
My Freedom's Almost Over

Hi my name is Nikki Heartford. I'm 5'4, have golden hair, and a nice slim, but curvy figure. I'm not as popular as the popular clique in school -including my ex-boyfriend and ex-bestfriend. He (also known as Nate) cheated on me with Lily (also known as my ex-bestfriend.) I was devistated. I was finally gonna give up my virginity to him. I thought he loved me, well i guess i was wrong. I can still remember the day...

I woke up feeling happy, today was the day I lose my virginity to Nate. We've been going out for over a year. He's the quarterback of the football team. He's nice, sweet, and attentive to my needs - giggle- . I really can't belive I'm so lucky. After doing my daily morning routine I put on some pink lace underwear and bra, short shorts, and a shirt that says ' Bite Me Bitch! ' that clung to my body and showed my curves. I giggled quieltly to myself. Before my parents woke up I grabbed my keys to my car and raced out the door. Nate only lived like 10 minutes away from me so it didn't take me long to get there. I didn't tell him I was coming I thought it would be better for him not to know. I didn't tell my bestfriend Lily either since we had got in a fight the day before and weren't on good terms. He also gave me a key to the house for reasons like this, well maybe not this exact reason, but you get it. I walked up to his porch and heard loud moaning and groaning. I insantly tensed up.' No! No! No! Please don't be doing what I think your doing! ' I slowly unlocked thedoor and prceeded to his bedroom , deading what I knew was to come .As I steped to his door I reconized the two voices coming form the room. One was...Nate.The other was...Lily. I quietly opened the door, dreading every scond.Their backs were to me so they didn't see me. Tears flooded out my eyes as I saw Nate fucking Lily doggy-stile. I hid because I wanted to see more (not for the reasons you think) .I stood up to leave when they turned around. Their eyes got big, but other than that they did nothing. He didn't even stop, he just smirked and fucked her harder! I stood there shocked watching them reach climax together. Then I snapped and grabbed Nates autographed baseball by some player that I forgot. I threw it at his face, hearing a loud crack. Instantly he stopped and said a stream of profanities that I won't even bother to say. Then I rushed up to Lily and shoved my knee in her face. Oh, did I tell you I was a intermidiate kickboxer. Then I rushed back home, but what again shocked me was that when I was leaving I could still hear them fucking each other again. When I got home I did all the usuall things you do when your cheated on. You know burn his picture, delete his phone number, and eat ice cream while listening to heart break songs like Keyshia Cole ' Enough of No Love '. The next day at school he came up to me with a broken nose and tried to apologize. " You still fucked her in front of me! " I said. He  smirked and said.
" How did I do? " I walked away, but at the last minute roundhouse kicked his head, knocking him out instantly. After that he didn't talk to me and I happily didn't talk to him. About a week later Lily came to my house begging for forgiveness, but I had no mercy. I stood there with an expressionless face and said.
" Don't come crying now. Go back to fucking Nate you fucking bitch! " Then I slammed the door hard and felt the satisfaction of hearing Lily's sobs on the other side of the door.
" Go home slut! " I yelled. After that I've been hard to get and feisty. I'm glad he did it, I like the new me.

End of Flashback By the way here's a pic of some of the characters.Me:



