
Chapter One



I wake with a start as someone grabs my arm and yanks me off my bed. A loud thud sounds as my body hits the ground and my head bangs against the hard wood. Giggles sound as I groan and struggle to get up. Opening my eyes as I make it to a sitting position, I see a gray skirt attached to someone and glance up just in time to get water flung in my face. More giggles sound as I move over onto my side coughing up water that got in my mouth and started to chock me.
    "Get up!" Sister Mara yells as I'm still on the floor coughing up water. With how little pastionts Sister Mara has, she grabs my left arm and halls me to my feet, just to push me at the small dresser next to my bed and almost making me fall on my ass again. "Get dressed! Everyone!" She yells before storming out of the room. With giggles still sounding, all the girls including me (now that my coughing spasms have stopped) looks through our dressers and grabs some closths.

The first girls that find there clothse runs to the showerroom and to one of the seven shower stalls to take a shower. Since there are only seven shower stalls and there are sixteen of us, the rest have to wait to take a shower. We all have a limited time for a shower, but nobody besides me pays attention to the scedeul. Having to  only open up my top dresser drwar and grab a bondle full of clothes, I'm the first one in the shower room.

Walking to the very last stall, I open the door, close and lock it, I turn to the brick wall that holds the shower head, I stand on the bench thats there to put my clean clothse and my towel on the hooks that are above the shower head. Once thats done I strip, put the clothse I just took off on the side of the stall door, turn on the water and take my shower. Just a couple of seconds into my shower I hear giggling and then my dirty clothse that I had thrown over the side of my shower stall are taken and pounding foot steps suggest that the culprets ran off. Now I'm pretty sure you know why I put my fresh pair of clothse on the hooks in the stall.

Being me isn't always easy, I wasn't even homeless until three in a half years ago. Before then, I had a loving family and I used to have a best friend. Since I first started kindergarden I had a friend, well almost had a friend. I was younger than everyone when I first started school, smarter too for my young age and everyone liked to take my things away from me and just be plainly rude like little kids like to sometimes be. He was there. My best friend Jace was there.

At first he didn't want to be my friend, but then when we got older he started hanging with me. My family was poor, but he shared his food with me at lunch when I couldn't affored anything to eat. Even though my family and I are witches (sorry for leaving that minor detail out) we can't use our powers to make us rich. Use our powers for greedy reasons always has a cost.

We hung out quit often, which made me learning how to control my powers when they started kicking in hard when we were with each other 24/7. Then he moved.

My parents weren't happy about this nor were they upset. Yeah they missed Jace's parents because both of our parents befriended each other, but they were happy when they could finally train me. And me? I was devisated when Jace left. Though we got to call, text, and write to each other when ever we could, which was all the time. Until almost a year into my magic training my bestfriend stops all contact with me and then a car crash ensues.

My family and I were in that crash. My mothers neck was snaped, my father impaled in the stomach, going all the way through to stick into his seat. My face went through the window I was sitting by, giving me a small gash on my forehead and some scratches scattered on my face. And I also had a big huge piece of glass in my left thigh, plus internal bleeding. I lost so much blood and the doctors had no clue how I survived losing so much blood. When my moms neck snapped it completly severed her spin and then my dad died in surgery. He had a few brocken ribs, a callapsed lung, a damaged kidney, and he lost way to much blood. Not as much as I did, but close. I had to have surgery done on one of my kidneys and had to have a blood transfution to insure I would survive.

Glancing down to my right side, I trace the slitly long scar going from the bottom of my hip curving slitly around to the start of my back. After so long of having the scar its gotten a bit fainter from when it used to be an ugly redish-purple color. Removing my hand from the ugly scar, I start washing my hair and then my body, wishing I could erase the memory of the accident and hate knowing I can't. 


