
I am Nala Morningstar daughter of the goddess Kransheni like my mother before me I am a goddess as well I am what every girl dreams about with my ablility to be able too control two elements wind and fire so far that I know of and being a master of all fighting styles and looks I am beautiful I look well ike a goddess. And...... a I have long flowing glossy black hair eyes the color of violet perfect nose and plump lips i have a we I am tall and graceful. my looks have attared many boys around my 17 years of age but all never really loved me for me only liked me for my money and body. So I have come too the decision of leaving it all and go to try to live life like a normal human. Also I needed to find the chosen one the one who would save my kingdom from bad thigs and can get Eras from keeping on asking my hand in marriage when Im only 17 and he is 23 way too old even though he was a demigod so he looked about my age.

A new school, a new name, a new life. Now I go by the name Zoey Wolf. A native american from the cherokee tribe.
"Zoey" my new mother my adoptive mother said "Time to get up frist day of school for you at least" My adoptive mothers name is Clarie Daneils she is 38 years old and unable to have children so she adopted me and well my uh adoptive sister on the same day. Clarie had brown hair brown eyes and a hint of a british accent. I opened my eyes on what would be the frist day of my new life. I said to Claire "Okey Im geting up" I heard Claire close my door and then I shot out of bed and headed for my bath room I brushed my teeth and ran a brush through my hair that just touched the edge of me butt. then I went to my walk in closet and looked at all the new cloths. I went to the back of my closet and picked up the dress that caught my attention when I had bought it 1 month ago after I had been adopted.

I sat and edmired the dress running my fingers over the silky cloth it was all black with a neck tie string to hold it on. i slipped it over my head and went to the floor length mirror and once again admired the was it sooted my skin color and my ice black hair that shone with every glimspe of light lit caught. the dress hung loosely around my feet but clung tightly to my chest and the good thing was that it didnt show clivege. i stepped over to my shoe shelves in the closet and picked up my black balle flats that i laced up around my legs. i walk out of the closet but not out without catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror. i smiled self cofident i now looked like the way Kranheni had ended the way i look. i went back to the bathroom and put glitter lotion all over every visable part of my body which there wasnt much.

i was walking down the steps when my adoptive sisters door shut and she skipped over to the top of the steps 'Zoey i love the dress' she squeled i stoped and turned to look at her ' thanks Haley ' she squeled again and ran past me. i sighed and shook my head. and continued down the steps.... now in the kitchen clarie was cooking and my adoptive father Mark Daneils looked up form his news paper as i entered. Clarie turned and her breathe caught as she took me in from head to toe. Mark was too looking as if he'd just seen a 3 year old get run over by a train and come out without a starcth on her. I looked at haley and smiled a sweet sisterly smile at her and she smiled back only more sisterly. she is problay going to be my best friend..... hopefully ....... A ding of a timer made Clarie and Mark stop looking at me and go back to cooking and reading i spoke "umm Clarie..... uh ...... mom i would like too ask if i may skip breakfest and head to school.?' she smiled a little smile at me and said "go right ahead but do you mind taking haley?" "no it will be nice not be the only new person there come on sis lets go hunt down the trail to school" halely jumped up and grabbed her backpack and my black hand purse bag that held all my books notebooks and pencils. Me and haley walked out the door and i ran smack into a strong chest i lost my balance but was caught and steadied i looked at the boy whod i ran into i said "sorry uh excuse us' but instead of moving the boy just stood there and stared at me. He had long blond hair that went to his ears and eyes that sparkled like blue diamonds he had a normal nose and he had major abes he must be a jock i thought with out thinking i lifted a finger and poked his chest to make sure they were real....they were.... haley gigled at my cluelessness the guy final spoke makeing me look him in the eye "is mrs. d here im here too show her two new girls the way too school." mrs d? oh......'Mom this person is here to see you" clarie appeared at the door entryway and smiled "Miles good too see you" "hi mrz d your girls" clarie laughed a merry sound and gestured toward us "Miles these are my two daughters" she gestured toward Haley "this is Haley" then toward me "and Zoey" Miles looked down at me and smiled "Hi uh zoey im miles" then toward haley "hi......Haley" then back toward me "shall we" miles gestured toward a blue mustang i saw haleys jaw drop and she ran toward it and said "omg i want this car" i said "Haley shotguns mine" just cause i was a goddess didnt mean i didnt speak teenager also id like too include the fact that i am one. she groned then mumbled somthing like a fine. i turned toward Clarie and said "bye" she waved as i followed Miles to the car i was completely unimpressed by. Miles opened my door than ran around to the other side once we were pulled off Miles spoke "so you guys are new" he was trying to make small talk which he was bad at.

