

Lots of people always wondered what life would be like without a President, without any rules, without having to pay for anything with money, so I'll sum it up in one word. Chaos. Ever since a hundred and twelve years ago vampires have romed the Earth. The first people to die were the Presidents unless they made a deal with the blood suckers to live; otherwise, they all died. The rules we used to live by a long time ago are different from the ones we live by now. As the years went by things have gotten worse (I guess lots of people got what they wished.) If you steal and are caught then you can be sentenced to death or just be punished in some harsh way. People that steal and don't get caught might have some Vamps that get suspisous and the Vampire that thinks you've done a crime will bring in a mind reader if they are not one themselves.

All the things that we thought about vampires a hundred years ago was wrong. There are three types of vampires that I'm aware of and all three are able to go out in daylight. The Night Wings are a type of vampire that can go out in daylight for a short period of time, if they stay out to long the get really weak and if they stay out in daylight from sun up to sun down they could die. Night Wings can also shape-shift into anything and sometimes anyone. The only problem with the shape-shifting is that they have to be a certain age to actually have great control of their shifting ability. Yes, they can turn into bats, but they can turn into all sorts of other things too.

The Dayers are the ones that can stay in the sun days on end with out getting weak, unless they don't feed reagularly, but the sun has zero chance of killing them. 

And then there are the Rougs. But these vampires are ravenous, always hungry. They can be out in daylight, but half like the night and half like the daylight. The Rougs don't like listening to the rules that resolve us humans.  Any rule they get about how to act around a human, meaning to not kill them all the time, they almost always break it. Only a small group used to care about how healthy the humans were, but when humans started to go extinct because of the Rougs there only remains a small group of Rougs that just want to kill which are mostly the newborns.

With newborns there's two types. The ones that can be born and the ones that are turned. If you create a newborn just to keep them as a pet and then destroy them later is illegal. Turning one because you've somehow gotten close to them or in love with them, which rarely happens (and the false love or friendship I'm pretty sure is just fake.) 

Now the only humans that are okay for vampires to kill his the Hunters/Huntresses. They like to try and kill vampire and the key word is try. Vampires are super fast and strong and can heal really fast and not so easy to kill, like the hunters like to believe. Though they like to be called Slayers there pretty bad at there job. They think just because lots of them can mostly stay out of reach of vampires and hide and steal without getting caught that trying to kill one will be a piece of cake, which they learn later when there injured or dead or just dying that killing one isn't a walk in the park like they though it would be.

Vampires also have powers that they can use against you that also adds to the strengths they have to use on you. Some of the blood-suckers have Telekinesis-can movie things with there mind, Compulsion-can make people do what they want them to do, by looking them in the eyes and compelling them to do there bidding. Hallucinations-making people see things that aren't really there, but making there prey think its there. Telepathy-vampires being able to read your minds and know what your thinking before you do. There are even some others that nobody has seen or heard of.

I had a block put up in my mind that way compulsion didn't work on me. After every other month (even though my block hasn't bee parished) I would re-build the block, that way it was stronger.  A block is a mental thing and when you go to re-build it and your not careful it can cause excrusanting pain. Trust me I've been there and done that. I found out about the block from my parents when I was seven and they taught me how to make the block. Along with that they also taught me how to follow a vampire without them knowing, which is really hard to do, and since we didn't really know how to kill a vampire all we could do was parilize them and them barry them either in the grave that they cam out of or just barry them a saccred holy ground.

I was put through battle training when I turned nine, working on my speed and strength, even though your not as fast or as strong as a vampire the training helps because your not as slow as others and have a fighting chance at living. A couple of weeks before I truned eleven my parents were killed. They went out on a hunt and didn't come back. Three days later there bodies were found drained of blood and torn apart. I was and am still devastated about it.

I trained harder and took my revenge out on the vampires, putting as many as I could back to there grave, not one being able to get through my block espiecally when I kept re-building it. Until two years ago when I almost got myself killed, when I met my match. When I say I met my match I mean he was way stronger and way more exsperienced in using compulsion and tore my mental barricad to tiny pieces. And that hurt like a bitch. It was also I very dangerous way to find out that even without my mental wall compulsion still didn't work on me. That same night I found out what could kill a Roug vampire.


