? You forgot to write about my life! Prince Harry! Where are you? Just take your bloody white horse and save me. Maybe he’s coming on a turtle?” you mumble. “I just want my hero.” You say. “I want my Flynn, Phillip, Eric, Adam, Aladdin, John Smith, Shang Li or Naveen. I just want my prince.” You say. You look at Roger. He’s smiling. “He will come. If you dream it…” he says. “…you can do it.” You finish his sentence. “Maybe.” You say. “Definitely. Tell me one princess who was happy since the beginning. Cinderella was humiliated. Rapunzel had to spend her childhood locked up in a tower. Snow White was poisoned. Jane Eyre was punished and hit by her own family. She was called ugly and worthless. But they found their happiness. You will find your prince too. Just like they did. You will be someone’s princess.” Roger says. You nod and he smiles at you. “Okay. I’ll leave you here reading.” He says and pats your shoulder. You read your book and keep getting lost into your own magical world. You feel as if you’re living there with all of these girls and boys in the 19th Century. You feel as if you’re kissing a boy on the cheek or holding hands while walking together in Paris.

“(Y/N)! I made coffee!” Roger shouts. You put the book on the table and go to the counter where he’s working at. “Thanks for the coffee, Roger.” You say and return to your place. You take your bag and start putting things into your bag, but then notice something. There’s a note on your book. „I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so peacefully deep in concentration, while reading a book. You are extraordinary beauty, you are a princess and I couldn’t help but stare in fascination along with others strolling by. I’d love to see you again. Your Prince Charming.“ It says. You look around. There is an old man reading newspapers and a lady struggling with her dog. “Roger!” you shout. “Yes?” he looks at you. “Was it you?” you ask. “What?” he looks at you confusingly. “No, never mind. Forget it. I should go home.” You say and put your things quickly into your bag.

 “Good morning.” You say and go back to the library again. You still have your note, it’s crumpled and shabby because you couldn’t put it away these past two days. “You’re shining.” Roger says and covers his eyes. “Oh, stop it.” You say. “It was an amazing book. Save it for me. I have a feeling that I may read it again soon.” You say. “You’re quick. Really quick.” He says. “And now?” Roger asks. “I can’t choose. Pride and Prejudice or Jane Eyre?” you ask and look at him. “Again?” Roger laughs. “Let her read what she wants and how much she wants.” Megan, Roger’s wife, says and gives you your Jane Eyre. “Thank you. And it’s okay, Megan. Roger is very helpful and sweet.” You say and smile at them. You sit under the window and open the book again. You look at the note and put it into your pocket again. Maybe it was just a joke. What if someone heard your stupid conversation with Roger and then just laughed at it. You shake your head - you have to forget it.

“Darling? Can you help me with these books? My back is hurting and I can’t put them up on the shelf. “ Megan says. “Yeah, sure.” You say and help her. “Anything else?” you ask. “No, but Roger made tea. Want some?” she asks. You look at your table. No notes. It was just a stupid joke. “Yeah. Why not.” you say and smile at her. When you go back at your seat, you freeze. There’s an apple on your desk. Someone has bitten off a piece of that apple. There is another note. “I tasted it. No poison. Your Prince Charming.” It says. You look around, but don’t see anyone. How is this possible? What if it really is Ronald Weasley under Harry’s invisibility cloak? You sit down and bite your lip. Who does these things? Why is he doing this? You look at the note and the apple. You smile. What if there really is your Prince Charming?

 “Hello, Roger.” You say and sit under the window. You open the book and start reading. All you can think about is your Prince Charming. What if he’s here? You peek around, but there is no one who could be He. You bite your lip and shake your head. He can’t be here every day, every single minute when you are here. So you dive into your own magical world. You have finished another chapter and close the book for a second to look at the clock.

Then you notice someone staring at you. He’s sitting almost next to you. “Hello.” He says. You look at him and everything stops. Your heart stops beating, Roger stops talking to the customers, birds stop singing, the cars stop driving, Obama stops signing contracts, the River Thames stops flowing, the earth stops revolving, everything stops. “Hello.” He says again and smiles at you. You look at his bright blue eyes and keep losing into them. They’re like your favorite books and you just can’t leave. You don’t want to leave. His eyes are your magical world or a part of it. They’re so big, shiny and full of love and warmth. His smile is breathtaking and gorgeous. It’s like an angel is sitting next to you. “Hey…” you breathe. “Can I sit here?” he asks. You nod. “I’m Niall.” He says and smiles again. “(Y/N).” you say and look at the ground. “I waited for you.” He says. “What? You have seen me before then?” you laugh hysterically. The thought that someone has observing you, gives you mixed feelings – it’s quite creepy and cute at the same time. “Yes, I have. You… You are my princess.” He says and smiles. “What?” you whisper. “You? You are the Prince Charming?” you frown. “Well, yes. Sorry about that.” He whispers sadly. “I may disappoint you and I am so sorry. But you were so lovely and beautiful and adorable.” He says and then stops. You sit in silence and think of what to say. “I’m sorry.” He says. “No.” you say and smile. “It was cute. Thank you.” You say. He smiles brightly and you feel ladybugs, grasshoppers, butterflies and everything nice in your stomach. “Would you…” he wants to ask, but then shakes his head. “What?” you ask. He looks at the ground and keeps playing with his fingers. He looks at you and smiles. “Would you come out with me?” he asks and raises his eyebrows. “I mean you don’t have to if you don’t want to, I just thought, but it’s okay. We just met and maybe it’s too soon. I understand. I just thought this would be nice, but I understand if you don’t want. Do you? Want to? Go out? With me?“ he mumbles and looks at you. „I under-“ he tries to say again, but you put your hand on his mouth. „Just shut up. Please.“ You giggle. „I think it would be nice.“ You say and smile. „Really?“ he asks. „Really really.“ You smile.

“You look amazing!” are the first three words Niall says when he sees you. “Well, thank you. You’re very handsome too.” You say and smile. He blushes and bites his lip. “So where are we going?” you ask. “Um, I booked a fancy restaurant.” He says. “Well, that’s lovely.” You say. You walk together on the street. You talk about everything. You feel so comfortable with him. He’s like Simba from the Lion King or a cute little puppy. “I heard what you said to Roger the other day at the library.” He says. You know exactly which ridiculous thought he heard. “Yeah?” you ask and feel how your cheeks turn red. He looks at you and stops. He smiles and lifts your chin up. “Hey. Don’t blush. I actually think you were right.” He says. “Really?” you ask. He nods. “I have always waited for my princess. But I have always known that she is on her way.” He smiles and looks at you. You smile and nod. “So you’re a famous musician?” you ask. “I guess.” He says. “What were you doing at the library?” you ask. “You mean someone like me, a celebrity, a person who should sleep all day and then go to the studio in the evening and party all night?” he asks. You look at him and nod slowly. He laughs. “I understand. I was just escaping from this world, my messy world.” He says. You look at him and smile. “Me too.” You say. “Escaping from what?” he asks. “Do you really want to know?” you ask. He nods. “I am escaping from loneliness, depression, abandonment, rejection. So I read about people I could never be and adventures I would never have.” You say and feel this disgusting pain in your throat when you want to talk and cry at the same time. Niall notices it and wraps his arm around you. “You are not alone anymore.” He says and you smile. “Thank you.” You whisper. Then he looks up. “This is our fancy restaurant.” He sighs. You go in and sit down. “Four forks?” you whisper. “Don’t ask.” He says. You both burst into laugh. He gives you the menu and you try to read it. “Okay, whatever you are taking, I’ll take the same.” You sigh. “What? I was about to say that.” He says. You take his hand. “Niall.” You say and he looks at you. “Do you really want to be here?” you ask. He stares at you and smiles eventually. “No.” he says and you both laugh. You take his hand and stand up. “Where are you going?” he asks. “Can I take you somewhere?” you ask. He nods and you leave the restaurant.

“McDonald’s?” he asks. “You don’t want to?” you ask. “Are you crazy?” he giggles and takes your hand. You go in and soon he’s ordering. “And (Y/N)… what would you like to eat?” he asks. “Big Mac with Coke and I want this mayonnaise you have. It’s good.” You say and smile. “Maybe you would like to try this new…” the seller asks. “No.” you and Niall both say at the same time. You look at each other and giggle. You take your food and go out. You decide to sit in front of the London Eye and eat there. You sit on the edge of the bridge and look at the River Thames. You stare at the lights and people passing by. “It’s lovely.” You say and look at Niall. He nods and eats his burger like he has starved for months. You smile and start eating too. You look at him. “You have a little bit sauce on your suit.” You giggle. He mumbles something about being a huge jumble and something about never learning how to eat. You burst into laugh and he looks at you angrily. “Don’t laugh!” he moans. You laugh more and he smiles. “It’s so fun.” You say. “Whooat?” Niall asks and bites his burger. “This evening.” You laugh. “It iiious.” He mumbles. When you have finished eating, you look at the clock. “Oh my, it’s 11 already. I have to go home.” You say. “Yeah, sure. I’ll send you.” He says. “I like this song. And I know you like it too.” He says, while you’re in front of a pub. “What song?” you ask. “Listen.” He says and you stop.

Michael Buble - Haven’t Met You Yet

And I know someday

that it’ll all turn out

You’ll make me work

so we can work to work it out.

And I promise you, kid

that I give so much more than I get.

I just haven’t met you yet.

Niall wraps his arms around your waist and you dance in the middle of the street. You laugh, but he doesn’t seem to care at all. “Hey dude, you finally met me…” he whispers in your ear.

2 chapter

You open your eyes and smile. It’s probably the first time you’re smiling when you’re waking up. You get dressed and go to the library again. “Hello, Roger.” You say. “Hello, sweetheart. How are you?” he asks. “I’m fine.” You say and smile. “More than fine.” Roger winks at you. You shrug and go back to your seat again. You sit on the couch under the window and look out. Is he coming? “Psst.” You hear someone whispering. You look around, but don’t see anyone. “Psst. (Y/N).” you hear Niall’s voice. You look at the bookshelf where the voice comes. “Niall?” you whisper. You kneel down in front of the shelf and observe the books. Suddenly someone moves the books and you see Niall brightly smiling at you. He’s kneeling on the other side of the shelf. You smile and bite your lip. “Hey.” You whisper. “Hi.” He says and smiles. “How are you?” you ask. “I’m more than fine.” He says. “Me too.” You whisper. “Can you come here? I found something.” He says. You stand up and walk to him. “Come. Sit down.” He says and pats the place next to him. You sit down and he gives you a book. “The Notebook?” you ask. He nods. “Have you read it?” he asks. “No.” you say. “What?” he asks. “This is the only book from Nicholas Sparks I haven’t read.” You say. “Okay. Then we should read it.” He says and stands up. He takes your hand and pulls you up. He gently presses you against the bookshelf. “But at first…” he whispers. “Yesterday I forgot to do something.” He says and takes your hands into his. “What?” you whisper and you feel those lovely bugs in your stomach. He smiles and bites his lip. He looks at your lips. “(Y/N)! Where are you? Tea is ready.” Roger shouts. “I’m here. I’m coming.” You say and Niall lets you go. “No, it’s nothing. I just forgot to ask your number.” He says and looks at the ground. You take his hand and smile. “Let’s take our tea and then we could read your book.” You say. He nods and gives you a weak smile.

You take your teas and sit on the couch next to Niall. “Perfect. It’s raining outside. So we can be here all day long.” You say and give Niall his cup of tea. “Yeah, it’s good.” He whispers. You put your head on his shoulder and he giggles. “So you want me to read?” he asks. “Yup.” You say. “Oh, okay.” He sighs.

“I don’t care what my parents think, I love you and I always will,” she would say. “We’ll find a way to be together.” But in the end they couldn’t.” Niall reads. Your head is on his lap and you imagine everything he tells you about in your head. “By early September the tobacco had been harvested and she had no choice but to return with her family to Winston-Salem. “Only the summer is over, Allie, not us,” he’d said the morning she left. “We’ll never be over.” But they were. For a reason he didn’t fully understand, the letters he wrote went unanswered.” Niall reads and then closes the book. You look at him. He smiles and plays with your hair. “It’s sad.” You say. He nods.

“(Y/N)?” he asks. “Yes?” you look at him. “Tomorrow I have to be at the studio.” He says. “Oh. It’s okay.” You say. “I was wondering that maybe you would like to come with me. I could introduce you to my brothers and you could hear my music.” He says and looks at the ground. “Are you sure? It’s awesome. It would be amazing.” You are thrilled. “Yeah?” he smiles brightly. “Yeah.” You say and bite your lip.

“So (Y/N), my friend from the library.” Niall says. “And these are my band mates, brothers, best friends – Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn.” Niall says to you. “Hello. Nice to meet you.” You say and smile awkwardly. Louis pulls you into hug. “Hi, darling.” He says. Liam, Harry and Zayn are as friendly as Louis was and they all share hugs and kisses on the cheek. Niall takes your hand and winks at you. The boys prepare for singing, but Niall is with you all the time. “It’s a rehearsal for our tour.“ Niall says. “Tour?” you ask. “Yeah, next month in US and Australia.” He says. “Oh.” You sigh. You don’t want to think about the fact that he’s going to be in US and Australia. He’s going to leave you here alone. “We should not think about it yet.” He smiles. You smile too, because he always says things you are thinking about. “You can sit here.” He says and points at a couch. You nod and sit down. Every song they sing is magical. Niall is staring at you the whole time he’s singing and you feel as every word he sings is meant for you. “So did you like it?” he asks when he comes out of the booth. “I loved every single song.” You say. “Nialler and (Y/N), coffee break. Are you coming with us?” Liam asks. “Do you want coffee?” Niall asks. “No, thanks.” You say. “We’re not coming.” Niall says and the boys leave. There’s only you and Niall in the studio. “It’s good we’re alone. I have to tell you something.” He says and takes your hand. He sits down at the piano and you sit next to him. He looks at you and tucks your hair behind your ear. “I heard this song in the morning. And Liam thought me how to play the piano a little.” He giggles. “So I’m gonna play it for you now.” He says and starts clumsily playing it.

Joe Cocker - You Are So Beautiful To Me

You are so beautiful…” he sings and then looks at you. “To me.” He smiles. “You are so beautiful to me. Can’t you see? You’re everything I hope for. You’re everything need. You are so beautiful to me. You are…” he sings and bites his lip. “So beautiful to me.” He sings and then looks at you. “I may not be Joe Cocker, but (Y/N)…” he says. “You are so beautiful to me.” He smiles. You have tears in your eyes. You look at his bright blue eyes and can’t believe this is happening to you. You can’t believe someone really told you this, someone sang you this song, that someone really thinks you’re beautiful. “Niall…” you smile. “You’re amazing.” You whisper. “Thank you.” You say and bite your lip.

 “You don’t want to know what happened next?” Niall asks. “I do!” you almost shout. “Shhh…” Niall puts a finger on your lips. “This lady over there gives us deadly looks.” He giggles. You put your head on his shoulder. “Sorry.” You whisper. “Where were we?” Niall asks and opens the book. “Here. Page 27.” You say. “Oh, okay. But you’re going to read today.” Niall says. “What?” you ask. He nods. “Okay.” You giggle and take the book. Soon Niall’s head is on your lap and you’re playing with his hair, while reading. “Neither of them moved as they faced each other. He hadn’t said anything, his muscles seemed frozen, and for a second she thought he didn’t recognize her. Suddenly she felt guilty about showing up this way, without warning, and this made it harder.” You read and then stop. You close the book and see Niall staring at you. You look at him seriously. “This is heartbreaking.” You say. “They love each other.” You say. Niall smiles at you and taps your nose. “Yeah, but you haven’t finished the book yet, have you?” he smiles. You nod and are about open the book again, when Niall stops you. “(Y/N), what about us?” he asks. You don’t know how to react or what to say. “Us?” you ask. He nods. “I love you.” He whispers. You look at him and can’t believe what he just said. Before he can say anything you bow and kiss him on his lips. You look at him. His eyes are still closed, but he’s smiling like an idiot. You giggle. He opens his eyes and pulls you into kiss again. “It feels perfect.” He whispers. “It does.” You say. “Niall?” you say. “Yes?” he smiles. “I love you too.” You say and bite your lip. 


3 chapter

“(Y/N)!” you hear Niall’s mischievous voice, but you don’t open your eyes. “It’s 10 AM. Time to get up!” he whispers and kisses gently your cheek. You smile and pull him into hug. “Okay. This is far more better way to spend a morning.” He says and buries his face into your chest. He draws hearts on your shoulder with his thumb and you open your eyes. “I love you.” You mumble. He looks at you and you see his bright blue eyes. He smiles and then bites his lip. You run your hand through his messy hair and kiss his forehead. “I love you more.” He says. “What? No…” you say. “What are you talking about?” he asks and looks at you seriously. “I love you more!” he moans. “Bullshit. I love you more, Horan.” You say and throw a pillow at him. “You want a war? Fine.” He says and takes two pillows and throws them at you. You have a huge pillow fight. Soon Niall includes the blanket, sheets and finally the mattress. He tries to throw the mattress at you, but you fall on the floor. “Ouch!” you giggle. Then you hear how he runs to you and kneels down. “Are you okay? Oh God, what have I done?” he panics. “It’s funny.” You laugh. “No, it’s not. I almost killed you with a mattress!” he moans. He takes you in his arms and puts you on the couch. “I’m fine.” You smile. “I really am.” You say and kiss his nose. He smiles lightly and kisses your lips. “I love you to the moon and back.” He says. You hug him and smile. “I love you to the Pluto and back.” You giggle and he starts tickling you. “STOP!” you laugh. He stops eventually and you look at his eyes you love so much. “Any plans for today?” you ask. “Hmm…” he mumbles. “Library? And I have to go to the studio in the evening.” He says. “Oh, okay.” You say and kiss him. “Perfect plan.” You whisper. “But at first, breakfast!” he shouts and takes you in his arms.

