
The Prologe

I'm Bronze Eagle. My tribe the Miwok lives in the mountains. My age is ten. And I'm about to take you on a trip to the past. And this is a story my mom, Flying Raven, they called her that because she loved Ravens and she always had a dream to fly, and my dad Speedy Boy, they called him that because he was the fastest boy in the school and my grandma, Dansing Daisy, they called her that because she loved to dance and her favorite flower was a daisy. They told me these ledgends alot and i'm gonna share them with you. There age is, well my mom Flying Raven, is tirty-six , my dad is forty-five, and my grandma is sixty-seven. Now here are the ledgends my mom, Flying Raven told me and my dad, Speedy Boy, told me and my grandma, Dancing Daisy, told me so here they are

Ledgend 1: The Tale of Ciearra the Wolf

This ledgend my mom, Flying Raven, told me. It is about how the wolf got it's howl. There is a wolf couple and the girl wolf out of the wolf couple was pregnant and one night she felt a pain in her stoumach and she found out she was having Ciearra, the sun before that she was thinking of namesfor her that would fit a wolf that was a girl and she thouht of Ciearra and she was so happy that just then she was having a baby and after she came out she went and took her into the woods. And they went for a little look around. And then half way there they found a little bear cub and they found out that te little bear cubs name was Little Bear.They kept on going and then Little bear got an upset stoumach because he ate to much fish and drank to much water and Ciearra started pampering because she got a thorn in her her foot from the blackberry bush's and so they went home because they needed to get the thorn out of Ciearra's foot and they needed to give Little bear some willow tree juice that they used to take care of them when they have upset stoumachs and ear aches and stuff like that. so when they were on there way home the blackberry bush that i told u about earlier, well one part my mom told me thats sad is that mama wolf gets stuck in it. Ciearra was worried and she tried knawing through the branches and then she howeled. Ciearra saved her mom and created history by being the first to howl because now every wolf is born with very strong teeth and a howl.

ledgend 2: Rain the Rainbowfish

This Ledgend my dad, Speedy Boy, told me. now this ledgend is abou how the rainbow fish got color. All the rainbow fish in the ocean have color except Rain who is the only fish she and she is the only fish who dosent have the color so one day she desided to search for the wise squid who may have color so she searched for the wise squid but the only problem with that is that she didn't know were the wise squid lived so she asked some people if they did. first she asked Larry the Lobster, but Larry the Lobster didn't know at all. So after Larry the Lobster she asked the cloud fish named Claud. Well of course, Claud had no idea were the wise squid lived. Well after Claud the cloud fish and Larry the Lobster, she finally went were she should have in the first place, to her mom,Bobo, her mom's name is Bobo that had the same trouble when she was Rain's age and she also got them from the wise squid to. she asked her mom,"Mom, do u remember how to get to the wise squids palace" her mom Bobo, said "of course i do, i will take you there Rain." so she took her to the wise squids palace and she told the wise squid " if you remember you gave my mom, Bobo, color a while back and i was wondering if u had any more color for me" and the wise squid said "let me look" and he opened up his droor and found six colors and said" " I have red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, is that good." Rain says " thats all the colors i wanted it's perfect." so the wise squid poors it on her and she went outside and she was the most colorful fish in the ocean.

Ledgend 3: The Tree

This is a ledgend that my grandma, Dancing Daisy, told me and it's about how the termite got in wood. There was a termite named Terry that was very curious and he was curious why he was the only one outside and were everyone else was never near him. So one day he went onto the family tree and saw that termites were dead and was very scared when she saw that to were Terry was almost ready to get out when it colapsed and Terry saw a bunch of spiders and ants and bugs when just then Terry's mom, dad, aunt, and uncles came out. and he was not as sared because he was with familyand then saw his freiends and he was not scared anymore.

Ledgend 4: Griz, the bear of grand canyon

This story my grandma, Dancing Daisy, told my mom, Flying Raven, and then my mom, Flying Raven, told me, Bronze Eagle, and it's how the grand canyon was made. Many suns and moons ago there was a grizzly bear named Glady, he was so funny and playful and loved to play with other grizzly bears like his big brother named Griz. one day he invited all the bears he knew. like his friends and his family like his mom, berry, and his dad mac. and og course he had to invite Griz. but there was tomany people on the center spot and the ground all the sudden cracked and colapsed.

Chapter 5: the centepede and the frog

my mom, Flying Raven, told me. It's a lesson to listen to the story someone's story when they were telling a story. One day a frog named Fred walked passed a old freind who is a centepede named Temple and Fred asked Temple "hello Temple, how did your skin get so shiny," and Temple answered "Well, I asked my mom to put water to boil on the stove" and the Fred rudley interupted and said "Then you jumped in" and then Temple said, "No, now let me start over, I asked my mom to put some water to boil on the stove" Then Fred inturupted again. Temple said "No, now scince you don't want to listen how i did it i won't tell you. And frog went home and said "Mother, Mother, put some water on the stove to boil" and then jumped in and was never seen again. If Fred just listened to Temples story that wouldn't have happened.

Chapter 6: owl and wolf

this ledend my dad, Speedy Boy, told me every night and it's a leson that whatever one person is doing, don't do the same. One time a buddy of owl's, who was coyote, owl was catching her food and how she did that was she threw one eye up and then the prey would come out was walking around and he said "Owl, how do you do that." Owl answered,"I was born to do this." Coyote said,"Well, maybe i was born to do this to." So he threw one eye up and then it didn't come back down. "oh well, i'll try it again."said coyote. so he tryed it aain and it didn't come down. Coyote just says "oh well, I don't care." but if coyote just went with owl when she said that only owl's could do it he would still be able to see.

The End

How the wolf got it's howl


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.08.2010

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