Once dressed and dried off I walk out of the stall carring my towel in search of the culprets that took off with dirty clothse, so I can put the clothse in my dirty clothse basket and wash them later. I find them one at a time in the other room marked bathroom, that's a whole other room from the shower room, in the toillet stalls. With a an anoyed sigh I wring the each out before piling them ontop of the towel over my left arm. Walking out of the bathroom to the showerroom then out of the showerroom into the bedroom qaurters, I walk over to the basket beside my bed and drop the clothse in the basket. Once that's done I scoot the basket under the bed and open the only other drawer in my dresser and grab a pair of clean socks and my brush.

Getting my ratty old shoes out from under my small dresser I put my socks on and then my shoes and then standing I brush my long redish-orange hair and then put the brush away. Grabbing my long, two sizes to big, black jacket from atop my dresser I put in on over my then plain old gray shirt, grab my bag from between my bed and dresser and walk out of the bedroom down the hallways until I reach the dinning room.

Sitting in one of the chair at the long table I put my bag on the floor and hang on with it with my feet (to make sure no one takes off with my bag.) Being the first one here (as always) I sit and wait for everyone else to file in. The first ones to fill there paper plates with food get breakfist and everyone everyday pile there plates high until the food is gone. The guys with there plates piled high can usally eat everything on there plates and all the girls usallly eat some and then toss the rest away without offering the people that didn't get anything to eat if they want it.

As everyone files into the dinning room the food starts to be served and layed out on the table I get a humungous amount of food from each iteam like everyone else and sit in my seat and wait. Looking at the plate full of toast and eggs and sausage and bacon and excetra makes my stomach growl with hunger that is never satisfied with how little I ever get to eat. I resist temptation to start eating and watch as everyone else sitts back with there plates full of food. There not being anything left on the bowls and plates in the middle of the table I lood around at the people that didn't get an ounce of food to even eat. As always its the little kids between the ages of seven through eleven.

There being seven kids that didn't get any food I put my fork on the paper plate under some food to make it stay and then stand up, put my bag over my shoulder and then pick up the plate with both hands and walk over to the closest kid without food and scoop some onto her plate. The seven year old girl squels exicidedly when she sees her favorite food (being pancakes) and gives me a hug and then starts to eat. Walking from kid to kid until all seven of them have food on their plates leaving mine empty, I walk over to my seat, pick up the glass of orange juice there and seeing people smiling in my direction I know they put something in it. Walking into the kitchen with the glass of poisinous orange juice and my fork and paper plate. Going over to the sink I dump out the orange juice and watch it go down the drain.

"Let me guess, they put something in the juice?" Asks a person behind me. Putting the now empty cup down in the sink I turn around and see Chef Mason over by the stove.

"You know they did, whoever it was, they always do. That's why I hardly ever get to drink the orange juice in the morning because they either poison it with their spit, toothpaste, hotsauce, which that time was really bad. That's why if I see them smiling in my direction when I go to drink it I don't drink if just in case its poisoned."

Walking over to the trashcan I drop the paperplate and plastic fork into it and watch them both fall until they both hit the trash at the bottom. Smelling the aroma of food in the kitchen my stomach growls, but I ignore it has best as I can, like I always do. I hear a groan and look over at Chef Mason and see him watching me.

"You didn't skip eating again, did you?" He asks looking at me with concern. 

Looking at the thirty something year old man, my only friend in this hellhole, and don't answer him as for he already knows the answer.

"You need to start eating Ceri. Your to skiney for your own good. Brittney and I both hate it when you don't eat." Brittney is his wife and she works as a chef here too, but right now she must be doing something for the Sisters.

"You and Brit both know I won't eat unless the seven little ones I give my food too has something to eat too." I tell him like I've told him and Brit a thousand times before.

"Here." Says Chef Mason as he hands me a plat full of bacon and toast. "You've got to eat something."

Handing the plat back I tell him, "No. Don't give me any of yours or Brits porton of food. You guys have to eat too, since you both live here too. I will eat later, either at dinner if I'm lucky or two days from now when I get money for lunch at school." Before he can say anything else or try to force me to eat I say, "Bye Chef Mason, don't want to be late for school. Oh, and tell Brit I said hi when you see her." And then I walk out of the kitchen, through the dinning room, through the hallways and then out the door and walk the nine blocks to school.