“Oh, I see what you did there.” You giggle when you see your plate. Niall has made eggs, bacon and roast. But the egg is heart-shaped and the bacon is like the letter I. He has cut letters Y, O and U out of the roast. “I love you?” you ask and look at him. “That’s cute.” You say and smile. “You like it?” he asks and gives you your coffee. “I love it.” You smile and kiss him.

“No I can’t read this part.” Niall says and gives you the book. His face is red and he stares at the ground. “Why the hell can’t you read this part? It’s only me.” You laugh. “Read it, Niall.” You beg. “Oh, jeez.” He mumbles. “With that, he slowly reached for her. He lifted her shirt and ran his finger slowly across her belly before raising her arms and slipping it off. She felt short of breath as he lowered his head and kissed between her breasts and slowly ran his tongue up to her neck.” Niall reads. You look at him and can’t believe he’s here with you. You can’t believe that you are living in your dreams, that your head is on his lap and he truly loves you. You can’t believe your prince is finally here and you don’t have to wait anymore. You shut your eyes and listen to his trembling and anxious voice. “She moved rhythmically against him, allowing him to take her wherever he wanted, to the place she was meant to be.” He reads. You take the book and smile. “It’s beautiful.” You say and tap his nose. He nods and blushes. “I love you, Niall Horan.” You say. “I love you too.” He says and plays with your fingers. “(Y/N)?” he whispers. “Yes?” you ask. “I have an interview tomorrow.” He says. “And?” you smile. He looks at you and you stroke his hair. “They always ask whether we’re taken or not.” He says. “Okay.” You say. “You don’t have to say that you’re taken. Yet.” You say. He looks at you and frowns. “I would like to.” He whispers. “I know, but I think you have to discuss it with your manager and the boys.” You say. “Yeah, but you would be okay with that if I say that I am taken and you are the one who has stolen my heart? I’m just asking. Because I’m curious and…” he explains, but you put your finger on his lips. “I am more than okay with that, but you have to do what’s best for you. I promise, I won’t be angry if you deny our relationship.” You say and smile. “I love you.” He says. “I love you too.” You smile and kiss him.

4 chapter

 “One Direction! Harry, Louis, Niall, Zayn and Liam!” your TV shouts. You take your tea and sit on the couch. You smile when you see your Niall. He’s so beautiful. You can’t even see the others, because every thing he says or does is so perfect. His voice is angelic and you can’t take your eyes off him. But one question makes you nervous. “So guys, this thrilling question now. Who is single and who’s not? Raise your hand if you’re single.” You look at the screen. Harry raises his hand and the girls cheer. You look at Niall. Zayn and Louis are grinning at him, but he eventually raises his hand too. You look at the girls around him cheering and crying of happiness. “Can I say something?” Niall asks and your heart skips a beat. “Yeah, sure. Changed your mind?” the reporter laughs, but Niall is serious as hell and looks directly into the camera. “I have a message for boys. I know it’s so stupid and random, but I have to say it. If you find a girl who reads, keep her close. When you find her up at the library clutching a book to her chest and weeping, make her a cup of tea and hold her. Be his Prince Charming, love her and give everything you can to make her happy. Because…” he says and searches for words. “You may lose her for a couple of hours, but she will always come back to you. She will talk as the characters in the book are real, because for a while, they always are. This girl can give you the most colorful life imaginable. If you can only give her monotony, and stale hours and half-baked proposals, then you’re better off alone. If you want the world and the worlds beyond it, date a girl who reads. I just want to say that don’t underestimate them. They may be quiet, but you have no idea what’s inside of them.” He says. People around him are confused, except for his four brothers who are laughing at him. “Are you sure you’re single?” the reporter asks. Niall looks at him and doesn’t say anything.

“(Y/N)!” you hear Niall’s voice. You go to the lobby and see him standing there. “So?” he asks. You smile and bite your lip. “This, Niall James Horan, was the weirdest and the most random but the most amazing thing I’ve ever heard.“ you say and pull him into hug. “I love you.” He says. “I love you more.” You giggle. Niall shakes his head and rolls his eyes. You laugh and pull him into kiss. 

You’re sitting in the library and doing your homework. You’re under a huge stress, because school started. School ruins everything, but Niall supports you every single way. “(Y/N)!” you hear Niall’s voice. You look around. Then the door is opened and Niall walks in. “(Y/N)!” he shouts again. “Shhh!” an old lady hisses. “Sorry. I really am sorry.” He whispers. “(Y/N)…” he whispers again. “Yes?” you ask. “I have a surprise for you.” He giggles. “What surprise?” you ask. “You have to guess.” He smiles mischievously. “Hmm, you are going take me to Hogwarts and save me from this horrible schoolwork?” you ask. Niall looks at you confusingly and then shakes his head. “Nope.” He says. “And you have to study. It’s important.” He insists. “I can’t wait for any longer!” he says excitedly. “We’re going to Ireland on your holiday!” he giggles. “We are?” you are shocked. “Yes! I’m going to show you the place I lived and my favorite places in Ireland. You’re going to love Ireland so much. It’s brilliant.” He smiles. You pull him into hug. “Thank you, Niall, for taking me there.” You whisper in his ear. “I love you so much. You can’t even imagine.” He says and you smile.

“And your homework? How is it?” he asks and looks at your exercise. “Awful.” You say. “Math…” you sigh. You try to find this x your equation has lost again. You look at Niall. He’s smirking. “What?” you ask. “You’re insecure, so half of four, your old brains are not what they were before. Add two threes, it’s fine for us, cause we’re young and we still remember stuff.” He sings. You look at him angrily. “If you’re so good at it, maybe you will find the mysterious x.” you say and give him your homework. “Um, this is… easy!” he boasts. “I guess it’s 5.” He says. “You can’t guess in Maths!” you moan. “Well I can.” He giggles. “Shut up.” You laugh. “Math’s x has been lost forever. He could get used with that.” Niall smiles and shuts your exercise. “And I think you need a break.” He smiles and leans over the table to kiss you. “Okay.” You say and smile.

You’re lying on the couch. Your head is on Niall’s chest and you listen to his heartbeats. Niall is reading to you. “She leaned into him and began to cry harder as Noah fought back his own tears. He wrapped his arms around her.” He reads and plays with your fingers. “Allie, I can’t force you to stay with me. But no matter what happens in my life, I’ll never forget these last couple of days with you. I’ve been dreaming about this for years.” Niall reads and closes the book. “(Y/N), No matter what happens in my life, I’ll never forget these days I have spent with you. I’ve been dreaming about this for years and now you’re here with me.” He whispers. You smile and kiss gently his chest. “I love you.” He whispers and kisses your forehead.

 “Are you excited?” you ask and help Niall to put on his T-shirt and jacket. “About the tour?” he asks. “Quite.” He says sadly. “Why so sad?” you ask and smile at him. “The tour begins in London today. I’m sure it’s pretty awesome.” You say. You know exactly why he’s sad. You have been sad about it for days. He’s going away. He’s leaving you alone for months and there is nothing you can do about it. “I don’t want to leave. Not now.” He mumbles. “But you will come back and then we’re going to Ireland.” You say and hug him. “I love you.” You say and kiss him gently on his lips. “I want you to come with me today.” He says and squeezes your hand. “To the concert?” you ask. “Yup. There is something I have to do before going away.” He says and smiles at you.

You’re standing next to Paul and looking at the boys on the stage. They’re doing the last preparations. “Niall is gorgeous.” You whisper. Paul looks at you and smiles. “Yes, he is.” Paul mumbles. Then Niall looks at you and smiles. He sends you a kiss. “And he’s so in love.” Paul smiles. “Okay, boys. You’re on in 30 seconds.” Their manager shouts. Niall looks at you. “I love you.” He says. “I love you too.” You whisper and he smiles. You and Paul look how the boys are singing, dancing and just being perfect on the stage. You can’t stop staring at Niall. You still can’t believe he’s yours. “London, you’re absolutely amazing! A massive thank you for being here today. It means so much to us.” Niall says. “I would like to sing something for my special princess.” He says. Your heart skips a beat and you’re sure every single girl in the audience didn’t breathe for a second either. “(Y/N), this is for you.” He says, looks at you and sits down on the chair. Liam gives him his guitar and he starts playing it. You’re already tearing up, because the song he’s playing is so romantic and sad.

George Michael - Wake Me Up

Jitterbug.” Harry says. You look at him. What is he doing? “Jitterbug.” Louis says and points at you. “Jitterbug!” Zayn shouts and stands next to Niall. “Jitterbug.” Liam says too and they’re all standing next to Niall. “Nah.” Niall says and the real music starts playing. You burst into laugh. “You put the boom-boom into my heart. You send my soul sky high when your lovin’ starts. Jitterbug into my brain goes a bang-bang-bang ‘til my feet do the same.” He sings. Even Paul is dancing next to you. “Wake me up before you go-go, don’t leave me hanging on like a yo-yo! Wake me up before you go-go I don’t wanna miss it when you hit that high.” Niall sings to you. He runs to you and takes your hand. You shake furiously your head, but he pulls you on the stage. He wraps his arms around your waist and smiles. “Wake me up before you go-go ‘cause I’m not plannin’ on going solo. Wake me up before you go-go, take me dancing tonight. I wanna hit that high, yeah yeah!” he sings. You smile and he kisses you right in front of everyone. “Remember when you were at the library talking to Roger? When you wanted to wake George Michael up before you go-go?” he asks. You nod. “Well, I can be your George Michael.” He giggles. You pull him into hug and kiss him again. “I love you.” You smile. “I love you more.” Niall whispers in your ear. 

You’re standing at an airport. You are squeezing Niall. Tears are in your eyes and you do everything you can to hold them back. But when you look at his blue eyes, you can’t help but burst into tears. Niall immediately wraps his arms around you. You’re sobbing on his chest. He looks at you. Tears are streaming down his face. You dry them quickly. “No. I’m sorry.” You say and breathe deeply. You dry your tears too and smile. “It will be okay. Just a month.” You say. “Yeah, just a month.” He whispers. “Promise me you’ll call me.” You say. “Of course. Every day.” He says. “Be a good boy.” You say. “I love you.” He says. “Niall!” Paul shouts. “I love you too.” You say. He takes your hands and kisses you. You wrap your arm around his neck and he presses you tightly against his body. “Niall!” Paul hugs and you let go of him. “Goodbye Niall.” You say. “Bye, love.” He whispers and walks away. You look at him. He’s about to enter the gates when he turns around and runs to you. “Just one kiss before I leave, Jane.” He smiles. “Oh, my Mr Rochester.” You smile too and kiss him again. “I love you. I love you so much.” He says. “I love you too.” You say. “Niall for God’s sake!” Louis shouts. “Bye!” you say as he runs back. He enters the gates and you don’t see him anymore. You feel empty and sad. You are cold and you can’t help but cry.

You sit on your bed and hug the pillow Niall used sleep. It still has his scent. You hug his hoodie he left ion your bed. You go to the kitchen and sit down at the table. Then you see a sign. You grab it and read. “Let me guess? You hugged my pillow and hoodie? I miss you too, honey. That’s why I made this game. The next sign is somewhere in the bathroom.” it says. You stand up and run to the bathroom. You look around, but don’t see any notes. Then you notice a little paper next to your toothbrush. “Hehe, I love you. You are the most important person in my life and I hope you know that. Look at the mirror. Did you see that girl? Jesus, she’s beautiful, isn’t she? I want you to tell this to that girl every single day, okay? Search for the next sign in the bedroom.” It says. You smile and go to your bedroom. You see the note on your table. “That was easy. Remember – you have to study. It’s important. Keep searching for Maths’ mister x. We all have that someone special. You found me, help Maths too, okay? The next sign is in the lobby.”  The sign says. You go to the lobby and see the note on your boots. “Autumn can be mysterious. Please put on a lot of clothes when it’s cold outside. You can take my hoodies. I know you like them. I love you. The next note is in the living room.” You read. You go to the living room and look at your bookshelf. There’s a book and a note. “Don’t forget reading. I bought you one. It’s my mum’s favorite. I love you, did you know that? The next note is in your closet.” It says. You go back to your bedroom and open your cupboard. There is a bag and a note on it. “So there are two last notes and this is one of them. I just wanted to say that I love you. I want to lay on your chest and listen to your heartbeats. I love it so much. Did you know that when penguins find their mate, they stay together for life. You are my penguin. And I will be your penguin, forever. Okay, now check the bag. And the last note is in the fridge.” It says. You look into the bag. There is a teddy bear, a lot of chocolate, Niall’s favorite hoodie, One Direction CD and The Notebook. You hug the teddy bear and put on Niall’s hoodie. You go to the kitchen and put on the CD. You open the fridge and see that it’s full of your favorite food. “EAT! You have to eat. A lot! And I think I forgot to say it, but I love you.” The last note says.


5 chapter

 “Where the fuck is it?” you mumble and search for your buzzing phone. When you finally find it, you can’t believe your eyes. “Niall!” you shout. “Hey, sweetie!” he laughs. “How are you?” he asks. “I’m fine. I miss you.” You say. “I miss you too, (Y/N). But I will be back soon. I promise.” He says. “Thank you for everything you did. It cheered me up so much.” You say. “I’m happy about that. I love you, (Y/N). I have to go now, but in the evening we could talk to each other on Skype?” he asks. “Yeah, that would be amazing.” You say. “Okay then, love. Have a brilliant day. I love you.” He says. “I love you too.” You say and he hangs up.

You have been logged on to Skype for two hours, but he’s still offline. You go to the kitchen to make some tea when you hear the most beautiful sound in the world – someone is calling to you on Skype. You run back to your bedroom and see Niall’s picture. You press the answer button and see him. When he sees you, he smiles brightly. “Hey!” you shout. “Heeeey!” he giggles. “Come closer to the screen.” He says. You do as he says. He touches his screen. You see lovelight shining through his eyes. “You’re perfect.” He says. “I would like to kiss you so much right now.” You say. “But we can.” He says and presses his lips against his webcam. You giggle and do the same. “I think I felt something.” He says. “Strawberry lipstick?” he asks. “WHAT? YES! I used that today!” you scream. “See? It’s possible!” he laughs. “Would you mind if I eat?” he asks and bites his burger. “Nope.” You say. “I actually like that. Then I know it’s really you.” You smile. You look at him eating his burger. You talk about his trip, the fans, his tour. You talk about your homework and he can’t stop telling you how much he loves you. “I was practicing my solo before.” He says. “I love when you’re singing. I get these goosebumps.” You say. He giggles. “I want to see your goosebumps.” He says. “Sing to me then. Oh! Niall, sing my favourite solo.” You say. “Okay.” He says and smiles. “If I’m louder would you see me? Would you lay down in my arms and rescue me? Cause we are the same, you saved me, when you leave it’s gone again.” He sings. “I fell love again. Shit.” You whisper. “And I got those goosebumps again!” you say. He bursts into laugh. “Show me.” He says. You show him your hand. “This is cute.” He says. Then you yawn. “Oh God, you have to go to sleep.” He says. “It’s only 2 AM.” You say. “WHAT? You have to go to school.” He says. You shrug. “Go to bed. And take me with you.” He says. “What?” you ask. “Take the computer with you. I’m not ready to sleep alone yet.” He mumbles. You smile. You take Niall’s pillow – it still has his scent. You put your computer on your pillow and you look at Niall smiling at you. “Goodnight, love.” He whispers. “Goodnight, Niall.” You say and shut your eyes. 

You open your eyes and see Niall sleeping. His head is on his computer’s keyboard. He has glued a note on his forehead. “I watched you sleeping for hours. You’re so beautiful. I love you. And now go to school. Have a nice day, dear.” It says. You look at him. He’s so close to the screen. “I love you too.” You whisper. You kiss his lips through the screen and shut your computer down.

You go to school and realize that you’re the most popular girl after the concert when Niall asked you to come on stage. Now everyone’s talking about you. You even have some “new friends”. “Hey, so you and Niall are together?” a girl who called you fat two months ago asks. “Yes, we are.” You say. What’s the point of lying? Everyone knows. “What is he like? How did you meet?” she asks. “I don’t want to talk about it.” You say and walk away. Why should you talk about your life? It’s not their business. “Hello, (Y/N).” one of the most handsome boys at your school says. “Hello.” You say. “Why are you talking to me?” you laugh. “I don’t know. Just thought that maybe you would like to come out with me?” he asks. You stop and look at him. “You know, Caspar, I was totally in love with you a year ago, but then you didn’t think anything about asking me out. Why now?” you ask. He shrugs and smiles idiotically. Now you realize that he’s just a beautiful jerk who has nothing else inside. He’s just gorgeous and that’s it. “No, I don’t want to go out with you.” You say. “You’re rude.” He says. You ignore him and walk away. “You and Niall Horan? Freak and a total sex god?” a girl pushes you. “Hey! Watch out! It’s my best friend you’re pushing!” Diana shouts and takes your hand. “Hello, miss.” She smiles. “How are you?” she asks. You look at her and smile. “I’m fine, thank you. And you?” You say. “I would be better if my best friend told me that she’s with Niall Horan. No, it’s actually not important at all. He’s just a boy. Just an ordinary boy. He just has more than 6 million followers on Twitter. He is in a band with four SEX GODS!” she shouts. “Stop it, please.” You whisper. “A total geek and a bloody sexy beast?” she asks. “Okay, stop.” You say. She looks at you apologetically. “I’m sorry.” She says and takes your hand. “He’s an ordinary boy. He likes to read. He likes to talk to me. He likes me just the way I am.” I say. “Who do we have here?” a bunch of girls shout. “How did you, small grey mouse, get Niall Horan?” one of them asks. “Leave her alone.” Diana says. “They’re not together. I heard that (Y/N) was just a lucky fan. She was just picked out and the boys sang her a song. I’m sure the boys have already forgotten her.” A girl says. “Yeah, she’s right.” You say. “You can calm down. I was just lucky.” You say. “Good. Because Niall Horan is too good for a freak like you.” She says. “Yeah…Perhaps.” you mumble. They walk away. “Why did you say that?” Diana asks. “Because I don’t want any questions. I don’t want Caspar Rogers to ask me out. I don’t want to explain why and when and how and who and where! I don’t!” you say and walk away. You would have never thought that this may be so hard. You would have never believed that one day you’re just a small invisible (Y/N) and the next day you’re everyone’s best friend or  worst enemy. You go to the bathroom and burst into tears. You take your phone and look at Niall’s picture. “I wish you’d be here.” You whisper. You pick his number and call. “Hellou! Niall Horan over here. If you hear this message, it means I can’t talk to you at the moment. Obviously. Leave me a message after this weird beep. My time is running out. OkayIloveyoubye.” It says. The bell rings and you leave the bathroom. You try to ignore everyone at school the whole day, even Diana.

