
Chapter 1

My name is Cassy James and I am no ordinary teenage girl. I don't go shopping with friends. I don't talk on the phone all day about boys and how cute they are. I hate make up and dressing up. I am an undercover agent and spy. I work for an agency, but I work alone because I love my space. I haven't cried since my parents were killed while they were on a mission when I was 9. That is when Mr. Peters took me in and taught me everything about this agency. I am now 16 and I am great in what I do. I am a pro in martial arts so don't mess with me. I might as well tell you what I look like. I have long black hair with smooth light peach colored skin. I am 5 feet 3, but don't take that as an advantage. I exercise everyday in the morning so i'm well fitted. Well, that is all u need to know about me and my life. If I tell you more, I will have to kill you.


ring ring

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I picked it up and answered it.
"Hello?" I said groggily. I looked at my alarm clock and saw it was 2 o' clock in the morning. This better be important. I usually wake up at 4.
"Cassy, time to wake up." the voice of Mr. Peters said. Mr. Peters is the boss of the agency. I wanted to ask why, but I know to never ask Mr. Peters a question.
"I'm up." Before I get to say bye, Mr. Peters hung up. Mr. Peters is like a father to me since he taught me everything I know, even though he never showed emotion. I got out of bed and went into my bathroom. I live alone in this condo in New York. Well, actually, Mr. Peters own this condo, but he let me live here every since I lost my parents. He always checked up on me, but he helped me learn to take care of myself. I got in the shower and took a nice hot shower. After that, I just put on a tank top and some sweats with a jacket and left out. I got in my Jeep and drove off. Before I got to the agency, I stopped by Starbucks and got me a coffee and went to the agency. The agency is called Peters Inc. Mr. Peters actually runs a organization that helps young people. I go through the routine that I go through every day. I enter the building and Ms. Robertson, the front lobby clerk, greets me. As soon as I pass her, I go to the elevator for employees and do the eye scan. After the verification mode, where there is a wall, a piece of the wall come up and a button shows. When I click it, the elevator starts going down. Past the 1st floor and garage level and the elevator stops, It opens up and it leads to the secret agency that Mr. Peters owns that I am a part of. There are many agents walking walking by with papers. Phones are ringing off the hook and some agents are answering them. Everyone is practically busy. I walked to Mr. Peters office and knocked on the door. Instead of Mr. Peters saying come in, Jake opened up the door. I rolled my eyes as I walked in. Jake is Mr Peters' son and helper. Jake is 24 years old, yet he is always flirting with me. I am the only "kid" in this agency. All the other girls find him and his corny lines attractive, but I don't like anything about him.
"Hello Cassy." Mr. Peters said.
"Hello Mr. Peters. I got here as fast as I could because it sound like you needed me for something important..." Before I get to say anything else, Jake interrupted.
"Cassy, baby. You have to wait your turn. You see I was talking to my father first." Jake said.
"Well, I'm here now so get over it." Jake smiled and start checking me out.
"Don't deny that you want me. Have you ever heard of love at first sight?" He start getting closer to me.
"Have you ever heard of statutory rape?" That is when Jake start backing up, surrendering.
"Jake, get out of here and get to work." Mr. Peters said.
"Yes father." Jake said in in a mumble. Before he left, he turned around to me and winked at me and shut the door.
"Are you sure Jake is alright because i'm not sure he got the hint that I don't want him?" I asked. Mr. Peters laughed.
"Don't worry about him. Let's discuss what I need to talk to you about." he said. I sat down in the chair in front of Mr. Peters desk.
"First, I want you to know that you did good with the Simpson's case." That was the case I was assigned to. I had to go undercover as an orphan in the Simpson's foster home. There was people saying that Mr. Simpson was raping and sexually assaulting his teenage orphan girls. I was there to bust Mr. Simpson and his family.
"Thank you." I said.
"Also Mr.Johnson is doing okay. He just have a broken arm and a dislocated shoulder after your attack." I blushed once Mr. Peters said that
"I'm so sorry. That was an accident. I didn't know he was there undercover as another perv foster parent. As soon as he touched me, I had to protect myself."
"Don't worry, Cassy. He knows you're sorry and that you didn't know anything about him."
"Okay, so that's all you need to tell me?"
"So far, yes. I will call you when I need you."
I left out of Mr. Peters office and went to my cubicle. I have to admit that I am kind of mad that Mr. Peters called me and woke me up to tell me I did a good job on my last mission. But, I'm glad to hear that because you barely hear those words coming from Mr. Peters. I just can't wait until my next mission.

