

"Mom. I don't want a mate like all the other bubbly cheerleading she-wolves."I snapped ad she grwoled showing me my place but I growled back. She looked at me sternly and I huffed. "I know, i have to go. Its stupid, though. We all gather in the woods and hunt our mate down. All because of Talia. The great She-Wolf. tell me mom how is she great if she is dead?" I asked rudely and my mom looked at me wit ha glare. She motioned for me to tell her the story and I groaned. "I really don't want too." I said and she laughed.


"Okay so a long time ago there was a white wolf, She was calm and serene but, she was an alpha, fierce and dominant. She was Talia. She never met her mate, well she did she just didnt know it. She would feel him every night as he bedded other women. As he cried out there name in ectasy but not hers. Her wolf grew recklace. She felt the need to find him and what she found was brutal. He, was bedding another women in the forest. In her fit of rage she tore the women to pieces, and he looked taken aback. He held admiration and love in his eyes until he seen she was a white wolf. White wolves were to be killed on the spot because they were so rare people thought they were cursed. He, himself didnt have it in him to kill her. so he rejected her. He was the first Werewolf t ever reject his mate.


"She stormed off, Mad and broken. Weeks went by and nothing happened she lead her pack as she always had. with determation. that was until one night a pack of rouges attacked and killed everyone in the pack, sparing no one, not even the children. She ran, and she hid. That was until her heart was ripped out by invisable sorce. As she keeled over and died, she relised, Her mate was the one who had been killed, and she was a casultie." I lookedat my mother and she noddedher headin approvel. "Now becasue of this all unmated werewolves must go in to fined there mate. The deadly blood moon forest. I bet its just like ours, what are the rabits rabid." I said and my mom just shook her head, as she walked to my door. "Zafara is coming over, you better be ready to leave. Ana Kai called. He said he hopes you do well." I nodded and dismissed thoghts of my brother Kai. I groaned and walked towards the door and seen Mekeel making out with his mate. . picked up a rock silently, not that he would hear me over her. I through it with my werewolf strength and it lodged in his arm. He hissed and stayed where he was. "Jameela, I will fucking snap your neck." He yelled turning to me. "Well I'll rip out your jugular with my teeth, Maybe even my claws." I said and he gulped looking at my elongated teeth and claws. "Well I'll rip em out." he hissed and walked away. His chuckling mate winks at me and laughed at her. "Jamie your hands are full." I said and she laughed, nodding her head. I walked to the car and got in waiting for Zafara to show up.


I really faint want a mate. It was to much trouble. He would make me carry pups and stay in the house. I wasn't one to sit in the house. I was an Alphas daughter. The thought of having a mate didn't even sound good in the least. "Oh my god. I'm so excited. But I'll cut off any she-wolves heads if they touch my mate." That would be Zafara. short blonde hair that went just above her shoulders. She hated her short hair. It was blonde and her. She was tall not overly tall but taller then me. she was tan and I was pale with black hair that was long and curly. Pale green eyes but vivid forest green when my wolf surfaced. it was funny seeing as we ere exactly the same in wolf form. When we were very young, and expressionist, which is like a witch but use dark magic. I never understood it. But, they took us, saying we were the best ones for the job. they took our bold mixing it and it boiled into smoke then nothing. Out parents found is along with the men and killed them. Weeks later we started to become closer then we already were. I started to feel random emotions and we put two and two together and reloads we were bound to each other. I could feel her emotions and her me. When we were younger, I think ten, she went away and I got so sick and when she came back I was fine. We never went to far away for to long.


"By the way why were you feeling randomly angry then depressed last night. Your still having trouble containing them." She said and I nodded annoyed. "I don't know. I've been feeling emotions hard and in waves. Some times I feel your emotions just crash to me. Like yesterday I felt how sad you where and I was hit by it so hard I stumbled I to the stove and I was so dizzy." I told her and her head snapped to me. "I wasn't sad yesterday. I was happy. Me and nick went to the mall to bond. my moms idea." I looked at her and gaped. "Fuck." I growled and she bowed her head. "Sorry, Far. I didn't mean it." I mumbled guiltily. She chuckled lightly at me. The car door opened and I seen my mom get and we were off.




I looked out the window of the car and huffed as i seen nothing but tree. We had to go to the airport. Sounds so normal. Every year they do something different or you to get there without knowing. My mom was made to drink a green liquid. Se woke up in the forest by herself and had to find Zafara's mom, Ranee by herself. I groanded loudly causing Zafara to stop rambling on and on about not knowing if she wanted a mate. "I'll help you. Yes, by the emotions your having, that by the way are slamming into me full force, You want a mate." I said and she squeled. She often did this and I guess it would be depressing if she didn't act like this. It's her. "What are you thinking about?" She asked and I gave a grim smile. "I don't want a mate. I want to be free, in that area." I said adn she nodded. She had known that. "If I do get a mate, I dont want him to be like a guy that full of himself, Or an over-sensitive freak." I said and she smirked. She went to talk but my phone rang and I grabbed it from my dark skinny jeans.


"Hello?" I asked, My voice going blank. "I want you to be careful. The Alpha of The Blood Orchid pack is going to be there." I heard my dads voice filter through the phone and I looked to Zafara. "Who's The Blood Orchid pack." I whispered and she shurgged. "It's the number one ranking pack in all of america and canada. The one that d-" I cut him off and put on a low dark voice. "Dangerous's and kills without mercy. I know dad. Are pack is second in ranking. I'm not a pup either." I said putting my feet up inbetween the front seat and my mom pushed them back at me saying things under her breath about my boots not being lady like. "Mother, there combat boots. I'm going to be in the forest. What d oyou want me to wear heels and break my face?" I said and turned my attention back to my father. "Father, I get it. I'll stay away." I said and I could imagine him rubing his temples.


"I wish I could be there to see you off, Im stuck on this plane coming back to the territory." He stated and I sighed. "I wish I could have said bye too." I said back and he chuckled lowly. "Just becareful, i got to go, Jameela." He said and I said it back, hanging up the phone. I put my phone in the side of my shoe and looked at Zafara. "Do you think we should be scared?" She asked. I could see her playing with her long finger nails and I sighed. "We are from The Blood Warrior Pack. I'm the Alphas daughter and your the beta daughter. We have nothing to worry about." I said and Let my pride slip through. I had a big ego about being from my pack and my rank. I was emensely happy I was a wolf.