Walking down the halls of Westford High going to my locker I go unnoticed through the sufficating wave of students in the hallways. Getting to my locker I put in the combo and then shove my bag in it and grab the stuff I'll need for first period and close my locker. Going down the winding hallways and up a flight of stairs I get to my Science class and grab one of the tables in the back corner by the windows and away from people. Getting out a packet that we had to do for homework I set it on the corner of the table and look out the window and watch the sky and treetops.

After a few minutes my fellow classmates start to file into the room and I hear gossip about the school getting nine new students and one of them, a guy, who is supposed to be in our class. Once I start hearing squels and some girls at a table not so quitly start talking about how they hope the guy is hot I block everything out until Mrs. Cards calls the class to attention.

"Alright class first thing this mornin' I want you to come up here and turn in you packets that should be done. I gave y'all a week to work on them." Says Mrs. Cards in her Texan drawl.

Grabbing my packet I walk up to her desk and put it on the corner being the start of the pile. Walking back to my table I barally have time to step over somebodies foot that was put there on purpose to try to trip me. Getting to back to my table I sit in my seat and look out the window, when all of a sudden my telapthy power kicks in and everybodies thoughts start rushing at me full force.

'Crap I forgot to finish the pack-'

'If one of the new guys are hot I'm gon-'

'If I told Mrs. Cards I lost my packet will she bel-'

'I can't believe Ben cheated on m-'

Everybodies thoughts rush at me at once and I can't even listen to one whole thought before the next one interupts and starts blasting in my head. I wince and start to rub my temples to see if I can stop the headach from from with no use. I hear the door open, but I don't look torwards it I just look down at the table in front of me and try to shut up the voices in my head.

'Oh. My. God! The new guy is so ho-'

'Stepany is looking at him. Why is sh-'

'I hope Mrs. Cards puts him next too m-'

'I wonder if he has any hot budd-'

'Oh just looking at him as me ho-'

I think I'm going to be sick after hearing that last thought. I wince again as the voices seem to be getting louder. I try to do the meditating breathing my parents tought me to do if my telapathy got to out of hand, but it doesn't work. I parilly register the sound of real voices from the front of the room and try to focus on them as I clench my hands into fists.

"Class it seems we have a new student today by the name of Ja-"

'He's got a nice ass for a stu-'

'He's going to be mine sooner or lat-'

I close my eyes tightly and try to focus on Mrs. Cards voice as she talks.

"So Jace, tell the class a little about yourself."

"Well my name is Jace Dawson and I just moved her from SanFrisico. And that's basically all your going to get out of me." I want to laugh at the last thing the new guy Jace said, but can't. With my eyes still tightly closed and hands still fisted on the table something slowly registers. Jace Dawson. Jace. My Jace. My eyes snap open and I look up to the front of the room and I see him standing there, with his hands in his pockets, dark black hair I used to always play with and those dark blue eyes that are staring right back at me with a bit of anger in them.

Pain lances through my head as the voices start to get louder and I re-clench my eyes closed.

'Who's he stairng a-'

'Wounder who he's going to be partnered w-'

Focus. I tell myself, focus on voices that are really talking. Not the ones in your head.

I hear paper rustle and then Mrs. Cards saying, "Jace you will be seated next to..." There's a slight pause and then more paper rustles. "Ruin. Ceri Ruin is going to be your lab partner for the rest of the school year. Ceri would you please raise your hand?"

Unclenching my left hand I slowly raise it above my head for a few seconds and then lower it and reclench it into a fist, digging my nails into my palm.

"Mrs. Cards, Jace can join our group that way he doesn't bother Cering." Says somebody. I know the voice, but right now I can't really think.

