
Tieara's Diary

We live in a world full of vampires, who at first only let some humans that they trusted know of their existens and the ones they found out couldn't they either erased their memories or they exposed of them. Vampires for centuries lived in the shadows, some purposly doing things that could expose their secret, some not wanting to hurt humans stayed in the dark, and others always in shadows, killing, but also erasing all evidence. The few humans that knew soon turned into groups of people that called themselves Vampire Hunters, the very people that was to despose of the vampires, which they soon found out wouldn't work. Decades went by and line after line of hunters tried everything to kill a vampire with no such luck, every line never telling any other human outside the circle about the vampires not wanting everything to go to chaos like they thought the world would go if every human found out the creatures of the night existed.
      After awhile the group of hunters turned into the whole world finding out about them as every piece of evidence showed up.
      Now vampires all over are being captured (which some people lose their lives because it is never easy) and tested on, scientists working to see if they can figure out what makes the creatures tick and what can make them stop. Lots of legends about vampires are false; they don't burn in the sunlight, a stake to the heart doesn't kill them it immobalizes them, they don't turn into bats, holy water doesn't singe them, they can walk on holy grounds with out inserating, they don't have to be invited into someone's house, they can just walk in. Vervain hurts some vampires, but most seem to love the way its burns when it goes down their throat (trust me, I've seen it.)
      Every child once they hit fift grade and up they have to go on field trips to the closest science center to see real living vampires (as some people like to say non-living live vampires) and tell us all the information we need incase we ever run into one, two, or a whole lot of them. Every time we go to the Vampire Caught Science Center we have to chug a bottle of vervain water and then keep another one with us at all times and every once in awhile take a drink of it (one way to make sure that no vampire has turned us, because the young vampires have a hard time with vervain.) 
       Sometimes we get to see volunteers be a blood donor for the vampires that are captures (they get fead every once in awhile.) He or she does not go into the cell that contains the vampire, but they put one of their arms through a slot in the cell for the vampire that is to feed can have access to one wrist and drink from it. Some of the vampires don't feed from the donor if their is vervain in his or her wrist, but some seem to drink harder when it comes to vervain filled blood. Some vampires when they want to they like to sometimes break the donors wrist to show how strong they still are and some people say they only do that to show how cruel they are. And sometimes because they know the donor wants to be bitten the vampire will break the human's wrist for there own amusement, which happens a lot to students who volunteer to donate. Sometimes the bone goes all the way through the skin, sometimes it doesn't, not saying I've seen it but I've heard stories.
       Once you hit eleventh and twealth grade at least two students have to volunteer to donate their blood to a vampire to proove how evil the creatures are and how they can manipulate your mind into thinking that your in a pleasureable state of drugs and not having your life drain away from you. If no one volunteers two sometimes three students are picked. You can either pick the vampire you want to feed or it will be picked for you and resistant or not, you will be forced into giving your blood. 
       The only Legands nobody knows is true or false is the turning of a vampire. Are you borned one, if your drained of blood and then given the vampires blood if you turn, do you just have to be bitten a certain way, can the blood of a vampire heal? Or if there are any other non-human species out there besides vampires. Scientists don't know if there true because they're to scared to try any of them.
        Vampires are a different species, different from us humans. They're fast and stronger ans get to live forever, never aging. I think we're missjudging them just because they're immortal and drink blood. I'm one of the very few if not only human that thiks that there are two sides of vampires. Evil ones and ones that try to be good. If only there was a way to know the truth. It could be minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years before I find out the truth. Or never.

