
Flirting With The Wrong Guy

Chapter One


Flirting With Someone Other Than You Boyfriend Is A No-No


I wiped up my nose trying to get the smell out of my nose. Something strange was happening with my nose all week. There was this constant erotic smell that kept drifting up my nose. It smelled like spicy cologne and pine. Kind of like a bad boy. This has never happened before and it was extremely weird. I'll have doctor check it out.

“So babe, what do you want to do for tonight?” Andre -my boyfriend- said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. I slowly walked up to him and drew small circles in him chest. I whispered in his ear.

"How about you...come over tonight with some candles, condoms, and your wild side. Then we can have our own, private party for two?" I said only half kidding with a sultry smile. I reached my hand over and grabbed his ass, licked his lips, stepped back, and looked up at him innocently. He groaned and was about to grab me when I turned and fled up the stairs. I could hear him running behind me so I kept going. I ran to my room and was about to close the door in his face when he put his foot in the way. Damn. So close. He pushed his way in and I took a step back. I giggled. You see, this is another reason why we're perfect. We know how to have fun, fun, fun. He had me trapped under him and was removing my shirt when the doorbell rang.
" Ignore it... “He panted trailing kisses from where my shorts ended to right under my breast. I was about to agree when the doorbell rang again. I groaned and pushed him off me.
" We'll continue this later. “I purred.
" Yes we will, sexy. “He said as he got up and smacked me on my butt. I gave a short yelp of surprise.
" Dick. “I mumbled. Andre chuckled. I went down stairs and looked through the peep hole. Better safe than sorry. There was this smoking' hot dude standing on the stairs. He had fierce red hair and haunted fire-filled eyes. As I said before he was a god. He even looked better than Andre (not that I would tell Andre I'm not that stupid.)
" Zeke Daniels, Maya. Now hurry and open up its freezing out here! “ He yelled. Well someone has anger issues. I opened the door and was immediately hit with his sent. It was the sent that I kept smelling! The one that smelt like a bad boy!
“Who the hell are you?” We asked at the same time. He smirked.
" Anyone you want me to be babe.“ I rolled my eyes and giggled. I got up real close to him to where our lips were barely separated. I was extremely tempted to kiss those smug lips off, I'm ashamed to say. I yelled in his face.
" TELL ME WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!! " Now I was the only one smirking. I stepped back when I heard a throat clear. I turned around to meet an angry Andre. Uh-oh.
" Looks like I'm interrupting something. I'll just leave you two to it. " He sneered.
" Why don't you? " Hot boy practically snarled. Andre stomped up the stairs. Anger replaced my surprise. I turned to the stranger.
" Leave! " I said simply. I ran up after Andre. He was on the end of the bed with a blank expression on his face.
" Andre look- "
" No, you look! Don't lie to me! I know you were about to kiss him, in my own house. Leave and don't come back." Tears sprang to my eyes
." Please Andre I was just teasing! Please forgive me! I'll do anything! " I cried half blind by my tears.
" No. " He said calmly. " Don't call, don't talk to me, and just-just don't do anything. Now leave before I change my mind. " He said deathly quiet.
" Bye, my love. " He whispered as I walked out the door. I paused and took one last look at him. When I got down stairs the guy was still there. My anger quickly came back. His face fell once he saw my tears.
" Hey I'm sorry. What I did was rude and inappropriate. And I'm sorry. I'll explain everything to your boyfriend. " My anger quickly faded.
" N-no it was me. You just flirted; I didn't have to act on it. " I tried to give him a smile, but I guess it failed since he still frowned.
" Um, I don't know how to tell you this, but Andre was my ride, could you possible take me to my house." I asked
" Sure, It's the least I could do." He made a move to walk out the door, but when he saw I wasn't following him, he turned back around.
" What's wrong? " He asked.
" You could be a serial killer or something. Who are you anyway, and I’m not Maya? "
" But you're the one who asked for a ride. Maya was a middle-aged woman I usually come to for company, she told me she was moving and I haven't been here in a while sooo...I guess she moved." He said. I gave him a blank look.
" So. " He sighed with frustration. I giggled on the inside. So cute. I have a solution. " He said with fake cheeriness. " How about you walk to the nearest store, by some Maze, walk back, and then let me take you home. Or... You could get your ass in the damn car." He face was instantly hard. Mr. Nice Guy's over. I thought.
" Wait. Hold up. Who are you talking to like that? " I said looking around. He sighed heavily.
" Sorry. " He smiled. I smiled in return. Something about that smile made naughty thoughts pop instantly to my mind. I got up real close to him. I made sure my hand grazed the inside of his thigh.
" Let's go then cowboy. " I purred with a suggestive smile. Once I realized what I did I frowned. When we got to my house he started nervously messing with his fingers.
" Hey I never did catch your name? " He said with just a fraction of a smile.
" Maranda, Maranda Parker. " He was full out grinning now. God the things I could do to him. He growled.