"Jace would you mind joining Ceri's table or would you want to partner with Stephany's group? I think it would only be fair-"

'Come on sit over here wi-'

'Stephany what do you thi-'

"-my partner." I hear footsteps walking and then the chair next to me is pulled out and someone sits in it. I open my eyes and try to look next to me, but another spasm of pain lances through my skull and I clinch my eyes closed again. Who's sitting next to me? Why would anyone want to sit next to me?


Chapter Two



When I walked into the Science room the smell of my mate hit me and I started looking around the room when my gaze fell on the redhead in the back corner and stayed on her. She remindes me so much of my Ceri. The Ceri I had no choice, but to leave when I hit the age to start looking for my mate. It killed me to cut off all contact with her so I could focus on finding my mate instead of calling and texting and sending letters to her. It killed me when I wasn't allowed to answer her calls (my mom did instead when she could) or respond to her letters and texts. I loved hearing the sound of her voice when my mom answered my cellphone, the sound of her voice was always the light of my day until the sadness soon leaked into her voice and made me feel really guilty for ignoring her.

There's times when I hate being a werewolf and times when I like it. The thing I hate about being a werewolf is being ripped away from my Ceri and not being able to tell I'm a werewolf. The only things I liked about being a werewolf was being fast enough to catch my Ceri the times when she was such a clutz she would trip over anything and everything and I was fast enough to catch her. Having sensitive hearing and being able to tell when she was sick or picking up her painful breathing when she was in pain, even though she would say she was fine, I'd pick her up and carry her home and stayed the night on the couch with her until she felt better or her wound was healed. Being able to pick up her breathing and heart racing when we played hide and seek, I could always find her. Being able to figure out the signs for when she was liying to me, I'd tickle her until she told me her secrete, all but one have I gotten out of her. Being able to quickly subdue her when we wrestled, which always made her want to wrestle to try to beat me.

Being able to smell the scent that's all Ceri and her slight arousle when I'd have her pinned down and being able to sience her confusion on what she was feeling. Everything I loved about being a werewolf has everything to do with Ceri. And then I hated everything when I lost her. 

I didn't really like her much when I was younger, but I stuck up for her all the time and when our parents friended each other we ended up seeing each other a lot. She didn't force her friendship on me, she just offered to help me with the subjects I sucked at. I even started hanging out with her at lunch and offered to share my food with her when I found out that she was poor and her parents could only sometimes affored to give her lunch money.


Once I got done paying for my tray of food I walk over to the table that Ceri Ruins sat at and take the seat next to her. Waiting for her to look up from the book she is reading I noisily open up one of the small bags of Cheesecurls, that her parents told me was one of her favorites (when I for some reason asked what her favorite foods were), and start to noisily munch on one them. Her head snaps up and I chuckle as she looks at the chips in my hand.

Looking away from me and back down to her book she asks, "Shouldn't you be sitting with your buddies over there? They're stairing."

I look over at my pack and see that they indeed are stairing, wondering why I'm over here.

'Dude what are you doing?' Asks Jake through our mind link.

'It's none of your buisness of what I do or don't do.' I say back angrily.

"Nope. I'm supposed to be sitting right here."

Putting the bookmark in the book she was reading, she closes it and I read the title. Marked. Hpm, doesn't really sound interesting, but then again I don't like to read. Looking back at Ceri I see her look at me and before I can say anything she starts talking.

"What did I do to you that I am unaware of? That I know of I've only helped you with school work and thanked you a thousand times for standing up for me. You find out that my families poor and then you make fun of me by eating next to me, knowing I can't eat here."

Smiling I say, "Nope it's not that. I came over here to offer to share my lunch with you everyday including on the days that you get lunch all we have to do is share each others." Holding out the small bag of chips for her to take some I say, "The only thing you have to worry about is if your okay eating and drinking after a guy."

 Smirking Ceri takes a few Cheesecurls out of the bag and says, "And that leaves you with only worring about eating and drinking after a girl." She then takes a bite out one of the Cheesecurls she's holding and then holding it out torwards me in a challenge. I take it from her fingers and pop it into my mouth.