To me it seems annoying to have 'Fate' choose your mate. I don't believe in love or story book endings. They weren't real in my life. That may seem funny seeing as I turn into a wolf tall then Lebron James but it's true. Ive been hurt, and my demons inside me and the ones that are real, they've showed me life isn't a fairy tail and its not as romantic as it seems. Its all a lie. Love isn't as pretty and golden as everyone makes it out to be. Mates are forever, and I don't have a doubt that I will lay down my life for whoever my mate is and thats my problem. Its costum that the girl goes to his pack. And i'm not for that. I have a pack. Even if Mikah, my oldest brother, becomes Alpha and his mate, Kareena, beomes luna, or Alpha Female, I stil have a role in the pack.


I looked at Zafara and laughed. She loves photography, and she loved taking pictures of the wolves of the pack. I looked at my wolf and seen it was a picture of both of us. No one would be able to tell which was who. They would think we were twins. My wolf was a few inches taller and had more muscle. Our wolves had Intense green eyes and pure and as white as snow fur. There had always been something about my wolf that had many people in my pack confused. I was caught asleep saying thing in a random language. They had assumed my wolf was different, maybe older. When wolves die they run in the wind, you'd have to see a funeral to understand that, But some wolves are taken and there spirt, and they are given to wolves like myself. It has always confused me but I never dwelled on it. I closed my eyes and hummed quietly, letting my defenses down slightly. It was moments like this that mattered. The ones where I wasn't in classes to be taught out eat propearly or training 'till I puked and passed out. These moments were golden, not love. Not to me, at least.




I felt a hand and I jumped up baring my elongated canines at the intruder. I seen my mothers face and let the snarl slip off my face and I leaned back into my seat. I huffed and looked to the airport. Our pack was located in the moutains where no human would think or dare go, So here I was in a parking lot, with humans and weres staring at my face. I guess they sensed that I was and Alpha. I looked to Zafara and seen she was looking or someone. Most likely whoever was supposed to take us to what ever plane. I looked in the mirror and put my hair up in a tight bun and made sure no strands were loose. An enemy could use that to there advantage. I looked at my mother black shirt and pants and huffed loudly as I climbed out and went over to Zafara and took her black sweater, seeing as she wasn't wearing it.


I looked at my mother in confusion. "I have to leave you here, they will come when im gone." She said and I nodded and grabbed her up in a hug. She squeezed me back and I chuckled quietly. I let go and seen she was refusing harshly to lt tears fall. "You're so grown up. I know you don't want a mate, but don't reject him. I know what it does to people, Look at aunt Loretta, Shes cooky now." I laughed and smirked. "are you saying im cooky?" I said and she laughed pushing my head away. She grabbed Fara up and hugged her tightly telling her not to let me kill anyone. "Hey, I've been keeping the count down, besides there rouges and they attacked me first." I said wit ha huff and she her golden eyes. I was born with her eyes but after what happened with the expressionst they changed to pale green. Zafaras where dark blue. My mother laughed a whimsycal laugh that was surely fit for a Luna. She smiled and we said our final good byes.


"Well," I said and sat on a bench. I looked at her and she looked beyond cold. Taking off the sweater I gave it to her. "I can tell your cold. Bond I said and she nodded greatfully. I looked around and seen it was getting dark. "I'm excited, to kick Derdras ass." I said, and smirked something wild. "Yea, it's about time someone teachs her. She needs to keep her omega legs closed." She spat hatefuly. "I mean shes pretty." She said and I looked to her before we started to laugh hard. "Yea and the Alpha of The Blood Orchid Pack is my mate." I said with a snort. I leaned back, and looked at the moon.


Zafara let out a yell and I jumped into stance. I seen a guy in all black with glowing yellow eyes putting a neddle in her arm. I went to jump at him, but a I felt a needle being stabbed into my neck harshly. I heard a raspy whisper before it went blank.


"I hope your ready for The Blood Moon Forest, baby doll."


  I rubbed my ankle as I fell from a tree infront of a group of huge werewolf men. I had wanted water and I went and found a creak. On my way back I climbed a tree trying to get out of there sight and now here I was. "Whats your name, pup." I'm guessing he's a gamma. "Watch your tone." I hissed loudly and he narrowed his eyes."You have no clue what pack I-" He was cut off by my laugh. I smirked as one with dark blonde hair spoke up, His gold eyes burning into his friends head. "Mate, I think she has Alpha blood." He said I grinned something wild. "Yes, From a low life pack most likely." He growled and I snarled my eyes flashing green. Talk about me fine, Talk about my pack. Your dead. "No acutally im so high up I could knock you off your damn feet." I growled fiercely."Oh whats that pack. Maybe 5th ranking, in america." He laughed and I smirked. I used my speed And held up two fingers. "Ranking two." I said and they looked like I said nothing. "Well We are just tad bit higher." The ego filled boy said. In my ear. He went to touch my thigh, But I seen a whiz of black and smirked at the smell. I seen the body fall to the floor and at an awkward postion. Dead. 


"Mate." I heard then I wiped around to see Zafara with the one who told his friend I had Alpha blood. He had a mucular build. He would be taller then my brothers and that's tall. They gazed one another and I tilted my head to the side. They looked in love ad they didn't even know each others names. I walked away, Confused at how they could look at each other with out knowing each other like that. It baffeled me. Climbing up a tree, I sat on the thick tree branch and pondered as I waited for them to come out of there dazey haze. "Hey, Come here." Zafara yelled out. I looked down and seen her with a twinkle in her eye and the guy standing next to her. I stood up and seen I was maybe 15 feet off ground, I shurgged and crouched down, jumping onto the ground and looking at her. "Yes?" I asked her and she mindlinked me a loud giggle. Well she's happy. "This is raymond Beta, of well he won't tell me, But any who. This is Jameela, the Alphas daughter." she said. I looked at him and stepped towards her. He grabbed her waist and pulled her towars him. "Look, I've known her since diapers. I've killed for her. Don't assess me as if im a threat to her. Oh and she's my bestfriend. Break her heart, I'll break your face."I said and turned towards the worn path to the creak. 


