
The person behind the mask

The person behind the mask

Chapter 1 The girls that went missing

It was the year 2024 and five girls that are my friends went missing, I wish I knew where they where. Before all this happened my friends where planning this surprise party for me, I was going shopping with my mother for some new clothes. My mother and I are really close unlike my father, he was never around for me when I needed him to be around. When I got home that’s when my friends surprise me, I was really happy that they remember my birthday. Everyone was there and there was also a birthday cake that had my name on it, I looked at my friends and said well thanks for coming and thanks for everything. My friends are my rock and if anything happens to them I wouldn’t have any idea what I would do. The next day all six of us went to school, we all went to our difference class. When we all got out of class to go to lunch that’s when this girl came up to us and said well look at all the mean girls who like to make fun of other people. My friend Kimmy said what is your problem with us, she looked at Kimmy and said because you girls think your all that. We all looked at her and looked at each other then got up and walked away. Summer looked at me and said what the hell was that about, I looked at her and said I have no idea what that was about. When school was over we all went over Jenny’s house and did homework, then we all looked online to see what this girl name Sara was talking about. Amber looked at me and said now she is asking to get her ass kicked by us, I said yeah true but we shouldn’t go down to her level. April said so what are we going to do about Sara then, Rain said I don’t know but we need to tell someone that she is bullying us in school and online. We all looked at each other and then Summer came up with the idea that we need to tell our parents. Kimmy said that’s a good idea, I looked at them and said what happens if Sara knows that we told our parents then what will happen to us. They all looked at me and then looked at each other, April said Sara wouldn’t hurt us would she. I looked at April and said I don’t know if she would hurt us but I do know that maybe one of her friends might. They all looked at me and said who is Sara's friend that may hurt us, I looked at them and said I think it’s Isabel. April said are you sure it’s Isabel, Summer looked at April and said it has to be her. When we all went to bed that’s when we heard the door open, I woke up and looked around the house to see who was in the house. When I saw someone in the house that’s when I found a knife but before I could get the knife that’s when this person turned around and ran to get the knife. This person stab me but when I tired to fight back that’s when the person stab me again. I screamed for help that’s when him, her, it whatever the person ran out the door. My friends came running down the stairs and they looked at me and one of them said to call the cops now. I felt like everything was going dark, all my friends where there when the cops came to help me. The cops question them to see if they saw anything, they looked at the cop and said we heard her screaming for help but that’s all. The cop looked at them and said thank you for your time, when I got to the hospital that’s when I went into surgery. By the time I got out of surgery all my friends where there to see how I was doing. My mother and father where also there to make sure I was okay, April looked at me and said are you okay. I looked at April and said I saw it, she looked at me and said what do you mean you saw it. Everyone looked at me and said you saw it, I looked at them and said yes but I don’t know if it was a women or a guy though. The cops came in the room and said may we talk to you for a little bit, I looked at them and said yes. When everyone lift the room the cops asked so did you see this person. I looked at them and said yes but I don’t know if it’s a women or a guy. They looked at me and said you don’t know if it was a women or a guy, I said it was warring a black hooded and had a mask on then the cops left the room. I told my friends it was a guy or a women but I had no idea. Everyone looked at each other and then said I wonder if that person is mad at us for something we did. April looked at the computer and looked up something about the murders of the three girls, Summer looked at the computer and saw that the murders where still unsolved. We all looked and then April said well someone killed the three girls that night but who would of killed them. We all went to the cops and said to them so the three girls that we all know or knew that where killed, you guys still haven't found the killer. They looked at us and said where did you hear this, April said we found it online and we need to know who killed them. The cops looked at us and said well if you girls knew the three girls that where killed we can’t find the killer because there isn’t any fingerprints or hair to be found. Summer said okay and what about the murder weapon, he said we found that but still like I said there isn’t any fingerprints. When we all went to Summer's house that’s when April said what is going to happen to us if the killer isn’t found, Kimmy said well I think we need to find him or her that tried to kill you Carrie and who also killed those girls. I looked at them and said well I have an idea how to fine this guy or woman, when April, Kimmy, Jenny, Amber, Rain and I decided to fine the killer. When it was morning that’s when we all went to school that day and after we all went to find the killer, we all didn’t know if the killer will kill us or will it kidnapped one of us or all of us. We where all sacred and had no idea what will happen to us, when we all found the killer it was coming for us. We all ran to try to fine help and there wasn’t anyone there to help. Rain tried to call 911 but it didn’t work, Kimmy tried to call her mother. We all had no serves and we had no idea what to do, when the kill found us that’s when we all went our different way to find a way out. When we all did that, that’s when Kimmy screamed for help. I went to fine her and when I did I found her on the floor covered in blood, everyone else came running and saw Kimmy covered in blood. I had no idea what to do and I was also freaking out, Summer said we need to get her out of here now. I looked at her and said okay let’s get the hell out of here, when we all got out of there that’s when Rain called the cops and said we need help please. When the cops showed up that’s when we all went to the hospital to get checked out to see if we where all okay. When I was free to go that’s when I went to see Kimmy, I looked at her and said are you okay. She looked at me and said yes but I’m in pain though, I looked at her and said yeah I know how you feel. She looked at me and said so we still have no idea who the killer is, I looked at her and said yeah still have no idea. When the cops came in to asked Kimmy question that’s when I left the room, when the cops came out of the room that's when they looked at us and said what where you guys thanking about going out and trying to fine the killer. We all looked at him and said well we need to know who the