Having your mental wall torn down and being in pain metaly is not fun espiacly when that said vampire who broke your barricade is tossing you around and kicking your ass. It was not fun and hurt like hell. Once the pain had supsided a bit from mentally within I did my best to ignore the pain that my body was being given right that second, even if some of the wounds were really bad and need imergency repairing, so I got up and started fighting back. I thought I was doing good with all the hits I was dodging until I tried to get one in and was pinned.

Both hands behind my back being held captive by one of the vamps hands, while the other hand was on my cheek tilting my head to the side, exsposing my neck. I felt the presence of his head moving torwards my neck when I bit him. As I tasted blood on my tongue all he did was laugh at my tactiful move, until I brought my head back really hard into his face making him loosen his grip and stumble back a few steps, which was all I needed to free myself, taking the blade that the Night Wing had attached to his belt with me.

Being taught how to fight with any type of weapon I raised the swored and bent my knees a bit in a fighting stance. The vampire cursing he runs at me full speed, only a blur to my eyes. Squating down with the tip of the sword up, I wait a mili-second and then trusting my instincts I jump up, pushing the blade in a slit diaginal and shove really hard. Letting go of the handle I back away from the vampire and then there's a slit breeze. The last word I heard from the vampire was 'Ancikigo' and then smoke swirls were the vamp was and the sword that impaled him in the chest drops to the cement ground with a clank. An X type symbol appears for a breaf second and then a sworm of flies appear. I whisper the word "Ancikigo" for some reason and then the flies fly torwards me.

They swirled around me and then a portion of them slid down my left arm and slowly disepated. Once the flies disappeared, what they left was a sword, with a curved bone at one end of the handle and a black piece of something that is closer to the blade. And then the blade itself had symbols etched into it and then the tip of the blade was a light red and had a wooden tip. Along with the sword what the flies left behind on my wrist was a tatoo of the X like symbol that was created in the smoke.

Walking over to were the Vampire used to be I pick up the sword that I impaled him with before he turned to smoke.


After every Vamp I killed I would say the word Ancikigo, but with other Vamps it wouldn't work, so I have a theory that unless the Vamp says the word themselves then otherwise when I say it nothing will happen. Using both the sword that the flies created for me and the redbladed sword with wood on it that I took from the very first Vampire I killed, not put in the ground, I've killed Vampire after Vampire. Even taking there weapons to add to my collection of weapons that can fully kill a Vamp. Well, I test it on a few Vamps before I add it to the pile that can kill them.

And now I have a warrant out for my head on a plater for the Vamps. If I corroperate, I get a trial. If I don't, then I just die. At least that's what the signs say that are posted everywhere. The only good thing and funny thing is that no one knows what I look like. When my parents were alive, people they somewhat trusted never got to see me, so no one knows that I am the daughter of the Holy Ground Hunters. It was a weird name they were given, but it suited them. I guess you could say it suited me for awhile too, until I found a way to kill the Vamps.

I know lots of people wouldn't like being in hiding, even if nobody knew what they looked like, but to me its a cakewalk. I can blend in with all the other humans very easily.

It took me three years to figure out what was used to make the two swords and the weapons that the Vamps had and once I found that out, it took me a few months to figure out how to make the weapons and get everything for them. Now that I can make the killer weapons my whole hide-out is filled with nothing but piles, upon piles of weapons. All my new weapons not all of them are swords I have, guns, stakes, daggers, throwing stars, arrows, and there are only two people that are blacksmiths that I even trust helping me create the weapons. I still don't give them the secrete on how to make the Himpred-blood water though. Not only do I know how to create the weapons to kill the Vamps, but I also figured out a resipy with the Himpred-blood water that can mask your sient. 

 Which figuring this all out and knowing alot of secrets about my prey gave me the new name for all Vamps to call me. Death X, because I don't let my dargets get away.

Chapter One

Stabbing forward into the chest of the Vamp in front of me, with the bone handled red sword, I'm suddenly blinded by a bright whitish light. You know how when you look up at the sun and you blind yourself or you look to closly at a flame and your eyes start to water or how you get blinded by a bright light-bulb or bright flashlight? well that's what this brightlight feels like, but a hundred times worse. The only good thing about the Vamp that bursts into a brightlight, is that if you keep your eyes open long enough you get the great eyesight that that Vamp once had, before you killed it. The only bad thing is it's alot harder and more painful when you already have some Vamps good eyesight.