Sitting down Zafara kaid her head on my lap, causing him to look confused as she fell asleep fast. "Don't take it personal. For one I'm her Alpha, for two we have bond." I stated. He looked at me to elaborate and I explained it to him. "What kind of girl she?" He asked me and I smiled a ghost of a smile. "She is the kind of girl who is always smiling and loves to laugh, Make me people laugh. If you where to fall she would be there to pick you up.She is the one that says sorry even if its not her fault. Even if she is feeling like the scum of the earth, she will never let you know how she feels. She is in love with the concept of love but afraid to fall in love, Knowing faling hurts, because she has already lost so much." Isaid while picking up her head and setting it in his lap.


"You know her so well." He mumbled to me as he brushed her skin softly. He looked so awed. "Yea, Take care of her." I siad and he looked at me with determenation. "I will. She's worth and so much prettier then rubies and pearls." He said and I smiled at them. "What's your pack?" I asked and his face went blank. He looked torn. "I'm proud of my pack. But, I know it will scare her away." He said looking at the water. "It's you're job to tell her. I just wanted to know." I said and he nodded. I looked out at the water and smiled at it. It was pretty the way it trickled over the rocks. I can't wait to be home, Sit at the watering hole with Mikah, Mekeel, Kole. God I missed Kole. He most likely wouldn't shift. He was born so early and when he was born his soul didn't unite wit hhis wolf. There is a chance that his wolf is just aseep, But we usally shift at a young age seeing as he is an Alpha and he is a boy so it should be even earlier. I still Love him. 


"I'm the Beta by birth of The Blood Orchid Pack." He said, His stealy gaze on me. "Nice, But I won't tell her. Thats you're job." I said and he nodded as relife colored his features. "Where is your Alpha. I always thought he was the type to be and ego-filled air-head." I said and He gaped at me. "Don't let him hear you say that. he'll kill you. And he'll sleep just fine." He said and I smirked. I stood up infont of him and grinned big. 


"Im Jameela Roslie Martinez. Daughter of the Alpha of The Blood Warrior Pack. I'm Amazing. And I can fight. i'm sure I could rip out your jugular if I wanted to." I said and he chuckled. "I see what she meant when she said you had a huge pride and ego for your pack and rank." He said and I nodded. "If you keep talkking like that we'll get along just fine. And by the way. I could so kill you're Al-" I was cut off by a smell. "Wow, That smell." I said and then I remembered. "Fuck." I hissed, Hitting a tree. Zafara jolted up looking at me. "That smell. I don't want to meet whoever this douchebag is." I growled. "She doesn't want a mate." She told Raymond quietly. I snarled at the air growing aggitated, Trying to fight my wolf. 


"Alpha." I heard raymond say. "What, Im not you're alpha." I snarled. He shook his head. What the hell is wrong with people. "Look at me." I heard a voice say, Agitiation in his voice. "hwo the fuck are you." I snarled my alpha tone seeping through. He barely flinched as I whirled around to look at him. He had pitch black hair. Blue eyes that were so dark they looked black. His body was even taller and more toned then Raymond. HE was a work of true beauty. I had the urge to jump on him, something I never feel. 


"Mate, Mine!" He sanrled and I flinched back, My eyes wide I turned and ran the other way. "Fuck!" I yelled. God I never get what I want. 









 I ran fast up the slightly slanted ground, not shifting knowing my wolf would take control and run back. I was slowing fast and I could hear Zafara running after me. I fell on the tree and waves crashed at me. Mixed emotions flooded my body make me numb. "Zafara, I have to run hep me." I said and seen Raymond walking, confusion coloring his face. "Okay, lets go." She said. She grabbed me and I ran the other way. My legs were beyond numb, and I was still pushing forward "I have to shift." I muttered as I heard pounding of paws. His wolf took control. I shifted and took off, having better balance in this form, but stil slow as I fought the primal urges to turn around and run to him. It was strong and the urges got ore intense wit every step I took away from him.


I slowly went harder, Leaving Zafara behind. I fell to the floor when I heard Zafara mind-link me she was leading them away.I gasped and shivered as I shifted back. My body shaked and I was beyond confused. My mom never told me this happened. I really don't want a mate even more. I snarled loudly at nothing, in annoyance. My body shivered violently even though I felt like I was burning up. Making a choice I told Zafara I needed her as I let out a yelp of pain. I heard pws thumping and seen Zafara. She shifted back putting on her clothes. How could I shift without taking off my clothes. I felt Zafara put the sweater over my body as She shaked but not as badly as me. "Okay It feels like when we first shifted." She muttered and Raymond looked at me not quite sure what to do. "Yea uh what do I do." He asked and I cursed loudly. "Its becasue I'm not accepting the bond." I said and they sucked in a breath. "I'll go find him. Stay here." He said and I just nodded my head. The pain got worse and I yelled out in pain. Zafara Looked at me and then started to dig a hole. "now is n't the time to act on primal urges. I promise you never buried a bone there, Pup." I hissed, My anger taking over my mouth. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Well, Under the earth theres water if I dig far enough I can get it to cool you down." She said and I chuckled softly. "Waters not going to do anything, but thanks for the effort." I said quietly.


I heard foot steps and mutters of colorful words. "Raymond, Over here." fara yelled loudly. "Why don't you just tell the whole forest, Full of ROUGES." I yelled the last word. She Chuckled and Raymond broke throug hthe dark clearing, Its always dark. "I thought you were Jameela Rosalie Martinez, Nothing can stop you. Im sure A few roues will be nothing." He said and I grunted. "I would Murder them and then bathe in there blood."I said and he looked at me with a funny look. He rasied an eyebrow and then muttered something under his breth sounding like. "They are perfect for each other. Both phycotic." I snorted unlady-like as the pain eased, but still like a raging fire in my body. "I won't be with anyone. So i'm not perfect for anyone." I said with a look of defiance. "I'm still higer ranking, you not even the least bit scared. You have some serious balls." He said and I laughed loudly. Like I hit Zafara on the back hard making her wince. "She didn't even submit as a pup when she first shiftged. Her father's wolf tried to show her, her place but she just growled this little cute growl and got into defense stanse. I have the video."She said and I glared at her, "You little weasel. I will kill you." I stated and she rolled her eyes. "I can feel your amusement." She countered defiantly. "You're such a little devil." I muttered and I heard the russel of bushes. "Please god let this be fast." I muttered as the smell of fresh rain fillled my nose. I fought the urge to inhale deeply.


