

I have heard of the little mermaid and it is a bunch of bull. I know because I am a mermaid myself. We do not swim around the ocean singing our hearts out. Unlike in the movie, we don't fall in love with humans... we feast on them. When we see a human, we don't think of "Oh he is so handsome" or stuff like that. We feed on their flesh and bones. The sight of the weak human's terrified faces just bring a smile on my face. We draw our prey through our voices when we sing and our looks. I have long, dark auburn hair and brown eyes with my beauty so its not hard.


There is another thing about us mermaids you don't know. We do not have to go running to "daddy" or a sea witch to turn us to humans. That is one of the powers that we hold as mermaids. Whenever we leave the ocean, we automatically change into a human form. That is how we are able to hunt for our meals. Of course we hunt at night because it would be weird for us to get out of the ocean and change in front of the people who walk by or the sailors on their ships.


There is one other thing you need to know about my world that you don't know. We are allowed to feast on humans, but we are not allowed to fall in love with them. If we fall in love with any human, we are sentenced to death if the court ever finds out. Just thinking about it sends shivers down my spine. I never want to be in that position. EVER. So now you know everything you need to know. I hope I didn't scare you off from the truth. The truth hurts.

Chapter 1

"Come on Alana. We are starving." Nerissa my oldest sister yelled as her and Salacia, my second oldest sister, swam ahead of me toward shore.

"I'm coming." I said as I start to swim faster. They act like they haven't ate in monthes. I tried to enjoy the warm, salty ocean as much as I can before I go out into the other world. The moon light shone through the water, which helped us a little more to the shore.

"Stop being so slow. I can smell humans already." Salacia yells. I roll my eyes as I just kept swimming in the same pace I was swimming in. Nerissa and Salacia are so annoying. Nerissa is 19, Salacia is 18, and I am 16. Nerissa is beautiful with her brown hair and green eyes and Salacia with her blonde hair and blue eyes.  Nerissa is so bossy and she like to take control while Salacia just listens to her orders. That is the main reason why they get along better. So basically, I'm the odd ball in the group, but I'm happy with it. I rather be alone than Nerissa's slave.


We kept swimming until we reached a dock. Wel lifted our head out of the water as we searched to see if the coast was clear for us to get out. Once we checked more than once, we swam toward shore and I can already feel my tail splitting and forming legs. Once we got close enough to shore, our legs were formed fully and we were able to walk the rest of the way out of the water. Naked, we ran to our secret shed. In it, we have some clothes to put on every time we go out hunting. We dried ourselves off and went to our bags of clothes. I put on some jeans and a blue tank top while Nerissa put on her short pink dress and Salacia put on her baby blue dress. I know what you thinking. How could three mermaids own their own clothes when they spend most of their time in the ocean? Well, there are some mermaids who decide to spend majority of their time on land so they help us out for times like these, supplying us with clothes and whatever else we need. I mean, we can't just walk around with no clothes on.

"Time to hunt girls." Nerissa says with a smile on her face after we finished getting dressed. After that, we walked out and start walking the streets.


As we were walking, Nerissa stopped and sniffed the air. She opened her eyes and a smile snuck across her face.

"I smell our next meal." she says. Both Salacia and I did the same thing and I could smell it too. It was coming from the alley. We walked in the alley and I saw it was a homeless man, digging in the garbage. He looks up towards us and smiles. I could tell he was thinking dirty thoughts.

"You guys know the routine." Nerissa says as she start walking forward.

"You girls are some pretty girls. I bet ya'll are so sweet." the man said as he start checking us out, which disgusted me. Everytime the man smiled, it showed he barely had teeth and the teeth that he did have were rotten.

"You heard that girls. This man think we're sweet." Nerissa says.

"Yeah, I heard that. Maybe we need to show him how wrong he is." Salacia says as she giggled. Nerissa walks around the man push him against the wall. Now he looks scared. He tried pushing away, but Nerissa wouldn't let him get away.