Anyway back to the present. It still makes my blood boil to think about this, but last week my parents told me that I'm a werewolf and that I willl be getting married in the fall. I'm only 17! I want to enjoy life! I don't want to be married! Tomorrow I meet him, but today I live my last day freedom getting wasted and dancing my ass off! There's this local club in Colorado (where I live) called The Bomb. Pretty retarded name right? Anyway I'm gonna go there in a few minutes, but first to get ready. After I took a shower, I blow-dried my hair and put in a high ponytail. Then I put on some really tight black jean botty shorts and a V-Neck shirt that showed alot of cleavage. My parents don't care what I wear aslong as it's not too slutty and don't care where I'm at aslong as I got my phone. I put on some eyeliner and a little make-up since I only have achne when I break-out from allergic reactions. I put on my black heels then headed to the club. It was close so I didn't have to drive that far. When I got there the music was defeaning and there was a long line. I walked out to the front of the line to talk to the bouncer.
" End of the line. " He said. I had prepared for this which is why I wore this shirt.
" Aww! Why? "I said making my breast jiggle a little. His eyes immediately went to my top.
" Because these people have been here longer. " He said still staring at my cleavage. I smirked. I walked up to him real close to were my chest was pushed up against his. I licked my lips and gave him a look that said " I'll give you something in return. " We all new what it was. I leaned closer and licked his bottom followed by a soft nip.
" Alright you can go ahead. " He said his eyes now filled with lust." I'll find you later. " I walked in and he smacked me on my ass. I gave a laugh." Men. " I tsk. I walked in and my ears nearly burst from the volume of the music. It was wild. There was people everywhere, dancing, grinding, making-out, drinking, and some I think we're basically having sex on the dance floor. ' Perfect. ' I thought. I made my way to the dance floor to dance with a random person. I bumped into a boy who looked about my age. He was hot! But there was one problem, he was wasted. I could tell how he looked at me. His eyes went to my breast then to my ass. I was about to walk away when he yanked me back by my wrist.
" Where you goin'? " He slurred.
" Away form your wasted ass. Now let me go. " I spat.
" Feisty huh? I like feisy. What do you say we go somewhere more private like the bathroom. " He said spraying spit everywhere. I wiped my mouth.
" Why don't you go buy some mouth wash like Listerine. " I countered. I heard a laugh behind me. A boy came into view a few steps behind me. He was even hotter than drunkie over here. He was really tall like about 6'6, had really dark hair, really muscular, but not too musclular, and really fit. You could tell he worked out a lot, and you could see his eight pack through his tight T-shirt. The most amazing thing about him was his eyes, they were a light gold. I knew I was drooling, but I couldn't help it. He was F to the I to the N the E (That spells fine just incase you didn't know). He eyes locked with mine. It's hard to explain, but I felt a instant pull towards him. We stared at each other for a few minutes before I broke our staring contest. ' This can't be happening again! I promised myself that I would never fall in love again. Ever. Love blinds people and makes them vulnerable to heartache and makes them weak.' I cleared my throat. That seemed to snap him out of his trance.
" Brian leave her alone. " He said. So that was drunkie's name. I looked back to Brian to see him basically shitting his pants. He was scared. Well I didn't blame him.
" Why Alpha? "
" Because I say so! " He growled. It was kind of weird and how he called him Alpha, but I didn't sweat it. It kind of turned me on and I though of how he would look with that tight ass shirt off. Or better yet naked. Sweating, panting, and moaning. All I could do was stare. By the look he was giving me either he read my mind or was thinking the same thing. We stared at each other for a few more seconds. Since he wouldn't do it I did it, I took the leap.
" Thanks for getting rid of him for me. "I smiled, he smiled back.
" No problem, he can be an ass sometimes. " I nodded. " I'm Luke. " He said. He said it normal, but to me it sounded sexy.
" I'm Nikki. " He smirked.
" Hey want to go somewhere more private like the bathroom? " He laughed and I glared. Soon I was laughing along with him.
" Let me buy you a drink. " He said.
" Sure. " I said. My voice was drowned-out by the music so I had to yell. We walked over to the bar and sat down. He ordered us two Bloody Mary's.
" Hang on I'll be right back. " He said. He stood up and walked back towards the crowd. I stared at his firm and nicely-shaped ass as he left. Mmmm. I could just eat him right up! Luke made his way over to a girl who looked like a Barbie. Everything about her was fake. Her boobs. Her hair. Her nose. Her cheeks. And her ass. What did he want with her? She was probably his girlfriend. She hugged him fiercely, but he didn't hug her back. She stepped back and they stated arguing. He looked at me and I quickly turned back around and tried to act innocent. Why do all the good men have to be taken? About five minutes later he headed back to me. I tried my best to act like I wasn't just eavesdropping on his conversation. He chuckled.
" Like I didn't see you. " He said still chuckling. I held a serious expression.
" Was that your girlfriend?? " I asked. He stopped chuckling and said with an angry expression.
" No, no, no. Fuck no. " He said. O.k that was a little harsh. " She's my ex. "
" You don't have to lie. " I said now mad and jealous.
" I'm not lie- " I cut him off with a humorless laugh.
" Why do all men have to lie?? " I said my anger rising. I forgot to tell you people I'm very short tempered. He cupped my chin and tilted it up.
" She is not my girlfriend. " I yanked my chin out his hand.
" Mmhh. " I said not convinced. He cupped my chin again, but this time looked me in my eyes.
" She. Is not. My girlfriend. " He said and kissed me. The kiss was gentle, but I didn't want gentle. I wanted fast. I moaned and took over the kiss, taking it from gentle to rough and fast. I scooted closer and he picked me up and placed me on his lap. Our tongues fought for dominance and this time he won. I sucked on his bottom lip. I could feel his erection poking my ass, but that didn't make me stop. If anything it made me more turned on. He slipped his hand under my shirt and started playing with my bra. Mmmm, that felt so good. Rubbing my breast across his chest I reached under his shirt and felt his abs. They were rock hard. He pulled back so I could get some air. But that only lasted a few seconds. Soon we were at it again. He was the best kisser ever! I grinded back and forth on his erection and he growled loudly. That turned me on so much, my pants were basically dripping. We were disrupted by the bar tender asking if we we're done with our drinks. I blushed red and Luke paid him. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the back of the club where only a few clubbers were. I wanted control again so I pushed him against the wall and kissed him fiercely. He unhooked my bra and played with my breast.To pay him back for that I rubbed against his erection extra hard. I heard him growl again and he flipped us to were I'm now on the wall. I rapped my legs around his waist and he was the one who grinded against my area this time. He let me breath then quickly resumed. More. More. More! I grabbed his ass that I had stared at earlier and squeezed. I heard him chuckle against my lips. ' He would pay for that. ' I thought. I pulled up his shirt and licked his abs. He gave the biggest growl of all.
" Can't take this anymore! " He growled. He went for my jean shorts, but I stopped his hand and pulled back.
" No. " I said sternly. " I'm not some slut that you could just have a quicky with and never call. "
" Aww. You're no fun. We better stop then before I end up raping you. " I giggled then laughed, giving him one more longing kiss.
" Bra. " I said holding my hand out.
" Can I keep it as a souviner? " He asked. I laughed and gave in.
" (318)-542-0946. " I said.
" What's that? " He asked confused.
" My number, don't forget it. " I said.
" I won't. " I gave him a peck on the lips and turned around. He smacked me on the ass and I looked back winking at him, while making my way over to the exit. I had to go out the back way to avoid that bouncer. When I got home I washed up and went to bed topless. Some nights when it's hot I sleep with no top to help me cool off. I wonder if the prick I'm gonna marry, that's coming over tomorrow gonna look better than Luke? ' I doubt it. ' I thought and went to sleep dreaming of Luke topless also.