He stepped out, the moon light shining on his bare chest. I was soon lost as I looked into his eyes. They were such a beautiful shade of blue. He walked closer and I pushed agasint the tree. "See," He said to Raymond. His voice was like silk, but it was a powerful as steel. He held power and I wondered silently what his rank was. It seemed as if he was holding back so I oculdn't tell what it was and it annoyed me. My wolf urged me forward and I slowly stood, holding the jacket to my body. My tan legs were on view and his gaze slipped there and I was sure his eyes went darker. "Mine." He said so quietly. I felt uncomfortable and pulled a face on instinct. Zafara feeling this, stepped in front of my body, shelding me from his intense eyes. Something about him as he stood there in the moon light looking at me, seemed so dark and wrong. I, for the first time in my life felt intimidated. I felt my annoyance and anger levels rise. The look of confusion on my face slipped off and was replaced with a blank icy cold look in his direction I found my voice and spoke up.


"What's your rank?" I stated using my Alpha tone. He didn't even move. He spoke up and to me for the first time. "Don't use your tone on me. It won't work. And I find it insulting." His voice was blank and I growled wrapping the sweater around me and walking away. Zafara asked me where I was going as I tried to stop the sweater from flashingthe bottom of my butt. "I can't do this. I don't belive in storybook endings with the white wedding." I said and she looked at me and sighed. "Nither do I but, I'm willing to try to give him a chance." She said and I could tell she was already fond of him. "How? How do you already feel for hi. I just met, whoever that guy is and I want to drive a knife in his eye." I growled. I heard a thunderous growl and a shiver raked my spine. "Oh, stop being a child." I hised out. I found myself pinned to the tree, the sweater riding up. I went to knee him but he put a leg in between my legs. "You little fucking bitch." I yelled loudly. I heard Zafara go to move and help me but I knew Raymond stopped her. I was slammed back hard, unable to move. His face went to the crook of my neck and he whispered.


"I don't want you. I don't want anyone, But my wolf is nagging me so hard to mate you right now. I don't care about you. Not in the least. My wolf does sure, but I don't need a impulsive she-wolf who can't stop being full of herself for a moment as my luna." He growled and dropped me to the ground. "Luna?" I looked to Raymond and smiled widely. "Oh, this, this right here," I paused and looked around at them. "Is fucking rich, gold even. Your in luck. I don't want a mate either. So let's part way shall we." I said and took off the sweater and shifted. I looked and seen Zafara run to me in wolf form and she nodded for me to lead the way.


I ran hard and pushed myself to limits. Zafara was fine as she gave me a wolfish grin. I felt my wolf growl in annoyance at me but I was happy. Yes I did feel a bit saddened, but at least I wasn't tied down. I sprinted but soon felt worn. I felt defiance roll off of me and pushed myself harder. I was pushing so hard my legs were numb. Zafara sprinted ahead and shifted. I shifted mid-run and collapsed in her arms, not able to slow myself from not feeling my legs.


"What happened?" She whispered as Raymond rounded the corner. He dropped down and looked at me. I felt drained like, I can't explain it. We have to get out of here and talk to my dad." I said in a raspy voice. I was panting and I felt pains to the max making want to scream out. "I'll get your mate, As-" Raymond said but I grabbed his wrist tightly, almost snapping the bone, though he didn't even wince. "No." I said firmly. I was fine. It was only because I didn't accept the bond like they had. These were the thing I tried to convince myself with. I let go of his wrist not wanting Zafara's wolf to get mad. I sat against Zafara and felt tired as a thin sheet of sweat covered my body. I was grateful that she had covered me up. I didn't want he mate let alone anybody seeing my body.


I faded in and out and I soon seen my mates body standing next to a tree. I shot up and grabbed Raymond's neck choking him. "I said don't bring him here." I yelled a growl. I could feel Zafara torn. She wanted to side with my on natural instinct but he was her mate so naturally she didn't want any harm. I dropped him and seen my mate looking at me. "Don't look at me like that. We will never have anything. Love is a myth and it's not a real." I growled and he gave me an intense gaze saying nothing at all. "God, contain your fucking depression, Zafara." I growled out and she looked at me puzzled. "Im not depressed, im amused that you belive in anger hate and ruthlessness but not love." She said and I igonored the last part. "Who's feelings am'i getting then, cos' damn." I said in a breathless pant. 


She looked to be talking in a mind-link. God I want to talk to Mikah. I debated the pros and cons about before, contacting him. 


"Mikah?" I asked, letting my barriers down slightly. 


"Jameela, re you alright? You never let your wallas down." He asked unsure. It was true I never let my walls down, It made me feel in control of everything. 


"Fine, but Im feeling emotions that aren't mine or Zafara's. There hitting me so hard in waves that I collapsed." I whispered to him and I waited silently. I hated not knowing. It made me feel out of conrol, Like I didn't know anything at all. 


"You should be back not tomorrow but the next morning. Just hang on, Dad is going to do reserch." He paused and I knew he wanted to tell me something so I urged him on. 


"Malikah is closing himself off more. He won't call or answer the door, even to Alpha commands." I felt myself go hard. I hated Kai, yes he was my brother, and I knew that loosing your mate is painful. I looked at her a sister. He closed himself off and hid away on the edge of the terrtory, hours from us. I get he was in pain, but we were family. Me and him were as thick as thevies. Well not as close as me and Kole, but he was always there. He protected me. He promised he would help me with the whole mate thing and he lied. I deluded myself in thinking he would come at the last minute, telling me to be strong and everything was going to be okay. Everything is a lie, Love isn't real. The only one I love is my brother, Kole. 


