

"Your lucky I love you. We could go to jail, and im still doing this with you." Tia ranted at taylor. I chuckled and Put on my ballet flats that were light pink. I grabbed a white skirt and a long sleave floral shirt that was light pink and white. I slowly put my clothes on and grimced at Tia's black pants and shirt. I grabbed a jean jacket and sat on mny bed as I didn't were make-up and knowing me and where we were going I would most likely start crying. Tia huffed and flopped down on my pink bed and closed her eyes. I laughed and looked at Taylor. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a light blue shirt with a sweater and her toms. I ran down the steps when the boys rang the door bell. I opened the door and hugged Liam, Taylors bofriend. I was grabbed up by my older brother and Tia's boyfriend Kyle. He dropped me on the floor and ran to Tia and I huffed standing up and letting out a string of curse words. I got up and hugged Rina and then Jake. I looked around and then i started to talk. "Well the whole lot is here. Lets go please. I want to get back as soon as possible." I said and put on my jacket. "We have to wait for Declan." Kyle said after he locked lips with Tia. I huffed and walked to the kitchen. I sat on the gold stool and cut a piece of Taylors chcolate cake. I took a bite of the gooey cake and laughed when Taylor glared hard. I slowly pushed the plate towards her. She grabbed it fast and started to stuff her face. I giggled and then ran out the door and hopped in Kyle's GMC. I laughed and then I jumped high when Someone grabbed me. "Declan, Knock it off." I yelled and they all laughed as they piled into the car. I just huffed and started to fight with Kyle and Liam. "Well You have to sit on someones lap." Kyle said. "Why doesn't taylor sit on liam's lap I mean they are together." I yelled and then I was picked up and sat on Declans lap. I moved around until I felt something poking my leg. I gasped and he let out a shaky breath. I went to move but was held in place. I turned to look at him. His eyes were a pretty grey color and his hair is a light brown. He has a strong jawline and a little bit of hair on his face. He had muscle but not to much. He was hot. I looked at his mouth and he had a lazy grin. I just huffed and turned around. I stood up slightly and then say down hard and he groaned in pain. "Sorry, I slipped." I said with an innocent face. the car came to a stop and soon I was out along with the others. "Celeste, you need to wear pants it's going to be cold in there." Kyle stated. I sighed and grabbed Rina's bag. I grabbed her skinny jeans that were going to be a bit tight on me. I went around the other side of the car and slipped them on. I came around and Declan's eyes were in my body. My shirt was already tight so u could see my body and my jeans were beyond tight. I tucked in the white shirt into my jeans and walked to them. We we joked as we made our way through the tree line. I gasped at how big and old it looked.


"Welcome to Mount Hawthorn Psychiatric Hospital. It was shut down because of being supposedly haunted." Taylor said and I just huffed and then shivered. "They supposedly left all of the files and beds well everything. We are going to have so much fun." Taylor added. I shivered again and looked at the fence that we were most likely going to hop. I tripped over a rock and cursed. I looked down at the rock. I let out a ear piercing scream. "It's a fucking grave, I'm like two feet above a dead person. They never put them in caskets before and they didn't bury them that deep. And and they only had numbers. Oh god number 13 is going to come back and ducking eat me." I cried. "God you history nerd lets go." Tia hissed and grabbed a small flash light. I trembled silently as I was hauled up. I came face to face with Declan. I immediately thought of what happened in the car and blushed. He just chuckled and draped his jacket around me. I went to protest but he had a pullover on. "Get on my back if u don't want to be two feet above a dead person." He said with a smirk. I just grinned and hopped on his back. He ran and caught up with my brother and the others. Kyle gave him a look and then smiled at me.


