
Star crossed.

"I love you, Helen. Always will. But now... it's time for me to go." He said, running the ghostly hand down her cheek in which she could feel the coldness and nothing more. "You're young... and you're free. And it's time for me to leave... off you go, Helen. Make me proud. Live your life for us both... alright?" 
Helen Watson is a young girl at the age of fifteen who lived with her father, Dr. Charles Watson.  
William is a sixteen year ghost, trying to find a way to pass onto the next plane of existence.  
Summary of story: When Helen moved to the Mayson Mansion with her father, she never knew the real meanings of life and how to appreciate what she has. With a successful doctor as a father, Helen could be said to own everything, but as she met a ghost in her house, not only was she to learn about life, she was also about to pull the ghost away from his dark and sinister thoughts, eventually falling in love...  
"Welcome to your new home, Helena." Dr. Watson said to her daughter gently. "The servants will perk this place up once I actually pay for it, but no worries. I think it's a grand house."  
"It is beautiful..." Helen enthused. "Mind if I walk around inside?"  
"It's your home." Her father smiled.  
With a nod, Helen stepped into the mansion and climbed the stairs, inspecting the dusty place with her emerald-green eyes. Her steps echoed around her and as she was about to enter one of the rooms, she saw a sudden flicker of light from the corner of her eye. Helen stopped in her tracks, curious, yet surprised. She then started to advance forward, ignoring the noticeably amount of dust which started to gather at the hem of her dress. Reaching the door, she placed her hand onto the wooden frame and pushed. 
She gasped as the door showed a beautiful room, no doubt the master bedroom. The bed was a four poster king size, its lacy covers coated with dust. A top the four posts was lace, hung about in a very lazy, but crafted way.  
As she moved further in she noticed the windows were the same kind of lace that lay on the bed, old and dusty, but elegant. Moving forward to look out onto the lake which could be seen from the window to the left of the bed another flicker of light came from the closet, this time, closer.
Helen knew that the house was old, and this was starting to get to her. She was interested, excited and at the same time scared out of her mind. She knew that she was coming close to discovering something, but now there were questions running around inside her head. What did she keep seeing? Was someone in the house? Was she in danger? Was this all her imagination? She finally went to inspect the closet and what she saw took her breathe away. 
A pearly-grey form of a human teenager stood with his eyes as wide as hers. Helen backed off with her mouth half-open; her voice dying on her lips. Icy blue eyes met her green ones and she fell down, crashing onto the floor. Her hand knocked over a few dusty ornaments as she fell, creating echoes of the crash throughout the mansion.  
She had never imagined that she would run into something like this. Helen didn't believe in ghosts, but what else could it be that stood in front of her. She felt so frightened that she felt sick to her stomach. Helen wanted to scream but nothing would come out. If this was a nightmare she wanted to wake up now.  
The ghost glared down at her, "I know that you’re supposed to live here now, but I want you gone all the same. This is my house."  
When he seemed to be floating to her she finally regained her legs and fled the room.  
"Helen?!" Her father called. Helen ran downstairs and straight into his arms, shaking with fright. "Helen? My god, Helen, what is it?"  
"I don't want to live here..." She answered, tears pouring down her face. Dr. Watson clutched her daughter, not understanding the message she was trying to give. Before he knew it, his daughter fell limp in his arms.  
William looked after the girl as she fled his room. She was almost as white as he was when she caught sight of him. Sitting on his bed he sighed, another group of humans, another time for him to watch as they either move out, or die off.  
But there was something different about this girl. He normally didn't get attached to humans, this quickly, or even at all. But he could tell even now, this wasn't going to be like any of the other times. 
A little doll sat on a dusty but silky velvet seat. Its hair was of fine horse hair. Her little cheeks were painted a rosy color to give her a smile. Though she seemed like a little doll to other people, she was actually...a holding place...a sanctuary...for a ghost.  
Helen gasped at the sight behind the wooden frame. A doll sitting there welcomed her presence.
She smiled as she picked up the doll.  
"Awww how sweet!" Helen was about to put the doll back down when a voice rang out.  
"What do you want?" 
Williams head shot up as he heard that voice. "No...Human stay away from her...” he muttered getting up and running through the walls to get to them. If the Human got too close...who knows what she would do to the human.
Helen dropped the doll in shock, her eyes widened in horror. She backed off in an instant in surprise but as soon as she did so, the ghost she had saw a few days earlier came from the walls, looking around. He looked straight into her eyes and Helen clutched the side of the table, frightened.   
William's glare softened as he stared at Helen's frightened figure. He turned away from her and hovered over to the dropped doll. Picking it up, he brushed the dirt and dust off the doll and placed it back to its original place. "Don't go around touching things." he said gruffly. "This place isn't your average mansion." His glare fell back on her. "Understand?"  
Helen swallowed and opened her mouth to speak. But her voice had failed her again. She only nodded in reply. 
Sighing, the ghost waited for the girl to move, but she only stood there, letting her eyes wander around the room aimlessly. A companionable silence went between them as Helen then crossed the room to sit on her bed, keeping her eyes low to avoid eye contact. Every time she sees those icy-blue eyes, a cold hand seems to clench her heart. Eventually, the silence became too much to bear and William crossed his arms.  
"I thought I told you to leave." He said with a raised eyebrow.  
"You think I wouldn't? Nobody believed me." 
"Shocker there..." he muttered. 
"What?" she asked thinking he said something.  
"Nothing...Well since you are basically living in my house for the rest of your life, what's your name?" he asked laying down but hovering above the ground a couple of feet.   
"Helen." She answered, contemplating on the fact that not only was she talking to a ghost; the ghost was also civil despite their first meeting. "Helen Watson."  
"Alright. Helen then." He repeated with a hint of mockery in his tone.  
"And what would be yours?" She tried, hiding a sudden smile which threatened to curl to her lips.  
"Oh, why should you want to know the name of a ghost?"  
"You have the advantage over me."  
"It's William."  
"William...That's very...” she said slowly. 
"Very odd? Very old? Very stupid?" he ventured, trying to make it so she would fall into his trap so he would have a reason to hate her.  
"No...Very...nice," she finished smiling. She had caught his trick; it was something she herself used to do often. "I'm not as dumb as most girls you'll find around here...”  
He smirked, "So I noticed."   
Helen didn't reply and stood up, walking slowly towards the window. She gazed outside, pursing her lips as she pondered on the question that lingers in her mind. Eventually deciding to voice it out, Helen spun around (to make sure the ghost was there) and asked: "What are you doing here?"  
"It's my home. It would be better if I had asked you the same thing."  
"You were eager enough to avoid me earlier, were you not?"  
"Very observant of you." He replied sarcastically. "The only reason why I'm here now is to make sure you don't fall into mischief as you did with the doll earlier."
"I can take care of myself," Helen said defiantly.  
" would have been just peachy had I not come in here to save you. Honestly, you don't know what you were doing getting involved with that doll," he said standing up. "But answer my question, why are you here?"  
"Like it or not, it's my home now." Helen replied, crossing her arms. "It seems as though I'm the only one who can see you around here and it's not like I want to be here, anyhow. But I've had a look around... it's a lovely place."  
"Lovely in your innocent eyes. This mansion holds more than you would ever take in. It is pretty odd that you're one of the few who can see me. But no matter - it's not like I would reveal the past of this house to such a girl like you."  
"And what is that supposed to mean?"  
"Do you want to know?"  
"As a matter of fact yes, I do."  
He smirked and moved forward on her. Standing so close to her he towered over her. "This house was once the mansion to a famous Asylum. The doctor who worked here tortured millions of souls, not to cure them, but to make the worse. Make them so they couldn't even talk with out being paranoid. These people died. All who came here died. A horrible, gruesome death."
Helen stared into his eyes, those icy blue eyes. "You're lying..."  
"Am I now? Those souls were trapped here as ghosts for years until the doctor could finally see them. It was their Unfinished Business to actually frighten the man to his death... but as they accomplished their mission, true, they eventually passed on to the next plane of existence." He replied with a cold smile; his voice dying down on his lips.  
"The next plane of...?"  
"You have a lot to learn."  
"And why, please tell, are you here?" Helen asked hesitantly. "What's your Unfinished Business?"  
His face went as still as stone. "That, my dear Helen, does not concern you," he said harshly.  
Helen was taken aback at his tone of voice. "Sorry, I won’t ask that again...”  
"Good. Not every one can go. Not every ghost who stays here has Unfinished Business. I just can't go," he said softly, moving away from her. 
Helen moved and sat down by her bed, feeling partly guilty that she still felt the burning curiosity in her. William must have a reason to be here... otherwise... why? Without understanding the form of the universe herself, Helen started to make mental notes to learn that from him later on - that is, if they were ever to speak again. She thought back to how his face went still and immediately wondered on why he was so upset with it - does he not know his own Unfinished Business?   
"Helen? Are you in here?" a voice came from her door, followed by knocking.  
"Until next time...” William said quietly vanishing through the floor right as Helen's father entered her room.  
"Who were you talking to dear?" her father asked her.  
"Hm? Nobody... just... says my thoughts aloud." Helen said with a sigh, allowing her eyes to follow his father's movements. With pursed lips, Dr. Watson sat down beside her daughter.  
"I see. And what led you into saying your thoughts aloud?"  
"Tiredness, I suppose." Helen answered uncomfortably. Her father's brows furrowed but before he could open his mouth to answer, Helen interjected; "You're a doctor. You've seen... you've seen people dying before. Tell me... what happens after they die?"  
"Well, their bodies get stiff; the skin grows pale from the lack of blood. And their skin gets cold."  
"No...I...I mean what happens. To their spirit?" she asked him.  
"Their spirits? Well I suppose that if they are God fearing people they will go to Heaven."  
"No...I there such things as ghosts?"  
"Ghosts? I don't believe so - it all depends on how you judge life. A few actually say that when you die, your body returns to give life to another. Some others say that you pass on to the next plane of existence. There is no scientific evidence for this."  
"What would be a ghost's Unfinished Business?"  
The doctor scratched his chin as he turned his hazel eyes to her. "Something they haven't achieved in life which they would need to achieve... something to make them worthy of passing onto the next plane of existence. It could be anything. Yet, you're asking for a philosophical debate here, Helen. Why ask?"
She shrugged. "I'm just curious...” she said thinking to herself. “So...could a ghost get stuck here with out knowing his Unfinished Business?"  
"Technically...yes. They could not know or they could not have any. Some just get stuck here because they are waiting for someone, or they just aren’t welcome in an Alternate Existence. But enough of this ghost talk, dinner will be ready in a few moments," he kissed the top of her head. "Don't be late."
"Yes, of course." Helen replied with a small smile.
She watched her father leave the room and laid on her bed, re-thinking the conversation. The whole thing was a very strange mystery indeed... and Helen knew that William would definitely be angry if he found out of her prying. Deciding to talk to him about it later on, Helen stood up from her bed and walked down towards the dining room.
William popped in front of her on the stairs, as an attempt stop her. "I don't really appreciate you talking to your father like that," he said as she walked through him.  
Helen shivered as a wave of cold washed over her. "And I don’t appreciate you stopping in front of me, causing me to walk through you like that." 
"What right have you to actually do that?" William asked angrily; his icy-blue eyes blazing with contempt. "Who do you think you are to pry in like that?"  
"Merely someone who's curious and who wants to learn." Helen answered, shielding her fear. "Now if you'll excuse me... my father is waiting."  
"You cannot hide, Helen. We'll finish this talk eventually."  
"I'm looking forward to it," she said overly cheerful.  
William glared at her and disinigrated in front of her eyes but not before he was able to say. "Helen Watson, you drive me crazy."  
As William reappeared in his room he punched his pillow only for his hand to go through it. It was true that Helen made him go crazy but it was only because he didn't understand her. She was different then the rest, very different.   
In the meantime, Helen took as much time as possible to finish off her course. She was angered to the fact that William was so cold, but she knew, of course, that it was partly her own fault. She wondered if she could actually break the seal of the walls around him... and find out the personality inside. Ghost or no, he was there. And she couldn't leave him alone - not while she's living in the mansion.  
As she started to eat, her father watched her with a thoughtful gaze, wanting to know what had caused her the peculiar mood. It hadn't even been a week since they have moved there, but already, Helen was disturbed. The doctor followed her daughter's eyes and noticed the changing emotions from them - at first, they moved fast with her brows furrowed, but after a while, she relaxed and started to gaze thoughtfully at one object to the other.  
Highly interesting, the doctor concluded. 
William sat in his room for a while, thinking. If she wants to ruin my life, I will just ruin hers... he thought with a smirk.  
Falling through his floor he landed in the chair directly next to Helen. "Let's talk. Now."
Surprised, Helen dropped her spoon with a scream, almost falling out of her chair. A split second later, her father stood with a concerned and angered look on his face.  
"Helen. What is it?" He asked. "What's going on?"  
"Just a chill, father." Helen answered, clenching her fists. "I... I thought I saw something. Please excuse me... I'm not feeling well." She said, standing up. "And no need for a check-up, father. I think I just need some rest... after all that work... with the new house. Excuse me."
"Talk to me Helen. You were so interested in the Ghost World before, now what happened? When your father is there you just act like I'm not there? Well then I see how it is," he said stepping in front of her so she walked through him.  
Stopping she shivered and gritted her teeth. "Please stop that!" she hissed.  
"What was that dear?" her father asked from the dining room.  
"Nothing Father..." she called back to him, glaring at William.
"See that?" William interjected yet again.  
"What is your problem? Is it wrong for me to live in this large mansion? My father worked hard to get it, hoping that I'll eventually get myself to know people better. And who did I meet? A ghost. Just great." She said sarcastically, walking off.  
"Oh, so first you're interested, and now you want me to leave?"  
"No. I never said that. I'd appreciate it if you actually stay and talk with me, but not when I'm engaged with others." 
"As far as I could tell you weren't engaged with him at all. You were staring off thinking about me and then your father was just watching you and wondering what the hell was wrong with his daughter," he said walking along side of her, of rather more, hovering.  
"He was not. I was not thinking of you, I was thinking about ghosts in general," she said heatedly, blushing.  
He laughed a ghostly laugh, his icy eyes bearing into her soul. "Sure. Just keep telling yourself that." 
Ignoring the remark, she turned to his other comment; "When I say engaged, I mean when someone else is there. They obviously can't see you and with you popping up from thin air like that, it was surely going to make a scene."  
"Not my problem."  
"It will be if I start ignoring you. What do you want anyway?" 
"I want you to stop prying into my personal business. I want you to ask permission before you discuss my personal life with strangers," he said walking through a wall into his room.  
"You know doors are always a plus."  
"For you maybe, but for me, walls work just as well." 
Helen decided that she had enough excitement for the day and changed her clothes into something more suitable to sleep in. Sitting down at her dressing table, she started to brush her golden-blonde hair, wondering with all her imagination on what she should do afterwards. In the end, all Helen could do was to turn the lights off, go under her covers and to let the night pass. 
William lay down on his bed, managing not to sink through. "What is it about her...” he muttered to himself. He hadn't been able to show himself to anyone else but her. He hadn't wanted to show himself to any one except her and one other.  