Blinking rapidly I look into the light for as long as I can. Groaning, I look away and cover my eyes from the light as it disapates. Man I wish I knew when I was killing a Dayer that way I will be prepared when I kill it that way I can either diside to cover my eyes ahead of time or just plainly be ready for the bright blinding light. Blinking multied colors out of my eyes, I look around the dark abandend street and see that my eyesight has declinded from super to suckish, a lot worse than the last Vamps eyesight I had. Still better than a humans, but not as good as the eyesight I had was.

"Stupid New Borns." I silently curse to myself as I pick up the blade I dropped when the Vamp exsploded into light.

How the stealing eyesight thing works is once you kill the Dayer you have to stare for as long as you can at the light as it desenigrates the Vamp in the light. Any Vamps eyesight is better than what my going blind human eyesight was. Your eyes don't change color, but your ability to see one-hundred times better inhanced. All the Vamps when they are killed seem to...I don't really know how to discribe it. Exblode I guess you could call it. Dayers turn into brightlights and when you look into it you can see the Vamp disendigrating. Night Wings turn into smoke when you hit them in the heart. And then Rougs turn to coils and those coils if they hit your skin do burn.

With New Borns I only know about one of the types. The type that is born from other Vamps, which rarily happens. Now the New Borns that are turned, I have no clue exactly how that transition goes. I don't know if you have to consume a Vamps blood and die before a certain time limit or have to be drained of blood and then the Vamp that drained you feeds you there blood. I don't know how a New Born is made, but I as sure as hell don't want to find out myself, but I do know that just being bitten by one doesn't turn you, otherwise I would have been turned into one along time ago.

Walking down the deserted street on the north side of town where all the none slaved humans try to hide I start walking past abandened building after abandened building, heading torwards the run down one farthest away from the outskirts of the Vampire town. I've found books from a long time ago about how the world used to be and I've read them. The world used to be a beautiful place, but from what the book said it was also an ugly place except it wasn't as bad as it is now. With Vampires controling everything we do and me being the only one knowing how to kill the Vamps. Believe me when I say I would love to tell other Slayers about how to kill the Vamps, but not all of them you can trust.

But Slayers have to stick with Slayers, that crap is false. Let me explain it this way, first you have to show the newbies how to create the weapons to kill a Vampire and then you have to teach them how to kill there target. And then in the end espicially if your the most wanted person alive like me, don't be surprised if even Slayers turn on you and then your cover is blown and your Vamp food. That's why I don't even let the blacksmiths fully make my weapons. I just let them make the blade and handle and then take my new weapons and do the rest myself.

Siencing something fallowing me I turn around on my heal and watch the shadows as they move to see if I can find out what the sorce of my unease is coming from. Seeing nothing, but sensing something watching me closely, I turn back around and keep walking. With my sense of hearing (cause when you start going blind, other senses become more sensitive) I hear a slite hiss of air and grabing my glass-handled, Himpred-blood water covered silver dagger, I spin around quickly and toss it through the air torward my target. The blade slices through the air and knowing Vampires are faster than my movements I exspect the Vamp to dodge my blade right off the bat, but he just stands there as it cuts through the air. At the last second when the dagger gets close to its face, it catches it by grabbing ahold of the glass handle.

Not being able to see my attackers face with it being covered in shadows I watch the blade as it glistens in the moonlight as my attacker inspecks its new weapon. I feel the slightest breeze behind me, that you only feel when a Vamp uses it speed and comes to a stop, I start to turn, but the movement of light on my dagger as my attacker lifts it up catches my attention as it is thrown. Arcing through the air aimed at heart level, I bend backwards and watch as the dagger flies above me and hits the Vamp behind me and I watch as coils fall, were my other attacker once stood.

Leaning upwards that way I am standing up strait I see two more shadows have joined my first attacker. Seeing light glisten on metal I get ready to dogde I blade, what I didn't exspect to have to dogde is throwing stars coming at me in the midel aimed at my stomach, below aimed at my legs, and above aimed at my head. One after another being thrown at me all at once with no way to move out of the way. Seeing two of them to close for my liking, aimed both at my stomach and my head I bend backwards and watch them wize by.