"Okay what is the whole purpose of even doing this?" Tia asked and I nodded in agreement. "Well because. How many people get to do this and I've always liked this kind of stuff, so have you Celeste." Taylor stated. "Yes in movies not real life where a fucking phsyco could be living." I shot back. "Well let's make the best of it." Tia said from my brothers shoulders. I stared to jump on Declan's back as we came to the fence. "Calm down." he said and I just smacked the top of his head. Out if no where I was swung around to his front so I was face to face with him. "Did you just hit me?" He asked and pressed me into the rusting fence. he was mere inches from my face and my breath hitched. He started to get closer until someone cleared there throats. I didn't realize I was leaning into him until I stopped. I hopped down and walked to Taylor and Rina. I looked to her boyfriend and he was still being quiet. Jake was tall and had black hair along with black eyes. He was really nice you just have to get to know him. I walked to the fence and grabbed the hole. I hauled myself over and then sat on the edge. I goaded at how high I was. "Come in I'll catch you." My brother said. "Kyle the last time you said you would catch me you got distracted by our cat peanut." I huffed. I had a death grip on either die if me on the fence. Liam pushed my brother out of the way and I just looked at how far it was. "Come on, before we get caught." Liam hissed. I just widened my eyes and looked at the fences length. "Close your eyes and let go, then twist your body slightly." I heard Declan say and not a second later was I doing what he said. I looked and seen I was in Liam's arms. "Sorry, but I'm taken." He said and dropped me on my feet. I glared at him. "Nobody wants a lanky pizza boy." I hissed, there was a swoosh of air and Declan was next to me. He wrapped his arm around me and looked as Rina and it's jumped down. I laughed at them as they landed in there asses. I looked at Taylor and then yelled no. it was to late. the way she fell and angled herself she landed in her arm. she let out a hiss of pain and I was by her side in a second. Rina was holding her hand as she looked at Liam. "Declan your the med student get your ass over here." I hissed. "I'm a semester in I've only observed." he said and slowly looked at her red arm he touched places as we all held the flashlights. "I can't tell." he said and I just looks at him blankly. "Celeste you a med student to." he said in panic. "I'm a double major Me AND Law. I've only been focusing on law, my courses didn't start yet." I yelled. "You've been in school longer this is my first year in collage. Your second year you should know more if your a med student." I bellowed he looked at me with annoyance. "My first year it didn't have a major, I didn't pick I was just in school." He said. I huffed and took off my scarf. I wrapped it tightly around her arm as though it was an ace-wrap. "Okay that should help. Do you want to go back?" I asked her and she hopped up and grabbed my hand and walked to the entrance. "No I'm good." she said and I laughed at her. I walked with her until the entrance. I stopped before the steps. she ran up and dropped her bag of her shoulders. she took out a big hammer and hit the lock. It didn't even scoff it. after all of them had hit it they turned to me. I huffed loudly and grabbed the in from my hair. I went up and ushered them out if my way. I put the pin in and clacked it around. Huffing annoyed I turned to Kyle. "stop breathing in my ear." I hissed. He backed up and I did it again. Thankfully this time it worked. I slowly moved the sliver chains and dropped them to the floor along with the lock. I went to push the door open but it wouldn't move. They locked that to. I took Kyle's credit card and pushed it in the door. I moved it at an angle, then up and down. it clicked and the door creaked open.


"Open Sesame." I muttered and looked at the stairs they had a cage around them. I waited for one of them to go. they all went and looked around the main hall. I stood there stick still. all of a sudden someone grabbed my arm maiming me jump. I seen it was Tia and I leaned into her and walked into the building. I shut the doors in case someone seen they were open and walked in. I walked to Taylor and seen the grin on her face. her black hair cascaded down her back and her hazel eyes danced happily. I looked at Tia and her firey red hair was all over the place along with her emerald green eyes. I smiled at her as she ran to Kyle. I looked to Rina and Jake and Let out a sigh. all of a sudden I was up in the air. I looked an d seen Declan. "Wouldn't want you to fall." He said as I adjusted myself on his shoulders. I held a big flash light and looked down a hallway. Declan walked towards a sign and I brushed off the dust that from the looks of it has been there a while. I nodded for the others to come here and the my gathered around.


"Down this way is the maximum security children's unit, umm, that way is minimum security children's, up stares is adults maximum security and then so on and so forth." I said and they just nodded towards Taylor to choose. "I guess we start this way and work our way down." Taylor muttered and we started to head down. There were old rusted chairs and broken gurneys. I saw files all over and it looked like they left in a hurry. Kids toys were scattered and the dolls had eyes, ears and other body parts gone. looking on the wall in red words were splattered. 'He will come, He always gets you' with a creepy face on the side. we kept walking and I would see the doors were made of steel or woods.