“Don’t think thoughts like that, unless you want me to take you right now.” He said almost in a whisper." Well I have something to tell you. " I took a step closer and put my hand on his chest. It felt so natural, like I had done it every day. But what he just said was kind of weird. I just shrugged it off. He growled low in his chest, practically purring like a cat. I took advantage and rubbed my hand in slow circles. Man, I'm such a slut. But right then I didn't care. I had just been dumped and needed someone to comfort me. Or something. He frowned then leaned down so far I thought he would kiss me. And honestly I wanted him to. Instead he groaned and said
" Don't do something that'll drive me crazy, you wouldn't like me when I'm crazy. " He grounded out. He took a step closer to where I could feel his hard dick on my stomach. I whimpered, I couldn't help but grind against his penis like a dirty lil slut. He kissed me and I groaned.

‘Mate! ' My wolf, Dorthy, yelled. I was a little taken back since she's been strangely quiet all night. God, I wanted him - no I needed him. Man I have never felt this horny, this needy. But he would have to wait; I'm not some kind of bitch in heat.
"No. Stop. " I forced through my lips.” I'm not just some slut you can just fuck and leave. We have to get to know each other. " I panted. He groaned, but took a step back.
" You don't have to completely stop. " I took a step to him and tightly grabbed his jacket in my hands.
" I'm afraid I have to, not unless you want me to rape you. " Zeke growled. I giggled like it was the funniest thing in the world. What is wrong with me today? First, I act slutty. Now I'm giggling! Next thing you know I'm going to blush! It's re-donk-u-lous! I giggled at my little mental joke. I licked his bottom lip then nipped it.
" Fine. " I sighed. But It was just a front. Truth was I had just been dumped by the best boyfriend ever and I was lonely. I needed someone to comfort me to take Andre's place till I get by head straight. Somehow I think he read my mind because he frowned and said
" But hey, if you just need some company I'll be glad to help? " I scoffed then glared.
" You know I won't be able to keep my paws off you. " I said playfully. He gave me sexy, cocky smile.
" We'll isn't that a good thing? " He said still smirking. I laughed.
" Well, well, well, isn't someone a little full of themselves. “I said not able to hold back a smile.
" What can I say,” Zeke said shrugging, “I’m hot and I know that.” I shook my head scolding and gave in.
" Alright. " I said exasperatingly. " But no sex, I'm not easy. " I said with a smirk. I lead him in my apartment. It was just a simple cozy little apartment, with simple furniture. As you can guess, I'm a simple person. It had a second floor that had two bedrooms and a full bathroom.
" I'll ready the guest bedroom for you. " I said and turned around, only to give a small yelp when Zeke smacked me on my butt. I turned around and glared. Jerk. I turned back around and continued on my task, trying not to concentrate on a certain person in my house. I wonder if he knew we were mates? UGH! Stop. Thinking. About. Male god. I scolded myself mentally. I climbed to the second floor and walked down the hallway to a door mid-way and on the right side. I opened it and came face-to-face with my guest bedroom.