What the Fuck Are You Doing Here??

In the morning I got up and did my mourning routine with a groan. No more
Luke. Then I remembered that I was to meet my 'fiancé. I dressed real nice in a short red dress that make my eyes pop. At 3:00 sharp the doorbell rang. I nervously went to answer the door and was greeted with the site of...Luke?
" What the fuck are you doing here?? " I asked. He stared at me in shock, then understanding set in his eyes. He smiled like he won the lottery. I took a step forward and slapped him.
" You bastard! You knew I was gonna marry you and you came on to me! I am gonna make your life hell!" I sneered. Anger flashed in his eyes. I took a step back. Besides the fear,the look in his eyes sent a wave of desire through my limbs. Damn. Why did he have to be so damn sexy. I wonder. What his angry sex would feel like? I groaned.
" I didn't know it was you. " He said through greet teeth. I smiled.
" It doesn't matter. " I said with a big smile.He smiled in return.
" Good I wouldn't want that to come in between what we have. "I gave a humorless laugh then frowned. I looked him dead in the eye.
" Don't flatter yourself. I'm still gonna make your life hell. " I said with a smile then walked away.I made sure to sway my hips, it wouldn't hurt to tease. When I got to the stairs I turned back around. He was still at the door with a frown replacing the smile he had.
 " Oh and we're going to the mall. " I stomped up the stairs. 'This is gonna be fun. 'I thought. I will get him to leave me alone.Forever.And I know the perfect way. Once I dressed in the sluttiest outfit I can find which consisted on really short shorts that look like underware and a tube top that made my breasts look big I strutted down the stairs and down to Luke. When we got to the mall I made sure I never touched Luke, but I stayed close enough to where it would be tourcher to him. I tried on revealing clothes, even some lace and I made sure I had Luke's opinion on all of them. Once I was sure he had had enough I slammed his lips to mine and devoured them in a heated frenzy. He groaned in surprise then when he was about to grab my ass, I yanked loose and made my way over to a group of boys who looked no where near as cute as Luke, but would sufise for what I was to do. I grabbed one of their shirts then I had a mini make-out session with him. I even let him touch my ass, but when his hand crawled up my shirt, that's where I drew the line. I made the call me sign then made my back over to Luke. He looked unsurprised, but hurt.
"You think that'll draw me away from you?" He asked." What your fucked up mind doesn't get is that I didn't want this marriage, my parents forced me. You think I want to marry some random slut like you that just kiss random people? Well your wrong, terribly wrong. Now whether I like it or not we're getting married. Get over it. Even though you just kissed a random dude because you thought it would get to me." He said in a calm voice. I stood here stunned and reacted the only way I could. I slapped him, hard. He didn't even flinch. He just snapped my hand off his face calmly walked away.Well...that backfired, I thought. Luke never came back, I had to take a bus home, where I found Luke packing my cloths in a big suit case.
"What are you doing?" I yelled.
"Ask your mother." He replied back tersely. Gosh now he's mad at me. Just great! I stormed down to my mom.