He sighed. It was backwards. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. He was supposed to be able to show him self to those he chose, like his mother. Not to those who just happened to be there, like Helen. 
Night eventually passed and once again, Helen was faced with the dreaded morning. She woke up by the rays of the sunshine and as she stood, she casts her eyes around for the sights of William, but none came. Sighing in relief (and partly disappointment), Helen dressed and descended the stairs for breakfast. Her father had left for the day, naturally, leaving her to herself.  
With nothing else to do, Helen started to walk around the mansion, hoping to see more of the place. 
William floated around the attic, looking through all his junk that no one bothered to get rid of. Flipping through a photo album he looked at pictures of his long dead parents. Next to their pictures was a newspaper clipping. He had read it a hundred times and memorized it.  
A car was found on December 17, 1905, in a ditch near the mansion of Dolly and Jacob Schwenk. The car was completely totaled and Dolly and Jacob were killed along with their 17 year old son, William.  
As he sat there he thought of his family and how lucky Helen was to have her father. And that moment, if ghosts could cry, a single tear would be falling down his cheek.
"That's about thirty years ago..." A voice was heard directly above his ear. "I'm sorry."  
William rose to his feet and the photograph album fell on the floor, face down. He blinked upon the sight of Helen who merely tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear, managing a small smile. She picked the album up from the floor and closed it, wiping off the dust with her hand.  
"My mother and baby sister died the same way." She said.
"I...I'm sorry about your family," he muttered looking at the ground. This was the only time in his ghostly experience he could remember ever being embarrassed.  
"And I'm sorry about yours...” she said handing the album back to him.  
He reached out and took the photo album but not before his hand landed on hers and for a split second, the world seemed to stop. 
Helen could feel the cold emanating from his touch. She had thought that all ghosts' touch would feel only as if they were mist - but not him. It seems that there was a very thin layer coating that cold, pearly-grey form; a surface which landed on hers. She paused, partly scared and partly shocked and her green eyes instinctively traveled up to meet his icy-blue ones. 
Helen's hand felt warm against his, it had been a long time since he could have touched another human's skin. Staring into her green eyes he noticed that they had a touch of silver mixed in.  
Pulling away quickly he tried to gain hold of the album but it fell right through him and onto the floor.
All Helen could manage was a small gasp of surprise. She didn't know what to do - especially with William looking as helpless as a ghost. Both eyes could only gaze onto the old photo album until finally; Helen crouched down and picked the tattered book, hugging it tight against her chest. She then stood up, lowering her eyes.  
"...It must be painful for you to go through all this." She managed. 
"You've no watch as every one around you can do the stuff you once were able to do but no longer can. To watch every one around you go off and live a life that could have been yours… to see the ones you love die and pass through as you try and get to them. But fail...” he finished quietly.  
Helen put her hand on his shoulder but it only went through him so she withdrew it quickly. "To have things go through you like you weren’t even there...” he added. 
"I'm sorry... I truly am. This is just nothing compared to what I've been through." Helen said, containing her emotions in. "I really don't know... how it'll be... to go through all that. But... I'd like to help." 
"Help? How can anyone help? How can you help if you can't touch me?" he said, his voice filling with anger mixed with sadness. He had never talked to anyone about this before. "Just forget about it. Just forget about me, I'll just disappear so you won't have to worry about me." Sinking through the floor he vanished.  
"But...I don't want to forget about you...” she said softly before she could think about what she was saying. 
"What?" he said as his head reappeared 
Helen turned her head slightly, blushing furiously. The ghost floated back up, waiting for an answer which, after a slight pause, was given; "I... I don't want to forget you. How can I?"  
"Can you? Just keep yourself busy for a while and you'll forget." He answered.  
"But I don't want to, don't you understand?" She managed, stepping forward. "I want to stay here, knowing that you're there."
"So…you feel comfortable with me here? Me, a ghost?" he asked slightly confused.  
"Yes…I do." she said blushing even darker.  
William gazed into her eyes. He saw that what she said was true. He wanted to tell her that he felt the same way, but it just wouldn’t come out. He opened his mouth to form words but none came. Instead he just kept thinking, Come on just tell her! It's not that hard, Helen, I like you too. Come on just say it!  
"Well that's nice to know," he said and immediately cursed himself. 
Surprised, Helen started to blush furiously with her answer. What was I thinking? That he'll like me too? He's too... unfeeling... She thought, feeling a sudden jolt of sadness in her heart. Hang on, this can't be true... he's a Ghost... I can't... can I?  
"But..." She tried to get her pride back. "I would, of course, leave you if you want me to."  
"I thought you didn't want to."  
"I don't." 
"Then why did you offer?" he asked tilting his head to the side.  
"Because, you obviously don't care about me. I'm just some girl that lives in your house."  
William put up his hands in a defensive mode and moved closer to her, "Hey now, I never said anything like that. Who knows, maybe I like you but I just can't say it." What? What the hell was that?!
Helen blinked in surprise upon hearing his answer. He was so different to the one she had seen when she first met him... Does he have a wall around himself? Tilting her head to the right, she wondered if there was a history which he was keeping from himself. If so, why reveal his personality now?  
Helen lowered her eyes and bowed her head slightly. "Yes, maybe you do." She said with a warm smile, hiding her thoughts. "Pretty odd for such a short meeting between us." 
"Well yes, it is odd...” he said. He was showing too much of himself, if he kept this up he would surely just pour out his guts to this girl. He couldn't get close to people, not anyone. They just died out if he did. No one stayed long enough. He had to keep his distance from her, or else they would both get hurt. "I have to go." 
Nodding, Helen also turned around and opened the door, closing it behind her. Heart beating fast, she spent a minute leaning on the surface of the door, remembering the looks of those fine icy-blue eyes. What on earth is wrong with him? She thought. He's obviously scared that I might pass on to the afterlife before he does... I would be as well.. Silently, Helen descended the stairs of the attic and went down to the drawing room, sitting on the bench of the polished piano.  
"But... If I can find out what he needs to do to pass on, he'll 'die' before I do...” She said aloud, running her fingers on the surface of her hand where he had touched her earlier. 
"Before who does, Dear?" her father asked coming over to sit next to her.  
William passed through a series of doors and walls, just roaming the mansion. He didn't know where he was going, just where he came from. But he couldn't get his mind off Helen. The way she looked at him like a person and not just a ghost.  
Coming to a stop he looked around. Unconsciously he had come to a stop in her room. 
William looked around the room and spotted a photograph at the table beside her bed. Crouching low, he examined the black-and-white photo, his eyes widening in surprise.  
"Helen? What are you keeping from me?" Dr. Watson asked softly. "I'd like to know."  
Helen leaned sideways and rests her head on her father's shoulder. "Do you know... how it feels.. No, what am I talking about?"  
"What is it?" He repeated.  
"No, it's such a stupid question, I..."  
Taking her daughter's face into his hands, Dr. Watson gazed into her eyes, noticing that she was partly frightened. "Helen, I'm your father and whatever happens, I would understand. You've been acting so strange lately that it's confusing. What happened? What do you mean by your words?"  
"Which words?” She breathed silently.  
"You said that 'he'll die before I do'. Who is this 'he' you speak of?"  
William... "Someone... someone I love." 
"Love? Are you sure honey?" her father asked looking into her eyes.  
Nodding she sighed, "Yes...I think I am..."  
"But you said 'pass on' do you mean he is close to dying?"  
Helen thought about it for a moment then looked up at her father, "No...He’s not close...”  
"Well then you have nothing to worry about. If it's love, follow your heart. That is what your grandmother always told me. Follow your heart, it can never lead you astray," he said kissing her head lightly. "I have some work to do, and I'll be home late tonight."  
Helen nodded as she watched her father go. 
Follow your heart... Her heart tells her to go with William, yet her brain said it's impossible.  
A man and a woman gazed at him with two girls in their arms. One whom he recognized at once by the look of the curved face and straight nose. The other was a toddler, dressed beautifully in a silk-like, baby-sized gown. The woman smiled back at him with almost the same look as her first daughter.  
William inspected the photo carefully, realizing that Helen missed her mother as much as he missed his parents. Besides being dead, William could be said to be pretty much equal to Helen... was that what had made him act like that earlier? What is it about those green eyes which make her so trustworthy?  
As he contemplated, he heard her steps along the hall, heading to her room. 
Hurriedly he moved to the corner and imagined himself invisible. Blending in with the colors behind him, if he stayed completely still, no one would notice him.  
"'Follow your heart, it will never lead you astray...’ but what of your mind? I mean...I think I am actually falling for William...but...he's a ghost. And I'm human. We're from two different worlds...” she muttered to herself as she entered her room.  
Walking to her bed she flopped down, but not before picking up the photo of her family from two years ago. “‘Listen to your heart...’” 
Closing her eyes, Helen rests her head into her arms, thinking aloud: "Listen to your heart... and it shall never lead you astray... My heart would go to William, but my mind tells me not to. After all... what will happen if I pass away before he does? Or if he passes away before I do? Can I actually handle that?" She asked herself, flipping over. "I love him, I certainly do. But... what should I do?"  
Sitting up, she gazed deep into her mother's eyes, thinking back to her father. "If father is here and mother is a ghost... he would return to her." Pressing the frame close to her chest, she sighed; "Oh, mother, what should I do?" 
Williams’s eyes grew wide as he heard Helen talking to herself. Not from shock but from reconition that he felt the same way about her. Just from those couple of days that they had spent together, he was just as much as falling for her as she was for him.  
Deciding against his better judgment he stepped away from the wall and moved silently over to Helen, still invisible. Bending down he gently kissed her on her warm lips and whispered in her ear, "Listen to your heart." 
Helen's head moved slightly to her right, her lips parting in sudden surprise. She raised her head and placed two fingers on her lips where a sudden cold draft had touched her. What was that? She thought. Standing up, she looked around and listened carefully. Follow your heart, it shall never lead you astray...  
Materializing in front of her he kept his blue eyes on her green ones. "Yes Helen?"  
"Was...That...did you..?"  
"Hm?" he asked pretending like he hadn't the slightest idea what she was talking about. 
"You whispered... You heard me?" She asked, saddened that he still wouldn't open up to her. Was he really not there?” Why...?" She bowed her head.  
"Hey..." William stepped forward, taking her attention as her eyes moved onto his handsome face. "What's wrong?" He asked gently. 
"Why won't you talk to me like you did in the attic? That was the only time you actually opened up to me..." she said her voice filled with sadness.  
"I...I just can't. Helen...I do have feelings for you...but. It just can't happen. I'm a ghost and you're a human. If I could I would give you my heart...but I have no heart to give," he said placing an icy hand on her cheek. 
Helen rests her hand on his, realizing that she now knew how to touch his skin. Follow your heart... Her heart wants to be with William, she knew that. And his heart wants to go with her. The barrier in between only lies with the fact that one has a body and one has not...  
"William...” She said, bowing her head again. The ghost raised his eyebrows, prompting her to continue: "I don't care." 
"I know...but...I do. I don't to get hurt and I don’t want you to get hurt. Helen...I do love you. But it's not just because I don't have a body but just because we live in two different worlds. Kind of like Romeo and Juliet but on a higher level...” he said slowly.  
"But, I don't care!" she pleaded. 
As soon as she said those words, Helen clapped her hand to her mouth, surprised by her own words. She blinked a few times, keeping her eyes on him.  
"Helen...” William started.  
Helen sat down and sighed, looking straight into his eyes. "Would you be in more pain if you can't love... or would you be in pain losing someone you have already loved and who will always love you back no matter where you are?" She asked. 
"Helen," he started again. "I have already loved and lost and not loving seems to be working out fine for me these last 30 years." His eyes were growing distant and his voice took up the tone it had when they first met.  
"I'm sorry, Miss Watson, but I think it wise for me to take my leave." He sank through the floor and left her to her thoughts. 
Angrily, Helen wiped the tears from her cheeks as she stared at the floor where he had disappeared. Follow your heart... Follow my heart and this is what I got... Helen sighed, burying her head into her hands. "William, count on it. If loving is something you have to learn, then that's what I will do. Count on it.  
Somewhere, a voice whispered in her head; Forget it, Helen. It's life.  
William moved down to the basement, one place where he thought Helen didn't know about. Punching a table his hand went through it, causing him to be all the more angry. What was that?! Different worlds? Please! You're just being selfish, go her. Let yourself love her! A voice in his head kept telling him.  
"No. I can't, she doesn’t' deserve me. She should be with a human like the boys down the lane. Not with a ghost who is stupid enough to not figure you how to get to the other dimension," he said to the voice in his head.  
But she wants you, not those other boys.  
"Well she shouldn't!" 
Life... what is life?  
Helen changed into her nightgown, and went under her covers, thinking about his changed expression earlier. Why, why, why, does he need to give out those walls around him? He's so cold, so unfeeling... he's lying to himself. She thought. A sudden idea came to her mind as she pondered - what if his key to passing on to the other dimension is to love itself?  
If so, then what exactly must she do?  
If fate really does exist, she must have a reason to be there. And to love a ghost - moreover so. Helen sat up and felt her lips again.  
Life is how you see it. Follow your heart... 
"Ugh!! She should just go off and live her life and let me live mine!" But he couldn't help but think about that kiss.  
Well did you ever think that she wants to live her live with you?  
"But I don't have a life! I'm a ghost, she's a human!"  
So? You were once a human, you once felt love and hurt. You keep pushing her away, do you ever think that you're just hurting her more when you put your walls up?  
"Walls? What walls? I just keep my distance," he said growing angry.  
Exactly, with walls.  
William paced up and down the basement's storage part. Helen's face kept reappearing in his mind. 
"I love him." Helen finally admitted to herself, a smile spreading on her face. "I really do love him." She placed her fingers on her lips, lowering her eyes. "He loves me too... I just need to have him to realize it."  
To follow my heart, I need to get him to follow his as well.  
"If you're listening, William... hear me now. No matter what, I am not going to let you deny your feelings."  
If loving him means to be patient and pull him out of those walls, then that's exactly what I shall do.   
Just admit it! You love her!  
"No...No I don't!"  
Yes, yes you do!  
"I can't. What if she dies and leaves me?"  
Then you can follow her.  
"But I don't know how!"  
So you do love her?  
" don’t know...” William had not heard Helen's statement. But even if he had, he would not have admitted it.  
Go talk to her 
He sighed. "Later."  
The voice was silent. 
Call out to him? Wait for him? What should I do now?  
Helen rolled on her bed, thinking deeply when a sudden knock on the door took her attention. Smiling, she sat up; "Come in, father."  
"You knew it was me?" Her father asked with a warm smile.  
"Of course. Your knock is familiar."  
"I thought I should check on you after what happened earlier. Are you feeling better? Have you made your decisions?"  
"Yes, I have." She nodded. "But what if the other is afraid of loving? I do love him... but he's scared of it. I suppose something happened to him before."  
"Well... try and get him to open up." Her father answered with a knowing smile, not wanting to pry too deeply into his daughter's business. Kissing the top of her forehead, he looked deeply into her eyes. "Love is a powerful thing. All that matters is what you will do when the time is right." 
William moved to his room but stopped at Helen's door and listened to her and her father's conversation. See I told you, she does love you.  
