
I was having a nightmare again, well not a nightmare, the nightmare, the nightmare where I see my parents die, but the only thing is on their back they have wings, my mother with wings as white as snow and my father with rich brown wings. This nightmare doesn't make sense, Humans don't have wings, but why do my parents have them??

I woke up covered in my own sweat...again. My back ached as a stood up and stumbled to the shower to wash the sweat off of my body. I started the shower and stood under the jet of hot water streaming down on me. Why do I always have that same nightmare over and over again? Why do my parents have wings? What really happened to them? These questions all tumbled thru my head as I took my shower. I turned the water off and wrapped myself in a towel and wiped my mirror off, and stared at my reflection. I had perfect pale skin that was soft to the touch. I had pale blonde hair that fell to my hips that was impeccably straight. My grey eyes practically glowed in my mirror. My eyes change color and today they happened to be grey. I had average height and weight. I sighed and walked out of my private bathroom and went into my closet searching for something to wear. I decided to wear a light blue mini skirt and layered tanks (black and white). After getting dressed i went back into my bathroom and brushed and dried my hair. I put a black and white poka dotted headband in my hair to keep it out of my eyes. I slipped on my converse and grabbed my backpack.

"Ash! Get your ass down stairs or you are gonna be late!" my aunt yelled at me
"I'm coming!"

I rushed down the stairs grabbing my keys off the table that stood next to the door.

"See ya later Auntie!" I yelled while shutting the front door, I walked down the front steps and unlocked my light blue bug. While I was driving to school I saw Erik the kid who is in every single one of my classes, walking to school.Out of the kindness of my heart and slowed down and rolled down my window.

"Hey Erik, do you need a ride?" I asked

He looked up and looked around confused as to why I was talking to him.

"Uhh sure." he said

He walked over to my car and got in.

"So, how are you?" I asked trying to start a conversation
"Ummm, why are you doing this?"
"Well I noticed that you have been walking to school this past week and I thought that since you live right across me I could maybe pick you up and take you to and from school, if you wanted."
"Oh, uhhh well my bike needs some new parts and they had to be ordered, so uhhh ya I guess you could give me a ride."
"Cool." I said while I was pulling into the schools student parking lot. Both of us climbed out of my car and started walking towards our first class. The whole way there neither of us said a word.
"Ummm so I guess I will talk to you later?" I said when we walked into the classroom. I walked to my seat and pulled my books out of my bag. I was arranging my books, paper, and pencils on my desk when Brad, the most popular guy in school, walked up to my desk and started talking to me.

"Hey Ash!" Brad said while siting on the corner of my desk
"Oh, hey Brad." I said with a smile
"Are you going to go to the game tomorrow?"
"Yeah, I will do anything to get away from my aunt."
"Cool, I'll see you there k?" he said getting up from my desk
"Sure." I replied while he walked back to his seat

The bell rang just as our English teacher walked in.

"Okay class, get out your books and turn to page 24."

I grabbed my book and turned to page 24. We were reading A Midsummer Night's Dream, I had already read this book so instead of listening to my class mates read out of the book I started drawing in my sketch book, at the end of the period I had drawn a rose in full bloom. I was staring at my picture when the bell rang. I packed up my stuff and walked to my next class.


I looked around looking for the source of the voice, and saw my friend Sarah walking a few people behind me, I stopped and waited for her to catch up.

"Hey!" I said with a smile
"So why did you give Erik a ride today?"
"You saw that?" I asked
"Yeah like everyone saw it."
"Oh, I saw him walking and decided to give him a ride," I said with a shrug
"Oh, well okay I will see you later!" she said as I walked into my classroom.

I walked to my desk witch was at the back of the room and right next to Erik's desk. I grabbed my World History out of my backpack, then pulled my iPod touch out of my skirts pocket. I put my blue ear buds in my ear and started to listen to some Escape the Fate. I was halfway thru the song You Are So Beautiful when the bell rang and the teacher called the class to order. I turned my music down and listened to what she was saying.