" Why the hell is Luke packing my things? " I yelled.

" Who the fuck do you think you are talking to?! " Oh-oh. She mad. There's  one rule in the house. Never ever ever make mom mad.

" Show some respect and dignity. But that stunt at the mall stole away all the respect I thought I had for you. You know what? I felt sorry for you, I was gonna try and convince them to leave you alone. But hell no. You are goning to marry him and you are going to like it, or Lord help me. " I was stunned, I can't believe she just said that to me.

" I hate you! " I yelled. Suddenly all was quiet. My mother's face registered the defenition of pain.

" Fine I HATE you too." she whispered. " Leave my sight. And don't come back until you are happily married. Until then you're dead to me. " I felt horrible for what I just did, but she wasn't gonna back down and neither was I. I sucked it up and ran upstairs to take my anger out on the one person to blame. Luke. He  jumped when I suddenly barged into the room.

" Ever heard of knocking? " he asked sarcasticly. I ground my teeth in anger.

" Shut the fuck up you sonofabitch. This is all you and your family's fault. Barging in our life like you think you're God almighty. How dare you? " I put all my anger and power into the slap and this time his head moved to the side with the force of the slap. Suddenly I found myself thrown against the wall with a loud thud.

" Don't fucking touch me you slut. Take responsibility for your own damn actions. Your mother hates you now. You're dead to her, and that's all your fault. If this is anyones falt it's your own for being born. So just kill youreslf and we'll all be happy. Especially you mother. Pack your own fucking bags. " he said and walked.

Especially your mother... especially your mother...especially your mother. those words rang in my head over and over. He was right. I cursed this family when I was born. After I finished crying, I packed the rest of my bags and made my way down to the car. I saw Luke hug my still crying mom and make his way silently to the limosine. He looked more calm, but none the less angry. It was an awkward drive, and I all I did was stare into space for like five minutes until I heard Luke say,

" Sorry. I lost my temper. It won't happen again." I could tell it was physically difficult to say those word.

" I'm -. "

" Shut the fuck up, you're not sorry. You just feel guilt. Apologize when you truely regret what you said to your mother. " He stuffed his earphones in his ears and turned the volume up to it's maximum. When we got to his house it was so obvious it was like a python in a pile of lizards; it was completey noticable. We walked into the mansion to be surrounded by boys. They were all trying to get a look at me but Luke kept me firmly behind him.

" Get the fuck back! " Luke screamed. They all whimpered and backed up.

" I'll intoduce them. " Luke said. He walked up to the tallest one in the group with brown eyes. 

" This is Matt. " Then he moved to a boy with dark blue eyes and a baby face. He was obviously the runt of the group. He reminded me of the brother that never came out my mother's vagina.

" This is Daniel. " I ran and jumped into Danny's arms. He picked me up bridal style. He was alot stronger than I thought. ' Wee! '

" Hi Daniel, I'm Nikki. " I said with a big smile.

" Um, hi. " he said blushing like a tomatoe. How cute!

" How old are you? " I asked.

" Fourteen. "

" Hmm. " I said. Lukie moved on to the next person. He was mid-hight and was the most muscluar with deep green eyes. I didn't know the dude  and he already intimidated me.

" This is Andy. " Luke said. Andy looked to me and gave me a bright and warm smile. I smiled back at him. Next was a  dude with bright hazel eyes. His hair was just long enough to be called long.

" This is Brette. The pack's player. " He looked to me and winked. That earned a low growl from Luke and I blushed.

" Rest of the pack is either out or at their mate's house or appartment. I'll show you around. " He frowned. I jumped out of Danny's arms and followed Luke.

" Bye Danny. " I called over my shoulder.

" Bye Nikki. " Danny said quietly. Luke showed me the whole house and all I did was stare at his firm ass move from side to side. I groaned mentally. ' This no talking thing is gonna be harder that I thought. '












I made my way up to Danny's room to ask for some advice on how to handle the whole-no-talking-to-Luke situation. It's not like I can just walk up to him and say, " Hey I'm sorry for being a bitch, please forgive me now! " I knocked on his door and he opened the door in only boxer shorts.