"Shut up...” he muttered.  
Moving on he entered his room through the wall and laid on the bed, preparing for a restless night. 
"How would I know the right time?"  
"Search for your heart, Helen." Her father answered, standing up. "You'll know when it happens." Helen nodded to her father, lying down on her bed. "Sleep now. Tomorrow is another day." He said, closing the door. 
Unable to get comfortable on the bed William got up and moved across the hallway to Helen's room. Remaining invisible he leaned up on the wall. I don't love her...I can't love her...but...Do I?  
He watched her settle in and get comfortable but she was not going to sleep. Her gentle green eyes stayed open surveying the room. But her long hair softly fell over her shoulders in the most perfect way. I don't love her... 
I wonder what he's doing right now...  
"I have already loved and lost and not loving seems to be working out fine for me these last 30 years."  
Thirty years. Such a very long time ago for him to be alone. No wonder he's so distant. Helen sat up and pulled her knees to her chest, resting her chin on them. She tucked a long strand of hair behind her ear and allowed her eyes to travel around, rocking herself softly. Why do I love him so much? She asked herself. It's not like she's desperate for love... she's still young anyway.  
No... I want William. 
William floated forward slowly, making sure he stayed invisible. Sitting on her bed in front of her he just stared at her, his mind full of confusion.  
Helen's eyes wandered around her room but rested on the dent in the covers on her bed. "William?" she questioned.  
Quickly he got up, relieving the dent in the bed. "No, William, come back please. 
He stopped in his tracks but remained silent, waiting for her to continue.  
"William, I know you're there. Please, listen. I'm sorry if I offended you earlier. I should have thought deeper about your feelings." She sighed as he didn't reply, standing up. "William... I love you. And I'm not going to let you deny your feelings." 
"How do you know my feelings when I don’t even know my feelings?" he asked hovering above her bed. "You can't let me deny them if I don’t even know them."  
Helen looked down at that statement. She was sure that he felt the same way about her. "William...” she started. 
"No. Don't start. You don’t know how I feel because I don’t know how I feel, alright?" he said getting more distant to the point of harsh. 
Williams face went hard to her last comment. "As you wish," he said with a bow leaving through the wall. You know she made a good point, why were you there?” Just SHUT UP!" he yelled to the voice inside his head. "I don't know! I guess...So what?! I do have feelings for her! Just...SHUP UP!" he placed his hand over his ears to block out the snickering from the voice.  
Told you... 
Helen was stuck cold as she heard his voice through the wall. He's fighting with himself... She stood up and walked towards the direction of the voice, pressing her ear against the wall as she listened intently.  
"I do have feelings for her! Just... SHUT UP!"  
Oh, William, just follow your heart... 
"So what if you did tell me? That doesn't mean I have to listen to you!"  
But you do I'm in your head.  
"I don't care if you’re in my head! Helen shouldn't have feelings for me, it's just not right!" he said furious.  
How is it not right?  
"Like I mentioned before she should be with the human boys down the lane, not the ghost across the hall."  
She doesn’t want those boys though.  
"Well she should! She-" he stopped. Feeling like he wasn't alone he moved towards the wall which he felt her presence. Popping his head through the wall he glared, "Do you mind? I'm trying to have a private conversation." 
Helen blinked several times in surprise, gazing into those eyes once again. "Seeing that you kept hearing my own thoughts, I can't see why I cannot do so with you." She answered. "William, please, can we talk?"  
"About what?"  
"Just... talk." 
"Well we're talking now. What else do you want to talk about?" he asked, gaining that harsh tone he had when he had first discovered her in his house. "And by the by, I did not listen to your thoughts, I listened to your fathers." 
"I want to talk about you." She replied, just as harsh. "Why are you hiding from yourself and why are you distancing yourself? I don't like other boys out there, I like you. Don't ask me why, I just do. And what you're doing is lying to yourself! It's as plainly written on your face like a book!" 
"Why you ask? Why? Because I don't want to get hurt! Because one day, you are going to leave me like all the others I've loved. Okay? Happy? Every single person I have ever loved left me. My parents, my grandparents, they all said they would wait for me when they died, but they just kept moving on. Unlike me. Okay? So there, that is why I am distancing myself from you. So I don't get hurt again. I've gone through it enough I don't need it again," he said pulling his head through the wall so he was gone. 
Helen's eyes widened upon the answer and she hung her head, finally realizing the exact way to make William pass on. As much as she hated the thought, it was evident that the way to make him move on was to make him love... and stop fearing love. But that would mean losing him...  
Helen slumped against the wall, letting a tear run down her cheek. "What should I do?" She asked herself with a sigh. "William, please..." 
"Helen...even if I did love you…one of us would end up getting hurt. I don't want to get hurt, and I can't stand the thought of you getting hurt. Please...don't ask me to love you…" he said leaning back so hi abdomen up was in Helen's room. 
"Would you be in more pain if you can't love... or would you be in pain losing someone you have already loved and who will always love you back no matter where you are?" Helen sighed, repeating the question to herself. Deliberately, she started to speak her thoughts out loud:  
"Of course, one of us has to get hurt sooner or later... like my father and mother. But if I can pull William out of the wall and face the power of love, of course, he will pass on first." She cried to herself. "I'd like to know that I had at least tried to make him pass rather than confirming that he'll stay here forever." 
William stood up in Helens' room and pointed a finger at her. "Don't you dare! Don't you dare talk about that! I am going to figure out how to get out of here with out yours or anyone’s help, got it! I don't need anything from you! Just forget about me! It will be the best thing for the both of us alright? I'm sick of you thinking you know everything about me! You know nothing. NOTHING!" he yelled at her on the ground. Leaving he passed through her deliberately so she would get chilled. 
Helen shuddered as William started to get aggressive, but didn't interrupt. As he passed through her body, sending a chill throughout her body, she managed: "Figure it out, then. But first, stop lying to yourself."
William ignored her and kept on storming through all the rooms of the mansion, trying to cool off but it only heated him up more. "She thinks she knows everything! She needs to get off her horse and meet the real world. I don't love her." 
Still sitting on the floor, Helen let her thoughts to wander - not on William, but on life and the world itself. She couldn't understand why it is that everything was how it is, but still, she wanted to understand. William's dead and he himself never knew what love is all about... What does it mean? She thought silently to herself.  
Who is he? What does he want? 
William made his way back up to the attic to look at the photo album again. There was one picture in it that Helen did not see. A picture of a boy and a girl, sitting together holding hands, while not looking at the camera but at each other. They were smiling and in their eyes held love.  
No matter what Helen thought, he had been in love once. But she grew up after he died. She left him, like all the others. 
Why? The question kept echoing in her head. If he's so upset about not being able to pass through the dimension, then why can't he try it? Not wanting to hurt himself? From what? Helen pressed her hands to her forehead, thinking deeply. Why is he afraid of getting hurt?  
Has something happened to him before? 
William ran a finger along the face of the beautiful girl in the photograph. Saying her name softly brought back so many memories, "Marie..." he whispered. Her hair was short and red; her eyes blazed a deep blue, unlike his icy blue ones. As he sat there looking at the picture, the most miraculous thing happened, a single tear ran down his cheek. 
One theory after another, Helen couldn't stop thinking about William and what she should do. She stayed in her position; her arms around her knees which were pulled against her chest, her head resting on them and her hair covering her face. She sat there on the floorboards, not giving any notice towards the chill around her or to the fact that her face was slightly flushed.  
When Dr. Watson came to her room the next morning, he found her lying on the floor, slightly shivering. 
"Dear Lord, Helen!" he said rushing to his daughter’s side. "Helen are you alright?"  
Helen's head snapped up and she looked around her, "Where..." she began.  
"No need to talk, you're chilled to the bone, come. We will warm you up," Dr. Watson said, more like a mother then a father. 
Taking her arm, Dr. Watson helped her into her bed, covering her with the warm blankets as he muttered underneath his breath. She moaned slightly but followed his lead as she climbed into her bed. Once or twice, her head would spin and she would feel a sickening feel of nausea, making her stop in her tracks, but by five minutes, Dr. Watson faced his daughter, a towel on her forehead.  
"By heavens, what on earth has happened to you?" He asked her softly, stroking her hair. 
William, who had sensed something was wrong, rushed down to Dr. Watson's side. "Helen what's wrong?" he asked her.  
She could only moan in answer. 
She heard his voice beside her, loud and clear with the obvious hint of worry in his tone. That and the voice of her father who sounded more concerned than ever. Her father placed his hand on her forehead, scowling at the rising temperature.  
"Stay here, Helen. I'm going to take my bag." He said, rushing into his study.
She felt like death and she couldn't understand it. One minute she had been fine and the next second she had felt like she couldn't stand on her own. Was it because she was around William? Was this the affect that he was going to give her. Why did she feel like this?
A thought suddenly came to Williams head. "Helen...did you stay on the ground all night?" he asked softly.  
Helen managed a nod, that was all she could.  
William sighed, "Then your father is going to be able to help you...this is from the ghost's doing, you remember from the asylum?" 
She moaned again, barely hearing his words. Muttering something underneath her breath, she opened her eyes and tried to sit up as she faced the ghost.  
"...What? Wi... William?" She asked weakly, placing her own hand onto her forehead.  
"Helen!" Her father suddenly came, making her groan inwardly. It was certainly an odd situation to be in. 
"Don't let him give you anything!" William warned, becoming panicked. If Dr. Watson tried to help his daughter in any way is would only make her worse by all means. "Trust me, don't let him do anything!"  
Getting up he stood beside her bed. "Donna! Donna get out her! What did you do to her? Well fix her! Don’t tell me that, I know you can!...Do it now!..." 
Propping herself in a half-sitting position, Helen grabbed her father's hand weakly. "No medicine." She said, keeping her eyes closed.  
"No what?" The doctor repeated ridiculously. "Helen -"  
"I can't swallow anything..." She tried again, head spinning. She felt a sudden chill on her wrist, realizing that William had grabbed her. "No medicine..." She said, slumping back down. 
"Donna! Just touch her, that's all you need to do.....Don't give me that, you already have done it once.....Liar....Fine, Jimmy! Get your ass out here and fix this girl!" William yelled facing the door.  
Helen stared at William then felt a cold hand on her forehead. A wave of nausea was sent through her, reeling the side of the bed she heaved up breakfast. "Thank you Jimmy, now go away," she heard William say above her. 
"William..." She begged softly, hanging her head. She felt two strong arms wrapping themselves around her, helping her to stand.  
"Really, Helen, this is getting ridiculous." Her father said, ringing the servant bell several times as he held her close. "And who on earth is William?" He asked, more to himself rather than to her.  
Footsteps were heard as the servants rushed upstairs to greet the doctor. As soon as they saw the odd scene before them, they knew what was needed to be done. A maid took Helen by the arms, carefully leading her to the bathroom while the others searched for clean sheets. Helen managed a small "Don't follow" before the door closed behind her.  
"Don't follow?" Her father repeated awkwardly. "Her condition is worse than I thought."   
William managed to wrap his arms around Helen's waist and able to keep hold of her. He whispered into the maid's ears and they let her go, going back to their duties. Moving her to the bathroom he sat her down on the toilet. "Are you feeling anything better?" he asked her lifting her face up to his and looking into her eyes.  
Swallowing she nodded, looking into his icy eyes. "Yes...a little..." 
His face softened into a pretty relieved smile as he scrutinized the green eyes. Helen managed a small smile, clutching the sink beside her to gain balance. The feverish feeling started to leave her little by little, but the wave of nausea still jolt through her once in a while.  
"What happened?" She asked. "I've never felt such a thing before..." 
"I don't suppose you would have...It was a cruel trick done by one of the ghost still living here. If a ghost should touch you in a foul mood then a wave of sickness will wash over you. And human medicines only make it worse. I'm sorry for what Jimmy did to you, he's only five," William explained. "I’m happy to see you're better." 
"Other ghosts?" She repeated, surprised.  
"Hush now, enough excitement for the day." William said, standing up. "Come on, let's wash your face and get you in your bed. At least lie down when we talk."  
Nodding, Helen stood up, splashed her face with cold water and changed her clothing, making sure that there were no peeking eyes as she did so. She felt more strength in her legs as she walked, William by her side, and certainly more comfortable that the tension between them was gone. Dr. Watson took her arm as soon as the door opened, leading Helen to her bed, and as she lie down, the fresh covers felt soft against her skin instantly made her feel sleepy.  
Seeing that her daughter was getting better, Dr. Watson left the room. 
. "Yes, other ghosts," he said answering her earlier question once she had gotten settled. "I told you before; there are other ghosts from the Asylum left over...some kind, some not so much."  
Helen nodded, trying to understand. 
"Quite a few are still pretty confused about who they are and some just need to grow up before they can learn on how to pass." William continued. "The one that touched you earlier is the owner of the doll which you touched when you first came here. I suppose getting to their private possession irked them."  
"I see." Helen answered softly, almost drifting off to sleep. She gazed sadly at those icy-blue eyes, feeling her heart calling out his name. 
"Lucky for you, I'm the only one you can see. There are ghosts here who were tortured by the devices of the doctor, mercilessly. You don't want to know," he said slightly laughing. Looking at her more closely he pushed her down onto the bed. "But sleep now, you'll feel better in the morning." He kissed her forehead, more brotherly then anything else. 
Too tired to ask for more, Helen settled deeper into her blankets, realizing that she felt warmth with that kiss rather than the usual chill. William sat down beside her and rubbed his thumb against the skin of her hand, watching her as she started to close her eyes.  
Not long after that, soft breaths could be heard as she fell asleep. 
William watched her sleep, a smile creeping across his face. It took a few minutes but once he finally realized it he took it off immediately. He couldn't be falling for Helen. Not after what he had already been through. No, he couldn't be falling for her. ..Could he? 
Her face looked peaceful as she slept, chest rising and falling following the rhythm. Her hand was still in his and William realized that the grip was fairly tight around his fingers. Her lips were slightly parted and her peach-tinted skin looked slightly pale - nevertheless, the personality inside was more than what appears on the outside.  
Helen twitched slightly, falling back to sleep not a second later. 
William leaned back on one of the posts of her bed, closing his eyes slowly. As he held her hand in his, her warmth warmed him no matter how chilly his skin was. As he matched his breathing with hers, he drifted off to sleep, thinking of the girl lying next to him. 
Waking up the next morning, Helen found William at the exact spot he was yesterday, sleeping peacefully. She watched him breathe and carefully removed a strand of his hair from his eyes, heart beating fast as she attempted the act. Surprisingly enough, she managed to do the act and he moved slightly, causing her to draw her arm back.  
As he fell back to sleep, Helen gazed at the young face before her, wondering on how such a tender person could be so distant at times... yet so caring.
William awoke 5 minutes later; blinking his eyes several times he smiled as he saw Helen sitting in front of him, looking much better. Squeezing her hand he sat up straighter, "Feeling better, I presume?" 
Helen woke early the next morning alone. She was disappointed that William wasn't there with her. It was slightly frightening to realized how much she liked being around William. She knew it wasn't right either. You couldn't have any kind of affection for a ghost because they were dead. No matter how hard she tried it wouldn't change the fact that if she got to attached to William, there would be problems.  