"Today I want you to work with a partner and do a poster about the topic I will give you." she said

The whole class nearly exploded with excitement.

"Everyone find your partners!" she said

I don't have any friends in this class so I turned towards Erik.
"Do you wanna be partners?" I asked him
"Yeah, I guess since everyone else already has partners." he said with a small smile.
"Cool!" I said with a smile

Ms. Cook went around the class giving each of us the topic we were to be working on. We got The Civil War. I got up from my seat and got a large piece of paper and some markers.

"Hey Ms. Cook can me and Erik go outside in the hallway since its really crowded in here?" I asked
"Sure." she said with a smile

I walked back to my seat and told Erik that we were gonna go out in the hallway, he followed me out the door. I set the piece of paper and markers on the ground, and then sat down. Erik sat down next to me.

"So do you know anything about The Civil War?" he asked
"Ummm, I know a couple things." I said with a smile.

I bent over and picked up a blue marker and started to right in big bubble letters "The Civil War"
about halfway thru, it felt like my head exploded, I shrieked in pain.

"Ash!?" Erik yelled

I curled into myself clutching my head, I screamed again, I could feel tears running down my cheeks. I moaned in pain, I could feel Erik holding onto me. I screamed again. Then suddenly the pain stopped. I was shaking and Erik was rocking us back in forth saying 'It's going to be okay' over and over again. I was sobbing now. I could her teachers running down the hall to find out what happened. Then I felt this really weird energy in the air, and the teachers ran right past us. Erik stood up with me in his arms and started walking down the hallway towards the doors.

"Where..." I started saying with a week voice, but he hushed me and kept walking.He walks us out to the parking lot an stops at my car and sets me down.

"Where are your keys?" he asked
"In class, with the rest of my stuff." I said with a quiet voice

He walked away without a word. I watched him until he was out of sight. I leaned against my car and waited form him to come back. After about 5 minutes I saw him come back, as he got close I held out my hand for my keys, he looked at me like I was crazy. He walked around me and unlocked my car, put my crap in the back and walked around the car and held open the passenger door for me. I looked at him and sighed and got in the car. He walked back to the driver's side, got in and started the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked annoyed
"Because I said so." he snapped at me
"Fine." I pouted the rest of the way home

He pulled into my driveway 10 minutes later. He turned the car off got out grabbed my crap out of the back and opened my door for me.

"Thank you." I said curtly
"You're welcome."

I walked up to the door and unlocked it.

"Aunt Jenn?!" I yelled "Are you home?!"

She didn't respond.

"She must not be home." I stated the obvious

Erik only grunted in response. I started walking up to my room and waved him after me. I opened my door and nodded for him to come in.

"You stay here." I said while I walked into my bathroom.

I looked at my face in the mirror, and I nearly screamed. I walked back out of my bathroom to find Erik staring at my guitar.

"Do you play?" I asked
"Yes, may I?"
"Go ahead."

He picked up my guitar and started playing a song. I walked into my closet and grabbed a pair of jean shorts and a band tee. I walked to the other side of my closet and grabbed my favorite pair of underwear, they were black and said 'bite me'. I walked out of my closet and back into my bathroom. I locked the door behind me and started the shower. I put my clothes next to the sink and undressed. As I got in the shower I could hear Erik playing a song. I took my time in the shower making sure to relax all my muscles. I stopped the water and grabbed my towel, I got dressed and left my hair wet. When I walked back into my room I saw that Erik had passed out on my bed with my guitar still in his hands. I walked over to him and grabbed my guitar and put it back on its stand. I walked out of the room and went downstairs to the kitchen.

"I'm hungry." I said to the kitchen walls

I looked in the fridge and grabbed an apple to eat.

"Can I have one?" I heard someone ask behind me

I screamed and threw my apple at his head. It was Erik.

