
Back to the cathedral

A fiction about religion and romance

Saeed Anwer

This is entire olden time fiction about a thirty five years old church going lady living in village Dencastle, thirty five kilometers far away, in suburban of city Nottingham, In England. She is the first girl of Dencastle alone only daughter of her parent. Her family is the first to come and settled at church Dencasstle. There is no weapon in olden time but only rifle because I hate violence. Each character and places are imaginary except name of the City Nottingham because I love Robin Hood.
Village Dencastle
Village Den castle is located around Cathedral Dencastle, at thirty kilometers far away from City of Nottingham, at the bank of the river Coldstream. It’s suburban of the city Nottingham. There are many big farm houses of landlords, two kilometer far away from the hamlet Dencastle. This small hamlet was existed due to cathedral Dencastle which had been built by a religious landlord. Those landlords are very rich. They are traders of horses. They also keep cows and lambs in big herds. They sell horses, milks, and lambs to slaughter and some farming products like Potatoes, some vegetables, food for horse, going to city Nottingham.
The Cathedral had been built by the grandfather of the forth grandfather of the landlord Peter who is John’s father who lives five kilometer far from hamlet Den-castle, in the farm house, before three hundred and fifty years. A hamlet Dencastle existed due to a small population of poor people who lost their property in different circumstances and resorted to Cathedral. Cathedral provided habitants to them and their habitants made hamlet Den castle.
Vicar of Den castle is very good man of God. He is kind, honest, generous, god fearing, helpful, and sincere person. He is always ready to help needy people. He looks after the church himself along with his kind wife. He teaches the Holy Bible to those boys and girls who come to church when they have spare time. In his spare time he goes to people’s habitant and visits people. He asks them all about their situation of daily life and if there is someone needy person he helps him. If he is not able to do so he talks to land lords who visits church every now and then and encourages them to help poor, saying them story of the Holy Bible, so due to hard work of vicar there is very good environment of Christianity around Cathedral. Poor people who live Hamlet Den castle are very much careful about Christianity and believing in Jesus. In short, all progress is going on around this area, is due to a vicar who is serving people of god sincerely. Its told when people take care of church which is called home of god, then church pray for people around it and people make progress to live their life being real human being saving themselves from satanic activity which god doesn’t like. So there is very important role of Church and priest in our life. All Churches get their blessing from church of Holy Land and holy land gets blessing from the heaven. So we must respect our church to protect our religion for our life otherwise we’ll lost faith for God who is God of Abraham who is the creator of the whole universe.
It’s evening time. Day is turning darker and going to be changed into the night. The birds are singing their prayers at their nests. All domestic animals have taken place at their habitants. All men of Den castle village are coming back to home from their work and women are preparing fire for cooking dinner, waiting for their man who will arrive soon with food from the wages, they have earned today.
There is a beautiful scenery of nature could be seen at the cathedral made of white stones. Its whiteness which was shining with light of day is turning darker with arrival of night. A new day of history of the world, going to be end with attack of a new night of history of the world, saying god bye to the earth and warning the new innocent night not to be arrogant on its borne because each creation living or nonliving have to leave this world sooner or later in accordance with the desire of the Creator. All young unmarried girls are singing hymn at the church in chorus. Their voice is making a still evening happy.
Girls hymn ends. They leave cathedral and take their way to home saying good bye to Vicar’s wife, who is after some of lambs which are still grazing in campus of cathedral. She takes them with a meter long stick to shed.
Soon the dark takes its charge on the earth and changes day into the new night. Vicar goes to close the main gate of the Cathedral. As he holds a panel of gate a horse man arrives at the gate. The horse man gets off the horse and ties it with the log and advances to enter the gate. Vicar tries to identify him in dark but it’s too dark to identify anything.
The gentleman comes to the gate. As he enters the gate, vicar speaks out.
Who are you the gentleman?
Gentle man stops from sudden voice and says
Oh, vicar, it’s me, Peter.
Mr. Peter it’s you, come on. Is everything ok? Vicar asks.
Vicar knows him very well. This is a land lord Mr. Peter, forty years old gentle man with very kind heart, whose forefather had built this cathedral two hundred and fifty years ago. Since then they have been taking care of this Cathedral. Even if they don’t come to attend church regularly, each man of his family has been very generous to help the church financially.
Mr. Peter has very close intimacy with church since childhood because his father left him in childhood. He is the only person in his well to do family. He has old mother who never left him after his father’s death, even if she was a young and wealthy lady. She spent her life to bring peter up so Mr. Peter never let her be unhappy for a while. He never eats without her and never sleeps before she slept.
He has a beautiful and loving wife, he brought getting married from an orphanage of Nottingham where he went to supply lambs at age of twenty three years. When he got at orphanage it was noon of winter so he asked for drinking water. A beautiful eighteen years old young girl came with a jug of cold and sweet water. She was wearing gray color long dress which was also hiding her feet. She was so beautiful that he could not wink and was quenched. He went to the manager of the orphanage and purpose for her. Soon he got married with her and brought her in his life.
After two years they had baby boy John then after four years they had another baby boy Michael then after six years they had another boy Mike but her third delivery was left her very weak. Her body produces blood hardly so she needs rest but due to family of six people she has to work and it consumes her blood fast and she doesn’t recover. Mr. Peter always worries about her. Both husband and wife love each other more than anything. He never wants to lose her at any rate. He comes always to pray in church for her long life.
Both Mr. Peter and Vicar come to vicar’s home and sit. Room was lighted with a candle and Mrs. Vicar was cooking in the kitchen.
What did bring you here at this time? Said Vicar
I have come to talk you about my wife. She isn’t doing well. She needs rest and it’s her medicine so I m very confuse. I prayed to the lord and offered a lunch for poor boys of Village Dencastle for her long life.
Well Mr. Peter it’s very good idea. May god bless her long life, Amen, said vicar.
Mr. Peter took out a small bag of cloth and put it into the Vicar’s hand. It was some amount of money for lunch of poor boys.
Mr. Peter didn’t stop a moment and got out of vicar’s home saying him for prayer.
Vicar looked at the money. Kissed with smile on his face and thanking god in heart, he took the candle and walked to the church.
Mrs. Vicar, whose ear is always alert for anything, which enters in the cathedral campus, listened to everything from behind of wall, followed Vicar.
“Where you going dear, I have safe place to keep them” she told holding him.
Vicar stopped and replied, “No dear it’s God’s money so I think it’s safe in his hand”.
She got angry upon his answer and returned back to her kitchen. Vicar entered the church and closing his eyes began praying.
Dear lord you are the owner of the whole universe and all the wealth of it. You have given me charge of wealth for some of poor children, please give me the power to do my duty sincerely for the sake of you and bless the woman with great recovery and help her family. Amen.
He opened the closet which was in the corner of church and put them in and locked.
It was morning. It had been three hours of sun rising. Whole village men had already reached at their work and began duty. Women had also finished their household work of morning and now were preparing for going to the river for washing clothes and grazing their pets.
Main gate of the cathedral was still closed. Mariana a thirty five years old lady still single, beautiful, religious and with very kind heart, Five feet four inches tall, with perfect figure of thirty six twenty four thirty six, in long off white dress, who was walking by cathedral with two kids of lamb in her hand that ran away from her home, playing race with each other. They were too young to graze alone far away from home due to some loafer dogs.
As Mariana passed by gate of the cathedral, she stopped herself looking at the closed gate. She walked to the Gate and pushing hardly with her right foot opened the gate. She entered the campus of cathedral, put kids down, and advanced to the home of vicar which was five meters far away from cathedral. When she arrived at the door, one panel of the door was opened so she didn’t care to knock at the door and entered in. As she entered in, there was big bang into the room because of a one and half feet high bronze pot which was laying in a way and collided with Mariana’s feet.
Its sound made vicar and his wife awake from close sleep. Vicar wife screamed and uncovered the blanket in which they were hidden necked sticking to each other, on the wooden bed in the corner. There was a window on wall; it was open so this scene was very clear for audience.
“Oh my god, I m so, so, so, sorry” spoke Mariana keeping her hand on her eyes, sat down covering her head into her lap between two knees, holding her thumb of right foot which was injured due to collision.
Vicar, who was shocked, got off the bed and ran outwards for bathroom. He began pouring water with a bowl from a bucket full up with water because he knew it was late morning and he was too late for today.
“It is ok Mariana, don’t worry and please give me that dress” Mrs. Vicar told to her, pointing to the dress that was hanging on the opposite wall, she was fully hidden in blanket except her head and right hand.
Mariana stood up, took the dress, gave it to Mrs. Vicar. She wore it while sleeping, sat down on the bed and started laughing very loudly. Mariana also couldn’t stop her from laughing loudly. Both laughed few moments then relaxed.
“I didn’t know it. I saw gate closed and came to see you. Door was opened and I broke into”
Mariana exhaled words, standing opposite to Mrs. Vicar. Both were almost same age, the closest friend of each other since Vicar’s father died and he came to take charge of Cathedral Dencastle from Nottingham before seventeen years. There was no house except Mariana’s home, her neighbor old lady and two more family. It was Sabbath, she was at church along with all people of Dencastle, her granny introduced them with newly came couple of God loving Vicar and his wife. Seventeen years old Mariana sighed of loveliest comfort because she first time saw a lady of her age who cast a gorgeous smile on her when their sights faced to each other. Their first meeting turned into the great relation, closer than anything, may be they were two parts of a single substance. Their friendship made a Mariana too, a great Christian lady with pure and sincere heart, facing each day of the life into the limit of the border of Christianity by practicing, not by an oral claim of to be Christian. Mrs. Vicar, brought up in Nottingham among high profile people, was a great talented, with enriched characteristics, god loving but romantic figure of human female which carved each high quality of human nature into Mariana. She also taught her reading and writing that dissolved sweetness of Holy book along with unique less wisdom of pious people to Christ tradition, into the Mariana’s blood.
“Don’t worry Mariana, thanks god it was you. What happened if it was someone else?” Mrs. Vicar said.
“You were still in bed? Is it hard to get off sex?” Mariana Asked laughing.
“No its not but you know, last night there came a landlord, he gave money for lunch for the children of village, he will do this forever. I and my husband were too happy. We prayed a lot to God, we thanked, and we couldn’t sleep even after midnight. We planed and planed and planed about arrangement of lunch then later smile on vicar’s sexy face produce desire of sex in my heart. Sex made me out of control and I attacked the vicar and never let him leave me at all. You know its deferent enjoyment of sex when we happy and have sex suddenly, because waiting for sex finishes half of sex and sex while fresh mind give great pleasure. Oh god it was awesome night, I love vicar, I love vicar, I will make a great lunch for him today” Mrs. Vicar lectured nonstop.
Mariana shook her head left-right couple of times, with smile on her closed lips.
“May god bless you with a great husband like land lord” Mrs. Vicar blessed for her.
“I can only dream of it on this age. My youth is going to be finished and soon I will be old woman with no teeth in my mouth” replied Mariana making her face.
Disappointment could be really seen on her face.
“You were in awesome pose sticking to each other as if you had won over your competitor and rode on him turning him down the land” said Mariana.
Really? Mrs. Vicar asked surprisingly with smile.
Mrs. Vicar got down the bed and stood up. She holds both hand of Mariana; both began going round and round and round like two little girls, Mrs. Vicar Spook…
“We both always pray for you and we hope sure god will send someone in your life some one young with gorgeous face. Youth of manhood will be overflowing from his face, someone who will break your virginity holding you in his lap, kissing you on your lip.”
Amen, amen, amen. Hundred times amen, says Mariana and both sped rounding up.
There was loud voice from bath room calling Mrs. Vicar
“Oh I must go” Mrs. Vicar left Mariana’s hands.
“Me too it’s too late ok bye see you later” Mariana said and walked to kids and took her way to home.
Mariana arrived at home; her granny was setting heaps of pots which were before her house. Mariana’s granny and mother make pots of mud, when they are dried put them on fire for finished material then they sell them for collecting water for drinking and other use. It is their little home business. As Mariana arrived at doorstep her granny looked at her angrily…………
Where had you gone at early morning? Don’t you care to say me or your mother? She scolded her.
Respected Mariana didn’t utter a word in reply, putting kids down joined with her works. Her granny scolded and scolded and scolded increasing her tone which made her mother comes out. Looking at her mother her granny murmured……
“Look Anny, your daughter, she goes away without permission comes very late and never responses. I’m tired of her.”
Where have you been dear? Her mother asked her.
Still Mariana was silent.
“Answer me please?” her mother forced her.
“Granny has seen mother, I came with kids I went to find them. I’m not a little girl. I understand everything”. Mariana told and entered into the house angrily.
”Keep watch on your daughter or do something for her. Go to Nottingham, see your family and tell them about her, they will find any old man for her. There are so many in Nottingham.” her Granny told her mother angrily.
Mariana’s mother made her face in anger, shook her head left -right couple of times and squeezing her feasts of both hands entered the house, leaving her mother in law working at pots alone.
John is a fifteen years old boy, the first son of landlord Mr. Peter. He’s just finished a fifteen and entered into sixteen. Sixteen has created some extraordinary manhood power in him. Before someday, after his fifteen birthdays, when he was sleeping on bed in his room his mother scolded him for something and told he was not then a boy, he had turned to sixteen.
On listening his mother’s words, he told himself “I’m not a boy, so who am I?” his heart answered him very loudly which broke his ears; you are a man, man, man, man, a land lord. This answer of his heart provoked him. He jumped high above one or two feet and came back to the down but it dug the land beneath his mind. His mother had already left the room. He rolled his eyes around the room, He turned his body, and he was in complete missionary position of sex. He put his pillow under his belly and laughed. Oh I m a man that’s why I see wet dream, oh god, that’s why I can’t sleep properly without thinking, oh god, that’s why I need something to play with my lip, to play with my hand, to play with my leg, to play with my belly While sleeping. I need something, I need something, it is girl he told himself and lost in fantasy. Girl fantasy excited him and he did what he should not have done. It was his first experience of adulthood. He had first sex in fantasy. It made his pant wet, he was frightened his body was shivered. When his body was cold, he laughed and laughed and laughed, got down the bed and walked to the bathroom because he was man now. Not a boy.
He was a sixteen years old man. Oh so sorry, not a man, a land lord man, like his father Peter Anderson. He was now Mr. John Mr. Peter Anderson. Age sixteen had brought wet dreams in his life in sleep but at first, he didn’t care much about it. He used to forget it in the morning but his mother’s word made him really man. Sometimes words affects too much in someone’s life. It changed John’s life.
John is five feet ten inches tall, still growing tall, very fair skin, athlete body, when he was shirtless, he would make any female from fifteen to fifty die for him. There was very different environment in landlords society they were very rich. They didn’t have to go to salute sheriff. He came to salute them himself. Their society had their own traditions. All women always tried to overtake other in fashion, clothes, cooking, home decorating, etc.
All men were always busy in their trading. Trading was their life. They were very experts of horses, cows and lambs. Any landlord of Nottingham province would say about horses, cows and lambs of anywhere any time because they were born experts of them. This trading lived in their vein. They made a lot of money by trading and money made them extraordinary. They had different attitude than normal people because they believed they were great people. They believed, they were Christian but they didn’t care about Christianity. They said it’s enough to say we believe in Jesus to be a Christian. Money has changed them, changed their attitudes, their beliefs, their lifestyle, their tradition, their behavior.
When aged person were in such attitude then what to say about youth? They weren’t behind of them. They were two steps advanced to them. Boys or girls had their own developed culture. They were free to do anything so they did what they wanted to do, if by doing something they got in trouble their money got them out of it so money was their power, money was anything for them. They didn’t care of anything because they borne to be carefree and enjoyed life till life himself warned them about something. They had party, they drank, they raced on horses, and they roamed anywhere their desire took them.