When you arrive home, you lie down on your bed and shut your eyes. “I can’t do this.” You say. “I wish all these characters from my books would be real.” You say. Then your phone starts ringing. “Niall?” you shout. “No, sorry, it’s me Diana.” You hear your best friend’s voice. “Are you OK?” she asks. “Yes, yeah. I am.” You say. There’s a long silence between us until she starts speaking. “Um, anyway, I just wanted to tell you that you should go on Twitter.” She says. “Why?” you ask. “Just go.” She says. “See you tomorrow?” she asks. “Yes, of course.” You say. When you hang up, you quickly log onto Twitter. “What?” you say. You have over 100,000 new followers. You had 70 followers before and most of them were some kind of porn stars. “Oh My God.” You say. Niall has tweeted something about you. A picture! A fucking picture of you sleeping. “I will kill you.” You whisper. “Isn’t she lovely? Isn’t she lovely? Oh my god, she’s awkward, ugly, freak and shitty.” You shout. “Not lovely.” You mumble. And how are you supposed to be at school now? You were just a lucky fan?


You open your eyes and look at your phone. No missed calls. No messages. You get dressed and go to school. Everything is the same. You’re still the most popular girl at school. But you ignore everything. It’s not their business. You just have to be you. If you don’t talk about it, they will forget it soon. Toilet is going to be the place you’re spending most of your spare time. You sit in girl’s toilet and listen to Niall’s voice on your phone. When you’re about to call the millionth time, someone picks up. “(Y/N)?” you hear Niall’s voice. “Niall?” you whisper. “Hey, you know, I forgot my charger at home. I’m such a moron…” He mumbles. “Niall, I miss you.” You sob and ignore everything he said. “Are you OK?” he asks. “Yeah.” You lie. “No, you’re not. I can feel it.” He says. “How are you?” you ask and try to change the subject. “I’m fine. But (Y/N), I’ll call you later. You have to tell me.” He insists. “I’m fine, Niall, really.” You say. “Okay, I have to go, but I love you.” He says. “I love you too and I’m going to kill you because of that picture.” You laugh. “Oh My! Everyone liked it – the boys, Paul, Lou. Lux adored it!” he says. “Oh God.” You mumble. “I miss you, (Y/N). I’ll call you later.” He says.


You sit on your couch at the library. You look out of the window and think of how you used to sit here with Niall. You think how everything has changed. Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different. You feel your phone buzzing in your pocket. “Hello?” you say. “Hey, sweetheart.” Niall cheers. “Hey.” You mumble. “Vas happenin?” he shouts. “I’m at the library.” He says. “Oh, what are you reading?” he asks. “The book you bought me. It’s brilliant.” You say. “You’re sad.” He says. You don’t know what to say. “No, I’m just tired.” You say. “Have you read the Notebook?” he asks. “No, I don’t want to read it without you.” You say. “(Y/N), what’s wrong?” he asks. “Uh, Niall, I don’t know how to say it and I don’t want to say it.” You say. “Please.” He begs. “I have to know.” He whispers. “Everything has changed. People are acting weird. And it’s all because I’m with you.” You say. “What do you mean?” he asks. “I’m not that grey little nerd at school. Popular people are talking to me.” You say. “Well, that’s a good thing.” He says. “Yeah. Yes, of course.” You mumble sarcastically. “Okay, they’re talking to you in a good way?” he asks. “Some of them.” You mumble. “Some?” he asks. “Some of them don’t.” you say. “Boys are asking me out. There was a boy, Caspar. I liked him very much last year but he never noticed me. Now he just wanted to go out with me! It’s insane.” You whisper. “WHAT?” Niall shouts. “And what did you say?” he asks. “Of course I’m not going on a date with him. You don’t get what I’m trying to say…” You say. “I knew it!” he shouts. “I’m coming home.” He says. “What?” you mumble. “I don’t know. I can’t lose you. I’m coming home.” He mumbles. “What? Wait. But your tour?” you ask. “It can wait. They can perform without me! I don’t care. I love you so much and I can’t let other boys steal you from me!” he yells and you hear how he’s throwing his things into his suitcase. “No, Niall, calm down.” You say. “Boys are asking you out and I have been away only 2 days! And you’re telling me to calm down?” he swoons. “Niall, you didn’t get the point. They’re doing this because of you. They’re doing this because you thought I was good enough to date. And well, you are someone…special…” you mumble. “This is so wrong!” he says. “I don’t care, Niall. I have you.” You say. “Yes, you do. And I love you.” He says. “I love you too.” You whisper.


You open your eyes because of a message. “23 days more. I love you.” The message says. You smile. Even though it’s 3 AM at the place where Niall is, every morning you get a message from him saying how many days have left until he comes back home. You still ignore people at school and try to focus on your studies. You’re alone all the time, even Diana has found new friends. But you don’t think about it. It’s her choice.


Your classes have ended and you’re walking on the street. You’re searching for Niall’s flat where he’s living with Harry. “It has to be his.” You say and take the keys. You open the door and walk in. Everything is quiet. You enter the first room and see Harry’s picture with his mother and sister on the wall. “This must be Harry’s room.” You whisper. The next room is cute and a little bit messy. This must be Niall’s. You sit on his bed and look around. Some of his clothes are still on his bed. You put your head on his pillow and stare at the ceiling. Was he thinking about you here? Like this? You can’t picture anyone dreaming about you. You can’t picture someone thinking about you when they’re lying in bed before they fall asleep. You can’t imagine anyone telling their friends about you. You can’t believe anyone getting butterflies because you hugged them, or you made an eye contact with them. You can’t picture someone smiling because your name lit up their phone. You just can’t. But did Niall do or feel these things? You look around and see something amazing. He has a little picture of you on his cupboard. He has framed it. You smile. Maybe he felt these things. He really loves you.

You stand up and smell his clothes. They have Niall’s scent and you feel so safe again. You feel so warm and full of love. It’s a good feeling. You look at Niall’s movies and CD’s. You sit down at Niall’s table and look at his papers – his notes and music he has written. You touch his guitar and try to play it. You take off your clothes and put on Niall’s hoodie. You go in bed and put your head on his pillow. It’s the first time you’re sleeping so peacefully after Niall’s leaving.


6 chapter

I would so cuddle the fuck out of you.” Niall says. You’re lying on your bed and talking to Niall on phone. “Niall!” you laugh. “What? It’s true.” He mumbles. “(Y/N)?” he asks. “Hm?” you mumble. “Do you think distance will ruin the relationship?” he asks. “No. You don’t have to see someone every day to be in love.” You say. “Really?” he asks. “Really really, Niall. We are the proof.” You say. “That’s good.” He says and you know he’s smiling. “(Y/N)?” he asks again. “Hm?” you mumble. “Oh, what I would give to sleep in your arms tonight.” He says. “I know. Me too. But trust me, Niall. We will be together again soon.” You say. “Yeah, you’re right.” He says. You know he’s sad, but there is nothing you could do. But you could try.

Arthur Theme Song

Everyday when you’re walking down the street and everybody that you meet, has an original point of view.” You sing. “AND I SAY HEY!” Niall cheers. “HEY!” you shout. “What a wonderful kind of day! If we could learn to work and play and get along with each other!” you sing together. “You got to listen to your heart, listen to the beat, listen to the rhythm, the rhythm of the street!” he sings. “Open up your eyes, open up your ears, get together and make things better by working together!” you sing. “It’s a simple message and it comes from the heart. Believe in yourself well that’s the place to start!” you sing together. Niall bursts into laugh. “You always do it!” he giggles. “Do what?” you ask. “Make me smile or laugh or just make me happy.” He says. “That’s good.” You whisper. “I love you.” He says. “I love you too.” You say. “And I miss you, leprechaun.” You say. “I miss you more, my pot… full of gold.” He mumbles. You burst into laugh. He’s the most perfect boy in the world. What did you do before meeting him? Nothing? The only thing you know is that you can’t live without him. Never.


 “10 days until I’m back at home, sweetie. I love you.” You read Niall’s message and go to the bathroom. You wash your teeth and go back to school. “(Y/N)!” you hear Caspar’s voice.

You try to ignore him and walk faster, but he grabs your hand and you turn around. “Morning.” He says. “Hello.” You say and try to smile. “With whom are you going to do this biology experiment?” he asks. “Um, I don’t have a partner.” You say. “Me neither! We could do it together!” he says. “What?” you mumble. “Yes. I’m going to tell the teacher.” He says. “Wait.” You say. He smiles and walks away. Jesus Christ, why?

You’re listening to the music on your iPod and walking home when you feel someone patting your shoulder. You take off your earphones and see Caspar smiling at you. “Hey.” He says. “Hello.” You mumble. “What do you think where we could do it?” he asks. “If you know what I mean!” he laughs and pokes you. You smile weakly and nod. “The project?” you mumble. “I thought we could go out. We could go to McDonald’s or Starbucks?” he asks. “I don’t Caspar.” you say. “Oh come on, don’t be such a pussy all the time. Fuck it, let’s go.” He says. “Hm, okay then.” You mumble. You just want to get rid of him. “Okay. Tomorrow at 7 PM at Starbucks? The one next to the school, OK?” he asks. “Okay.” You whisper. “See ya!” he shouts and walks away.

“Niall?” you whisper when you are at home. “Hey, sweetheart. You’re at home?” he asks. “Yes, I just arrived.” You mumble. “How was your day?” he asks. “Did you get any good marks?” he giggles. “Niall, I have to tell you something.” You say. “I have to do my biology experiment with Caspar and he asked me out.” You mumble. “What? He again?” Niall shouts. “Niall, please calm down.” You say. “He asked you out? Why can’t you do it at school? Bloody hell! He likes you!” he shouts. “Niall! He doesn’t! It’s just a biology experiment!” you say. “And you said distance won’t ruin the relationship!” he shouts. “What? Yes! It doesn’t!” you yell. “Just be me, (Y/N). For once! I found the most perfect girl in the world. Then I had to leave her for month and now she’s going out with a boy who SHE were in love with year ago! I’m miles away from you! You can’t do this to me!” he yells. “It’s a school thing.” You whisper. “I don’t care.” He says. “Are we fighting over phone?” you ask angrily. “I don’t want to lose you!” he says. “You won’t lose me. This is ridiculous!” you say. “This is ridiculous? You really think it is ridiculous? Jesus Christ…” he says. “You’re overreacting.” You say. “You have no idea how many times I have felt jealousy or pain or sad! Every day I see those pictures of you and your fans kissing you on the cheek! They can do this, but I can’t! But then I think that those girls deserve to meet you. I try to imagine how they feel. This must be amazing. I see girls crying, because they were in the same room with you! I understand them! I understand you!” you say. “It’s not the same.” He says. “What is it then? It’s just a school project, Niall.” You whisper. “It’s a date! I still-“ he says, but you hang up. What is he thinking? He can dictate your life? You don’t want to go out with Caspar either. You just want Niall to trust you. Just a little bit, because you trust him too. You know he wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. You wouldn’t do anything either. Never.



“The chromosomes are in the nucleus, not in the cytoplasm.” You say. “They are? I actually thought it’s in the ribosome.” He says. “Ribosome…” you try to explain, but then you notice something weird - a man with a leprechaun costume. “What are you looking at?” Caspar asks. “Do you see that man with leprechaun costume staring at us?” you ask. “Yeah, he’s probably some kind of customer.” He says. “Yeah, probably.” You say. “So where were we?” you ask. You try to explain biology to him, but he doesn’t understand at all. Then you notice the leprechaun standing next to you. “How can I help you?” you ask. He shakes his head. “Ignore me, Miss.” He says. “Oh…okay?” you laugh awkwardly. The leprechaun observes your every move. He listens to your every word. “(Y/N)…” Caspar says and takes your hand. You look at him confusingly. “I’m tired of this stupid biology. We could go to my house.” He says and smiles. “No.” you say and try to pull your hand away, but he squeezes it. “You’re hurting me.” You whisper. “I’m sorry, sir. Please let her go.” The leprechaun says. You look at the leprechaun. “Let her go now. Or I’ll do something bad with your hand that’s squeezing her arm.” The green man says. “Is this your stupid bodyguard your stupid boyfriend sent you? You’re worthless and useless. I don’t care about this biology. You can do it.” He shouts and walks away. You look at the leprechaun angrily. “Who are you?” you ask. “Leprechaun.” He says. “Who sent you?” you ask, although you already know the answer. “Can’t tell you.” He smiles. “Now, I have to escort you at home.” He says. “And who tells you that?” you ask. “The man who ordered me to protect you.” He says. “And who is he?” you ask. Just tell his bloody name leprechaun, you think. “Mr X.” he jokes. “You’re stupid.” You say. “Niall James Horan is stupid too.” You say. He looks at you surprisingly. “Hah! Got you! Niall ordered you!” you shout. “Sneaky bastard!” you say.

“Well thank you, leprechaun.” You say and search for your house keys. “Wait. One more thing – I have to sing. You know…Irish men… And I have been paid for it.” He says. “Well, okay then.” You say and look at him.

Brian Adams - Please Forgive Me

PLEASE FORGIVE ME, I know not what I do! Please forgive me, I can’t stop loving you! Don’t deny me, this pain I’m going through! Please forgive me, if I need you like I do! Please believe me, every word I say is true! Please forgive me, I can’t stop loving you…” he sings. You burst into tears and laughter at the same time. You take your phone and call Niall. He instantly picks up. “I love you.” You say. “I love you too, (Y/N). Please forgive me.” He whispers. “There’s nothing to forgive.” You whisper. “9 more days and we’re together again.” He says. “Can’t wait.” You smile.

It’s 6 AM. You’re sitting on your bed and smiling like an idiot. This is it – you will see him today. You put your head on your pillow and try to calm down. You still have to wait, but not for long. He’s on the plane already.

It’s 9 AM. The teacher has asked at least three times why you are so happy. You can’t help but smile. He’s going to be home. He will be by your side soon and everything will be fine again.

It’s 2 PM and you have decided to skip the last class. You run home and try to bake a cake. You put on the CD Niall gave you. “Katy Perry’s on replay, she’s on replay…” you sing along. Your phone starts buzzing – a new message. “Hey, dear. I love you. Your Prince Charming xx” You smile and kiss the screen of your phone. “I love you more. Your Princess xx” You text back.

It’s 7 PM and you’re standing at the airport. You look at the clock and bite your lip. Your stomach is full of butterflies. Then the gates are opened and people start coming out. Where the hell is he? Then you see that blond hair you adore so much. “Niall!” you shout. “(Y/N)?” you hear his voice. Then you see him. Only 10 meters are separating you from his hands. He throws his suitcase on the floor and starts running towards you. You run too and then jump into hug. He spins you around and holds your face. He stares at you like a little child at a present on Christmas Eve. “I missed you so much.” He says. “Niall, you can’t even imagine.” You say. “(Y/N)?” he asks and frowns. “What did you do?” he asks. “I’m sorry?” You giggle. “You are abnormally beautiful. You are even more beautiful than you were the last time I saw you!” he says and kisses you again. “And there are paparazzis behind you by the way. I think they’re taking pictures of you, because you’re just too beautiful to be true.” He says. You smile and poke his cheek. “I love you.” You say. “I love you more.” He says. “Let’s go home?” you ask. “Yes, let’s go.” He says and kisses you again.


“Home!” he shouts and opens the door. “This is my home.” You laugh. “But what’s mine, is yours.” You say and he pulls you into hug. He smirks and pulls you closer to him. “I brought you something.” He says. “Really?” you ask. He nods. “Show me!” you giggle and clap your hands. He takes his bag and takes out a little bump. “Ha! What is it?” you ask. “Have a look.” He says and smiles. “A ring?” you ask. “Yup.” He says. “There’s written something on it.” you say. He nods. “Keeper of my soul, holder of my heart.” You read. “This is perfect, Niall. Thank you so much.” You say and pull him into hug. “I have something too.” You say. “My present isn’t as good as yours, but oh well…” you say and stand up. “I baked a cake.” You say. “What?” he asks and stands up. “That’s the most perfect thing. Oh Jesus, where is it?” he asks. He sits at the table and eats the whole cake. You look at him eating. Yes, he really is your Niall. You smile. He’s as charming as he was before. And you fall for him more and more every single second. Then he looks at you. “Oh God, you wanted some?” he asks. You burst into laugh. “No, I didn’t.” you laugh. He smiles and stands up. “What?” you ask. He takes you in his arms and carries you to your bedroom. He puts you gently on your bed and comes next to you. He wraps his arms around you and you can hear his heartbeats. “There wasn’t a minute when I didn’t think about you.” He whispers. “I know.” You say. “Why do you love me?” he asks. “I mean I could never imagine anyone dreaming about me. I can’t imagine anyone thinking about me before falling asleep. I can’t picture anyone talking about me with their friends. I can’t imagine that someone would get butterflies because I hugged them or smiled or talked to them.” He says. You smile, because you have always thought that about yourself. “Yet millions of girls feel and do that, Nialler.” You say. “And me.” You say. “But why?” he asks. “Describe me. What do you feel?” he asks. “It’s weird, I know, but just try to explain.” He says. “Imagine this… Imagine meeting someone, who you never knew would mean so much to you. Talking to them everyday, looking forward to the texts that they would send you. A good morning text, a goodnight text. Every single time that you’re feeling down, they’re the first person who can cheer you up. Instantly. The one person who can make you truly smile, without even trying. The one that you look forward to seeing every day, talking to every morning, till night. The one that truly makes you happy. The one who makes everything perfect.” You say. “No, (Y/N). You described my feelings for you. I wanted you to describe your feelings for me!” he moans. “You’re stupid. They were my feelings for you. That’s you, Niall.” You giggle. He pulls you closer to you. “I love you.” He whispers. “I love you too.” You say.