The ride was silent cause we didnt answer. once we pulled into the school parking lot we parked and got out Miles said "stay close" and we did haley and i hold each other hand and Miles in front of us we took on step and were surrounded my girls and some guys Miles grbbed my hand and held on tightly and pulled me and haley through the crowd when we were far away from people Miles let go of my hand and i of haleys we followed him to the main office and he talked to the rescoponist she nodded and smiled than waved us up. we got our schudles without a word being spoken. i looked at my frist class as did Haley we didnt have it together. My schudle was werid....

Block one: Calculist
Block two: Biology
Block three: Advance Tech 2
Block four: Soicalology
Block five: Social History Advancement 1
Block six: Gym 2
Block seven: Spanish Lv5
Block eight: Vocal Music Advancement 3

My classes were all advace i wander why Miles peered over my shouldar and said "we have all the same classes but block two tomorrow cool." i looked up at him and gave him a small smile and turned to haley who was looking like she was going to pout. "Haley what clases do you have" me and her only three classes together

Gym 2
and Soicalology

She grinned at me and left for her frist class which is what we had together Miles showed me to my locker which convenintly was right next to his i mean right next as in no lockers in between them i grabed a note book and a pencil that matched my dress. i put up my stuff and closed my locker only to find Miles leaning up against his locker looking me up and down he said "you look good in that dress almost like a goddess with your sparkly shin and glossy hair" he shook his head and motioned for me to follow him i did. he said i looked liked a goddess he had no idea how right on ths bulls eye he is. as i followed him i couldn't help but notice that he had a slit limp. he stopped in front of a door and said "this is our class i must warn you that Mr. Bannick is a little up tight." i smiled and said "thanks for the warning" he grined and opened the door in the front of the class i saw a teacher (mr bannick) he was holding a book he had soft gray hairs and brown eyes and when we walked in he looked at me and i saw his mouth turn up in a smile i heard girls and guys all catch their breathes as they took in my perfect apperance i knew what they were seeing they were seeing a black haired indain girl with voilet eyes and sparkling lotioned skin and a chest that was well formed and a black dress that clung to her upper part and went frofee under the chest and then black flats. Mr. Bannick cleared his throat and brought all the childrens attention to him he spoke "And who do we have here Miles" Miles answered sounding like he just jogged a mile with no break "this is mrs. Daniels new adoptive daughter Zoey Wolf my new neighboor" he smiled as he said my name Mr. Bannick said "Well Miss. Wolf uh why dont you have a set next to......" he looked out at the class i saw all of the guys and some girls were raiseing thier hands eagerly. one of the guys caught my atention i reconized him as not a human but a son of Denviel a god i spoke "uh how about there" i pointed to the empty set next to the boy Mr bannick said "okey" and returned to his lecture i walked over to the boy and he smiled big and said "a daughter of Kransheni are you?" i laughed aware of the eyes on the two of us i said "yes are you a son of Denviel" his grin grew wider and nodded "im Cal but thats not my real name my real is Demirtri Gaves" i laughed again feeling more relaxed that there was another of my kind here we are rare after all i said "Zoey but real name is Nala Morningstar" i saw his jaw drop a little "your Nala controler of 2 the elements and princess of all gods and goddess the one who left the kingdom to come live like a human? OMG OMG OMG are you really her?" i sighed and nodded then said "plaese keep your voice down look how about we talk after school meet me in the parking lot." he nodded and then we sat in silence for the rest of class. the bell rang and the next thing i know im surrounded by people one boy with brown hair pushes through people and stand in front of me "Nala?" i stop dead in my tracks and look at the boy who looks like me only with blue eyes he looks to be only a normal human but he knew my real name i grab his fore arm and yank him through the crowd and over to a corner with no people and say "who are you" he laughs and says "i thought that was you, its me Creton Newsome" "Creton the prince of Denviel? my best friend who was murdered three years ago?" he nodds and says "people were out to get me so i had to fake my own death and i choose to start over as a human"