John was also a part of landlords’ youth but deference was that there were some rules he had to follow because of his father. His father wasn’t like other landlords. He had very deferent attitude he was religious, carful about family and friends, he was one of great and well known landlord traders around Nottingham due to his great attitude so John was not as free as other landlord young boys.
This morning when he got free from his duty, he went to his company of landlord young boys. There was a national high way road which passed through landlord’s farms to Nottingham which was busy at day time. There was couple of shops on that way with a hotel, a carpenter shop, a shoemaker shop, a lodge for travelers, and some of shop had different products. Hotel was very famous for landlords where they came to have tea, coffee, snack, wine etc. and it’s especially famous for landlord gathering. All landlords decided their trading rules and plans seating there having party.
John arrived at the hotel on horse. Hotel was made of long poles of wood as wall and open from front side. It was covered with dried reeds. He was so fast that he couldn’t stop his horse at the hotel and advanced some meters far. Turning his horse he came to the hotel. He got off the horse and tied it with other horses of landlords. Today he was changed completely. He was wearing overcoat on shirt, long boot and hat on his head like an aged landlord. He walked to a youth landlord group of five young men around thirteen to twenty five years ages. They were having tea with dried finger length sticks of deer meat on a table. John advanced to them in landlord style, greeted them hello in higher tone. John’s extraordinary behavior and look, stopped everyone mouth chewing food and hands where they were. They shocked for a moment and started to see one another, widening their eyes. John arrived at their table, took off his hat with left hand and with thumb and index finger of right hand, he picked a stick and bouncing it some feet high he coached it with mouth and ordered to hotelman for a cup of tea with little sugar, taking place on the table beside Stiffen, a twenty three years old, the oldest young man among them. All young men laughed, and laughed and laughed, made a lot of fun of him.
Because John always feared of his father and could not live freely like them, they used to say him Slave. Stiffen hit on his thigh with hand hardly and told.
Hey slave what is this? What changed you like this? And he squeezed his thigh couple of times. It made him bit sexually excited because of recently changes.
He uttered “oh no, I‘m excited because I m not a boy I m a man now”, holding his color of overcoat.
What? What? Many of them simultaneously spoke.
“I’ m a man now, all rascals; I have a power you know”, John said proudly.
“Oh Jesus, it means his bell rang”. Stiffen joked looking at others pointing to John with finger, laughing loudly.
“Wow! Now bull needs cows”. Simon eighteen years old closed to his family added.
Anthony a twenty one years old married young man stood up from his place and settled him beside John, (so now John is between Stiffen and Simon, put his hand on John’s shoulder and whispered with stiffen
”so dude let’s take him to enjoy tonight” others put their ears to listen to their talk.
“Yo,ho, yeh we must, I see slave has got free now” told stiffen squeezing him with Simon.
“So what is plan dude tonight? Are you ready to come with us at club?” Asked Simon
“Huh, at night? No, no, I’m not allowed dude” John replied.
WO, wo, wo slave is still slave. Poor, I think bull didn’t overflew said thirteen years old Smith who was over wise.
Was your pant dirty with red? Asked Joe another seventeen years land lord to make fun of John.
John didn’t reply.
How was color man? Prove your adulthood us dude.
After some confusion John said “it was creamy like butter”.
Really! Then bull overflew indeed, cleared stiffen and all clapped their hand laughing loudly, making fun of him and made him pay bill of hotel. It was party from John.
John felt pride among them.
Really! John has been growing differently since today. Why not, future great man always grows differently by the grace of God.
Day was going fast. It’s nearly one hour remained for time to change day from pm to am. Angry Mariana was sleeping in the corner of her house front room. She was lying on land which had neither tiles nor wood but only flat soil. Her granny made her upset in the morning and she slept without having breakfast. She had just lain down to be relaxed but she was sleepy after some fantasy of married life and sexual relation between man and woman. The morning scene of Vicar’s home let some romantic thinking allowed in her mind. Eventually she was a complete female of human being who was losing her romance time. She was very religious because Mrs. Vicar was her best friend and her company affected her in God relation. She was very safe from adultery the commandment of God. She kept her busy in all day to house hold work and when she was free she prayed to God.
Dolly one of the street sixteen years old single girls entered her house. Seeing sleeping Mariana she came to her and tried to wake her up with right foot while standing. Mariana woke up and sat down rubbing her eyes.
What made you sleep yet, are you not ok? Dolly asked.
“No I’m fine, I just lay and got sleepy” told Mariana setting her hair right with both hands and yawning.
“Let’s go to river, I have lots of clothes to wash today” said dolly.
“Ok let me have something, I m so hungry then we set off” Mariana replied.
Dum……Dum……Dum…….Dum……. there was noise of drum in the street.
It gathered all the people of the street in circle, eager to know what Vicar wanted to announce them who was waiting for the last one continuously playing drum. Soon there were circle of all the people of street of women, old men who is unable to work, all unmarried girls and innocent children of one day to nine years who never care anything out of playing. All man including boy from age ten to up had gone to work at landlord’s farmhouse.
When they all gathered, vicar began his speech---
” in the name of the Holy God all praise belong to him and whole universe is under his control, he is the lord of each and every creature. Everything is his property, he listens to each who is faith full to him. He helps to him who ask for him. Oh our dearest lord we thank thee for your kindness to us. Bless them who have helped us for thy pleasure and give him best reward. Amen……………. “
Dear people of Dencastle you always believed me and listened to me with your great trust in me and the Holy God. I always used to say to be patient and continue to come in church regularly so our lord almighty has helped you and arranged a lunch for your children for ever. So, o people of Dencastle thank our lord and pray him so he keeps his blessing always upon us and give his mercy to us to adhere to church and to Christianity forever….
As he finished his speech, all people jumped with glad and recited praise words of Holy Bible.
Is it not for people like me Vicar? Asked Gordon the oldest man of the Dencastle who was lame with his right leg and couldn’t go for work so he always had to listen to his son and daughter in law and he was a burden for them.
Vicar kept mom for a while then told “why not, though it’s for children, there is no problem for people like you”.
“Go all children to church” a lady told to children and they all started to go towards the church making noise.
“Wait, wait, wait please not now” told vicar and stopped the children.
Please send them when it’s really noon and lunch time, don’t send them early please ladies. Vicar Implored.
Ok, ok all aged women spook and turned to their house without thanking vicar but Mariana and all young girls stayed there and went to near vicar, they were nine in number who were ten to sixteen years of ages except Mariana, first they thanked and then they asked him if he needed their help.
“You most welcome girls; they are thirty in numbers including you all unmarried girls, because we have included all single girls in church so it’s easy for us to prepare but if you wish you can come early for help to Mrs. Vicar” told Vicar.
Vicar was very careful. He had all record of Dencastle population and also about nearby farm houses.
All girls happily took way to cathedral because soon it was goona be noon and lunch invitation to poor people had already made them hungry. All little children were jumping with glad.
There were noises of children on the verandah of the church. They were seating in two rows opposite to each other. As vicar arrived on verandah, shouting them to be quite with long stick in his right hand, there was silence. Vicar began to walk in middle of two rows, praying verses of Holy Bible.
“Everything is ready father” a young girl came and told.
“Ok then bring them here” vicar replied.
Girl turned back running. It was first day and every one’s face was bloomed with smile. Children eyes were in direction of Vicar’s home, waiting for their first lunch. They were sure that they would have lunch today with full of stomach. Their mouths were watered with test of lunch. The most important thing was that the children had been assured with words of Vicar who always taught them about God and God’s mercifulness. Hearts of innocent children, who were free of responsibility of life and always knew that there was nothing but play, are now full with trust on God. There was a big change in their blank mind. This was a real period of carving their mind towards Christianity and love of the God. Really the holy god has opened the gates of his mercy upon Dencastle.
All Girls along with Mrs. Vicar arrived with lunch. Sara and Jennet ten and eleven years old respectively, started putting a dish and a bowl up before each child, Dolly and Lucy were pouring lamb gravy meat to their dishes and Mariana was filling their bowls with cow’s sweet milk while Slim and softy Linda was serving bread before children. The first Lunch was great and water of everyone’s mouth began overflowing outside now, it was too difficult to be patient. Gordon the old lame man who never had had food till he was full, couldn’t stop himself,
“Sorry father I can’t wait for prayer” took bowl of milk and poured into his stomach with a very big sip. All children kept looking at him uttering “wow”. Vicar couldn’t wait more, and began prayer.
“In the name of father, the lord of the universe we start our foods. Dear lord almighty, by this food give us power who make our brain think of you, give us power which fight our desire which is against you and, and keep us always towards you to serve Christianity. Amen.
“Ok now start your lunch” commanded vicar and all children jumped on their food. Vicar eyes were full of tears seeing all children, having food with extraordinary glad on their faces. Moreover they were smiling looking at one another.
Vicar entered the church and stood before God closing his eyes and began to pray “Dear lord it’s thy favors upon Cathedral Dencasle and Village Dencasle. You have started with children, I hope they will be full always with their stomach and they will never be crazy of foods ever after and I hope you also will send your mercy upon all the rest of the people of Dencasle.
All children had been having lunch until they were full. Some had more milk then some had more meat. Even old lame Gordon had milk three full of bowls. All dishes were empty and no one was asking for more because they were full. They had had so much food that today they won’t be hungry tonight.
“Ok then you all has done! Haven’t you?” asked vicar.
“Yes father” there was reply and Vicar began after prayer, all children took their way with joy, with smile on their faces, with great feelings of love and faith in God in their hearts.
“Now it’s your turn honorable ladies, thank you all for your services” Vicar said and he was about to go. As he was about to go Mariana called “wait father, we’re not gonna go to have it without you, so please have lunch with us. “
“Please father” requested all others girls too.
People loving, sincere and kind Vicar said as fun “how can I join you without permission of your mistress, incharge of the lunch?”
All girls looked at Mrs. Vicar; she made her face speaking “man is not allowed”. Meanwhile Lucy and Dolly arrived with washed dishes and bowls, Lucy just sat down taking a bowl and dish saying….
“Serve me lunch please!”
She raised her hand with a bowl for milk, Mariana filled it up, and she started drinking like a hungry dog saying, “sorry Father, no prayer, we already prayed with children”.
All girls laughed loudly and took their places. Vicar also joined them saying prayer. They all had lunch with great joy till they were full but still there was milk left.
First lunch was served successfully. All praised the Lord and girls began washing dishes again.
“For whom you have left this big pan?” Mrs. Vicar said to see big pan in which meat was cooked, because no girl had washed as big as it before. Softy, sweet Linda stood to wash it and taught each to how to wash big pot. All girls along with Mrs. Vicar surprised. Linda was so intelligent girl. She was from gipsy tribe. Her father was drunk. He drank too much when he returned from work and always fights with her mother. She is eldest sister of her parent’s three daughters. Before her birth her parents ran away from Nottingham because her father injured a man seriously while fighting. They resorted at Cathedral Dencastle. Vicar helped them and soon they were part of Village and they had three girls. Her mother was very strict and trained her as a woman because there was no single girl after twelve or thirteen in their clan so she thught now it’s time for her marriage. She and her mom also had to go to work some time and responsibility had made her talented. She always talked like a woman and all girls made fun of her, today also she did what only experienced woman could do. Eventually first lunch ended happily & successfully.
It was cold afternoon. It had been slow raining since morning. Weather was slightly dark. Old people were wearing sweater and muffler. John’s granny had been murmuring since morning as if whole amount of cold was at John’s home. She was shivering just in slightly cold weather seating near fire. John’s mother came to her and offered her roasted meat with bread in a dish. She was wishing a bowlful warm soup so she got angry to see the dish and screamed so loudly that her scream rattled the entire house and disturbed the sweet fantasy of young fresh landlord John.
John was at home today due to rain and cold, weather didn’t allow him to get out of warm blanket. He woke up at morning but because of the disturbance of weather, he didn’t go to take care of business and got again into the bed. His fresh adulthood didn’t let him concentrate elsewhere. When he got free from work and company of land lord he would like to be lost in sweet fantasy. He got angry with granny’s scream and came out shouting at her. Her granny didn’t reply and kept her head down. John shouted and shouted now and again because his granny has disturbed him. His mother quickly arrived at there, scolded him and made him get out of the home.
Having taken light lunch John came out. He took his horse and rode towards his favorite seating place at the hotel with the hope of company of some friends. At the hotel there were no more people, today was slightly silent. Hotelman was snoring covering his eyes in muffler and reclining with wooden wall behind his counter seat. Young waiter was watching a card game which was been playing by four young landlords. They were stiffen, Anthony, Simon, and Martin who were John’s close friend. Anthony and Martin were married when Simon and Stiffen were still single and very fond of wine and woman. They always used to go to a club at place called Midtown some six kilometers far away, in the way to Nottingham where there was a market at each Saturday evening. They both spent their Sunday at the club, drunken with woman.
John arrived at the hotel and got off the horse. He tied his horse and joined the company. They welcomed John with great pleasure and ordered coffee to waiter.
“Poor slave has to work in rain too” Simon began.
“I wasn’t working dude” John said punching on back of Simon.
What had you been doing then since morning? Anthony asked.
“Nothing just lying on the bed” John replied.
On bed! Poor man goona be insane in control of his father Stiffen commented and made everyone laughed. Now their meeting was interested, his friends got a football to kick because they had been playing cards since morning and now they were bored. So John was real refreshment for them. They started to make fun of John, commenting turn by turn.
Waiter bought a jug full up with coffee and five glasses in a tray, he put them down, served each of them glass full with hot coffee then said “here is jug sir if you want more”
“Ok man, it’s not enough today, get ready for two more jugs” Anthony said.
“Huh, what a lovely coffee is! John exclaimed taking first sip.
Lost in fantasy of sex, John was trying to get chance for sex talk. He was eager to know about sex. There was nothing but sex only in his mind, his fresh adulthood had made him insane. He tried to start talking about sex.
Isn’t today cool men? My legs are not staying stable today they are shaking again and again, John told strangely.
“Hey man it’s all due to sexual power, you are man now and your legs are shaking due to white butter, didn’t you say before some days” Simon said.
Huh, I don’t think butter is in leg, John spook.
“It’s in leg and if you don’t have sex then it’s dangerous for your leg so have sex as soon as possible” commented Anthony.
“Huh, how can I have sex? I don’t have even girlfriend, my father hates it. And I don’t know how to sex”. John said surprisingly because he wanted to know more and more about sex.
“Do you want to have sex? Come with us tonight at pub there are so many girls, they will teach you how to do sex” said Stiffen.
“But at night I m not allowed to get out of the home” said John
Don’t worry; run away when your family slept. We will return before its morning.
John kept thinking and his friends laughed looking at each other. Simon signed with his eyes to Stiffen for make more fun.
”What you say then are you ready to have your first sex?” Stiffen asked setting his cards.
Martin tried to make him ready by threatening him commenting, “Dude if you’ll not have sex then your male won’t develop longer so it’s important to have sex in early period. It’s my experience. I did it in early time, at your age, so I have very long and my wife is so happy”.
“And I made mistake in early time so my wife isn’t happy with me in sex” accelerated Anthony
“You know that’s why his wife comes to me always” Simon spook and all laughed loudly. Anthony punched Simon and told please don’t do it again”. They all tried to encourage John and John tried to make his mind. He spook slowly “ok I will come but please we’ll return before morning “.
“Don’t worry dude, we’ll. Have more meat at night ok” Simon said.
“Why more meat?” John asked.
”Because it increases sexual power so start taking meat from now” told Simon
They all commented one by one and misguided him. His new experience of manhood was taking him towards sex. John was little depressed by his sexual erection and now he wanted to do anything for sex. Poor John!
Its dinner time and all Johns’ family were around dining table having dinner. His granny was looking so happy with bowl of chicken soup in her hand, sipping with loud voice but John was so much angry because of no meat today on dinner. His mother got tired preparing chicken soup and potato chips.