"Fuck, I thought you were asleep.
"I was but I heard you talking to the walls." he said with a smirk
"Nice hair by the way."
"Fuck you." I said
"That's not very nice." he said

I ignored him and walked back up to my room, he followed. I walked into my closet and slammed the door.

"Did you just go into your closet?" he asked
"No I went to Narnia!" I said sarcastically

I was planing my outfit for the next day when he walked in.

"What are you doing?" he asked
"I am picking out what I want to wear tomorrow."

He walked to the other side of my closet and started going thru my dressers. I went back to concentrating on what to wear. It had to be perfect because of the game. I picked out a pair of dark jeans and a Navy blue tank top, with silver converse and a teal, navy blue, and silver headband that I had made awhile ago for just this type of thing. I turned around and saw Erik looking thru my old sketch book.

"I like this one." he said while showing me a picture I had drawn of a beach.
"That one is my favorite, but I have never been to a beach so I have no clue where I came up with it." I shrugged

I folded up my clothes neatly and set them in a pile on one of my dressers. I walked out of my closet and went to another door on the other side of my room. I opened the door and walked into my personal lounge/ theater, I flopped down onto a couch while Erik stood there gaping at everything in the room (popcorn maker, soda despenser, candy shelf, 60" TV, a giant couch, some bean bags, etc. etc.).

"Well are you just gonna stand there and stare?" I asked while flipping thru the DVD's
"Uhh, is this all yours?"
"Yeah why?"
"It's nothing" he said while siting down on one of the bean bags

I picked out "The Breakfast Club", I popped it into the DVD player and went to hit the lights and as soon as I flipped the switch, it happened again.

It seemed as tho the pain was worse but I was able to keep quiet and not let Erik know what was happening to me.

"I'll be right back." I squeaked out before rushing out of the room and into my bathroom.

Once I was in the bathroom I started screaming again . . . blood curdling screams. I heard someone pounding on my bathroom door. I kept screaming, I got tunnel vision and blacked out right as Erik came bursting thru my bathroom door.

. . . I was dreaming I could fly, I had blue-grey wings that shimmered in the sunlight. I landed in a grassy field where 3 men in white robes were standing. I walked towards them.

"It's time you remember your past." the first one said
"Dementhos needs you." said the second one
"We need you." they all said in unison
"But..." I was cut short when a pain, worse than the mind pain thats happened twice, ran over my back, my beautiful wings were shrinking back into me and it felt as if someone was cutting off an arm or leg, once they were gone my dream disappeared and I was back in my bathroom with Erik. We were in a siting position and he was behind me, touching my back.

"Wha-?" I started asking
"It's nothing. But I should go and you should get some sleep." he said while walking away
"Oh, okay, well can I give you a ride tomorrow?"

I heard the front door click shut.

"Well today has been a wonderful day." I said to myself while getting up

I walked out of my bathroom and went back into my lounge/ theater. I flopped down on the couch, I was laying on something hard. I sat back up and I saw a necklace with a weird crystal on it.

"Huh? It must be Erik's"

I got up off my couch and went downstairs and walked out the front door barefoot and across the street to Erik's house. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. Eventually Erik answered the door. He had a weird jacket on that had two slits in the back. Whatever floats his boat I guess.

"Ummm is this yours?" I held up the crystal necklace

He looked confused at first and then it seemed like something clicked in his mind and his expression went completely blank.

"No." he said in a flat voice "Look I have to go, bye" he shut the door in my face

I stood there for a moment before turning around and heading back into my house.