" Hey Nikki, what are you doing here?" he asked.

" What I can't visit my most favorite male in the world? "

" Nope. Now what do you want woman? "

" Ouch, that hurt in here. " I said and grabbbed my breast. We both chuckled. " I came to ask for advice on how to apologize to Luke. What should I do? " I asked basicly begging. He smirked.

" What's in it for me? " I smiled.

" I won't tell the whole pack you have a girl in your closet. " I said.

" So they have women over almost every night. " he said smugly. I grinned.

" I also won't tell them she's human and that you've mated and had sex already. " I heard a swear from the closet and a half naked girl came out.

" Alright fine, I'll do whatever you want. " he begged now on his knees. I wrapped my arms round him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. The girl from the closet ran at me and scrached my cheek with an extended nail. When a human has sex with thier welwolf mate, they become more possesive and basicly a werwolve. Except they don't shift. I now have a cut across my cheek.

" have my permission. " Danny said. I smiled.

" Thanks, I'll go easy. " 'Only if she doesn't resist,' I thought. I took a step forward and punched the bitch in the face. She went down with a whimper and put her nose to my face to show submission. I growled to warm her what would happen if she hit me again. When she whimpered again I pat her head to show that she can raise again. She stood up and stepped into Danny's arms.

" First of all, I hope you used protection, I don't want to ba an aunt yet. Second of all, what's you solution Danny? " he looked at his mate with desire and said

" Sex and hormones. Use them. " After, he kissed his girl and they practically started dry humping each other. I cleared my voice and not two seconds later Danny kicked me out then locked his door. I guess seing your mate being protective is a real turn-on, who would've known? 

" Use safety! " I yelled through the door. When I heard them groan I snickered. Now time to apologize...


After I left Danny's room, I made my way to Luke's and I room. It's time to get sexy,baby! First I removed all my clothing and put on a pink translucent bra that wasn't completely see-through. Then I put on pink and black lacy panties from It's Not You It's Me. I put on mascara with red cherry lips stick. Finally I let my hair loose and put on black high heels with a black bottoms on them. I gathered up some balls then I went looking for Luke. I found him in the pack room witheveryone including Danny without his mate. Shit I forgot they were having a pack meeting tonight. Here goes nuthin. I walked into the room but no one payed me any attention; I took a deep breath.

" Oooh, Lukey baby. I've come for you. " I said with a sexy smile. That got their attention, all head snapped to me and heard Luke gasp. Everyone had their tongues hanging out thier mouth except Danny. He had a big ass grin on his face. Luke stood up.

" What- w-why are you dressed like that? Go away we're having a meeting. " Eventhough he tried to be angry, his eyes were a little gold. I went up to Luke and puhshed him back down in is seat where I preceed to sit on his lap. I suck my lip out.

" But Lukey I came to apologize with my body. You don't like my body? Or would you rather I apologize to some - "

" No. " he quickly said. I heard the guys chuckle then I turned around and put my finger to my lips.

" Shh. Or you'll ruin the suprise. " I said. I took my ipod out my bra and started playing Put It Down On Me by Jeremih. Slowly I stated dry humping Luke's penis. It actually made me feel good and I picked up the tempo. When Jeremih started saying " Put it down on me, " I rose my ass up halfway in the air then sat back down on him to the beat. Seeing his eyes turn a brighter gold, I put my hands on his chest then licked a path with my tongue. Still lap dancing, I put his finger in my mouth then slowly cirlcled his finger. I really started to enjoy myself when his eyes turned so broight that they looked like tiny head lights. He thrusted his hips up and I moaned. Then finally giving in he started thrusting up to the beat of the  music. I smiled and whispered in his ear

" Want to go somewhere more private with a bed and shower? " When he groaned I licked his lips then said

" Kiss me now, dumbass. " he pulled me by my bra and aserted his lips on mine. We went wild and explored each other's lips. I had completely forgot about the guys. Right about then they all had boners, even Danny. You should know that's it's very hard for a mated wolf to feel attraction towards another female. That's why if a wolf cheats they have to be either drugged very high or so drunk that they risk alcohol poisoning. Luke picked me up and basicly sprinted out the room. I didn't know till afterwards, but all of the guys immediately went in their rooms and jacked off. Lucky Danny just went back to his room and had sex with his mate again.



Texte: Don't copy this book or yette will find you!
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.12.2012

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I dedicate this to all my fans out there...i don't what else to say.

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