"Don't talk to me about him. I have to go." I said and he started to talk. "Okay I love you." I knew he was waiting for me to say it back but he was deluding himself, thinking that. 


"Yea, you too." I closed it off and felt Zafara plop down next to me. 


"What happened?" She asked and I just felt annoyance and the need to punch Kai in the face. "Mikah is going on about Kai, and He said we should be back home not tomorrow but the next morning." I said and she nodded. I knew she was waiting for me to tell her about kai. "Kai, is closing himself off even more. He's not even calling anymore. They have to send out guys to see i he killed himself. I Love hi-" I was cut off my thunderous growl and the nI heard stomping. I looked to se my mate stomping away. 


"I just want to go home. Deal with the rouges and then train hard with mikah." I said and she chuckled. "Do you still havea thing for Kai. Or did mister Raymond over there cure that?" I asked and she went red. I smirked. I enjoyed her embarssement. Her eyes went wide as he growled. I laughed as he snatched her roughly into his arms. He squeezed her arms roughly and I could feel her pain. I shot up, throwing the sweater on me and seen her struggle. "Ray, your hurting her." I heard my mates voice boom. Raymond still held her, his eyes dark. I smelled the coppery smell of blood and seen his claws were in her arms. I started to shake violently. Rage taking over my body. I supprsed Zafaras pain and growled as he went to mark her. She let out a scream and struggled harder in his hold. I lost it. I saw red. I shifted and ran to him. I snapped my jaws on his leg and he let her go. She rolled down the side of the steap hill, I yelped and went to go to her, but seen my mate already running down after her body. 


I let out a growl of rage. I could feel my top lip go up into a snarl. His eyes flashed back to there normal color and he rolled over. I clamped my jaws down on his leg hard and he let out a growl. I fwelt myself being ripped off of him and I was held down. I rolled under the wolf, and seen my mate in human form. He was strong. To be in human form and hold down an Alpha wolf when in a fit of rage. 


 I shifted and took the shirt off the ground, ignoring my mates musky scent that was all over it. It went down to mid-thigh and I cpuld tell my wolf wanted to roll in it. Bi-polar much, one minute she wants to kill someone the next she is a horny dog. "Zafara, I'm sor-" He said as he walked tentivly towars her, she cut him off wit ha sob. She ran int othe woods and he went to go after her but i growled at him. 


"Don't." I snarled. I could tell my eyes were black. I took off after her and ignored the huffs of annoyance. I ran to her and seen her sitting there. She was covered in sticks and mud. she looked at me with swollen eyes. I gasped at her eyes. They were blue. Like elctric blue. She started to talk to me,


"You're right. Love is a myth."



I held her hand as she sobbed quietly. I wanted to tell her it was real. And to many people it maybe real, but for me its a lie. I couldn't tell her anything. I didn't want to bein her more pain or lie so, I sat thee and as she sobbed. Her head on the crook of my shoulder. If I couldn't feel her emotions to know what she wanted I would have awkwardly patted her back. I sat there my face emotionless even though I had rage boiling under the surface. If I didn't get my hands on Raymond and rip him a new ass soon, then my rage would boil over.


"I'm nothing but a possession to him. I'm his mate, he should feel something. Like, oh I don't know? Compassion, desire, anything other then I'm his possession. I will not be his, or anyone's possession." She spat coldly. "If he didn't feel anything for you, he wouldn't try to forcefully mark you as his." I said. I mainly said it because I felt that's what she wanted but also because it was true in a sense. "But still." She said and looked at me. I had forgotten that her eyes were red. "Fara, you're eyes are blue." I said and she gasped. Her eyes going wide. She jumped up and walked to the puddle only a few feet away. She looked in the puddle and then I seen tears fall off her face into the puddle. faster and faster they fell from her face into the puddle. "You're terrified and confused. Don't be." I said and she looked at me slightly before going back to the puddle. "I'm sure it's common my eyes flash yellow. That only happens to rouges." I said and she nodded. I pulled her away from the puddle as Raymond broke through the tree line. I felt boiling rage threaten to boil over at the sight of him. I felt my eyesight become sharper, my sense of smell more intense, and I wished I could block somethings out. I felt the anger and betrayal along with other emotions pool off of Fara and into me in waves. I felt myself threaten to stagger back. I stood my ground and I tried to keep the wolf in me at bay. She was whispering brutal ways to kill him. Ways to make him suffer. Ways to make him beg and cry out in mercy. There would be no mercy for a traitor. That was what was imbedded into my mind. The only wolf more intense and brutal then me other then rouges was my mate and his pack. I felt tinged of mercy but brushed them aside. He felt nothing. He killed for fun. I killed for justice or for revenge. Which truthfully isn't that good either but I'm sure it's a step up from him.


"Get out if here, before she kills you. In her mind your a traitor. You broke your word that you would never hurt me. She is out for blood. Yours." Zafara yelled as I let a sinister smirk play at my lips. He stood his ground, not once looking at me, only at Zafara with pleading eyes. He took a step forward to her and I stepped in front of her. My protectiveness for my friend and pack mate, coming to the surface. "You should have listened, Traitor." I spat out the word, disgusted with him and his betrayal to Zafara. "I didn't mean it. My wolf took over just like yours is right now." He said timidly. I grin something wild making him look confused and alert of every move I made. "I'm very much in control. My wolf and me, we want the same thing," I paused walking forward each step I took he look more and more alert, by not afraid or scared. I stood in front of him, my grin never faltering only growing in size.


"Your head on a stick." I whispered at him. Even though he was easily taller and more muscular I still had an intimidating shadow about me and it wasn't because I was an Alpha.


I ran at him like a linebacker in the NFL, tackling him to the ground, growling in rage. I shifted and snarled something crazy at him. "Her rage has boiled over!" Zafara yelled to Raymond, as he tried to stop my canines and talons from sinking into his flesh. How I want to so bad. He faltered for a brief second giving me a window of opportunity to sink my razor sharp canines into his flesh. It was like a knife slicing through butter. So easy, but not satisfying in the least. Zafara let out a scream. I pushed her to the back of my mind, focusing all of my rage at the traitor. I was postioned perfectly to sink my canines into his throat and rip it out. But I was shoved off of him. In to the tree. I seen Zafara run to him and I felt betryal soak into me. She went to him instead of me. She looked to me and she seen my blazing eyes. They burned with hatred. She took a small step to me and I snarled loudly at her.