I was set down on my fet and I walked to Tia and Taylor. Rina jumped on my back and I laughed as she started to jump around. I walked down the hall aways more and soon I switched with Rina. I grabbed some of the files and read them. Some were really creepy. I screeched when someone picked me up and set me in there shoulders. I sighed in relief at seeing it was Declan. he turned his head and smirked something crazy. I grinned wildly at him and felt my stomach flutter as he laughed. I played with his gelled brown hair, earning a groan. I just giggled and did what I was doing. "Aren't I heavy." I asked Declan after some time. everyone was in there own little things talking about. "No. Celeste you weight nothing to me." he said and I was flattered but felt differently. A lot differently. I laughed then froze. "Did you hear that?" I muttered in a small voice. Tia and the girls stayed stock still as the boys walked towards the noise, that confirmed my question. Declan didn't put me down as I thought he would I fact he kept me there and squeezed my thighs in reassurance. "I knew this place was haunted. That's why they shut it down." Tia uttered in a breathless whisper. I just gripped Declan's hair tighter, which he didn't even wince. he walked towards the girls and set me down telling me with his eyes to be safe. His gaze was intense and I couldn't help but feel dominated as he had his hands on either side of my head. He bent to my level and looked me I the eye. When I didn't move or say anything he narrowed his eyes at me. "Stay. Here." He said his voice hard and cold. I nodded my head my voice gone. His eyes bored into mine before he walked in the direction the boys went. I stood stock still and the girls giggled. "It seems like he likes you Celeste." Tia said with a devious smirk on her face. "I'd say from the way you listen so well, you like him back." Taylor said with a giggle. I huffed and stood the same way only turned my head to them. "I say that she likes being dominated. Your like a natural born submissive." Tia said with a grin. I gasped at them and stocked off forgetting Declan's order. I walked down the hall further and walked into what I'm guessing was a common room. There were toys and children's book around. A few pictures that looked pretty good that were done by the patients. I looked at Taylor and she laughed at one of the pictures. I chuckled at it to. It was a sea and in the sea in red were the words, 'try to find me'. I laughed and looked through the papers. I looked at one and gasped. A boy around my age, he slit his fathers throat and was found painting with it. I dropped the file at heavy footsteps. I strained my ears to hear what was going on but it died down. I assumed it was the boys. I gasped and realized Declan was going to be pissed I didn't listen. I huffed and listened to Tia rant.


God what is that smell?" Tia said from beside Taylor and me. "I dont know, I can't believe this is what you wanted to do for your birthday Taylor." I mumbled. I looked around the empty and abandon insane asylum. "Well after this its the jail that was shut down for being haunted." Taylor said in a funny voice. I laughed along with the girls. "Hey whats that?" I said and moved towards the stack of whatever. "I can't believe they left everything. Beds, files on the people. Its so creepy." Tia muttered and then jumped when her boyfriend, Liam Came out and grabbed her. I chuckled as the boys came out. They conversed and i started to walk again towards the stack. I grabbed the one on top, and read it out loud. "Hey guys come listen to this." I said and they walked over and motioned for me to read it.


Name: Carol Gerald.Age: 31.Status: unknown.


Patient was diagnosed with schizophrenia in her late teens. Gerald had slaughtered her mother and sisters in there sleep, Using a hammer. She was over powered by her older brother. Gerald was then placed in a maximum security prison and then transferred here to, Mount Hawthorn psychiatric Hospit-"I stopped when I heard a hum. I turned to see nothing there but Tia and Taylor. "Where is Liam and the boys?" I said and they just shrugged. I dropped the file down on the moldy table and walked to a room. The floor boards croaked violently as my ballet flats padded along the old wood floor. I walked in the room and shined the flash light around the room. I looked at the wall and gasped. In bold red was the words. "I liked it better in hell" I turned and seen on the wood floor what looked like someone was dragged across the floor and they dug there nails into the wood. I turned and then screamed loudly when I bumped into something. I turned and let out a sigh of relief when I saw it was only the towns 'Badboy' Then I started to think. I started to talk only he was already gone.


