
Mariah smiled lovingly at her handsome husband. Carl looked at Mariah out the corner of his eye and smirked knowingly. “What are you thinking about my love,” he spoke in a deep sensual voice. Rolling her eyes, Mariah ignored his provocative tone and looked in the review mirror at their sleeping one year old, Alex. She was amazed at how much the child resembled Carl and her at the same time. Alex had soft, light golden skin, which was the result of Carl being white and she being of a mixed race. He had thick golden hair for a one year old which, he got from his father. His eyes were almond shaped like hers but, when opened they were emerald green like Carl’s. His nose was proportioned just right to fit his cute little chubby cheeks. His mouth was wide with generous lips, which he received from both parents. His eyebrows were high and naturally arched and his eyelashes were thick and heavy. Alex, she knew, would grow up to be a gorgeous man, much like his father.
Mariah looked back over at her husband concentrating on the road. They were own their way back from their beach house in Florida. Hey weren’t due to come back until next week but, one of Carl’s clients called with an emergency. So, Carl and Mariah had been driving all day and most of the night. Lightly she ran her hand through his hair, which he loved for her to do, “sweetie I can drive now if you want,” she inferred softly. “It’s fine. You just sit your pretty little head over there and take a nice nap. We’ll be home before you know it,” Carl looked over at her and stared deep into her hazel eyes flecked with gold. “I love you Mariah,” before she could respond there was loud honking. “Carl,” she screamed and reached for the wheel. After that everything started to move in slow motion. A logger truck rushed into their lane to meet their Ford F150 truck. Mariah watched as they crashed head on and Carl’s body flew through the wind shield. She felt her body reach for him but her air bag slammed her back against her seat. The truck flipped over four times then everything was still. Mariah heard Alex crying and screaming and all she could think was thank God he’s all right, and then everything went black.

Mariah woke up with a start, dripping wet with sweat. She rubbed her sleep crusted eyes and looked around trying to remember where she was. The hospital, she heard herself think. Slowly she eased herself back into a lying position. After the crash she had been hospitalized with a broken leg and a fractured foot, apparently during the crash she had lost conscious and was “asleep” for three months. The doctor said she could go home as soon as the made sure she wasn’t injured internally and there was no brain damage.
Since she had awaken, which was three days ago, her mother visited her with her son Alex. She thanked God every night since she’d woken that her precious baby wasn’t harmed in the crash. Mariah’s mom had been keeping Alex while she was in the hospital but, Alex really missed her, her mother told her. Mariah had promised them that she would be out the hospital in at most two days. She was referring to Alex more than her mother when she spoke this. She knew her mother didn’t ever mind keeping Alex. Stiffly and awkwardly Mariah rolled over onto her side and looked out the window into the dark early morning. It seemed like hours before she finally let the tears come. Not tears because of her injuries but, tears for her beloved husband. Mariah closed her eyes and remembered the last words he spoke to her, “I love you Mariah,” she could almost hear his deep sensual voice. It was like he was in the room with her. That early morning, Mariah cried her self to sleep.

When she awoke, Mariah found her pillow was soaked in her salty tears. Trying to hide her grief, she slowly got up and turned her pillow over. Then, she went to wash her face and take a shower. The hospital is always freezing cold, Mariah thought as she stepped from the embrace of the warm steam in the bathroom. Quickly, she dried off and put on her clothes. Sadly, she could only wear loose pajama bottoms or sweat pants because of the cast on her leg and foot. Mariah sighed deeply and sat on the window seat. She peered out the window and watched a group of people, carring flowers and get well balloons, inside the building. Mariah glanced up at the clock, oh my, its already 12 0’clock, she thought wearily. She leaned back against the window, warmed from the afternoon sun, and closed her eyes.
Bang. Bang. Mariah didn’t know how long she had been asleep before there was a solid knock on the wooden door. “Come in, “she called meekly. Sitting up straight, she listened to the creaking of the door and the thudding of the doctors approaching footsteps. “Good afternoon Mrs. Blake, my name is Doctor James,” the Doctor James smiled as he closed the door behind him. Doctor James was in his late twenties and had thick wavy black hair. His skin was a little darker than hers. He had turquoise blue eyes shaded by short thick lashes with broad but thin eyebrows. His nose was a nice size, not too big and not too small and curved. He had a nice muscular square jaw that made him look ruggedly handsome. He had a lean frame with muscular arms leading down to big strong hands and long fingers. His legs were just as muscular and long. He seemed to be the kind of man that worked out at least twice a week. Mariah felt her gaze linger on his narrow, but lean hips, and blushed.