I'm just sitting there and Becky walks over from her desk in front of Mr. Peters office. More trouble coming my way. Becky is new here and so far, she wasn't sent on any mission. She is the same age as Jake. Somehow, Becky don't like me. She is either jealous that someone younger than her has already been sent on many missions. There are rumors that Becky likes Jake so she could be mad that Jake pays attention to me more than her, even though she flirt with him everyday. Becky leans against the doorway of my cubicle and smirks at me.
"So, what was you and Mr. Peters talking about?" she asked. Did I ever mention that she is nosy as hell too?
"None of your business." For a second, Becky blue eyes went cold, but she smiled.
"Well guess what?"
"I don't really care, Becky."
"I heard Mr.Peters talking about how he have some news for me before you came in today."
"Didn't you hear me say I don't care?" Becky ignored me and kept talking.
"I'll bet he is finally assigning me to a mission. And when he do, Jake will finally notice me and forget all about you." She flipped her blonde hair aside. I rolled my eyes.
"I don't care. You will be doing me a favor by doing that."
"I know you will be jealous, Cassy. You are used to boys following you because you're beautiful with your long silky black hair and your girly figure and your hazel eyes." I could tell Becky was getting mad while saying that, but she calmed down. I couldn't help to smile a little because Becky found me as a threat. But I turned back to serious.
"Yes, I am sooo jealous." I said sarcastically. The daily headache I get everyday from Becky is coming. I can feel it.
"Well, thanks for sharing your dreams and all. I wish I could stay, but I have to do something." Next thing I know, Jake comes over. What the... is it come mess with Cassy day?

Chapter 2

"Hey girls." Jake said. 
"Hey." Becky said all sweet while twirling her hair with her finger. I rolled my eyes. My headache is getting bigger.
"I know ya'll talking about me."
"No." When I said that, Becky said something over my no.
"Yes. We were just talking about how you are better than any other male agent in here." Becky grabbed Jake's arm, but he shoved her had away. Why did this girl just lie. I got to get out of here.
"Well, I will just let you two love birds enjoy each other's company. I have some practicing to do." I aid. I went to my desk and got my gun from it. I am a pro at the gun, but it don't help to practice some more. You don't know if you have to try it on some one or some people. I turned to Jake and Becky as I that thought came to mind. I know I can't do that, but I can dream can't I?

I walked off to the gun room. I looked around to make sure no one was watching before I went and put pictures of Becky and Jake's faces on the faces on the cardboard people. As soon as I set up my gun, I start shooting. The more I shot at the "people", the better I felt. It was like the real thing, but better. Since I had the earphones on to block out the sounds, I didn't hear anyone enter. All I know is that I feel someone touch my shoulder, so to defend myself, I quickly turned the gun around and I see I'm pointing the gun at Debra, my only friend in this business. She held up her hand quickly. I lower the gun and took off the earphone. 

"Sorry. You startle me." I said

"Everything seem to startle you. Did Mr. Peters tell you about the new case yet?" she asked

"No. Did he tell you?"

"Nope. Thats why I asked you. Becky told me that Mr. Peters have to talk to her about something. She is getting so excited."


"She think Mr. Peters going to assign her to a mission. I wonder if she right."