 "Why didn't you listen to me?" Declan said as I walked back into the common room. I let out a shaky breath and turned to him. His eyes were narrowed and he was intense. I moved my hands in a weird motion brides huffing. His gaze didn't lighten it only got more intense and dark. He was always like this. He raised an eyebrow and I just lifted my shoulders and dropped them like dead weight. He just sighed and brought me to his chest and heaved a sigh. I put my head on his chest, freaked out by the whole place. "I hate it here. It's so... dark." I muttered and chuckled. "What about me?" He asked and I was soon in front of him, against the wall. "Am'I dark? You seemed to think I was when you were with Taylor and them." Hooded desire was currently swirling in his eyes. I had no clue what to do. I didn't know how to flirt or how to act. I was the good girl of the group the one who wore skirts and ballet flats. Played the piano and got into an amazing collage. So, I stood there. "I like how innocent you are." He said and My eyes went wide. How does any guy like an innocent girl. Let alone Declan. He always talked about how 'wild' the girl were with him. I stared at him. As his head went to move into mine I ducked out at the last second and scampered to find one of the girls, ignoring his chuckles. I walked into a room and seen them looking at papers. It was only the girls so I shut the door and half yelled half whispered to them.


"He almost kissed me but I ducked out. I'm such a chicken." I said with wide eyes full of confusion. My mother had taught me how to eat properly, how to talk, dress write letters. For god sakes she taught me how to knit but she never taught me for what I do when a guy try's to kiss me. "Declan tried to kiss you? Why did you duck out? Tia asked in outrage. I was confused but seen the amusement facing in her eyes. "I've never kissed a guy. I don't know what to do." I said in a small voice. They looked at me with different looks. Rina looked at me with a smirk and a knowing look. Taylor looked at me with amusement and Tia's eyes lit up. "Here I'll be Declan and you be you." She said and stepped towards me. I backed away. "I'm good. besides Liam would so not approve of this." I said with wide eyes. "You dips shit, I'm not really going to kiss you. Your such a freak. You're mind is dirtier then mine." She said and the door opened. "I second that." Liam said and I sighed in relief. He walked toward a her and wrapped his arms around her. "Yea. I intend her first kiss to be with me." I closed my eyes and breathed. He was so blunt. "I'm not fond of the idea of you kissing my baby sister." Kyle said and I opened my eyes into slits. "I'm not a baby you, dumb fuck." My eyes widened and I slapped a hand over my mouth. I can't believe I just said that. "I'm so sor-" I was cut off by them laughing. "She finally said fuck." Tia said I glared at her. "Stop laughing at me." I said and they just laughed harder. "Come one, you have to admit your 19 and you act 12 when it comes to stuff like this." I felt tears prick my eyes, as i looked at Taylor open mouthed. "I would have expected that from Tia maybe Rina, but not you Taylor." I said and they looks at me and I seen guilt and sadness pool in there eyes. I ignored Taylor as she talked and walked out of the room. I walked down the hall and tried to clear my head. If Tia said it, it would be different. That's her personalty and you would know it's a joke. Taylor doesn't say stuff like that unless that's how she feels.


I walked farther until I relished that I was I longer in or near the children's ward. "Crap." I whispered. I found my phone in my pocket of my cardigan, and texted Kyle to walk my way. I huffed and looked around and seen I was in the maximum security women's ward. Well apparently I walked up steps without noticing. Texting him that I was upstairs, I grabbed a folder. "You look miserable." I screeched at the unknown voice from behind me. I grabbed an old wooden broom stick that would most likely crumble to pieces before I could raise it to hit whoever it was. I turned and looked at who it was. "What the fudge pops are you doing here?" I hissed at the boy. He was the one from the room earlier, the towns bad boy. "Because I want be." He stated. "Ego-filled airhead much." I muttered setting down the broom. He grabbed my wrist his eyes frantic. "Listen closely." He ordered. I looked at his ivy blue grey eyes and his dark brown hair. It looked so silky.


I strained my ears. I heard a faint noise that sounded like a.. screech. I gasped and wrenched his hand off. Well tried. "Get off." I yelled loudly. "Let go of me." I said and he grabbed my arms and tried talking, but I did my best to block him out. Suddenly I was against the wall, he was in front of me. His body holding my mine. he looked at me with a gaze that could rival Declan's. His hands gripped my waist and I started to thrash. "Get off, let go! Kyle! Declan! Please someone help me." I yelled out as he gripped my hips and pushed his against mine to he me in place. I still didn't like it. At all.