i felt all warm i squcked. "ohmigoddess ohmigoddess your alive i thought you were dead ohmigod" i grin at him and he grins back and says "so what are you doing here in the human world?" i feel myself frown and then say "i had reasons for leaving Meadow and you wouldnt understand" his grin widens and speaks "try me" i jump into the story imeadently "well i found out right after you were prounced dead that i have the anffinety for fire and wind, and now theres been probems in the royal court and now eras the demigod is trying to marry me yes i know you had no idea that Eras was trying to get my hand in marriage and that i had an aniffanty........who am i even talking to all well........ i heard an intake of a breath and i turned to face MILES had he heard what i just said? "Zoey whats a demi god and who is Eras and what is a anfinaty and why do you call him Creton and what royal court and when was he pronouced dead and why would you marry that uh..what you call him oh yea demigod Eras and i know this is none of my buiseness but why is there like a glowy tatoo thing that looks like a crown rulnning trough the middle of your fore head' i turned back to Cretons who looked really really worried protedtive and predetroy we exchanged a look and i said "Miles you should follow me and Creton out to somewhere more private and you might get an answer" Creton motioned with a had for us to follow him as i started to walk Creton made his stride match mine he said low enough that only i could hear him "the tatoo is the symbol of royalty but he shouldnt have been able too see it i mean the olny human who could probly ever see it is the chosen one" i
just shrugged and hoped that i could explain that ive been lookening for the chosen one. Creton led us to a green house that was abanded creton turned to miles and growled between his teeth "human you should not have been esdropping this is none of your business" miles chest puffed up and he growled right back "i was coming up to ask Zoey what she was doing with the likes of you Christan your only going to cause her trouble on her frist day of school......" it continued like that for two more mintues until i got tired of it "Stop!!!! now and would you guys please stop puffing up your chests and Creton you should know better than to agrue with the likes of them the humans" Miles looked lost and creton unpuffed his chest he said "'your right n&m he is just a puny bein nothing to us." Cretons old nickname for me made my heart leap and ache for home back in the royal court in the sky!!! Miles still puffed up said "Nala whos name is Nala" me and Creton both laughed i said 'you know crecre i think that puny human joke you used to tell back in the kingdom when we were just kids might apply to Miles." he stopped laugh and i looked at him confused he said "You called me CreCre again oh goddess ive missed you so much" and then i was scooped up into a hug a my feet were lifted off the ground so that my head rested on his head and he twirled me i almost forgot about Miles so did Creton until Miles cleared his throat loudly i looked him and then frowned i could fell Cretons shift unwillingly from around my waist he placed me on my feet and slipped his hand through mine his grip felt cold and it still made me have to fight back butterflies like i did all the time when we were kids and when i had hoped that one day i would marry him. Did i fell that way now?.......... yes of corse i did id always love Creton "well is someone going to explain to me" Miles said i cleared my throat drawing his scowleding eyes from Creton to me "well we go a long ways back and we had always been best friends uh er um-" Creton interupted "er nala i was meaning to ask you something before my fake death um" he turened to miles they seemed to speak with their eyes miles gave him a tight nodd and said "well you guy and gal can tell me later kay' bye" he stormed away muttering to himself i turned back to Creton and he said "humans he anyway uh as i was saying before...before my fa-fake death i was meaning to ask you be my natna?" he used the goddess word to say girlfriend my heart lept i was sure he could hear it as i looked into his eyes he smiled and his eyes were pleding me to say yes and then i said "Creton son of the god Devenil i a daughter of Kreshnei and next queen answer too you it would be my pleasure" his grin widened and he said "the goddess she never leaves your heart daughter of my dear goddess whom i hold close to my heart until it stops beating i am pleased by your answer and may i say ive missed you?" i giggled as he formly bowed to me and then rose and said "my dear knight of the night you may be pleased that i say yes again too that of your request" he opened his mouth but all of a sudden there was the sound of a gun shout and him and i ran over toward the door and i opened it and stepped out i saw a teenager who looked about my age holding a gun and it was pointed at a girl who looked like "HALEY!!!!!" My sister he was pointing it at my sister. i turned back to Creton and said "stay here" he obeyed