That night I stayed up later than usual starring a the necklace, it puzzled me, I felt like I had seen it before, but not recently almost like I had seen it when I was younger or in a dream, a dream that I don't remember. I fell asleep holding the strange necklace in my hand.
I woke up to my phone vibrating. It was a text from my best friend in the whole world Kelsie, the text read "Get up sleepy head, you have to get to school ASAP, hottie is looking for you <3"

I laughed as I got up. I went to my closet and grabbed the outfit I already had planned out for today, along with a towel, and went to my bathroom. I set my clothes on my bathroom counter and the towel on the floor close to the shower. I started the water, and got undressed while i was waiting for it to warm up. I turned around and looked at my bare back in the mirror. There didn't seem to be anything wrong with it, it didn't feel sore. I shrugged and got into the shower, shivering at the feel of the hot water burning my skin at first before turning into a blissful warmth. I tilted my head back into the sheet of water coming from the shower head. I quickly washed my hair and body when I realized I was spending too much time in the shower.

I got out of the shower and quickly dried of my body. The doorbell rang when I was standing butt naked in my bathroom about to put my clothes on. I sighed and wrapped the towel around my body and went to get the door since Aunt Jenn wasn't here because of work. I opened the door to a speechless Erik, his eyes traveled over my body, clothed only with a damp towel that fell mid thigh, his eyes darkened with lust, he took a step forward and reached out as if to pull me close. But he dropped his hand and looked away.

"Go get dressed already."

I turned around and went up to my room, walked into my bathroom and shut the door. I leaned against the door for support. I wasn't supposed to feel this way about Erik, I like Brad, he is the coolest and hottest guy in school. What am I going to do.

I got dressed quickly and brushed my nearly dry hair, put my headband on, and left my bathroom.
I sat on my bed while putting on my shoes, making sure to tie the laces with care. I grabbed my backpack and left my room, shutting the door behind me.

I walked down the stairs to join Erik in the kitchen, I grabbed a strawberry pop tart from the cupboard and turned to Erik.

"You ready?" I asked while adjusting my backpack on my back

We walked out to my car in silence. I unlocked the car and slid into the drivers seat. I drove to school in absolute silence. I parked in the school parking lot, got out of my car and started walking towards the school, as soon as Erik was out and had shut the door I locked my car from 10 feet away. I ignored him completely. Once I got to the front doors Kelsie came out of nowhere and attacked me with a hug and led me to the lunch room, where Brad was.

Brad was wearing his football jersey, it had a big number 15 on the back. I walked up next to him.

"Hey!" I said with a smile
"Hey you" Brad said with a wink "come with me?"
"Sure" he grabbed my hand and we walked out the back lunch room doors
"So where are we going?" I asked after the lunch doors shut behind us
"Somewhere private" he said with a sly smile

Brad pulled me along until we were in a little alcove that was hidden by trees

"Nice" I said while looking at the beautiful trees with their red and orange leaves

Brad smiled and lightly touched my cheek. I looked in his eyes, and suddenly he had me pushed up against one of the alcove walls, his lips brushing against mine. I moaned slightly. He took that as an invitation and pressed me even further into the wall, our bodies pressed together, he deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue into my mouth, our tongues danced. One of this hands was behind my head keeping me there, not that I want to be somewhere else. His other hand roamed over my body, it rested on my hip for a short while before he slipped it under my shirt and against my bare flesh, I moaned. His hand went up further and lightly stroked my breast. I stopped kissing him.

"Please stop." I barely choked out

He drew back from me instantly

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." he said with his head hung low
"Don't worry, it's not you, I just cant be late to class" I said with a smile
"Oh, Ok!" he said suddenly happy again.

We walked back towards the school, holding hands.

Once inside the school building, Kelsie came out of nowhere once again and attached herself onto my free arm.

"Where do you come from?" I asked baffled
"Everywhere!" she said while motioning to the air around her

I laughed at her. Kelsie hugged me when we had to part ways. Brad and I walked to our first period English class. I let go of his hand out side of the door. I walked to my seat and set down my backpack and unloaded the materials I needed. I grabbed my sketchbook and started drawing random doodles. I got a sharp headache. My drawing grew slightly blurry. I blinked and it went away. Strange. I riffled thru my backpack for Advil


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.11.2011

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