 “This is your last day at school!” he cheers. “So remember, I will wait for you here at 2 PM. Okay? And then we will go to…” Niall says excitedly. “IRELAND!” You shout. You kiss him and climb out of his car. “I love you.” He shouts. You look back and smile. You keep walking. “SAY IT!” he yells. Everyone is looking at you. “I LOVE YOU TOO, MORON!” you shout. “Good.” He giggles. “Have a nice day, darling.” He says. You smile and enter the school.

It’s 2:05 PM. Your phone starts buzzing – a text from Niall. “Where are you?” it says. “The teacher doesn’t let me go.” You text back. No answer. Well, he has to wait then. Suddenly your door is opened and Niall runs in. “Fluffy is in the hall!” he shouts. “Who’s Fluffy, my dear boy?” the teacher asks. “Three headed dog from Hogwarts. Someone should do something! Anything!” he gasps in despair. “Oh dear, stay here, children!” the teacher says. “Try not to get killed!” Niall yells. “Or worse, expelled!” he laughs. “Come on! We have to run.” He says to you. He takes your bag and puts it on his shoulder. Then he grabs your hand and you run out of the school. “You’re crazy, Niall.” You laugh when you’re finally in the car. “I couldn’t wait for any longer.” He says and pulls you into kiss. “Can you imagine? You and me in Ireland?” he asks. You shake your head and bite your lip. “I have waited it for ages!” you say. “Let’s go then!” Niall shouts.

7 chapter

One Direction - Live While We’re Young

“I LOVE THIS SONG!” he shouts and turns up the radio. “Hey girl, I’m waitin’ on ya, I’m waitin’ on ya! Come on and let me sneak you out! And have a celebration, a celebration, the music up, the window’s down!” he sings and points at you. “Yeah, we’ll be doing what we do, just pretending that we’re cool, and we know it too. Yeah, we’ll keep doing what we do, just pretending that we’re cool, so tonight!” you sing. “Let’s go!” Niall shouts. “Crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun! I know we only met but let’s pretend it’s love. And never, never, never stop for anyone, tonight let’s get some and live while we’re young!” you sing together. “Ouuhouhohohohhhohoh!” he tries to sing. “Haa! Niall! You’re doing it wrong!” you laugh. “It’s woahohohohohoh!” you sing. “Tonight let’s get some and live while we’re young!” he sings and pokes your nose. “You, miss I-know-everything, are very beautiful.” He says. “Thank you, mister The-sun-isn’t-shining-but-I-still-wear-sunglasses.” You giggle. “He smiles and you kiss his cheek. You put your head on his shoulder and take his glasses. “So? I think they suit me.” You say. “Yeah, they do.” Niall says. “I’ll take them.” You say. “Whuuuut? No, I’m sexy with them.” He says. “Yeah, you are.” You say and give him his sunglasses. “Listen to this song.” You say and turn up the music.

Gusttavo Lima - Balada Boa

“Kata meliga mas taperbalata. Tchetcherehetchethcereree!” he tries to sing. “Haah!” you laugh. “What are you laughing? I am very good at Spanish. Yo soy muy hermoso y te amo.” He says. “Hmm…” you say and nod. “I’m glad you’re good at Spanish, but this song is in Portuguese.” You giggle. “Oh…” he shrugs and bursts into laugh. “You do know everything, do you?” he giggles. “Duh, Niall.” You mumble. You take out your phone. “We have to take a picture.” You say. “Okay, smile!” you shout and take a picture of you and Niall. “Ur so sexy with ur sunglazzez zir.” You say. “Oh yeah.” He says and makes duckfaces. “Yeah, work it, quack-quack.” You say. He bursts into laugh and takes your hand. “I love you.” He says. “I love you too.” You say.


“We’re going with a ferry?” you ask. “Yeap. Because I have a surprise.” He says. “Awesome.” You say. “You like it?” he asks. You nod. He takes your hand and soon you’re standing on the ship and looking at the sea.

Rosie Thomas - October

There are candles and little lights everywhere. The water is glittering and the stars are shining so brightly. “It’s beautiful. Look at the stars!” you say. “Can you see those two stars? Those who are really close to each other?” Niall asks. You nod. “They’re us.” He says. “Why?” you ask. “They look like us.” He says. “Yeah, they really do. The bigger one wears your sunglasses I think?” you joke and squint your eyes. Niall grabs your waist and tickles you. “Oh, miss I-know-everything! You’re so funny!” he shouts. “Stop!” you laugh. “Please.” You beg. “Okay-okay.” He stops and wraps his arms around your waist. He pulls you closer to his body and looks right into your eyes. He looks at your lips, while he’s biting his. He stares at your eyes again and grabs your face gently. He slowly leans in and kisses you. You look at him. There are always millions of butterflies in your stomach when he kisses you. “There’s no one here.” He whispers. “And?” you ask. “We’re alone.” He says. “Yes?” you’re still confused. He takes your hand and rolls his eyes. “Give me your hand.” He says. “Now close your eyes. Go on.” He whispers in your ear. He goes behind you and wraps his hands around you. He puts his hands on your stomach and kisses your ear. “Do you trust me?” he asks. You nod. “Okay, step up. Now hold on to the railing.” He says. “Good.” He whispers. “Don’t worry. I’ll hold you. I’m right behind you.” He whispers in your ear. “Keep your eyes closed! Don’t peek.” He whispers. “I’m not!” you laugh. “Step up onto the railing. Hold on.” He says. “Keep your eyes closed.” He says. You feel his body tightly against his body and you’re not afraid at all. “So you trust me?” he asks. “Yes, I trust you.” You say. Then he takes your hands and you let go of the railing. He holds your hands as he stretches them out. He wraps his hands around your waist. “Now open your eyes.” He whispers in your ear. You do as he says. “I’m flying! Just like… just like Jack and Rose!” you say. “I’m your Jack and you’re my Rose.” He says.

Come Josephine In My Flying Machine

 “Come Josephine in my flying machine. Going up she goes. Up she goes…” he murmurs in your ear. “I love you, Niall.” You say. He puts his chin on your shoulder. “I love you too.” He says. “Why this?” you ask. He looks at you and smiles. “Remember when you talked to Roger at the library? You wanted Leonardo DiCaprio to sing you this Josephine song. You said that these beautiful things happen only with princesses. You said you wanted to have a life that’s the same as in books or movies.” He says. You smile and nod. “Thank you.” You whisper. “My life with you is a fairy tale.” You say and kiss him.


You and Niall are lying outside on the benches. He has wrapped his arms tightly around you. You look at the stars. “I don’t get Rose.” You say. “What?” he asks. “Jack gives everything to her. He does everything to make her happy. You jump, I jump, right?” you say angrily and look at Niall. He smiles and nods. “So Jack says “ROSE, NEVER LET GO!” and what does she do?” you ask. Niall looks at you and shrugs. “She lets go!” you say. “What a stupid bitch.” You sigh. “Spoiled brat.” He spits. “Exactly!” you say. “Jack died for her!” you say. “I would do that. For you” Niall says. You look at him. He smiles and strokes your hair. “No, this is different. Rose was lying on a broken door. But this door was big enough for both of them. But no, she was just an insufferable twat. She was selfish and vain. She didn’t make room for Jack. No, she just lied there and did nothing. And then she let go and cried when Jack died.” You say. Then you look at Niall. “What?” you ask. “I like how you get upset so easily. Your hands start shaking and your eyes light up. You’re like fighting for something you would give your life for. I love it. People usually don’t see this part of the movie the way you do.” He smiles. “I would have saved you. If I were Rose, I would do everything to get Jack on this damn broken door! I really would!” you say. Niall smiles and kisses your cheek. “You’re so good. And fair.” He says. You look at him and smile. “And you’re so handsome. And patient. You don’t have to listen to every crap I’m telling you.” You say. “I like it. I love to hear your voice. I love to listen to you. I really do.” He says and buries his face into your neck. “I love you, (Y/N).” he whispers. “I love you too, leprechaun.” You say. 


8 chapter

“Please come out of the car, babe.” Niall begs. “Niall… what if they don’t like me?” you gasp. “Try to breathe.” He says and strokes your hand. “They will love you.” He says. “Come now.” He whispers. “Niall, I can’t. There’s your mother and father and your brother!” you say. “They will adore you. Just like I do. Please come out of the car. I’m with you.” He whispers and smiles at you. You breathe deeply and take his hand. You climb out of his car and he pulls you into hug. “But what if-“ you try to complain again, but he cuts you off with a kiss. “No. If they really don’t like you, which is totally unreal, I will never talk to them again.” He says. “WHAT?” you almost scream. “Calm down.” He says and rings the doorbell. He squeezes your hand and smiles at you. “You’re perfect. And I love you.” He whispers. “Niall?” you hear someone’s voice. “Yeah, it’s me buddy. I forgot my keys.” He shouts. A man opens the door. He’s young and quite tall. He smiles at you when he sees you. He must be Niall’s brother. “Come in. Mum’s in the kitchen and dad hasn’t come yet.” He says. Then he looks at Niall and smirks. “Oh, Greg she’s my (Y/N). (Y/N), he’s Greg, my brother.” Niall says. “Nice to meet you, Greg.” You say. “Hello, beautiful. I have heard so much about you.” He says. You look at Niall and smile brightly. “Greg! Did they come?” you hear woman’s voice. Your heart skips a beat – it’s Niall’s mother. “Niall!” she screams and pulls him into hug. “Mum…” Niall mumbles. “It’s… nice to see you, Mum.” Niall gasps, while his mum covers him with her kisses. “Mum, I would like to introduce you to my girlfriend.” He says. His mum looks at you and smiles. “Mum, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), this is my mum.” He says. “Hello.” You say awkwardly. “Hello, sweetheart. Welcome to the family!” she cheers and pulls you into hug. You see Greg and Niall smiling and you smile too. What if Niall was right and they like you?

“Niall, can I show you something?” Greg asks. “Yeah… (Y/N)?” he looks at me. “(Y/N) comes to the kitchen with me.” His mother says. “Yeah, Niall.” You say and smile awkwardly. Niall nods and kisses you lightly.

You follow Niall’s mum to the kitchen. “I have no idea where Bobby is. Our son comes home and he’s late.” She shakes her hair. “Can I help you?” you ask. “No, dear. You sit down and just don’t worry about anything.” She smiles. “But-“ you try to argue, but she looks at you. “No, really.” She insists. “So you love my son?” she asks. You knew she was going to ask this. “Yes, I do.” You say. “I have never loved anyone so much.” You say and you know it’s true. “I don’t think I’ll never love anyone that much.” You whisper. You look at his mother and smile. She stares at you and smiles too. “I still remember the first day I met him. I left my heart in the library.” You laugh and bite your lip. “I love his laugh. I love his Irish accent and how he sometimes mumbles words so quickly that I think he’s talking Chinese. I love how he throws his head back when he’s laughing. I love how he eats – anytime and usually everything. I love how he pulls me into hug and presses me tightly against his body, as he never ever wants to let me go. I love his braces and how he licks his lips before he talks. I love how he gives me butterflies every time he kisses me. I love his hair. I love his deep blue eyes. I love how childish he sometimes is. I love how caring, supportive and protective he is. I love how he sometimes doesn’t get a thing and frowns like a little child. He looks like a small puppy then. I love-“ you try to continue, but are cut off by Niall’s voice. “Did I miss anything?” he asks. Your mother looks at him and smiles. “You have a lovely girl, Niall.” She says. You look at her and smile.

“Dad!” Greg shouts in the lobby. Niall takes your hand and smiles. You go to the lobby and see a man – Niall’s father. “Hey, dad.” Niall says. “Hey, son.” He smiles and pulls him into hug. “How are you?” he asks. “Good. Hey, dad. I’d like to introduce you to my girlfriend.” He says. He squeezes your hand and you smile. “She’s (Y/N), my girlfriend. (Y/N), he’s my dad Bobby.” Niall says.

Soon you’re sitting at the table. Niall is sitting next to you and his mother in front of you. “So, (Y/N) and Niall, where did you meet?” Bobby asks. “In the library.” Niall says casually. “You like to read?” Bobby asks. You nod. “What’s your favourite book?” he asks. “Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.” You say. “They’re many actually.” You blush. “Reading is good.” Bobby says. “Okay, dinner is served.” Maura says and puts a huge turkey on the table. “Niall, please.” She says and points at him. “What?” Niall asks. “Say the grace.” She whispers. “Why me? I can’t do this!” he whispers. “Just do it.” Greg laughs. You look at Maura – she puts her hands together and shuts her eyes. You do the same. “Lord.” Niall says and coughs. “Bless my family. Fill their bellies and keep them warm and safe. And now, Lord, let’s get personal. Please find Greg a hot woman so that he could finally move out, have a lot of babies and I could be uncle eventually. Give mum patience with dad and give dad patience with mum. Don’t let them kill each other, while I’m away. Now me – Dear Lord, do not let me starve. Never, please. And, finally, Lord, bless my (Y/N)’s heart. She’s the best part of me. Amen.” He says. You look at his family – Greg’s face is red and he’s dying of laughter. Maura is shocked. “Niall, every time…” His mother whispers. “Every time I say what I think.” He mumbles. “Good job, Niall. NOW, LET’S EAT!” Bobby shouts and tries to slice the turkey.


“Good night, Niall. Good night, (Y/N).” Maura says. “If you need anything, I’m downstairs.” She says. You smile and nod. “Good night.” You say. When she has left, Niall takes your hand. “You haven’t seen my room yet.” He says and takes your hand. You nod. He opens the door and walk in. His room is small, but cozy and sweet. “Aww, is that you?” you ask and point at a picture. “Yep. I’m 5 or something.” He says. “You’re cute.” You whisper. “Are you tired?” he asks. “Nope.” You say. “I want to show you something.” He says. You smile and take his hand. He opens the window and climbs out. “Oh my God! Be careful, Niall.” You say. “I’ve done it so many times.” He says. “Come! I won’t let you fall.” He says and stretches out his hand. You take it and climb out of the window. “Now follow me, but don’t let go of my hand.” He says. You nod and try not to look down. You walk on the roof with him and soon he sits down. He helps you to sit next to him. He looks at you and strokes your cheeks. “They love you.” He says. “They do?” you ask. “Yup.” He says and bites his lip. He looks at the sky. “Look! The stars again.” He says. “And there’s you and me.” He says and points at two bright stars. “Boys are like stars.” You say. He looks at you and frowns. “There are millions of them out there, but only one can make your dreams come true.” You say. “And you know what?” you ask. “This bright star over there is my one and only who makes all my dreams come true.” You say. “And you know what?” he laughs. “This star shines and will shine only for you. No one else.” He whispers and pulls you into kiss. 

You wake up – the light of the sun is tickling your eyes. You fell asleep on the roof and now you’re lying in Niall’s bed. You stroke Niall’s chest and look at him. He’s snoring quietly and his mouth is a little bit opened. He has wrapped his hand around you and when you try to move, he mumbles and squeezes you even more. You smile and try to get up. “(Y/N)…” he mumbles and snores when you stand up. You stroke his hair and kiss his forehead. You wrap a blanket around him and smile. He’s amazing. You still have no idea why you? What good did you do to deserve someone like Niall?

“Oh, (Y/N)! You’re early. Good morning.” Maura greets you. “The boys are still sleeping?” She asks. “Niall is.” You say and yawn. “Can I help you?” you ask. “No, dear. I made some coffee. Would you like a cup?” she asks. “Yes, I would. Thank you.” You smile and sit at the table. “Here you go.” She says and gives you your mug. She sits in front of you and observes your every move and expression. “I’d like to say something.” She smiles. You look at her and frown. “Yes?” you whisper. “Thank you.” She says. “For what?” you ask. “I haven’t seen Niall so happy for a while now.” She says. You look at her and search for words to say. “I love him.” You burst out. She smiles and takes your hand. “I know. And he loves you. Welcome to the family.” She says. Your heart skips a beat. Is this real life? What is air? “Thank you.” Is everything you can say.

“(Y/N)!” you hear Niall’s desperate voice. “(Y/N)?” you hear him running down the stairs. “Niall, what’s wrong?” you ask. He runs to you and wraps his arms around your shoulders. “I thought you left me.” He says. “Why did you think that?” you laugh and run your hand through his messy hair. “I saw it in my dreams and I cried and then I woke up and you weren’t by my side and I thought you left.” He mumbles and pulls you into hug again. “Silly. You can’t get rid of me so easily.” You giggle and he looks at you angrily. Maura bursts into laugh and pulls you both into hug. “You’re very lovely together.” She says and kisses your head.

You and Niall sit at the table and stare at each other. You both smile all the time, but don’t speak a word. “How did you sleep?” he asks finally. “Perfectly.” You whisper. He takes your hand and starts playing with your fingers. “Good.” He says and looks at you, eyes full of love. “Can I take a shower?” you ask quietly. “Yeah, of course. In my bathroom.” He says. You stand up, but he grabs your hand. “I’m still waiting for my good morning kiss.” He says and pouts his lips. You grab his face and kiss him on the cheek. “That’s cheating!” he shouts. “Shhh!” you hush. “No! I want a proper kiss!” he yells. “Shut up!” you laugh and put your hand in front of his mouth. He licks it. “Niall!” you moan and rub your hand against your shirt. “Mum! (Y/N) doesn’t kiss me properly!” he shouts and you hide your face into your hands. “(Y/N)!” you hear how Maura is trying to do her angry voice. “Kiss Niall properly!” she says furiously and then laughs. You look at Niall and shake your head. “You have to do as my mum says!” he moans like a little child. “No.” you say and turn around. He picks you up and kisses you. “Now…” he says and puts you down. “You can go and have a shower.” He says and kisses you quickly again. You shake your head as you go to his room.