killer is and why it is after us. He said well at least you girls didn’t get killed by the killer tonight. When we all went to Rains house that’s when her mother said are you girls okay to be here tonight, we all looked at her and said yes we are okay here. She looked at us and said I will be gone for a month but I will be back if anything happens to you girls. When she lift that’s when Kimmy called us and said she is out of the hospital safe and sound, Kimmy came to the house and said well we where so close to finding out who is the killer. We all looked at her and said did you see a face or no, she said yes I saw a face but I didn’t get a good look at it. Everyone went silent and then Jenny said well I don’t see why this person is coming after us for. I looked at her and said yeah I have no idea ether. When the morning came that's when we all got a text message from this person A. We all looked at each other and then Jenny said who is A and why is this person texting us for. When we will looked at the text message it said I will keep hinting you girls down A. I was so scared that I had no idea what to do about this. When we all went are different ways that’s when my phone went off, I looked at it and it said if you don’t be careful I will kill you A. I was so scared and then I called my friends, they said we are on our way to see you. When they got to my house April said what does this person want from us, I looked at her and said well I don’t really know what this person wants from us. Rain looked at her phone and then said well I think this person is trying to get us into trouble, Summer looked at Rain and said now why would this person want us to get into trouble for. When it was the next day this is when everyone looked at us wired, we all looked at each other and said well this is uncomfortable. I looked around and said well it seems like everything is falling apart for us, Kimmy said well I guess we really don’t have much of an idea what is going on. Amber looked at her phone and then called her mother to tell her that she didn’t really feel safe at school anymore. When school was over that’s when I went home and told my mom that I really didn’t feel safe at school anymore, she looked at me and said I know. It was the weekend and my friends and I where going to go to Boston for the weekend but something happen to my friends way before we could go. When I woke up I didn’t see any of my friends, I called there mothers and fathers to see if they saw them anywhere. The next few days where really bad for me, if I couldn't fine my friends that’s when I had a feeling that someone killed them. Weeks and weeks went by and I still had no idea where my friends could be. I was so scared that the cops might fine them died, it’s been three weeks and they still haven't found them. This is when I told a couple of my friends boyfriend’s and girlfriend to see if they could help me find my friends. They all looked at me and said okay let’s fine them, when it was dark out that’s when we all where looking for them. When we where looking for them we all saw smoke coming from the ground, we ran to see if we can fine a door. When we see the door that’s when we try to get the door open, when we finally got the door open that’s when the girls came out running. We where all happy to see them, they where crying and so was I. Three days went by and the girls where still sacred about what will happen to them. When I went to each of there house's, Amber looked very sacred and really didn’t know if she wanted to go to school. Jenny looked at me and said it was really scary to be down there, I looked at her and said is there anything else you want to say. Jenny looked at me and said there was cameras there to, someone was watching us down there. When I went to see April that’s when she broke down and stated to cry. I looked at her and said what happen to you down there, she looked at me and said there was this room that looked just like mine. I looked at her and said what the hell did this person do to you, she said well this person locked us in the rooms and only let us out when it was tea time. When I went to Kimmy’s house she was talking to the cops, I looked at her and said did you tell them what happened to you girls. She looked at me and said yes but I have no idea if they going to believe us. I looked at her and said that’s not right if they don’t believe you girls, when I was done talking to Kimmy I went to see Rain and said so did the cops come to your house to ask what happened to you girls. She looked at me and said yes and I told them the truth about what happened. She looked at me and said so did you see Summer, I looked at her and said yes I will when I’m done seeing you. When I was going to see Summer that’s when I saw her walking around town. I stopped and said what are you doing out here, she looked at me and said I needed to get out of my house. I told her to get into the car and I will take her home, she looked at me and said no I don’t want to go home. When she finally got into the car and I went to bring her home. Her mother said thank you for finding her and taking her home, I looked at her and said your welcome. When I went home my mother said so how are they doing, I looked at her and said they are okay but they are in shock still. My mother said I know it’s going to take them time but you can always see them at there house’s. I looked at my mother and said I know but they don’t deserved what happened to them. When it was morning time I went to school and saw my friends there, I looked at them and said are you girls ready to do this. They looked at me and said yes we have to do this, we can’t be in our rooms forever. I looked at them and said yeah that is true, when we all where going to walk in the school Isabel looked at us and said well I can’t believe that you girls went through all that. We all looked at her and said leave us along Isabel, she looked at April and said well you girls are very mean. Summer looked at her and said you’re the mean one there Isabel, she turned around and said well at least I wasn't missing for a long time. Summer said to me well I can’t believe that she said that to us, April looked at me and said Carrie are you okay. I looked at Summer and said no not really, she looked at me and said what’s on your mine. I looked at her and said well Isabel said something to me when your girls where going to your class. Amber looked at me and said so what did she say, I looked at her and said she said she wants to kill us one by one. Summer looked at Rain and then looked at me and said what the hell is her problem. Jenny said well I have a feeling that she is A, April looked at Summer and said this isn’t good that she could be A. When we all went to Rains house that's when we all got a text message from A, I was so scared. Rain looked at it and said this isn’t a game anymore and who ever tries to fine me will die A. We all looked at each other and April said well it seems like everything is falling apart again. I looked at her and said nothing is falling apart, Summer said well I know but I really don't like this. When I went home my mother said are you okay Carrie, I looked at her and said well there is something that my friends are scared