Sensing another one close to my legs I put my hands on the ground for a breif second to push my body off of the ground and do a few more backflips, but I'm not fast enough as I feel a slit sting here and there. Coming to my feet I stand strait and see another throwing star coming torwards me at throat level and then its like everything is in slowmotion, I move slitly to the side and without my bodies consent, reach out and grab the throwing-star from mid-air and spinning with the force that it was going by I throw it back. Spinning really fast in an upward circle I watch the star slice through the air and get swallowed by shadows. Not exspecting it when it makes contact, I'm blinded for a brief painful second as the throwing-star comes into contact and a blinding brightlight exsplodes from the shadows.

But that brief painful second cost me a second when I'm grabbed around the throat and thrown against a brick wall. As my eyes clear I see a flash of fangs attached to a very pale and very pissed off blonde Vampire in front of me.

"What's up, Blonde?" I ask the Vamp in front of me when I feel a slight pressure inside my head and have to laugh. Well, as best of a laugh as I can manage when Blonde tightens his grip around my throat.

"Shut up Huntress. Devin, where's the Infeeryor?" Asks Blonde as he looks behind himself to look for the Vamp named Devin. I glance over to my left and can see a shadow, but only a shadow and get even more pissed off at my new eyesight. A brown haired Vamp is suddenly next to Blonde.

"What do we do now Sam? He's already killed seven of us and this bitch," Says the one I now think is Devin as he jerks his thumb back at me, "has killed one of us too. I don't see how a human can do that." This last part is said on a growl as he flashes me his fangs.

"I'm taking that as a complament." I croak out as best as I can with a hand wrapped around my windpipe and deflating the rest of the air I was currently holding. 

The blond Vamp named Sam, who is currently choking me to death, brings me forward and then slams me against the wall again. "Does the Little Huntress want to talk or does she want to die?" Asks Sam as he lifts me off the ground.

I smile as best as I can with out turning it into a grimace before croaking out, "Neither. What's going to happen is, I'm going to kill you. Both of you. At least then this Infeeryor person doesn't have to worry about it."

Sam brings his face close to mine and I get a nasty taste of his breath as he breaths infront of me (his new nickname is now bad breath. If I could grimace without have him tight his hold on my neck I would.) before saying, "And how do you suppose you're going to do that? Hmm."

Tapping my left foot a few times with my right foot I know the glistening steel is now out and say, "Like this!" Before kicking the Vamp in the gut with the Himpred-Blood water blade at the tip of my shoe. He stumbles backwards and abrubtly his grip on my neck falls away and I'm now falling (man the dude has long arms and is freakishly tall with how he lifted me up so high.) I land on my feet in a crouch and back away from both him and the brown haired Vamp. Even though his gut is still bleeding because with the concation it won't heal until the Vamp feeds, Bad Breath lunges at me at the same time that his brown haired friend jumps at me. Before the brown haired Vamp can get even an inch closer to me, he's sailing through the air backwards. I don't have time to even glance toward the flinging Vamp when Bad Breath is on me, slicing through the air towards my neck.

I bend backwards a bit to avoid his claws and my backbend turns into a back handspring with a douple upward kick under the Vamps chin. When I right myself Bad Breath hisses and runs at me, so I run in the oppisite way, strait to a wall. I run a ways up the cemented wall and do a backflip over the Vamp and my hand goes to my belt for one of my small blades, when I'm slamed in the stomach by something big and hard and fly backwards, through a window. 

I hear the glass break and fly through the room and into a wall, where I fall forwards and slam into a hard wooden desk face first. I give a painful grunt as I fall off the fucking stupid desk and land on my knees on the floor. I see crimson on the marble and see that my hand is bleeding, ignoring it I stand and walk torwards the broken window. I don't see my blade anywhere and don't really care at the moment, I'm beyond pissed off, and when I get to the window I see that the fucking Vamp through me though the second story window and then grin when I see all three Vamps below. Bad Breath and his brown haired buddy are attacking Mystery Shadow and he's on defence as BB and his buddy deliever blows that never make contact.

With excitment bubbling in my stomach I jump out of the window above the Vamps and plument really fast towards the cement platform and Vampires, lifting the wooden stake I took from my belt, covered in a light crimson, I raise it over my head as I descend downward torwards Bad Breath. Before I land, my stake goes through BB's back, puncturing his heart from behind. BB disapears in a poof of smoke and flies and with him gone I crash land into the other two Vamps, knocking them down with me.