i ran over and stepped into the line of fire the boy blinked as he took in my apperance i spoke in a calm strong voice and still acted like a teenage human girl "what are you doing pointing that uh ohhh a pistel my favor choose of gun good choice now i edvise you to lower that gun now before i hurt you!!! and if you fire well we'll see what i do then but i must warn you i have a temper and you surely dont want to see me angery" when he didnt lower the gun i study him for weaknesses and i noticed he was a was an angel a fallen but he was still a son of Denievl i took four large steps toward him and heard a click and the gun fired the bullet hit my callor bone the blow made me stagger i said so only he could hear "how dare you hurt one of your goddesses" his eyes widened and i grinned "yea im Nala Morningstar" he opened his mouth and said "im sorry princess do as you will" i whimpered as the pain in my chest grew i said "wind come to me" i felt my hair beging whiping around and then i said "fire come to me" the air around me heated and i saw his eyes widened and i grinned "please protect this fallen angel let him get away safely and if any human try to harm him then in the name of Kresheni i order you to fight tell i am dead to protect him no matter what and if any thing should go wrong then take his soul that is blessed by me to his god and my Kresheni and my queen now go to him and fight to protect him." he smiled and bowed half way then all i saw was blackness and all i heard was my body hitting the ground and Creton and haley yelling. i hope my dress is not ruiend.
i awoke three days later and i was in my room i looked down at my calor bone which was not bleeding and completely healed i got up not feeling anything out of the ordainary except that the house was silent and there were no moveing around sounds i got up only to see the i needed to put cloths on i was only in my underwear and bra. i didnt feel like getting dressed so i grabed my bathrobe and wrapped it around me still feeling no pain in my chest i went to my door and pulled it open only to get my feet smushed by a sleeping Certon he jolted awake and jumped to his feet using his god given powers he looked around alarmed. Finally he relaxed a noticed me he looked me up and down grinning he said "you should wear that all the time and do you feel?" i grined at him and said "i feel fine did you forget that when we get injured we feel liltte pain and we heal ten times faster than humans?" he chuclked and pulled me into an embrace i looked up at him as he looked down at me mistake...... well best mistake yet ...... our lips met and we ended up going into a deep kiss mode i guess is the best way to put it after what seemed like forever a throat cleared behind me i heard Certon grunt and wave off the person. but the person steped forward and tapped me on the shouldar i grunted then let out a big sigh and relectantly pulled away from Creton as i looked at him before i turned i noticed he looked as if he were going to cry i whispered "reighn check and soon love" his faced brightened up again so i turned to face the person it was Miles his face was blank and i said "Mornin' uh weres my mom and dad?" he answed face not blank only hurt were in his big blue eyes. why was he hurt i wasnt even dating him! "uh mrs.d and mr.d left they are going to newyork for the week and they left us here too tend to you but it seems that are friend Creton here was already tending to you so please ignore me and go back to tending ill just go downstairs and watch mtv" he turned and i said "wheres Haley is she okey did she get hurt." Miles laughed and said "naw shes fine but i dont think she is the one you should be worrying about the person you should worry about is the girl who got shot three days ago. hahahaha" he walked away laughing i turned back to Creton i grabbed his hand and pulled him into my room. inside i dropped his hand and went to my bed to sit i patted the space next to me and i saw Creton's face glow with happiness he walked over to me and sat down faceing me "Nana i have a lot to tell you" i gave him a study look and spoke "frist i wanna tell you something" he looked confused but said "okey?!?!" i tryed (unseccufully)not to giggle at his cluelessness and said "when we were kids i once said to my mother that you were my favorite person ever and now i see you now i dont think thats changed." he grinned at me and i let out a breath i didnt even realize i was holding. he opened his mouth to speak but close it he bent a little so his head was level with mine i looked at his eyes but his eyes were looking at my lips then he brought his gaze to reach mine i smiled as did he. and slowly we tilted and brought our heads together i could feel his even breathing the intake and exhale of his breathe and the feel of his gaze on me. My heart leaped out of my chest as his lips meet mine. He tasted of cherries and apples with a hint of strawberries and kiwi i moaned with pleasure and familierness. The kiss deepened and this time he moaned.....We sat there holding each other when after