
Old News, Old Love

I looked at the three dead bodies before me. "Too bad, you were actually cute," I laughed and walked away from them.

I climbed the stairs to school with a smile on my face. "Hey, Whitney," I called to her as we passed each other. She smiled and waved back. After a flip of my hair I walked into my classroom. The seat I wanted was taken but it wasn't for long. The person got up and moved to the back of the room as soon as I walked in and looked at it. I smiled a bittersweet smile to him and sat down, ignoring the sigh from the teacher. "Shut up, teacher, your class is always boring anyways," Whitney said from the middle of the room, making us all laugh. The teacher just sighed again and went to the whiteboard.

Lunchtime was always better since it wasn't the end of school or even the beginning, just the afternoon. Simple. Nothing too complex. Whitney came over with our little bottles of... red Kool-aid. Cough. "I was sure to grab these from the guys yesterday," she whispered. I nodded and we both sat down simultaneously which in turn made everyone else move away. "So I talked to Jackson yesterday."

"And," I asked her, watching her expression change from happy to confused then back to happy.

"Well, he's still good. And I can't see him turning evil."

"Then dump him."

"Right, I should've done that in the first place," she replied, but I could see the hurt in her eyes. Plus she was biting her bottom lip which is the biggest sign of her being nervous or uncomfortable. Right now it was probably both.

"Look, he's so good that you can't even show him to your parents. So what's the point? Besides do you really want to drag around a Mr. Goody Two-Shoes? I mean, really. Think about it, Whit," I said. She looked at me then down at her tray and she continued to eat. I shook my head. "What's the point of falling in love anyways? All you end up with is a broken heart and a drenched pillow." I would know, I thought to myself.

"It’s not about the after math, it is about how you feel for each other," a male's voice came from behind us. We both turned our heads to see, what is it they call it? Emo? Well I guess he's your average dark-clothing wearing guy. He had black hair that covered one of his eyes and was straight. Then his eyes were a very light green that had pupils like ours. Vertical.

"Who are you?" Whitney asked but I knew very well who it was. He was the one who broke my heart in the first place.

"He's someone you don't have to worry about," I answered the question for him. "Come on, Whit, some people in this world aren't worth out time."

"But I'm not done," she whined. I rolled my eyes and got up myself.

"Then stay here, I don't give a-"

"Hey, hey, I need to talk to you and you shouldn't use that kind of language," he said. "By the way I am David." Whitney waved.

"I'm Whitney, nice to meet you," she replied.

"No, its not. And what do


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.05.2012
ISBN: 978-3-7309-1857-9

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