"Aww. The man is now afraid. He wasn't afraid when he was checking us out a minute ago." Salacia says.

"Please let me go. I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me." He whimpers.

"Don't worry. Its only going to hurt... alot." I said as I laughed.

"Besides, you have nothing to live for anyway." Nerissa says before she broke his neck. After that, Salacia and Nerissa dug in. Salacia looks at me.

"Aren't you hungry?" she asked.

"No. I'm still full from yesterday's meal." The good thing is that us mermaids can actually go without eating for monthes without starving. Its a good thing for humans because thats less people getting eaten up.


Once they finished with the man, there was nothing left of him. We never leave behind any leftovers behind after every meal. I looked between the both of them. There was no traces of blood on them and their clothes and hair was still in place.

"I'm stuffed, even though that guy left a bad taste in my mouth." Nerissa says as we left the alley.

"Same for me too." Salacia says as she made a face. We were walking back to the beach until we passed this beach house. Music was blasting and I can see people crowded in there. Nerissa and Salacia noticed it and stopped.

"You thinking what I'm thinking." Nerissa says with a sneaky smile on her face. Oh no. Whenever Nerissa has that smile on her face, it usually mean that she have an idea that involve us doing something dangerous. She is like the rebel out of the three of us.

"What?" Salacia asks.

"Let's go in that house. I want to see what these humans do for fun." she says.

"No Nerissa. We can't. That house is filled with humans and we can't risk ourselves. You know father wouldn't approve of this." Nerissa rolled her eyes.

"Of course miss sweet Alana want to do the right thing. We only going to be in there for a few minutes to check it out. Either both of you with me or without me.

"I'm with you. I mean, what harm can it do. We only going in there for a little bit." Salacia says. I thought about it. Salacia is right. What harm can it do?

"Fine. Only for a few minutes like you said." I said. A huge smile came across Nerissa's face. Oh gosh, what did I just put myself up to.


We walk up to the door and this guy is standing in front of the door. He is kind of cute with his short brown hair and brown eyes and his tall, muscular structure.

"Hold up... wow." He says as he checked us out. Nerissa smiles at him.

"Are you going to let us in or keep drooling." she says.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm just amazed of how hot ya'll are." He steps aside and we walk in. The place look much crowded than it was outside. Everyone was talking and drinking. Some people were kissing too. I knew this was a bad idea.

"Can we leave..." I turn around to see Salacia and Nerissa gone. I can't believe they just left me like that. They could have at least told me where they were going. I start walking around until something caught my attention. I start walking until I got to the living room. People were standing as they listened as this guy was singing, playing his guitar. My breath was taken away by his smooth voice as he sang. He was also cute with his short curly blonde hair. At first he was looking down at his guitar, but he looks up and his blue eyes connected with mine. My heart skipped a beat. He kept playing and singing until he finished. Everyone clapped and left. I start to leave, but a hand touched my arm. Startled, I jumped and turned around to see it was the guy who was singing.

"I'm sorry if I startled you." He says. At first, I wasn't going to say anything but what harm can it do if I just talk to the guy.

"Its okay."

"I saw you in the crowd and I saw you. I was like, you are so beautiful. My name is Alex." he reaches out his hand. At first I just stared at it, but I finally shook it. His hands were so soft.

"Thanks. I'm Alana."

"Alana. That's a beautiful name. So, do you go to the university?"

"What university?" Alex looks at me confused. 

"Oh. I'm new here. I'm here with my sisters and we just decided to check this party out." I said as I push a strand of hair behind my ear. 

"Oh. Cool. Well, since you're new, I'm thinking that maybe I can show you around town." He look a little nervous, like I am the first girl he ever talked to. 

"Show me around?"

"Yeah. Well, if you want to..." Before he got to finish saying what he tried to say, Nerissa comes out of no wher.

"Alana! Come on!" she says as she  grabs my arm and nearly drags me away from Alex towsrds the door. I turn to see Alex watching me leave.