Sleeping Over Or Sleeping Together

Sleeping Over or Sleeping Together

It was pretty difficult to concentrate on what I was doing when the sexiest man alive was downstairs in my living room, and he was planning on sleeping over. I need to be honest with myself; I was never in love with Andre. I loved him. But it was more like brother and sister love than “I now pronounce you man and wife " love. It sure felt like it though. Of course I missed him and I would love to still be with him, but I was never in love with him. Now with this new challenge I face, I'm not sure if I can pull through. I just met the man and yet I want to jump his bones, which I won't because that would've been extremely slutty, and my momma always told me to be a lady. After I came out of my thoughts I made the bed and went down to show my guest his room for tonight. On the way back up the stairs he cupped my face and I was so close to giving, but I have principles and pulled back to continues showing Zeke the guest room. I took a shower in my room and quickly snuggled up in the sheets to drift off to sleep. In the morning I woke up from the best sleep of my life. My body was warm and I snuggled deeper into the warmness, wanting it to continue for as long as possible. Then I felt something poking me in the ass. I looked behind me to see Zeke fast asleep with him arm draped over my waist. My eyes got big and I realized he was completely naked underneath the sheets, and I had on was a large shirt over my body and only slept with panties on. I don't know why I do it, I just do. It feels very comfortable. I smirked evilly deciding to have a little fun. With all my might I pushed my ass up against his cock and wiggled. I heard him groan and grab on tightly to my hip.

“That’s a very naughty thing to do sweet cheeks. " said Zeke. I looked back and he was fully awake. I gave him a hard glare.

“It’s very naughty to sleep in bed with someone naked without them knowing.” I said smirking. I suddenly dropped the smirk and gave him my scariest look.

“Speaking of naked," I said "why are you naked in my bed?!" his eyes suddenly became scared. He cleared his voice nervously.

“Well - well - you see -.

“I don't want to hear your bullshit!” I said putting on my innocent look. I turned by body completely to his and attached my lips to his. He sucked on my bottom lip and it almost made me regret what I had to do next. Once he had put his hands on my hips -like I knew he would- I knee him in his balls sack. With a whimper he let me go and let out a string of swears. I squealed and quickly got up to dress. I turned back to find Zeke right behind me. I jumped and he threw me over his shoulder. I banged on his back but he wouldn't let me go. He threw me on the bed and climbed over me. His longish hair tickled my face and I giggled, but quickly stopped. He looked intently in my eyes.

“If you don't mind, can you get the hell off me?” I asked angry. He wiggled his finger in my face.

“Uh, uh, uh. I'm don't think we're finished here." he said smirking like a smart ass.

“But I think we are.” I said and punched him in the nose. I heard a bone-shattering crack. But he didn't stop.

“It’s going to take more than that sweet cheeks. I was thinking about letting you go in peace, but now I'm going to make you my new conquest. So prepare yourself. “Uh I don't know if I'm supposed to be majorly turned on by that or not, but I am. I couldn't help it he was just so sexy with the early sun making his brown hair look golden. I grabbed his shirt and crashed his tongue down to mine. At that moment I had the best kiss of ever. It was slow and passionate, but it left an ach in a naughty place. With a surprised groan he pulled back and said

“Hopefully there's more of that to come. " and with that last comment he walked out of my house to his car.



My downfall started when he showed up at my work. And he wasn't alone. There was some white Beyoncé'-looking chick hugging his chest. They came in practically on each top of each other, giggling and laughing. I watched just a little envious as he wrapped his arm around her waist. Soon after, they kissed and sending her to their table, he slapped her butt.

“Oh hi, Maranda!" he said walking up to me. He gave me his billion-dollar smile that always seemed a little flirtatious to me.

“Hi, are you ready to order sir?” I asked since I was the only waiter available.

“What? Did I do something, why so formal?" his smile seemed to be a little strained now.

“No reason sir. Now are you ready to order, don't want to keep your girlfriend waiting sir?" I said sharply, pointing to the girl I just saw him kissing. He looked to wear I was pointing, but said nothing. He turned back to me.

“It’s not what it looks like. She's just a-”

“One-night stand.” I interrupted.


“Just let me know when you and your girlfriend are ready to order." I turned around with my head held high and marched off the lady's room, where I broke down crying. Why does he affect me like this? Was I - Was I falling for him? No. No, that's just simply impossible. I barely know the player. At least I know one thing about him, he's a player. The door opened and in walked Zeke, he saw my face and took a step forward, I took a step back trying to wipe away my tears.