Taking a long Cheesecurl out of the bag I take a bite out of it and hold it to her mouth and say, "Its only fair. You made me eat after you and we'll have to do this from now on. Might as well start getting used to it now." Smiling a beautiful smile she takes the Cheesecurl from my fingers with her teeth and eats it. For some reason my heart starts beating faster when she took the Cheesecurl from my fingers with her mouth. Shaking off the strange feeling I just had, we both continue to talk and eat lunch.


When the redhead looked up my heart started to race when I saw that she was indeed my long lost Ceri and I was so glade that I was told to sit next to her and then ticked when some girl with the name of I think Sarah, no I don't think that's right. I can't remember her name, but she pissed me the fuck off when she tried to get Mrs. C to make me sit over ther with her group. When Mrs. C told me I could pick between Tara's group or partnering with Ceri and voicing her appinion that it was only fair if I sat with Ceri so she doesn't always have to do the labs my herself, even without Mrs. C saying that I would've chosen my Ceri no matter what.

Walking down the rows of tables to the back one were my Ceri sits I take the seat next to her and see that her hands are tightly clenched. She moves her head to the side like she's going to look next to her and I see that her eyes are tightly closed. She quickly jerks her head back down like she's stairing at the table, but I know she's not. My sinsitive hearing picks up her painful breathing and hear her clench her teeth together in pain. I scoot my chair closer to hers.

"You okay?" I whisper to her as lightly grab ahold of her right hand. Tingles like small sparks shoot up and down my arm when we have skin to skin contact and I suck in air between my teeth. Mate. My Ceri is my mate. My wolf howls in exictment and longing and I fight to hold him back. I feel her starting to relaxes like her pain has just left her, when she suddenly jerks her hand out of mine.

With her right hand now free from mine she grabs her head with both of her hands and digs her fingers into her head and starts to gasp for air. I look around and see that nobodies paying attention to Ceri like she's not even there. I look back at Ceri in confusion wanting to ask her what's wrong and wanting to hold her and make the pain go away, but have the feeling she doesn't want to talk or have me hold her. All of a sudden her right hand darts out and grabs ahold of my left one real tightly. I hold hers just as tightly and again I feel her start to relax and this time she doesn't try to jerk away. Her breathing starts to slow and she slowly open her eyes and looks over at my concerned face. Loosining her grip on my hand she starts to let go, but as soon as her skin stops touching mine she gaspes in pain and grabs my hand again and doesn't let go.

I look into her brown eyes, but can't read the emotion in them that I used to beable to read. She looks away from me to the front of the room and freezes. Looking forward to see what's wrong I see that a few people mostly girls are finally seeing Ceri and staring at her with daggers as the go from looking at her to looking at our tightly locked hands. When I feel her loosining her hand from mine, getting ready to let go I tighten my grip to immobolize her hand and then I lace our fingers together. Sliding our interlacked imbraced hands off the table I put her hand on my thigh.

I hear her gasp and whisper to her, "For some reason your in really bad agony and my touch seems to be the only thing that soothes the pain, so I'm not letting go of your hand wheather you like it or not." She nods and using my sensitvive hearing I pick up her heart beating faster. She looks to the front as Mrs. C is teaching us something about a chemicle, but I can't concentrate while holding Ceri's hand on my thigh and having sparks shoot up and down my arm 

Anger startes to ensue at my parents for making us move years ago. For three years, three fucking years, we've been moving from place to place looking for my mate when I had her from the very beginning. The reason why when I got closer to the age of finding my mate I fell more and more in love with Ceri. The reason why I started to get along with her and get reallly close to her when I was getting older. The reason why I felt so much pain, like I was being ripped apart when my parents made us move and leave Ceri behind. The reason why I always had to call and text and write to Ceri. The reason why I could barily breath when I was around her. The reason why I felt even more excrustating pain when I was forced to stop all contact with her. The reason why I loved hearing the sound of her voice and the reason why it killed me when I heard her voice start to turn to sadness and pain and couldn't talk to her. The reason why when I was with other girls I would mostly thing about her instead of the one I was dating.