about. She looked at me and said I know they have been throw a lot but they have to stay strong. When it was the next morning I got a text saying SOS we have a problem, when I got the text that’s when I was already on my way. When I got to Amber house that’s when she said A just called us saying that we all are going to die. I looked at her and said is this true, Jenny said yes this is true. I was sacred to here that A is always one step ahead of us, Summer looked at me and said well this is going to be fun dealing with A. When we all where at Amber house that’s when A called again but this time A said if you girls try to talk to the cops one of you will die or whatever I plan. We all looked at each other and then said what do you want from us, A said I want each of you dead for what you did to me. When A hung up that’s when I said do we know this person from school, Amber said I have no idea if we do or not. I called my boyfriend that is a cop and said can you fine this guy or woman that is calling us, he said I could try but no idea if I could fine where the cell phone is. When my boyfriend Dustin was looking to see if he could fine the cell phone and where A was. When Dustin found where the phone is and where the place of the cell phone is that's when he called me. I told all of my friends and said okay so Dustin found where the phone and the place is. They looked at me and said okay so we need to go there together and see if this person is there. When we all went to the place in Deerfield that’s when we all got out of the car and went into the house to see if we can fine anything. When we where looking around the house that’s when we all saw someone outside. Well all looked around to fine somewhere to hide from this person, when we where outside that’s when the person went into the house. We all went back in the house to see what the person is going, when the person went up stars that’s when we all went up stars. We saw this big place with a lot of computers, we all looked at each other and said well I guess we found where this person does his or hers hide out is. We all decided to get the hell out of there, when we got out of the house that’s when we all got into the car that’s when I called my boyfriend and told him we found the person. Dustin said what, why did you go there for. I said we need to see where the person is leaving, he said okay that makes sense but you could of gotten hurt. When April looked at me that's when Summer said okay we found the person but we don’t know what A is going to do because we found him or her. When we all decided that the only thing to do is kill him or her that way he or she can’t hurt us anymore. When it was night time that's when we all went to fine this guy or woman to end what they are doing to us. When we saw this person we all went after him or her, this person turned around and stab my friend April. Summer ran to April and said what where we thinking, I looked at Summer and said what are we going to do now. April said bring me to the hospital now before I bleed to death, we all got April in the car and drove to the hospital. I was looking at one of the nurse's and said my friend April got stab we need help now. The nurse's and doctors rush her to the ER, I was getting worried that she won’t make it out alive. When one of the doctors came to see us, he said she is out of the ER safe and sound. We all looked at him and said thank you so much doctor. He said you girls can see her now, we all went to see her and saw that she was smiling at us. We where thankful that she was okay and nothing bad had happened in the ER. She looked at us and said so the doctor said a coupled of weeks I should be able to go home but, I will be on bed rest for three weeks. I looked at her and said I'm glad your okay April, Rain looked at her and said so what are we going to do if A finds us here. April said then we can kill him or her, and this time we won’t miss. When everyone went for a coffee break that's when A was here, I told Summer and Rain to get ready to kill A once and for all. When A saw us that’s when Summer, Rain and I went running after A, when we found A again that’s when A looked at us and said so you girls really want me dead. I looked at the person and said yes we really want you dead for what you did to all of us. He or she looked at us and then took of the mask, when she did that, that's when we all looked at each other and said what. She looked at us and said what you girls surprise, I looked at her and said why did you do this to us. She looked at me and said it’s because you girls didn’t think I was nice enough unlike my sister Carrie. Summer and Rain looked at me and said that's your sister, I looked at them and said yes that's my sister windy. They looked at me and said well you never told us you had a sister, I looked at Windy and then looked at Summer and Rain and said well I never knew I had a sister. They looked at me and said why the hell would your mother and father keep that from you. I looked at them and said because they said that she tried to kill me when I was just a baby. They looked at Windy and said what did you do to Carrie when she was a baby, Windy looked at Summer and Rain and said well I wanted to give her a bath but I drop her in the tub and our father saved her. Summer said well you are such a bitch, Windy said I know but at least I wasn't a mean girl. Rain said we are not mean girls we just don’t like people like you who kill other people. She looked at us and said well you girls are mean, I looked at Windy and said stop. Your nothing to me and my family, she looked at me and said will that hurts me very much. I saw Kimmy sneak behind Windy, Summer looked at Kimmy and said now. Kimmy stab her in the back of the neck, she fell to the fool and she was dead. The cops came to fine us around the died body, they asked a lot of question. We all said the same thing to the cops, when they said that they where done talking to us that's when all of our parents found us in the hall. My mother and father said are you okay sweetie, I looked at them and said why didn’t you guys tell me that I had a sister. They looked at me and said well she was very dangerous around you, I looked at them and said well I know that because you guys told me about that. My mother said that she was nothing but trouble and she wanted to kill me, but when my mother told me that she hit me so heard on the head that almost killed me. I looked at my father and said is this true, he looked at me and said yes this is true. When I went over my friends house I told them that my mother and father said that Windy was nothing but trouble around me. They looked at me and said well that is missed up, I looked at them and said yeah I know. Kimmy looked at me and said I know it’s going to be a bad time for you but you got this. When it was summer time that's when all of us where going our own ways, I was staying home, Summer was off to college to be a vet, Kimmy was going to law school, Rain was going to work and go to college for fashion, April was going to college for to become a computer science person. we where all going to miss each other, when it was time for them to leave that’s when I went on my front porch to say goodbye.