Where all three in a brawl on the ground, blocking, and recieving punches, or for me, blocking throat lunges and delivering upper cuts. At some point it me and some other Vamp that's rolling around on the ground fighting as the other Vamp is lunging for my kneck now and again, while attaching the other Vamp from behind. It takes me a minute to realize that the new dark-haired Vamp is the Mysterious Shadow, and after a few minutes of us brawling (punching and him slicing me with his claws and me, him with the stake) we both at the same time lunge for the brown haired Vamp when he goes for my kneck again.

I do a round-house kick and my knifed shoe goes clean through the Vamps cheek and he slams back into Mysterious Shadow. They have a slight battle before Mysterious Shadow pens the Vamps arms behind his back and his claws dig into the brown haired Vamps throat.

"Hurry. If your gonna kill him, do it now." Grunts out Mysterious Shadow as he jerks the captured Vampire closer to me. Holding the stake in attack position, I contemplate my chances of killing the captured Vampire and being able to hurry up and kill Mysterious Shadow before he captures me and drains me dry.

"Then this means I can't kill you unless you gun for me first!" I tell him frustratedly.

"If your going to kill him do it now!" Shouts Mysterious Shadow as he adjusts his hold on the fighting Vamp. 'Here goes nothing' I think to myself before I jump the distance between me and the captured Vampire and drive the stake through his heart. As I take the stake out of the Vamp, he turns into coils. I brace for the multiple burns I was getting ready to recieve, since I knew I wasn't going to be fast enough to get out of the way in time, but I never recieved the burns. Come to think of it, I don't remember this strong arm being around my waste either.

Opening my eyes, I'm at chest level with Mysterious Shadow. His arms, once loosely around my waste start to tighten and I gasp. I hear a groal and his arms tighten again as one arm reaches down lower, under my ass and lifts me up until I'm at eye level with him. My eyes can't help but wonder his face since its the first time I've been able to see it. His dark brown hair, sort of on the longish side, coming down to slightly cover his goldish red eyes. He's not exactly pale like the Night Wings, but almost has the same color of an actual human. He has a slight stubble on his chin and his lips...

'Snap out of it!' I tell myself as I snap my eyes back to his eyes. I notice that his eyes aren't focused on mine anymore, but something else on my face. 'Did I somehow get blood on my face again? Oh great.' Noticing that I'm stareing at him, he focuses his eyes back on my face. Suddenly I feel a wall behind me and when he abrubtly lets go of me to pin both of my hands above my head, I instinctively wrap my legs around his waste and then call myself stupid for doing it. I go to unwrap my legs from his waste and he growls. I freeze. When I go to unwrap my legs from his waste again, he again growls and then thrusts himself up against me and pushes me closer to the wall. Gasping, I arch a little and bite my lip really hard to keep myself from moaning.

Opening my eyes I notice that his eyes have wondered to something else on my face again. My lip starts to sting the slightest  bit so I release the hold I had on it with my teeth and feel a sticky liquid on them that signifies that I'm bleeding. 

Watching Hot Mysterious Shadow I watch as his tostrials flare. Wait, is he staring at my mouth? On impulse, my eyes lower to his lips. His lips seem closer. I start to breath heavily and relize that I was already doing that before his lips started to descend torwards me. The direction of his mouth isn't going torwrds my lips but to my throat and having know chance to react I'm surprised when I feel a sting. Not the sting that implies that you've been bitten, but the sting of a cut, as he covers the cut with his mouth and kisses it. After a few seconds I feel his tongue slide across the cut. Pleasure and the slight sting of pain come together and I can't help but moan this time.

He growls and I can't help but moan again. His lips move to another cut on my body, to the one I didn't know was on my chest. Loving the way he growls when my legs tighten around his waste, I gasp/moan when he does an upward thrust of his hips every few seconds. His lips move to my shoulder, then my chin, cheek, forehead, and then I'm squirming so much, from each upward thrust he does every few seconds, that I almost couldn't wait for his lips to come to mine. When his lips meet mine and his tongue slides accrossed my bottom lip, I can't figure out if I should give him access to my mouth or not, but then the disition is made for me when he does another upward thrust of his hips into a sweet spot I didn't know I had or that could be hit fully clothed. Not being able to help my gasp/moan I give Hot Mysterious Shadow access to my mouth.