Everything is so quiet when you come back downstairs. “Mum, she’s perfect for me.” You hear Niall’s voice from the living room. “She’s very lovely. I’m happy for you, dear.” Maura says. “I love her. She makes me happy. It’s the kind of happiness that only comes from love. The kind that gives you that tingling feeling in your stomach and shivers down your spine. And then you stop and think… “How did I ever live without this?” She’s like a good song that I can’t get off my mind!” he says excitedly. “You know Mum, yesterday we watched stars on the roof and I looked at her and realized that the stars are nothing compared to her. She’s the one.” He says and you know he’s smiling. “She’s my Rapunzel, my Ariel, Jasmine, Snow White, Cinderella, Belle, Pocahontas, Aurora, Mulan… She’s my princess.” He says. And there are you – standing in the middle of the room crying. What good did you do to deserve someone like him?


“I have a surprise for you.” Niall says. “Really?” you ask and wrap your hands around his neck. “Yup. Firstly, tomorrow we’re leaving. Secondly, I’d like to show you something outside.” He says. “We’re leaving?” you ask. “This house. We’re going somewhere beautiful. We’re going to a place where we can be more privately.” He says and smiles. You nod and hug him. “I love you.” You say. “I love you too.” He whispers in your ear. “You talked something about a surprise?” you ask and smile. “Yeah!” he cheers. “Come.” He says and takes your hand. You go outside. It’s night already – the moon is in the sky and the stars are shining like fireflies. You go to the yard and stop under a huge tree. He starts climbing. “We have to climb again?” you giggle. “Um, you should go first.” He says and jumps down. “Why?” you ask. “Well, if you fall, I’ll catch you.” He says. You smile and nod. “Okay then.” You say.

When you have climbed up, you see a small house. “What is it?” you ask. “It’s my hut. I built it with Greg.” He says. He pulls the curtain aside and you see candles everywhere. He has brought some food and laid a little table that’s in the middle of the hut. There are some old toys and Niall’s guitar. “Oh my…” you whisper and look around. “You like it?” he asks. “I love it.” You say and look at him. He chuckles and you pull him into hug. “Thank you.” You say and pull him tightly against your body. “Anything for my princess.” He whispers. “So let’s eat?” he asks. You smile and nod. He takes your hand and you sit down on the ground.

When you have finished eating you lie down on the floor and put your head on Niall’s lap. He plays with your hair and giggles when you try to bite his finger when he touches your lips. “Haaa!” he exclaims. “What?” you ask and frown. “This is the Chamber of Secrets!” he shouts. “I’m Ron and you’re my Hermione!” he cheers and takes your hand. “We’re here to take Harry the tooth!” he shouts. “…of the basilisk.” You whisper mystically. “Yes.” He says. He blows off the candle and takes it quickly in his hands. “Bloody hell!” he shouts and throws it on the floor. “It’s hot!” he yells. You burst into laugh and take the candle. “It’s not anymore.” You whisper and give it to him. “Anyway, this is the tooth.” He says. “We got it, Hermione!” he tries to imitate Ron’s voice. “You know what comes next?” he whispers. You shake your head although you know it. “Hermione, I love you.” He says and pulls you into kiss. So this is your kiss in the Chamber of Secrets. And you can say that it’s far more perfect than Ron and Hermione had. “I love you too, Ronald Weasley.” You giggle. “How did you know I like this part? I have always dreamt that something like this would happen to me too.” you ask. “You’re a moron.” He says and sits on the floor again. “You told me this. The first time I saw you in the library. You told about this to Roger.” He says. “You remembered.” You whisper. “Of course I did.” He says and smiles at you.

“Play me something.” You say and look at his guitar. “Okay!” he cheers and you sit next to him. He starts playing his guitar and you put your head on his shoulder. You shut your eyes and listen to his angelic voice.


Jason Mraz - I Won’t Give Up


When I look into your eyes It’s like watching the night sky Or a beautiful sunrise There’s so much they hold And just like them old stars I see that you’ve come so far To be right where you are How old is your soul? I won’t give up on us Even if the skies get rough I’m giving you all my love I’m still looking up And when you’re needing your space To do some navigating I’ll be here patiently waiting To see what you find ‘Cause even the stars they burn Some even fall to the earth We’ve got a lot to learn God knows we’re worth it No, I won’t give up

He sings and you listen. Everything is perfect. You feel his sweet breath on your face and you open your eyes. He’s looking at you. He smiles and taps your nose. “I love you.” He says. “I love you too.” You say and he wraps his arms around you. “There’s one more thing.” He says and gives you a package. “What is it?” you ask. “Well, open it.” He says. You open the box and see a book – a book that’s your absolute favourite. “The Notebook! Oh, God.” You say and start thumbing it. He takes the book and smiles. “I can read.” He says. You smile and put your head on his lap again.

“You can’t live your life for other people. You’ve got to do what’s right for you, even if it hurts some people you love.” Noah said. “I know,” she said, “but no matter what I choose I have to live with it. Forever. I have to be able to go forward and not look back anymore. Can you understand that?” He shook his head and tried to keep his voice steady. “Not really. Not if it means losing you. I can’t do that again.”” Niall reads. “Does she leave him?” you ask quickly. Niall peeks you under the book and smiles. “Well, listen then.” He giggles. You nod and he continues. You listen to Niall’s voice and shut your eyes. Everything about him is perfect. If you were Allie and Niall Noah, you would never leave him. You can’t leave him – he’s too important to you. Life without him would be unbearable, impossible and wrong. You squeeze his hand. You smile, because he’s here and he’s not going anywhere. “”Stay with me,” Noah mouthed without sound, and this for some reason hurt more than Allie would have expected. The tears began to fall hard now, but she couldn’t speak. Finally, reluctantly, she looked away and pulled her hand from his. She put the car in gear and eased the pedal down just a bit. If she didn’t leave now, she never would.” Niall reads. “”Don’t go!” he wanted to shout as the car moved farther away. But he didn’t say anything, and a minute later the car was gone and the only remaining signs of her were the tracks that her car had left behind.” Niall reads quietly. “Niall?” you whisper. “Yes, dear?” he asks and looks at you. “You won’t leave me, right?” you ask. “Never.” He says and strokes your hair. “Never ever.” He whispers. 

9 chapter

Robbie Williams - She’s The One (you don’t have to listen, it just inspired me)

 “Be careful!” Niall whispers in your ear. He’s right behind you and he has blindfolded your eyes. “Hold my hand.” He says. “Now, stop!” He says and wraps his arms around you. “Open your eyes.” He whispers after removing the blindfold. You open your eyes. You look around. The grass beneath your feet, so light and springy, it hardly seems to bend or break under you. Above you is the sky, blue as the depths of the ocean. No cloud is similar, no pattern the same.

To your left, you see the forest - a great, green army, strong and wise beyond all knowledge. To your right, you see a lake. It’s so blue yet colourless, shining like liquid glass against the Sun. The flowers have colours so rich that no artist can even attempt to imitate them.

There’s a small lovely cottage in front of you. Niall takes your hand and you enter the house. It’s small, but comfortable and perfect for you two. You pull Niall into hug. “Why are you doing this?” you whisper. “First, I love you. Secondly, because of my work we have to spend as much time as possible together. Thirdly, you have a holiday and I want you to have one of the best school holiday in your whole life.” He giggles and kisses your cheek.

You sit on the sofa and he sits next to you. “I thought about a movie night.” He says. You look at him and smile. “What kind of movies do you have?” you ask. “I don’t know. Boys lent me some.” He says and takes his bag. “I don’t even know what kind of movies they… Bloody hell? Twilight?” he frowns and shakes his head. “Harry Potter, some kind of horror movie… and that’s it?!” he screams. “And that’s it? What?” he asks and looks at you sadly. “I’d love to watch these movies with you.” You say.

“Shut your eyes.” You say. Niall does as you say. “Now, take a movie.” You order him. He picks Twilight. “Twilight it is.” You giggle.

Niall gives you the popcorn and buries his face into your shoulder. “I don’t get it.” You say. “What?” he asks. “When I was little, vampires and werewolves were scary, but now everyone wants to date them.” You giggle. Niall chuckles. “They want to date Robert Pattinson. He’s hot.” He whispers and you hear disappointment in his voice. You look at him and frown. “Don’t be a pussy, Horan. There are millions of girls who’d like to date you.” You say. “I don’t want them. I want my one. I want you.” He mumbles and puts his head on your lap. “You have me.” You say. “I do?” he asks and looks at you. “Yeah, you do. Forever and always.” You smile and kiss his nose. “Sounds good.” He chuckles.

“Okay, let’s watch that horror movie. This is too cheesy.” You say and stand up. You change the DVD and jump on the sofa again. Niall pulls you into hug and you end up sitting on his lap. The movie is quite scary and Niall jumps a lot. “I have always imagined a movie night where a girl is terrified and then there’s me, a superhero, who hugs and protects her, but you have no emotion like Kristen Stewart and I jump like a little child and you have to hug me all the time.” He mumbles angrily. “It’s weird how in scary movies the person yells out “Hello?”as if the killer is going to be like “Yes! I’m in the kitchen, want a sandwich?”” you ignore what he said and frown. “Yeah, I’d like one.” He chuckles. “What?” you ask and look at him. He makes his puppy eyes and you frown again. “A sandwich?” he whispers and pouts his lip. You burst into laugh. “I’d like one too.” You say. Niall stands up and runs to the kitchen. You go there too. “Let’s make a challenge.” He says. You stand on the one side of the table and he on the another side of it. “It’s a sandwich competition. Who makes the most beautiful and the best sandwich, wins. “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Let the Seventy-fourth Hunger Games begin!” he shouts. “And may the odds be ever in your favor!” you say. He giggles and you start doing your sandwiches with fish fingers – everyone loves them. You look at Niall – he’s so focused on his sandwich and you smile. He’s perfect.

“Ready!” he shouts and you giggle. “I’m ready too.” You say. He gives you the plate. He has taken three breads and written “I ♥ (Y/N)” with Nutella on them. “Oh My God. It’s amazing.” You say and wrap your hands around his neck. “I think you won.” You whisper. “What? No! Fish fingers are my favourites!” he says and kisses you. “I think you won, sweetheart.” He says and smiles. “We both won then.” You smile and he pulls you tightly against his body. “Yeah.” He mumbles and puts his finger into the pot of Nutella. He taps your nose and puts it all over your face. You bite his finger and he frowns. “Bad girl.” He whispers and licks the Nutella off your nose. “Ew, Niall.” You say and try to push him away.

You run to the living room and jump on the sofa. Niall comes next to you and grabs your waist. He pulls you onto his lap. He tucks your hair behind your ear and bites his lip. He pulls you into passionate kiss. You hold his face and kiss his pink warm lips. “Oh God, I love you.” He gasps. You look his deep blue eyes and smile mischievously. You lie down on the sofa and he leans over you to kiss you. You start unbuttoning your blouse, clumsily. Niall rolls his eyes and takes your hand. “Come here.” He whispers and tugs it off over your head without a hesitation.

His hands move to the small of your back, his fingers threatening to move lower, but before anything happens he pulls back and his caring blue eyes meet yours. “Are you sure that you want this?” he whispers and strokes your cheeks. “Because I can wait. Bec-“ he tries to say but you wrap your hand around his neck and pull him into kiss. “I do.” You gasp.

He smiles and gently takes off your bra. You unzip his trousers and soon your clothes are just a pile on the floor. With a smirk, his lips leave yours and he places a hand on the small of your back before sliding into you. You feel your body shiver and your nails dig into his shoulders as he begins thrusting. He observes your every move and tries to do everything as gently as possible, you’re like a piece of glass that may break into pieces.

He plants kisses on your neck and chest and all the while, his breath is growing deep and heavy. You moan, as his hip swings backwards and forwards, knocking against your body. You arch your back to press against his body, wanting to get as close to him as possible. Your bodies rock together and your fingers grasp at his hair. Your lips move in sync with each other as you feel something extraordinary and thrilling in your stomach. Niall’s breathing has become frantic. One more thrust and you’re moaning, coming at the same time that Niall does.

Niall presses his lips against yours and you kiss him for the last time. He rolls off you and drops down next to you. He takes your hand. “Oh God, I love you.” He gasps. You look at him. He looks at you too and smiles. He strokes your cheek and squeezes your hand. “I love you too.” You whisper and cuddle up into Niall’s arms. 


10 chapter

You open your eyes. You hear the birds singing quietly and you’re lying in bed. Niall has wrapped his arms around you. You’re holding hands and you feel his breath on your hair. You smile. Then he kisses your head and you smile even more. “Niall?” you whisper. He squeezes your hand and you kiss his thumb. “Morning, beautiful.” He whispers. You turn around and see his perfect face. He smiles brightly and tucks your hair behind your ear. “How did you sleep?” you ask. “With you? Perfectly.” He says and bites his lip. “How can someone be so beautiful?” he asks. “I ask that every day when I see you.” You say. He kisses you lightly and strokes your cheek. “You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.” He says and smiles. You look at him and smile too. “You have read Pride and Prejudice or you really are Mr Darcy?” you ask. “I try to do both.” He giggles. “You are my Mr Darcy.” You say. “That’s good, princess.” He says. He pulls you into kiss again. “I love you.” He whispers. “I love you too.” You say.

“Where are we going?” you ask Niall the millionth time. “It’s a surprise.” He giggles and opens the car door for you. “Nah, Niall!” you moan. “You will see it soon.” He laughs and pulls you into kiss before climbing into his car. You jump excitedly up and down, while he’s trying to focus on driving. “Calm down.” He giggles, but you just can’t help but smile and giggle all the time.

You take out your camera and take pictures of him. He’s so beautiful. He’s like an angel and you just have to take millions of photos of him. “What are you doing?” he laughs. “You’re gorgeous.” You say. He shakes his head and smiles. “Yes, you are.” You say. “I’d like to have a picture with you.” He says. “Yeah?” you ask. He nods. You go closer to him and take a picture of you two. “Perfect.” You say. He puts his hand on your leg and you look at him. “(Y/N), I don’t know how many times I’ve said it, but I love you. You know that, right?” he asks. You look at him and smile. “I love you too. I hope you know that too.” You smile and kiss his cheek.

“Oh My God! Niall! It’s a fair!” you cheer and pull him into hug. “It’s so awesome!” you giggle. “Yeah?” he asks. You nod and smile brightly. He wraps his hand around you and kisses your head. “Let’s go.” He says and takes your hand.

You look at the handmade stuff people have made. “I love the music.” You say. “It’s Irish folk music.” He says. “It’s great.” You giggle. “Look at these guitars!” Niall shouts. There are green, pink, blue, yellow and purple guitars hanging in a booth. You take his hand and drag him into the stall. “I like the blue one.” You say. “Yeah, me too. And the pink is quite awesome.” He says. “Yeah, pink and blue are the best.” You say. Niall buys him a blue guitar. “It’s so awesome. I’m going to play this on my next tour.” He says. You look at him in despair. You can’t be without him, not a day. He smiles. “Don’t worry. We should not think about it yet.” He says and pulls you into kiss. You smile, nod and take his hand again.

“Look at these bracelets!” you shout. “You like them?” he asks. “Yeah, I do.” You say. “Two please!” he shouts. You look at him and smile. He buys two matching bracelets. Niall ties one around your wrist and you tie the other one around his. You look at him and smile. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you tightly into hug. “Thank you.” You say. He smiles and taps your nose.

Irish Fiddle Music

“Would you like to go, sit down and listen to the music?” he asks. You nod. He takes your hand and you sit down on the grass near to the stage. There is a huge stage for dancing, but it’s empty. “No one’s dancing.” You say. “They’re too shy maybe.” Niall says. Then a little boy turns around and looks at Niall sadly. “It’s empty, because no one wants to dance with me.” He says angrily and crosses his arms. “You should ask someone. A girl?” you say and look around. The boy looks around too and then smiles. “Would you like to dance?” he asks and looks at you. “Me?” you ask. “Yeah, you’re a girl!” He exclaims. You look at Niall – he smirks. “Well…okay?” you say and smile. You stand up and the little boy takes your hand. You’re standing in the middle of the stage. You look at the boy. “Hey!” you say and cower in front of him. “What do you think if we ask all of those people to dance with us?” you ask. “How? Look at them, they don’t want to.” He says. “Maybe they don’t have anyone to dance with? Just like you didn’t?” you ask. He smiles brightly and nods. “So we just ask them?” he asks. You shake your head. “No, just go, take their hand and drag them onto the stage.” You say. “Yeah!” he shouts. “Okay. Go.” You whisper. He runs to an old man and takes his hand. You run to a little girl and pick her up. She cheers and starts clapping her hands. People are thrilled and soon the whole stage is full of people. You put your hands on the little boys’ shoulders and a lady behind you puts her hands on your waist. There’s a line of people dancing behind you. They’re having a lot of fun and dancing with excitement.

“Thank you.” The boy says. “You’re welcome.” You say and pat his head. You look at Niall – he’s smiling brightly. You run to him and drag him onto the stage. He wraps his arms around your waist and you put your head on his shoulder. “That was amazing.” He says. “People are too shy sometimes.” You say. He looks at you and giggles. “What?” you ask. “They’re all talking about you.” He says. “What? Why?” you ask. “They just like you. You were brilliant. You dragged them onto the stage and they had a lot of fun. They did something they would have never done. And you just are like that.” He says. “Like what?” you ask. “Everyone can’t help but love you. You’re so sincere, so honest and pure.” He says. “It’s impossible not to like you.” He says and kisses your head.

It’s getting dark already. You sit on the grass and eat a cotton candy. “I’ll have to take you somewhere.” He says. “Where?” you ask. He smiles mischievously. “You’ll see.” He says. “Nah, Niall! Don’t do this to me!” you giggle and poke his hand. He takes your hand and you stand up. You go with him. You see a lake and a sign. “Boat Rentals?” you ask. He smiles and nods.