what seemed like forever there was a knock on the door and Miles walked in. .BUSTED. Was all i could feel inside than that got pushed away fast as i saw Miles's eyes they were filled with hatred and my guess is that was pointed at Creton stared at could he look at a god with hatred in his eyes and why would he look like that. i cleared my throat and Miles head snapped toward me and the emotions in his eyes changed instantly he said 'Haley wants you uh..... um.. well thats it" he looked back at Creton and the emotions shifted more and more into hatred he said "well uh...wanna go play vedio games?" Creton returned Miles's glare and said "I wanna go back to do what me and Nana were doing before you walked in" he sneered the last couple of words. and then Miles snorted and stalked toward the door and stopped he turned around and said to me 'Zoey uhhhhhhhh oh right Haley wants you." i sighed and untangled myself from Cretons arms which he had wrapped around me protectivly when Miles had walked in. I kissed Creton smack on the lips and ignored Miles's grunt and snort Creton kissed me back passioitly and deep when i pulled away he let out a big sigh and hugged me close and whispered in my ear so low only i could hear "we'll carry on later?" it was a question not a demand i grinned and nodded. then i walked to the door.
We reached the steps and miles stopped sulddenly causing me to ram into his back he turned to face me and said "why" i gave him a confused look and he sighed and said "your the most beatuiful girl ive ever seen i my inter life and i would die for you if i had to i wanted you to choose me but no you had to go and pick Christan why'd you pick him anyway why not me" i almost cryed when i yelled "because your human!!!!!!!! Does my sister even want me" he said yelling too "what does that even mean your human too arent you" i sighed and decided not to yell back "maybe its time we told you come on into my room..........wait does my sister want me???" he did not yell when he said "no i just had to talk to you alone now come on i want a explanation" i sighed and went to my room door opened it to find Creton sitting at the foot of my bed slunched over he heard us come in and he lifted his head and smiled at me and frowned at Miles i said "its time to explain to him crecre" he sighed and got up walking over to me and hugged me close to his chest he said "why must we explain to the likes of a human?" i just shrugged and lead him over to the bed we sat down and Miles stood in front of us. I sighed. and bagan from as long as i could remeber "we were born in a kingdom called white winged Meadow kingdom and well we not human because were so much more we have the power to make a whole army bow down to us and give us their loyality we can fly.... er with wings they uh verie on the god or goddess gift like Creton he can fly on white wings he has the ability to control any one and bind them to his will. My wings are different they uh seem to change colors when ever i use a certan gift of mine but organily they are a midniglht black one of the rarest colors my gifts are uh how do i explain i can do what ever creton can just more powerfully and i can control two elements they are wind and fire we all well almost all can create a dagger made of flame a flame that can hurt anything and anyone it can break anything also one thing you should is that me and Creton are royalty where we come from ummmmmm..........well i guess that summons it up right Creton???????" I looked at Miles and he started to laugh and i sighed "you expet me too belive that story haha i mean i belive in god and angels but your story thats the worst lie ive ever heard i mean i dont see any wing on you or him and i most diffently dont see you have the power to control elements.' i sihged again and stood i said "dont belive me care for a demmonstraction?" he stoped laugh and said "suuuuure!!!" i thought about what to show him and deciced on the well all i said "wings frist" he nodded and i thought about what it was like to fly the wind in my hair no ground to hold me down and then i felt the pain in my back and then the joy of my wings unfolding and the sound of the cloth of my robe ripping. i opened my eyes and looked from left to right seeing my large wings expaneded and gently beating i looked down and i was floating above the ground i heard Miles gasp and say "theyre beatiuful my lord and they are real????????" i looked at creton as he unfolded his wings the color of pure white snow he said "its been forever since i last took to skies" i looked at him and smiled then aloud my feet to touch the floor and my wings to be folded back into my skin but Creton kept his open and beating barely........then i said to Miles "now how about a fire and wind demo" he nodded excitedly i closed my eyes and pictured a perfect flame egarly burning in my hand when i open my eyes it was right there waiting for its next command i said "air we breathe you in