As soon as our tongues meet, I gasp and he growls and with that growl comes another thrust of his hips. I feel the grip he has on my hands loosen and then tighten. After each time I moan I feel  his grip on my hands tighten and I don't even care if it hurts or not, the only thing I can think of is his mouth and the thrusts he's doing with his hips. Feeling like I'm on the edge of something, I can't help but cry out. Upon hearing this Hot Mysterious Shadow abruptly drops my hands and I wrap them around his kneck and slide one into his hair. Breathing heavily I feel his hands wonder my body and don't even care when he finds one of my weapons and tosses it aside.

He slows the movement of his hips and does a thorow check of my body and tosses aside all my weapons. I give a slight low whimper of need that I tried so hard to keep in. He freezes and then he gives out a long low growl and resumes his movements but only faster. His tongue attacks mine and his thrusting becomes faster, as one of his hands grabs a hold of my ass and squeezes it, while the other hand wonders up my shirt. After every moan he growls and speeds his movements and goes into a freenzy when I whimper. The slide of his hands sliding down my sides makes me gasp and then moan and then I hear him growl. Once both of his hands are at the top of my jeans I feel his hands attack my belt and then the button and ziper. Moaning I bite his lip and he gives out another long low growl and shoves one of his hands into my pants, moving my panties aside and driving his fingers into the valley between my thighs.

Feeling so close to something again, I cry out and then  give out a whimper. Hot Mysterious Shadow growls and goes nuts. Thrusting his fingers in and out, in and out, I can't help but scream slightly into his mouth as wave upon wave of pleasure blasts through me. I gasp and scream louder as he keeps up the fast movement with his hands. I don't know how long I was like that, arching and screaming and whimpering, all I know is that after every sound I made he would growl and move faster.

Once down from my pleasure high, I slump forward onto Hot Mysterious Shadow and gasp for breath. I feel him sniff my hair and then my kneck and lean back some to look up at him. He looks down at me with a look of need, wanting, hunger, and a bit of anger. Watching me very closely, he slowly slides his fingers out of me and I can't help but close my eyes on another moan as he slides his fingers out. He growls and I open my eyes and watch him as he licks my juices off of his fingers. The gold in his eyes flare and theres more hunger in his eyes.

His nostrials flare and he presses me closer into the wall and I can't help but gasp as his so not going away erection meets my core. My hand tightens in his hair and he growls. His nostrials flare again as he breaths in and then I find both of my hands pinned to the wall again.

"So close." He growls as he brings his face torwards my kneck and breaths in. "Its almost worn off. Why'd you have to mask it? Oh, God why'd you have to mask it?" The last part was said on a growl, but everything said with need. He presses closer to me and I gasp again when his erection moves against my core and he growls.

He leans enough to touch his forhead against mine. His lips whisper against mine and as I go to lean forward for more of the kiss, his lips are gone. Groaning in frustration I lean back and look at him when he growls and then leans forward to touch his lips to my kneck. When he starts to suck on the sincitive skin there, I can't help but gasp/moan, and then when he growls, pleasureable shivers go up and down my back. With my body screaming for more of his touch, I can't resist the erisistable urge to arch my body into him.

'Stop!' I tell myself. 'He's a Vampire! You need to stop!' 

"S-s-stop." I whisper to Hot Mysterious Shadow (I've got to come up with a better nickname). He acts as though he didn't hear me, but I know he did, its just saying it with a whole bunch of wanting in my voice doesn't make it very convincing.

"S-stooop!" Okay, moaning it wont help either, espicially if he's moving his hips again.

"I'd perfer not to. Even after it wears off. But I'll deffenently want You, over and over again." He whispers into my ear. "The scent of your arousal is intoxicating. I need to be able to smell the rest of your scent. I NEED too! Oh, God how I NEED to be able to scent the rest of you."

'What's he talking about?' I ask myself. 'My scent? What about it?'  My pleasure filled brain has no idea what he's talking about. 'The masking. Oh my God the masking of my scent! I need to redo the masking! The 12 hours is almost up! I need to stop! Oh God how I don't want to!' 

Pinning both of my hands above my head still with one of his own, his other hand wanders down my sides and then inside my pants again. When he thrusts his fingers inside of me again I can't help but cry out in pleasure. 'Man he know what he's doing! I need to get to my hide out so I can redo the masking.' Hot Mysterious Shadow growls and goes into a freenzy as he brings his lips back to mine and moves his fingers faster. Trying to hold in my whimper because I know he will only move his fingers faster and I'll forget what I need to do.

