
I was once a girl who would talk to everyone with not a frown apon my face. Now I am not the same but, have changed to a likeing of others. I feel as if I can't tell them what I really feel. To only there words may I speak.

There word are crul to unlikeing of anyone but themselves. They don't talk to anyone but people whom are weak inside.
For they who are strong will get broken for the words they speak are only to hurt.

Chapter one: The boy next door.
As I sat waiting for the bus to arive I saw him the hot guy next door. He smiled at me and waved like the stupid person I am my face got all red and I laughed in a shy flirtashious way. He looked at me the smile turning to a werid frown. He then started to walk over with his book bag around his arm. "Hey." Jacob said as he sat down next to me. "haha hi." I giggled while looking down at my feet wringing my hands together. "Ummm I saw you at wal-mart yesterday." He said trying to start a conversation. "Yah, I was shopping for school supplies you know for school." I said nervesly. I am makeing a total fool of myself how do I expect him to like me now! I said to myself. "Here comes the bus, wanna sit with me so we ca-" "Yah! I meen sure I'd Love to!" I shot back at him. "Uh ok?" He said sounding sexyer then ever befor.

Chapter two: The bus ride.
I jumped on the bus looking for anyone I knew to show off that I was talking to the coolest guy at school.
I then saw Laurel. "Hey!" Laurel said moving her bags making room for me. I gave her a glance with no words kinda giving her the "Im sitting with Jacob!" feel. She looked over at him and smiled with aprovel. I then sat down with him and we spoke of things like: School lunches , dances, and homework. The bus came to a holt with a quick jerk. "Wow at school already?" Jacob said with a smile. "Well talk to you later?" He gave me the look of satispatory. "Yah sure." I smiled back and left him sitting there while I ran to go find Laurel.

Chapter three: The 411

I quickly grabed my bag and Ran to sit by Laurel, befor she got of the bus. "Hey Laurel I hope your not mad but I -" "What did he say and No im not mad if anything im so excited!" Laurel blurted out.
"Tell me everything!" Laurel said with a smile! "Okay here's the 411, he wants to talk to me some more after school!" I said. "Really?" Laurel said "He's got a crush on youu.....!" Laurel whishperd. "No he's just trying to be nice." I said back. But inside I knew I wanted No needed him to like me the way Laurel had said!

Chapter four: After school
I had just gotten off of the bus when laurel truged by. "Hey." She said with a huff. "Hi what's up?" "Why so out of breath?" I asked. "I just got done going to the Star wars Convention." She said. "Okay?" I said. "I was really hopeing to see Carrie Fisher Cause you know im like a HUGE FAN!" She said. "Any luck?" I asked nicley. "Well ..... but next time next time I WILL MEET MY IDEL CARRIE FISHER I WILL!" She said kinda evil. "Okay Laurel take it easy killer." I teased. "Lets go inside befor we chatch out death." I said "Okay." She replied.

Chapter five: It cant get any worse than this!
I walked outside to go meet Jacob where we had planed to meet on the bus. He was there but not alone. She was there, and as she i mean my older sister Heather. This can't get any worse! I mean she taller, cuter, her hair is longer, she has a smile to die for and every guy has a crush on her. To top it all of she's a Highschooler. As I slowly approach them I can hear her giggling that can never mean anything good. "Hey." I say as calmly as I possibly can. "Oh hi." Jacob says smiling. "Is this that hot guy you were telling me about sammy?" My sister asked. "Uh well ........It's Samantha and no." I said trying to cover up the fact that it really was. "Okay then well in that case Im going out with him!" She said smiling with googly eyes at MY crush! "Yah why didn't you tell me about your really hot sister sooner?" He asked. At that point I was about to cry. Why would my own sister do this to me she Knows I have REAL feelings for him. That word crushed me REAL feelings. I have never in my life felt this way about someone and now I can't have a chance to even be with him! "Fine you can have him you hate me anyways!" I said running away with tears streaming down my face.