“I don’t like this old people dish, I m a man now I will eat only meat” John said.
What are you saying my son? You know soup is also too nice for man and why are you caring about food now? You are still boy, dear his father told.
No dad I’m man now, I must care about everything John replied angrily.
Look Martha, we need to get him married, listen to me, my son, your mother has no time to take care of you. Mr. Peter told him.
Her granny laughed and spook “my little John need little lady”.
His both younger brothers laughed loudly. It made John angry more, he stood up and walked away throwing spoon on the table.
He went into his bedroom and lain down on bed pretending sleepy, covering blanket. After some time his mother arrived slowly in bedroom. First he shouted in slow voice to check wither he was awake or not, then she uncovered blanket from his face. John didn’t open his eyes and kept pretending sleepy. His mother kissed on his cheeks, spook “my poor son didn’t even change the clothes” then she left room closing door.
John kept sleeping for a while then sat down. He assured that everyone was on their bed then he opened the door slowly and walked to gate with silent steps. It was too difficult to open the gate because gate was made of iron and opening the Nob was noisy so he tried to climb up the wall and he succeeded. He jumped down carefully and walked to stable. Taking his horse he walked to main gate of farmhouse. As he got out of his farmhouse, he jumped to ride the horse. Having taken the seat well he heeled the horse towards hotel where his both friends were waiting.
“You are too late fella, we are waiting since ages” said Simon.
I couldn’t be able before my family slept.
They all rode their horses towards Midtown. It was night and weather was cold so it made John little shiver but their horses were so quick that they arrived at midtown within an hour. Their horses stopped at the club. There were some lanterns burning outside the club hanging with roof end. It was built in round shape. Outside of it, there were so many horses tied with pegs on its wall. There was a big door with two panels. The door keeper was sitting against door, spreading both legs forward, closing his eyes, half slept with a long rifle on his shoulder.
As they reached the door, door keeper stood up rubbing his eyes. All of three removed their muffler from head and showed him their faces. Door keeper was familiar with Simon and Stiffen but he tried to stop John saying boy and it made John angry. Simon told gatekeeper that he was his cousin brother and he left him. Having checked their faces doorkeeper let them in, opening door and they were swallowed by the club in.
Inside the club there was celebration. The hall was lighted with so many candles and lanterns. In the exact middle of the club there was circular platform some feet high surrounding with round bars. There were five footsteps to climb up the platform. Simon put off his shirt, tied with his waist and climbed up the platform shirtless, on which there were so many beautiful young girls dancing along with few men on noisy music. Simon also joined them. He went to a beautiful girl who was wearing short dress somewhat longer than his hips; his big, beautiful breast was half naked. Simon held her both hands, they were accelerating their dance slowly kissing each other. This scene made John feel dizziness. His legs started losing balance, his blood circulated faster. His heart beat started increasing and he was out of his conscious as if he was in dream, not real.
There were a lot of young ladies half naked from down, half naked from up. Their open legs, tight hips, half open breast some big or some medium size startled his sexual feeling. His eyes were not stable on one girl, it was continuously moving from one to others. His eyes were looking for something on their thighs. He was eager to see their naked thighs. This scene made him sexually excited. Stiffen came to him with two bottles of wine. He was drinking one, with other he offered him. Poor John frightened first and denied but stiffen put it in his mouth by force; he had to take some sips.
“Are you enjoying dude?” Stiffen Asked.
Yeh, they are gorgeous, awesome, sexy, beautiful I like it. Answered John without looking at Stiffen sipping wine, looking at girls, he didn’t know he had finished bottle.
“Select one from them.” Stiffen commanded.
Which one?
Anyone you wish.
I can’t. I’m afraid.
Don’t be afraid, they are for us. Do select.
Please help me to select, I don’t know who good one is.
“Let’s go” Stiffen grabbed his hand, they walked to platform. John was glad but his heartbeat was increasing.
Stiffen introduced him with a twenty three years old lady who was drop dead gorgeous wearing a red very much tight dress from half of her breast to bit longer than her knee. She was jumping with high heel sandals like a dancing peacock; she had very big white boobs which were trying to get out from her tight dress. Stiffen held her hands, greeted her …
“Hi Stella this is my new friend John, looking for his first sex, I think you are better to train him”
“of Corse, I’ will, I like fresh rooster” she turned to John holding his both hand began to dance with him. As she held his hands his body shivered with strong push. He started sweating in cold. His sexual excitement arose like a fire flame. Stiffen left handing him over her, to look for new girls for him. Both Simon and Stiffen always tried to have fun with fresh girl. John frightened to see him go, he was about to say him stop but he couldn’t.
“Hi, how are you Mr. John? Are you not early for sex? It seems you have very strong power, you seem to be gorgeous landlord with gorgeous attitude.” Stella told him squeezing his both hand tightly.
John’s heartbeat was increasing as if he was in the hands of death angel, he couldn’t speak a single word out except a sweet smile. His smile was so sweet that it exhibited his white shining teeth which startled Stella.
“Your smile is more beautiful than you” saying this she put her both lips on his lips gently for long and during this kiss she also inserted her tongue into his open mouth and turn it up down to touch John’s tongue. This hot touch set a strong fire in John’s mind and body, he couldn’t control himself, his feet began losing balance, his eyes lost visual, his sex arose hardly, and he held her tightly. Stella understood his sexual force and grabbed him away to border’s round bar to aid her body because John’s weight was on her. As she took aid of round bar attaching her back, John held her tightly, he moved his lip from her lip and nodded his head to her breast and he did bite strongly to her gorgeous inflated big white boobs with his fresh white butter dropping speedily from his erected instrument. Now John was out of his control. He finished first round of his night bed game. He got frightened and his mouth was exhaling voice huh…..huh……huh…….huh….quickly.
Stella laughed slowly. “You are too fresh handsome, let’s go to the bed” saying this she took him climbing down from platform to corner which was hiding behind of long thick curtain, hanging top to bottom. There was stair for up and there were some bedrooms in rows made with wall of curtains. Some were busy with couples, Stella took him to a free bed and let her body lain down along with John, both were flat on bed. Stella removed her cloths first then opened all John’s cloth.
“What are you doing? I‘m finished” John spoke with frightened voice
“No Youngman it will still go further” said Stella and turn her body top on John. Now Stella was arisen with sex. She was kissing John till up to down with push of her hips. It was giving John pleasure and he too started pushing up biting her big boobs. John got affected with big boobs in very first game.
“I want to be top” said John and tried but he couldn’t easily turn her down because he was still young before mature lady with healthy figure. Stella laughed and said “turn me down man”
John tried again but still he couldn’t. “Please let me go top lady” John requested. His erection began again. Stella felt it and she was bottom spreading her legs wide and she ordered John….
“Push hard”.
“Ok” John said with shivering voice. Again he was frightened. It was awesome he felt and he started pushing hardly with loud voice oh, oh, oh, with dirty talking. Stella loved it, her round finished but John was arose and pushing hardly in. John couldn’t push longer, his stamina was weak, again he finished second round. His body was loose; he was flat on Stella who was rubbing his back with her delicate, soft palm. Both were enjoying. Stella first time tested pure young boy. John was happily lying on her, playing her boobs continuously closing eyes and soon he got sleepy.
Stella moved out slowly after some time. John was snoring. His innocent and sweet face looking awesome even with closed eyes. Stella sat down, kissed him then he found his pant, he took all amounts from its pocket, then he took his golden chain which was in John’s neck, she took diamond ring which was in John’s right hand’s finger, after that she went away leaving sleeping John on bed. It was her business according club’s law. She performed her duty very well first giving great pleasure to John then big cheating.
Stiffen and Simon had made all arrangements after Stella took John for sex. They were enjoying this night free of charge because they had provided a rich client to club. They had fixed a thirty years old gorgeous lady Riana to wake them up before morning. She arrived before morning to John’s bed, she picked his clothes, put them on his bed and wake him up gently rubbing his soft palm on his back. John opened his eyes, now he was conscious completely; he remembered everything, sat down frightened. He tried to cover himself with both hands like a shameful woman when he got himself naked. Riana also got attracted to see naked muscle body of young boy with fair white skin mixed in redness. She tried to make him excited sexually. She couldn’t stop herself and take pity on him. John fresh and strong adulthood again got arisen. He put her mouth on her half naked boobs. John got addicted to big boobs in his first game. It’s one’s personal choice that, what he likes while sex, face or boobs or thighs or else thing but John’s choice was big boobs. His hot touch of biting boobs made Riana excited and she took her dress off, easily letting John be top for her. Now John dared to be driver and drove harder with his hard erection. He enjoyed till longer and let the game be finished dropping white butter. Riana also got free and moving him put on her dress quickly saying
“Get ready soon, now times to go, it’s going to be morning”.
John was alert and quickly began to be dressed. When got ready he hurried to down stair. There was Stiffen sleeping shirtless along with three Ladies besides him on platform. He reached to him and woke him up. Meanwhile Simon also arrived wearing his overcoat. They headed to outside the club, mounted their horses and rode to their home as quick as possible. Night had already gone and desk was in hurry to declare morning. All three horses were racing very fast to touch their winning point in a row. It was too much important to be winner for John. He appeared happy with face but in his inside there was big fear of danger. He seemed to be confused.
Did you enjoy man? How was your night? Stiffen Asked. It broke his concentration and he turned his face towards him.
Hey it was awesome, I ruined big boobs. I liked them.
Did you do anything else? Simon asked.
Yeh, I played with two women, one who took me at night and other who came to wake me up. Second one was awesome I played with her till long. I’m real man. We’ll go back tonight too. John Said.
Both Simon and Stiffen laughed loudly making noise of wo…woo………wo….. Super hero.
They arrived at hotel and stopped. Simon and Stiffen got off the horse to have tea but John didn’t, he took his way to home saying good bye to them.
Both Simon and Stiffen did beat their hand strongly with voice.
“We lightened the bull, now we got partner, Mr. Hawk (owner of pub) got happy with ring and golden chain and Stella took all the money, she promised me to enjoy with her next time” Stiffen told. After washing their face both took their place around a table and ordered tea with cake.
John arrived at the stable. He got the horse off and tiding it in stable, he walked to the gate. It was difficult to enter through wall because it was clear morning and his mother seemed to be awake. He went to the left and entered his room from back windows towards cow’s shed, jumping inside. He lain down the bed covering him inside the blanket pretending as in sleep but he was sleepy indeed soon. Poor John!
A group of Mariana and its eight friends woke up early in the morning. They all went to church together and began their day with prayer. When they reached the Cathedral there was Vicar praying god with loud voice. They all sat there, closing their eyes listened to his prayer and followed him in heart. This daily routine in their life had created an extraordinary trust and love for God. Vicar finished his prayer and they said Amen Loudly. It used to make Vicar truly happy than whatever. After that he said to them stories of the Holy Bible or story of any saint or any kind of God’s people, especially about Ten Commandments, that’s why following the Ten Commandments was the motive of their life. Girls this enthusiasm for God and Christianity had made all girls, real Christian girls indeed.
………give us power to adhere with Christianity in all the way of life with sincerity for your pleasure, to protect tradition of Abraham which is the true and last tradition of the world…blessed the vicar and was silent.
Amen… told all the girls but there was a loud voice of Linda.
Dolly frowned at her with words”Huh, Idiot”. She always interfered with her. She never liked her because her talk with wisdom always pleased the Vicar; he admired her with his blessings.
“What is your intention today behind loud Amen?” Lucy asked. Whenever she wanted to ask something to Vicar, she lauded her Amen. Linda stood up.
Father…as she began, there entered Mrs. Vicar into the church saying Amen, Amen, loudly, sat down in the last row.
“Sorry, very sorry I’m little late today” she told with smiling face.
“No you are early today, Mrs. Vicar, we didn’t pray yet” said Lucy.
“Oh thanks God” Mrs. Vicar said, everyone laughed loudly, she made her face, and understood that also today she lost the prayer.
“Ok say my baby” asked Vicar turning his face to Linda. Everyone concentrated to there.
Father, why its rule to get married when I’ m not ready? My father said someone is coming for my wedding, I will have to go to Nottingham, I denied but my mother said its rule and you must or your father will kill you.
Everyone surprised, began looking at one another. Mr. Vicar surprisingly asked “your marriage? Who’s gonna marry you?”
“There is family who live in the Nottingham and they fixed my marriage with their son with my father. They are coming soon in few weeks. My mother says it’s our gipsy family rule. I don’t wanna get married father I want to be like Sister Mariana. I want to learn reading Holy Bible. I’ m still girl”. Linda said.
Every one uttered “Wow” simultaneously and Dolly said” she is liar. Don’t believe her”.
“No she is true, gipsy family do like this, don’t worry Linda I will talk to your father” said Vicar and went away out of the church, saying good bye to everyone.
All girls began whispering among them getting out of the church. Mariana and Mrs. Vicar were too much sorry to hear this and discussed it till long in the campus while all girls took their way to home.
“A woman desires someone to marry her but she doesn’t get, a girl doesn’t want to get married but she has to by force, oh dear God, what is in your mind please help me”, Mariana spoke looking above the sky.
Hey don’t be stupid, we can’t understand God’s rule, remember life of Holy Marry, there will not be confusion” said Mrs. Vicar patting on her chick slowly with her right hand palm.
“Ok I do but I m going to Mrs. Bork to talk about Linda” Mariana said and walked to home.
As Mariana got out the cathedral gate, she saw far away there was a group of men coming from her street. There was her father, Mr. Bork (Linda’s father) and two teenage boys who were going to work. Mariana returned the gate and hid her behind compound wooden wall. She tried to listen to their talk which they were enjoying.
“Our gypsy girl is mother of two children at age of fifteen” Mr. Bork said
“My girl is getting older at home, eating from my earning, I’m tired of her, I also want to send her at Nottingham to my wife’s family” told Mariana’s father.
“Nobody will marry your daughter, she hates man” told a teenage Mike.
Who said you she hates man? Idiot, she doesn’t hate, she desires a noble man, Mariana’s father told.
“Noble man for poor woman” spoke both teenage and laughed.
“When I want to talk her she frowned at, and she always stay away of man, I think she has become Nun going to church” said Mike.
“Her beautiful body is useless, I see her hips when she is in tight dress, and it gets wet my pant” other teenage Jorge said.
“Bloody you fantasize my daughter” told Mariana’s father running after him. Mr. Bork stopped him; they crossed the gate of Cathedral.
Mariana waited for a while then got out of the cathedral to home.
John got up very much late at noon. All of his family was to have lunch. Her mother wasn’t doing well. She prepared lunch at inconveniently. His father Mr. Peter had to help him in lunch. There were a lot of works at his home because next day they had to go to Nottingham for trading. Mr. Peter was continuously doing up down from the farm to kitchen. He shouted and shouted to John but all times he felt sleepy again. Her granny got angry and entered the room opening door with big push and it noised. It broke John sleep; he got down from the bed and walked to the bathroom.
John wiped his body with towel and put the clothes on. Making his hair he took hat. As he tried to get out from room he remembered his golden chain.
Hey… where is my chain, oh God! There is no ring in my finger. What about my money? He searched in his pockets. He sat down on the bed, hiding his face in both palms of hands he breathed deep.
Who took it, First lady or last one? It was a lot of money. The payment paid by chicken trader. What will I say to my father when he asks for? What I will answer to my mother when she would ask for Ring and chain? He confused. I must go to Stiffen for help and he decided to go out for hotel. He came out of his room. His hunger went off.
As he entered the kitchen everyone was on lunch. Her dad called him and pointed to chair for join them because he was to instruct him many things.
I’m not hungry father I got to go for urgent. John told his father.
“What is urgent, where you going now? You have very busy day today. I’m going to go to doctor with your mother at midtown. She is not well. It’s very important. Tomorrow we’ll go for trading. Labors are collecting everything and you have to check”. His father told him in higher tone.
