

THERE WAS A huge rush at the theatre even for the late night show, as people thronged to see the movie, Hot Nights, which was really hot in content. It was an ‘A’ certificate film.

The government had categorized the films into three – ‘U’ (Universal), ‘UA’ (Universal Adult) and ‘A’ (Adults only) – for the benefit of the public. While the film with the ‘U’ certificate was meant for universal viewing, the one with the ‘UA’ could be viewed by minor children in the company of the elders, thus leaving the discretion to the elders. However, the films certified to be ‘A’ were meant strictly for adults, i.e., those who had completed the age of eighteen … The ones considered to be harmful to the psyche of the children and the adolescents, especially from the sex and violence point of view, were awarded a strict ‘A’ certificate. With the present trend in which the films exhibited too much of violence and excessive exposure of the female body, it was a difficult task to draw a fine line was, of course, another matter.

The ‘A’ certificate which was once dreaded by the film producers, had now become a fad and was much sought after, as people thronged theatres for such films, what with the declining values and morals.

So there was no wonder that the movie, Hot Nights which was released a week ago, was drawing huge crowds and running to packed houses. It was a regional language film and carried a big ‘A’ (certificate) on its publicity hoardings enticing people. It was said to be having an over-dose of sex in it, with many compromising scenes between the lead pair.

Soon the theatre had hoisted a ‘House Full’ board, and many had to return disappointed.

AS THE NIGHT show was to begin in a short while, a luxury car had stopped at the theatre. A teenaged beauty had alighted from it and walked in. She went straight to the Manager’s room. The Manager had received her with a broad smile.

“How is the movie going, uncle?” enquired the girl with an enchanting smile and a sweet voice, comforting herself in the sofa.

The manager was an elderly man with a bulky body and a soft face, endowed with gentle manners. He sat opposite her. “The response is quite overwhelming. All the shows are running house-full, with the advance booking made at least for a couple of months,” he said happily.

Her beautiful face brightened, as she was pleased to hear it. “I have been longing to view the film ever since its release, but could not make it due to pre-occupation”. She opened her handbag and took out a hundred-rupee note. “Please give me a balcony ticket”.

The manager did not receive the money. Nor did he issue the ticket to her. He eyed her for a moment … She was a girl of sweet sixteen with attractive blue eyes. She was quite charming in her modern dress.

“I am sorry, baby. I cannot allow you to the picture,” he said with a benign smile and sounding a little apologetic.

“But, why?” she was perplexed.

He stirred in his seat uneasily. “This is an adult film, you see”.

“So what?” she was further puzzled.

“We follow the rules strictly in our theatre,” he said gently. “We do not allow the minor children to the ‘A’ certificates movies”.

The girl was taken aback. She looked at his face, her eyes widened in disbelief. “I thought you had recognized me, uncle,” she mumbled looking at her nail polish.

He smiled gently and said, “Who cannot recognize you, baby? You must excuse my helplessness. Any relaxation of the rule for your sake would sure to cost my job”.

Not knowing what to say, the girl looked at the hoarding of the movie kept in the room. Framed by the large-sized ‘A’ was Madhuri, the heroine of the film, who was staring alluringly with an enticing smile. She was looking quite beautiful with a seductive sex appeal, depicted in different poses on the hoarding.

The ‘heroine’ on the hoarding seemed to tease the girl. She wanted to see the movie somehow. But the manager was not relenting, for the simple reason that she was a minor and that those below 18 years of age could not be allowed to the adult movie!

The movie had already started. Giving up hopes, the girl got up with a sigh. She thanked the manager, who felt sorry, and walked out with great disappointment.

AS SHE WALKED towards her car, her friend, Jaya was entering the gate. Jaya was two years older to the girl.

Jaya embraced the girl and said, “What a pleasant surprise!” She was astonished to know that the girl was denied entry to the film. “Perhaps the manager did not recognize you,” she said.

The girl shook her head. “It is not the case. He has recognised me very well. But the rules did not permit to allow the minors to watch the adult movie, he said,” she had explained dully.

Jaya was stupefied. Recovering, she had burst into laughter. The girl looked hurt.

“No offence, dear,” Jaya said putting her arm around her friend. “The rule is all right for others, but not for you!”

“I had missed the rushes of the film as I was away at a foreign locale at the time,” the girl tried to sport a smile. “I hoped to watch it in the theatre. Hm, no luck!”

She bid ‘good night’ to Jaya and walked away.
Awe-struck, Jaya watched the girl – Madhuri, the heroine of the film, Hot Nights – as she got into her car.

* * *


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.08.2010

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