
“Kill any human that comes within a ten feet of the house.” My father, Ares ordered me.
“Yes, sir.” I said slowly. I turned and walked out of our conference room. I walked to the front door and opened it. I looked at the short, plump guard.
“Bring any human that trespasses to me. Ares orders.” I looked him in the eye while I barked out the orders.
“Yes, sir, Aaron.” The guard, Kurt said. It was nice to be the heir for the coven. I walked back into the house and went downstairs where we keep the humans. I stalked over to the newest prisoner, she must be twenty. Her blonde hair was tangled up and the chains left red rings around her wrists and ankles.
“You know…I am quite thirsty and I think your blood is just what I need.” I whispered in her ear. I saw Goosebumps form on her skin.
“Please…Let me go…” She said so quietly I had to strain my ears to hear. I grasped her face in my hands and bit down on her soft flesh on her neck. She opened her mouth but no noise came out. I drank her sweet blood until there was no more. I threw her body on the ground and gave a cold look to the others.
“Humans are only good for one thing, blood.” I announced as I walked back up the stairs.
“Have a good meal?” Aria, my best friend asked as I opened the basement door.
“Yes. Are you going down?” I asked, trying not to break because of her beauty.
“No. I’m all good, Aaron.” She looked at me with her big brown eyes.
“Okay.” I said. Suddenly she grasped my shoulder tightly, turned me around, and kissed me quickly. When she pulled away, my lips tingled where she had placed her soft, pink lips.
“Good night, Aaron.” She smiled evilly and waved. I watched her climb the stairs; listening to the clicks of her heels until I could hear it no more.
“Fuck!” I growled into the solitude.
I went to my room, took off my black clothes, and replaced them with just boxers. My black hair was tousled and my green eyes were blood shot from the blood I had consumed. I jumped into bed and let the dreams consume me.

“Aaron!” I heard Aria yell. Before I knew it, she jumped on my bed and pinned me down, her blonde hair in her face as she looked down at me.
“Good morning to you too.” I chuckled as I wrapped my arms around her small waist.
“Look, about the kiss…” She said shyly. She looked away for a minute and then met my gaze again.
“No big deal.” I murmured. I picked up a strand of her hair and tucked it behind her ear.
She rolled over so she was lying next to me.
“Aria, why’d you kiss me?” I asked. Her flawless brown eyes grew bigger than usual.
“I’ve…always had a crush on you…” she mumbled.
“Aria, don’t do this to me again…” I groaned out.
“Aaron, we were younger then. We are mature now.” She propped herself up on her right elbow and looked me straight in the eyes.
“We dated three times and you left me for another person! One of them wasn’t even a guy!” I said through my teeth.
“Fine! Forget it!” She ran out of the room quickly and the only thing I saw was her blurry body and her long blonde hair.
“Aria, wait!” I yelled but I was too late. I heard the vases and pictures crash as she threw her temper tantrum.
The crashing ceased and I heard her broken sobs. I got up and went down stairs. She held her knees close to her face; her makeup leaving stains on her pants.
“Aria…” I sighed. I picked her up from the ground and set her on her feet. She looked up at me. I took her face in my hands and kissed her softly. I wiped her tears away and looked her in the eyes.
“Take me back, Aaron. I need you.” She whispered into my chest.
“One last chance.” I said sternly. She wrapped her arms tightly around me and kissed me; leaving her strawberry lip-gloss lingering on my lips.
“Thank you.” She murmured as I hugged her back. I kissed her hair like I always did. She sighed with relief. I picked her up and brought her up to my room. I sat down on my bed and wrapped her up in my arms. Her body was against mine and I could hear her shallow breathing.
I looked down and saw that she had fallen asleep. I smile at her peacefulness and got up carefully, trying not to disturb her.
“Aaron!” I heard my father yell from downstairs.
“Oh great…” I mumbled. I ran down the stairs and saw my father towering over a human girl, about 18 or 19.
“Take care of the pest.” He hissed at me. He kicked her once before he left to the conference room. She looked up with big, green, frightened eyes. She wore black skinny jeans with a Three Days Grace shirt. Her skating shoes were all dirty from the struggle. Her dark brown hair was in a side ponytail. She looked so innocent. However, she was food and our enemy.
“Come with me.” I hissed at her; I grabbed her arm and yanked her upright.
“Please, sir, spare me.” She pleaded. She went to touch my shoulder but stopped.
“No second chances for such a useless race.” I sneered. I lead her downstairs and to her torture spot.
“Please…” She begged; I could see in her eyes that she was about to give up.
I pushed her over to the chains and chained her up. I looked up at her face and I saw nothing. I stood up and towered over her like my father had. She looked up at me with curious eyes, my eyes narrowed and I looked at all of them right on the eye.
“You are all useless; you are good for one thing and that is blood.” I said as I climbed the stairs slowly.
“Aaron, my man!” My friend Tyler yelled at me once I was upstairs.
“Sup, man.” I high fived him before sitting down on the couch next to him.
“So you and Aria again? Ahh, man, you’re in for it this time.”
“I know, I know.”