It was all becaue she was my mate. My Ceri is my mate and this time I'm not and never will let her go.


I'm brought back to the classroom from my thoughts when Ceri lets go of my hand, but quickly grabs ahold of it with her left hand and puts our locked hands on her right thigh. Hissing air in between my teeth when the back of my hand touches the top of her thigh, an inicent move on her part and she doesn't know how it makes me feel. I look down at the table and try to focus on the worksheet in front of me, but can't consentrat on anything, but her hand trapping mine ontop of her thigh.

"I don't see how you got through school without me for so long. You don't even pay attention in class." Ceri sighs out. I look in her direction and see her stairing at me in slit amusement. I start to smile at her and then the amusement fades and she looks away. Before I can ask what's wrong she stats talking, "Why'd...why'd you stop all contact with me?"

"I'm sorry Ri, but I can't tell you that." I say using her old nickname as I tighten my hold on her hand.

"It's fine...uh. Do you need help with your worksheet?" She asks as she loosens her grip on my hand. Knowing her so well and then actually not knowing her well enough, I know that she is just trying to change the subject so I don't know how much my answer hurts her.

"Sure. If you don't mind helping the ideot here." I say with a smile and noge her side a little with my elbow only to hear a hiss of pain. turning in my chair I light touch her side and apoligize, "I'm so sorry. Are you okay? I didn't think I elbowed you to hard."

 She grabs my hand and moves it away from her side and says, "It's nothing. I'm fine, don't worry about it." I don't believe her one bit when she says she's fine, but I don't push the subject, I just watch her. 

I move a lock of her beautiful hair behind her ear, she jumps a little and lets go of my hand and pushes it off of her thigh. I hear a click as her teeth clench together when our skin stop touching. I go to grab her hand again, but she moves it away out of my grasp and scoots her chair away from mine. I just scoot mine closer and as a do a wave of pain hit me through the bond that's slowly forming between us. When mates meet and come in skin to skin contact a couple of times the bond starts to form to were the male can feel when there mate is in pain, no matter if its just a sports injury or not, we'll feel it. And the pain I feel right now, like tiny needles being gorged into my skull is coming from Ceri.

Taking deep breaths I ignore it the pain and focus on Ceri. "You're in pain. Why are you in pain? What's wrong?" I go to grab her hand again knowing for some strange reason that my touch will sooth her pain and make it go away, but again she snatches it away from me.

"Why do you care?" She gaspes out as she clenches her hands and closes her eyes. "I thought you cared three years ago, but I was wrong." She opens her eyes and looks at me and I can see laces of pain in them. "We were so close or so I thought and then you moved. Yes, we kept in touch for a year and then you blocked all contact with me. Even on the worst day ever when I called you in the hospital you wouldn't even talk to me. Why? Why'd you ignore me?" I see tears glisten in her eyes as she asks me.

What did she just say...

"You were in the hospital? For what? What happened?"

With a emotionless chuckle she says, "Forget it. We have homework to do."

I watch her as she picks her pencil back up and tries to focus on the worksheet in front of her. I try to focus on my worksheet, but can't focus on anything but Ceri. When I see clench her eyes closed and her hand start to shake in pain and the feel the needles of pain in my head get more intense, I know she is in more pain and can't stand it anymore. Trying one last time to grab her hand and hold it in mine, which it being a futile attempt anyway when she again jerks it away from me I scoot my chair back some. Leaning down I roll up both of my pant legs, scoot my chair back up to the table, and grab the bottom of Ceri's leg that is not covered by her capris, trapping her leg between mine, so we have skin to skin contact.

The pain in my head slowly eases and I watch as her hands unclench and her posture slackens from the tense position she was in. Realizing that her leg is trapped between the both of mine she tries to jerk it away, but I just tight my hold on her leg and get a glare in return. Smirking I shake my head at her signaling that I'm not going to loosen my hold anytime soon. I receive a small groan at that and smirk wider liking the sound of it.