Not to mention the other ghosts. William had said that if another ghost touched you in a foul mood, you would become ill. How long could she stay in this house when her well being was always going to be in danger? 
Smiling, she nodded. "Yes, much better than before, thank you." She said, leaving her hand in his. She wondered if he had forgotten about their argument earlier as she let her eyes wander around her room, taking in details from the decorated walls. Her eyes traveled back to William; "Were you here all night long?" 
"Yes, I think so." He smirked, "Is that bad?"  
Helen smiled in response to his smirk, "No, not in the least." 
Helen went back under her covers, earning raised eyebrows from her companion. She laid on her left, facing him with a hand under her head. "I wonder what father will say if he sees me now." She wondered aloud. "He comes interrupting at the most crucial times."  
"Evidently so." William agreed. "Do you still feel weak?"  
"No, not much." Helen answered with a warm smile. "Why, how long is this supposed to last?" 
William shrugged, "Not very I think. The waves will come in waves for the next one or two days...I'm not sure. It varies from person to person."  
Helen nodded, "I see..." pulling her hand which held his closer to her face she felt no coldness, only the warmth that comes from love. 
William looked down at her, noticing the calmness of her pose. He felt partly guilty that she had been touched; yet, a part of him thanked the event. Looking at her, he started to wonder on his feelings again.  
"What are you thinking about?" He asked her after a while of silence.  
Blinking, she raised her eyebrows. "What?"  
"Your thoughts."  
"Life." She said after a moment of hesitation. 
"What about life?"  
"Well..." she said slowly. "I guess about you, the other Existence, the old photograph in the attic, everything I guess. What about you?"  
William shrugged. "Nothing...just about how your father will probably come barging in in a couple of minutes."
Glancing at the clock beside her, Helen scowled at the time; "Yeah, definitely in a few minutes." She sighed, closing her eyes.  
William watched her with interest but turned his gaze to his hand. Her hand did not go through his, oddly enough - it was as though she knew how to care for him..  
"Tired, still?" William asked.  
"Nope." Helen answered. "I think I hear father..." 
William smirked. "As do I. Well," he picked up her hand and kissed it softly, "until next time I hope." And he vanished.  
"Darling are you sure you're feeling better?" he asked walking into her room. 
"Yes, father." Helen answered, sitting up to prove her point.  
"You still look a bit pale." He said, advancing forward. Placing a hand on her forehead, a smile crossed his lips. "Well, you're doing well since last night, that's for sure. Can you handle breakfast, do you think?"  
"I believe so, but only a small portion today." Helen answered.  
"Very well." Her father answered, kissing her on the forehead. "I'll make sure it's ready downstairs. In the meantime, go and have a bath." 
Helen nodded pushing back her covers. As her father left she grabbed a change of cloths and headed towards the bathroom. Running the hot water for a moment she clogged the drain and added some bubbles.  
Taking off her cloths slowly she settled in the tub, sinking in so the bubbles covered everything but her head. She sighed, it was peaceful.  
"William! What are you doing here?"  
"Well now, this would be awkward if I was looking now wouldn't it?" William said appearing on the sink, his hand over his eyes. 
"..You weren't, were you?" Helen asked cautiously, pursing her lips.  
"No, of course not." He answered with a smile, making her sigh in relief. "I was just making sure you were alright." He said, resting his head on his hands.  
"You just asked a few minutes ago." Helen pointed out, holding back a smile. "Why the sudden concern?"  
"One can't be too careful." William said mischievously. 
"Or one can never be too nosey...” she added with a smirk.  
"That too," he said with a hint of laughter in his voice. "But tell me, what's it like?"  
"What's what like?"  
"A bubble bath."
Helen bit back her laugh at his question, pressing her lips together. "It's... soothing, really. Feels clean and foamy." She furrowed her brows, trying to find a decent explanation to the ghost.  
"Clean and foamy? I'd think so after what happened last night." William said with a wide smile, rolling his eyes playfully.  
In return, Helen scowled at him. "Well, of course it is!" She laughed. 
"If I keep my eyes closed can I put my head up, I'm getting a head ache," William said, sounding like a little kid.  
"Yes, I suppose so, I'm covered in bubbles anyway."  
Lifting his head he rested his chin on his hands and looked at her through closed eyelids. "So your dad believes you?" 
"I have no idea." Helen answered, making him raise his eyebrows. "He's been accepting all answers from me lately. I think he might suspect something going on."  
"You should find out." William replied. "Still, it might not be too serious. He's a doctor and even though they don't tend to worry much, they definitely will to their own children."  
"Oh, obviously so." 
"What are you going to tell him?" William asked.  
"About what?"  
"Us, you and me. I mean he's going to wonder who this mysterious boy is who you keep talking to."  
"I just won’t tell him, easy as that."  
William rolled his eyes, "you know that’s not true." 
Helen sighed and settled further into the bubbles, pondering deeply. William had a point - there is no way her father would allow her to be quiet about it... especially after she had mentioned the word love associated with William.  
"Sooner or later, the truth will out, yes..." Helen started, biting her lips.  
"But..?" William urged, sensing the graveness in her tone.  
"But... how will he accept it? William, look at me." The sharpness of her tone made him open his eyes, gazing deep into those green ones. "He can't even see you." 
"Only because he doesn't believe..." William said hovering above the sink and moving closer to the tub. "If he truly believed in me he could see me. Like you did. But question, why would he question you about me any further? Just tell him I'm a friend from down the lane or something."  
"...I don't think I can..." she said slowly.  
"Well why not? It's not like you said you loved me or anything, I mean we just met," he said trying to be casual.  
"If we were that casual over friendship, then why would I even bother to tell him in the first place?" Helen pointed out. "If he believes in you... would he really be able to see you?"  
"Do you believe in ghosts before you came here?" William asked.  
"No, not really. I just expected to see you when I saw that flicker."  
"There's your answer." 
"I don't know why would you say something about me?" he asked referring to her earlier question.  
She raised an eyebrow, "you tell me."
"What do you mean?" William countered, evidently surprised.  
"After all those... surprise scenes, he would definitely need an explanation. I... I've been asking him a few questions." Helen answered. "In any case, he knows I love you anyway. It's just your identity which is still a shadow to him." She continued, blushing deeply.  
Struck cold by her answer, William gazed into her green eyes, minutely speechless. 
"So..." he knows I love you anyway.  
See I told you she loves you. Now open your heart and love her back.  
"Shut up," he muttered.  
Fine, just because you won't admit it doesn’t mean it's not true.  
"I have to go..." he said putting his feet to the ground and walking through the door. 
"William, please..." Helen whispered, stopping him in his tracks. "Don't go."  
He turned his head around and looked at her in a pained expression. Helen's eyes met his icy blue ones, but eventually, he turned and left, leaving her alone. With a sigh, Helen stood up and grabbed a towel, keeping her eyes on the closed door. 
"You know you really shouldn't keep leaving her like that," a little boy said coming up beside William.  
"And you really shouldn't listen to other people’s conversations, Jimmy. Go away," William said, continuing to walk.  
"Fine…just keep pushing her away…It's your fault if you can't get through…" Jimmy said skipping away. 
William reached out and grabbed the boy by his collar. "What did you say?" He challenged.  
Helen chose a deep blue gown from her wardrobe, nodding her thanks as the maids helped her into it. She sat by the dressing table and brushed her damp hair, reminding herself to plait it later. As she finished fastening her silver locket, she descended the stairs and saw her father on an armchair in the living room.  
"You sure took your time, but the wait is worth it." Dr. Watson greeted her, kissing her cheek as he stood up. "Better than before, most definitely.  
"Thank you." Helen replied with a smile, allowing herself to follow her father into the dining room.
"I said it's your own fault if you can't get through!" Jimmy yelled vanishing from Williams grip.  
You know he's right...  
"I thought I told you to SHUT UP!" William yelled sinking through the floor, his hands over his ears.  
"Now, about this William boy. He's the one you say you love?" Dr. Watson asked his daughter, setting down his coffee cup.  
"Yes, Father."  
"I want to meet him."
Hearing William's pained voice, Helen raised her head in surprise, moving her eyes towards the direction of the voice. Her father followed her gaze, seeing nothing of interest.  
"Helen?" He asked softly. "What is it?"  
"William..." She whispered worriedly, enough to reach her father's ears.
"He's in this house? Where?"  
"Just...Go away! I don’t want you here anymore! Please! Please...just...go away..." he said falling down onto his knees in the middle of the main hallway. "I...I don't want you here...Helen...just...leave..." he said. Breaking down he started to dry sob, saying as ghosts can't cry.  
He was so confused. He had feelings for Helen, true. But he also didn't want to get too close. For if he got too close, it would only end up hurting one of them. The only way to make sure of that was for her to leave the mansion. Forever.
"Father... William... William's a ghost." Helen said softly, lowering her head. "I met him when I looked around the house... and I fainted."  
Helen's eyes started to dart aimlessly. She stood up, her worry for William topping off everything else. "I'll explain later. Please, just... just don't worry." She said, running off to the hallway.  
You can't do that... she loves you, and so do you..  
"LEAVE!" William shouted again, clutching his head.  
"William..?" Helen's worried voice filled his ears. 
William looked up at her with a face that was full of emotions. Anger, fear, love, and hurt. " have to go. You must leave this house, it's not safe anymore. The ghosts here are starting to get rowdy. Helen, you must leave." He was lying through his teeth but if that’s what it took that's what he would do.  
"No...I can't…" she whispered dropping down next to him. Gently she put her hand on his shoulder.  
"NO! YOU HAVE TO LEAVE!" he said more harshly then he intended. 
"LEAVE!" He shouted, his tears betraying his lies.  
Helen looked deeply into his eyes, her own emotions taking hold. Without giving a reply, she threw her arms around him, holding him close. It was odd that she could do such an act to a ghost, but all she knew was that her love made it possible to touch him.  
"William... don't be scared. Please..." She whispered into his ear, tears staining her own cheeks. 
"I won't be scared if you would just leave! Helen, you have to listen to me. Take your dad, jump in your car and go!" he said pushing her away. "You can't stay here any longer. It's not safe. Helen, just listen to me!"  
"William you don't mean it..." she said trying to get closer to him.  
Changing his appearance so he looked like he did when the car crashed he made himself scary. His hair matted down with blood, bruises all over his body, his right arm dangling by a thread. "HELEN, LEAVE!" 
Immediately, she backed off, terrified of the sudden change. Her heart raced as she looked at him, tears eventually falling from her face, dropping to her gown. "No..." She whispered, wiping her tears away. "WILLIAM, NO!!!" She screamed in horror.  
Downstairs, Dr. Watson raised his head in surprise, running towards the direction of her voice, now fully believing her words earlier... 
"Helen, leave this house, leave this town, leave me! Yes Helen, Yes! YOU. NEED. TO. GO!" he roared, making himself bigger. "Please..." he added in a whisper, his eyes full with pain.
"Stop lying to yourself!" She yelled back. "Just stop it!"  
"Helen!" Her father's voice echoed behind her. "Helen!"  
"Perfect. Now you can all leave." William said harshly. His eyes suddenly met hers and he could see the horror which torments her. Feeling a pang of guilt, he continued his cold act, ignoring the voices of Helen's father. "What are you waiting for? LEAVE!"  
Little did he know that she was too frightened to even use her legs. 
"William...You don't want me to leave! You never want me to leave; you’re just scared of getting hurt! You are just SELFISH!" Helen yelled at him.  
"Helen! What are you-OH MY WORD!" her father exclaimed being full well to see William.  
"Good day Mr. Watson. But as i was just telling your lovely daughter here both of you must leave this house, at once!" William roared. Helen was right, he was being selfish, but that didn't stop him. 
William changed his appearance back to normal as Helen's father dropped down to his daughter in shock. "Helen... is he... is he..." Dr. Watson stammered, utterly flabbergasted.  
"Yes, father... He's William." Helen replied shakily, rooted to the spot with terror as she squeezed her father's hand.  
"We must leave. NOW." The doctor said as William continued to glare at them, his own frame shaking in fright.  
"...I can't move my legs. Help me up." 
As Dr. Watson bent down to help Helen up he whispered in her ear, "This can't be the William you spoke of earlier..."  
"No. You're right. He's not the William I spoke of earlier. The one I knew was kind, helpful, and beautiful. Not him," Helen said loud enough for William to hear.  
William didn't say anything, he just stood there, his arms crossed and glaring at them. "Leave." Was all he said before sinking through the floor to the basement again. 
As he disappeared from view, Dr. Watson relaxed, settling beside his daughter as he took her in his arms. "Oh, father... what must I do?" Helen whispered.  
"With so little information so far, I can't give you much advice." Dr. Watson answered, stroking her hair. "However, we should go out of this house and talk a small walk in the meadow. You can tell me everything then. There's a house on sale right now, not far from here and I'll buy it if we must. You have to understand, Helen. We can't leave Aspen Hill. Not now or we'll be in trouble with finances."  
"Yes, I know..." Helen answered. 
"What was that?! Are you insane?!" Jimmy asked him angrily appearing by his side.  
"No. According to Helen I'm selfish."  
"That you are! How could you do something like that? She loved you and you loved her but you're afraid! So you let her walk on by with out a word of good bye. You guys said you friends...some friend..." he said disappearing.  
"Who asked you?" he yelled after him.  
He's right, she's right. You are extremely selfish. 
"Can you move your legs now?" Dr. Watson asked her, rubbing her foot worriedly.  
"Yes, somewhat."  
"The feeling should come back soon." He said softly, avoiding her eyes. "Helen, do you want to go away from here or not? Either way, I'm fine as long as you are."  
"Can we talk outside? Just help me up; I don't want to stay here for the time being." Helen begged him, putting her arms around his neck after he placed her shoe back. 
As Williams anger started to bubble down he started to realize what had just happened. Perking his ears up he wanted to catch anything that Helen or her father said, the only this he could hear was Helen's last statement before they left.
"William...I love you and I know you feel the same. Just don't think you've seen the last of me."
Not far from the house, Dr. Watson placed his daughter onto the emerald grass of the meadows, inhaling the sweet scent of fresh air. He turned to her and sat down, allowing her to rest her head on his shoulder.  
"So... tell me everything."  
"I met him when I was strolling inside. I saw a flicker, followed it, and saw him. He shouted me to leave and I fell and ran from him. I don't know how, but we became close afterwards... and I just fell in love with him. He did as well, but he's too scared to admit it." She turned her eyes to her father. "It's like he's fighting with himself over it.' 
"He just as well might be. I mean love can be a scary thing if it just pops up on you. I mean you and William have met only a few days ago. Some guys don't like all of the sudden attention, but I imagine he does. I mean being alone for a while can be really scary."  
Helen sighed. "I think it's more then that though...I think he's afraid of loosing me if he does admit it..."  
All the voices started to surround him. The ghosts were troubled by his decision.  
Why did you do that?  
Can’t you see she is in love with you?  
How can you be so selfish?  
Love her back, you know you want to.  