“You gonna fuck her?”
“I’ve fucked her before, Tyler.”
“She’s good in bed, ya know.”
“How the fuck would you know?”
“We had a party on my bed when you guys were broken up.”
“Whatever, dude.”
“Sooo, how have you been?”
“Pretty good. You?”
“Pretty good. I’m getting laid every night.” He held his hand up for a high five. I slapped his hand hard and grinned.
“Lucky bastard.” I mumbled.
“Yeah.” He got up and went to the basement.
“Gonna go eat?” I raised an eyebrow at him.
“Save the new one for me.” I said sternly. He nodded and disappeared downstairs.

I woke up the next morning thirsty. My arms were wrapped around Aria. I shook her slightly. trying not to annoy her.
“Aria, wake up.” I murmured in her ear. She stirred, but soon fell back asleep. I shook her once more; her eyes opened wide and she looked at me.
“Morning.” She said softly. I bent over and kissed her lightly, her lips still lingering after I had kissed her. A bolt of electricity sparked throughout my body; wanting more of her intoxicating kisses. She licked my bottom lip; wanting access inside. I opened my mouth and let our tongues dance together in harmony. I lightly bit her to close up the kiss. I looked into her eyes and softly kissed her cheek.
“Time for a new day, love.” I murmured.
“Aaron, I love you.” She said sweetly. Those very words bring life into my immortal body.
“I love you too, Aria.” I murmured, caressing her face.
She sat up; I could feel her warm breath, as she was inches away from my lips. She licked her lips and smiled. She got up and left the room, only turning once.
I got up off my bed and threw on some clothes before running down to the basement for relief of my thirst. I opened the door to the basement and ran down the stairs. I found the new girl sitting, staring at me with her big green eyes.
“What are you looking at?” I hiss at her.
“I was looking at you, do you have a problem?” She said daringly. I walked over to her and put my hand around her neck.
“You will not speak to me like that.” I hissed at her. She did not fight back; she just stared at me. I dropped her to the ground.
“I didn’t know there was a law stating that I could not stare at you.” She smiled wickedly at me, showing white, pearly teeth.
“Shut up and be thankful that you’re alive for one more day.” I said. I looked through the victims until I found a helpless 15 year old. She was curvy; her long brown hair formed waves over her full breasts. Her hazel eyes looked into my blue eyes. She looked down and held out her arms; showing that she had already surrendered.
“Good choice.” I said to her, pulling her up towards me. I tilted her head to the side; using a finger to trace over the vein in her neck that I wanted. She shivered under my cool touch. I bring my lips to her neck; lightly biting just to feel her shake with fear in my arms. I clamped down, my fangs digging into her skin until I tasted her potent blood. Every gulp I took I felt her growing weaker, her heart slowly ceased to beat until her bloody was bloodless and lifeless. I let go of the corpse; letting it drop to the ground. I glare at the new girl before going back upstairs.
Before I could even close the door, Aria jumped on my back growling playfully in my ear.
“Now, time for some fun.” She murmured into my ear. She kissed my neck, nibbling on it occasionally. I turned her around, her legs still around my waist. I looked her in the eyes and kissed her roughly. She buried her fingers into my hair, letting out soft moans against my lips. I turned, facing the wall and pushed her up against it. My fingers trailed up her sides slowly. I could feel her wetness through her pants, making me aroused. I kissed her rougher; letting out low moans. She unwrapped herself from me and pushed me to the floor. She hovered over my body, trailing her fingers over my chest and stomach, just stopping at the edge of my pants.
“Aria, you’re a tease.” I huffed out. She smiled at me quickly and then kissed my neck again.
She rubbed the bulge in my pants lightly. I closed my eyes and let out a growl. She ripped my clothes off me, leaving me completely exposed. I pulled her closer and ripped off her clothes. I lifted her up and angled myself at her entrance. I put her down slowly, feeling her tightness on my dick. I let her go so she could do the rest. She bit her lip every time she went down on me; letting out soft whimpers of pleasure. She finally gave up and moaned loudly, riding me faster. We got closer and closer to our climaxes. Beads of sweat formed on our bodies, our breathing became labored. I finally reached mine; moaning as I let out my load inside of her. I felt her body tense up, her orgasm consuming all of her attention. She let out one last loud moan and collapsed on my hot body.
“I love you, baby.” I said to her. I brushed her hair back from her face.
“Love you too.” She got up and kissed me quickly. She walked up the stairs and left me lying there totally exposed and sweaty.
“You know, I heard everything.” The new girl said as she smiled wickedly at me. She had gotten free of her chains and had made her way up the stairs.
I hissed at her, got up, and stood directly in front of her. She stared at my naked body, interested by the muscles on me. I grabbed her face tightly and narrowed my eyes at her. I punched her in the face, bruising her cheekbone. She fell to the ground crying in agony. I drew back my right leg and kicked her down the stairs. I jumped down them, not bothering to climb down them. I picked her up by the hair and slammed her against the wall, right by her spot. I chained her up once more. I looked up to find her face inches from mine. I felt her hot breath on my face; her eyes were closed, covering her jade green eyes. I got up slowly and looked at her once more, then said the words I thought I would never say to a human before.
