
Chapter One.

"god I really fucking hate mondays..." Alex groaned and she peeled herself from the comfy bed she was in, still shaking the fog of dreams from her brain. "I wonder what would happen if i left Andy all alone today..." she mused out loud to herself and the little black cat that she kept in the house. "I bet he'd find a way to kill everybody by accident" she answers herself, as normal people do, right, that's normal? of course it is. "come on baby lets go get some food!" she spoke to the cat in that voice that people do when they talk to children... Or really stupid people. She padded down the stairs of the small-ish rented house she was living in, her memory still hadn't come back, even though she took the doctors advice on taking some time to herself and make  a routine, so that her memory might come back bit by bit, but it's been a year and nothing, she couldn't even remember what her favourite food was. that sucked.   

As she poured herself some coffe and gave her cat, Azazel, some cat food and water, she thought she saw a shadow in her mirror. What she saw there didn't stir fear within her, it stired anger and a deep resentment, so deep she felt it in her very being, like it was a living thing inside her. She felt so compelled to hit something that she had to sit down and take deep breaths. What the fuck just happened? She thought as she fought to regain her self contoll, okay yes she did sometimes blow top over little things but this was just plain creepy. when she had controll she went up to her room to get into a pair of jeans and a My Chemical Romance shirt, before she had to go to work, to slave over coffee machines and and a sink full of piled up dishes. The bitches that she worked with always left the jobs they hated for her and used her for things. The only good thing that came out of working there was money and Andy, her best friend. She didnt know whether she had a thing for him or not, but she had to say he was absolutly gorgeous. He has pale, flawless skin, light icy blue eyes that if you stared at them too long you felt you might actually physically drown within them, a smile that was so startlingly bright and perfect you got buttlerflies in your stomach when he turned the hotness of it on you, his jawline was strong and he was just the very embodyment of the word "perfect". She left the house in a bad mood and really jumpy, she still didn't know waht to think of what happened. right stop thinking about it now, you're not doing yourself any good and you're too distracted! she tought to herself and mentally shook herself. She met Andy at the usual place... His house, he opened the door and gave her a big hug, the Andy style hug, the type of hug alex loves, close and loving, as if he never wanted to let you go. She brought him in closer, he smelled like everything she loves, the clean, clear air of a forest after it rained, lavender and Andy. "morning Andy" she said when they pulled apart and went into the kitchen to sit down and so that Andy could finish his coffee before they left for work.

Andy kept his place fairly tidy and free of too much clutter, the only clutter there was, was in the sitting room where all his Xbox games were strewn about the coffee table in the centre. Around the coffee table were big black leather couches with big fluffy cushions on them, so you could lie back and kill some zombies on tv and not get uncomfortable. Three walls were black, the one that was where the fireplace was, was a lovely shimering gold and there were silver and crystal frames adroning the mantle piece that made the room come to life and shine in the afternoon sun that streams into the room whenever Alex stays over when they're both free. where they were at the minute though was not as beautiful, although it was very nice, nothing could ever compare to the sitting room, in the centre of the kitchen was medium size oak table with matching chairs wth intricate filigree work decorating the back of them, it had a sliding glass door that opened up to Andys back garden where his german sheperd lay resting at the door. The counters were the sink was were black marble. " I really wish we didn't have to work, i just want to lie back and kill some zombies and drink cola and eat sugary crap all day" Alex said to Andy as he downed his coffee. "I know how you feel, that's pretty much me everyday!" Andy replied. Alex grunted in agreement then got up to use the bathroom before saying "Right, Andy we gotta go to work, prick." she smiled at him to let him know she didn't really mean it and walked out the door to wait for him in the car. After a few minutes Andy came out and got into the passenger side, there is no way she was going to let him drive her sexy, sexy chevy!

It only took a few minutes to drive to work, she would have walked but sometimes she was sent to collect the stock of stuff needed in the cafe so she drove. they sat in the car outside the  cafe, procrastinating going in for as long as possible, but eventually they sucked it up and went in to another day of stress and just wanting to murder her coworkers. 

chapter Two

I was sitting at the breakfasttable all by myself, my band mates weren't up yet, because we had a pretty awesome gig last night. I think some of them took a girl home- or girls- which is mainly why i haven't already gone into them with a bucket of freezing water and thrown it over them. . . Although it would be pretty funny to see the girls' terrified faces as they scream up at me, cursing and saying they hate me. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.03.2014

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