Chapter 2 When it all started again

It's been years when I said goodbye to my friends, I was a teacher and I loved every minute of it. Some of the students where mean and picked on a lot of people, I went to the principle to tell him that three girls where picking on a few people. He looked at me and said thank you so much miss Green, when it was time to go home that’s when I saw all of my friends again. I was so happy to see all of them again, our poor friend Amber past away just a few days ago. We where very sad but we knew that she was in a lot of pain, we had a little thing for Amber. Her mother and father looked at us and said I know she was very important to you girls. I looked at them and said I’m sorry that she couldn't make it, Ambers mother looked at me and gave me a big hug. When I went home my mother looked at me and said are you okay sweetie, I looked at her and said not really but I will get through it. She smiled and said I know you will, when I called my friends to see how they where doing they said we not doing so well. I said yeah I know same here, Jenny said at least we still have each other. Summer said yeah that’s true and some of us know what really happened. When it was time for me to go work some of the students looked at me and said so what happened to you yesterday, I looked at them and said I was taking the day off so I can be with my girls. When it was time for me to teach my class that’s when I got a call from my wife Summer, I said what’s wrong. She said you need to come over Aprils house now, we found something and it’s not good. When I went to see what was up that’s when they looked at me and said you need to see this. When I was about to look to see what it was that’s when I got a text message from A, we all did. Kimmy said what I thought we killed A, Jenny said I thought so too. Summer looked at me and said well I don’t know if this could be a prank, I looked at Summer and said well you never know now of days. When I got home to see my girls, my wife Summer said well I really don’t know if we are safe. I looked at her and said I know it isn’t but we need to figure this out, she looked at the ground and looked back up and said let’s get this figure out and then we can have a good life together. We all decided that we all have to fine this guy or woman and bring them to jail. When it was night time Summer called her mother and said can you please come and watch the girls for us. Her mother said yes I will let me get a few things and then I will be over. When Summer’s mother came to the house that’s when we went to Aprils house. April looked at us and then said well are we ready to fine this person and for once get rid of this guy or woman. Jenny said yes I am but are all of you ready, I looked at her and said yes I am then Kimmy said yes I am ready. When we where ready to fine this person, we all got a text message from A. We all looked at our phones and the text message says if you girls try to fine me it will be the end of you. We where all sacred and had no idea what to do about this, Kimmy said well umm should we go to the cops about this. Jenny looked at her and said well the text also said if we go to the cops we will be dead. We all where stuck and had no idea what to do about this now. When it was the next morning we all woke up and looked around the hole house and Jenny said well I thought there was someone in the house, April said me too. Weeks went by and still we had no idea what to do about A, Jenny said we should just go to the cops and be honest about what is going on. Kimmy looked at Jenny and said that's not a good idea, Jenny said why isn’t that I good idea. Kimmy said well maybe that's what A wants us to do to make them think we a crazy, Jenny looked at her and said that's true. April looked at the text message from A and then looked on her computer to fine where the text message came from. When April found where the text message came from that's when she said we need to go to this location. We all looked at her and said yeah let’s get this creep and get rid of him or her. We all went into the same car, when we got there that's when we looked at the house. Summer said well this place is big, Kimmy looked at me and said so do you think we are going to fine him or her in this big house. I looked at her and said maybe but we need to stay together in this place. When we all got out of the car that’s when we say a person looking at us, we stopped and said what the hell do you want from us. The person looked at us and then said follow me, we where scared but we needed to fine out what the hell is going on. So we followed that person inside the house this person went up stars and then went into a room that looked just like Ambers room. We where thinking what do we do now, Kimmy said what why does this look like Ambers room. Jenny said this is bad I don’t like this one bit, April looked at the pictures that we where all in. When we got into that room that’s when the door shut, we all jump and then Jenny tired to open the door. The next day we where all hunger and need water, April said what are we going to do about this guy or woman. I looked at her and said well I don’t have a freaking idea, Kimmy stated to freak out and then said what the hell is this. We all turned around and then saw a note that said be careful of what you do A. Kimmy said to me that she had no idea what that could mean, Summer said well I have a feeling what it means. I looked at her and said so what does it mean, Summer said it means that if we don’t be careful in this room we will die. April looked at the door and said so the door and the walls are dangers. I looked around and then I started to cry and laughing, everyone looked at me and said what the hell are you laughing for. I looked at them and said we are all going to die here that's what A wants, Summer said what how do you know that. I looked at her and said well A said that if we try to get out of this shit hole we will die. April looked at Summer and Kimmy and then looked at me and said well this sucks. I was so scared that we might die in this room, Rain looked around the room to see if she can fine something to help us get out of this room. When we found what we where looking for that's when we broke out of that room, that’s when we saw A. We all ran to A but A was faster then us, I looked at Summer and said why do I feel so tired. That’s when we all fell down to the floor and fell asleep, when we woke up that’s when we where in another room. Rain was freaking out, April was crying, Summer was looking around, Kimmy was rocking back and fourth, Jenny was shaking with fear and I was wondering if we would be able to get out of this shit hole. Jenny looked at me and said what do we do now, Rain said who knows. When I was looking around for this to help us get out of this room, that’s when A was texting us. It said if you girls get out of this room alive then you girls have to come and fine me. We all looked at each other and Rain said so this is it, when we get out of here then we can fine A. April looked at me and said Carrie what are you looking for, I looked at her and said something to help us get out of this room. When I found what I was looking for that’s when I opened the door, we all ran out of the room. Jenny said so how are we going to fine him or her now, Kimmy said look we need to follow this foot prints. When we where looking for A that’s when we all got a text message, Jenny said this is it girls A. We all looked at each other and then looked around, I was scared that A would be around the corner. When the foot prints Stopped at this door that’s when Kimmy opened the door. We saw A just standing there, Rain said what do you want from us. A looked at us and then took