and out you give us life and joy i ask you now please come but do not drose the flame that burns brigtly in my palm instead streanghtin it let it feed off you and then calm it back down" wind obeyed and whirled around me feeding the flame i watched it grow and get bright then i watched as it calmed down and wind just whirled around my lifting my feet from the floor and whip my hair around then i said "f'lame you warm us in the darkest nights you lead the way when we can no longer see please depart with my great thank you's and air if you dont mind would you plaese stay?????" the flame lepted from my palm and kissed me on the cheek and no it didnt hurt......then it dissappeared and the wind whirled faster around me lifting me higher off the floor i silently told it to calm down it did lowering me to the floor and it let my hair fall but it never left me Miles said "Holy......Patunyeas how is all this possible?? you know what dont answer that so do i bow to you or something????" i said 'no' at the same time as Creton said 'yes' i gave him a look that said stop it now!!!! "any way uh i.....we have to go Miles sorry but we have stuff to take care of right now" i turned and grabbed Creton's arm and pulled him to the door when Miles said "can i come please ill be good" Cretons wings beat with annoince and i said "im soory this is God and goddess buniness" he said "PLEASE I PROMISE ILL BEHAVE" he was acting kind of childish but it made me cave "fine but behave and i mean it oh and well be doing a little flying sooooooo ill have to hold on to you and help you stay up ill have air make you fly okey...okey lets go." i started to open the door when i turn to creton and said "put those away before another mundane sees them" he folded them up ew were about walk out the door when i remebered what i was wearing. i sighed and turned around and push through the boys they looked at me and said at the same time "whats wrong now" they glanced at each other with evil eyes i said "i have to change" Creton said "you look fine to me so foget about changing and lets go" i glanced down at what i was wearing again "a bathrobe is not okey with me so just hang on" i left them there and went to my closet i opened it and stepped in i waked a couple steps in and closed the door i walked over to where my dresses were and picked out a red dress that went to my feet i took off my bathrobe and slide the dress over my head i looked at shoe and selected black high heels i put them on and went to the door that connected my closet with my bathroom i opened it and that is when i saw it for the first the large black spider with a humans upside down head for a head on the tree branch next to my window the creature looked at me and then a tounge larger than a humans came out of the upside down head and licked my window its eyes never leaving me i screamed really loud and my wings came out (without tearing my dress of course) my wings started to flap and i started to go backwards never takening its redeyes off me it jumped at my window causeing it to open and the creature jumped down and slowly started to crawl toward me i screamed again i closed my eyes and imagened a weapon of fire in my hand and then my palm went warm i open my eyes only to see the creature had stopped a foot away from me and was now looking at the door that lead to my room the door flew open and there standing was Creton wings and sword ready to fight and The mundane Miles who muttered "what in the world is that thing!!!!!!!" creton started to move toward me the creature hissed and jumped at me but my wings were faster to respond they flapped me up to as high as the top of the ceiling but the spider thing that was maybe a foot tall and foot long started to climb the wall to get to me i flew to the other side of the bathroom and said '
"Fire come to me please burn up that ugly thingy" i saw a large flame form and the move very quickly to the spider thing a yard away from it the fire vanished and the spider thingy spit green stuff at me spider/human it fell to the ground and went completely still and started to stink. so i commandeed air to wash away the smell then come back to me it did. i slowly sank to the ground keeping out my wings and making my dagger of fire dissappear a foot off the ground i closed my eyes and floated there a migerian forming in my head i tryed to open my eyes but they wouldnt open and i felt myself falling i heard the sound of footsteps and wings flapping then i was caught and lifted into the air and then nothing

I watched Nene as she slept i wished i could wake her up but the cola(the Spider/human) had spit his piosin at her and she might die i cant let that happen we just found each other again!!!!!!!!!! Miles that dumb mundane needed to leave her alone he has no idea who she is neither does she i already know shes hunting the choosen but she cant search much longer because the person she is looking for is herself......................