Chapter six: The nightmare

That night I could not sleep much. The shadows casting on the walls were scary. I cryed most of the pain away. Heather came home late. She tryed to apoligize to me but the last thing that I wanted was to see her ugly face. When I finaly dozed off I dremt of Jacob. I tryed to recollect myself , wake myself from a painful scarce dream but I was trapped. His eyes were like midnight dusk filling my tear filled eyes. His lips like cherrys lushious and soft. But his voice.... Was dark ,deep, painful. As if he were trying to send me some type of meassage. I wanted to know to reach out for him. To speak but my voice was gone. Hether then came a wicked smile crept across her tan face. Her hand reaching for me. I then jerked awake I was in a deep sweat. My legs wanting to get out of bed but my head ingnoring the feeling. I told myself it was a dream but I just could not drag myself to belive that it was true. It was scary the rest of that night but I laid back down and tryed to sleep again.

Chapter seven: Rainy day
When I woke in the morning the once blue sky was now dark filled with clouds. I was getting dressed when Heather walked in. "Do you mind!?" I said coving my half naked body with a towel. "Oh, sorry." She gasped. "What do you want?" I asked Wodering why she would even consider trying to talk to me. "I am so sorry about yesterday I don't know what was wrong with me. It was like something was inside me." She said trying to sound scared. "Just go!" I yelled. "Nothing you can do or say will matter now Jacob has made his mind up! He loves you now not me!" I screamd trying to fight back the tears. Inside me I felt pain, madness, sorrow, hate , I felt utterly Insane. "No Sammy I don't love him and I told him that It's Ju-." "No your lieing I know you love him don't lie okay just leave me alone I hate you just go away!" I yelled while pushing her out of the door. "Sammy." She whisperd "NO! you don't even desirve to call me that!" I yelled the tears were here now I could feel them. I looked sadly out the window there he sat looking at the sky while raindrops fell and hit the ground kinda how I felt crying tears and crying that is what the sky and I were doing.

Chapter eight: Make ups.

I felt sad now. But not able to show how much it hurt I sat down next to Jacob in reading class. "Hi." he whispered to me. I looked away as if I could not hear him speak. "Now class settle down!" Mrs.Wright said. "Please get out your reading textbooks and turn to page 234." She said nicley changing her tone. I reach into my bag to get my book and I feel a piece a folded up paper hit my fingers. I pull it out and lay it on my desk. I then grab my textbook and a pencil. "Also get out yesterdays notes." She said. I opened my book to page 234 and my notes were in the book so i pulled them out to and set them down. I then put all my attention to the note. I slowly opend it to reveal the contents. It was from Jacob. I wanted to rip it up in his face. But I read it anyways to see what he had to say. It said: Sam I am so sorry.Your sister told me how you felt and I don't know what to say I mean. You sweet , nice , and I don't think it will work out. Im sorry I love you but not in that way. Well thats about it here is my number call me whenever you wanna talk. :) Jacob.
I read the number : 423-875-3472. I put the note back in my bag and all I could do is think. Was there something about me that nobody would ever like? I was about to cry I looked at him and he frowned and looked down. Ashamed of himself. Tears they were comeing. I grabbed my bag and went out into the hallway. I sat and I cryed. Mrs.Wright came out to asure me It was going to be okay. She wrote me a free pass for everything we did today.I smiled wipeing away the tears, Jacob came out of the classroom. He looked over at me and bite his lip. He walked over "Hey what happend you ran out befor I could tell you anything." He said looking at me with his blue eyes. "There was nothing to say, I understand im an outcast, You don't want to be seen with me." "No I lo-" He did something at that momenet that I could never imagene he grabed my chin raised my head looked right in my eyes and kissed me.

Chapter nine:After the kiss
I sat down on the bus with Jacob today. I gave him my number and my IM name. He smiled and laughed "Sweethoneydrop1284?" "Yah, what's yours?" I asked. "It's Cuddleyteddybear8743." I laughed this time. "No really what's your's?" He asked. "It's Miss-Understood." I said "Oh, Mines Jacob - Summers." He said. "Ok talk to you then?" I asked him. "Yah, oh and about that kiss I did not mean to invad you or anything I mean It'-" "Oh shut up!" I said. He smiled and we both got of the bus.

Chapter ten: The call


Texte: photos can all be fond on written by me not published.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.09.2011

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Is to all who feel like they can't be themselves all the time. <3

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