the mask off. We where all stocked of who it is, Rain said it’s you. A looked at us and said I miss you so much Rain, I looked at Rain and said how does A know you. She looked at me and said well she is my sister Amanda, I looked at Amanda and said well I never knew that Rain had a sister. Jenny said I thought that Rains sister was dead, Kimmy looked around to fine something to kill Amanda. April looked at Kimmy and said let’s do this, Summer looked at Rain and I and said ready to kill her once and for all. Rain looked at Amanda and said so you’re the killer the one that killed Amber. She looked at Rain and said well I didn’t think that Amber was a good friend for you. Rain was getting really mad at Amanda and then she stab her, we all looked at Rain and then I said are you okay. She looked at me and said I had to do it, I had to kill her. Summer looked at Rain and said so what are we going to do about the body, Kimmy looked around and saw a shovel and then she said we need to put her body in the ground. When we all where done putting Amanda in the ground that's when we all looked at each other and then Summer said let’s not being this up to anyone. April said yeah that’s a good idea, Rain said well I can’t believe that my mother and father didn’t tell me that I had a sister. Kimmy said well your mother and father I think they where scared to tell you. Rain looked at Kimmy and said yeah you might be right on that one, I looked around and said we need to get out of here now. When we all got to Kimmy's house that’s when the cops showed up, we all looked at each other then opened the door. The cops looked at us and said so there is a missing person report and this girls name is Amanda. We looked at each other and then Rain said well I have no idea who Amanda is sorry. The cops said have a good day girls, Summer looked at Rain and said well we have to tell them the truth. Kimmy looked at Summer and said well bad idea because the cops might fine out we killed Amanda. Weeks went by and the cops didn’t fine the body of Amanda, we all where scared that one day the cops will fine her body. Months later the cops found the body of Amanda but they didn’t fine anything that lead to us. Years went by and it was time for all of us to move on and start a family of our own, it was goodbye for now but we will never forget each other. Summer and I had a great family, Kimmy gotten married to a really nice man, Rain had her first baby girl and Jenny died from cancer. We all where very sad that Jenny never had the change to have kids of her own or get married. Jenny and Amber will always be in our heart's, and all the good times we had with them will be in our memories.


Chapter 3 New lies and new liars

It was the year 3031 and my friends Lucy, Diamond, Emerald, Rebecca, Hope and I went to school and that day was going to change our lives forever. We where the perfect students in the hole school, everyone was jealous of us. I thought it was funny that everyone was jealous of us, Lucy looked at me and said well I feel great this morning. Rebecca said yeah I know same here, Diamond said yeah but we need to stay focus on the test this morning. We all looked at her and said yeah true but why do we need to take this in the morning, Emerald looked at Hope and said we need good grades to get the hell out of this school. We all looked at each other and then head to class, I was ready to get the test done and over with. When it was time to got to another class that’s when this girl looked at all of us and said well I see that you girls like to stick together. I looked at her and said yeah it’s because we are better then all of you guys, Hope said Rebecca we need to go to our other class okay. I walked away to go to our other class, it was the best class and we all did great in it. When it was time to go to lunch that's when the same girl name Megan came up to us and said well I hate to be you girls but a lot of us want to kick your ass for what you girls been doing to us. We all looked at her and Hope said well I hate to be you but the principal is right there looking at you. She looked behind her and then the principle told her to meet him in his office. We all had to laugh, when it was time for our last class that’s when I looked at the teacher and said so what are we going to be doing today. He looked at me and said we are going to be reading the twilight saga book. I was so happy to know this time in this class was going to be fun, when school was over that’s when I went home to see my mother and father looking at me, I looked at them and said so what’s going on. They where smiling at me, I looked at them and said okay what is going on. My mother said you have awesome grades at school, my father said keep it up sweetie. I love my mother and father very much and will do anything to make them happy. Lucy's mother and father love her very much and wants to have her to have a good life, Emeralds mother and father wanted there daughter to have a good life and wants her to have a great working family. Diamonds mother and father looked at her and said well keep up the good work, Hopes mother and father said I’m glad that your doing very well at school. When it was the weekend that's when Diamond, Lucy, Emerald and I went to Hopes house to sleep over. Emerald looked at Hope and said so where is your mother and father at, she looked at Emerald and said they are out for the night. I looked at Hope and said wow they trust us, Hope looked at us and said yeah they do. I looked around then said so what would you like to do, Lucy said umm what about drinking some good stuff. We all looked at Lucy and said umm we can’t do that Lucy, you now better. She looked at us and said we need to do something fun, I looked at her and said we don’t need that kind of fun. Lucy looked at me and said why not, Emerald looked at her and said well it’s not something that I want to do. Diamond looked at Lucy and said so we could do something else, Lucy looked at her and said that’s true but I really want to drink. We all looked at each other and then looked at Lucy and then I said so I guess we could but only if there isn’t any adults around. Everyone looked at me and Emerald said so I guess it could be fun, Lucy looked at everyone and said so yeah where are we going to fine alcohol. I looked at her and said there should be alcohol in the kitchen maybe, Hope looked at me and said umm why do we need to drink. I looked at her and said because it’s fun to drink when your mother and father aren't home. When Lucy came back with some drinks in her hands, we all looked at her and said where did you fine the good stuff. Lucy looked at us and said I sleepover here a lot that’s why I know where it is. Hope looked at Lucy and said so are we going to drink or not, everyone said let’s drink. After we all had the hole bottle we all where passed out, that’s when Hope came after me. I looked at her and said what are you doing Hope, she said how dare you make us drink and keep it from my mother and father. Hope had a knife in her hand, that’s when I thought I was going to die. Hope ran towards me and I fell backwards on the ground, then hope stopped and said what the hell am I doing. I looked at her and said I don’t really know, she looked very scared. When it was the next morning that's when Lucy called me and said what happened last night, I told her I don’t know what happened last night. I called Hope to see how she was doing but she didn’t answer her phone. Emerald called Diamond to see if she was okay, when Diamond picked up the phone she said I don’t remember last night. Emerald said same here, Diamond said what was in the drinks. Emerald said how should I know, when Diamond got off the phone with Emerald that’s when Diamond's