He was soon thrown off of me and Declan stood there, his eyes burning with disgust. Kyle grabbed me and pushed me behind Liam and Jake. I seen the boy stand up and talk to Declan his voice heated. Declan looked at me and nodded for me to come. I went to walk but when the boys moved Tia was gone. She stalked up to him and hit him in the jaw. He barely winced and she huffed as Liam grabbed her back. Everyone was fearful of him, no one knew where he lived or what he did. He was barely ever at school.


I walked slowly with Jake escorting me and telling me I would be fine. "Thanks Jake, your like a big brother to me." I said as we walked across the large room. He nodded his head with a smile and pushed me behind Declan before he went back to Rina, which he pushed behind him. She gave me a smile and the boy a menacing glare. "Did he try to rape you?" Declan was to the point so much my head almost fell of my shoulders. "No, but I'm not used to people close to me. I barely am able to Handel you close to me." Once that was said I felt my face redden and a ghost of a smirk lit up his face. "So he was only trying to hold you down?" He asked and I nodded. "Sorry, you were being loud and she was going to here." I raised an eyebrow. "And who is 'she'?" I asked and he just looked to Declan. "Dec do you think she can handle it, she seems like loose canon." He said and I glared. Grabbing the old broom stick from before I hit him with and it broke. I gaped at the broken stick. "Omg, I just hit you with a broom." I said appalled. I looked at Declan who had a grin on his face. "This is so Tia's fault. I hang out with her to much." I stated and she smirked big.


"It's a women. She was a patient, she had a problem. She was sent her when she was 12. This place was shut down, before any of us were born. So it's possible for her to be alive around thirty something.


"She killed people, like a sociopath only, she was a little more crazy then a sociopath. The way she like to kill was simple. She loved the chase. she was sent here because she had cracked and made her family play, well basically it was like man-hunt. She would lol l them off one by one. she would get into there minds and when they thought they were safe or had the upper hand she would rip it away along with there life.


"She's still here. I've seen her. You know my friends and I came up here last summer. They haven't been seen since. She killed them and I watched. I was held back by my older brother." He looked to me and I stared back.


"You asked why I was here and that so I can kill her. They were all I had." I squinted my eyes at him and then spoke. "If this is like a prank then it's a real crappy one. Tia you know damn well I believe stuff like this." I said and when no one said anything I whimpered slightly and backed away. "I want to go home." I whispered quietly, unconsciously moving to Declan for the warmth and safety I felt when I was near him. "Yea let's go." Declan said, his hand grabbed my waist and pulled me to him. I felt tears prick my eyes but I held them back as I remembered Taylor's words. I blinked them away and tried no to dwell. "Hey," I felt someone grab my shoulder and I jumped grabbing the nearest thing, which was an old heavy lamp. I swung it and I seen someone duck in time. I looked down before I swung and gasped. I dropped the lamp with a thud and looked down. "Taylor I'm sorry." I whispered and she smiled softly. "No it's me who's sorry. I was a bitch saying what I did. I'm sorry for it." After she said that I gripped her arms and pulled her up.


We were walking down the stairs only. We walked down to many flights and realized it to late we don't know what floor we are on. I shuddered at the thought of the lady whoever here name was.


I screamed as someone grabbed my hips and pulled me back laughing darkly. I screeched loudly and the others scale from around the corner and then stopped, and laughed. I was dropped to the floor, and heard a laugh I knew all to well. "God Jake. I take back what I said. I don't look at you like a brother no more." He laughed and mimicked my scream. He soon pulled himself into the dark and made a funny scream. "I do not sound like that." I hissed. "Jake come on, the others are up a head." I said and looked toward the dark mini hall which I couldn't see anything at all. "Jake?" I asked as I remembered what was said. "Hey guys come here." I yelled. I walked tentatively toward the dark and heard a scream. My eyes went wide and I gasped. "What?" They asked and I points to the dark. "Come on i-" I stopped Declan mid-sentence. "Jake, he was laughing at me. I thought he was making fun, when he was pulled down there. I thought he did it to scare me. But I'd know his scream anywhere." I said and they all paled. "You down there, Jake?" Rina said her lips trembled with fear and I finally got enough courage to walk. I took baby steps, trying to see anything. I screamed as seine grabbed my hair and pulled me down the hall.