Instruction of his father made John alert and nervous too. He wanted to go away from him but he couldn’t he took his place at chair and joined lunch but confusion of his situation didn’t let him eat well with comfort. He was lost in thinking; his last night enjoyment had been turned into trouble. His father was instructing him one by one but his ears were deaf. Mr. Peter came to know this. And asked angrily….
Did you get it all? John.
John was just alert and said shivering, what? Ah….ah… yes father.
Is anything wrong with you? You look changed. What’s the matter John? He asked again.
Nothing, everything is all right father. He answered with nodded face.
“Cart is ready master” a young labor came and instructed.
“Ok, we are coming. Lets Martha go” Mr. Peter said then he and Martha stood up and walked to outside.
John felt convenience, after a while when he assured of his father go, he quickly walked to stable. He mounted the horse and advanced to the labors, he took a round their work; they were collecting chicken and lambs for trading journey.
“I will be right back” uttering in higher tone he heeled the horse towards hotel.
He arrived at the hotel in hawk speed but he couldn’t find anyone of his friends. The hotel man told him stiffen had gone to Dencastle in search of labor. This didn’t let him wait a single moment and he too rode Dencastle.

Linda, Lily, Catherine, Dolly, Lucy, Mariana, Sara, Jennet, Rose
All girls of Dencastle went to river at noon for washing clothes, grazing their pets, collecting sticks for fire and they also took bath. Before lunch started at church they used to go early and came before its started evening but later they went after lunch.
On the bank of the river Mariana along with her street’s girls was washing clothes. They were talking to one another and laughed very loudly, some steps far from these eight young girls, Linda was keeping her back towards these girls washing a very big blanket which was used when sleeping. It’s too big for her to wash but she was trying anyhow.
All of sudden Mariana looked at her and said “poor Linda! What my baby doing?”
Mariana’s voice turned others girls eyes on her. Lily one of them, laughed and said”wo, Lindy don’t touch big whale or she’ll swallow you up”
The rest of girls enjoyed her sentence by laughing loudly.
At this, helpful Mariana, putting aside her work went to Linda, moving her aside, helped her washing blanket.
“Oh dirty people after how many years you are washing this”. Mariana asked while working on.
“That’s why she is far away from us hiding her face” Catherine told
Meanwhile a horse man passed besides them running so fast that all of them stood up frightened.
“Poor fellow” said Lily.
A little boy of four years old who was playing with other two boys of his age, some steps far away from girls washing clothes, under a big bushy tree frightened so much that began crying very loudly. His sister Jennet ran faster and carried him up.
“Oh no, no don’t cry my baby it’s not going to harm you, brave boy never frighten from anything. Brave boy has lion’s heart that always king and this was horse and one day my baby will have it and he will ride it like a landlord”. She told as kidding him.
On hearing this sentence a fifteen years old girl from them named Lucy spook at once in jealousy
“wooo don’t dream so big Jennet beyond our status we are poor fellas”.
Linda couldn’t keep mum and retorted “hey idiot fool don’t you ponder over vicar’s speech, one cannot make progress when he killed his dreams, only good dreams could take people towards prosperity”.
Sincere lady Mariana clapped her hands saying good, good my people are improving going to church and practicing on what vicar says because it’s from holy book and the holy book is nothing but holy god’s words that sure will change us one day”.
“So you are changing on this age staying unmarried by practicing over god’s words my lady”
Lucy who never cared saying anything to anyone, told as fun.
“You know a prince will come to take her and will take her on horse like a princess” told Linda.
“An old ugly drunk prince” Lucy spoke laughing very loudly.
Their sweet fighting was going on when there came a John, tall handsome boy whose behavior was like aged man. On seeing so many girls who were all wet and their socked clothes are sticking to their body making them sexy, John changed his action of talking and asked
“Have you seen a horseman around here dear ladies”
Looking at this gorgeous young man Lucy wanted to increase his stop, she asked which kind of horseman sir?
Respectful Mariana doesn’t let this go long and answered pointing his finger “it has gone this way sir?”
“Thank you beautiful lady” John told keeping his eyes still on Mariana, especially on her boobs which was looking too sexy in wet dress. He turned his horse towards village wards, heeled the horse and went, with gorgeous imagination of her in his mind. She really made him to think of her. He said himself “here also are gorgeous lady with big boobs”.
He advanced to village and found Stiffen talking with two aged woman.
“Hey man you are here?” Stiffen Asked surprisingly.
“Yeh, it’s very important to talk you” John said in worried expression and it gave signal to Stiffen about what happened last night so he said him to wait and tried to finish his talk with Women “then I will have to come at early morning for them”.
“Yes, gentleman you can catch them on very way in early morning” replied one of woman.
Ok thank you, I will catch them on highway hotel “and he turned his horse towards farm houses. John followed him as well.
Both rode their horses at ant walk and John began his problem.
“Woman cheated me last night. They stole my ring, my chain, and my money. You know it was one hundred and fifty pound, payment by egg’s merchant. I’ m afraid. What will I say to my father? Please help me to get it back”.
Stiffen shocked at his talk. He asked surprisingly, stretching his lips, with deep sound
“One hundred and fifty pound, you idiot keep so big money in your pocket, it’s ruined, we are in trouble indeed. Which one robbed you?
“She’s probably last one who came to awake me.” John replied.
No she didn’t, it’s Stella, sexy witch, stiffen said in anger.
What can we do now? Please help me, let’s go to Pub. John said worriedly.
Relax man relax, everything gonna be ok, but we can’t go now or tonight. Tomorrow we are going for trading and day after tomorrow is Sunday so we’ll go to Sunday” Stiffen tried to make him understand.
No man I will be ruined if not today. My father will kill me, please come with me to Midtown, please, please John begged.
Let’s go first to Simon and they sped their horse and arrived quickly at hotel where their group was enjoying tea.
“Simon, John was robbed by Stella last night” Stiffen said when they arrived around their table.
“Really? Poor dude!” said Simon and laughed very loudly. His other friend also laughed to know that they had been to pub with John.
How did he do there? Anthony asked for make a fun. John looked instantly with strange eyes in anger at Stiffen. Stiffen understood his situation and tried to stop their fun and said to Simon making his face
“Stella robbed his one hundred and fifty pound”
What? What? There was rain of “What” from his friends surprisingly.
“He went there with one hundred and fifty pound? Oh my god! “Martin asked with big surprise.
Simon shocked at this; he looked at John who was glancing at Simon in anger curving his lips, keeping his both hands in side pocket of pant.
Simon kept looking at him for a while making wrinkles on his forehead stretching upper eye lashes then laughed again loudly to make fun of him saying ”there is nothing wrong he drilled her, ruined her boobs”
Angry John couldn’t bear this and jumped on Simon saying “bloody rascal, you shared my money with her” there was big fight against both with heavy punches to each other. It gathered there a crowd of people. All their friends tried to stop them holding both removing from each other but Simon was tall fat quarrelsome young man, getting himself free of martin’s hold he jumped again and hit the John heavily with his strong punches which injured John’s nose and it bled. They were silent after a while but with dirty words on each other.
“Little boy don’t have a instrument longer than finger and came to have sex, bloody was robbed by strong woman” Simon told screaming.
“You bloody hippo can’t ride on woman with heavy belly and slept drunk in lap of woman like a baby” John retorted.
All people laughed and laughed some wanted to enjoy more fun so they were trying to excite them. Stiffen took situation and he took the John away to their farm house. John was also afraid of his father who was to return from Midtown.
“Tonight is hard for me, my father will ask me about money” John told.
“Ok man, calm down, relax, nothing to worry try to sleep soon, we’ll solve problem on Sunday and be a landlord boy, face your father, don’t be like a slave “
Stiffen told for comfort. It was very big problem to lose one hundred and fifty pound. There was misguidance in guidance of Stiffen. They were ruining John’s life because John was a son of big, honorable, trustworthy and sincere landlord Mr. Peter who was great trader in their county so they were jealous of him.
It was going to be dark. The evening was in hurry to farewell and next day was trading day so Stiffen took his way and John also mounted the horse and walked to home thinking but he was too nervous, he wasn’t able to face his father though he didn’t like his attitude but their parent loved each other and he loved his mom more than anything and whenever he was against his father his mother didn’t talk him so he always be quite and respected their family, he loved both of his younger brothers and granny too, his granny always was in his side against his mom and father. She loved John because she didn’t like Martha much due to Peter’s choice from orphanage girl. There were some minor disputes in his family but his family was very respective and honorable family with high quality of attitude Because of the grace of God. This is outcome of to be devoted to religion and take care of its rules. Happiness and unhappiness are like night and day of life, it makes life more enjoyable when we stick to religion even if with hardship it makes us extraordinary devotee to in eyes of our Lord.
“I must have gone to Midtown and solved my problem if my parent didn’t. today is a lot of work and my father won’t let me sleep soon, he sure going to ask me about money, my mother isn’t well and if she know this then there is more trouble in my family and what about my sex I love sex, I love big boobs, my hard erection won’t let me sleep easily ”. So many strange signals surrounded his brain. He decided to go to mid town from other way and turned horse to bushy way. He walked some far but it was too difficult to go forward in dark by this bushy way because now it was dark and night also his horse didn’t support him so he turned back to home with sad face.

It was getting dark and evening was going with orange sky. Sky was also getting ready to be covered in black blanket. All three labors were finished already their duty and waiting for their master wither John or Mr. Peter. Granny were continuously doing up down from home to farm and farm to home worrying about John. Old labor mark had set both young labors off to Nottingham with herds of lambs. Herds have to go by foot journey, so it’s necessary to set off now to reach Nottingham market on time till tomorrow morning. It was thirty to thirty five kilometers journey. They waited a lot for John but he didn’t come, then with permission of granny, counting numbers of herds before her, journey was begun. Two big carts also stood up with aids of wooden poles, filled with buckets, full of chicken. They were ready to be set off at midnight with both landlords and labor mark.
As the herds reached some miles away, Mr. Peter faced them and from labors they received news about John’s absent. He got angry and quickly arrived to home. Still there was no John at home. His family was waiting for him worriedly. Mr. Peter was too much angry. He shouted looking at his mother
” you have made my son careless”
“Tell Martha dear, not to me” her mother said slicing of fresh apples which she was sharing with her two grand children, just brought by Mr. Peter. They all were seating in their sitting room, worried and silent, waiting for John.
It was now night and they should sleep soon having dinner, for tomorrow’s trade but John had messed everything up. He arrived at home with torn and worn aspect, looking tired, with dirty shirt due to blood and messed up hair due to fighting. He didn’t care to tie horse, freeing it before Mark, without washing face he entered the home with silent steps to assure his father’s arrivals and change cloths. His father also smelled his arrival and walked to see him. Both father and son gathered at door. Mr. Peter angrily held his color and grabbed him in. as he was in light of candle in room, all were shocked to see his shirt messed up with blood. Mr. Peter left his color and his mother and granny stood up with scream.
“What happened to you? John. Where have you been? Dear, what’s wrong with you? Oh my God, Jesus Christ,” there were so many questions attacked him.
John was shivering, confused, tears shed from his eyes, his head was down his family was forcing to reply and he was puzzled.
Who robbed you my son? What happened? His father asked loudly taking his shirt’s corner in his hand.
“Who robbed?” this question lighted his brain and he reply with stammered voice “some thieves while I was on highway and they looted money which I brought yesterday from chicken merchant, my ring, my golden chain, they were three and I couldn’t face them”.
“Oh Jesus; god saved my son” saying her granny hugged him. Her father was cool down and John was completely delighted with inside, leaving his tension and nervousness. He was feeling fresh now. He made a way to get reed of the problems. He was really happy to cheat his father.
After changing clothes and having dinner John got to the bedroom. He lain down his bed and sighed with comfort. He was happy, his problem was solved.
“Now I don’t need to give my money to father, if I get it back, so I’m care free about money for long time, I would have rode to Midtown if there was no trading day tomorrow” he was thinking all this with smiling face and he lost in fantasy with Stella and Riana. He was so tired that he couldn’t fantasize longer and got sleepy soon.
It was Saturday early morning in Nottingham. Today was market day. All traders from around Nottingham area had arrived before dawn. Big noises had been started by all labors of traders. Buyers were moving herds to herds of animals and heaps to heaps of different products of traders. There were no spaces for any horseman in open free market area. It was full of with crowd of local people and traders. John also was with his father in compound called supermarket where only rich and big traders could dare to enter. Here no labors had to shout for their products. Buyers came, checked herds and heaps and it was bargain because it was fixed rated market for high stated people. Mr. Peter was high stated trader so his business was not too hard. It was easy and finished till noon and they returned to home before evening, finishing their necessary shopping for week.
Mr. Peter and John finished all shopping and arrived at cart ready to set off for home, they got in, and carts on a way with three labors and two landlords. As he passed by a Midtown in way, on which there was a clinic of their family doctor, he ordered to stop Marc.
Come on, I take you to Mr. Hudson. It may be some problems due to your fight with robbers. John followed him silent because it’s really hurting him on nose and back due to strong punches of Simon. Mr. Hudson was busy with a patient so they had to have a seat on a long table for waiting patients along with his father, after his father greeted him. John sat down silent looking at Mr. Hudson talking with Patient.
“This powder will help to clean your stomach. Have it at early morning with a lot of water in empty stomach” told Mr. Hudson to his patient.
“Thank you Mr. Hudson, and what about these pills?”
“Take two pills before an hour you want to have sex, don’t take it daily, twice or thrice in a week are enough because you are old now”. Mr. Hudson replied laughing.
“Sex” this word made John alert and his sexual erection arose too strongly and very hard. It was his turn now and he went to Mr. Hudson for check up. As he stood before Mr. Hudson there entered two women, one is aged and other is young seems to be twenty one to twenty four. Young lady was too attractive with beautiful round shape body, wearing long transparent dress which was too tight to exhibit his figure and her boobs were half naked. She attracted John and fresh young man lost again in sex. His erection started increasing too hard as if it was going to tear her pant up. His body was heating like fire. He couldn’t wink his eyes and he was glancing at her instantly. Both took place besides Mr. Peter. Aged lady greeted him flirting because Mr. Peter also was only forty years, tall and handsome landlord with extraordinary attractive look, she sat down attaching her thigh to Mr. Peter but he slipped himself down at corner of table and started to say Mr. Hudson...
“Sir, He is my son John, he was robbed last night and beaten by robbers, his nose was hurt and bled.”
Oh Jesus! Poor young fellow! “Thanks god he is alive” aged lady told grinning at Mr. Peter.
Mr. Hudson put his hand on John’s chin commanding him to open mouth but John was lost in young lady, looking at her constantly. He was too engrossed to listen to Mr. Hudson. Mr. Hudson understood looking at both youth. And he waved his hand near John’s eyes to break his concentration. It worked.
“Open your mouth”
John did.
“Take tongs out”
He did that too.
“Also my back is hurting too much” John said erecting his waist.
Ok, take your shirt off, ordered Mr. Hudson turning his face towards Mr. Peter asking about Martha. How she was now.
My wife is ok I hope, I have been out since mid night for trading Mr. Hudson.
As aged lady listened to word my wife from mouth of Mr. Peter, she slipped that corner besides young lady frowning at him.
“Right, its Sunday today. Here also busy at evening” Mr. Hudson said.
John took his shirt off and looked at young lady again. She smiled at him, seeing his naked white clean upper body, with muscled upper arms. She got attracted and pushed with her breast little forward, her big half naked boobs bounced up and it increased again John erection hard which was going to be cold. Again his sex arose hardly. His body got heat and hot.
“Did they hurt here” Mr. Hudson asked touching his chest gently with his hand.
“No they did at back” answered John.
My god! ” Your body is too hot I think you got high fever” Mr. Hudson told as he touched and Mr. Peter arrived at their quickly, frightened about his son.