I stood up and got into a stance. Fight or flight, his words sink into my ears. I snarled.


"She is hearing his words. You need to stop her." Zafara whispered quietly. "She is not thinking right. The last time, there was casulties. Of our own pack." She said and her eyes swirled. I relased a loud snarl, My lip curving up to show my bloody canines soaked by her mates blood. She took a step back and I growled. I heard a low groan of pain and my eyes shot to Raymond. I purred in pride that I brought him pain. I looked at him longer and his steely grey eyes shot to me as if pleading I would understand. But he never begged or cried in mercy. I wanted him to cry out and beg on his hands and knees as I ripped his heart from his chest. I snarled at the mental image. I would get it.

I charged at him in blur like movements. I was so close. I was a foot from him. 12 inches. But some wolf that was about to get ripped a new ass slammed me into the nearest tree, winding me. I held in the yelp and whimper of pain. I stood up to my full height and had to crain my neck to look up. The wolf was beautiful. A shiney raven black. Bigger then me and my brothers wolves. Eyes bright electric blue. To bad I was about to kill him.


And have fun doing so.


I lunged but was slammed on my back, and I snarled in rage. How dare he disrespect me, an Alpha. I growled my Alpha tone coming off and he snarled back. And I almost flinched, Making me even more inraged. He stood up and backed away. He turned his back and I growled. He wasn't going to walk away. He stopped but didn't move to turn. I snarled, snapping my jaws, saliva dripping from my muzzle. I would kill him. I would rip his head off. I would bleed him dry.


I would make a pretty rug out of this mutt.


I lunged hard at him and he slammed his paw onto the ground making it vibrate from the force. My body slammed into his and he took most of the hit. I stood above his body and snarled. My saliva dripped onto his muzzle and he licked it off. My eyes went dark and he growled. I snapped my jaws harshly next to his face almost biting it. He flipped us and I rolled out of his reach, making him put his arm on my belly as I rolled to stop me. I scratched his face red strolled down his face, healing almost instantly. He stood up to his ful height and I seen his eyes blaze with fury. He ran at me and stood over me, trying to make me submit. I snapped my jaws in defiance and he put his canines at my throat. I would never submit. I pushed my throat into his mouth and his eye went wide. I would die before I submit. He let my throat go and backed off of me. I stood up and looked at Raymond with disgust. Zafara was looking at me slightly and she shoved off one of Raymonds hands before yelling at him.


I looked back at the wolf and he looked at me. I got in defensive stanse. "She is challanging you." Zafara said like it was obivious. His eyes went wide like I was stupid before he got into stance. I growled and circled him slowly. I stopped and he looked at me curiously, Before I took him by surprise and bit down on the scruff of his neck. He shook me off harshly and I was again winded. He bit at me and I jumped away, trying to swipe my paw at him. This went on for hours, until he got me. He pinned me. He had me down. His canines were piercing my skin ever so slighty. I pushed my throat at him despite the pain that soared through out my whole body. He let me go and stared at me with disgust. I stood up on wobbly legs and seen it was sun down. I was feelig the effects of the fight and I looked at him with annoyance. I felt myself almost break. He won. I didn't submit. But he one domince. It's the same thing. I looked at him a second longer and his eyes changes to ones I knew. He was my mate. My mate just one domince. I let my top lip curl up into a frightning snarl before taking off.




"Jameela!?" I heard Zafara yell out. I didn't want to see anyone. But I knew she would find me. I didn't have the energy to move. I felt drained. For me, Domince was everything. Without it how was I even Alpha? I never submitted to anyone. It always made me feel inferior. At the top. And I felt a sence of betryal knowing it was my mate who did it. I really wanted to kill him. But that would never hapen. He had it all.


I felt eyes on me but I still remained emotionless along with motionless. I sat there my long black hair covering my chest and back. It was dark anyways. I looked at her and She gave me a confused look. "Im sorry for what I did." I said and she smirked. "I know. Now why do you look depressed. I didn't see the rest of the fight." HSe whispered although she new very well what happened. "He won domince." I said emotionlessly. She gasped and I felt her anger hit my already drained body, making me hit the tree. "Wow, can it." I muttered and she laughed. She helped me up and gave me a random shirt. "I found it." She said, well lied. I raised an eyebrow at her and she smiled sheepishly. "It's Ray's." She said and I let a ghost of a smile play at my lips. It was so faint. "You don't mind that you're mates scent will be on me?" I asked. It always bothered she-wolves mostly if they hadn't been marked or fully mated. "No, You're my sister. And I would rather you wear his shirt then run around this forest stark naked." She said and I chuckled, slipping it on. "Where is he." I siad and her eyes went wide. I knew she was thinking the pros and cons of telling me. It was a bad habit she had. "I won't kill him." I said and she looked at me, not fully beliving me. "Im not exactly going to say sorry." I said and she nodded her head for me to follow. I walked beside her, limping slightly. I showed no emotions that it hurt as I walked into a clearing. It was small and held small wood stumps and dead and new leaves.


I looked at him as he sat there with puncture wounds on his legs and claw marks on his chest. I walked up to him and he looked at me with a look of confusion. "I'm not saying sorry. Your broke your word. I'm a person of my word. Its not taken lightly and I only give it if I know I can with hold it. You need to learn that with me." I stated to him with fierce determenation. "She is a packmemeber and my sister. Don't make me regret not ripping your heart from your chest right this second." I said and he nodded his head seemingly relived I didn't plunge my fist into his cheast and rip out his heart right this second. I did have temptions though.


I heard a twig snap and I twirled around standing in front of them both protectively. I hated him but I wouldn't let him die. At least by another persons hands other then mine.


I seen a muddy brown wolf with a dangerous glint in his eyes. He ran at us before I could process it.


Fight or Flight.