Jake would never do this.


I thrashed wildly against the person, clawing at the hand. I screeched loudly as I felt nails dig into my scalp. I felt blood trickle down softly. I felt someone grab my feet and pull me back. I looked down at Kyle and Declan as they grabbed me and pulled. I thrashed harder as another hand from the same person, sunk there nails into my flesh. I screeched at the pain and fought hard to get to one of them.


I was soon dropped, no more clawing or pulling my hair. I sat there tears streaming down my cheeks, and I heard a female voice raspy and dark. It scared me and I gasped at what's she said.


"Let's play." The sinister laughter turned I to a maniacal laugh was enough to make me jump to my feet and flea with the others terrified.


Going down a hall we went to the stairs.


I screamed loudly at the sight. Laying at the bottom of the stairs was Jake. He was bloody. Mangled. And even from this far I could see clearly.


He wasn't breathing.


One if my best friends was dead.


 Liam was holding back Rina as her body raked with sobs and she screamed out in agony. I felt horrible. I knew It wasn't my fault truely but, I was the one back there if I had not kept walking and looked back we would all be fine. I seen Declan and Kyle yelling at him to wake up and Declan trying to CPR. I felt hot tears trail down my cheeks. Tia was in a furious rage yelling profanities of what she would do to the person and hitting anything in her sight. Taylor was crying about how this was her fault and she should be the one dead. I stood there other then the stray tears I was emotionless. Well that's how it looked. I may have looked fine, but, I wanted to blame myself like Taylor, Sob like Rina, and I waned to kill whoever did this like Tia. I stood there and I walked to the stairs and seen Declan sniffing harshly and My brother yelling at him to wake up. I walked down the stairs ignoring Liam telling me know. I walked down the last step and gasped. His face was bloody and even as he was dead, blood gushed out of wounds on all parts of his body. I dropped to my knees and Kyle looked up at me, his eyes red and swollen as he tried to keep the tears back. "Go back up there." Kyle said and I ignored him and pushed Jake's hair back. I heard people racing down the stairs and dropping down. I screamed loudly. Pure agony ripped through my heart. He was like a brother to me.


"Wake up!" I yelled. Rina cried harder but I was paying no mind to that. I felt large arms in case my body as I thrashed around. I shaked his body yelling for him to wake up. "NO!" I yelled as I squirmed around. "Let me go he was a brother." I screamed. I was grabbed by Kyle, held in his strong arms. My body slumped into his as I cried harshly. "It's not fair. He was always there." I said as I cried. I heard Rina yell loudly.


"This is you're fault!" I twirled around. She was in Taylor's face who was crying harshly. "You wanted to come here! Now look! My Jake is gone. He's dead and it's all you're fault!" She screeched. I knew she didn't mean it, she needed to blame someone and it kind of made since to blame Taylor. But, she never knew it was going to come to this.


Kyle let me go and grabbed Rina as she tried to grab Taylor. I looked away, unable to watch my best friends fight. I sagged to the ground. I looked at Jakes mangled and bloodied face and let out a strangled sob. I pushed his hair out off is his eyes. I cried harder.


They were wide open, splattered with a grimace of horror and fear.


"I'M COMING!" A voice squealed. I felt my hand that was covered in blood from grabbing onto Jake, freeze mid-air. Rina's sobs quieted and Tia instantly stopped hitting the concrete wall. The wall was painted with her blood after hitting it so many times. Everyone froze.


"Come to me darlings. I promise it'll be fun, so, Let's play." The voice was close. A shiver raked my spine and I felt my blood run cold. I felt my mouth go dry and my hands get clammy as perspiration ran across my chilly skin.


I jumped up and ran up the stairs along with the others as a women with crazed black eyes and dirty skin and hair, charged out of the shadowy dark hallway from the right.