mother and father came into the room and said are you okay sweetie. She looked at them and said yes I’m just really tired from not sleeping last night, Diamond's mother and father where laughing at her. She looked at them and said what’s so funny, her mother said when I was your age I was the same way. Diamond smiled and then said yeah, but it was fun. When it was the next day we all went to school and that's when everyone was looking at us. Aly said so why is everyone looking at us for, I looked at her and said umm I don’t know. Hope looked at them and said what you girls surprise that we are still here, the four girls walked away. Aly looked at Hope and said so what are we going to do if everyone keeps looking at us. Diamond said well we could tell the principle, Emerald said is that even a good idea. Lucy was looking away and then said I think we need to tell the principle now before it gets put of control. Aly is our new friend that Rebecca really likes, we all like her. Rebecca is very happy that her best friend was in the group, Aly said Rebecca I love being there friends. She looked at them and said well I needed friends like you girls, they all looked at her and then Diamond said I know how you feel. When school was over that's when we all went to Hope's house to do homework, Aly looked at us and said so what do you girls do for fun. Emerald looked at her and said well sometimes we go to parties or have a party here, Aly looked at her and said sounds like fun. Diamond said yeah it’s a lot of fun if you know what I mean, Aly looked really confused. Rebecca looked at Diamond and said what is your problem, she looked at her and said nothing. When it was the weekend that’s when we all went to a party, Aly said to Rebecca well this is my first party that I ever went to. Rebecca said well get use to it, Aly smiled. Aly was having a great time with her new friends, Hope looked at Aly and then said to Diamond well it looks like our new friend is enjoying the party. Everyone was lugging and having a good time, when the party was over that’s when all of us girls went to Aly’s house to sleep over. Her mother and father are really nice people, they said to enjoy. Emerald said this is a really nice home, Aly looked at her and said I know. Rebecca said I know it’s nice because I’ve been here a lot over the summer, Diamond said wow I love your house so much. Aly was smiling and said to us make yourselves at home, she also said you girls are more then welcome to come over anytime. When we got into Aly's room we all stopped and looked around, Rebecca said yeah I love this room and always will. Diamond looked at Aly's bed and said what that is a really big bed, Emerald said well I wish my room was as cool as this. Lucy said well what do you want to do tonight, I said well maybe we can get Aly's mother and father out of the house for the night l. Aly looked at us and said yeah I can do that, Aly went down stairs and said hey mom and dad I was wondering if you two can leave for the night because my friends and I went the house to ourselves. They looked at her and said sure we can do that, she was so happy that her mom and dad where leaving for the night. When they where gone that's when Aly came up stairs with a lot of drinks for us. We all looked at her and said well I guess we are having a party, she looked at us and said just all of us. Diamond said yeah I like that idea, I looked at them and said let's do this. We where all passed out but me I was awake, I heard the door opened. I went down stairs to see who was in the house, I was so scared to see who was in the house. When I saw the person I found a knife to protect me, when the person turned around that's when I freaked out and ran up stairs. I woke up everyone and they said what did you see, I told them that I saw it. They said who is it, I told them it was A from my mother's story. Emerald said what no it can’t be, Diamond said umm that's not good. Lucy freaked out and said what the hell is A doing here, Aly said umm I don’t know. Rebecca said well we are all going to die, I looked at her and said please calm down. When we where talking that's when we all heard someone come up the stairs, we all looked out the door and saw a person looking for us. I said we need to get the hell out of here now, Rebecca said umm how are we going to get the hell out of here. Lucy said we are on the second floor, Emerald said yeah umm we are definitely going to die. We all decided to hide from this person, when we heard the door opened that's when we all went quiet. I was about to cry because I was so scared to die, Rebecca was crying really quite. Lucy was shaking so bad, Diamond was ready to fight this person. When the person lift that's when we all went out of hiding, I said well that's was close. Rebecca was crying, Diamond very mad and Lucy was really shaking. I said to everyone to clam down, they all looked at me and said well let’s call the cops now please. When we called the cops that's when our parents came to see if we where all okay. When the cops came to the house to see if we where okay, that’s when they question us. I looked at the cop and said well I saw a person in the house, he looked at me and said did you get a good look at this person. I looked at him and said no I didn’t because I ran up the stairs, he looked at me and said thank you for your time. My mom and dad looked at me and said why would someone hurt you girls, I said well I think it’s because we are the mean girls at school. Aly the new girl to our group said umm so is this person going to be coming after us for now on, I looked at her and said I don’t know but I hope not. Emerald said how do we live life now when there is a killer out there, Diamond said umm well I think we need to forgot this some how. Rebecca looked at us and said looking down at the floor so umm are we safe or not, we all looked at her and said we don’t know. She was still looking at the floor and she was crying and then said our lives will be difficult now. I looked at her in shock when she said that, Aly said Rebecca I love you okay and I will always be here for you. Rebecca looked at her and said I know Aly and thank you so much for being here for me and my friends. Emerald looked at them and then looked at her mom and dad then said well I guess I have to go home now, Diamond said I have to go bye girls. When everyone was gone that’s when Aly said to her mom and dad well I don’t know if life will be the same for my friends and I. Aly's mom and dad said it will be different and difficult but you will get throw it sweetie. When Emerald got home that’s when her mom and dad looked at her and said so life will be different now, Emerald said I guess so looking at the floor crying. Diamond got home and her mom and dad looked at her and said my poor sweet girl, I can’t believe that you have to go throw this. When Rebecca got home that’s when her mom and dad said it will be different and difficult for now on but your friends and you will get throw this okay sweetie. When I got home that’s when my mom and dad said are you going to be okay sweetie heart, I looked at them and said looking at the floor crying no not really. Months pasted and my friends and I where having the best lives, I was going into collage. Rebecca was going to get married to Aly and is going to adopt a baby girl, Emerald is going to be a teacher. Diamond is going to go to New York City for a fashion show, we all looked at each other and then I said so this is goodbye for now. They looked at me and said yes this is but we will see each other before you know it. I was going to be a mother at a young age but my mom and dad will be there for me and the baby’s. It was going to be okay now and nothing could change that.