“I’m sorry.” I murmured to her. She smiled in approval. This would be the start of a new friendship.

“So I take it, vampires don’t like humans… Right?” The new girl, AKA Jessa asked. Somehow, she was turning out to be my favorite.
“Well, some vampires like humans. I am a vampire who does not. Nevertheless, with you… it is different.” I said to her. I sat in front of her and looked in her eyes. I never thought I would be doing this with a human. But two months after she arrived, she had changed me.
“Do you hate me?” She asked in an off tone.
“No, you are the only human in this world that I like.” I smiled a dashing smile at her and she blushed.
“And, you, Aaron, are the only vampire I like.”
“There’s something about you that just attracts me to you.” I got closer to her and toughed her warm, pale skin. She flinched away, but then returned the touch. She smiled shyly at me and looked down. I held her soft, hand with mine and looked at her lovely face. She looked up and looked me in the eyes; she leaned in closer, close enough where I could feel her hot breath on my face. I took my free hand and cupped her face, leaning in closer until our lips met. I could hear her heart pounding faster, her blood racing through her veins. She pulled back slowly, debating whether to kiss me again. She sat back again, looking me in the eyes.
“I’m sorry.” She said slowly. There was a hint of fear in her eyes.
“It’s okay. I wanted to.” I said to her. I smiled at her and took her hand in mine again.
“What are we now? There is no possible way we can be a couple…”
“We are a secret couple.”
“Aren’t you dating someone?” She tilted her head to the side.
“She’s nothing but a toy to me.” I replied dryly.
“We could never be together, Aaron.” She whispered; her eyes grew big and I could see the sadness in them.
“We could try.” I murmured to her, kissing her hand softly.
“Aaron that would be fucking impossible and dangerous. I love it.” She smiled widely at me and kissed my cheek.
I took her face in my hands and kissed her softly, my hands roaming her lovely curves. She threw her arms around my neck, leaning in closer to me. I held her tightly, nibbling on her bottom lip. She pulled away and nuzzled my neck. I held her, never wanting to let her go. She looked at me, smiling softly.
I smiled back, noticing that her eyes got big and she was staring past me and towards the basement stairs. I turned to see what she was looking at; it was Tyler. I got up quickly, dropping Jessa to the ground and stood in front of her.
“Holy shit, man!” Tyler yelled.
“Tyler! Keep it down!” I ran up to him and punched him square in the nose.
“You’re dating a human.” He stated; shocked by the scene he’d just witnessed.
“Don’t tell Ares.” I hissed at him.
“You’re fucking kidding, right? Of course I’m gonna tell him! If he finds out I have been keeping this he will murder me!” He backed away slowly, mouthing the word “Traitor”. He ran up the stairs, slamming the door behind him. I walked up to Jessa and picked her up, embracing her tightly. The other human stared at us with shock, maybe even envy.
“The only way we can save ourselves is if you change me.” She said to me.
“Jessa, it’s complicated.” I replied to her.
“No its not!” She scoffed.
“Jessa, it’s painful and I don’t think changing you would be the best idea.”
“Why not?”
“Because, Ares is already on his way down here.” I looked blankly ahead of me, letting the picture of him coming down consume my mind.
“Aaron! I hear him! Change me!” She screeched in my ear. I jumped at the sudden noise, making her jump as well. I looked in her eyes and kissed her passionately.
“I love you.” I whispered to her before bringing my lips to her neck.
“I love you too. Forever.” She promised. She closed her eyes, and took a deep breath.
I kissed her neck before ending her human life. I bit down just enough to break the skin, and then focused all of my energy to give her the poison I had never needed to use on anyone. Her fists clenched up and she screamed in agony. I pulled back, emptying myself of the life killing poison. She fell to the floor on her knees, holding her bloody neck, and then collapsed on the floor, unconscious.
“Aaron!” My father roared. He was in front of me before I knew it.
“Father.” I greeted him calmly.
“Traitor!” He hissed at me.
“I am no such thing.” I replied, still calm.
“You dated that thing!” He pointed at Jessa’s unconscious body on the cold ground.
“She is not a thing! She was a living being!” I yelled at him, furious with his remark.
“Well you will pay.” He said, drawing back his arm, punching me in the stomach. I fell back wards onto the floor next to the girl of my dreams.
I got up quickly, heading towards him. I jumped up in the air, kicking him in the face. He drew back a few steps, furious now. He went to punch me but I dodged the attack. I kicked the back of his knees, causing them to give out. He crashed to the ground with a big thump. I crotched down over him, taking a fist full of hair and bashing his face into the concrete. I saw the venom ooze out his mouth, it was as thick as blood. I felt his body go limp; he was unconscious. I took his head in my hands and jerked it to the right, instantly breaking his neck. I turned it to left, making it pop of his neck. I threw his head across the room and sat next to Jessa. She stirred, making a little noise. I shook her gently. Her eyes opened up quickly, ready to ingest the new and defined world around her.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.09.2011

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