I ran down the hall. And if it couldn't get any worse and movie like, Taylor fell. It was unbelievable. The track star fell. I screamed as I stopped running and ran towards her body. I hauled her up as the women slowly rounded the corner. She looked at us, her eyes wildly dancing with excitement and happiness. Tia, I thought you were going to kill her. I thought. She dragged her long, chipped nails across the wooden banister next to her, Jake's body directly below. Kyle grabbed my hand as Taylor ran back. The loud screech of her nails scratching the wood echoed throughout the halls, making me shiver and quake with fear. I turned and ran, the flats I was wearing slipping on the loose papers randomly scattered on the floor. I skidded across the floor and fell into Declan, who was right above the stairs making all of us tumble down as I grabbed Taylor and Tia as support who both grabbed whoever. I hit my head in the step harshly. Stars invaded my vision. I was suddnely grabbed by my feet when we laned on the bottom of the staits, and dragged up them. I looked at the insane women who was clawing at my feet. Her nails were digging into my ankle, making them bleed more then i'd ever seen an ankle bleed. I watched in horror as she grabbed something and postioned it to hit me in the head. I would die from blunt force trauma. "Get off of me you, Bitch." I yelled and kicked her in her stomach. She let out a yelp, dropping what I now seen as a picec of a busted, rusty pipe. She stumbled back her eyes wide with shock. I jumped to my feet and held onto the railing as I ran down the stairs to my friends. They all were in shock at the fact that I had done something so Tia or Rina. I was the soft spoken girl who would rather beg and cry then do what I just did.


"Come on she won't be down for long. We have to get out of here." I said as I grabbed Taylors hand along with Tia and Rina. I softly padded don the endless hallways and corridors trying to find an exit or window that wasn't boarded down. The jeans that were skin tight now had rips in them from falling on the groundso many times and my shirt was dirty covered in blood, dirt and grim stains. "Do you belive me now?" Grey said quietly. My mind reeled over what he had said and I did belive him. "But where are the other bodies?" I asked my voice so quite I was readied to say it again. Luckily he heard me, surprisingly. "I don't know. I remember watching her mangling their faces with any and everything she could get her dirty little hands on." He said quietly. I suddenly heard a bang making all of us grab someone and hide somewhere. Declan snatched me into a room and behind a huge desk. He slapped his hand over my mouth. My breathing was erect. I was shocked. I was used to running and jumping around, being a cheerleader and all. But nothing could perpare you for this. "Look into my eyes." He said and my eyes snapped to his. They were beautiful. Swirling grey and now that I looked closely I seen elecric blue tints to them. They were so exotic and filled with so many emotions it over whelmed me. I snapped back to reality as I heard foot steps leaving the room. I looked at him and noticed my breathing normal and I knew why he did it. We stayed there a moment longer, just to make sure. He ducked out loking around and I did the same staying close to his body. We walked around the desk and out of the room. The hall was quiet and I almost let out a scream. Kyle and Tia had popped out of no where surprising me. I wedged Kyles hand off of my mouth seeing as he had slapped it there.


Tia held onto me harshly, fear pooling in her eyes. She saw something and it was when she was Kyle, it had to have been. I went to ask her but Kyle shook his head in a fast motion as we worked our way down the hall. We looked in rooms for the others, and I was hating that we split up even more. I had no idea if they were alright. Not looking where I was going I slipped on a loose paper on the floor. "Shit." I cursed, not even caring about being lady-like in this moment. Mom wouldn't give a crap in this predicament. I touched it and sighed in relief. "Its fine, just a bit sore." I said as I got to my feet using Declan's and Kyle's hands. Holding onto the wall to walk I tried to go at the fastest pace I could, not slowing us down. I was soon sweaped up into arms in then monuvered onto there back. I looked down at Kyle and smiled lightly. He walked faster and I was thankful that he was a personal trainer. We all were in collage all studying something. kyle is into personal fitness training or something like that. Tia is studying in criminal justice. Taylor is studying buisness. Declan is a double major along with me. He is studying medicine and law. He couldn't choose between being a doctor or a lawyer. Rina is studying Journalism with Liam, and Jake was studying fine arts. I was studying medicine and Psychology.


I was torn from my thoughts as an ear piercing scream tore through the walls, echoing. Deafening foot fall was coming our way and when the others rounded the corner with the women hot on there heels I turned and ran, as my blood tunred to icy stillness. I ran down another hallway and read the sign.


Maximum security mens unit.


I knew she knew these walls, floors, ceilings, everything, like the back of her hand. And that made me run faster, hitting every window, in hopes one would bust open. But no. Not even a noise out of any of them. I skidded to a halt at the stairs. Was it best to go down the stairs. These could possibly be the only ones up or down? I thought to myself. But as I heard her laughter. The laughter that screamed murder. Blood. Death. I let the thoughts go to the back of my mind and flew down them.