Mr. Hudson came down from chest and touched his belly gently. As he got down to belly, starting border of his palm felt turn by turn hot knocks. It was John’s hard instrument which was jumping to let white butter free due to sexual feelings, inside his pant.
Ooooh, huh, I just understood your problem, young man! Ha.ha.ha.ha. Both he and Mr. Peter laughed loudly and immediately shut their mouth up due to respect of two women. Both women were erected their body, widened their ears, enlarged their eye balls to see and hear what that hot and handsome young landlord got.
“Your son need check up in private” said Mr. Hudson holding John’s both leg with knees, signing Mr. Peter to hold him with shoulder. Both Mr. Peter and Mr. Hudson took him to bed which was behind his checkup table, Hidden with long curtain, made for private check up of adult patients. They put him down the bed and his sexually arisen hard instrument left white butter in form of drops, coming out of opened zip. John was shy before doctor and dad.
Control, control, young man! “Your mind has been messed up with sexual thinking “told Mr. Hudson to John.
How old is he?
“He has just entered in sixteen nearly before month. My wife also complains about him to me. He gets her pent wet daily in sleep and he has totally changed his behavior and stays out of home most of the time, more over he doesn’t concentrate to work and asks meat daily for eat” represented Mr. Peter long speech of symptoms.
“I don’t think he was beaten by robbers Mr. Peter,” Mr. Hudson expressed his doubt.
“I also getting same Mr. Hudson,” Mr. Peter answered with deep thinking.
“How long have you started dropping butter from?” Mr. Hudson questioned to John who was looking at them shy and speechless.
“Since some days, may be fifteen or more” John replied slowly.
“Did you have sex with some one?”
“Auh. A. a. a.…na….na…no sir” John told stammering. He frightened too before his dad whose face complexion was changed.
Mr. Hudson ordered him to be seated and checked her back, there was big red scars with Simon’s heavy punches and informed Mr. Peter he had been beaten severely.
“Don’t think much about sex.
Pay attention to work.
Get yourself busy with work.
Read good books.
Play some game.
If you involve in sex most the time then you’ll be sex addicted son, so get involved in your trading young man”.
Mr. Hudson advised him with smile and ordered to be dressed then humbly. After that he stood up and walked to counter table with Mr. Peter talking.
“I think, I get him married, it will also be useful to Martha for her recovery, there will be two women for taking care of my family” Mr. Peter said with smile.
Isn’t it be considered child marriage in your high land lord society” Mr. Hudson asked surprisingly taking place on her seat. Mr. Peter also took seat opposite him answering…..
“I know but it’s our rule, I don’t like manmade rules, I never care the people, I’m very careful man about family and you see my son is healthy, I’m worried about Martha, My sweet heart, I love her, I’m no longer without her” his eyes are full off tear. There arrives John. He stands up behind his father.
Both aged women sympathetically looked at each other and also their eyes overflew tears, listening to Mr. Peter.
“What a lovely man I have ever seen!” said aged lady and young lady again started play with John. Poor John again jumped in vain.
“Massage this oil on your back, take this powder twice in a day after meal and sip this syrup thrice at night” Mr. Hudson said handing some herbal products over John
“Strictly follow my advice, try to be noble man and when you are twenty come to me for solid power and solid instrument but now not to worry” Mr. Hudson whispered leaning to John.
Mr. Peters paid bill, John walked to outside, both lady stood up for their turn. John touched the young lady when they passed by it showed that John had crossed the limit and now it’s too difficult to be understood for him. Because Mini bull tasted such a grass that he should have not been at this time.
Both father and son got into the cart and have seat opposite to each other at last and Marc pulled reigns of the horses, cart again on the way to home. Mr. Peter tried to ask John slowly leaning forward “was you robbed really?
John nodded.
As cart passed by Pub where John came previous night, John erected and tries to find Stella doing his head up and down strangely. It somewhat confused Mr. Peter and he tried to look at what John was crazy for. “The Pub, why is he interested in?”. Mr. Hudson could be hundred percent sure, my son could be really crazy for woman, I must take care of him soon or it will be too late, so many signals attacked Mr. Peter brain. He yawns again and again so he closed his eyes to sleep for a while before they get home.
********* 15
It was silent evening. Soon it’s going to be dark. Mr. Bork was walking quickly on a side of the highway. As he passed by a big horse-cart, standing end of the row of shops, someone shouted him. He was an aged gipsy labor of Nottingham sitting in long cart, standing aside of highway under a big tree. Mr. Bork stopped and gipsy man jumped out, both did hug to see each other and exchanged news of their relatives.
“Come on I buy wine for you”
Mr. Bork told man dragging him towards hotel. Both took place around a table, Mr. Bork ordered wine. His guest began handing a long bundle wrapped in black cloth over to Mr. Bork.
” Aunt Lora has sent to you, she said this is for your daughter and they will arrive at next Sabbath day till noon so be prepared for marriage and talk to your priest”
A waiter came with a bottle of wine and two glasses and put them on table.
“One more bottle because I have guest from Nottingham” ordered Mr. Bork again.
“Bundle is heavy huh,” he checked and hanged in his shoulder then both started to drink wine until both bottles ended. Mr. Bork paid a pound which was his wages of today. A drunken gypsy man would not be able to work hard so he had to do the worst work in land lord farms always changing the master. Hotel man took wine money and returned the rest of money. Mr. Bork told giving back money…
“Get me some meat “
Hotel man handed him a big piece of raw meat.
He wrapped it in cloth which he was tying around his head
His guest walked to cart waving hand and Mr. Bork walked to Dencastle. As he got nearer to home, it was dark and his legs began to be unstable and mouth exhaling swearing. His wife was waiting for him at the door sitting outside his home. As she saw him coming, she stood up to handle his balance at the door, only four and half feet high which was not enough to be entered without leaning for man with six feet height. She was only five feet high slim woman who couldn’t bear him and turned down setting him as top at her body. Both were inside the home only leaving feet outside the threshold. Black bundle was still attached with his shoulder but meat was thrown far away in home.
“You bloody stupid woman always let me down, you idiot” and he began to beat her with his head while both were still lying. Poor woman couldn’t get herself free from his burden and screamed loudly which got in ears of Linda who was coming from the church saying thank you hymn to the lord for a day with all girls including her six and nine years old younger sisters. She was near to home so she ran and broke into the home carefully from parent’s body. She did pull her father in corner and got her mother free. Her father kept lying in corner because he was fully drunk now while her mother picked meat and began cooking dinner.
Linda took the bundle and tried to see opening it in light of candle. A beautiful long light gray dress flagged open and some jewelry and a beautiful pair of footwear fell down the floor.
“Where did he get them?” Linda said wrapping the dress and picking the things up. Her mother told turning face to her “we’d be able to know at morning only”
It was two hour earlier before evening. Cart stopped at the gate of the house in the farm of Mr. Peter. John sighed deeply and waited for his father who just woke up with big push of break of the cart. Rubbing his eyes Mr. Peter jumped off the cart and John followed, it was his father’s rule that he never allowed before his father. Both entered the gate where Martha was standing just a meter away in left corner with a big jug full of water in her hand. Both advanced to Martha and took off their long boots for travelling and overcoats. Boots were put up where they had been removed but overcoats had been handed to Martha in her free hand. Mr. Peter leaned to wash his face with question “how she was than” and Martha began to pour the water with answer “she was too good”. Getting free Mr. Peter advanced to the door where his mother was standing with the aid of stick in left hand, a towel in right hand.
It was John’s turn after his father.
“How are you my dear?” Martha asked with a kiss on forehead.
“Yeh I‘m ok, well nothing to worry mother” answered John leaning to be cleaned.
He followed his father steps and there were some more love with the soft and wrinkled palm over his head, he didn’t need to wipe his face out, it was wiped by her grand ma with great pleasure and love, then all had seat in the sitting room opposite to each other such that mother and father were on a long chair knitted with bamboo’s chips and son were beside his grand ma who were smiling at him with her left leg rested on chair touched with John. Their talking with loud voice made two younger sons come there who were hardly tied with both hands of dearest father kissing to them respectively.
Meanwhile a young laborer entered the room with some bags in hands. And put them on the table attached with wall. Boys ran to bag for messed them up with hope of cookies but mother arrived and took charge. As Martha found herbal products, she turned to her husband.
“Are these for John?”
“Yeh we’d been to Mr. Hudson, we must care of our son, he has grown bigger than limit (looking at his mother angrily) you mother don’t interfere when I m over my son, ok?” Mr. Peter started in higher tone which seemed to be going to mess the situation, there was silence for a while.
“What is this for?” Martha asked observing bottle of massage oil looking at John.
“For my back, it’s hurting” John answered walking to her.
Mr. Peter was frowning at them. Mrs. Peter understood and immediately got chance.
“Come on in your room I do massage your back” told Martha to John.
“Get me some food I m really hungry, he may be hungry too” ordered Mr. Peter.
“No I m not” John replied to be disappeared from his father and walked away for his room his granny also found chance to be swept of her son saying
“Ok then I do massage your back dear”
John slept on bed shirtless and his granny began massage sitting beside him.
“Oh, what a big scar!” she began cursing robbers harshly.
Huh... Huh…Huh…John was groaning but feeling comfort with massage and it made him sleepy soon. His granny went away covering his body with blanket. Poor John slept so early that nobody cared to wake him up taking pity on him. After having sleep of five to six hours, young man was awake and there was dark of night. Every one of his home were sleeping. John felt going out for urinate so he got up and walked to back the house passing through kitchen. He returned to kitchen with fresh and cleaned face and hands. Searched some food and found roasted pieces of meat. He had meat till full, craze of sex power didn’t stop him from overeating. He poured a glass of milk extra which ended with four big belching. He remembered his medicine and had it too finding them.
John returned to his room, sat down on the bed, felt comfort in yellow light of candle reclining the pillows, again started thinking, recently experienced sex joy didn’t let enter noble thought to innocent landlord’s brain. Young land lord jumped from bed like a dog arisen with sex in dark night to see a female dog which was ready to meet licking its testicles. He started up downs in room keeping his both hands in pocket of his pant. Imagine of Stella and Riana, great pleasure with them, their big boobs was taking him out of control as if they were calling him.” It is early night and I can come back till down” signal in his mind get him prepared for Midtown. He jumped out of window blowing candle off, walked to stable for horse and got out of the farm walking. He mounted the horse, heeled, and stopped at the hotel which was still busy in serving dinner a travelling group which halted for night in lodge.
Hotel man laughed loudly when he identified him who knew about him and his new craze for sex.
“Are you on journey to pub fella? Your friends have already gone”.
Hotelman said to John. It didn’t let him stop a moment and he heeled again. Tomorrow was Sunday so its day for Simon and Stiffen who always spent there in pub. They planned at yesterday, for Stella robbed one hundred and fifty pounds; they thought she gave to Mr. Hawk. It was big amount so they wanted to share with Mr. Hawk but situation was very serious at Pub.
“Get out of here rascals and never come back here again or I will kill you”
Mr. hawk told pointing Simon and Stiffen who were on land, thrown by two big guards from the pub. Because when they arrived at pub, went to Mr. Hawk and started fight with him. Mr. Hawk didn’t know about one hundred and fifty pound. Stella escaped from Nottingham to London taking money and she didn’t come to pub after night with John. So Mr. Hawk shocked to listen to one hundred and fifty pounds. He tried to explain both Stiffen and Simon with respect but they didn’t and started fighting. So they were out of pub disgracefully.
“Don’t let them in”
Mr. Hawk ordered to gatekeeper and about to enter in but there arrived at pub a young man who was John. John was shocked to see both his friends down the land in disgracefully who were to stand up. He got happy to see Simon but not with Stiffen.
“Welcome, welcome young man”
Mr. Hawk told to John coming to his horse. He held the reign and commanded to get keeper to tie it, hold hand of John to get him off the horse. John got down looking at Stiffen surprisingly who was shamefully before him. Mr. Hawk didn’t let him stop there and grabbed him in; again commanding let not them in, to gatekeeper.
Exclusive ring and golden chain did impressed and glad to Mr. Hawk but one hundred and fifty pounds shocked him seriously.
“Your friends came to me for share of the money, but sir I’m not bad person like thief; I’m an owner of this pub and so many beautiful girls” he said holding his color to impress John.
“Stella escaped to London with your money, chain and ring, she cheated me, I don’t keep thief girl here sir, and you must have come to me that day. I didn’t let her escape.” He said to John
“She could be that” John pointed to Riana who were enjoying dance on centre stage.
“No, no sir she is Riana a gorgeous honest lady, she doesn’t do it. Stella did it that’s why she escaped. “
It assured the John. Mr. Hawk offered a wine bottle to John. John little hesitated because he had no money and he wanted to see Stiffen and now there was no chance for free in pub.
“Have it sir, this is from me to my new customer and don’t worry about your friends both are poor fellow. They have big amount to pay me so I won’t let them in unless they pay”.
It surprised John and he told.
“Sir, even I don’t have money today, I came for Stiffen”
“Don’t worry sir, you don’t have to pay now, here are so many skims. Pay twenty five pound and enjoy month, if you pay hundred pound it give you a month free”
Mr. Hawk said to him with smile
“Ok that’s good I will go by skim and pay you soon”
John replied with relax.
“Thank you, with great pleasure”
Mr. Hawk thanked and called Riana with sign. Riana came and took John to the stage. Both kept dancing till long drinking more wine. She taught John more steps of dancing, John enjoyed it a lot then he slept with her throughout night and arrived at home before dark goes away. Now John learnt to enjoy life without fear of anyone, cheating his family.
Both Stiffen and Simon got annoyed with disgrace by Mr. Hawk. There was no other pub in midtown, warm welcome and respect of John by Mr. Hawk, set a fire of enmity in their mind. They were ruined in own eyes. They took their way and arrived at the hotel at midnight and slept there waiting for John.
Sabbath day rose with a lot of sweet and noisy chirping of birds on the trees. Linda got up rubbing her eyes and again began thinking to see black bundle hanging on the wall. Long dress and jewelry confused her. She smelled of marriage and it made her nervous. Today was Sabbath so she quickly stood up and came out back side of her home where her father was brushing and her mother was preparing fire. To see her, her father spoke.
“Aunt Laura has sent a bundle for you, they are coming next Sabbath for marriage”
It warned both mother and daughter. They looked at each other, her mother’s eyes were full of tears, Linda ran to her and both mother and daughter hugged long.
“Ok mother don’t worry everything will be ok. Vicar says the lord knows everything, he isn’t unaware of anything, the things happens with his command so hold ten commandments strongly with your heart, remember holy Jesus and holy Mary’s life so as to live life happily. So I’m prepared for anything”
An eleven years old innocent girl did speech like an aged nun, even if there was big fear of losing her family. All was due to sincerity of Vicar who was preaching the people of Dencastle and around Dencastle sincerely like a real father.
“I can’t understand your talk my stupid girl, it’s not as easy as singing hymn, now you gonna go far away from us forever” her mother told her crying.
“Ok I do mother, lets prepare for Sabbath” Linda said
Getting prepared they walked to Cathedral Dencastle which was truly a home of the God, it had very different auspicious appearance on each Sabbath because there were all people of small village gathered who were not more than fifty in numbers, but also there came highly standard people from around landlord societes for Sabbath prayer. People of Dencastle honored them taking places at last, even though they were neighbors of Cathedral Dencastle.
Over there at the home of Mr. Peter, was very deferent situation, Mr. Peter told everything to Martha about John and what Mr. Hudson Doubted. He was too much worried about John, because he loved Martha more than anything but her health wasn’t doing well and she needed rest and there John was going out of his control, he wished if John took charge of his business than he could join Martha at her household work and he could be helpful to Martha until John grew fit to marriage. So thinking over Mr. Hudson advice he decided to take his family to Church regularly at Sabbath and towards Christianity so as to John and his brothers change their mind to religious activity.