“What’s the matter, have you been crying. " he said and I shook my head.

“I just have some mascara in my eye." he knew I was lying by the waver in my voice. He took another step forward and cupped my face. I looked up and he had amusement in his eyes.

“You don't wear mascara sweet cheeks.” He chuckled and leaned down. I pulled away and turned around.

“You can go back to your girlfriend now. I'm fine now." I said

“She’s not my parents want us together. I don't love her, I do care about her...but I don't love her either." he turned me around and gently placed his lips on mine. My hands had a mine of their own and snaked up to play with the small hairs on the back of his neck. He grabbed my ass in both hands and I moaned. Suddenly Zeke's girlfriend bust in the door. She had a furious look on her face. I don't blame her I was just in a mad lip lock with her boyfriend, practically eating him right up!

“I knew I smelt another girl on you." she sneered and walked up to me and smacked me hard on my right cheek.

“You bitch!” I sneered and punched her in the face. She fell on the floor, but got right back up.

“Bring it on whore." she said. I went to punch her, but she grabbed my hair and slammed my head against the wall with a force unlike any other. Before I passed out I heard her say, “You are mine Zeke not this bitch's! Now it's about time you claim me to show the world we belong to each other. Now kiss me like it's our last night." she said and wrapped her legs around Zeke's. When I came to I was laying on in an unfamiliar bed.

“Look who finally decided to wake up from la-la land.” I looked to my left to see Zeke with a shit-eating smile on his face.

“Where am I?” i said

“In my guest bedroom." he smirked


“Because my girlfriend beat the shit out of you.” I sneered at him.

“Too soon? 

“ Yeah no shit.” I said

" Look -"

“No you ‘look’! Don't say a thing because you played me and lead me on all this time when you had a girlfriend - by the way where is she? "

“She’s in my bedroom sleeping. She was mad at me for letting you stay the night since you passed out. "

“Good because I'm leaving.” I sat up but he pushed me back down and straddled me.

“Get the hell off me!” I yelled. “If you're horny go fuck your GIRLFRIEND in the other room." he eyes held gallons of amusement.

“Well someone has a potty mouth. I'll take of this! "

“No don - " he cut me off with his practiced lips. It took all my power and will not to respond. After a while he broke the kiss.

“Why are you not responding? Please don't leave, yet." he pleaded.

“Now you listen here. I'm not a boyfriend stealer! I can't believe I kissed someone else’s property! I feel like a slut." I complained.

“But she's not in love with me and I'm not in love with her. She's just been a liitle possessive and clingy lately, so I need a little space. No biggy." he said.

“Well if you need space, become a damn astronaut. Well maybe she's doing what she's supposed to do and is falling in love with you. " We both stared in each other's eyes and burst into balls of laughter! We both looked away while trying to ignore the sexual tension in the air. I know what he wanted and he I but It just wouldn't work out. He was used to living in the fast lane and I was just a person who's stupid enough to be attracted to him. I really wanted to sock 'em but I really wanted to lick 'em too. I think we need some space to clear our heads.

"I think we," I gestered to him and myself, " should have some time to get our heads screwed on straight. I mean you have a girlfriend and I won't be your booty call, so we can't be more than friends. then if you and your girfriend decide it's not going to work out for you two...then maybe, maybe we can have something." I gave him a wavering smile, but he looked as if someone had just said Santa Claus was imaginary and he couldn't get that toy car he always wanted for Christmas.

" I guess you're right, I apologise. It wouldn't be fair to you or Camillia. "

" Is that her name, Camillia? It's nice. " I said trying to break the heavy tension. Silently agreeing he resonded.

" Yeah it's perfect for her. Her parents said when they first looked into her eyes that's the first thing that popped into their minds. " He tried to give me a smile but the smile faltered. I felt terribly guilty.

" Hey cheer up." I lifted his chin. " We'll still be friends."

" Yeah, srry. It's just that I've never been rejected before. Now I get why my ex-grifriends all criend when I dumped them. It hurts bad to be rejected. " he said. I looked away, but he cupped my face.

" But I'll live, bae. " he softly kissed my lips. I quirked a brow.

" Bae? " I questioned and he smiled.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.01.2013

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