Chapter One

"Raise your hand if you've finished the copied papers of Tieara's Diary." Says Mr. Hamlin as soon as he walks through the classroom door. A few people, counting me, raise our hands. Mr. Hamlin looks around the room with a dissapointed look on his face as he counts the few numbers. "Okay then. Raise your hand if you've read any of it at all." Again only a few raised hands. Getting frustrated he basically shouts, "Raise you hand if you haven't started reading any of it!" Now a bunch of hand are tentativly raised. Slaming his hands down on his desk, making a few students jump, he asks angrily, "Those of you that raised your hand saying that you've read it, re-raise your hand if you lied to me!" Two hands raised. "How can I teach you if you don't want to learn! It was just a couple simple pages! Do you not know how to read!?"
     Getting pissed he slides his right hand across his desk, knocking off a stack of papers in the process. As I watch the papers settle down on the floor I see someone boldily raising their hand. Mr. Hamlin glars at the guy raising his hand and gives a very subtail nod that you could barily see meaning, ask your question or I'm about to yell at you. The guy with the raised hand, whom I can't see because I'm sitting in the way back corner, asks,"Why do we have to read this Tara's Diary. You say your wanting to teach us. What are you teaching us by making us read about how these blood suckers are supposably good?"
      Hearing his voice I instantly know its Toby. One of the only people that I know that doesn't know how to keep his goddam mouth shut. Just because he is in the popular croud doesn't mean that he can get away with everything, espacially with the teachers. Like pissing the teachers off, he always thinks he can get away with it. The only thing he is going to get one of these days is deaf hears.
       Mr. Hamlin's face goes red and before he can take a breath to start yelling at him, I butt in (as usal).
       "It's called Tieara's Diary, not Tara's." I say and have the saticfaction of somewhat calming Mr. Hamlin down. When he gets pissed off it is not pretty to be in front of him. In Santer High School, teachers are allowed to hit you. In a way the teachers are kind of like nuns or preists, they think that if they can educate you and teach you about vampires they can save your soul. And those that people think didn't get saved, well they end up becoming invisable. People act like that person isn't here, like they're dead and nobody ever seems to care. Not even the families of the invisable people. Those who are invisable, most become homeless.
      Toby looks at me evily. "Sorry if I didn't say what you think I should've said. If your so smart why don't you answer my question then." He says snobily.
       "Well first off the reason why were supposed to read the story is because I am pretty sure that the teachers are trying to show us how nieve the Invisible people are for believing that there are good vampires. Take Tieara for example, she believed that there were such things as good vampires and bad vampires, but then later on after a couple of years with dating a vampire she loved she was killed. It doesn't say so in the story, but if anyone was paying attention Mr. Hamlin was telling us a bit about this Tieara person before we were given a couple of copied papers from her diary.

Even though what happened to Tieara happened ten years ago, her diary was found and published and after a couple of years the books went missing. Even the original diary went missing. That is why we only have a few pages cause that was all the was found of Tieara's Diary, otherwise I think we would of been assigned to read the whole thing." I say and start to have a glaring contest with Toby when he starts to glare at me.
         Ignoring the glaring compition going on, which is somewhat unusal because Mr. Hamlin loves getting onto people about glaring he continues to speak, " Finally a student that pays attention! Now Mr. Libbing why do you think every classroom teaches you about vampires? That goes for everyone!" He yells as his eyes sweep across the room stopping to look at each students face for a couple of seconds before moving to the next, not really seeming to no that any of us are here, because as he always says 'I hate kids'. "I want all of you to write a 250 word essay on why you need to learn about vampires, why we are teaching you about them and about how to defend yourself against them. If not then you will be put in the Education Center. Everyone got it?" My eardrums are going to explode one of these days if he keeps yelling.
        The Education Center is a lot worser than it sounds. If you don't do what you are supposed to do, well you get put in the Education Center were you only get four hours of sleep, bairly any food, and the only way you get the food and water is if you finish the courses. When I say courses I don't mean a paper written test, I mean a fighting test. And from what rumors say, its a brainwashing test too.
         The Education Center is sort of like Army training, you get trained to fight. If you get knocked out however many hours or days it takes you to wake up, you have that either a couple more hours to stay or a lot more days. Why not have the Invisibles go there to try to knock some since into them? well that is a really good question. Nobody really knows why they won't do that, I guess if your already invisible to people because you like vampires then I guess you just have no choice, but to be one and not have to go to The Education Center. Or it could possibly be up to your parents if you decirve to come back home.

Lifting up the small glass squar attached to my desk I wait for the light to turn on before I type in my password to get to my school account on the glowing glass keypad. Once logged in I tap the glass over a picture of a piece of wrighting paper marked Serra's Assignments. Seeing people looking over at my computer I push the glass down until it is laying atop the desk, that way nobody can see what I wight in my essay. It figures the only time people seem to notice me is when I open my big mouth or when they want to copy me on an assignment. Fucking figure.



12/13/2580 Serra Varren



Everyday ever since 2385 we've been learning about Vampires. At first we didn't know they existed amongst us until all the evidence was put infront of our faces and the trust came unhidden. When the trust was revielled we didn't want to believe it until the action was put infront of our eyes and The Hunters who swore to secrecy decided it was time to tell everyone the truth and convince us that everything we've found and seen was true. Vampires living amongst us put everything into choas, until we come together with The Hunters and decided a plot against the Blood Suckers. 

It took us forty-eight years, give or take, to start capturing the Vamps and figuring out what can and can't be used against them. After awhile we created Science Centers and studied the Night Living Creatures and started teaching everyone about them in and out of school. Learning about Vampires and learning how to fight against them is what we've been doing for centuries.