Mr. Peter got up too early along with Martha and made all family awake. Both his younger brother got happy for journey to the church so getting ready they started to talk about Jesus with granny but John was annoyed. He had went to bed just before an hour coming back from pub and just got into sleep but his father disturbed him. He was helpless now; first he forced not to go church but Mr. Peter his father got angry and messed up the situation of home in very early morning. It also made Martha angry towards John and John had to get ready for church, he never wanted to see his mother unhappy, they all got ready and got out for Cathedral Dencastle for Sabbath. It made granny extraordinary glad and she seemed happy beyond any sort of happiness.
John family arrived at cathedral as quick as possible. They got down the cart. Mr. Peter held hands of both his younger sons and advanced to the church. Martha was behind him with John’s granny holding her hand, leading her to church carefully. They were the last person to be entered the church. Prayer was just started; everyone was engrossed in Sabbath prayer closing their eyes. In front rows there were people of high society and in back rows poor people of Dencastle leaving two of rows empty between both of societies. Mr. Peter’s family took their place at an empty row in between.
John was too drowsy. He got off the cart at last after his family. In lazy walk advanced to the church like a drunken. He stopped at the doorstep of the church seeing a big pot of drinking water. He took a glass of water and washed his face to be fresh and entered the church, there was a sweet tune of vicar’s prayer humming with echo in big hall of Cathedral. Each mature person was engrossed in prayer except innocent children who were turning their eyeballs here and there with pondering over concentration of each kind of people. It made John careful to step further with understanding of not to disturb someone’s prayer who was engrossed with the Holy Spirit. He was finding a place for him looking at left-right rows, he understood people at back rows that were poor and advanced to front rows which are full leaving one row empty behind of his family. He didn’t like to have seat at empty row so he had seat at the row behind empty row where only two ladies were engrossed in prayer, leaving space empty for four people.
In corner of the row there was Linda and beside her there was gorgeous lady Mariana covering her head in little scarf which was exhibiting her wet hair, covering head completely, on her back which still dropping a water in slow motion. She was wearing long dress, light red in color, tight from shoulder to waist that had made her upper body more attractive. John took place this corner without looking at girls leaving space between them and closed his eyes. As he closed his eyes there was sweet imagine of naked Riana who gave him great pleasure in night. He couldn’t bear it more and opened his eyes immediately making his face nervous saying himself “oh Jesus I don’t deserve this prayer”. He started to see at people engrossed in prayer turning his left. There was a six years old boy surprisingly looking at everyone turning round at last of the row beside his mother. As John looked at him with smile, he took out his five inch longer tongue frowning at him. John didn’t like his behavior and thought to frighten him but fear of his scream which could disturb the prayer, made his face turn right at once. There was a face of gorgeous Mariana who was engrossed in prayer like a statue. The sexy, fresh, young landlord who was now sex addicted, woman lover, especially lady over twenty who have extraordinary big boobs along with healthy figure to ride for sex, carefree from loading his weight. John was shocked to see her “oh Jesus this is the lady I saw at the river, she is awesome I have ever seen, I must try for her” he said himself. He kept looking at her tip to toe continuously without wink and moved to her. It again excited him sexually even in church. He was so much excited with her that he felt to touch her as he did at Mr. Hudson’s clinic but he managed anyhow till prayer was over.
When vicar finished prayer “Amen” said all and sat down for speech. Mariana also sat down without looking beside. John couldn’t bear long and he touched her foot with his foot, it made Mariana look down and she moved her foot away from him. Naughty John didn’t like this and this time he pressed her foot hardly with his foot, it made Mariana turn her face left angrily to John who smiled at her at once as she turned. Mariana frowned at him in anger but she turned her face to see landlord and moved to Linda leaving space between them. It made John angry because young man couldn’t move as there were people behind them. John couldn’t tolerate this long, he rubbed his right hand on Mariana thigh without moving or looking at her, John was rascal he did this without hesitation with an aged lady but Mariana didn’t let him do and moved his hand with her hand strongly and looked at him, John was again smiling at her with one eye winked. It made Mariana so much annoyed. Lady with great modesty also didn’t like to do anything when speech was continued but John messed her concentration for speech. Nasty John was doing this again and again and angry Mariana moved his hand strongly each time, at the last John held her hand so tightly that Mariana soft hand couldn’t get it free and rascal John kept playing with her hand till speech was over such as both were not looking at each other. This also diverted Linda’s sight who was shocked to see Mariana. Woman addicted John harassed a modest, god fearing lady this Sabbath who was unable to face rich landlord openly.
Vicar speech ended with great words of the Holy Spirit. Mr. Vicar was so impressed with the help of Mr. Peter which changed the environment of village Dencastle. All poor children spent their half day at church. They arrived two hours before lunch; honest vicar didn’t drive them away like a loafer dog but gathering them he started to teach them Holy Bible, when they were interested to learn Holy Bible, He also started to teach them writing and reading English. Thus hardworking of Sincere and Honest Vicar worked and he planned some more thing which needed wealth. So today was golden chance, seeing a lot of landlord people he had decided to speech about alms and he did it heartily for shake of Lord.
Poor people hurried to get out of the church except young girls and children, landlord people were gathered to Mr. Vicar for introduction and hand shake, as one got free it was others turn, some also donated something for church and got out of church. Mr. Peter’s family also waiting for their turn at last because they were last today and were not hurry to left church. Mr. Peter looked back for John and he had to leave the seat to join them. He looked back now and then to Mariana who was angrily looking at him from her seat and there also gathered her friends who all were whispering upon Linda’s narration of what happened with sister Mariana today.
“Wow gorgeous landlord liked Sister Mariana, it seems good” careless Lucy said laughing. Mariana frowned at her angrily so she was sorry.
“You must teach him lesson, because they rich fellows are bad, we are not Pub girls” Dolly advised.
“I think so, but how can we talk him, we respect elders and Vicar would not like this without his permission” Mariana replied in confusion.
“Let’s take him back of church” said dolly and waving her hand in signing for follow them to John who was looking at them with smiling face without any respect. Naughty John was rascal indeed today. He started to follow them, and dolly, Mariana and Lucy quickly led him behind the church. They were back of church in no time.
“Hi beautiful ladies, I m John, I love woman, especially like you gorgeous lady” he pointed to Mariana, when he arrived after him and stood a meter away from them. It shocked modest Mariana; she couldn’t answer and started to see dolly and Lucy repeatedly. John was continuously smiling at her, standing in style, keeping his both hands in pockets of his paint which could any lady fifteen to fifty attract for him. All of three hesitated first, then Dolly retorted with angry face “hey fellah we are not pub girls, we are church going girls, we warn you, please take your way, never do this again, you understood?”.
“ AreYou threatening me?”
John asked in surprised face laughing loudly. Again modest Mariana did as before. She never fought with any one in life, not even Dolly or Lucy, they all poor girls were fighting a landlord young boy with confusion and John was facing them strongly, it made Lucy fearful so she whispered with Mariana and Dolly as
“This boy look like bully kind person lets go away and we will talk to Mrs. Vicar “
“Yes we should do?”
Replied Mariana in agreement with little nervousness but Dolly was brave girl who always used to fight with a seventeen years old Jorge in their village who was mad behind her. So she again tried to threaten John as...
“You don’t know us well; you are a boy so better you leave our way”
This threaten made John annoyed because Dolly said him boy so he loudly replied in higher tone advancing two steps forward. Really cool boy John has been turned in angry young man.
“What? I’ m not in your way, I’ m behind that gorgeous lady, let her talk to me. I don’t like to talk little girl like you baby. If you wanna fight then come on” and John started to jump in a pose like boxer.
Such a behavior of him made all of three run away from other side like a kids of goat. Poor, poor ladies couldn’t face even a land lord boy. It made John laughed loudly and he called” Hey gorgeous lady I like you and I will come again for you” then he too returned to in front of church, but as he arrived, his family was looking for him in campus with Mr. Vicar. Looking at him his younger brother shouted pointing to him and his family relaxed.
“Oh dear, where have you been?, we were worried about you” her granny said.
“I was just looking around the church”
John replied looking at the Mariana, standing in corner of campus with girls. Mr. Peter introduced him Mr. Vicar and they started to talk. Mr. Vicar was saying them about lunch service and its benefit with great pleasure.
Mrs. Vicar was especially busy with landlord’s woman. The poor people of Dencasle hamlet already left the church but all young girls along with Mariana were standing in a corner of compound waiting for Mrs. Vicar. They were very respective girls who never disturb Mrs. Vicar when she was busy with some high profiled women. They were talking to one another whispering about what happened. John’s mother was going to vicar’s wife holding her mother in law. Vicar’s wife was talking with a group of some landlord’s women. Seeing John’s mother coming towards her she ahouted loudly
“Oh Mrs. Peter how are you? Come on come on”
She diverted all the women’s concentration towards them. When Mrs. Peter arrived she hugged her first then she went to hug her mother in low who never liked her. She never let Mrs. Vicar to hug her and said ok, ok I’m all right. This made other woman laugh. Mrs. Vicar introduced other lady with Mrs. Peter and said
“This is a god’s woman who always encourages her family to work for church. Since last two months they have arranged a lunch for poor children of this area. She always gives new dresses for those children on Christmas. I think this church has been active due to their efforts. God bless them”.
Expert in introducing, brought up with high profiled Christian people in great city named Nottingham, church woman and Vicar’s wife, Mrs. Vicar learnt exclusive skill to turn landladies down. Donation for lunch of poor children, activated church, church was turning in school for children around it which began to teach not reading and writing only but also enriching their growing up as mentally Christian. She wanted more money for development of Christian people around Dencastle, so she exprimentel her idea, she asked to the rest of landladies
“And what you say after hearing this lady’s work?”
She waited for response from them looking at their face.
All land landladies, standing like a statue, hearing admiration of Mrs. Peter, began looking to face of one another. One of them, Mrs. Richard said
I also announce them new dresses for this Christmas. Mrs. Vicar clapped her hands. And said blessing for her. Mrs. Hamilton also announces some money for lunch. Mrs. Vicar tempted more and more by these announcements. She also bit shocked with what happened this Sabbath day. She looked at the rest of landlord women and said them
What about you honorable ladies?
They also announced some money for lunch. Mrs. Vicar jumped somewhat by this grace of almighty and invited all women to her house but there were all carts ready for go which were waiting for landladies. Mrs. Richard’s cartman called her so she did say good bye to all ladies and walked to her carts. All the rest women walked to their carts saying good bye to Vicar’s wife. Vicar’s wife also waved her hand for good bye to everyone and said them to see next Sabbath day.
Mrs. Peter and granny were also going to gate waiting for Mr. Peter who was talking with Mr. Vicar, looking at her wife and mother he also took permission to leave church and took of a small bundle of money for further help of lunch and handed to Mr. Vicar. As Mr. Peter started talk of leaving, John quickly arrived at girls standing in corner, smiling at Mariana.
“Hey beautiful, gorgeous lady I will come again to see you ok, I really like you” John commenced but girls didn’t let him finish his sentence and run away to Mrs. Vicar for complain so he took way to gate for home because he was drowsy. Both father and son arrived at gate and his father told him angrily...
“My son is crazy for girls, isn’t it? This is not time to go behind girl my son, so keep away from girls or your father teach you hard lesson”
It made John angry he frowned at his father looking at his face like prodigal son, it also warned his father but both had arrived at the cart where his family was waiting to leave so both got into cart and horses started counting their paces of journey to homewards. Mr. Peter again was confused to see his behavior; his son was going out of his control.
All girls arrived at Mrs. Vicar who was so much happy today and it was time to prepare lunch she started with extraordinary smile at her face looking all girls
“Welcome dear ladies today here should unique dishes for lunch”
“Listen to us first, then lunch” all girls spook simultaneously.
All started to looking at one another, poor church going girls of Dencastle first time in their life got into the big trouble, when church going people get into trouble then it alarms for satanic Cobra. Prepare to fight, now it’s time for your test, if you win there should be big success and if you lose then?????? May god bless you. Holy Marry and Holy Jesus life are inspiration for going on.
“What’s wrong with you?” Mrs. Vicar asked surprisingly looking at them all.
Dolly began reporting “the young man from last family is not good, he challenged Miss Mariana, he messed up her speech, he touched her very badly during speech and when we warned him, he came to fight with us and threatened that he would come back for Miss Mariana”.
“He liked Sister Mariana” Linda told.
“Was he young enough for marriage?” Mrs. Vicar asked hopefully.
“Not at all, for rich people. He was tall, handsome, and strong” Linda explained.
“What do you say Mariana? Mrs. Vicar asked turning to Mariana.
Shocked and surprised Mariana spoke seriously “Nasty, Rascal, Bully kind fellow messed up me totally today, do complain to Vicar so as not to let him come again to me, I really hate him…”
“Ok, ok stop Mariana I will say to Vicar when I get chance today” she assured every one. She was not ready because she liked Mr. Peter family. First she thought Youngman was fit to marriage so he thought about her dearest Mariana’s marriage but to see her anger she avoided that topic and took every one for preparing lunch.
John turned into a brave young man. He never cared about any one and anything. He also had learnt so many tricks to steal money from his father’s business. He even left his friends. He was a standard member of the Pub and he went the pub whenever he wanted, some times in day, sometimes in night. He paid his attention to business but on his time because he needed money and only business was his source for money. Mr. Peter always disputed with him at the home but problem was that his wife Martha was not doing, whenever he and John were in chaos it affected Martha’s health so Mr. Peter had to keep quiet and let go so it was a plus point for John. Young man completely was out of control of Mr. Peter who always loved to keep their family respective in limit. His family situation stopped them from going to church since so many Sabbath because each Sunday John came very late at night, nobody of his family knew about it. John got up late at day time, set off for collection of trading. He spent his night and day with wine and woman. He threatened his labors to say anything about trading. Everything was in his hand and Mr. Peter spent most of his time helping in his wife Martha. His oldest and sincere labor Mark was very sorry for this but he couldn’t do anything for this eventually John was a landlord master for him. One Saturday the situation got unbearable for Mark. Both Mini Master and Mark were on journey to Nottingham for trading. When they arrived at the Pub of the Midtown, John made the cart stop and emptied stock of chickens and eggs at Pub, because it was a birth day of sexy Riana and John organized a big party, with dishes of chicken and eggs with wine. Mark was taken aback to see his master connected with the pub people, spent his wealth on them, he never saw his old landlord Mr. Peter like this in his life. Mark did nothing at the sport but he made his mind to speak everything out if Mr. Peter asked.
The next Saturday arrived back but still John didn’t pay his father and went to Nottingham for trading. He returned at noon and got sleepy so Mr. Peter couldn’t talk to him and Youngman went to pub getting up at before midnight when his family was sleeping. Unfortunately Martha’s health troubled at midnight. So Mr. Peter got ready for Midtown to Mr. Hudson. He went to John’s room and knocked at the door thousands of times but he was unanswered, it confused him so he had to push the door, but there was no John. Mr. Peter was shocked too heavily, his brain was stuck and he sat down the bed hiding his face behind hand. He controlled the situation, came out. Tomorrow was Sunday so Mark too left the farm for his family at Midtown. He prepared the cart himself and took the way to Midtown along with Martha. When he arrived at Midtown he first went to slum where Mark family was. He told Mark everything and Mark spoke everything out before him crying.
“Ok it was my fault but listen, no talk at cart. Let’s go to Mr. Hudson first”
Mr. Peter said and they arrived at Mr. Hudson’s clinic. It was late after midnight, town was totally silent. Every human seemed to be in close sleep. Only street dogs were active barking here and there, expressing their rule in dark night. As they stopped at the door of Mr. Hudson dog started barking. Both Mr. Peter and Mark got off.