"Shut up. Shut up! SHUT UP! I HAVE ALREADY LOVED BEFORE! OKAY? AND SHE LEFT ME JUST LIKE HELEN IS GOING TO LEAVE WITH HER FATHER! NO MATTER WHAT SHE IS GOING TO BE EXACTLY LIKE SHANNON! LOVE ME LEAVE ME! I KNOW HOW IT WORKS!" he yelled at the ghosts. Little did he know that he yelled loud enough for Helen and her father to hear. 
"Helen..." Dr. Watson started, looking into her shocked eyes.  
Speechless, she could only stare at the grass in front of her, finally receiving the final piece of the puzzle. She could hear her father muttering something beside her but she ignored it, biting her lips. As her father shook her gently by the shoulder, she looked up into his eyes.  
"Helen, can't you hear that?" Dr. Watson asked. "He's not safe.."  
"Father, I know him! It's not what you think!" Helen answered, her eyes widening. "You told me to follow my heart..." She whispered softly. 
"Yes I did. But now I am following mine. As soon as I can I will buy that house in town. We are getting out of here as soon as possible. William is not safe," he said sternly.  
"No. I can't leave him. Not now...Please, Father you have to understand," she pleaded.  
"And you have to understand me, we are leaving. Nothing you can say will change my mind." 
Helen thinned her lips, upset that he would do such an action. Then again, she knew that he wanted the best for her, but leaving William would damage him further. She couldn't leave. Even if they need to move, she would still be in Aspen Hill - that in itself is enough for her.  
"Come, let's go back. Pack your things; we're leaving in two days."   
Helen slowly made her way back, letting her father walk ahead of her. Deep in thought she didn’t pay attention when Jimmy came up behind her.  
"Helen...listen to me, you can't leave William. Not now. He needs you too much. Helen? Helen?" he said trying to get her attention but failing. Sighing he disappeared. She hadn't heard a word he said.  
"Helen are you coming?" Dr. Watson said turning around. 
She raised her head and nodded slowly, keeping her eyes low. "Just arrange things, father. I can stay here alone for two days, at least." Helen said in a monotone, walking off to the direction of her room. She ascended the stairs and went into her room, closing the door behind her with a sigh. Slowly, she began to clean her things, feeling very much like a destroyed puppet. 
William, what have you done? The voice said wearily. You chased away the only girl who has loved you since Shannon. Don't you remember how happy you were with her?  
"Helen or Shannon?" he asked sitting down and resting his back against the wall.  
"Yes...but I also remember how much it hurt to watch Shannon grow up, marry, have kids..." 
"Miss Watson, please, let us do that for you." The maids suddenly came in, worried.  
"No, really. The only thing you can do now is to leave me alone and help do other things. That's the only way you can help me now." Helen replied coldly, paying no attention as the maids exchanged confused looks. They obliged, however, and left her to herself. As soon as the door closed, Helen stopped packing and sat down on her bed. 
So? Helen and Shannon are two different girls.  
"But they share a big similarity.." William said sadly.  
"They're both humans...Shannon left…Helens' leaving. I heard her father calling the retail agent. Two days…and she's gone.."  
That's only because you drove her away.  
"That's only because we were never meant to be." 
A knock could be heard on the door and Helen looked up, not answering. After a few seconds, her father's voice reached her ears; "Two days, Helen. Get some rest and pack up."  
Helen lowered her eyes, partly upset and partly angry at both William and her father. Both wanted to do the best for her, but they never knew that she herself wanted the best. Helen laid a hand on her forehead, raising her eyebrows in slight surprise.  
Funny. I thought William said humans are supposed to get ill when a ghost touches them in a foul mood... 
"It only happens if the ghost wishes them to get sick," William said appearing at her door. "So you don't have to worry. You won't get sick," he said in a monotone.  
Helen looked into his eyes, but there was something missing. She couldn't but her finger on it...but there was something that was supposed to be there. Something that had been there.
"In that case, I believe I should thank you." She answered, searching those eyes. "...We're leaving in two days. You should not be worried about that." She turned away, not wanting William to see her face. Helen's voice did not betray her emotions, but her heart made it impossible to control the expression of her face. Her shoulders quivered slightly as she opened her drawers, taking out her folded gloves. 
William bit his lip to restrain himself from going over and wrapping his arms around her, telling it will all be OK. "Well at least then you and your father won't have to worry about me. That should make both of you happy," he managed to get out. "As for me, I should best get going," because it hurts to much to be around you..  
"I just came up to tell you that, now that you know," he bowed a mock bow. "Miss." and started to disappear through the door.
This time, Helen made no attempt to bring him back. She pressed her lips together to prevent the sob from coming out as she continued to get her things onto her bed. What was she to do? Her father knew about William and now, William also wants her out of his life.  
"...Why?" She asked herself. "Why!?" She cried out, falling to her knees. 
William wanted to run back in there and hold her close and forget everything that had happened. To start over. But that's not how it works. Once you say something you can't take it back. I'm so sorry Helen... he wanted to tell her. I never meant to hurt you...I'm just trying to protect you.  
But he couldn't do it. It was too late. He had already told her to leave, and leaving is exactly what she was doing. 
Helen woke up with her side by the bed, realizing that it was already night. She rubbed her eyes and looked around, not knowing how or when exactly she fell asleep. Pushing her to a sitting position, she spotted her bed, stacked with piles of clothes. I thought it was a dream... She sighed, standing up, Taking the photo of her mother, she kissed it softly. "Mother, is this right?" 
Breathing deeply William went up to the attic, wandering around the house, avoiding Helen, Jimmy, and Dr. Watson. "Why is a good question Helen...why is this world full of crap people why don't they die? Oh I know… it’s a crap world..." 
Helen closed the door of her room quietly, descending the stairs. From the time shown on her clock, her father should at least still be in his study unless if he has gone out on an emergency case. She walked past the sitting room and knocked the door of the study, receiving no reply. Turning the knob, she pushed the door open. It was empty. 
"Father? Dr. Watson? Daddy?" she called out a little worried. Looking around the room she came to his desk.  
Helen, don’t worry. I'm just working out the details about the house with the agent. I'll be home before dinner with a guest. He's about your age, look nice for dinner.  
Love, Dad 
Frowning, Helen took the note and pocketed it, ascending the stairs into her room. She rang the bell for the maid and sat down, reading the note again; someone my age... she thought. What on earth...?  
"You rang, Helen?" Her maid's voice reached her ears.  
"My father told me that there's a guest. Will you please get my best outfit ready?" 
"Right away, madam," she said doing a little curtsey and rushing to the closest.  
"What? You can't do it yourself? Oh...poor baby..." William cooed from the far corner. "I knew it wouldn't take you long to get over me. Have fun with your boy toy." 
Helen snapped around in surprise, raising her eyebrows at the figure before her; "For your information," she said hotly; "I do quite a lot without my maids which other teenagers like myself wouldn't do." Helen turned around and started to rummage through her drawers for the right bow to tie her hair. "And really, I don't know who this guest is, nor do I care."  
"And still, you would want to take your best gown out?"  
"Is there a problem with making my father happy after days of seeing me down?"
"No...Of course not. I mean, if it makes your father happy why not, jump off a bridge? Or let's say...go on a date with some one you know nothing about? Or even...Start dating a guy, you have no interest in just to make Daddy, how sweet of a daughter." He put a hand on his cheek. "Aww...Little Helen is getting so big...falling in love with a stranger she never met..."  
"And what makes you care so much?" she snapped at him.  
"Did you say something, Miss?" the maid asked her.
"Oh?" Helen turned, realizing that her maid had her gown in her arms. "No, not at all. Merely wondering why father would bring such a guest at this time in the night... and to dress me well, not to mention." She replied with a charming smile - one she had never shown William before.  
"Very well, Miss." Her maid replied. "The ironing will take about fifteen minutes. It is this dress you were talking about, yes?"  
"Of course." Helen smiled as she found the blue velvet band from her drawer. "Thank you."  
"Excuse me." Her maid gave her a courtesy, leaving. As soon as the door closed, Helen raised an eyebrow to William. 
"What?" he asked, as if being accused of a crime.  
"I asked you a question," she said turned her back to him, starting to brush her hair.  
"And I asked you one."  
"Why do you care so much?" she asked again, watching him through the mirror.  
"Who said I cared?" he responded nervously.  
"I did."  
"So? Just because I care doesn't mean anything. Because it's not like you care about me. One minute you say you will never leave me, the next you are going off with some other guy. Oh, sounds extremely caring to me," he added with sarcasm dripping on every word. 
"Excuse me?!" Helen turned sharply, dropping her hairbrush. "William Schwenk, please, enlightens me." She said in a mixture of both anger and cold politeness; "Who exactly was it who wanted me to leave in the first place?" She asked, picking up her hairbrush and brushing her hair. "...Wasn't it you?" Helen continued as she turned away from him. 
"Who gives a damn if it was me? I never said leave with another guy!" he said, just as angrily but forgetting the politeness. "So yeah, I did tell you to leave, but you have no right to judge me on just that. You don't know HALF of what I've been through, alright? So whatever. Have fun with your new boyfriend, you can just forget all about me. Every one else seems to!" he said vanishing. 
"Heavens, whoever said that I actually know this person!" Helen slammed her palms on her dressing table angrily, causing the hairbrush to drop yet again. "I hate it when he does that..." She muttered, picking the brush up. Helen sat down on her bed, waiting for her maid to arrive.
William smirked to himself. She hates it when you do that..  
"I know…” 
why do you insist on being a pain?  
"Why do you insist on being here all the time?"  
Because you need me. Just like you need her.  

"I don't need anyone!" he said angrily moving to his room. 
"Miss, here is your dress." The maid came in a few minutes afterwards. Helen gazed at the dress, wondering whether she really should wear something so beautiful and delicate. "Miss...? I can prepare you another dress if you'd like."  
"No..." Helen answered with a smile. "I'll wear this." 
The maid laid the dress down on the bed. "There you go Miss. Dinner will be at 5 tonight, at the request of your farther."  
"Thank you," Helen said bowing her head slightly. "I think I can manage it from here."  
"As you wish, Ma'am," the maid said with a little curtsey and she left.  
"Alright William, get back in here! I'm not done with you yet!" she called out. 
Helen unbuttoned her dress and stepped into the freshly-ironed one, fiddling with the straps as William came inside with a rather annoyed face; "What?" He asked, clearly disturbed.  
"Just because you're a ghost, it doesn't give you the right to say punch lines and leave." Helen countered, holding her breath as she tried to fasten the buttons on her back I shouldn't have asked the maid to leave so soon... she thought with a scowl. 
William rolled his eyes. As much as he hated it he couldn't help but feel like he should help. "Let me do that..." he muttered going up behind her.  
Helen stood up straight as she felt a cooling sensation move over her lower back.  
William started to button up her dress but paused slightly. Her skin was so smooth and looked like silk. It pained him to get this close to her. 
Lowering her eyes, Helen pressed her lips together, realizing that she had never actually worn the dress before. Silently, she wondered on what he was thinking.  
"Done." William said in a monotone.  
Hesitating for a second, Helen uttered a soft "Thank you" before taking up her hairbrush. 
He backed away from her and leaned on the wall. "Yeah…" he muttered.  
Helen slowly brushed her hair, aware that his eyes were on her. "What are you thinking?" she asked softly.  
"Nothing. I have to go," he said walking through the closed door. 
To call him again would be an awkward thing to do, so Helen kept on brushing her hair, tying it neatly with the bow she had found earlier. Somehow, she could not help but still feel his presence around the room, but she shook the thought away. Maybe I'm getting desperate... she thought with a sad smile.  
Invisible, William leaned back against the wall, watching her every expression with his icy-blue eyes. 
"I must be getting paranoid…" she muttered to herself, feeling the heat from his eyes she always felt when she looked into them. Looking at herself in the mirror, she sighed. Maybe she was going a little too overboard with this dress. No, this is what Father wanted.  
William stood there, leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. She really was beautiful...No. You can't get involved now. You pushed her away, and you have to live with that.  
But he wished he hadn't. 
Helen gave herself a graceful turn in front of the mirror, scowling as she watched her own reflection. She turned and walked to her wardrobe, examining the other dresses but decided against it. The one she wore was a dark blue velvet one with white outlines of the same material. It was handsomely made and she could never figure the right situation to wear it.  
"I have to do this." She whispered ever so softly. "He agrees that it's for the best..." 
"You know...he never said he liked it..." William said softly, changing his voice.  
"Who is that?" Helen said turning around, looking for the voice holder.  
"A friend," he said simply. "But really...who are you trying to impress? Your father?  The stranger? Or could it possibly be William?" 
Helen contemplated on her thoughts, sighing deeply as she reached her answer; "...Myself. He wanted me to leave and it seems as though he really meant it.. I think I just want to prove to myself that I can follow his orders." Helen sat on her bed, hanging her head. "I knew that it would be hard, so I might just be able to impress myself that I could change... for his wish." She said softly. 
"Did you ever think that he never wanted you to leave? Just the thought of you or him getting hurt to leave? I mean, who knows. Maybe he's just afraid...or too proud...or already hurting..." he said softly. "Maybe he just wants you in his life...a life he never got to live..." William stared at her, his blue eyes going soft. 
Helen laughed softly, unconsciously letting her fingers play with the woodwork of her bed. "Who knows what has happened to him... or what he wants..." Helen replied. "I always have someone in my life, ready to give me anything I want... someone who was always there for me. My father has been by my side since mother died and he took her place as well as doing his. William has been by my side when I was ill." She raised her head slightly; "I know… that in his case, it's different. But when I can't understand... how can I tell?" 
Jimmy suddenly appeared by Williams side. "He loves you. No matter if he's willing to admit it or not. He does, don't let him get away," Jimmy didn't bother going invisible. Helen had never seen him before. "Don't let your father-" he started to say.  
"Helen? Are you in here?" Dr. Watson asked opening the door on William and Jimmy. Jimmy disappeared but William stayed put, remaining invisible. "Our guest is here, why don’t' you come down and meet him. You have done well on getting ready for this evening," he added with a smile. 
Helen's eyes widened with shock as he heard the child's voice. Don't let him get away.. how? Suddenly, she felt slightly dizzy.  
"Helen?" Dr. Watson asked, minutely concerned. "Are you alright?"  
Lowering her eyes, Helen hesitated. "Err - yes, of course." She replied as she stood, her eyes clearly stating her regret. 
Shawn put his hands behind his back waiting for Helen and Dr. Watson to come down. As he was looking at a painting hanging over the fireplace a chill went through his spine. Looking around he felt like there was some one else in the room. "Hello?" he called out softly.  
"What are you doing here? Helen is already in love with some one else…" a voice whispered.  
"Who is this?" he demanded.  
"..A friend. If you hurt her I swear I will hunt you down..." the voice snarled. 
"Shawn." Another voice, stronger this time, was heard behind him. The boy whipped around fast, sighing in secret relief as he saw who it was - his expressions, thankfully, not betraying the zap of imagination he received earlier. "Shawn, this is my daughter. Helen." Dr. Watson introduced with a smile.  
Right beside the owner of the tone, a young girl at the sweet age of fifteen walked. Somehow, she looked peaceful but in her eyes, Shawn could see deep emotions. He strode towards her and took her hand. "A pleasure, Helen."  