 Turning my attention from Ceri to the sheet in front of me I am completly lost. I start tapping my pencil repeatidly at the table as I read one question after the next trying to figure out the answer to at least one of them with no such luck. It doesn't help when I suck at Science and I have tingles running up and down both of my legs from contact with my mates smooth skin.

After a few minutes of me sitting there with my pencil tapping against the table rapidly I hear a curse and then a hand slams into the hand that's holding the pencil.

"Can you please stop banging the table with the pencil? It's getting really annoying." I look over at her and give a slight nod and when she removes her hand from my pencil I start tapping it on the table again just to spite her. With an annoyed groan she slams her hand atop of mine to still the pencil.

"If I remove my hand will you stop hitting the table with the pencil?" She asks asked with annoyance lacing her words.

I don't answer I just stare at her and when she goes to remove her hand I drop the small wooden stick onto the table and grab ahold of her hand. I then preceed to drag our hands off the table, that way no girls are shooting her glares, and place her hand on my thigh and start to massage it with both of mine. Remembering the times when she used to love it when I rubbed the knots out of her wrighting hand and her shoulders, even though massaging her shoulders tickled her. I started by rubbing circles into the back of her hands until she opened her fist and then I perceed to massage her whole hand. I look over at her and see her eyes flutter with pleasure and keep rubbing her hand, while I watch her.

Seeming to sience me watching her she opens her eyes and glances over at me and then looks at the table infront of me. "Need help with that?" She asks ecstasy lacing her voice (when I start to rub the middle of her palm) and nods to something infront of me. I glance down at the table and see that she's talking about the sheet of paper I'm supposed to be working on and not the hard on I'm starting to get. She sighs when I slowly make my way down to her wrist and I'm in more trouble now with what her pleasure filled voice is doing to my body. The more I watch her while I massage her hand the more I fantisize about her making all these noises in a bed and the more horny I get, the more its hard to keep control of the wolf inside of me that wants nothing, but to claim the girl next me as our full fledged mate.

"Yes." I say huskily as I trail my fingers up the inside of her arm and feel a shudder pass through her and want to slide her over onto my lap.

"What?" She asks after a few minutes and it takes me a second to remember what she's trying to ask me.

"I need you to help me...with...the worksheet. I need you to help me with the worksheet. Still teribal at Science." 

She opens her eyes and smiles at me. "You mean your still terribal at everything besides sports, P.E., and Art." She says it more as a statement than a question, but I answer her anyway.

"Yep. But I'm still good with massages too aren't I?" I say wiggling my eyebrows at her. She gives a small laugh and I savor the sound of it.

She gives me a small shove before passing me her paper and saying, "Here cheapskate. Just copy what I have, it's a group worksheet anyway."

"Thank you." I say, but I rub her hand for a few more second before I take the sheet from her and start writting down the answers. After every question I finish wrighting the answer to I glance over at her and watch her read for a few seconds before I go back to the sheet in front of me. I would so love to know what she's thinking and if she feels the sparking tingles when our skin comes into contact. Once finished with the sheet of paper I slid it back over to her and watch as she takes her paper back and the piles mine atop of hers and puts them both in a small pile. Standing up she leans acrossed me to put the small pile of papers at the corner of the table. The whole right side of her body brushes up against me and as I suck in a breath I catch her scent. A mix of flowers, chocolate, and fruit.

It's another inacent move on her part, since she doesn't know how her close proximent affects me. My blood burns hot and all that hotness shoots downwards and my jeans start to become way to tight. Ceri goes to move back to her seat and I growl softly and she freezes, with her right side still pressed up against me. My heart starts beating faster and my wolf growls at me to mark her. I clench my jaw and close my eyes knowing there glowing a golden yellow and not wanting anyone to see. I try taking deep slow breaths to cool myself down.