heard the knocking frist so i went to the door nothing could surpise me now i opened the door and haley stood there pantig she said "Miles i cant find zoey anywhere i checked the house but there was no sign of her is she here" Nala was missing impossible i just saw her an hour ago after the cola well thats what creton had called it poisined her and i left creton and her alone creton said she needed rest and that i should stop worrying he said he would protect her what if he and her are missing???? hahahaha why do i care about him he isnt important to me all he is, is a obticle that stood in my way to make nala be my girl.............she is gone but where i looked at haley and said "shes not here shes probly off with creton" i bite my tonuge when i said his real name what if haley donest know she said "noooooo creton is missing to" i looked at her and spoke "how much do you know about creton and your sister?????" she said " not much about zoey but i know everyting about creton why what do you know about zoey and creton tell me now or ill eat you' i watched as she opened her mouth to show fangs i gasped for air maybe i still could be supprised

in my sleep i could feel the poisin spreading and then i saw it it was takeing shape of.......... krensheni my goddess the figure spoke "young goddess if you want to live you must kill me the one you love the most........" i bowed on my knees and said "i cant kill you my mother and please take my life for i show mercy to the ones i hold dearest" then a voice said from the back of my head "daughter that creature you see before you is not me it is the poisin it wants to kill you listen my young one you must live you are the one i have chosen with incredible gifts that you have yet to discover okey my dear little one you must defeat this evil and live......" the voice faded and i knew that the voice that had just talked was really my mother kresheni................ i stood allowing my wings to unfold and a weapon of fire to form the figure grinned and said "you know if you kill me your goddess then you will no longer have those powers of yours" anger flased through me "shut up your not my goddess nor my mother all you are is evil from the spider thingy a poisin that reached my blood stream and is trying to kill me ill tell you one thing though im not going down without a fight soo stop stalling like a incolint fool and lets fight tell death do us part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i luaghed and sprang of the ground forming another dager in my other hand the poisin did the same its form seemed to be like mine only larger and more stronger but i knew that it still had a weakess point i threw one blade at its heart and when the blade connected it screamed and staggered backwards i threw three more one after another each one hitting the target its heart but still the piosin would not fall instead it threw his blade at me the blade hit my stomach and up in the sky my wings flattered sturggling to keep me up another dagger formed in my hand and this time instead of aiming at the heat i took out its wing slicing it in two then it was the other wing the creature fell hitting the ground gasping in pain i formed another dagger and went down the dagger went into the creatures heart and then the creature vanished and i began to dissappear into blackness............after what seemed like forever i opened my eyes and saw creton looking over at me i sat up and looked around the unfimailar room there where black curtains on the window to keep out the light and the red comforters had brown flowers on them creton cleared his throat i looked at him and jumped out of the bed...........