Chapter 4 Coming back home

It was 5 years when I last saw my friends, everything was different for me. I am the mother of two beautiful baby girls that are now 16 years old, my mom and dad are gone now but they got to see there grandkids grow up to be beautiful girls and smart ones too. Lucy unfortunately died of breast cancer, Diamond, Emerald Aly, Rebecca and I where very sad to here the news. I knew she is in a good place, my girls asked me about Lucy all the time. That’s how I keep her spirit alive, my girls names are Ruby and Sophie. I love them very much and I’m also very protective of them, like I was with my friends. When I heard that Diamond, Emerald, Aly and Rebecca where coming back to the home town that’s when I was excited to here about the good news. When they came to my house that my parents left me they said we are so happy to see you Haley. I was so happy to see them, I told them that my girls are now 16 years old and I was having another sit of twins. They looked at me and said good for you Haley, Aly and Rebecca said that they are adopting two more girls. I looked at them and said that’s great news. Emerald said well I got married, I looked at her and I was crying. Diamond said she had her first baby girl and boy, when I heard that I lost it. They all looked at me and said it’s okay Haley, no need to cry. I looked at them and said it’s been forever sense I seen you girls. Emerald said yeah it has been forever, Aly said yeah I know it has. My girls Ruby and Sophie looked at my friends and then looked at me, I said this are my friends that I was talking about. Ruby said oh well it’s nice to meet you all, Sophie said well it’s nice to meet you girls as well. When all my friends lift the house that’s when I told my girls we should get something to eat, they looked at me and said like what. I said umm maybe we can go out and eat tonight, the girls smiled and said yes. When my girls and I went out to dinner that's when I got a call from Aly, I answered it and she said we have a problem. I said I’m on my way, the girls looked at me and said what is going on mom. I said there is something wrong with one of my friends, when I got to Aly's house that’s when they looked at me and said umm so A tested us. I looked at them and said it’s been so long without herring about A, my girls looked at me and said umm who is A. I looked at them and said umm well A is like a killer that is coming after my friends and I again. The girls looked at each other and then said so umm we also got a text message from A too. I looked at them and said when did you get the text message from A, Ruby said it was last night. Sophia said yeah umm it was a threatening message, I looked at Sophia and said well now A is getting on my nerves. Aly said to me well my girl Maria also got a text message from A. I said what the hell is going on with this, Rebecca said I think A is coming after our kids who are 16 years old. I was so scared that A was going to take away my girls and also kill me and my unborn baby girls. Emerald looked at me and said are you okay, I looked at her and said umm I’m really worried about my girls and my unborn baby girls lives. We all stopped talking for a few minutes and then Hope said umm this is really bad. She looked at her phone and the text message from A said you all will die now even your kids will die too. I called the cops to see if they can track the phone that A is using. They said okay we are on it, I said thank you so much officer Nicholas. When I got off the phone with him that's when my daughter Ruby phone went off again, this time it was a phone call from A saying that if the cops get involved that she was going to die. I looked at the phone and said umm well we can’t go to the cops, everyone was looking at me when I said that. Emerald said umm I guess we all are in danger now again, but know our kids are in danger. Diamond said now we need to fine this person and but him or her in jail, Aly said this changes everything. Rebecca looked at her daughter’s and said well you girls need to fine a place that is safe okay sweeties. They looked at her and said okay mom we will and does Ruby and Sophie come with us too. I looked at them and said yes that's a great idea. When the girls lift with the cops that's when we all went to fine the killer or A. When we where at the place where A is that's when Emerald said umm is this a good idea. Diamond said yeah because we need to protect our kids, I looked at Emerald and said now we have a reason. When Aly said there is A we all went quiet, Rebecca said what is this person doing. I looked and said I think he or she is making a tarp for someone's. We all looked at each other and then Diamond said umm I hope that's not for our kids. Rebecca said umm yeah I hope not, Aly looked at Rebecca and said if it is for our kids then we will fight for them. Hope looked at me and said so are we going to go and see what this person is doing, I looked at her and said yeah but is that a good idea. Hope said yes it’s a good idea because we need to see what this person wants from us and our kids, when we all went into the house that’s when we saw lots of things. I was so scared and Diamond looked around and said well I guess this is where it all happens. When we where walking around that’s when we heard the door opened, I freaked out and ran to fine somewhere to hide. Hope looked at me and said what are we going to do, Diamond said umm we all need to be quite. When A came into the room that’s when I was shaking and Hope was crying really quietly. Aly looked around to see if she can fine something to hit A upside the head, Rebecca said what are you doing Aly. Aly looked at her and said I found something to hit A upside the head. When I saw what Aly was doing I decided to come out of hiding to make A look at me when Aly was going to hit A upside the head. I said to A what do you want from my friends, kids and I, A looked at me and said well I want pay back for what you girls did to me. I was shocked to here this and then I said why do you want pay back for. A looked at me and said well you girls have been very mean to me, I looked at him or her and said what did we do to you. A said umm you girls said to me that I look very ugly, I looked at him or her