“Hey stop, stop we are not stranger” Mark tried to keep the dog silent waving both hands and went to the door for knocking. Mr. Peter helped carefully getting Martha off the cart and led her at the door. Mr. Hudson came after a lot of noise, rubbing his eyes in long night gown, spreading his long hair on shoulder, he asked yawning.
“Who’s the fella at Midnight?”
“It’s me Peter, Mr. Hudson, very sorry to disturb your sleep, my wife is serious” told Mr. Peter with appealing voice.
“Ok, Mr. Peter come on in, don’t worry” he quickly let them in and lighted the room with lantern.
Martha was groaning and was not able even to seat so Mr. Peter made her carefully sleep at the table. Mr. Hudson was checking her with bundles of questions.
“Everything is normal, this should not be with regular medicine, her body is very week and cold, oh Christ what is this?”
“What did you have in dinner? Did you work a lot? Did you have night dose?”
He was unanswered with only groaning of Martha.
“There must be herbs left yet? No else remedy for her. He asked and advised Mr. Peter.
“I m so sorry Mr. Hudson please forgive me, I stopped the medicine since last Sunday” Martha said crying.
“Why did you do without saying me?”
Mr. Peter shouted because Martha had made very big mistake, he was already confused with John and what Mark told him. Martha was crying a lot it was too difficult to stop for her, she was very sorry, Mr. Hudson made the Situation under control and Martha was able to speak everything out.
“My son John brought some herbs for me and told it was from well known person. It was for increasing blood and energy. He told it was so powerful to cure just in a month. I started it on Monday and I m having heavily diarrhea since three days. I couldn’t eat a bite of food, I’ m extremely sorry”.
“No sorry Martha you did like innocent kid, you never trust your husband, you be fool with your nasty son, you know where your rascal son is? He isn’t at home. He is out of home. He is cheating us, wasting our money in the pub, in wine, in woman, Martha I’m lost, I’m totally ruined,”
He shouted again in loud voice which made Mrs. Hudson came down with fear. Mr. Hudson held him and made sit down and silent. Mrs. Hudson brought water for them. And Mr. Hudson poured oil in fire saying…
Mr. Peter your son is now extremely sex addicted, he is very weak due to oversexed without good food, he is enjoying woman elder than him, he doesn’t sleep enough, his legs loosing balance, his knees are hurting, his eyes are burning, he drinks a lot. He came to me for medicine which increases sex power. When I asked him, he told me he was married but I understood from situation, he was drunk along with other two drunken.
Martha began crying a lot to know this; she was again in bad situation. Mr. Hudson gave her a glass of tonic to energize soon. Mr. Peter tried again to be under control and came to Martha requesting her holding in his lap…
“I’m sorry, so sorry Martha, please help me sweet heart, I love you I m no more without you, I love you more than anything, please try to be strong, please be helpful to me, please take care of you”
Both Mr. and Mrs. Hudson hugged each other sympathetically to see Mr. Peter’s love for Martha. Mr. Hudson kissed his wife strongly on her lips. It made her annoyed and she beat at his chick, stretching her eyes, getting herself free from his tight hold. Martha tried to control herself with a loving voice and hug with her husband. She sat down with words of comfort for her husband…
“Relax honey, I’m ok, lord will help us ok, honey please don’t worry for God shake, please forgive me, it’s all my faults. I’ m extremely sorry”
“Ok I never worry if you are ok; I want to see you with smile”
Mr. Peter tried to comfort his wife. Mr. Hudson and Mrs. Hudson clapped their hands for happy end. Mr. Hudson gave some more herbs for diarrhea and returned them with quick recovery, then Mr. and Mrs. Hudson went to their bedroom closing door. As they were flatten at bed, Mr. Hudson mounted on his wife, putting off gown saying,” I’m goona kill you this night”, his wife screamed loudly “oh god, monster mounted me”.
Situation was under control. Mr. Peter and his wife decided to face with understanding. Mark stopped the cart in front of the pub. Mr. Peter got off ordering Martha to stay at where she was, advanced to the Pub. There were too many horses, standing outside the gate, among there was John’s favorite horse which seemed to be aware of his original owner, looking at him as if he was saying John was inside. Gate was just closed without locking because it’s going to desk, finishing Midnight and celebration of the pub was ended. Mr. Peter entered the Pub carefully, there was no one at hall except some young men and women sleeping at the middle round shape stage, in hap hazard position, they were in deep sleep fully drunk. Mr. Peter standing aside looked at everyone’s face but there was no John, he was very much confused, horse proved his present so he began to check entire whole touching its wall with hand. As he arrived at curtain he found a stair behind it, he started to climb up where each bed was full with couple sleeping. He checked each bed profoundly, as it was difficult to identify faces in very dim light of candles burning at the long wooden round stand, up to down on its plate shape branches in center. All beds were set up around attaching wall in round floor, Wall made with curtain. He was tired looking all couple naked, drunken. He was shocked when he found his son entirely naked sleeping on an aged lady, with boobs in his mouth. He shivered first and cried to see this. After awhile he dared to do further. He tried to wake John up but he was too sleepy and drunk to be awake or even to be stood up. Riana was awake with his movement and screamed out with words
“Who the bloody man you are? What are you doing here?” she sat down and began to cover her, putting dress on. Mr. Peter picked John’s clothes, wrapped his private part with. He whispered with Riana that he was John’s father and didn’t want to mess there up, and then he carried his son on shoulders and walked to outside, speechless lady kept looking. He got out the Pub and put John in the cart like a bundle of grass. Martha cried to see his son in such position. Mr. Peter tied his horse behind cart and they were again on way to the home silent, sorrowful, confused.
Cart arrived at home with lighted morning just rose with sun. Mr. and Mrs. Peter got off. Mr. Peter ordered Mark to leave cart with aid of wooden polls standing there and he took all of John’s clothes leaving him naked. All advanced to home where John’s granny was seating in arm chair. She stood up to see them and was happy to see Martha walking without help. Martha entered the kitchen for morning tea Mr. Peter followed her for help and granny started to listen to fiction of night journey from Mark, waiting for tea.
John’s eyes were opened when morning was about to go handing charge over, coming mid day. He shook his head. He was still enjoying imaginary sex with Riana. He smiled with closed eyes, leaking his lips with end of the tongue, he began to whisper “oh soooooo…… good, I love it” and tried to turn right but his knee hit with seat so strongly that he sat down. As he sat down, he was frightened to see him naked in the cart, there was earthquake” oh my God, where he was, what happened to him, he was naked, if someone had kidnapped him” he asked so many questions to himself. He shivered; he didn’t dare to come out. He tried to identify place, just sitting there.
“It seems to be just my farm” he said to himself and tried to see outside leaning forward where his father was waiting for him one meter far away from cart, John felt to be swallowed by the earth, young man was being very badly disgraced before his family.
“Come out my son, you are very brave man, come on out side or your father will pull you out”.
Mr. Peter shouted arriving nearer. His all family gathered there. Her beloved mother and grandmother were looking at him with disappointed faces. Mr. Peter was getting angrier, shouting on and on, louder and louder, ordering him to come out. John was crying shamefully.
Mr. Peter forced again John to come out; he couldn’t even look up at all. Mr. Peter called his both younger sons to him and started to say
“Look at your brother, he is naked, he was robbed by some woman, look, look at naked fellow. He was gonna ruin me, he hates me, he cheats me” generous family loving land lord cried, Martha couldn’t see this, she arrived at him and spoke crying
“Please you needn’t cry, it’s all my fault, I couldn’t understand you, blind love for my son made me blind too, please sorry, forgive me honey, please, please and she hugged him.
“No, no Martha it was my fault, you don’t be sorry, ok” Mr. Peter told her kissing and again turned to John shouting
“Come on out, John I’m really gonna kill you, you don’t deserve to my family, get out of my farm, go away he tried to pull John out but John was strongly holding cart which didn’t let him out, support of wooden pole moved and cart was high from back side, both younger sons were frightened and started screaming, Granny got angry to Mr. Peter.
“Peter, don’t be Idiot, stupid, try to be good father”.
“Hey Mother get out of here, you have messed up my son, get out of here” Mr. Peter screamed and again his sons frightened, Martha took granny and her sons away but Mr. Peter stayed there shouting at John, Poor John was crying like a baby, was sorry before his father, imploringly
I’m really sorry Pop, I’ll never do again, I’ll never ever, father please forgive me, please, I apologize, I’m extremely sorry…
“No, son I don’t want you here, I’m ruined because of you, I don’t need son like you, get out of my farm, just naked, I’ll not give you even clothes” Mr. Peter was shouting angrily, then he pulled John out and started beating him. Cart was down from backside with loud noise, all horses in stable startled, even hens started noise, John was screaming, Mark who was sitting some far from their landlord couldn’t stop more and arrived there running, he held Mr. Peter, John was on land disgracefully, Martha came with his clothes angrily shouting, she threw clothes on John saying
“Go away from here, never come here again, you are not our son” she went again away crying. John put his clothes on quickly and stood up leaning his head down. Mr. Peter shouted again in hold of Mark…
“Go away, get loss from here”
John was looking at him imploringly. Mark ordered him to go away right then and poor landlord ran away like a strange dog hiding tail, crying. Mr. Peter walked to home getting him free from hold of Mark. Mark got busy to setting cart right.
“Come on, come on in, rich fellas; your comrade has arrived after long… ha….ha….ha” called the Hotelman when four horsemen braked their horses outside the hotel. Eyes of each horseman were stuck to a white beautiful horse which was recently bought by Anthony, one of John’s friends.
“Looks strong enough huh” told Simon setting his horse right in queue of other three horses. They all Stiffen, Simon, Anthony and martin were on horse, and they came after long race, testing Anthony’s new horse.
“What?” Martin asked surprisingly as Hotelman finished his sentence.
“He came without horse, worn and torn, very much hungry, even didn’t pay and now snoring”.
Replied Hotelman pointing towards a table where John was snoring leaning forward his head on the table. After his father got him out of the farm he started to walk and walk until he got the hotel. He was too tired and hungry so he had lunch. He was feeling very much cheap in heart; he was thinking and thinking until felt sleepy soon. All of his friends arrived at him. Simon tried to punch him hard but Anthony had punched him on his back before he punched John, there started fight between Anthony and Simon.
“You bloody hit me, huh” Simon said jumping on Anthony.
“You rascal, drunk, beggar why was going to punch him?” Anthony told in return
Both were pushing with power each other to collapse down, no one was ready to be collapse, it messed the all tables of hotel and there was a crowd of audience. It also made John awake and he stood up to watch them, hotel man got angry, he hit the Simon with chair abusing very badly. Simon fell down hitting his head with thick wooden pillar which caused bleeding. Martin made him stand up and hotelman got all four friends out with pushing and abusing.
“Rascal, never ever come to my hotel, this is good place for respectful people, not for you bloody, loafer landlords”
All landlords mounted their horses and ran away. Hotel got again tidy and John too got out the hotel making him fresh. It’s now going to dark soon. He stood up for a while then walked to church Dencastle with hope of night rest
He arrived at church when it was completely dark. Church was locked and Vicar was in home. John entered the campus through main gate opening carefully and advanced to church. Homeless young man resorted to God’s home. He kept seating at verandah of church till late night then slept until sweet noise of girls entering the gate in early morning made him awake. John sat down quickly, he saw girls coming to church, listened Vicar praying inside. John jumped down and hid behind church and started to peep inside from window carefully. Display of sexy back of Mariana, older than all girls made happy to him and again woman lover real man forgot every hardship which he was suffering. He jumped out of the wooden compound wall without making noise and started to wait for Mariana hiding him in bushy behind wall, near the way which goes church to Mariana’s home.
Soon all girls passed by quickly but there were no Mariana. She was stopped by Mrs. Vicar. John kept hiding until Mariana appeared. Her sexy hips in tight long dress hit the landlord and he quickly shouted coming out of bushy. It frightened sweet and soft Mariana. She turned back to voice with her hand on her throat, her feet stuck to land she stopped motionless, nasty landlord again came to messed her up.
“Hey, how are you awesome Lady?”
“I came to see you? What are you called?”
“I really liked you. I’m insane for you”
“Will you marry me?”
Nasty John hit many questions. Shocked Mariana couldn’t reply, even a single word.
“Are you dumb? Don’t you have tongue?”
“Poor landlord you grew physically but didn’t mentally” Mariana replied respectively.
“Thank god you speak too ha…ha…ha” he joked
You are at wrong person, I m lady not girl you don’t deserve me.
Hey I don’t like girl, I’m a man I make lady like you scream while sex John answered annoying. It made Mariana shocked eventually she was young lady with hope of sex.
“Leave my way” she said and advanced to home.
“Take me to your home, I’m homeless now”
John kept shouting for a while but she didn’t stop and again young man confused for where to go, what to do.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Peter couldn’t sleep at night. Mrs. Peter was crying but she used to pretend looking happy before her husband, it wasn’t be hidden before family loving and generous Mr. Peter, he couldn’t see her crying more, he also loved his son more so promising Martha with a big kiss and long hug he got ready to search John at midnight. When he came to sitting room John’s granny was peeping out from windows with the hope of John, it also made him emotional, making his mother sleep, promising comeback with John he set off in search of John. He roamed and roamed here and there far away from Dencastle to even at pub in Midtown but he couldn’t find John, eventually getting tired and disappointed he returned to his home at down with sad face, it also made both her wife and mother disappointed and cry. Old landlady his landlord son and daughter in law kept seating discussing till morning announced its arrival by, changing dark night into lighted day. Mark also arrived early to be helpful for his landlord family. Martha prepared morning tea; there was breakfast only with a cup of tea and again Mr. Peter and Mark started to search John riding horses in different directions.
Mr. Peter again rode to Midtown and Mark stopped at church gate to see Mr. Vicar coming out. He asked him if he knew any landlord teenage boy. Mr. Vicar answered in negative and Mark advanced to street of poor people where all women were busy in their household work with some of young girls sweeping the street and some children were playing here and there. He stopped his horse arriving at a girl which made all girls stopped their work diverting their concentration to him. He asked
“Have you seen a young landlord around here since last night?”
“We haven’t” Lucy answered and again was bent to sweep. Mark was about to turn his horse when there was good tidings.
“Yes, he was around cathedral at early morning” Mariana spoke, setting his broom right.
“When did you see him?” asked Dolly
“While coming back after Morning Prayer, he was the same young man who troubled with us; he came again to see me he was saying”.
“What did you say?”
“I did nothing but not to come behind me”.
“Poor rich fellow, pursuing at wrong woman” Dolly said.
“I think he will take Mariana away if he could, eventually he looks gorgeous landlord” Lucy said as a jock. Jealous Dolly couldn’t bear this and answered at once.
“Rich fella don’t deserve Poor girl”.
“I think its good time for church going girls, its sister Mariana turn after Linda” Lucy again spoke and Dolly frowned at her.
“Don’t be jealous Dolly, Mike is ready for you”
Lucy said and there arrived Mike who was going to work with Linda’s father. He listened to his name from girls so he jumped with glad and asked…
“Who missed me? All respected Nuns”.
All girls annoyed and began to hit him with brooms. Mr. Bork came to them saying…
“Stop, stop silly girls, you all is so different, not interested in boys, always busy with praying so you are just like nuns”.
All girls made their faces in anger but Dolly seemed happy, looking at Mike so mike winked at her and she smiled.
“I will see you at evening, huh” mike whispered near her, going for work.
Mark rode around again and again Cathedral Dencastle. He got off the horse and walked again around campus of church, checking all bushy with long stick but he couldn’t find John. At last he entered the campus of church and looked for all inside campus and church building too, but was unsuccessful.