and ran over to him he stood before i reached him and held open his arms i hugged him close to me and for some reason i started to cry he held me tighter and said "tell me my love what happened how did you wake up how did you beat the cola piosin??????" the battle raced through my head "a battle in a my mind against the poisin it looked like mother she was still then she said that i had to kill her if i wanted to live i said i couldnt kill her then mother the real one told me i had too live that i was too kill the posin I cut off his wings and then pirced it through the heart." He looked thoughtful "Interesting" he said I looked around breifly "Where are we?" I asked .. my voice shakey "We're at a safe house in phionex Arizona" I gasp we had been in fremont nebraska when i had passed out. "What about miles is he safe?" creton looked at me and shrugged "What about my sister Creton we have too go get them mom and dad are safe they are away but if i was attacked for no reason then miles and haley they arent safe im gonna go get them!!" Creton didnt try too stop me instead he let my wings come out thats when he pulled out a shank (a magical sword that cuffed wings so we couldnt fly. It also stopped us from using magic so we would be ike normal humans) I stepped away from him refolding in my wings "Creton you wouldnt dare' He smiled "anything to keep you safe and i knew yolu would want to go get them thats why i brought the shank i dont want you hurt." He said i silently called air and told it to keep him away from me. The air around him swirled maddly and he struggled to even stand. I unfolded my wings and opened the door. To see more house i ran through keeping my wings bent so they would damage anything in the narrow hall. I saw the door that had light coming in through the bottom. I opened it and froze because it opened to a large cannon the dropped deeply. I lept through the doorway and spread my wings I flapped twice and went up and up. I looked back at the house and saw creton there standing in the doorway looking hot with his tosled hair. I cammanded air again to keep him in the house until i returned or told it to leave there. I looked away and spread my wings wider so that they strecthed 15 feet across I beat them faster going faster. The joy of flying in open air once more made me shout with joy. A scream sounded from behind me. I looked back to se three small black jets flying toward me. I flaped high and then went into a nose dive folding my wings up against my body letting myself fall freely and very very fast. A whistle came toward me and something small zipped past me i narrowed my eyes and saw it was a bullet. whoever these people were they weren't here too play nice. I opened my wings fast and flapped hard and fast i hit 280 miles an hour but the jet were still on my tail. I commanded fire to come to me. My wings suddenly lite in the orange flame. I stared at it but kept going. The flames didnt burn away the feathers that made up my wings. "Fire help me please i cant do this without you." The flame on my wings dissappeared and i thought for the first time my powers had left me. I nearly cried i went faster up to 360 miles now only within a second or two. I was going to reenvoke fire when a jet caught falme and blew up. 'air leave the house and come to me' i told air and i felt the air pressure around me change quickly. I cammanded air to fight along side fire. it did and then all evedince of my powers disappeared as quickly as it had started. but there still two jets left. and i was growing tired. I was about to give up when kransheni's voice sounded in my mind "Daughter use the rest of your elements" I was confused i had already used all my elements i shouted out to no-one "I've used them all fire and air thats all i've ever had mother" and the responce was instinte "No my lovely daughter you have been looking for the choosen one i know this but you only had too look at your reflection and you would have found the choosen is you darling now use your powers if you wish to live!!" I trusted her but when she spoke of me being the choosen one i thought she was crazy. Yet for some unforsaken reason i called out...."Spirt you help us thrive come to me....Water you give us the strength we need to have will power come to me....Earth you support us on any quest we may venture come to me...air i have trusted you my whole life, you give us every breath we need to be able to rome this world or any other come to me..... Fire you are passion, love, disire and hope you burn eargarly against our foes come to me" I finally took a breath and a rush filled me i was suddenly picking up speed i do belive if i got any fast i would have broke the sound barrier. the jets behind me caught fire and tumbled toward the ground thousands of feet below me. I told air too make sure the men made it out unharmed and alive. I was now flying slower "Thank each of you so much earth may you always stay strong and supportive, water may you happily rejoice, spirt may you always be reconized, fire you always bring passion and love to the worlds, air may you forever be breathed." I finished and realized I was back home though it had only been a short time. I looked down lower down so I flew close enough to see a spot where I could fly down unnoticed. I landed folding up my wings and smoothing my dress out. I ran fingers through my hair and I knew I looked great. I started walking toward miles's house. It was a block or two from where I am now. When the screaming started I ran toward the sound feeing bod as aways. When I reached the place the screaming had stopped it was in Miles's house I braced myself and barged through the door.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.03.2011

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Dedicated to Lizzie Hinkel my Best Friend since Pre-School Love you Girl!!

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