I shifted into my snowy white wolf and attacked head on. Fight. I circled him and lunged but was rammed into a tree so hard I seen black dots. I felt the darkness try to claim me as I stood up snarling, saliva dripping from my muzzle. The dots grew more feverish as i faught off the two fully grown male wolves. I was slammed to the right then left and I hit the tree and growled lowly. I knew I was going under but I only did so willingly as I seen my mate stand over my body and lunge at them with a dark murderous glint in his eyes, but, there was allso pure joy. He was just as the stories said. A monster. I seen him rip out the wolves throat before clawing and mauling there bodys to nothing but a mangled sack of bones. I finally slipped under completely and shifted unwillingly. The darkness was so bright yet so dark. I couldn't fight it.


 I groaned lightly, and shifted over. I peeled my eyes open. I looked around the bare clearing, seeing no signs of anyone. The smell if blood was prominent and stale. How long was I out? I thought numbly as I sat up, a random shirt draped over me. I calmed my head wolf as I slipped into the shirt and tried to catch a whiff of anything. God, I was gonna rip Zafara a new ass for just leavening me here. I stood to my feet and looked around, and I walked slightly slow to a tree stump. I looked down at the spots of blood on the wildly bright green grass and furrowed my eyebrows. I looked at a near by tree stump to see a small bloody hand print. It was surely from a girl, and most likely younger then me.


I felt the need to find whoever it was, seeing as whoever it was, was young, alone, injured. It was most likely my Alpha instinct coming out.


I slowly drew strength from my wolf as I padded along the soft grassy ground to the edge of the clearing. I heard whimpers about ten minutes after I had entered the forest and looked around. A small whimper came from behind a bush and in that moment I knew it was a small girl or boy. I slowly walked around to see a young girl covered in blood, clutching her stomach. Gaping at the sight, I fell down to my hands and knees, startling her. She cowered away from me and I frowned before giving her a soft smile I only gave to family.


"My name is Jameela. I want to help you." I whispered softly to her and she nodded still pressed against the bush. I nodded for her to come to me and she moved her hand and seen marks from where she was Injured. It looked like a wolf sunk there claws I to her stomach. I could see her face twist in agony as I ripped a piece of the long shirt and pressed it to her stomach. I looked around for anything to hide the naked girl and seen nothing. Telling her not to move I ran around the area desperately trying to find anything. Walking back to her I seen a white mans shirt that would surely be a dress on her, I let out a breath and snatched it from the tree and ran with speed to her.


"I'm going to put this on you, then I will carry you back to the clearing to see if my friend is there." I told her softly, and she said a small, timid okay. I winced as let out a scream. I hurriedly put it on before picking her up in my arms, ignoring the fact that it was almost sun down and my shirt was riding up showing off thing that didn't need to be seen. I had to put her before myself. She would die if I did other wise.


Stumbling into the clearing to see Zafara and Raymond taking, while my mate and a few other men and boys around our age there. "Zafara!" I yelled and there heads whipped I me. I layer the girl down even though I was on the opposite side of the clearing and frantically pressed down. Her eyes rolled back and I just kept pushing down. "What the hell happens to her?" Some guy asked and I didn't even look at him only responded. "What the fuck does it look like you dumb fuck." I hissed out and ignored his growl. I picked her up and walked over to were they had random bags. Normally I would be snide and ask why they brought bags like it was a camp out, but I was grateful that they had them. Setting her down and commanding her with my Alpha time I searched through the bag for anything to help her. The young wolf shied away as my mate looked at her. He had an expression on his face that was sad. He could relate to this, like it was painting him in a weird way. I tiredness my attention back to the bag and grabbed out a needle. I snatched one of the shirts and frantically ripped it. I carefully but quickly took out the string that was holding it together. Thank god it was thick string that could hold the wound closed for now, we would be out if here soon.


I turned to her and looked at Zafara. "Where's the flask you stole from my brother?" I asked her and she and she looked down to her boots and pulled it out. It was half empty.


I opened it and took a swig before looking back at her. "What's your name." I asked and Raymond looked beyond startled by my softish, tone. "Maiella. Mia, will this hurt?" She asked and I was stunned into silence. I hadn't been called Mia since.. Azrieal. Zafara looked like she thought I was going to smack the gel but I only look at her slightly. "A little. But, he's going to talk to you the whole time and your not gonna even think about it." I said and she nodded. aid don't really have anyone in mind but I guess she did as she looked to my mate with waiting eyes. His eyes went wide, seemingly startled that she wanted to talk to him of all people. He looked at her with eyes that said 'you wanna talk to me?' I looked at him waiting and he just cleared his throat. "Whats your name?" She asked with a small voice. That was an amazing question. I didn't know that either. He have her a ghost if a smile and she seemed to relax, not seeing his hateful stare that he had given me or the rest of the people in the clearing. Everyone gasped like he had done the most insane thing in the world.


"Ashton. My name's Ashton. What pack are you from?" He asked and I took that as my que. I poured the alcohol on her wounds and she hissed loudly, trying to keep her whimpers in. I smiled at her. She didn't even let out a scream as I pushed the needle through her soft, tan flesh. She was trying to show that she was strong.


"I was from The Dark Fire Pack. But Hunters came and took everything away. They killed my mother and father." She said and I stared at her. I heard about the pack be ambushed, and they weren't to far from here which seemed normal that she would end up here. Though I was curious play how old she was. She looked young but she talked very mature. Voicing question she looked at me with her big gold eyes, they were shaped doe like and the color meant she would shift soon.


"I'm 12." She said and I nodded. and she soon voiced out something else, but I didn't know to who, she was staring at the sky. "My mother was a great luna, she was so kind and caring. My father. He was so different. He would treat me like his daughter, but he would beat my mother. I would always hear her cries of agony. Her misery was soon my misery. When I tried to interfere he would look at me, his eyes would soften, still blazing black but softer, and say 'sweetie, go to your room. mother needs to be punished.' I never knew how to feel when mother started to take her anger out on me. i felt useless, she made sure of that. To everyone else we were a perfect family, they never saw the storms that brewed inside that perfect sand house. And when the Hunters came he defended her, died for her like Nobel mate and Alpha." She whispered her tears were unshed and I could sense my mates fury. I looked at him and seen he looked like he knew what she meant. He stood up trying to mask the raw fury that was etched so extravagantly into his face from her. "Maiella. No one will hurt you." He said before he stormed off into the woods. I seen that her. I had been done with her wound awhile ago and now it was lightly bleeding.