He helps you to climb into the boat he rented. He starts rowing. “I know I can’t make you feel as a Disney princess, but…” he searches for words. You put your finger on his lips. “You have made me feel better. I’m sure any of those princesses and princes have never felt something like we do.” You whisper. He smiles and nods.

Then he takes his bag. “I have something to you.” He says and takes out a pump. “Oh My God.” You say when he tries to open it. “Niall? It’s a sky lantern, isn’t it? Like in Tangled?” you ask and stand up. The boat starts swaying heavily. “Woah!” Niall giggles. “Sorry.” You laugh and sit down again. “Yeah, a sky lantern.” He says and gives it to you. He takes his guitar he bought at the fair. He starts playing it. You have tears in your eyes. It’s too good to be true. No one has ever done this to you. It’s like a dream and you’re afraid of waking up. He smiles and starts singing.

Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi - I See The Lights

All those days chasing down a daydream. All those years living in a blur. All that time never truly seeing things, the way they were. Now she’s here, shining in the starlight. Now she’s here, suddenly I know. If she’s here, it’s crystal clear. I’m where I’m meant to go.” He sings. “And at last I see the light. And it’s like the fog is lifted. And at last I see the light. And it’s like the sky is new. And it’s warm and real and bright. And the world has somehow shifted. All at once, everything is different. Now that I see you, now that I see you.” You sing together. You smile brightly and he kisses you. “I love you.” You say tears in your eyes. “It’s not a dream, is it?” you ask. “No.” he shakes his head. “Pinky promise me it isn’t a dream.” You say. He smiles and takes your hand. He wraps his little finger around yours. “Pinky promise.” He says. “Pinky promise you won’t leave me.” You whisper. “I promise. I’ll never leave you.” He says and pulls you into kiss.

He takes the lantern and lights it. You both hold it and let it go at the same time. Niall pulls you into hug and you look at it floating away to the stars.

You’re sitting on a balcony and staring at the lake. It’s quite cold autumn morning and Niall is still sleeping. You’re drinking coffee and just thinking about everything that has recently happened. You have never been so happy that you are now. Someone covers your eyes with his hands. You feel Niall’s sweet scent and smile. “Niall?” you whisper. He removes the hands and kisses lightly your lips. “Morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?” he asks and lays a blanket on you. “With you? Perfectly.” You say the same thing Niall says to you every morning. Niall giggles and pulls you into hug. “It’s cold.” He whispers and rubs your hands to warm them up. He sits on the bench and stretches out his arms. You sit on his lap and he wraps a blanket around you both. You put your head on his shoulder and listen to him breathing deeply and slowly. “I don’t think I have enough time in this life to fall in love with all of you.” He whispers. “Every day I find something new to love. It’s like I’m looking for the last sentence to a letter naming all the ways in which I love you. I swim in oceans of you and get lost in your breath. I will spend my time in the next life and in every life that follows finding all the reasons. I will look until forever ends.” He whispers. You look at him and smile. “I’m in love with you.” You say. “And all these little things.” He whispers and kisses your nose.

“You took it! I know you did!” you shout. Niall runs away from you and giggles like a little child. “But you don’t need it!” he says. “It’s my make-up bag. Of course I need it. Where did you put it?” you ask. “You don’t need it.” He whispers and strokes your cheek. “Niall! Why are you doing this? I’m hideous!” you moan. “What are you talking about?” he frowns. “Never say that again, beauty.” He whispers and pulls you into kiss. “Can you just be like you are? I like you this way.” He smiles. “Trust me. You’re amazing.” He says and pulls you into hug.

“(Y/N)!” You hear Niall shouting your name. “Come here, please!” he says excitedly. You run to the kitchen and he hugs you from the behind. “What is it?” you giggle when he kisses your neck. He points at the window. “Look!” he whispers. You look out and see two gorgeous swans on the lake. “Oh My God, Niall.” You whisper and look at him. “Would you like to feed them?” he asks. You nod and he smiles. “Let’s go then.” He says and bites his lip.

Taylor Swift - Begin Again

“They won’t bite?” you ask. He looks at you and takes your hand. “I won’t let them.” He says. You nod and throw them bread. “Look! She ate it!” you cheer. You and Niall throw bread to the swans. You giggle because Niall throws the bread at the swan’s head and she doesn’t seem to like it at all. “That swan doesn’t like me.” He pouts his lip. “Awh!” you laugh and pull him into hug. “Niall?” you whisper. “What?” he asks. “Turn around.” You whisper. He turns around – there are a huge flock of sparrows staring at you and your bread. “Oh how cute!” he cheers. He takes the bread and comes closer to the sparrows. Suddenly they all start flying around. “Oh my God!” he exclaims and looks at you. He’s smiling brightly. You burst into laugh. There are at least 15 sparrows sitting on his shoulders, arms and two little ones on his head. “Oh, Niall!” you laugh. He puts some bread on his hand and the sparrows start pecking the bread from his hand. “It’s adorable.” You smile. “Would you like to feed them?” he asks. You nod and he gives you a piece of bread. Some of them come over to sit on your arms, but these two little sparrows sit on Niall’s messy hair and don’t move a bit. “I think they’re going to make a nest there.” You say and point at Niall’s head. Niall raises his hand to touch his head and all the birds start flying around. You shut your eyes and cover your face with your hands. When the birds have flown away, you open your eyes. “Oh God! Oh God!” Niall shouts. You look at him – there’s a weird white stripe on his cheek. “The bird pooped on my face!” he moans. You burst into laugh and he looks at you angrily. “Birdie, birdie in the sky. Why’d you drop that in my eye? I won’t sigh, I won’t cry. I’m only glad that cows don’t fly.” He mumbles and tries to remove it. You laugh even more and take his hand. “Let’s go.” You gasp. “Let’s wash it off.”

You’re in the bathroom. Niall is sitting on the toilet bowl’s cover. “That bird just pooped on my face.” He whispers, while you’re trying to wash it off. “It means luck.” You smile and rub his cheek. “Do you still want to kiss me?” he whispers and pouts his lip. “No! There was a poop on your cheek. I will never kiss you again.” You joke. “What?” he looks at you and frowns. “Yeah, that’s the truth.” You nod. He grabs your waist and pulls you against his body. He pulls you into passionate kiss. He holds your waist and pulls you more and more against him. “Ew…” you mumble. “Ew Niall! Now my cheek is covered with the bird’s poop too!” you moan. He bursts into laugh. “It means luck.” He tries to imitate your voice. You look at him angrily, but he pulls you into kiss again. You try to push him away, but you both fall into the bath. “Oh God.” You laugh. Niall tries to get up but accidentally turns on the water. “Niall!” you yell when the water fills your eyes and mouth. He giggles and puts his hand on your back. “I’m wet!” you yell. “Good.” Niall whispers and pulls you closer to him. He kisses your lips and you wrap your hand around his neck. You look at his deep blue eyes and smile. He bites his lip and giggles. “It’s weird, but oh well…” you whisper. Niall stands quickly up and helps you out of the bath.

 “You’re going to eat it?” he asks and points at a potato on your plate. “No, you can have it.” You smile. He takes the potato and starts eating it as he has been starving for months. You look around – you’re eating dinner in a little Irish pub. You look at Niall, he’s already staring at you. “What?” you ask. He smiles and shakes his head. “Nothing.” He whispers. “I just love you.” He says. “Yeah?” you ask. “Yeah.” He smiles and continues grinning like an idiot.

11 chapter

“Niall Horan!” a man shouts behind you and you startle. “Peter!” Niall cheers and hugs an older man. You stand up. Niall puts his hand on your back and you smile. “Peter, my girlfriend (Y/N). (Y/N), Peter is my old friend and he works at this pub.” He says. “Nice to meet you.” You smile and shake his hand. “Nice to meet you too, dear.” He shouts and winks at you.

“I like swimming throughout the year.” He laughs and drinks his beer. “And that lake is perfect, Niall.” He says. “But it’s October?” Niall mumbles. “Yeah, and? It’s refreshing!” he cheers. “Right, love?” Peter smiles and winks at you. You shrug. “Well, Niall and (Y/N), I used to swim in that lake even in winter and I did it every single day until I got these heart problems. Don’t tell my wife, but I sometimes still like to swim there.” He mumbles and bursts into laugh. You look at Niall and smile awkwardly. “Well, we should go. It was nice to talk to you, Peter.” Niall smiles.

“Are you ready?” he asks. You shake your head. “Peter did it.” He whispers and takes your hand. “But Peter is a little bit crazy, don’t you think?” you laugh. “Let’s do it.” He whispers. “Together.” He smiles. “Okay.” You say and pull off your shirt. He takes off his trousers and you quickly pull off yours. He looks at you and smiles mischievously. You’re only wearing your bra and pants. “Stop it.” You giggle and rub your hands. “Okay, let’s do it. And I’ll tell you, Niall Horan, this Peter is crazy and I’m doing this with you because you’re insane and I’m not letting you do-“ you mumble, but he covers your mouth with his hand. “You’re right as usually, but let’s do it. Peter did it. Let’s try.” He giggles. You nod and he takes your hand. “One…” he whispers. “Two…” you say. “Three!” he shouts and you run towards the water. You let go of his hand and he runs into the water. “I can’t! I can’t!” you yell and touch the water with your toe. He comes to you and picks you up. He laughs and you scream. “Oh God!” you shout when he puts you into the water. “It’s freezing!” you scream. “But ref-ref-reshing.” He giggles. You run out of the water and he wraps his arms around you. You run back to your house and sit in front of the fireplace. “Why-why di-d-d we do-o this?” you ask. “I-I don’t kno-w-w.” he whispers and smiles. You both laugh and then Niall looks at you. His eyes are sparkling because of the light. You see fire reflecting in his eyes. He takes your hands and kisses them gently. “You’re cold.” He whispers and stands up. He takes a blanket and wraps it around you. You take his hand and pull him next to you. He wraps his arms around you and you stare at the fire. He strokes your cheek and you look at him. He smiles and kisses you lightly. “I’m so in love with you.” He whispers and tucks your hair behind your ear. You look at him and smile. “Why?” you ask. He frowns and kisses your nose. “I’m in love with your smell. And I’m in love with your skin. So in love with that smile.” He says and touches your lips. “And the very shade of your eyes.” He says and looks right to your eyes. “Nothing is so beautiful as your soul, nothing in this world.” He says and strokes your hand with his thumb.

Niall makes some tea when you put on his t-shirt and the sweatpants he gave you. You sit on the pillows in front of the fireplace. Niall sits next to you and gives you a cup of tea. “Thanks.” You whisper. He takes his guitar and you clap excitedly your hands. “You’re going to sing me something?” you ask. “What would you want me to sing?” he asks. “Um… I don’t know?” you mumble. He smiles brightly and strokes your cheek.

One Direction - Little Things

Your hand fits in mine like it’s made just for me  but bear this mind it was meant to be  and I’m joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks and it all makes sense to me I know you’ve never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile,  you’ve never loved your stomach or your thighs  the dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine  But I’ll love them endlessly  I won’t let these little things slip out of my mouth  But if I do, it’s you, oh it’s you, they add up to I’m in love with you and all these little things.

He sings and you feel butterflies flying rapidly around in your stomach. He stops and looks at you. He smiles and continues staring at you. “Niall!” you giggle. “What?” he mumbles and bites his lip. “You’re doing it again!” you laugh and hide your face. “What?” he asks and takes your hands. “Looking at me and smiling like an idiot!” you mumble.

“Come here.” He says and put his guitar on the floor. “Come, sit on my lap.” He whispers. You smile and do as he says. You’re sitting on Niall’s lap – he puts his chin on your shoulder and gives you the guitar. “Now, give me your hand.” He whispers in your ear. “And put your fingers here.” He says. “Now, give me your other hand.” He says and you do as he asked you to do. You play the guitar together. He teaches you the main things you have to know and soon you can play some simple songs on your own. “It’s so cool!” you giggle. He looks at you and smiles. “You’re perfect.” He says. “Now, let’s continue with Little Things?” he asks. You nod. You and Niall play together. “Sing with me…” he whispers.

You can’t go to bed without a cup of tea maybe that’s the reason that you talk in your sleep and all those conversations are the secrets that I keep  though it makes no sense to me. I know you’ve never loved the sound of your voice on tape  you never want to know how much you weigh. You still have to squeeze into your jeans but you’re perfect to me. I won’t let these little things slips out of my mouth But if it’s true, it’s you, it’s you, they add up to I’m in love with you and all these little things. You never love yourself half as much as I love you. You’ll never treat yourself right darling but I want you to. If I let you know, I’m here for you maybe you’ll love yourself like I love you.

You sing the song together. You have tears in your eyes when you finish. “It’s beautiful.” You whispers and pull him into kiss. “Just like you.” He smiles. “No, you’re more beautiful.” He mumbles. “I love you, Niall James Horan.” You say and wrap your arms around his neck. He pulls you tightly against his body and kisses your neck. You look at him and smile. “I love you too, (Y/N).” he whispers. “I love you and all your little things.”


12 chapter

“Please, Niall.” You whisper. “I’m sorry dear, but we have to go back home. The school starts.” He says and kisses the top of your head. You’re lying on the floor in front of the fireplace. “No.” you mumble and bury your face into his chest. He strokes your hair and presses you tightly against his body. You don’t even why, but you start crying like a little child. You press your face on Niall’s chest, but he still hears you sobbing. “Hey! What’s wrong now?” he asks. “Nothing.” You say. “But there is something.” he says. “I don’t want to go back.” You say. “Awh, baby. But you will have another school holiday and we can spend so much time together.“ he says. “Promise me?” you ask and look at him. He is staring at you. He frowns and smiles slightly. “Promise what?” he asks. “Promise me that we can spend so much time together.” You mumble. “Oh! I promise.” He exclaims and smiles. “How much?” you ask. “Well, I have planned to live at least 80 years, so 80 minus 19 is 71.” He says proudly. “No, it’s 61.” You laugh. “See? That’s why you have to learn and study at school.” He giggles. You look at him and he kisses your forehead. “You would spend your 61 years with me?” you ask. He looks at you and nods. “Yeah, I would.” He smiles. You put your head on his chest and listen to his heart beating. He breathes deeply and you smile. “I love you ‘til I die.” you whisper. He looks at you and wraps his hands tightly around you. “I love you forever.” he whispers.

“It’s our last night here.” He says. You nod and frown. “Let’s do something fun.” He says. “What?” you mumble. “I don’t know. Let’s go out. Let’s have a dinner and just sit and hold hands. Or walk and talk and kiss.” He smiles and kisses you slightly.


You’re walking in a park. Niall decides to buy hamburgers from the fast food booth. “Um, a hamburger.” He says to the seller and looks at you. “Me too.” You smile. “And two Cokes?” He asks and raises his eyebrows. You nod and he wraps his arm around you. You sit on a bench and eat. It’s a lovely evening – the stars are in the sky and everything is so quiet. “Look!” he says and points at the sky. “Our stars!” he giggles. “Yeah, you and me.” You mumble. When you have finished eating, Niall takes your hand and you frown. He smiles mischievously and you follow him. He lies down in the middle of the road. “Are you officially crazy, Horan?” you ask and look at him. “Let’s do it! It’s from Notebook and I have always wanted to do it with the one I love.” He smiles and stretches out his arm. You take it and cuddle up next to him. “But seriously, what if the car comes?” you whisper. “Nah! There won’t be any cars. We’re living in a peaceful countryside. We’re in Ireland.” He giggles. “Still…” you whisper. “Relax, sweetie.” He says and strokes your hair. “It’s funny, but I love doing these mad things with you.” You say and look at the starry sky. “I love…” Niall is about to say, but something holds him back. “(Y/N)? I think-“ he mumbles, but you already see it. “A car!” you yell and take his hand. He stands up and pulls you away from the road. “That was close.” He gasps. “Yeah, there won’t be any cars!” you imitate Niall. He bursts into laugh. “It’s not funny.” You mumble. “No, it’s not. But you’re cute.” He whispers and takes your hands. “I love you.” He says. You smile and look at his bright blue eyes. “I love you more.” You whisper and tap his nose. “What? No!” he shouts and picks you up. “Put me down!” you giggle, but he just kisses you. “I love you! I love you! I LOVE YOUUUU!” he yells over the city. “You’re crazy.” You whisper and wrap your arms around his neck. “Crazy about you, Miss.” He whispers and pulls you into long and passionate kiss.

Niall takes your hand and you walk in silence. You can’t stop thinking about tomorrow, about school and his tour. “Niall?” you whisper. “Yes?” he says. “Um, are you going on a tour?” you ask awkwardly. “Why are you asking?” he mumbles. “Just answer me.” You whisper. “Yes, I am.” He says. Your heart breaks – months again without him. “Oh…” you whisper and tears fill your eyes. “Hey.” He says and pulls you into hug. “Don’t think about it. Yet.” He says. “When are you going?” you ask. He looks at you. “Let’s not think about it.” He says again. You let go of his hand. “Why can’t you tell me?” you whisper angrily. He doesn’t say anything. “Well it’s easy to find out.” You mumble and take your phone. He grabs your hand and squeezes it. “22nd October.” He whispers. You look at him and can’t believe your ears. “In three days?” you ask. He nods. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to upset you.” He whispers. You stop walking. Tears are streaming down your face. You have to go to school and now Niall leaves you. He comes behind you and wraps his strong arms around you. “I love you.” He whispers in your ear. “I love you too.” You sob. “I’m sorry.” He says. “It’s not your fault. But it hurts.” You mumble. “I know. It’s horrible.” He says and takes your hand. You stand there in silence, while you’re crying. He is stroking your hair and hugging you. “I never know quite what to say when you’re upset. And it tears me apart that I can’t always help you. Just know that I’m always here for you, and if you ever fall I’ll be there to catch you, and if you ever feel lonely at four in the morning, I’ll be there to talk to you. Know that I’m aware of all your pain and all the sadness you have, and that I’m willing to help you carry it. Just know that I love you and that it rips my heart apart to know you’re not happy all the time.” He whispers in your ear. “Just be with me.” You say. “I will. My heart always is.” He says. “And my heart is yours forever.” You say. “And mine is always, always yours.” He whispers, takes your hand and puts it on his heart. “It beats for you.” He says. You smile and pull him into hug. “Everything will be fine. Yes, we’re going home tomorrow and one adventure will end, but we will have so many adventures together.” He whispers. “I will go on tour, but I will be back. It ends eventually.” He says. You nod and he wipes your tears away. “You’re right. I’m a moron.” You laugh. “My little moron.” He whispers and hugs you tightly. “Moron is a carrot in Welsh.” He says proudly. “Good. Then I’m your little carrot.” You laugh. “I love carrots.” He mumbles and kisses your forehead.