"Is that a yes?" he yells over the loud music. Before I could even think about answering, Nerissa has already pulled me out of the house. Salacia was already standing outside.

"I never want to do that ever again. That place was crowded with humans. I had to control myself so I wouldn't eat anyone." Salacia says, trying to get Nerissa's attention, but Nerissa was too busy glaring at me.

"Alana, what were you doing talking to that human. We said we would only go in there to check things out and you end up starting a conversation with him." Nerissa snapped.

"First of all, he talked to me first. After both of you left me alone in that college party, I start looking around for you. He was singing and playing his guitar and afterwards, he jut introuced himself. That's it." I snapped back. Well, that was a lie, but they don't need to know everything. Nerissa glared at me a little more before she finally gave up.

"Fine, I believe you. Let's just get back home. Salacia and Nerissa start running toward the beach. Before I followed them, I looked behind me and see Alex standing on the balcony of the house, looking at me. This warm feeling start forming inside me.

"Alana!!" Nerissa and Salacia yelled.

"I'm coming." I yelled back. I took one more glance behind me and ran to the beach and stripped out of the clothes and jumped in after my sisters, hopefully leaving those feelings behind.




Chapter 2

It was a long night last night. I was having a hard time falling asleep. All I can think about is Alex. This sucks. I need to get him out of my mind. I got out of bed, which is a enormous clam. I swam around in the castle until I get to Dad's room. When I got in there, dad was in his usual spot in his studies, talking with the Council. Everyone automatically looked my direction, causing me to feel uncomfortable because I don't like this many eyes on me. 

"Yes Alana?" Dad said as he got up from the table. 

"Sorry dad. I just need to talk to you." He look behind him at the Council.

"Sweetie, can this wait? I have to finish this meeting." he said. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. He never have the time for anyone. All he do is work all day. I tried not to show my disappointment by forcing a smile on my face.

"Sorry father. I did not mean to disturb your meeting." Before he got to say anything back, I swam out of the room. I love my father, but it seem like his work more. Dad is the head of the Council. They are the ones that run our society and they are the ones that make the rules. What luck I have to have a father who has more control and more work in their hands. I need to talk to someone. I can't talk to Nerissa or Salacia because all they going to do is laugh in my face. All I know, I need to get out of here. I swim as quickly as I can. 

"Alana, where are you going?" I hear Nerissa ask. I turn to see her standing in a middle of a group of mermen. All of them are all over her, like usual.

"None of your business." I yelled as I kept on swimming out of the palace. I kept swimming until I got near shore. I lifted my head up out of the water, making sure that the coast was clear. There are some people on the beach, but there was no people near the secret shack. I took one more look before I swam to the shore near the shack, my legs forming. After the transformation, I ran the rest of the way out of the ocean to the shack and got inside. I dried myself off and put on a loose, short peach colored dress with black leggings and black flats. With my hair still a little wet, I ran my fingers through it, leaving it out. As soon as I was finished, I walked out and start walking. I kept walking until I got to destination I came here for. It is the only bookstore near here. My friend, Robin, owns this store. She is one of those mermaids who rather live in this world on dry land instead of our world in the ocean. She is also against the rules made by the Council. I walk in and the door makes it same usual sound of bells. Robin looks up from her book, with her blue eyes, smiling.

"Hey Alana. It have been a while since I have last seen you." She squeled as she ran to me and gave me a hug.  She is always hyper. Robin is still cute with her 5'0 figure and her golden blonde hair. She look really young for a 25 year old woman.

"Hey Robin." I said as I hugged her back.

"What brings you here? How are things at home?" she asks as she bring me to the counter. 

"Everything is all right. It's not the same without you there, though."

"I know. I bet it is all boring down there without me. But you know I can't go back."

"I know." I sighed and looked around the store.

"You sure did good decorating in here." I said. 

"I know. I'm proud of myself. What is wrong? I can tell that you are upset."

"Nothing. I..." That is when I broke down and start crying. 