I used the adrenaline to my advantage, to push myself harder and faster. I half expected her to crawl down the stairs in a weird postions as split pea soup pored out of her mouth, but that didnt happen. I would rather that. There would be the possibilty of her choking and dying on it.I flew into a room and I gasped.


It was a cafeiteria.


Carts of molded and beyond outdated food were all over. Blood splattered knives layed around carelessly along with tables over turned. A huge table was covered on blood and what looked to be bits of flesh and bone. Knives, pliers, wrenches, every other thing you could imagine was layed out on the table. She tourtured her victims there. I knew it, with out a doubt in my mind she did. And I wouldn't be one of them.


I ran into a closet. Taylor, Tia, Liam and declan ducked in with me as Kyle and Grey grabbed a knife hiding in the smaller closet next to us.


"Where's Rina." My body stilled violently as I heard a scream. Peaking threw the hole in the closet I gasped. A hand flew over my mouth as tears fell. The women grabbed a wrench in a fast movement and bashed Rina so hard in the head she fell limp as the crimson blood fell carelessly. The women hauled her body onto the table and sat down the bloody wrench. She suddenly grabbed a screw driver and plunged it into Rina's eye. The scream that echoed through out the huge room was so ear peircing, so spine crawling, so blood chilling I felt my eyes go wide, my hands still and the noises stop. I felt dead. The women slowly took out the screw driver, and in the small light that was over her head, I seen the blood glint darkly on the metel. What she did next had me gagging quietly along with the others.


She licked it. She bloody licked it.


She dropped it on the table and leaned into Rina's body that racked with sobs and screams. "A game is what we'll play." She said. Her grin was wide, her lips coated in Ria's blood and her left eye twitched faintly. She grabbed what looked like a pair of pliers. I couldn't tell from here. she suddenly yanked open Rina's mouth and ripped something out. The white that glinted with blood told me it wasa tooth. "NO! PLease! Stop! ANYTHING, I"LL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT JUST STOP!" Rina's pleas were cut short as she dove back into her mouth wit ha bigger pair of pliers. Suddenly A scream ripped through the air like a knife through butter. She held up the pliers and I squeezed my eyes shut. My eyes shot open as I heard another scream. "SHUT UP! NO BEGGING!" The women snarled. Her eyes no longer held amusement and joy, it now held a murderous glint. She picked up the wrench smashed her head with it over and over. Blood splattered the wall and table. The blood stuck to the women's already fetus clothes and it splashedOnto the floor carelessly, but harshly.


The floor was already coated in blood from the previous people that had died at her hands. Blood stains stuck to the ground. And now Rina's added to it.


The women dropped the wrench to the ground with a clank and rushed out of the room saying, "No, Dirty girl. I need clean. Im dirty girl." She yelled, running out. I opened the door and Rina's head rolled to me. Her face was mangled and ragged. Blood dripped from cuts and wounds. Blood slid down her face, her lips coated in saliva and blood. I knew she'd never live, even if she had a doctor's attenion. She whispered softly to me, "No, I'm fine.- I'll be- with jake.- Go back." Tears fell harshly. Foot steps came and her eyes went wide. "GO!" Rina said in a whisper but still firmly. I ran back to the closet and calmed my breathing as the women stepped back in with a cloth in her hands. "Just stop!" Rina cried quietly. "I'll do anything. just let them leave!" Rina yelled. The women slowly tsked. She walked around Rina and grabbed a pair of pliers. They were green, or they were at one point.


She dove into Rina's mouth, harshly yanking it open. She grabbed something and gave it a harsh yank and pull. I snapped my eyes shut at the sight. "NO BEGGING!" The women snarled. "She ripped her tongue out." Taylor said, quietly sniffling. "Good night!" And she thrust a knife into her chest.


"I'm coming, Jake." And then she was gone. Leaving me a mess as tears swelled the fell.


She was dead. Sabrina Lyla, my bestfriend and sister was dead. I would never see her again. Suddeny the door was ripped open and My eyes flew open leaving me with ice for blood as I sood rock still.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.02.2015

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