This is the day. This is the day when Niall goes away again. He throws his clothes into the suitcase. You just sit on his bed and look at him. He’s in despair. You press a smile on your face and promise yourself to make everything as easy as possible for him. “You will be back. Soon.” You smile. He nods. “I will.” He smiles and sits next to you. He pulls you into hug and kisses your forehead. “I promise I will. And it’s European tour, so I can come home whenever you need me. The ocean isn’t separating us.” He mumbles and takes your hand. His hands are trembling. “Are you coming to the airport? Please.” he asks. You’d like to say no, but there are tears in his eyes, so you smile and nod. “Of course.” You whisper and kiss him.


“Be a good girl then.” He mumbles. You nod. “I will.” You say and try not to cry. He takes your hands and kisses them. “Be a good boy then.” You say. He smiles and nods. “I will.” He mumbles and looks at the ground. “If they didn’t take pictures of us, I’d cry like a little kid.” He whispers and looks at the fans. “I know. Me too.” You whisper. He smiles and taps your nose. “You will call me?” you ask. He nods. “Promise you won’t fall in love with another man?” he asks. You burst into laugh, but Niall is serious. “Don’t laugh. I’m serious.” He whispers. “No, I won’t.” you say. “Promise?” he asks. “I promise.” You smile. “Niall, it’s time.” Paul whispers in his ear. Tears are streaming down your face - you can’t help it. “Okay, (Y/N), listen to me.” He says and takes your hands. “I love you and I’m always here, remember?” he asks and touches your heart. You nod. “Do you remember how we played the guitar together and studied this song called Little Things?” he asks. “Yes, I do.” You whisper. “Every time I sing this song, I will think about you and how much I love you.” He smiles. “You’re beautiful.” He whispers. You pull him into hug. He wraps his arms so tightly around you and buries his face into your neck. He starts singing quietly in your ear.


One Direction - Little Things

You never love yourself half as much as I love you. You’ll never treat yourself right darling but I want you to. If I let you know, I’m here for you maybe you’ll love yourself like I love you.

“Niall!” Paul takes his hand. “Coming.” He shouts. He wipes away your tears and taps your nose. You grab his hand and he pulls you into kiss. “I love you, beautiful.” He shouts over the airport. “I love you too.” You smile. He squeezes your hand and you see tears in his eyes. You look at your hands – you’re both wearing your bracelets. You smile and kiss him quickly again. “It will be fine.” You whisper and let go of his hand. “Come now, lover boy.” Paul says and pulls him away from you. Niall goes with him and you feel so empty inside.

13 chapter

You’re at school – the most horrifying place in the world. You sit on the floor and listen to the music. What’s the point of it all? You could light yourself up and it would feel the same way as being at school. Niall didn’t call either. You blame Paul, but deep down inside you know it wasn’t his fault. Niall just didn’t call. Maybe he was tired… who knows.

“(Y/N)!” you hear familiar voice. “What do you want, Caspar?” you ask angrily. “Woah! Why so angry? Your leprechaun left you?” he laughs. You stand up, but he grabs your hand and pulls you back next to him. “Listen.” He whispers. “We’re going to my club on Wednesday. Well it’s my and my friends’ club. Dad lent me money for it and everything. Anyway, if you want to have fun, come too.” He says. “We all know your Niall is out of town. You need to be cheered up a little bit. If you know what I mean.” He says and winks at you. “No, I don’t know what you mean.” You say furiously. You’re not going there anyway. What is he even thinking? “Just come. There will be only us – people from our school.” He says. You look at him and smile in disbelief. “Are you coming?” he asks. “No.” you say. “Oh, just think about it.” He says and gives you a VIP-ticket. “Just in case.” He whispers and leaves you finally alone. What is he thinking? Niall is away, yes. But you’re not going to a club with him and other idiots.


You look at your phone for the millionth of time. Niall hasn’t called since he left. What if something happened? No, you would be the first to know. And he was in this French TV show yesterday. You throw your phone on your bed. He has just forgotten you or found someone better. You knew this can happen. You burst into tears and jump on your bed. You throw the pillows on the floor and bury your face into your hands. “If you want to have fun, come too.” You hear Caspar’s voice in your head. You take your bag and find the ticket he gave you. Today is Wednesday – today is the party. You just want to forget everything. And this is a good way to do it. If Niall has forgotten you, then you should too? You don’t want to think about the negative sides of it, so you quickly get dressed and soon you’re searching for the club.

“(Y/N)!” you hear Caspar’s voice. “You came. I knew you would.” He whispers. “I am already regretting it.” You whisper and look at his stupid smirking face. Now you are angry with yourself. You leave Caspar alone and get a drink. What were you thinking? Niall loves you - he wouldn’t leave you. You know that! But you’re acting like a stupid teenager and a huge insurgent. You shake your head and stand up to go home. “Hey! Hey! Hey! Where are we going?” Caspar asks and wraps his arms sloppily around you. “Let go.” You hiss. “Let me go!” you shout and hit him. You run away into another room and take your phone. You don’t why, but you pick Niall’s number. “Pick up.” You whisper. “Please.” You mumble. “Where did you go?” Caspar shouts. “You, bitch, don’t hit me!” he yells. “Pick up. Please.” You whisper. “(Y/N)?” you hear Niall’s voice. “Who is it? Your leprechaun?” Caspar asks and takes your phone. “Niall!” you shout. Caspar throws your phone on the floor and steps on it. “Why?” you whisper. “What’s your problem?” you shout. He slaps you. You fall on the couch and he locks the door. You start shouting, but no one hears you. You stand up and try to hit him, but he’s stronger than you. “No one has ever pushed me away.” He hisses. “No one and now there’s you…” he whispers and squeezes your wrists. “You’re hurting me.” You whisper. He pushes you and you fall on the sofa. You rub your hands and look at him. “You!” he yells and you startle. “You’re very disrespectful.” He shouts. “I hate you.” You whisper and stand up. He looks at you and grabs your shoulders. He hits you again and you fall on the sofa. You hit your head against the corner of the couch. Everything turns black and fuzzy.


You open your eyes, but shut them again because of the bright light. Your head is aching tremendously. “Where am I?” you whisper. Caspar is still next to you. He’s purifying your forehead. “What happened?” you ask and touch your head. “Don’t!” he yells. You look at your hand – it’s bloody. “Now I have to do it again.” He mumbles. “Let me go home.” You whisper. “You’re not going anywhere.” He says. “Please.” You whisper. “I won’t tell anyone.” You say. “I don’t care. You’re going to be here until I let you go, clear?” he asks. His eyes are red and he’s sweating. You look at your phone – it’s lying on the floor and it’s broken. Was it Niall? Who did you call? Is someone going to save you? “How long did I sleep?” you ask quietly. It’s better to be calm. He can’t hold you here forever. “A couple of hours.” He says. “What? So long time? But where are others?” you ask. “I don’t know. It’s my club, my mates’ club. I don’t care what other people are doing.” He yells. “Okay.” You whisper. He nods and keeps cleaning your head. You feel cold and sick. You are in panic, but you can’t show it to him. You hear a loud noise in the front room. You look at Caspar, he frowns but continues cleaning your wound. “I just want to take care of you.” He whispers. “I don’t need your help.” You say. “Don’t be rude.” He says. You hear someone shouting. Caspar looks at the door. “What the hell?” he mumbles and stands up. “You stay here.” He says and points at you. He opens the door and leaves. You try to get up and do something, but he’s back as quickly as he left. “We have to leave.” He yells. “I’m not coming with you.” You say. “Yes, you are.” He shouts. “No.” you say. “We have no time for arguing!” he shouts. “No, you don’t. I do. And I’m telling you that I’m not coming with you.” You shout. “(Y/N)!” you hear Niall’s voice. It’s your Niall. It has to be. “Niall!” you yell. “Help me, Niall!” you shout as loudly as you can. “Shut up.” Caspar says and covers your mouth with his hand. You bite him and try to run. He grabs your hand and pulls you back. “You’re not going anywhere. I don’t need trouble with the police.” He yells. “You should have thought about it before.” You say. “Niall!” you shout. “(Y/N)?” you hear his voice. “Nia-“ you try to shout but Caspar covers your mouth again. “Shut the fuck up.” He whispers. “Fuck it.” He swears. He pushes you on the sofa and leaves the room. You try to stand up, but you feel so weak. “Niall…” you whisper. “Please.” You mumble. Suddenly the door is opened and you see him. It really is your Niall. He runs to you and wraps his arms around you. “It’s okay. It’s fine now.” He says and takes you in his arms. “Let’s go, Paul. We have to take her to the hospital. Look at her head – it’s bleeding quite badly.” He mumbles. You stroke his cheek and smile. “It’s you.” You whisper. “Thank you.” You mumble before passing out.

“What do you mean you won’t come back?” you hear someone shouting. “Shut up! You’re waking her up.” Niall whispers and takes your hand. “Niall?” you mumble. “I’m here.” He says and kisses you on your cheek. “Go.” He hisses. You open your eyes and see him smiling at you. “Am I in heaven?” you ask. He laughs and shakes his head. “No. Thankfully. You’re in hospital. Everything is fine.” He says and squeezes your hand. “Who was here?” you ask. He sits down next to you and tucks your hair behind your ear. “No one. How are you?” he asks. “Better.” You whisper. “I talked to the doctors. Your wound is so much better already. The nurse let me to clean it. I had to make sure she does it right.” He says and kisses your hand. “Thank you.” You smile and look at him. His eyes are swollen and red. There are bags under his eyes and he seems so tired. “How long have you been here?” you ask. “Nah! Just… couple of hours.” He says and you know he’s lying. “Liar.” You whisper and tap his nose. He smiles and looks at the ground. “I was here the whole night, but it doesn’t really matter. I was so damn worried about you. And I’m not going to leave!” He says. You smile and pull him into hug. “Come.” You whisper in his ear and take his hand. He lies next to you and you put your head on his chest.

“Thank you for coming.” You whisper. “I had a heart attack when you called me.” He says. “I had to come.” He whispers and kisses the top of your head. You feel him drawing little hearts on your back – it gives you goose bumps. “Why did you go to this party?” he asks and squeezes you. “It’s stupid.” You whisper and bury your head into his chest. “Tell me.” He says and strokes your hair. “I was mad at you. You didn’t call me.” You mumble. “I thought you found someone better and then just forgot me.” You say awkwardly. He doesn’t say anything and you bite your lip. “Well… our suitcases flew to Madagascar. Accidentally.” He says. “Our phones were in stupid Paul’s suitcase!” he says. “And then our manager said that it’s okay because then we can focus on our work! Can you imagine?” he almost shouts in disbelief and kisses your head again. “Bullshit.” He whispers angrily. “I’m sorry.” You say and feel horrible. You acted like a little child. “No, it’s okay.” He says and takes your hand. He starts playing with your fingers and you look how your hands fit perfectly together. His big rough hands caress your little tiny fingers. You look at his bitten nails and smile. You love every single thing about him. You pull him tightly against your body and shut your eyes. He’s here with you again and everything will be fine again.

He strokes your hair and you listen to him breathing peacefully. “(Y/N)?” he whispers. “Yes?” you ask. “I love you.” He says and continues stroking your hair. “I love you too.” You whisper and smile. “(Y/N)?” he says. “What?” you giggle. “Promise me, you won’t do anything like that ever again. You knew he was a pig…” He says. You sigh and shut your eyes. “I promise.” You whisper. “Good. That’s enough for me.” He says and plays gently with your hair. You nod. “Yeah, that’s good.” You say.

He breathes deeply and pulls you tightly against his body. “I wish you were a book.” He says. You look at him and smile. “What?” you laugh. “Then I could flip through your pages and underline my favourite things about you, fold your pages’ corners and tell my friends how wonderful you are. I would save you in a bookshelf next to my bed where I come to escape reality and dream of things that make me happy. I would read you again and again as if you were the only book I’ve got. And I would take you everywhere with me because you make me happy with the way you choose your words and how sweetly you let them flow through paper.” He whispers. “That’s the best thing I have ever been told.” You say.

“Niall?” you whisper. “Mh?” he mumbles. “We never finished our book.” You say. “Our book?” he asks. You nod. “The Notebook.” You say. He doesn’t say anything. Suddenly he gets up and takes his bag. He shows you the book. “I always carry it with me.” He whispers and jumps back next to you. “Do you remember whose turn is to read?” he asks, while flipping through the pages and searching for the right place. You shrug. “You can do it.” You whisper and bury your face into his chest. “You cheeky!” he whispers mischievously and taps your nose.

You smile and look at him reading. He’s probably the most beautiful boy on earth. No wonder why so many girls love him – he’s perfect. You shut your eyes and listen to his marvelous voice – he’s like an angel. He’s your personal guardian angel. “By the time the candles have burned down a third, I am ready to break the silence. I say, “I love you deeply, and I hope you know that.”” He reads and looks at you. He smiles and continues. ““Of course I do,” she says breathlessly. “I’ve always loved you, Noah.”” Niall reads. “Noah?” you interrupt him. “But Duke? What? She remembers?” you ask. Niall laughs and taps your nose. “Listen.” He whispers and kisses you slightly. “Noah, I hear again. Noah. The word echoes in my head. Noah… She knows, I think to myself, she knows who I am… Such a tiny thing, this knowledge, but for me it is a gift from God, and I feel our lifetime together, holding her, loving her, and being with her through the best years of my life.” He reads and closes the book. You look at him and smile. “It’s beautiful.” You say tears in your eyes. He nods and tries to hide his yawn. You smile and take the book. You put it on the shelf and look at Niall. He blinks tiredly his eyes and tries not to fall asleep, but can’t eventually resist - soon he’s peacefully sleeping by your side. You look at his face and touch his pink lips. They’re so soft. They’re your lips. They’re only yours, no one else can kiss them like you can. No one. Even though millions of girls would love to, Niall wouldn’t let them. He belongs to you and you belong to him. Simple as that. You pull him into hug and shut your eyes. “I have always loved you, Niall.” You whisper and fall asleep in his arms. 

14 chapter

 “Let me help you.” Niall says and jumps out of the car. He runs to your door and opens it. “I’m alright, Niall. I just hit my head. It’s nothing serious.” You moan. He takes your hand and ignores everything you said.

“I talked to the headmaster of your school.” He says and helps you to take off your hat and scarf. “And?” you ask. “She said you could be at home as long as you need. The teachers send you your homework through the Internet and you can do them at home.” He says and helps you to take off your coat. “Thank you.” You say. He takes your hands and smiles. “I love you.” You say. You pull him into hug. He strokes your back and you feel so safe. He’s here with you. He’s here and you know that nothing bad will happen.

“Niall, please. I don’t want to go to bed!” you moan. “Stop arguing. You’re going. The doctor said you need a lot of care and love and you have to rest.” He says. “No!” you almost shout. He comes to you and looks at you angrily. “Now, young lady, or you will be grounded.” He says and bursts into laugh. You smile and shake your head. He takes you suddenly in his arms and carries you to your bedroom. He puts you in the bed and wraps a blanket tightly around you. He gives you your favourite book and smiles. “I’ll cook something for dinner, but please, stay here.” He whispers. You roll your eyes and nod. He smiles brightly and kisses you slightly. He’s about to leave when he turns around and runs to you. He pulls you gently into kiss and you both smile mid-kiss. “Go and make a dinner, lazy!” you say and smack his bum. He looks at you mischievously and tickles you. “Stop!” you scream. He kisses you again and tucks your hair behind your ear. “I love you.” He whispers. “I’m hungry.” You say. “You don’t say it back?” he asks. “What?” you giggle. “Say it!” he insists. “Now.” He laughs. “I love you, Niall.” You say. He smiles and pulls you into kiss again.


“(Y/N)?” you hear him shouting. “Yes?” you ask. “Do you have a pan or something?” he asks. “Look into the oven, Niall!” you shout. “Oh, found it!” he yells. You hear him clattering with the pots. Then something falls on the floor. You smile and stand up. You open the door. “Fuck, you fucking pot! I don’t want you anyway. I’m using this pan!” he hisses angrily. You go to the kitchen and look at the mess. You smile when you see him – his face is covered with flour and he’s wearing your pink apron with yellow chickens on it. “(Y/N)!” he gasps when he sees you. “You should be in bed!” he moans and comes to you. “Do you need help?” you giggle and look at the table full of pots, pans, bowls and dishes. “No! No! I can do it.” He smiles and rubs his cheek. “Go to bed.” He whispers and kisses your nose. You smile and nod. “Well, okay.” You say and go back to your bedroom.


You continue reading the book. Soon your bedroom door is quietly opened and Niall comes in. He has two mugs in his hands. You make him a little bit room and he sits next to you. He gives you your mug – he has made hot chocolate and put marshmallows in it. “Awh, Niall. Thank you.” You say. He wraps his arm around you and you drink your chocolate in silence. “I have to change the bandage.” He whispers and looks at the clock. You put your head on his shoulder and smile. You have the most caring boyfriend in the world. When you have drunk your chocolate, he takes your mug and puts it on the cupboard. He takes the bag he got from the hospital. He puts all the things on your bed and you look at him. One of his eyebrows is funnily crooked – he is so serious about it. He removes the old bandage. He cleans gently the wound. “Does it hurt when I clean it?” he asks. “No.” you whisper. He nods and takes new bandage. He puts it on your wound and then looks at you. “Everything okay?” he asks. “Yes, thank you.” You say and he smiles. “Good.” He whispers and kisses your forehead. He takes the mugs and goes to the kitchen again.