and said please don’t so this. A said well if you girls knew who I was then it will ruin everything that I am about to do. I looked at A and said what do you mean by that, A took his or her mask off. I was shocked to see who it was. He or she said my name is and he or she stopped and then put the mask back on. I looked at A and said what is your name, A looked at me and said I won’t tell you. When A was still talking to me that's when Aly came up and hit A upside the head. Emerald, Diamond, Rebecca, Aly, Hope and I looked at the person and then Hope said umm so what are we going to do about this. Diamond said yeah umm I don’t know, Aly said well let’s see who this person is. Everyone looked at Aly and said that’s a good idea, so when we where about to do that the person woke up. We all jumped and ran, I was so scared that A was now going to kill us all. Aly said so what the hell are we going to do now, Rebecca said we need to kill A now or A will kill our kids and us all. Diamond said so what are we supposed to do, Emerald said umm what about we just get back to our kids. Everyone looked at each other and then I said yeah let’s do that instead. When we got back to our kids that's when we all got a text message from A saying that now we all of us are in danger A. I was crying because I knew that there really isn’t much more we can do. Years pasted and the cops finally found A but we still don’t know who the person is. When we where watching the news that's when we saw who A is, I was afraid that it might be someone we all know. When the cops took of the mask it was Aly's sister Miranda, Aly couldn’t believe that her sister would do such a thing. Aly called her mom and dad to tell them that Miranda was A, they said yes we know and are very anger with your sister. Two months pasted and my kids Ruby and Sophie where all grown up, so was my friends kids. They all where going to college, I said goodbye to my girls and Aly, Rebecca, Emerald and Diamond said goodbye to there kids. My other girls where in high school about to go into seiner year. Aly and Rebecca kids where also going to college and they other baby girl was going to go into seiner year. Emerald two baby boys where going to into collage and her other baby boys where going to be going into seiner year. We where all happy to see our first kids all grown up, when they lift that's when life was going to be different for all of us.

Chapter 5 college year

Ruby, Sophie, Adrienne, Brenda, Tyler and Kaleb looked at each other and Sophie said well this is college. Tyler said yeah so where are we supposed to go, Adrienne said umm let’s see. Brenda said oh I think we need to go over there where all of the other people are going. Ruby said yeah umm let’s go and fine where our classes are, we all where looking for our classes and that's when one person came up to us and said so are you the people that survive the attack a year ago. Ruby looked at her and said umm you know it’s not your business. Brenda said that’s true, Tyler said now you need to get out of our way because we need to get to class. The person moved out of the way and we all looked at each other and Kaleb said well that was weird. Sophie said oh here it is, this is our class. Ruby looked at the class and said umm are you sure this is our class, Kaleb said I think so. We all went in to the classroom and sat next to each other, everyone looked at us and then the teacher said welcome new students. This is the best class you will ever be in, there is no bullying here in this class. Everyone said I don’t feel safe with these new people here like those kids. Tyler said what is everyone looking at, Ruby said umm and looked away. Brenda said stop looking at us, Kaleb said you guys are very mean. Sophie looked down at the floor felling embarrassed, when class was over we all looked at each other and then Ruby said well what are we going to do. Tyler said umm I don’t know exactly, Sophie looked at the floor and said I think we all should go home and not come back to college. Everyone looked at her and said are you okay, she said no. Brenda said we should go home because everyone keeps looking at us and it’s very uncomfortable. Ruby said okay let’s go home and never come back, Tyler said okay let’s do that. When all of the class was over that’s when we all went to see the principle to tell him we all can’t handle being here anymore. He looked at us and said why do all of you guys and girls can’t handle it, Ruby looked at him and said because everyone keeps coming up to us and saying that oh are you the people that survive the attack a year ago. He looked at us and said okay I understand now, he also said okay you all are welcome to leave. When we lift the principle office that's when we all went back to our home town, it was going to be different for all of us. When we got back to our home town and everything was different like Sophie knew it was going to be. Tyler said umm I don’t remember this ever being here, Adrienne said umm yeah same here. Ruby said okay so this town is changing a lot, Brenda said yeah it has changed but I like it though. Tyler looked at her and said umm are you crazy, she looked at him and said umm I’m not crazy. Sophie said why are you guys acting like kids, they all looked at her and then Kaleb said so where are our parents are. Ruby said they are over here, Sophie was so happy to see them. Also Sophie was happy to see Ruby and her sister's, when we all got to the house that all are parents. They all looked at all of us that’s when everyone was crying, when Ruby and Sophie saw there mom and dad that's when they where crying. Three days past and everyone was so happy to finally be together, we all went to go to see a really good movie. It was called stab, we all thought it was scary but it was really good. When we all got back to the really big house, that’s when Ruby and Sophie mom cooked a really big dinner. The days went by and the family lived happily with nothing to worry about.



Texte: Ashley Breen
Bildmaterialien: Ashley Breen
Cover: Ashley Breen
Lektorat: Ashley Breen
Korrektorat: Ashley Breen
Übersetzung: Ashley Breen
Satz: Ashley Breen
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.08.2021

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