"What's wrong, Alana?" Robin led me to a chair and sat me down. She got the tissue box from the counter, gave it to me and sat next to me. She look so concerned.

"I'm so sorry. I don't know what is wrong with me. I just have so much on my mind." I wiped my tears with the tissue.

"It's okay. You have nothing to apologize for. But, you know you can tell me anything."

"I know. It's just so many things are going on in my head and things at home." Robin sighed and gave me a hug.

"Well, it will be okay. My store will open in a few minutes. I would like it if you can stay. Just please don't attack any of my customers."

"Of course. But you know I won't hurt any of them or eat them." I said as I wiped the rest of the tears. Robin also hate the eating human thing. Instead of hunting them, she hunt animals. Our bodies can't digest human foods, such as their preserved meats, their fruits, vegetables, grains, etc. Robin got up, went to the door and turned the sign, showing that the store is opened.

"I know. Hey, can you go in the back. Some books just arrived yesterday. The books are in a small box and they need to be put on the shelf. The box is not heavy, so it will be real easy for you to bring it in here." 

"Okay." I walked to the back into the storage room and grabbed the box. I start walking back to the front. I don't know what is wrong with me. I tried controlling myself in front of Robin, but I couldn't hold the tears in. I just have to stay calm the rest of the day. I know Nerissa and Salacia are probably wondering where I am. I know it will be fury when I get home and Nerissa and Salacia would go run to tell "daddy" and so on. My life is a mess, but I am used to it.


I get near the front and I hear Robin talking to someone. The voice of the person was of a guy. 

"Hey Robin. How are you?""

"I'm good. What book are you looking forward to buying today? You was here last week."

"I know. But you remember you told me that more books was coming yesterday and I just want to check them out." I leaned over the door opening back into the room and looked to see who was Robin talking to. The guy was turned around, so I couldn't see his face. Robin saw me and smiled. The guy start to turn around, but I hid back against the wall.

"I'm sorry Alex. The books did arrive. My friend is suppose to be bringing in the box, but she don't seem to be coming." As soon as she said the name, I felt my whole body freeze. I was in so much shock that I accidently dropped the box. Robin knows the Alex I met last night.

"What was that?" I hear Robin say. Next thing I know, I hear footsteps rushing in my direction. Great, now he is going to see me. I automatically bent down and start putting the books back in the box. 

"Are you okay?" Alex said as he bent down and start helping me put the books back in the box. I got kind of happy that my hair was hanging in front of my face, hiding it.

"Yes." I said as I start to grab the last book, but he grabbed it too. Shocked, I quickly let go and he put the book in the box. He grabbed the box and stood up.

"Let me get that for you." he said. I got up, my heart beating fast, and pushed my hair behind my ear, from my face, and looked up into his familiar blue eyes. 

"Thank you for the help." I said as I grabbed the box from him. Alex first looked surprised and then smiled. 

"You welcome. Hey, aren't you the girl from last night? Alana, right?" 

"Yes." I said as I start walking into the front of the store. Robin looked over at me with a concerned look on her face.

"Alana, are you okay? All I know is that I hear this thud."

"I'm alright. Thanks to Alex." I said, trying not to look at him.

"Well, I guess both of you already me. Alex, this is my little sister, Alana." Alex look between the both of us, looking a little confused.

"I didn't know that you was at the party last night, Robin." 

"Wait, what party? I didn't go to a party last night."

"Oh, it's just that you  said Alana was your sister and that is where I met Alana and she was with her sisters." Robin looked taken back and she looked at me.

"No, I meant Alana is like a sister to me. She's my best friend."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Well, that is where I met Alana."

"That's interesting. I did not even know that." Robin said as she gave me side glance. I walked over to the table and put the box on it.

"Here is the box you asked for." Alex walks over and look through the books. I walk over to Robin and pulled her to the back.

"What was that?" she asked.

"What was what?"

"What Alex told me."

"He came to me and talked to me. I just answered. I would like to forget about that."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.04.2013

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