
Once there lived a BEAUTIFUL mortal named Sammi
she was so pretty that whenever she walked by
a male in school they would drool an try to get her number
an when she said no I'm with someome they would say ok I need the restroom
they would go to the restroom an start crying.So 1 day she went to her boyfriend vamp's house he said to her Baby we need to talk, so they went to his bedroom an sat down on his bed an he said Baby I am a Vampire, Whateva she said, I don't believe you Danny,
I'll prove it to you he said, so how can i prove it to her he asked him self OH i got it he thought i'll bite someone, well no cause that might freak her out he said, so he gathered up all his strenth and asked her would you freak out if i bit someone to prove to you i am a vamp, ummmmm no she said kinda snotty.Oh he said well come with me he said an ill prove it to you so they went out on the streets an he bit someone OMG you ARE a vamp she said loudly, shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
he said or they will try to kill me an so now that you know my secret will you date me forever he asked ummmmm let me think bout it she said.So the next day she got a text that said:
Jonny(the werewolf) Hey babe will u cum ovr cuz we need 2 tlk.
Sami UMMMMMMMM yea sure howz 4?
Jonny Gud lov ya gtg or ill gt n trubl
Sami k lov ya 2 c u latr.

So when 4 o'clock came around she went to jonny's house,went into the living room
an jonny said baby,i am a werewolf,OKKKKKKKKKK she said i do believe you cause my ummmmmmm dad is a werewolf making up the best lie she possibly could.Oh cool babe he said,not really she replyed.So now that you know MY secret will you date me forever he asked OMG everybody's askin me that question this week she said huh? heasked suspiciously,oh nothing babe she said soooooooo see tomorrow k cause its almost past my curfew she said looking at her cell phone (witch said 7:20) its a good thing my house is only about 5 minutes away right she asked ummmmmm yeah he replyed.So 5 days later she decided to tell both Danny and Jonny she was dating both of them an hope 1 or both will break up with her so she could date a mortal like her.So she told them in a text itz ok they both replyed na itz nat she texted back an finally she made up her mind on who to keep dating and who to break-up with, so she texted them, i no ho i m gunna keep datin an ho 2 brek up wit ho w8 wut, they texted k u guyz hav2 promis not 2 get mad if i tel yall, k they texted back Jonny i m gunna brek up with idc how hot u r but i hav to brek up wit u she texted an Danny i m still gunna dat u she said to him

Jonny wut??????
Danny yay!!!!!!

An she only saw an texted Danny an finally they got married an had 2 girls an 1 boy named Adan 3mos. Janette(jay) 13 yrs. old an Samantha (Sam) 7 yrs. old.


Texte: PLEEEEEEEEEEASE DO NOT rewrite this story!!!!!!! thanks -s.hannah
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.10.2011

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This story is for anyone that might need help with love!!!

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