Her eyes remained unsmiling even when her lips curled upwards. That doesn't mean that Shawn noticed it, however, another observer in the room raised his eyebrows as he spotted it. 
"Nice to meet you, Shawn," she said sweetly. She quickly looked around to room to find a friend, her eyes rested on where Williams were, if only she could see him.  
William leaned up against the mantle, keeping his eyes intently on Helen and Shawn. His eyes burned into the back of his neck. As invisible as he was he wished he could be seen to scare the living daylights out of him. 
"Is there something the matter?" He asked, taking her attention again.  
"No, none at all." Helen replied, awkwardly polite. She took Shawn's arm and allowed her father to lead them towards the dining room, following as gracefully as possible to prevent suspicion. Silently, she wished that a ghost would just touch her so she could get ill.  
"The servants has prepared a most wonderful dinner." Dr. Watson said cheerily as they sat. 
"Excellent! So Helen, how have you liked it here?" Shawn asked sitting down next to her.  
She nodded, "Oh yes, it's be an interesting experience." She smiled politely. "I've met so many amazing people.." she said softly wanting to continue. But she didn't catching her father's gaze.  
"Oh? Who all did you meet?" Shawn asked. 
With raised eyebrows, she gave him a small smirk. "The house, of course. Memories from the previous owners like journals and photo albums, tells their own tales out loud and has been entertaining me for days upon end."  
"A Nature's girl?" Shawn quizzed with a charming smile. "My, Dr. Watson, such a fine daughter you have." He remarked.  
"Shall we eat, then?" Dr. Watson said, completely missing the awkwardness of Helen's reply. 
William laughed slightly at Helens reply. Nicely put...  
"Yes, let's," Helen said a little too cheery.  
Shawn put his hand on hers, lightly, in a flirty notion. "I think we will make very good friends, Helen." His eyes ventured to her low cut dress momentarily but quickly returned to her eyes. 
Missing the glance from her new acquaintance, Helen uttered a very soft "Thank you" to the servant who placed her dinner in front of her. She turned to Shawn, her charming, always-working smile making him lost in his thoughts; "That would depend," she said, "upon your manners during the course of the friendship."  
"Yes... of course, of course." Shawn replied.  
"So tell me, Shawn. What are your interests?" Dr. Watson asked as he sipped his glass of brandy. 
"Well...I like to read books, listen to some old records of my grandfathers, and just go to the movies on weekends," he said taking a drink of his water. "What about you Helen?"  
"Well...most of the time I just like to sit in my room to think, so many voices come to you when you're alone."  
This time Dr. Watson heard it. Choking on his brandy he coughed, glancing at his daughter. "Maybe this weekend Shawn could take you out, get away from those pesky voices, dear."  
"That's a great idea!" Shawn said looking at Helen. 
William covered his mouth to prevent himself from laughing out loud. Awesome answer. I wonder what game she is playing..  
"Well, that is settled!" Dr. Watson's voice rang out, interrupting his thoughts. "That is... what, five days away? Plenty of time for you two to get acquainted!"  
"But we're moving in two days -" Helen protested.  
"Nonsense.." Her father replied. "Postpone that, really. We shouldn't miss such a golden opportunity!"  
A secretive smile crept onto Helen's face. "Sounds nice." She admitted.
"Awesome, so there is a showing of a horror movie at 7 pm, how about I pick you up at 5? It gives us time to go get some dinner and just hang out for a while," Shawn said taking a bite of food.  
"Sounds perfect!" her father answered for her.  
Helen nodded in agreement. "Alright, sounds like a plane," she said smiling her charming smile.  
William snapped up. She's agreeing to a date...? 
No words could describe the broad smile which then spreads out on Shawn's face. He continued to eat his food, thinking deeply, wrapped in his own thoughts. Helen risked a slightly suspicious glare at him as she ate her own food, but both Shawn and Dr. Watson missed it.  
The only one who realized it would be William himself. 
She's is so hot...who ever Dr. Watson wants me to replace must be a real loser... Shawn thought glancing down Helen's dress again. This date is going to rock...  
William noticed his glance and rushed to his side, whispering in his ear, "I told hurt her in ANY way I will personally rip your eyes out of their sockets and put their jelly on my toast..."
"Shawn?" Helen asked in surprise. "Is there something wrong?"  
"Naturally not." He replied with a little smile. "Everything is perfect. Sorry if I distracted you there." He took the opportunity; "But everything just went so silent."  
"I beg your pardon." Helen answered. "How rude of me." 
"So do you like horror movies?" he asked trying to block out the voice.  
"Stay away from her..." William warned.  
Helen heard his voice ever so softly. "William?" she breathed.  
"Beg pardon?"  
"Oh, yes. I do. They are very fun," she said some what distracted but with a smile. 
"Excellent. They're my favorite genre."  
"Including the books you read?" Dr. Watson came into the conversation.  
"Oh, definitely so." Shawn answered. He swept his eyes on Helen again. "I promise you, Helen, that you shall remember the night like no other."  
Both Helen and William caught his tone. William gave a low snarl as Helen glanced at her father. "...Of course." She answered. Can't he sense it? She thought with a frown. 
William couldn’t take it anymore. He showed himself, sitting next to Shawn. "Oh I'm sure..." he spat.  
"William!" Helen said sharply. "Don't do anything you're going to regret..."  
Shawn stared at William. "…gho...?"  
"Yes...I’m a gho," William said smirking.  
"That is quiet enough!" Dr. Watson said slamming his cup down. "You will leave my table at once!"  
William set a deadly stare on him. "Fine. As you wish, Dr. Watson." He bowed slightly, "Helen." 
"..You... you…"  
"Don't speak just yet." Dr. Watson stood up, handing him a glass of water. "I shall talk to you after you calm yourself down. In the meantime... Helen. Go and talk to him." He ordered.  
"Very well." Helen answered, hiding her relief. She gave a slight nod to the shocked boy beside him. "Shawn."  
With a final glance to her father, Helen left in search for William. She knew exactly where to go - Helen went to her room. 
William sat on her bed, waiting for her. He knew she would, he knew Dr. Watson would send her. It was only a matter of time. Leaning on his elbows he played with a ribbon that had been sitting on her dresser. Emotions were bubbling up inside him, even if he didn't show it on his face.  
Didn't you see that he was looking at you?  
Why did you agree to go out on a date with him?  
How could your father be so oblivious!?  
Questions were burning inside of him.
Helen's head suddenly peeked in, her face a mixture of emotions, mirroring the one who she was looking for. She could see William sitting on her bed and, with a small smile; she went to him, sitting down. Silence passed between the two with only their presence greeting each other. Finally, she raised her head;  
"I do not appreciate you doing that though I probably should say my thank you." 
"Oh well I'm sorry if I ruined your dinner with your new boyfriend. But I felt the need too. Obviously your father wasn't going to do anything about it, but did you see the way he was looking at you? I swear...if that guy tries anything else I will hunt him down and haunt him until he dies..." William growled, turning hostile.  
"How could you allow him to do that? You should have taken a stand! That son of a bitch is going to try something with you, I know it. But whatever...don't listen to me, enjoy your date with him, I don’t care..." 
"Be realistic, William. I was giving hints all the way to catch my father's attention. He knew that I didn't want this after that second remark, but if I do something about it, what place would I be in then? My father might actually take me away from Aspen Hill and send me to Oxford!" Helen sighed and buried her head in her hands. "He might..." 
"Be realistic? I am Helen! I'm sorry if I ruined your dinner but that guy is a creep. How could you not do anything about his looking at you? This weekend when you go out with him, he's going to try something with you. You know it as well as I do that he is. Then your father is going to find out and both of you are going to leave and never come back, both of you are going to Oxford. Be realistic? Helen, you be realistic! What would you do if your daughter went around talking to ghosts or if she went out on a date with some loser who tried to push her to do something she doesn’t want to do? I am being realistic!" He said his voice rising slightly. 
"I am really sorry if you see me as something else, William, but I have been trying to get my father's attention anyway! He realized it, thought it was something else and ignored me all the way. I didn't want to tell straight out because I can't find myself to go as far as embarrassing him." Helen answered sharply, coming to her feet. She turned to his other question; "With the position I'm in right now, if I see my daughter loving a ghost, I would let her be in love with the ghost!" 
"Well whoopee do to you! But that isn’t the position we are in right now! Right now, we're in the position that your father wants you out of here right now and wants you moving on a quick as possible! So why don't you be a good little girl and go make daddy happy!" he yelled at her. "Go on! Go! Go have a good life Helen Watson!" 
"No!" Helen screamed, letting out her emotions. Her voice echoed around the room and she clenched her fists, anger and sadness mixed inside her. "Don't you understand, William? I don't want to move. I want to stay here, in Aspen Hill." She turned around so that he couldn't see his face. "You won't stop me." 
"He can't, but I can." Dr. Watson was standing in Helen's doorway, Shawn right next to him, unaware of William on the bed. "Helen, I think it's time for you to understand something. If you tell people about William they will send you away. I will not have my daughter made a mock of. So, therefore, Shawn has been so kind as to let us stay in his house with him and his mother until we get the papers settled. We are leaving this house, tonight."  
William sat there, his face as hard as stone, listening to Dr. Watson. "Like I said, have a good life," he said so only Dr. Watson and Helen could hear him. Walking to the wall he just walked through it, to the other room, leaving family to deal with family. 
Helen backed off, the look of sheer horror on her face. "No. Father, don't! You don't know -"  
"Enough from you, Helen." As Dr. Watson paced towards her, Helen backed off until her back pressed against the wall of her bedroom. "Stop this nonsense, Helen. We're leaving." He took her arm.  
"No! Not there, father, really, anywhere but there!" Helen tried desperately, trying to lose the firm grip from her father's hand. "No-"  
"Enough from you or I shall send you to Oxford this minute!" Dr. Watson stated. "At the moment, I am more than tempted. The servants will take your clothes there in a few hours." 
"Please don't make me go…Please! Father!" Helen pleaded looking wildly around the room for William. "Please! William, please don't let him-"  
Dr. Watson whirled around. "Helen! You will stop this immediately! You will go to Shawn’s' house while I stay here and finish everything up. If I hear you have not been your best while over there, I will send you to Oxford! Do I make myself clear?"  
Helen took a shaky breath and one look around the room. Fighting back the tears she ripped her arm away from her father.
"Are you going to walk or am I going to have to pull you?" Her father asked, more gentle this time.  
Helen wiped her cheeks and took her father's hand, realizing that her body was trembling. Dr. Watson seems to want to say something but decided against it, leading her out of her room and down the steps. With each passing moment, Helen became closer to tears and as they reached the door, the tears started to flow slowly.  
"I'll come back for you in two days, Helen." Her father said as he led her on. 
Helen nodded, not trusting her voice. As she continued down the steps of the house her father gave Shawn her arm and started to walk back inside. Turning around he smiled encouragingly. "Don't worry, you'll be fine."  
Shawn looked down at her and squeezed her hand. "And don't you worry Dr. Watson, I'll be watching her like a hawk."  
Dr. Watson smiled at that and went inside, but something about his tone made Helen nervous. 
"Come, Helen." Shawn said with a warm smile, hiding his desire. "My house isn't that far from here. Want to walk?" He asked.  
Helen didn't answer so he took it as a positive, leading her on. "My mum will be back in a few hours. She'd be glad to see you." He said. "Come on, don't look so down. It'll only be two days." With Helen keeping her head down, she couldn't see the constant glances by the boy.  
William... please... 
Helen...I'm so sorry... William watched from the attic window as Helen and Shawn walked down the road, arm in arm. he watched, Helen fight against her father, he heard her cry out to him but he did nothing. He now watched them as they walked on and on, Shawn always looking down at her.  
Helen...please forgive me... 
"So, talk to me, Helen." Shawn tried again, failing to get her from her lost thoughts. "This William... who is he?" He asked, noticing that Helen bowed her head further. Shawn sighed and stopped in his tracks, taking her by the shoulders. "A ghost is a ghost, nothing more. Those horror stories I have liked so much - all ghosts are just pathetic. You should find someone else, Helen." Someone like me... He thought.  
"Leave me alone." Helen pulled away. "As for William… he's just a ghost." 
"Just a ghost? He didn't seem like just a ghost....were you guys friends?" he asked her taking a step towards her.  
"I liked to think so...but now I'm not so sure," she said hotly.  
"Well then, like I said. You need to find some one else."  
Helen glared at him and started walking again. "Thank you for your sympathy, but I don't need it." 
With a frightful force, Shawn reached for her arm, turning her so that she was facing him again. Helen looked up in surprise, but she did not utter a word as she felt the hot grip from his fingers:  
"Helen, if sympathy isn't what you want, then fine." Shawn said, his eyes reflecting full desire. "However, a replacement must be filled sooner or later."  
Helen tried to pull away, but all he did was to hold her tighter; "Listen, Helen! Like it or not, he's a ghost. Friends or not, he's gone now. Over."  
Not wanting to listen, Helen struggled yet again; "Let. Me. Go." 
A smile crept over Shawn's face, and it wasn’t a good one. "No. I don't think I will let you go..." he muttered. Grabbing Helen around her waist he lifted her over his shoulder, like a potatoes sack.  
Putting his hands on her thighs he held her tight as she fought against him. "I'm not letting you go...not when you're ass is right in my face," he said slapping it. 
Helen fought against him hard, terrified as he started to walk. "No, no!" She cried, tears almost coming to her face. "Shawn, please, no!"  
He laughed, ignoring her as she continued to struggle. "No is a no. I shall show you the wonders a ghost may never give you."
"Please! I don't want to do this…please! Please, let me go!" Helen cried, now the tears had started to fall. Pushing against his lower back she made herself parallel with the ground. "Shawn, no!"  
Shawn smirked, "Just move your hands a little lower now...come on be a good girl."  
Helen elbowed him in the back hoping it would make him loose his grip. No such luck.  
He started to become angry now, "Helen. Stop it! You keep this up I'll make sure you can't walk tomorrow." 
"No!" Helen screamed. With all her strength, she tried to elbow him again, this time hitting him full force at the back of his neck. Shawn let her go immediately as he clutched it, but as she started to shift painfully away, he gripped her dress and a faint ripping sound could be heard.  
"You'll pay for this." He said angrily. 
"No. You will," William said appearing right in-between Helen and Shawn. Pushing Shawn back he made him fall over. Making himself bigger William changed his appearance again so it was of when he had first crashed.  
Shawn scrambled away, terrified. "Hey man, I wasn't going to do anything!"  
William bent down and got in his face, his blood dripping on to Shawn's shirt. "I'm sure. You will stay away from Helen and Dr. Watson, got it?" he said angrily.  
Shawn nodded horridly and quickly got up and ran away, tripping when he turned to look behind him. 
Changing his appearance back to normal, William turned to Helen, his eyes filled with regret. He was surprised, however, to see her shrinking further back with the terror clearly shown on her features.  
"Helen, it's me." William tried. Helen didn't reply but she kept her eyes in his, blinking as she gasped for breath. "Helen?" 
Helen shook her head, visibly shaken and terrified. Moving off the trail she got into the grass, farther away from William.  