I can't help it. I bite his lip and he gently nips back at mine while moving his fingers faster and then I can't hold the whimper back anymore. It just slips out and then somehow he moves his fingers even faster and growls. He hits all the right spots, but then easis off of them  when I get close to falling. I can no longer help my whimpering and I feel Hot Mysterious Stranger smile against my lips.

"I can sense it. Its almost worn, so close." He whispers softly against my lips before taking them again.

'YOU NEED TO STOP!!' I shout at myself, but my body won't help me out here. 'YOU NEED TO FIX THE MASKING!!!' What weapons do I still have on me? I still have my shoes and my necklace and I think that's about it. He threw the rest of them everywhere. 'Man I really liked that glass one.'  Clacking my feet together a few times both the blades on the front and back of my boots come out and not wanting to but needing to, I unwrap my legs from around his waste and slam my blade covered heals against the back of his thighs. The only sound he makes is a low growl and thrusts his fingers as far into me as he can. I cry out as I teeter on the edge. 

He stops hitting my G-spot until I've backed far away from the edge and then he goes and hits it again. Pulling my blade covered heals out of his thighs, I pull my lips away from his and headbutt him at the same time as I slam my heals against the back of his knees. He loosens his grip on me with a groan and falls as his legs give out. I land ontop of him and can't help but cry out with how far his fingers get shoved into me and then can't help the moan/whimper I make when he pulls his fingers out and licks them.

He flips us over to where he's on top and I'm on the bottom and presses his hard erection hard into my core until I whimper. Sliding his hands down my sides until he reaches my thighs, he skims them back up and slides my shirt up too. He starts kissing my stomach while one hand plays with my tits and the other one slides down my leg. I hiss in pain when his hand touches a wound I didn't know I had on my leg. He freezes his movements and leans back to look at my leg. Ripping open my jeans all the way up to my thigh, he grabs my leg and lifts it up some. 

"What are you doing!" I half yell when his lips start to descend torwards the gash in my leg. I try to kick my leg out of his grip, but I only cause myself pain. Without answering my question he lifts my leg the rest of the way to his lips and I see him breath in.

"Lilacs." He whispers. "You smell a little like lilacs and something else that's not quit unmasked yet. I need your full scent." Then he licks and sucks on the gash on my leg. I don't really know why exactly, but I can't help but moan in pleasure/pain. He growls and I notice that the gold in his eyes are really flaring.

Gently putting my leg down he wraps his arms underneith both of my knees and pulls me torwards him. He bends down and kisses my stomach and kisses down until he reaches the top of my jeans. Slowly pulling down my jeans inch by slow inch he asks, "Got anymore achs and pains you want me to get rid of?" 

"N-no. I mean yes! No! I mean no!"

Grining he pulls my pants down another inch. Panting I look to my left and see my stake close by and try to contemplate on if I can reach it or not. Looking back up at Hot Mysterious Shadow as he pulls my jeans down more, I reach over for the stake and then slam it upward. Before my hand even gets close to him, my arm is pinned. Leaning forward, I bite his arm hard, and the only thing I get back is a growl.

"If you want to bite, bite my kneck." Says Hot Mysterious Shadow with a wide grin. Releasing my teeth from his arm I head but him and slam my shoe into the back of his thigh. He hisses air in between his teeth and I scramble out from under him when he leans back. Scrambling to my feet I trip as he grabs a hold of my ancle. I kick at his hand until he lets go and then I get up and run. Turning the corner I hurry up and skim the ladder to the roof of the closest building. Hiding in the dark shadows, I look over the edge of the building and watch as Hot Mysterious Shadow walks slowly around the corner and then up at me.

I shouldn't be able to hear him, but its like the wind carries his voice to me.

"My Beautiful Flower, I know your scent smells close to lilacs. I know your what your arousol smells like and its intoxicating. I've seen your beautiful face. I will have you soon. All of you." And then he was gone. 

'This isn't right. Vampires don't do that with humans.' He let me escape.





Chapter Two

 The next morning I still feel hot and bothered even after taking a really cold shower the night before. Come to find out that the masking doesn't mask my arousal, only my scent, which is weird.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.07.2014

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