Quickly, she glanced back up at his face with a question riding on her tongue. “You aren’t my regular doctor,” Mariah calmly stated with an inquiring gaze. “Yes you’re right Mrs. Blake,” Doctor James smiled, “but your regular doctor, Doctor. Thomas, is out of town on a vacation,” James noticed she winced as if in pain when he said Mrs., “are you okay Mrs. Blake,” he asked slowly. There it is again, he thought as he watched her wince. She looked up at him knowing he had seen her wince she spoke softly and slowly, “I’m sorry, it’s just that my husband died in the car crash that injured me,” she felt the warms tears escape from her eyes and caress her cheeks, “now my son will never know his father.” James felt the woman’s pain down in his soul, which scared him a little since her barely, knew her., like his heart was being torn in two. Before he knew what he was doing he rushed over to her an enveloped her into his strong arms. At first Mariah’s body tensed against him but just as quickly she relaxed and leaned into his strong warm masculine embrace. I feel so…safe and cared for in his arms but, that’s impossible! I barely know this man and what would my mother think; me being in another mans arms so soon after Carl’s untimely death, Mariah thought. Mariah sighed and tried to do the right thing but, she couldn’t make her body move from his embrace. Instead, she just let the tears course down her cheek and onto his chest. James wrapped his arms around the hurting woman a held her tightly to him. He felt his heart reach out to hers. This woman made him feel so vulnerable and complete. This is too strange, how can a woman he barely knows make him feel these things, James thought. Ignoring the voice telling him to pull away he sighed and pulled her closer.
Mariah stayed wrapped in James arms until the only sound she could make was a light sigh and there were no more tears left for her to cry. James smiled down at the beautiful woman enwrapped in his arms. “Are you okay,” he paused and chuckled softly, “it seems I don’t know your first name,” he waited for her response, which, came slowly and quietly. Mariah glanced up at him through thick lowered lashed. “My name is Mariah and I am much better now. Thank you for letting me soak your shirt, “she offered a shaky smile and scooted a little ways away from him. James smiled back and retorted, “Please call me James.” James watched as her lips formed a slow smile, showing perfect white teeth. Impulsively James bent his head down and covered her lips with his. Her lips were warm and inviting as if she begged him to kisser her deeper.

Again her first reaction was to pull away from him but again her body wouldn’t cooperate. As the kiss deepened she felt her self lean into his warm body. His tongue nudged her lips apart and began to dance in circles within her mouth. This evoked passions she never felt with Carl, she thought. At the memory of her dead husband, she finally broke away from James. Mariah rushed to stand up, forgetting about her leg, and yelped in pain as she put too much pressure on her broken leg and foot. She felt her self falling but before she could hit the ground James swooped her up into his arms, almost as if she weighted nothing. Mariah massaged her temples with her fingers as if trying to get rid of a migraine. James carried her over to her bed and laid her gently down. Looking down at her apologetically, he cleared his throat, “Umm, I’m so sorry Ms. Blake,” he mumbled, “that was way out of-,” Mariah looked up at him and waved her hand to cut him off. “There is no need for you to be sorry,” she smiled up at him. “I felt something,” she paused thinking of what to say next, “something new with you. It was just so different with Carl and more…passionate with you and I feel guilty because I feel this way. In some way I feel as though I’m being unfaithful to Carl. I’m the one that should be sorry and I bet you think I’m just rambling on. So, what did you come to tell me?” James looked at the beauty half sitting half lying on the hospital bed in front. He shook is head as if to clear his jumbled brain and think clearly. “Mariah I’m a very honest person and to say I didn’t feel something too would be a lie. I did feel it but, I understand your pain and I don’t want to be just a rebound guy. Another fact is that the hospital is transferring me to Florida next month so there is no hope or time for a real relationship to grow between us and the reason I came here is to tell you that everything seems to be fine with your health and you may go home anytime you wish.” James was almost out the door when he heard her whisper, “we have a beach house in Miami, Florida. It’s a great place to be.” James turned to face her and agreed, “Yes, it is a lovely place and that is where “I’ll be going when I’m transferred. Maybe we’ll bump heads if you ever go back down there,” with that and a smile James left the cold hospital room and Mariah’s life.


Texte: ALL text and pictures are under the Copyright Law!!!
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.10.2010

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