“Where should’ve he gone within an hour or some more?” He said himself getting out of the church’s gate and mounted the horse. He was leaving Dencastle with disappointed face continuously looking around and around far away. “Lets me try into bushy near river” he thought then he heeled the horse to river. Again he got off when he arrived at shallow part of river where woman washed clothes and animals. He noticed a track of print of paces, across the river bank in mud which lost in bushy. This must be him he thought, tying his horse with a tree; he crossed the river carefully then arrived at bushy following track. He jumped suddenly in bushy where a landlord was resting. He held him tightly, landlord tried a lot to get him free but due to weakness, hungry landlord couldn’t be successful. Mark mounted the horse with him by hard efforts and rode to farmhouse carefully.
His granny hugged him tightly kissing her cheeks again and again, as soon as he arrived but when his mother looked at him; she turned her face and went away from him. It made him very sorry and he followed her in kitchen.
“You are not my son, I really hate you. I hate myself for you are my son” his mother told him crying.
“I’ m really sorry mother, please forgive me, please”.
He begged and begged holding her but she moved from him in anger each time.
“Ok, you don’t want me, then I kill myself”.
He said and jumped to a platform where a set of some knifes was lying, taking a big knife he raised his hand hardly to insert in his belly but his father jumped from behind and held him tightly he could not be stable and levied on himself on his father with crying louder and louder like a baby. All of his family gathered over there, both of his younger brothers were screaming. His sad and hungry father also couldn’t stand long and placed him on a table behind him holding him tightly. He hid his head in his father’s lap and started begging apology.
“Ok I accepted your apology; I forgave you, keep quite”
His father told picking him up and made him sit in his lap. His father started to wipe his face; his granny brought a glass of water and handed over his father. Family loving dearest landlord started making him drink water and hungry and thirsty innocent young man sipped entire amount of water. His mother’s eyes dropped hot tears out with extraordinary happiness in heart. The tears of happiness seemed to be appeared in two landlords and two landladies.
The Most awaited Sabbath by young girls of Hamlet Dencastle arose. Linda was still sleeping because eleven years old young girl couldn’t sleep easily at night. She had been continuously thinking. It was her last night at her parent’s home. Thought of leaving Dencastle, made her horribly frightened. How would her husband be? Would he be young or aged? How would be her home and society at Nottingham? Would there be a church near her home? Would her husband allow her to go to church? Would there be father as good as Vicar of Dencastle? Would she be home girl or she would have to go for work? So many questions confused her attacking her mind. Moreover she was seriously frightened of Lucy’s statement which she said day before yesterday” gipsy family does not live like over here, they change their home again and again”. She was from gipsy family but after arriving at Dencastle their parent’s life was changed. Even if his father behaved like gipsy but her mother mixed up with people of Dencastle so she has brought up in very good Christianity environment. She was church going girl, brought up in respective manner.
Her mother woke her up and she quickly sat up yawning, from incomplete sleep. She was nervous therefore everything seemed to be in nervousness to her, even sweet chirpings of birds converted noisy in her ears. Nothing could make her happy in early morning. She said morning prayer closing her eyes and it lit a holy light in her mind, innocent girl stood up with sweet smile on face, happiness in heart and hot tears in eyes which was due to coming separation of church and holy spirits which was gonna farewell to her. Today was Sabbath so she got ready for church and walked to church last time with her mother and younger sisters instructing them, to attend Sabbath without failure.
Most of people of Dencastle had arrived before them; church was full with People of Dencastle and some Landlords except eight girls of her group who were waiting outside of church for her with very sad faces. As she arrived at them Dolly quickly hugged her crying…
“I’m very sorry Linda for what I have done with you always, now you gonna leave us forever, I never thought before this, please forgive me, please heartily forgive me, I m extremely sorry”,
it made everyone cry, none of them could utter a words, their throats were chocked up due to heaviness of heart, their heart were full up with emotions, first time they were feeling bitter experience of leaving some one, small village Dencastle was going to leave his first girl who was younger than all in her group. It was first marriage in Dencastle which had made each people of Dencastle happy and emotional. Mrs. Vicar came to them warning about prayer time and they all hurried the church and joined the prayer.
Everything was ready. There was no lunch in church today for children, because people of entire village are going to have lunch together at street. It was arranged by Vicar who always helped people in time of need. He made all arrangement for Linda’s wedding so Linda’s mother was too happy. She was always afraid of her marriage because she had nothing to give her daughter and for welcome the groom’s people. Her husband drank a lot. He never gave any extra money to her, so many times they had to spend day hungry but problem was ended after arrangement of lunch by church. All of her girls had lunch at church.
Mariana group was sitting together around Linda, outside her home, very happy with face but very sad with heart. Dolly, who never cared of speaking anything to anyone, was very silent today, her mouth was stuck and her eyes were dropping tears because she was extremely sorry for what she had done with Linda since childhood. Each girl of her group was laughing at her.
“Potatoes are boiled completely” announced Mariana’s father.
“Put the fire out, leaving some coal burning so that it will be hot while eating” spook Lame Gordon, sitting under the tree with all men, who were not busy in cooking.
“Hungry fella, you always find free food fresh, testy and hot” dolly’s father taunted.
“Hey goose, I’m not hungry, I m always full with the grace of Holy God, you looks dropping water from your mouth with smell of roasting meat” he retorted hitting his long stick.
“Don’t fight at my daughter’s wedding bloody rascals, be respectful today and honor my guest they are from Nottingham” warned Mr. Bork boastfully as if he was organizing big wedding of his daughter.
“Hey don’t try to be land lord, drunken gypsy” told a quarrelsome lady of Dencastle who was Lucy’s mother and there started fight.
“I, m going to throw all foods in well, I won’t let anyone eat” shouted Mariana’s father arriving there with burning pole of a meter long.
All aged woman jumped to make their man silent, all girls stood up whispering angrily, both hot young men of Dencastle Mike and Jorge advanced to Mariana’s granny who was sitting at her doorstep along with old lady of her neighbor.
“Hey granny it’s your duty to blow the fight out, it’s impossible without you, come on, granny come on” both excited her and she was stood up proudly and walked to crowd under the tree, old lady also followed her.
“If you all rascals will fight like this then no girls of Dencastle will get married and groom will run away without bride am I not right Mrs. Lee?” She warned all aged people fighting under the tree like a queen commanding assembly and turned her face to Mrs. Lee the old lady of her neighbor proudly to know he was right or wrong.
Mrs. Lee took it seriously because Mariana’s granny asked her so he felt more proudly than her and ordered assembly under tree like queen of queens.
“Stay each one in good manner, respect all people who are coming as guest to our village from a big city Nottingham, it will increase our fame, our status we are good Christian people of Dencaste”
There was silence for a while; all aged people started looking at each other shaking their heads in affirmation. Mariana’s granny got jealous with Mrs. Lee, making her face, looking at her, she was going to speech but Mr. and Mrs. Vicar appeared.
“Is everything ok? It’s going to mid day and I hope they will be here in no time” Vicar said.
“Yes Vicar, Potatoes and eggs are boiled, and meat also will be ready soon” answered Mariana’s father pointing to a big pieces of lamb meat hanging on three big poles, attaching from top over flame of fire. Vicar checked everything and took place on beautiful rug which was specially spread for him, all man also sat around him and he started to say them story of God because it was golden chance to preach men and women of Dencastle
“They are coming, they are coming” screamed all children who were playing behind street, to see a cart of two horses coming towards their street. It diverted all people’s concentration; they all stood up for welcome.
An old wooden cart with for wheels, tied with two horses, covered with torn lather hood, so many colorful patches exhibiting its condition, stopped besides well, some meters far away from big tree in street and got off with jump from backside eight people they were three aged lady one of whom was Linda’s mother in law and an old lady Linda’s grandmother in law and three aged man, one of whom was her father in law, and thirteen years old boy looking tall and handsome, wearing white boot which was not even wiped out on wedding day, light gray color pant, black overcoat and white shirt. It was not representing him as groom but his tidy long hair parted from middle was making his long beautiful face gorgeous.
All girls were too much eager to know who was groom because one aged man in tidy black coat suit and black boot was confusing them. Mr. Bork Linda’s father advanced to old lady and hugged saying Aunt Laura after that he hugged an aged man, his cousin who was going to be Linda’s father in law then his cousin introduced her wife to Mr. Bork and called his thirteen years old boy who was amazingly looking at crowd far away from his father. The crowd which was amazingly looking at aged man in black. Having heard his father call, boy arrived at him quickly and his father introduced him with Mr. Bork, erecting his head, with smile stretching her lips only one side, holding his son with his upper arm saying loudly this is my son Mat. (Mathew). Mr. Bork happily hugged him grabbing towards him and spook “look every one this is my son in law, Mathew” and every one of Dencasle especially group of young girls felt comfort because Linda’s husband was also boy like her not aged man.
“Father your prayer has been answered, he is boy like her” Mariana spoke going to Mr. Vicar and hugged Mrs. Vicar crying, all girls jumped happily they ran to Linda who was sitting outside her home and started pointing her out to the groom to show her. All groom people were brought to well for freshness. Hot young men Mike and Jorge pulled water up and two men and two women helped them to be washed and fresh. They all walked to church for marriage. Mr. Vicar finished ceremony and declared them as husband and wife, then commanded to kiss each other. Shy Linda couldn’t shake her head up, groom started to look at the people with smile.
“Go ahead go, kiss her, kiss her “there were loud noise from people and boy excited to kiss, he hold her hand tightly and stuck to her lip too strongly to be apart.
“Ok, Ok it’s done”, Mr. Vicar said to boy holding him who was not ready to leave Linda, there were big applause with noises of clapping. Mike, who was standing behind Dolly, touched her waist to turn her back. Dolly looked back and he winked, Dolly frowned at him angrily and started to walk along with all people to street again because now everyone was happy, throwing all sadness away which had caused them in trouble. All children ran with loud noises towards street, Linda was walking along with her husband and crowd was following her, as she arrived at the main gate, she stopped turning her towards church and screamed “father, I won’t come again to church, how could I live without church? Its part of my life, she was crying louder and louder. All people were stopped with big shocked, all women of Dencastle began crying along with Linda and how to mention about her group they all again dropping flood of river Coldstream from their eyes and noses but all woman from groom started to look at each other making their faces. Little groom couldn’t see his bride crying too much, “Don’t cry dear, there are so many churches in Nottingham I will take you to church, please don’t cry” he said then he too started crying, his granny interrupted them scolding” hey, stupid fella, stop crying, now you are responsible people, forget church and father” every one of Dencastle frowned at her angrily. Mr. Vicar came to Linda and explained her with love and again crowd was on the way to the street.
Everything the lunch, desert and dancing was finished enjoy fully, all gipsy people of Nottingham had lunch until they were full, hot heroes of Dencastle Mike and Jorge served the lunch to guest as much as they could, exciting them for competition and they competed one another with large bites. They had too much to walk, old lady kept murmuring but nobody cared her then all danced fully drunken. Day turned in evening in no time. Vicar arrived again to say good bye to Linda, groom’s grandmother hardly gathered all drunken men and women and got them in the cart, Mike and Jorge helped her, at last she got in from front side behind fully drunk cart man. Groom was busy with her bride along with all girls having fun but there was whistle to leave Linda, all woman along with girls were crying louder and louder, dolly was insane today, nobody was ready to let Linda go, they were embracing her one by one, on and on eventually Mr. Vicar got her free from woman and took her to the cart along with her husband and got them in with warm love and said good bye to Linda. Church father was proved him real father today who got a god loving lady married with all is well while her own father was too drunk to understand. All girls had lost their control, they all encompassed the cart shouting Linda, Linda, and old lady was beating on their hand murmuring, Mike and Jorge pulling all young girls out of the cart, children were laughing loudly, this event let cart man alert and he pulled the reins of horses and horses went away with Linda, all women of Dencastle kept looking at her until she was disappeared, children ran behind cart till far away, the happiness of Dencastle was changed in unhappiness, there was something lost from Dencastle and it was its priceless little diamond Linda.

Addicted with woman and wine, sexy and hot landlord John had been spending his time just sitting at the home. The home for him was like a prison because even he was not allowed to go in his room. His room was locked and he had to sleep in front room with his granny who watched over him at nighttime. In day time he rode the horse around farm and worked with Mark. It was too difficult for him he couldn’t be even fantasizing freely. His father got very good time to help his mother so Martha was doing very well. She had never got any problem since last two weeks.
“I think rest is very important to you dear, so I have been thinking to get John married”
Mr. Peter said handing over a big pan full with washed pieces of chicken to Martha.
“Everything is ok, why you thinking so rudely, he is still boy and now he has improved”
“No honey you don’t know, our son is not a boy, he is so powerful, I was shocked when I saw him at pub, he can makes aged lady turn down, so don’t think him a boy, we must do something for him, he wouldn’t be silent more, I m much worried about him”
Mr. Peter expressed deep worry before Martha.
“It’s useless to argue with you so do whatever you want to do” his wife replied disappointedly.
“Ok thank you sweetheart, I just want your permission, I try today to show him some landlord girls, I always see so many girls coming from garden with beautiful flowers in hand, I think he would like them and select one of them”.
Mr. Peter told Martha hugging and kissing from behind while she was staring in bowl and he decided to take him at evening when all girls passed by road.
John and his father are going on same horse. John was riding horse holding reign and his father was behind him. Horse was walking comfortably. There were a group of teenage girls coming from opposite direction. Both father and son looked at them from some steps far away.
There were six teenage girls in group. They were fourteen to sixteen years old. They were from landlord family. They were wearing beautiful dresses longer than their knees. They were also wearing ornaments in their ears and necks. All were holding bunches of flowers of tulip and rose in their hands. They were coming from a nearer flower park, picking flowers and going to their homes. They all were walking in respective manner. Their thin legs were shining and their delicate feet were touching the earth like dancing peacock.
They were talking to one another in slow voice. There were smile on their face and their bodies were shaking left and right while walking.
When both father and son reached to them they tried to attract John.
One of girls told to others
“I always love pink roses”
“Me too”
Repeated others two girls simultaneously.
John’s father was looking at them continuously. He couldn’t be silent.
John’s father tried to talked with them saying
“Hello beautiful girls, you’re looking more beautiful than roses”
“Thank you gentle man”
Replied all girls together and laughed. John didn’t even look at them. They were not fit to him in his eye. He sped his horse and they were much far away from girls. His father snatched the reign from his hand and stopped the horse and said angrily
“Idiot boy, look at them they are landlord’s girls, our society girls, you must select someone from them dear because I’m goona get you married as soon as possible”
John replied making face
“Dad, I’m not interested in them, you know they don’t suit me, they are girls and I think I’m a man.”
Mr. Peter looked at him strangely, tried to explain
“Oooh my poor fellow, listen, these are girls who deserve to you to be your wife, my crazy son “
John said cutting his explanation
“No dad I don’t like such kind of girls”
Mr. Peter asks eagerly to know
“Which kind of girl you like then? my boy”
John asked seriously
“Dad, do you really wanna make me get married?”
Mr. Peter replied seriously
“Yes my dear, you know I love your mom more than anything. And she really needs rest, she can’t do much work, work isn’t good for her so we need another woman in our house to care of us, our family, and our home.”
John clarifed his choice
“Ok, than dad these girls are not suit to me, you know.”
Mr. Peter asks
“What is wrong with them?”
John thinked a moment then he said stammering
“They… they…they have not big boobs good enough to enjoy, I like woman with good boobs. She looks sexy.
Mr. Peter got shocked and uttered surprisingly laughing
What? What? Ha…ha…ha…ha…ha…ha…ha…ha…ha…His father laughed and laughed so much that he was bent, John felt shy and said keeping his head down
“I m sorry Father”
“Ok, ok, my boy you don’t need to be sorry, I think my boy really has grown more than he should be, but you no big boobs woman will get older soon when you’ll be still young”
His father tries again to explain
“I don’t think so, let’s go, father, its goona be dark”
John avoided further talk and his father mounted again, they were back to home


Texte: copyrighted
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.02.2011

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