"Helen? What's wrong with you? It's me, William," he said softly getting down to her level. Staying on his knees he moved slowly towards her but she just moved away.  
What's going on? Is she really scared of me?, Helen...I need you to be the strong one... 
Wiping her tears, Helen didn't trust her voice to speak. Her body shook and she felt weak, her breath ragged. William moved closer, but again, she avoided his look, eventually getting too tired to do anything but to keep her eyes down.  
"Helen... please... look at me..." William's pleading voice filled her ears.  
She didn't answer. 
William sat down in front of her, crossing his legs. "Helen...I came here to apologize. I'm sorry I scared you before and pushed you away. I'm sorry for not fighting for you when Shawn first came here…I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I thought pushing you away would be better then keeping you close. I just don't want to get hurt when you grow up older and live life with out me. I just don't want you to get hurt if I ever do figure out how to cross on...Helen...I'm sorry," he finished softly. Looking up at her he saw that some of the fear was slowly leaving her eyes.  
Helen listened to William. Lying down she closed her eyes, not saying anything. 
William... She thought sadly, adjusting her breathing to a calmer pace.  
She stayed there, not moving, still conscious, until at long last, her breathing calmed down somewhat. Opening her eyes, she gazed at him for a while, realizing that once again, her legs would not obey her command. Placing a hand in front of her, she could only whisper his name; "William..." 
William put his hand on hers gently, "Helen..." he whispered. Lying down next to her he looked deeply into her eyes and just stayed there.  
Moving her hand to his cheek Helen could feel tears still coming down her face. "I was so scared..." she whispered.  
William put a hand on her cheek as well, moving closer to her. "I know...I know...I'm so sorry I didn't do anything..." 
Emotions overwhelming her, Helen moved closer and rested her forehead on his shoulder as she started to cry silently. Her frail body figure trembled slightly and even though she wanted to, Helen could not try to find a way to hide her fear from the ghost by her side. A sob escaped her lips and as she spoke, her voice was one which she herself could not recognize; "William, don't do that again.. Don’t leave me ever again..." 
William wrapped his arms around her, something he thought he would never had been able to do. "I won't...I promise...I will never leave you again...Never..." he whispered, kissing the top of her head. "Never..." 
Helen closed her eyes and let him hold her close, her tears gradually slowing their pace. Her tiredness eventually took hold of her completely and before she knew it, she closed her eyes and fell asleep. 
William looked down at her once her breathing became slow and soft. "Helen?" he asked quietly. "Helen?"  
Sighing he slowly moved her off of him and picked her up. Surprised that he could hold her he started moving towards the house which was only 200 yards away. 
Reaching the door, William knocked and waited for Helen's father to appear, knowing full well that he would be the one to open the door. A few of the servants were leaving to send Helen's clothes when he raced out, and judging by the late hour, William was not afraid of doing such an act.  
Eventually, it opened, revealing a very annoyed-looking Dr. Watson. He was about to scold the person, only realizing with wide eyes what he was seeing.  
"Great heavens!" 
"Dr. Watson. I found your daughter slung over the shoulder of that Shawn boy. He had just slapped her but when she elbowed him in the back and he threw to the ground. I surprised him and he ran, leaving your daughter on the ground, gasping for breath," he said standing in the door way.  
Dr. Watson just stood there staring at the ghost holding his daughter. "Come in, quickly," he managed to get out. 
As soon as the door was closed, Dr. Watson took his daughter in his arms, noticing that her face was obviously tear-stained. Speechless, he could only concentrate on the state of his daughter and the very little cuts around her body. Glancing back at the ghost, he pursed his lips; "Mind if you help me with her?" He asked apologetically. 
William nodded, keeping his face emotionless. Following Dr. Watson walk up the stairs he kept his hands on his back so that he wouldn't fall. "Let's just put her in her room," William said from behind.  
Dr. Watson nodded. "Yes, I think that's the best..." he said softly looking down at his daughter.  
Reaching Helens' room he gently set her down, making sure she was comfortable. "I'm going to go get some antibiotic ointment. Will you stay up here with her?" Dr. Watson asked William, his eyes pleading.  
William nodded and waited until he left before going over and lying down next to Helen like they had in the grass. 
Helen stirred slightly and jerked awake, moving her eyes across the room. Recognizing where she was, her eyes dropped slightly, too weak to stay awake. She felt William's presence near her but Helen concentrated in her breathing instead as she closed her eyes.  
"Helen? Are you awake?" She heard him ask softly into her ear. 
Helen nodded, too weak to speak.  
William wrapped his arms around her like before and whispered in her ear, "You're father will be here I want to tell you something. Helen, I l-"  
But he was cut off as Dr. Watson came into the room, reading the tube of antibiotic ointment. "It says to apply to every scratch needed." Looking up he saw how his daughter was positioned in William's arm. His face went pink. 
Spotting him, William released her and nodded, making Helen open her own eyes weakly. Wanting no explanation, Dr. Watson crossed to her and kissed her forehead gently; "Helen, go to sleep. We'll talk when you feel better." He said softly. Again, she offered no response and closed her eyes with a slight cough.  
"Err -" William started, biting his lips at the awkwardness.  
Dr. Watson could only give him a small smile; "Looks like a fever. Would you please take a damp towel for me?" He asked. As William turned away, Dr. Watson breathed softly; "And... thanks you." 
William got up and got the towel like he asked. When he placed it on Helen's head, "You're welcome," he said not bothering to whisper it.  
As they both stood up after applying the ointment to Helen's visible scratches William looked from Helen to Dr. Watson awkwardly. " you want me to leave so you can look for...others?" he asked. 
Turning rather pink, Dr. Watson managed a nod, noticing his daughter stirring slightly once again. He pressed his hand on her forehead as the ghost left with a nod, slumping down with a rather amused look on the doctor's face. "What a day..." He sighed, ringing for a maid.  
"...Fa... father?" 
"Yes dear?" he asked her lifting her shirt so her stomach showed. There was quite a large scratch on her stomach. "Hold still, Baby. I'm just going to put some medicine on your cuts, it might sting but I’m not sure."  
Helen nodded. "Where's William?" she managed to ask.  
"He just stepped out for a moment while I get some of your personal cuts," Dr. Watson told her. 
"Shawn... he..." Helen trailed off.  
"Yes, I know." Dr. Watson interjected. "I know." He helped her sit up and applied a few more to her back, keeping his voice low; "Helen, I'd like to apologies. I should have listened. I know you have a lot to say... and I'm prepared for the worst. But really, try and sleep. After I get this finished, I'll call William in."  
Helen leaned onto her father's shoulder and rested her cheek on it. "This alright..." 
"Thank you..." he whispered, kissing her head. Applying some to the last of her cuts he laid her back down and put the towel back on her head. "Just rest now, that's all that can help you."  
Helen nodded, leaning back but keeping her eyes open.  
Dr. Watson kissed his daughter briefly and left the room to find William leaning against the wall on the other side of the hallway. "She wants to see you." 
William entered the room, slightly nervous.  
Her eyes were closed but, he could tell by her breathing that she was awake, barely, but still.  
He came to her bed side and whispered in her ear.  
“I’ll love you till the end of time, until the rivers stop flowing until the lavender stops growing, I love you Helen.”  
She rolled over to face him, fatigue flushed across her features. Her eyes droopy and watery. “William. I-I Love-“  
“Hush now, sleep, I’ll lay with you till the sunrises, and the birds sing, till all my love has healed everything.”  
And with that Helen slept, a kind of deep peaceful sleep the kind of sleep she can only remember having, when her mom used to sing her to sleep, everything just melted away. 
Helen jerked up as the horrible memory flashed back to her, filling her senses with frightening images. Her weakness took hold of her and she slumped down with a sigh, only to find a hand grasping hers;  
"Helen, it's alright." William's soothing voice filled hers. "You're safe... it's over. You're home."  
"William?" She managed weakly.  
"Yes, Helen?"  
"I can't... remember. After he dropped me... I can't remember much.. I was scared..." She trailed off with a cough. "William..." 
"It's fine..." he whispered. "Just...I'm here now...You're alright. That's all that matters," he said tenderly.  
"Why...why didn't you help?" she ended with a coughing fit.  
"..I don’t...know. Helen I wanted to…so badly. But I didn’t' think anything that bad would happen...I'm sorry." 
Helen reached forward and grabbed his hand as she coughed again; "You're not telling yourself the truth..."  
"Helen -"  
"William." She tried to sit up; "You knew he was dangerous..." 
William made her lay back down. “I know...I knew he was dangerous...I was just so mad that he was going to get away with it and your father would let him...I didn't know what I was thinking...I'm sorry."  
"Sorry," she coughed, "isn’t' good enough now..." 
William crouched down and placed his hand on her forehead, brows furrowing with concern. "Helen..."  
"You're always like that, William..." Helen sighed weakly, ignoring her own health. "Always lying to us both... always..." She hung her head. "...Why?" 
"I'm...trying to avoid the hurt..." he whispered, for once telling the truth.  
"What hurt William?" she said meekly. "You're only hurting pushing me away...that's the only way..."  
"I know...but the thought of loosing you...tears me up...I couldn't handle it, not again." 
Helen raised her eyes and forced herself into a half-sitting position. Tears started to well in her eyes, but she blinked them away as she placed her hand to his cheek. "So… You’re... You’re saying that to avoid your own hurt.. you'd let this happen to me also?"  
"Helen -"  
"Are you denying it?"
William sighed, dropping his head. Muttering just audible, "No...I'm not denying it…"  
Helen swallowed her tears and sat up. "F-Friends wouldn't hurt friends like that..." 
"Helen…" William sighed softly.  
"Nobody would do such a thing as that..." Helen coughed as a tear fell from her eye. "Not even me... After seeing with both my eyes on how my mother and sister were killed, I couldn't even bring myself to do that..." She looked up into his icy-blue eyes and pressed her lips; "William… I need you..." 
"..I didn't think it would hurt you so bad...I never thought ..." he whispered.  
"Stop lying!" she said as loud as she could. Tears started to flow down her cheeks again. "Stop...just...stop lying to me William."  
William sat down next to her on the bed. "Helen…I am so sorry...I didn't think..."  
"No, you didn't." 
He sighed and Helen bowed her head as her tears flowed freely. "William, how can I tell what you want when you're doing this to me?" Helen whispered softly. "I need you..."  
"Helen, I don't know what to say..."  
"...Do you really want me gone that badly?" 
"..I really don’t' want to have to sit on my but and watch as you grow older, fall in love with another man, get married, have kids, and grow old and die. Helen...I don't want...I do...I…don’t' know…" he finished quietly.  
"Figure it out. Because every minute you push me away, is another minute of my time wasted. William...I love you." 
"Helen..." William breathed in surprise, only to find Helen brushing more tears away.  
"William, I have said that countless times and I mean each second of the phrase. It pains me more to know that you want me to leave you..."  
"Helen." William hugged her, lost for words, holding her tight as she trembled. 
"Helen..." he said slowly. “I don't want you to leave..." he whispered, hugging her.  
"Then why were you pushing me away so hard?" she asked, still trembling. 
"I don't know, Helen..." He answered with a sigh. "...Whatever answer I can give does not also satisfy myself."  
Helen pushed him away and wiped her tears slowly. "William... do you love me or not? Tell the truth." 
William dropped his head slightly. After a few moments he looked back up to her deep green eyes and he could see she wanted the truth and not some cock and bull answer. "Helen...I do love you..." he whispered, so he could barely hear himself. 
"...But what?" Helen asked, feeling a slight dull ache at her stomach from the coughing fits. She ignored the pain and looked deeply into his eyes, furrowing her eyes slightly; "William... what are you not telling me? What has happened to you?" 
William looked down into his lap, remembering his past life. "When I was...alive…I was in love with a girl. We had known each other since we were 3 years old. According to my mother we would always point to one another saying 'This is the person I'm going to marry. Nothing will stop us.'" he stopped for a moment smiling at that. "As time went on we were not to be separated. We were each other's best friend, secret keeper, lovers..." 
"And then... you..." Helen trailed off.  
William gave a slightly cold smile. "Yes. The accident. I watched her grow up then... all what we have promised each other thrown away like it never existed."  
"William... it might not be as bad as you think..."  
He looked up to her then. A cold look, mixed with various emotions. "Helen, don't you get it? I'm a ghost. I'm dead." 
"No Helen. There's nothing you can say to make it any better. I'm dead, you're not. You're just going to grow up like Shannon did and once you find another man, you'll forget all about me. Do you know how many times I would go to her house and just watch her sleep with her husband? do you know how many days I would watch them and the kids, wondering what it would have been like if that man was me?" he said, his voice pained.
Helen opened her mouth to speak, only to find William shaking his head to her again.  
"It doesn't matter." He said softly.  
"Yes it does..." Helen sighed. "William, if it would pain you that much... I can leave." 
"Helen, I don't want you to leave. Did you not hear me? I love you! Yes, I love you just as much maybe more then I loved Shannon. You can't leave me, not like she did..." he finished, his face full with emotion.  
"Please...don't leave me...Helen...I need you," he said squeezing her hands. 
"William." Helen breathed, leaning into his arms. "William... has anyone ever told you that nobody can leave you for good?"  
"What do you mean?" William asked as he stroked her hair.  
"I mean in death. Before my grandmother passed away, she had expected it, but told my mother that she would still love her even after death..." 
"I know...and I have loved Shannon still. But I called her house, asking if she remembered William about 2 years after my death...and she asked.." he paused knowing how much it hurt, "she asked William who?" 
"Well..." Helen said softly, leaning her cheek on her shoulder. "It might be for the best. I mean... look at you, William. You linger in the thought of her life and her death enough to make you push people away..."  
"But Helen... she didn't remember me..."  
"I bet she did, William." 
"No she didn’t," he said with and edge to his voice.  
"Well...I will always remember you," she said kissing the top of his head.  
"..That's what she said too..." he muttered pulling away from her. 
"William... I promise you. I will not forget you."  
He turned away from her and sighed. "Helen, my life seems to be filled with lies and my death has been as well."  
"Just because one person forgets you... it doesn't mean I would." Helen said weakly. 
"...I know..." he whispered, still not turning around to face her.  
"William, I love you, you know that."  
"...I love you too, Helen. But what happens when you grow up? What happens when you find a man who is alive, that you love? What happens then?" 
Her lips forming a small smile, Helen leaned forward and placed her arms around him and interlocked her fingers on his chest. She rests her head on his back and breathed for a few seconds.  
"If I ever meet a man like that, I'll still stay here." She answered truthfully. "And if I ever get a chance to have a son, I'm sure we both know his name already." 
William smirked. "What? Frank?"  
Turning his face towards her, he kissed her gently on the nose. "Why are you so understanding? Why do you love me? I don't deserve you..." 
"I love you... because I do." Helen smiled. "You make me feel safe, no matter what you try to do." She closed her eyes. "You deserve me at least more than Shawn does..." 
William turned around completely so her hands were linked behind his back. "That much I agree with," he said kissing her lightly. "But you really should be resting," he said lying down so he brought her with him. 
Helen leaned back and coughed, keeping her eyes closed. "Stay here..." She pleaded as she nestled her head to his chest.  