"She not. Besides, she probably won't last long on the mission." I laugh

"You right." Debra look at the cardboard people and took the picture off. 


"What? They pissed me off."

"Okay. Whatever you say?" I roll my eyes and we left out the gun room and went back to the office. Becky was jumping up and down. When she saw me, she ran to me. 

"In your face. I got a mission!" she said

"Maybe we have spoken too soon." Debra whispered to me

"You think." I whispered back. I turn to Becky. "What mission."

"Look for yourself." Becky said as she handed me a file. I look through it. This rich girl named Lucy, have people after her and her father. I look back at Becky. 

"You can barely fight." 

"I don't care. Mr. Peters picked me." 

"No. I'm about to change his mind."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Watch me." I went into Mr. Peters office and Becky follow me. He look up at us and smile. 

"Hey Cassy." When he saw my face, his smile went away. "What's wrong?"

"Becky just told me you just put her on the new mission." I said


"She can't handle it. 

"I can speak for myself." Becky said

"Whatever. All you going to do is mess up this mission. I need to go." I said

"I am not going to mess up this mission."

"Yes you are. If you go, the girl and her father would end up dead."

"No they not. You just jealous I'm going and I'm impressing Jake."

"I don't care about Jake! You can have him. He is all yours."

"Both of you shut up!" Mr. Peters yelled. We both close our mouth and turn to him. Mr. Peters took a deep breath.

"Cassy. You are right. Becky shouldn't be going." I smiled. Becky was about to say something, but Mr. Peters held up his hand to stop her.

"That is why both of you are going." Now my smile was gone.

"What?!" Becky and I said at the same time.

"Both of you should go on the mission. Cassy, you would be able to watch over Becky to make sure she doing her job. If you have any trouble with her, just tell me. Now.. both of you look over the mission today. Tomorrow, the mission is going to start. Later, I would send both of you new identity and when to be at the airport. Oh and Cassy, you are going back to school. You are assigned to watch over Lucy." Becky and I look at him in shock.

"You can go now." When we open the door, everyone start running back to their seats. Becky went to her desk and sat down. Debra came to me. 

"I heard. I feel so sorry for you." she said

"I know. Me too. Out of all people, I am stuck on a mission with her." 

"Look on the bright side, at least you get to go back to school, and live a real, fake teen life."

"I already done that. I already graduated high school already and I hate it."

"You only going to be there for a while, just to finish this mission and solve the case."

"I guess you right, but I don't think Becky would survive this mission. She is so weak."

"Don't worry, you can probably help her do her part." I can't belive Mr. Peters chose her to join me out of all people. But, I can't just worry about this all day. I have to prepare for tomorrow.

"Well, let me go prepare with... Becky." I mumbled as I walked over to her desk. She was looking through the files when I walked over, but then she must have heard me coming because she looked up and frowned at me.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"I just came over here to get my copy of the files." she handed them to me, but I took them and took a seat next to her desk. 

"I gave you the files, so you can leave now."

"Wether we like it or not, we have to work together on this case. We have to discuss plans."

"Well, both of you will have to do this later. Cassy, you will have to come with me. We have to get you ready for tomorrow." someone said from behind me. Oh no, please may it not be her. Please don't tell me that is who I think it is. The last time I heard that voice, I had to dye my hair to neon colors and had a huge makeover because I was a part of this big case, which dealt with some punk styled kids. It took me a long time to dye my hair back and for it to get back to it's natural color. I turned around and saw it was her, Wanda. She is not an agent, but she is in charge of the makeovers and disguises for this agency. 

"Hey Wanda. What do you mean 'get ready'?" I asked nervously. She had a huge smile on her face and she look so excited, just like she always do.

"Get ready for your new look." she squeeled. 

"Oh crap." I thought to myself. 

Chapter 3

"Okay, first we need to do your hair, then it's the makeup, and finally, your whole new wardrobe." Wanda says as we walk to her lair".

"Um, just to ask. What are you planning on doiing to me?" I asked.