The bell rings just as I finish my essay and save the four-hundred and sixty-five lettered paper, I know way past the number I was told to do, but I'm a nerd and have to wright a lot of what I know on topics, I just can't help it. Once I have it saved, I log out of my school account and lift up the glass and bring it forward all the way until it touches the glass its attached to and blends in with it. Standing up, I pick up my bag from the ground and make my way to my last hour class, Science. 

Walking down the crowded halls of the school, I seem to be invisible, of course if I open my mouth people will see me, but I kinda like going unnoticed. Cutting between people as there talking, they just keep on talking like I wasn't even there. Walking up a flight of stairs I see the number 211 and walk into Mr. Wilson's classroom and take a seat at one of the back lab tables.

The bell rings as I take a seat and other students in my Sceince class start fialing into the room. Chatter starts filling the room as my fellow classmates take there seats and after a few minutes of loud talking the late bell rings and Mr. Wilson walks to the center of the room with a ruler and slams it down on one of the lab tables to get everyone to, well shut up.

"As you all know there is a assembally today so for your last class today, you won't be in my room, you'll be going to the gym. You will be going over some rules like you do every year about the Vampire Caught Science Center, cause you lot are going to be going tomorrow. Now get out of my class!" The last part he yells as the bell rings, signaling for us to go to the pep assembally. Re-standing and picking up my bag I walk out of the room, down the set of stairs, through the winding hallways, until I reach the set of double doors that are pushed wide open, letting students and teachers walk past into the gym.

Walking into the huge gymnasium I walk up the bleachers until I get to the upper right hand corner with my back to the wall and my legs up on the step next to me, in a relaxed position, waiting for everyone else to take there seats and the Princable to start talking. I have the whole corner to myself and I just sit there starring into space when I hear a loud echooing tap on the microphone a few minutes later.

"Good afternoon! As all of you know tomorrow we're going to the Vampire Caught Science Center!" Yells Princeable Anders excidedly, waving her hands around and making everyone in the bleachers crow with inthuseasum as the stomp, clap, hollar, and whistle, not being able to surpress there own excitment, well except me. I stopped cheering when I went to The Vampire Caught Science Center the first time. It just wasn't any fun.

Princeable Anders whistles into the microphone making everyone in the echoing gym cover there ears, or groan, but everyone does go silent. "Okay, well we got a new exsperiment we get to do this year for the Eleventh and Twelth graders!" There's hoots and hallors from as you probably guessed the said eleventh and twelth graders and groans and exclamations from the students in lower grades. Princable Anders waves a hand for everyone to be quit and everyone shuts-up that way she doesn't whistle again. "What we get to do this year is...Can I get a drum roll please." Everone stomps for the empersionation of a drum roll. "Help exsperiment on the VAMPIRES! And what I mean by the is, is we are able to help see what instruments can hurt a Vampire and try to see if that weapon can also be used to exterminate all living Vampires!" 

All the eleventh and twelfth graders scream with excitement and the kids in lower grades give congrates to the ones that are able to do as much havoc as they want to the Vampires and I'm a bit sick to my stomach that I put everything else that Anders says on mute, until the bell rings. As the rest of the hour goes by with students and teachers being so excited about tourchering Vampires, the bell rings. I'm so relieved and a tad excited that I hurry up and grab my bag jumping down the now vacant steps and just jump over the railing, to the small set of stairs that lead up to the bleachers, and land not so gracefully on my feet and race out the gym door, down the hallways and out the school door, being the first one (as always) on the school bus.

As I get on the bus Mr. Drew gives me a slight nod in greeting and I do the same before walking to the back of the bus and taking a seat. I put my bag in the seat next to me and then after about five minutes give or take my fellow classmates start shoveling onto the bus. When I start to hear people gossiping about what we get to do tomorrow I dig into my backpack until I find my old worried IPad. Its mostly made out of glass except for the outside edges to but earphones in. With my earbuds in I put the IPad on full blast and start listening to really old past time music. They where really hard to find and when I came acrossed the oldtimes music I just fell in love with it so I downloaded them.

The bus stops at least seven times before it gets to my stop. I grab my bag and get off the bus, exchanging slit nods of farewell to Mr. Drew before going down the few steps to the ground and then walking strait to the door of my house. As soon as I get inside I turn off my IPad and yell, "I'm home!" before I walk up the stairs, down the hallway, and through the door at the end of the hallway. I take my earphones out as soon as I close and lock my bedroom door.




Chapter Two

 I've been stuck in this hellhole of a place for twenty-four years, and the worst thing? Hardly any blood. Being torchered is a close second. Ever since the humans found out about the supernatural and their choas calmed they created these fucking centers that they use as prisons for Vampires.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.02.2014

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