"What is it?" William asked with a raised eyebrow.  
"Just... stay. Please." 
"Okay," he said softly. "I'll stay." Wrapping his arms around her he leaned his cheek against the top of her head.  
"Thank you..." she whispered, slowly dropping off to sleep.  
"It's my pleasure." 
William took the blanket and covered them both, stroking Helen's hair. She rests her head and slowly went to sleep, knowing that his presence would at least divert her thoughts from the nightmarish incident before. As she slept, Helen breathed softly and wondered on what she would do without him. 
As William sat there breathing in the sweet scent of Helen's shampoo mixed with grass, he found him self thinking of the last night he saw Shannon.  
"But William! We were supposed to do something today," she had told him, making her voice whiny but all the while she had a smile on her lips.  
Kissing her forehead he smiled, "I know, but I told you. My parents want me to go with them for a work thing."  
Shannon sighed, pulling away from his embrace. "Did you tell them that I'm leaving for a week tomorrow morning?"  
He nodded, "Yes, but they are set in their ways, they won't budge!"  
"Fine! Go off with you're parents! Ill stay here and...and...I don’t know maybe I'll just go off and do something with John!" she said angrily.  
"Shannon, don't do this! I’m not trying to leave you!" he said walking towards her.  
"No? Well guess what! Now I'm leaving!" she said walking out the door and slamming it behind her.  
"I never got to say good bye..." he whispered. 
Hearing him, Helen kept her eyes closed and fought consciously to prevent herself from sleeping. She could feel him trembling slightly and wondered what on earth would cause him such an act. But Helen kept as silent as she could as she continued to listen to his lost thoughts.  
"If only..." He trailed off to himself with a sigh. A cough escaped Helen's lips and William tightened his hold of her, stroking her hair comfortingly.  
I never got to say good bye...or...or...I love you...  
Closing his eyes tightly he took a deep breath. It was all behind him now; Shannon didn't matter to him anymore. He had Helen and that's all that mattered.  
Kissing the top of her head he relaxed next to her, pushing out all thoughts of Shannon out of his mind. 
Helen opened her eyes and risked a look up to him, opening her mouth slightly. Her tiredness eventually got a final hold of her and she slept, in William's arms, waiting for the night to pass.  
Unfortunately enough, as soon as she drifted to sleep, she dreamt of the memory of her mother's death. In less than ten minutes, Helen's body tensed. 
William rubbed Helen's arm as soon as he felt her tense. Trying to relax her he kissed her lightly, "'s alright...I'm here..."  
Helen slowly relaxed into his arms, her dreams changing from her mother's death to William, being alive with her.  
Smiling William leaned his head against the head board, allowing sleep to over come him. 
Night passed slowly and as Helen woke up the next day, she could see the sunshine passing through the opened curtains. Feeling William's arms around her, Helen leaned back into his arms, only to find his grip tightening around her.  
"Too late, Helen. You're awake." He kissed her nose gently. 
She shook her head playfully. "No I'm not...I’m still asleep..."  
"How can a person who is asleep talk?" he asked her, stroking her hair.  
"Sleep talking?" she asked looking up at him.  
He laughed, "Nice try." Kissing her he hugged her, "No matter what…if you have to leave, always remember to say goodbye." 
"..What do you mean?" Helen asked with a raised eyebrow.  
"What I just said." William answered with a small smile. "Enough of that, Helen. Just remember to do it. How are you feeling? Better?"  
"Much better." Helen replied brightly. "But really... what did you mean?" 
"Just what I said. Just remember to say good bye." He gave her a good squeeze. "You had better get ready for breakfast, it's almost time."  
"How do you know?" she asked not moving.  
"Ghosts have an amazing sense of time," he said getting out from under her. "Get dressed, wash yourself if needed, and get down stairs Little Missy. You're father will want to see you." He smiled and walked out of the room, backwards through the wall 
Helen rolled over and sat up, realizing how hungry she was as the maid entered; "Would you like some help, Miss?" The maid asked.  
"Hum? Oh, no, thank you." Helen replied with a smile, standing up.  
"The bath is ready and I'll prepare your outfit." She answered, exiting her room.  
Helen watched her leave and walked slowly towards the bathroom, closing the door behind her and stepped into the welcoming hot bath, sighing in relief. 
William turned himself invisible and stepped into the bathroom keeping his eyes closed. Picking up the bubble bath from the sink he dumped it into the tub. Once the bubbles covered everything on Helen.  
"There, now we can talk," he said smiling.
Laughing softly, Helen looked around for William, spotting him as he changed back. She smiled, gently playing with her hair, feeling the small stings from her cuts.  
"I thought you were about to leave." Helen teased. 
He shrugged moving to sit on the toilet next to the tub, "I changed my are you're cuts in the soap?"  
Helen sighed, "They sting a little bit...but nothing I can't handle."  
"Well that's good," he leaned down and kissed her on the nose. "But now I have to go before your father gets here." 
"He's coming up?" Helen asked in surprise. "You mean now?" 
"No not now, but in about 5 minutes to see if you're ready to get out of the tub," he said smirking. Leaning on the tub he squatted down next to her, looking her in the eyes. "You have beautiful eyes..." he whispered. 
"Thank you." Helen breathed, looking into his icy ones. "Yours are as well." She said softly. "Very... gentle." 
He smiled and kissed her lightly on the lips, standing up. "I'm sorry for leaving like this again...but your dad should be here in 3...2..." he walked backwards through the wall "...1."  
"Helen, are you finished?" her father asked through the door. 
Helen chuckled aloud, grinning as she stood up and wrapped herself with a towel. "I'll be there in a second." She called out.  
"Alright, I'll tell the cook to start setting the food out," he said, his voice fading as he walked away.  
William, still halfway in the said quietly, "Told you..." Stepping back he moved to his room sitting on the bed waiting for Helen to finish in the bathroom. 
Helen walked to her room and took her clothes out. She noticed the small cut lines around her body and scowled, running a finger on one of them. 
Dr. Watson was halfway down the stairs when he stopped and turned around. Moving back up, he slowly made his way to Williams’s room. Gently knocking he waited for the door to open.  
William made his way to the door to find Helen's father. "Yes?" he asked, none too kindly but not harshly.  
"I know I haven't been that nice to you...but...I think it would be best if you would join us to breakfast. I mean...that is if you can...I don’t mean to sound rude, i mean," he rambled.  
William cut in, "I get it. And yes, I'll be there." 
Drying her hair, Helen gave a slight cough, looking deep into the mirror as she examined her eyes for a few minutes. With a smile, she left her room and descended the stairs, seeing her father at the bottom.  
“Are you feeling better?" He asked, taking her hand as he pulled her into a small hug. Dr. Watson placed a hand on her forehead, smiling. "A very slight fever, but you're doing well."  
"I feel well." Helen answered. 
William sat on his bed, listening to Helen and her father talk. Looking down at his hands he noticed he had faded slightly since yesterday. "It's probably nothing..." he muttered.  
Getting up he vanished through the floor, landing in his chair before Dr. Watson or Helen. 
"William will be there for breakfast." Dr. Watson said quietly. "Helen, I'd like to apologies to you again for everything..."  
"I know, father, it's alright." Helen smiled. "Come, let's forget it and just move on."  
"I couldn't say it better myself." Her father kissed her forehead, leading her to the dining room. 
William stood up as they entered. "Good morning every one," he said bowing slightly.  
"Good morning, William," Dr. Watson said softly taking a seat at the head of the table.  
Helen smiled at him, sitting across from him. Looking at him she noticed something she hadn't noticed before. Something was different; she just couldn't put her finger on it. 
Noticing her slightly awkward gaze, William raised an eyebrow. "Helen? Something wrong?"  
She opened and closed her mouth, pressing her lips together as she shook her head. "No, I don't think so." Helen replied, furrowing her brows.  
"Are you alright?" Dr. Watson asked.  
"Yes, I told you, I'm fine." She answered. 
"Alright then," he said as the maid brought in the breakfast.  
William waved her past as she offered him some with wide eyes, smiling slightly. 
He looked at her with interest, noticing the peculiar darted glances she gave from time to time. Nobody spoke, but the silence was comfortable enough - at least for both Helen and William.  
Half-way through her meal, Helen glanced at him again. 
"Helen is there something on your mind?" he asked staring at her intently.  
"No," she said shaking her head, "Of course not."  
"Are you sure? You keep glancing at me..." he said softly, concerned. 
Before she could answer, a coughing fit took over her and Helen found her father standing beside her seconds later. "Helen... it might not be best for you to get up just yet. Go and take a small walk outside and go back to your room afterwards, alright?" He turned to William. "Will you go with her?"  
"Yes, of course." He answered, standing up. William crossed over towards her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Helen?"  
She looked at his hand for a few seconds and then to him, nodding slowly. "Yes... yes, alright." 
William helped her up and led her out the door. "Helen, are you sure you'll alright?" he asked once they were outside.  
She nodded, "Yes, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I?" 
Stopping in his tracks, William faced her and took her face into his hands. "Helen.. look at me. You kept on glancing at me and you were quiet for some time. Do not deny it."  
"William..." Helen smiled gently. "..I'm alright." 
William sighed, kissing her lightly. Letting go of her face he took hold of her hand and intertwined their fingers, "Fine. If you say so..." he muttered unbelieving.  
"Well I do say so."  
As they walked along William squeezed her hand, "Come with me, I have a perfect place for you to rest." 
She allowed him to lead her across the gardens, heading straight. Helen looked at him with a small smile, appreciating the slow pace as they walked. She felt slightly weak and squeezed William's hand slightly.  
"Surprise me." She smiled, her eyes twinkling. 
"Alright...close your eyes…" he whispered, knowing that if he kept his hands over her eyes she would still be able to see.  
Helen closed her eyes, trusting William.  
William led her down a small hill and around a rock. "Okay…open..." he said letting go of her hand.  
Helen opened her eyes and gasped. Before her was a beautiful pond, surrounded by trees and rocks, over in the corner she could see a small, natural made water fall. Getting closer she saw giant carp in the pool, their scales glinting in the water. 
"William...” She breathed. "It's...”  
"Beautiful." William answered for her with a smile, sitting down on the grass and pulling her with him. He stroked her hair tenderly, kissing her lightly. "Just like you."  
Helen smiled and laid down in the grass, looking deep into his eyes. 
He smiled slightly, "This is where me and Shannon would come to escape the outside world. We found it when we were ten...we used to get teased for being friends. But, I'd rather spend it here with you..." he whispered, lying down next to her. 
Helen took his hand and placed it at her cheek, noticing the chill from the touch. "Thank you..." She whispered softly.  
"Helen?" William asked after a pause.  
He leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead. "..I love you." 
As if on cue it popped into her head. All he needed was love to pass on.. She could feel tears straining against her eyes, "...I love you too..." she whispered. A tear fell into the grass beside her.  
William looked onto her with a concerned face. "Helen..?" he whispered. 
Helen sat up and gazed at the area in front of her, pressing her lips together to keep her emotions in.  
"Helen?" William asked again, hugging her from behind. "Helen, are you alright? Tell me the truth."  
She wiped her tears gently. "Yes, William... of course." She took his hands and kissed them lightly. "I have you..." She whispered softly, another tear falling from her cheek. 
"Yes, you do. Don't worry, I won't ever leave you," he whispered, kissing her neck.  
"I won't ever leave me..." she said her voice wavering.  
"Helen...I know there is something wrong. Tell me, what it is?" he said sitting up and facing her completely. 
Without a word, Helen threw her arms around him, holding him tight as the tears fell from her face. She couldn't deny that she felt happy for him, yet, at the same time, it pained her to know that he would be leaving her very soon.  
Surprised, William stroked her hair gently as he held her tight, catching sight of his own hand. 
His hand was faded a lot more then it had been at diner. " you know something that I don't? I mean..." he pulled away from her slightly showing her his hand. "Do you know anything about this?"  
Helen looked at his hand and with out responding she just wrapped her arms around him, her tears falling.
"Helen..." William stroked her gently. "Helen... please..."  
"Just know that whatever shall happen, I'll always be with you." She cried into his shoulder. "Can't you see it, William?" She wiped her tears. 
"See what? Helen what are you talking about?" he asked starting to get worried. "Helen, talk to me. What is going on?" He held her tight, running his hand up and down her back. 
Pulling herself away, Helen took his hand and laid it against hers. "See this, William. Looking into his icy-blue eyes, Helen gave him a small smile, tears running down her cheeks. "William... you're leaving." 
William looked at her, confused. "No...No I'm not. I told you I'd never leave and I won't. I can't..." he whispered. "Who cares if I'm fading? I've been around for a long time...who knows! Maybe ghosts fade if they've been on earth for a long time." He kissed her lightly, "I'm not going anywhere." 
"...If I can see it, so can you." Helen brushed her tears away, still smiling. "William… you did it..." She pressed her lips together, almost unable to continue as she ran her finger on his face. 
It finally clicked in his head and he wrapped his arms around her tighter. " can't leave you. I don’t want to leave you…please help me." He gently kissed her shoulder, "Helen...I don’t want to leave you." 
"You won't... trust me, you won't..." Helen answered. "You'll always be with me, no matter what... just like what mother used to say." She pulled away, gazing deep into his eyes. "William... I love you." 
"I love you too..." he whispered. Leaning in he kissed her gently. "I love you so much..." Putting a hand on her cheek he could feel all the emotions inside of him but he kept them covered. "I don't want to leave..." 
"Your way to pass on was to love..." Helen whispered back. "It's something you have to face." She smiled, realizing that it became harder for her to touch him. "William..." She kissed him gently. "If you don't want to leave... I promise that you won't leave my heart at the very least.. Not until I die... not until I pass on...”
William tried to kiss her but only passed though her. "Helen..." he whispered his fear and sadness showing. Suddenly his head poked up. "Do you hear that?" he asked  
"Hear what?"  
"That. It’s my mother...” he whispered. Looking out onto the pond he could see a bright light out at the end of it. 
Helen followed his gaze, but she could see nothing. Turning her eyes back to him, she gave him a warm smile. "She must be really beautiful...”  
William turned back to her, his eyes clearly showing his sadness.” Helen...”  
"Hush...” Helen placed his arms around him, not really hugging yet not going through him either. "I have always had someone in my life, caring for me. It might be the time for me to take care of myself now...” 
"I love you, Helen. Always will. But now... it's time for me to go." He said, running the ghostly hand down her cheek in which she could feel the coldness and nothing more. "You're young... and you're free. And it's time for me to leave... off you go, Helen. Make me proud. Live your life for us both... alright?" he said sadly. Walking across the pond he moved towards the light which was radiating from his mother. Taking her hand they smiled at each other.  
"She's beautiful," his mom said nodding towards Helen on the other bank.  
"I know. And I love her," he said looking over his shoulder.  
Leading her son off to the Other Existence, Mrs. Schwenk whispered to Helen, "We will wait for you...” 
Helen wiped a final tear from her eye and smiled as he watched him leave. "I love you too, William. Goodbye for now...” She whispered gently.  
Ten years later, Helen tucked her son in bed, kissing him gently on the cheek. "Goodnight, William. I love you." 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.06.2011

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