"I am about to do everything I can to make you an 'it' girl. Lucy is one of the popular and fashionable girls at her school amd Mr. Peters told me to do what I have to do."

"But why? I can play the part with my black hair. If you are planning on dying my hair again, please reconsider. I can act popular with what I have." I pleaded but Wanda kept shaking her head no. 

"Cassy sweetheart, I'm sorry but I have to do it. Your black hair make you seem a little dark and you will not get close to Lucy this way." I sighed in defeat.

"Fine. What color are you planning on dying it?"

"That is for you to find out." She said with a big smile on her face as we entered into her lair, which is a big studio like room. It look like an actual salon with the hair dryers, salon sinks, and make up and nail sections. Wanda pushed me down in one of the salon chairs and next thing I know, five more people come rushing into the room. Wanda went to them and was wispering to them, telling them what they had to do, I guess. After a while, Wanda finally said:

"Let's get to work." That's when one of the ladies grabbed my hand and took me to the washing section. There are so many products over here and I'm getting a little nervous. She sat me down and I leaned my head back as she washed my hair. Wanda walks over to us. 

"Hey, when you get to dying her hair, make sure you will have to do it more than once because her black hair is too dark. We need to get that color we need." Wanda says. The woman nods her head and Wanda walks away. After the woman was finished washing my hair, she sat me up and added the dye to my hair. As we waited for the dye to set in, two other women took me over to another area and they did my nails and toe nails. I was just moving from one area to another. After I got my nails done, I was taken back to have the dye wiped off with a wet cloth and then more dye was added. Wanda went over to me and talked to me while we waited. After 15 minutes, the woman washed out the dye and another woman took me to another section and she start blow drying my hair. This is the moment I have been waiting for. I couldn't tell what color my hair was dyed to because it was wet, but as soon as this woman blow dry it, I can finally see the disaster that was done to me. After a while of the woman blow drying my hair, my hair landed in front of my face and what I was hoping I would never see myself as just happened. I screamed as I saw the color of the strand of hair.

"I'm a blonde!!" I yelled.

Chapter 4

Wanda comes running towards me.

"What's wrong, Cassy?"she says, all worried. 

"You dyed my hair blonde!" 

"Yes, I know. You will definitely fit in now. Don't you love it!"

"No, I don't love it. Out of all the colors, you choose blonde." 

"Look Cassy. You will have to handle it until after the mission. If you want to dye your hair back afterwards, you can."

"Okay okay. I guess I can." I said as I gave her a smile, even though I am mad as hell. After I calmed down, the woman finished blow drying my hair and then I was taken by another woman, who was in charge of doing my makeup. She shaped up my eyebrows, put on mascera, other make up, and a little lip gloss. While she was doing this, she was teaching me how to put it on, even though I would have my own personal hair and makeup artist to go with me. Lastly, Wanda and another took me to the wardrobe and they went through the clothes and they gave me clothes to put on, a teal, short casual strapless dress with a floral print skirt with nude wedges. Wanda stands back and take a look at me. A smile spread across her face.

"Now it's time! Come on, let's go." I start walking towards her but I was unbalanced so I ended up falling. Wanda go over to me and helped me up. 

"Um, maybe flats would be better." She said as she tried to force a smile on her face. 

"You think?" I said as I straightened myself up. I know you guys probably think I am clumsy, but I'm not. It's just that I never wore heels and wedges before because I never wore them and I never wanted to see myself wearing this, but I have no freaking choice now. After I changed shoes, Wanda and I left her lair and walked back to the main area. Everyone stopped talking, working, or whatever it is they were doing and looked at me. Becky was flirting with Jake and she kept touching him, but he puhed her away as soon as he looked up at me. Becky looked confused and she looked up and saw he was looking at me. She now look so mad. Debra stopped what she was doing and looked up at me and smiled at me. Mr. Peters walked out of his office 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.12.2012

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