"Ac, you okay? I could be hearing things, but I could've sworn I heard you growl." I groan internally when I hear her say my old nickname that she gave to me all those years ago. She slowly moves away from me and I open my eyes to see her slowly sitting back into her chair.

"Yeah. I'm okay. Why did you put the papers on the corner of the table?" I ask even though I've got a pretty good guess I just asked to get her to talk about something.

"Mrs. Cards will be coming around five minutes before the bell rings to get the worksheets and likes it when there already at the corner of the desk instead of having to make the students give the papers to her." She says as she pulls out a book and starts reading it. I nod and grab ahold of her right hand and start to massage her wrist all the way up to the enner part of her elbow. She sighs softly and I love hearing the contemptment in the sound she makes.

After a minute or two Mrs. C starts walking around the room and taking the papers we were working on. When she gets closer to our table I stop massaging Ceri's arm and she moans at the loss and I can't help, but laugh at her. When Mrs. C gets to our table and picks up our small pile she gives the redhead next me a nod of approval then walks off. Once she leaves our table I go to grab the hand attached to the beautiful girl next me, but she swats at it.

I look over at her and give her a pout, but all she does is laugh at me. "I need to finish this book soon so I can return it. I've already had to renew it once." She says as she moves my hand over to my lap when I try to make a grab for her's again. I make a small whimpering sound and she softly laughs and with her destracted I quickly grab her hand, but she clenches it tightly closed so I can't massage the middle of her hand. I grin and start massaging from her inner elbow down while rubbing one of my legs up and down her calf. She gasps softly and her fist loosens some, so I slid one hand down and open her palm and start massaging the middle of it. After a few minutes of playing with her hand the bell sounds and Ceri snaps out of her massaged pleasured state and grabs her things to leave. 

I quickly move to grab all of my things and go to follow Ceri when I see her walk out the classroom door, but before I even get to the door I'm called over to Mrs. C's desk before I can leave. Great. Now I'm stuck with a horny teacher and I my mate as just medled into the wave of students.

Chapter Three



As soon as Jace and I come into skin to skin contact the pain in my head goes away completly. I don't know why exactly, but it does. I want to be mad at him, but I can't seem too. He made sure that we were touching skin to skin so my pain would go away and for some weird reason he wouldn't stop stairing at me either. I've missed him so much and was angery and upset when he dropped all contact with me even when I tried to contact him at the hospital. I didn't tell him about the accident because I'm pretty sure he already knows and just wants to make fun of me for some reason, but I don't want to believe its because of that with how nice he was treating me in Science class.

Needing time to figure out if Jace is playing me because he's changed since when I knew him and he's trying to prank me or if he is still the friend I used to hang with and still wants to be my bestfriend. When the bell rings I hurry up and grab my things and race out of the classroom already knowing that Mrs. Cards will call Jace over to her desk. She does that all the time when she gets new guys in her class and she finds them attractive. I know its wrong for teachers to sleep with students, but I can't tell anyone unless I have proof and all the students she's fucked have not complained or denied her. For guys I guess they wouldn't give up a chance to fuck the teacher that they think is hot. It is really disturbing the discusting thought's that I sometimes can't help, but hear.

I hope Jace won't fall for her suduction, but then again I wouldn't really be surprised if he did. That I know of and from the guys that I know of that slept with her, none of them even bothered admitting it and then give me hell later for the next couple of days until they even forget I exist. I don't like it when I become non-existant to people, it happens all the time. I miss my best friend so much and now it feels like we have a different kind of bond, one I think was forming before we were separated.

Whatever this bond may be I hope it continues to keep forming. I want my best friend back, but good things don't happen to me anymore. Only the bad do. I just got him back and I don't ever want to lose him again the only problem I think is that he was never mine to begin with. I have no claim on him and neither does he on me.

I want my Jace back. Even though he was never actually mine, but he made me feel so much. If he leaves me again so will the joyful feelings that's come back to me. If I lose that again I fear this time I'll become nothing, just an empty shell.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.05.2014

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