You continue reading, but soon you hear a knock at the door. “What are you doing here?” you hear Niall’s voice. “I have to talk to you.” You hear a man’s voice. “I said that I’m not coming back. Not yet. (Y/N) is the most important one.” Niall whispers. “Please leave. She may hear you.” Niall insists. “Okay, then I have to talk to her. I’m sure she doesn’t want you to sacrifice everything for her.” The man says. You stand up and go to the lobby. “(Y/N)!” Niall shouts and runs to you. “Go back to bed.” He whispers and takes your hands. You look at the man and frown. You have never seen him, but his voice is so familiar. “What’s going on?” you ask and look at Niall. “Go, please.” He says. “Hello. I’m Jared. Manager of One Direction.” He says and stretches out his hand. Niall wraps his arms around you and you look at him. He’s angrily staring at the ground. “Nice to meet you. I’m (Y/N).” you say and shake the man’s hand. “Can we talk?” he asks. “No! Leave. You’re not welcome here.” Niall says and tries to push him. “No, wait. Niall!” you say and take his hand. “He wants to talk to me.” You whisper. “It’s okay.” You say and look at the man. “Come to the kit- um, living room?” you say.

You sit on the sofa. Niall is sitting next to you – he has wrapped his hand tightly around you and he’s nervous as hell. He’s biting his nails and shaking his legs. You look at him and frown. Jared is sitting right in front of you. He observes Niall’s every move. “Would you like some tea?” you ask. “No, thank you. I visited you in the hospital. I don’t know if you remember.” He says. “I’m sorry? What?” you ask. “Well, I was talking to Niall. Did you know that he is planning to leave the band?” he asks. You look at Niall. He stares at the ground and squeezes you. “No, I didn’t.” you whisper. “He wants to leave because he thinks that being on tours is hurting your feelings. Also, the incidence that took place when he was away… it just hit him I guess? So he told me that he doesn’t want to be away from home at the moment. Because of you.” He explains. “It’s not like that! I miss her. I can’t be without her. And I don’t want her to be hurt because of my work.” He says. “(Y/N), the whole Europe tour has been cancelled thanks to you. Other boys are here in London waiting for him.” He says and points at Niall. “Don’t blame her like that!” Niall shouts and stands up. You take his hand and pull him back next to you. “What?” you whisper. Jared nods sadly. “Bullshit.” Niall hisses. You look at Niall. He’s so angry. You have no idea what to say. He just can’t throw his career away like this. It’s ridiculous and insane. “Well, thank you. We will discuss it.” You whisper and stand up. Jared smiles slightly and you show him his way out. When you come back to the living room, you see Niall angrily staring at the carpet.

“Well, explain.” You whisper. “You should have a rest. You should be in bed, not listening to him.” He says. You take his hand and go to your bedroom. You go into the bed and he cuddles up next to you. “So?” you look at him. He breathes deeply and looks at you. “I just want to be with you. And yes, I wanted to leave.” He whispers. “But you can’t. It’s your life and I don’t want you to lose it because of me.” You say. “Do you realize that if I tell them that everything is fine and I’m coming back, we will go on tour again?” he whispers. “But I can’t leave you alone!” he mumbles. “I will be fine. You have to go back. I won’t let you do this. It’s your dream. It’s your life. It’s the thing you have fought for and I’m not letting you end it. It’s ridiculous.” You say. He doesn’t say anything. He just stares at the ceiling. “You’re probably right. I will think something out.” He says and stands up. He strokes your hair and smiles slightly. “But you have to know that I love you more than anything in this world.” He whispers. “I know that, Niall. I know.”


15 chapter

“I want you to come with me.” He says while you’re eating your breakfast. “Where?” you ask and look at him. “On tour. Come with me. Please.” He whispers. You don’t know what to say. Would you want to go with him? Is it even possible?

“Come with you? On tour? Niall, I-“ you try to say, but he cuts you off. He takes your hand and kisses it slightly. “It will be fun. And that’s the only way I can keep an eye on you and I also don’t have to leave the band.” He explains.

This guy is mad. He wants to leave the band just because some kind of psycho just freaked out and went mad. You smile – Niall truly is your Prince Charming. No one has ever cared about you this much. This feeling is just unbelievable and… it’s good. It’s really good to be loved. Someone loves you so much that he’s ready to leave his whole career, just for you. He observes your face and his eyebrow is funnily crooked again.

“What are you thinking?” he asks. “Niall, I can’t come with you.” You say. “Why not, (Y/N)?” he asks.

You look at him. How can you go? You don’t want to bother him, he has his work to do. “Please. I would feel so much better if you’re with me. You can come home whenever you want.” He whispers and squeezes your hand. You smile.

“Okay, I’ll come with you.” You say. He smiles brightly and pulls you into kiss. “Thank you.” He whispers. “I should thank you!” you giggle. “Can you imagine us together in Europe?” You ask. He nods and continues eating his granola. “I’ve thought about it the whole morning.” He mutters. “We’re going to have fun. You’re going to love it.” He smiles shyly. “I promise.”


You’re sitting on your bed and watching your suitcases. Is it a good idea? What if he just takes you with him because he thinks it’s his duty? What if you bother him? Or the boys? What if thanks to you he can’t relax? Or what if you’re the fifth wheel? You lie down on your bed and stare at the ceiling. Would he tell you?

“(Y/N), you’re ready?” Niall asks and enters your bedroom. You sit up and he frowns. “What’s wrong?” He sits next to you and wraps his arms around you. “I don’t want to bother you.” You say and nervously pluck the corner of your dress.

“Baby…” he swoons and pulls you tightly against his body. “You never bother me! I love being with you!” he says and wraps his arms around you. “You do?” you whisper. He nods and taps your nose. “Yes, I do. I love you.” He mumbles. “I love your nose.” He says and places a kiss there. “Your cheeks, your eyes, your forehead, your cheekbones, your jaw, your chin…” he whispers and kisses every spot on your face. “Oh, stop it!” you giggle. “So let’s go?” he asks. You nod. “Okay.”


“I bought some magazines for you. And a water and candies.” He says and gives you his bag. “Chips and brownies for me. Do you need anything else?” he asks, while you’re trying to make this flight as comfortable as possible. “No, thank you. Even if I needed anything, I’m sure they wouldn’t let you out anymore.” You say and kiss his nose. “Wanna bet?” he whispers. “No, silly. I don’t need anything.” I say and smile. “Okay.” He says and leans against the seat and looks dreamingly at you.

“What?” you ask. “Nothing. I’m glad you come with me.” He says. “I’m glad too. All this pain when you’re away…” you say and shake your head. Niall stiffens and clares at you with intensity you have not seen before. His eyes are wide, scared and sad. “What?” you whisper. “When I was away… I hurt you.” He says. “What? No! That’s not what I meant.” You say and try to explain but you are cut off. “Miss, I have to ask you to fasten your seatbelt, please. The plane will take off shortly.” He says. Niall leans over and quickly fastens your seatbelt.

“That’s not what I meant.” You whisper. He doesn’t say anything. He takes your hand and squeezes it. “You’re the most important thing in my world. I won’t let anyone or anything hurt you ever again.” He says. “I know.” You whisper and put your head on his shoulder. “I know you won’t.”


You open your eyes. Your head is still on Niall’s shoulder. He’s reading a magazine he bought you. You look at him. He smiles broadly – the tension you had before has vanished. He strokes your cheek. “Hello, princess.” He says. “We’re landing.” He says. “We are?” you ask. “Yup, look out of the window.” He says and smiles brightly. You look out of the window. You see lights, a lot of lights. “It’s Rome. It’s night already.” He whispers. It’s fascinating and so tiny. You’ve never thought about it – how it is to look at a nocturnal city on a plane. It’s like a huge family of fireflies. Or fairies! It’s like a pixie dust. You look at Niall and smile. All you need is a little faith, trust and pixie dust. You look out of the window again and bite your lip. You have to trust him. Niall took you with him because he wanted, not because he felt like he was obligated to do it. Trust him, you silly. He would have told you! “What are you thinking?” he asks and puts his chin on your shoulder. He wraps his arms around you and draws circles on your stomach. “It’s beautiful.” You say. “It is. But not as beautiful as you.” He says and kisses your cheek.


“(Y/N) and Niall, you’re with Steve. Louis and Harry are with me. Liam and Zayn, you’re with Matt. Okay?” Paul asks when you have walked out of the plane. Oh right, the fans and body guards! You already forgot that fact. A man who Paul called Steve looks at you. He is tall, really tall. If you standed next to him, your head would reach his belly button. You snort. Belly button! It sounds so funny when you look at this huge muscular and a little bit scary guy in front of you. He smiles and you see his teeth. “Something’s wrong, miss?” he asks. You shake your head. Oh God, nothing’s wrong when he’s involved! “No, it’s fine. I was just… nothing.” you say and smile politely. He nods and comes closer to you.

Niall takes your hand and you go out. Oh my, you hear fans loudly screaming and your stomach starts aching. “I’m here.” Niall whispers and squeezes your hand. Steve pulls you both into a huge bear hug when you try to go through the fans. Niall signs some autographs, but he doesn’t let go of your hand, not once. When you have finally reached your car, Niall hugs you from behind and Steve opens the car door for you. Niall helps you to jump into the van and soon you’re sitting safely on your seats. “That was fun.” He says and smiles brightly. He wraps his arms around you. “Yeah, it was.” You giggle.


“This is our room?” you ask. Niall takes off his jacket and throws it on the chair. “Yes, it is.” He says and looks at you. “I’ve never slept in this kind of place. It’s so fancy and just too much for me.” You say. He shakes his head in disbelief and looks at the ground. When he looks at you again, he bites his lip. He stands up and pulls you into hug. “You need a castle. This is just some kind of suite. You need your own castle and your own princess room.” He says and comes closer to you. His hands fist in you hair as he pulls your face up to his, and his mouth is on yours, a passionate longing in his kiss. You don’t know why it takes you by surprise, but it does. You taste his relief, his fear, his desire and love. He leaves you breathless, clinging to him for support.

“I’ve wanted to do it the whole day.” He gasps as he pulls you into hug. “If anything horrible had happened to you, (Y/N)… If that bastard had done something… something… I… I don’t know… I think about this every day.” You feel the shudder that runs through him. “When I saw you in hospital, this was…” he whispers. You put your finger on his lips. “Hush, Niall. I’m fine. He didn’t do anything incurable.” You say and smile. He tucks your hair behind your ear and nods. “You must be tired. Let’s go to bed.” You say and take his hand.


Niall is nuzzling your neck as you slowly wake. “Morning, beautiful.” He whispers and nips at your earlobe.You open your eyes and close them  quickly again – bright early morning light fills the room. His hand is gently caressing your cheek and you hear him humming a song in your ear. You open slowly your eyes and see his beautiful dazzling blue eyes happily observing you. He is smiling from ear to ear. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you into hug. He kisses you gently and leans up on his elbow, staring down at you.

“Did you sleep well?” he asks and tucks your hair behind your ear. “Yes.” You mumble. His grin broadens. “I love your sleepy voice.” He mumbles. “And you?” you ignore his comment. “I always sleep well with you.” He whispers and sits up. “Where are you going?” you ask. He takes something from the cupboard next to your bed – it’s a hot chocolate with marshmallows. “Awh, Niall. You’re the best.” You mutter and smile brightly. “For my special lady.” He says and he observes your face with love. He’s so pure and innocent – you can see his every expression and every thought from his face. The way he looks at you is just incredible. The love that comes shining through his eyes is unbelievable. What good did you do to deserve this man next to you?


One Direction - Truly Madly Deeply

Suddenly he sits up and grabs his guitar. “I love you.” He whispers before playing the guitar. “Am I asleep, am I awake or somewhere in between? I can’t believe that you are here and lying next to me. Or did I dream that we were perfectly entwined? Like branches on a tree, or twigs caught on a vine?” he sings to you, his eyes locked on yours. He smiles slightly and leans in to kiss you. “Truly, madly, deeply I am, foolishly, completely fallen and somehow you caved all my walls in, so baby say you’ll always keep me truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you…” he murmurs. “In love with you.” He whispers and smiles broadly.

He nuzzles your hair and inhales deeply. “I love you so much. You must know that.” He says and pulls you on his lap. “The concert yesterday was really awesome and now we have a day off, so we can explore Italy. What would you like to do?” he asks. “Um… just be with you?” you ask. You look at him and he raises his eyebrows. He nods and makes his not-bad-idea face.

Leaning over, he grasps your chin and kisses you. “I have a present for you.” He says and takes a box on the cupboard. “A present? But you’re my present!” you giggle. Niall grins his boyish, dazzling smile. “I am yours, yes.” He mutters. “Oh, just open it.” He says and taps your nose. You tear off the wrapping paper – it’s a digital camera! “Oh My God!” you shout and pull him into hug. “I love it. Thank you so much, Niall!” You say and he nods approvingly.

“Let me help you with it.” He whispers when he sees you struggling with the box. He fishes the camera out of the box and removes the lens cap. He points the camera at you and presses the button. “No.” You mumble. “Yes!” he giggles and stands up on the bed. He’s jumping on your bed wearing only his boxers, and taking pictures of you. “No!” you smile. “I thought it was my present!” you pout. “It is, but right now I want to take pictures of my beautiful beautiful beautiful girl.” He mumbles. You pout. “Smile, baby.” He says, amused. “No.” You mumble. “Hmm, my girl can’t pout like this.” He says and jumps off the bed.

He pushes you back down onto the bed and sits astride you. “Well, well…” he mumbles mischievously. He tickles you ruthlessly under your ribs, making you squeal and giggle and squirm beneath. His grin widens and he continues snapping pictures of you. “Stop!” you scream. “No way.” He says and tickles you even more. You’re trying to wiggle out from under him, giggling and pushing his hands away. “Niall, please, stop.” You plead. He stops and looks at you. You’re both breathless and panting. He gazes down at you with admire, reverence and love. “You are so beautiful.” He whispers. “I love you so much, Niall.” You say and caress his cheek. Leaning down, he closes his eyes and kisses you. “I am so lucky.” He mutters, placing a kiss on your lips. “What do you mean?” you frown. “If you’re the luckiest person on this entire planet, the person you love with all of your heart decides to love you back.” He says.

16 chapter

McFly - Love Is Easy

“Where are you taking me?” you giggle when he grabs your hand. “You’ll see.” He says and smirks mischievously. You stop in front of a tiny green motorcycle. Niall takes a helmet and puts it on your head. “Niall?” you ask cautiously as he tries to fasten your helmet. “Can you drive it?” you ask. “Of course.” He giggles. You smile and nod. “Fine, I trust you.” You say. “Oh, you do now?” he asks playfully and pulls you suddenly against his body so that his head bumps against your helmet. “Ow.” He moans. “Niall? You’re alright?” you ask but can’t hide your smile. “Are you laughing?” he asks and you know he tries to suppress his smirk. He tickles you and you scream. He pulls you carefully into kiss and he bites gently your lip.

“Wait, I have to take a picture.” You say. You grab the camera, and holding it at arm’s length, you snap the two of you in your embrace.

He helps you to climb on the motorcycle. You wrap your hands around his waist and put your head on his shoulder. “Ready?” he asks. You nod and the motorcycle roars into life.

The wind is gently twirling your hair and you feel so safe. You nuzzle Niall’s back and feel his scent. It’s your Niall’s scent – the best and the most comfortable scent in the whole world. You smile and close your eyes – you’re absolutely safe when he’s with you. “Look! The Colosseum!” Niall shouts. You open your eyes. Wow. The Colosseum right in front of your eyes. It’s amazing, it’s even more powerful than you imagined it to be. You can actually imagine the gladiators fighting there. “(Y/N), you’re okay?” Niall asks. “More than okay.” You say and kiss gently his shoulder.

You stop and Niall jumps off the motorcycle. He takes you suddenly in his arms and you wrap your arms around his neck. He puts you down and you look around - you are standing in front of a fountain. It’s not just a fountain – it’s the Trevi Fountain. He puts his arms around you and presses his nose into your hair, inhaling deeply as he gently strokes your hands. You take his hand and go closer to the fountain.


“The Trevi Fountain is a fountain in the Trevi district in Rome, Italy.” He reads his tourist book he bought yesterday. He looks at you and makes his it-is-so-obvious face. You giggle and he continues reading while you observe him. His eyebrow is crooked. He’s so lovely when he’s concentrated. You bite your lip and try to focus on the things he’s reading. “Standing 86 feet high and 161 feet wide, it is the largest Baroque fountain in the city and the most famous fountains in the world.” He reads and then looks at you.

“Miss, you’re biting your lip.” He says and narrows his eyes. He stands up and pulls you closer to him. “It’s tempting.” He whispers in your ear. “Sorry.” You mutter and blush. He laughs and kisses your cheek. “Oh (Y/N), you’re just amazing.” He breathes.

“A traditional legend holds that if visitors throw a coin into the fountain, they are ensured a return to Rome.” He says and you look at him. You take his hand and he smirks. “We should do it, too.” You say. “Because I really want to come back here. With you.” You say and smile. He nods and searches for his wallet. He gives you an euro and then takes your hand. “We have to throw it together.” He says. You nod. He kisses the tip of your finger and you throw the coin into the fountain. “Together forever.” He whispers. “Yes. Together forever.” You mumble. He wraps his hands around your waist and looks right into your eyes. “I love you.” He says and rubs his nose gently against yours. “I love you too.” You whisper as you stroke his cheeks. He smiles and pulls you into kiss. 

 The End 


A/N : hope you guys like it 

xoxo Vero


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.05.2013

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