"He scares me." She whispered to me and I smiled. I nodded and told her to stay awake seeing as soon we would be gone. I lookedat her body covered in blood and sighed. "I'm going to get water to wash her off with." I walked away towards the woods. I stepped around the logs and fallen branches in a haste to get back before dark. It was nearly sunset and I wanted nothing more then to get back home.


I slipped through the forest fast and quite my feet not making a sound as they touched the forest floor. I looked at my surroundings and felt my wolf want to run free. There was so much land that was undiscovered to my wolf she wanted to explore it and mark it as hers.


She was a territorial little bitch.


I broke free from the trees and seen a bank sloped down. Going to the edge I tried to see what was down there. When I had, I wanted to screech from joy but also terror. There was dead wolves, mangled beyond belief. I felt anger surge through me at the scene and knowing someone had killed my kind. The water was stained red and I felt sympathy before I pushed it down and stomped it to nothing. Feeling something like that was weakness.


I turned in my heel and shoved the image forcefully out of my mind. I strained my ears desperately trying to hear anything. It was getting darker. I couldn't risk leavening them. Maiella was defenseless.


I let out a stream if curse words in fury as I couldn't locate a damn stream or anything. "You're not concentrating. If you were you would know that there's a crick. Or to far from here. Or you're are horrible for an Alpha wolf." I heard a silky male say. "What do you want." I sneered, my voice low and soaked horribly in venom. I turned to see my mate, Ashton, standing next to a tree. His naked chest was a distraction to me and I gee agitated that I was letting a male get me off my game. I felt even more annoyed that I couldn't stop the feelings. I had never felt this way and I couldn't let a mate make these feelings magically appear.


"Go away. O don't want a mate. It's all a lie." I hissed loudly even though he just started at me with a dead blank expression along anger rise. I walked away but he talked first. "Why." He asked though it didn't sound like a question. I stopped and swiveled around fast my face void though I'm sure my eyes that were dancing between anger and an old pain that I've lived with for a long time. "Because, love is a figment of our imagination. I don't believe on the Cinderella ending and Snow White wedding. I believe that there is no happy ending for a wolf who is so destroyed and so ruined with anger and lies only has a horrible ending. my life isn't picture perfect. for my family it may be so. They are 'in love' with there mates, but I there so naive to think such a thing real. Love is a myth. Sympathy is weakness. Guilt is a burden. And revenge and anger and hate. They will drive you mad." I said and he looked at me. "You're oh so right." He said his voice like a silky heaven making my wolf purr."And yet, oh so wrong." His voice took on a a hard edge. "You love your family and they there mat-" I cut him off with a harsh laugh. "You're not the first to try and convince me into believing in these little things. I believe they believe that there in love. That's as far as it goes." I said and then thought further. A sinister smirk played at my naturally crimson lips. "Why do care? You said you mate." I said in a taunt. I turned not waiting for him to answer.


"There is love in this world and every other thin you said is correct. Guilt is with out a doubt a burden and sympathy is a horrible weakness. But, love. That is something I never want the displeasure of enduring. My pack will always be first." He said and I laughed. "That's the way it should. You're an alpha." I said before I felt a weight on my back, an arm around my throat. I flipped the person from my body. My face was painted with a picture of fury and death was written on my hands.


They would die.


I watched as he went to get up but I put my got to his throat, and thrust my fist into his chest. He gasped his eyes widening in fear and realization of what I was doing. I smiled wildly, my long black hair coming around face. I felt my eyes dance as I squeezed his vital organ. "Good night." I whispered and ripped my hand back, the blood dripping from the heart in my hand. I watched in joy as the life drained out of his ugly dull eyes. I looked around and seen three people holding down my mate. I ran to the one and gripped her hair harshly and she yelled. "Ah ah ah, call off your men or you wind up like you're buddy over there. Heartless." I said the last word with sinister smirk on my face. I seen Ashton had snapped a wolfs neck with his hand and switched the position of the other wolf and head butted him before gripping his neck and making his talons elongate and sick into his jugular before he ripped harshly, a chunk of his throat ripped out and blood splattered on me and the girl.


I ripped her head down and kneed her in her spine. I felt my eyes go wide as I heard the loud crack. I broke her spine. I dropped her down and stepped I her back "Opps." I said as I leaned down to her ear. I flipped her and seen her tears cascade down her face. "Rouges smell like the shot under my shoe. I said and she snarled. "I'll rip your throat out, Alpha." She sneered the last word and I clicked my tongue at her in mock disappointment. "Say hellos to the devil for me." I said and positioned my hands to snap her neck. "There a I hell." She said and I grinned and sat in her to stop her from moving and struggling. "There is. believe me I've seen it." I said and with a crack she was dead. I stood up as I wiped my hands on her shirt.


"You enjoy the kill." Ashton said and I looked at him. Thinking about it I did. As horrible as it was I did. "Looks like Yu shouldn't be on that pedestal and praises as highly as you are." He said and I laughed. "What? You're funny." I said as I walked to find a stream. That's what I came out here for. "If my wolf wouldn't hate me, I would've killed you by now. You're irritating and childish. Not fit for Aloha blood. Surely not Luna materiel." He said, his eyes filled with hatred. "And what is? A whore who sleeps with all of the pack men, oh maybe an inn won't little girl who's afraid of her one shadow." I said and I turned away. "You're judgement on me is not wanted. You know nothing of my life and the things I've seen. I've seen things a wolf, human hell even a god damned vampire shouldn't fucking see. And I'm fucking 17. So shut you're fucking mouth. Just because you won some damn dominance sure as hell doesn't mean I will bow down to an Alpha who kills without mercy. Who is a monster. You rip packs apart, families. You kill anyone who breathes in you're presences wrong. You don't give a second thought of ripping out a throat or killing a child. You've killed babies children. You're the very definition of heartless evil." I said. I found myself pressed to a tree and his eyes blazing with fury and utter hatred of my existence. "You didn't seen to merciless on ending that man and women's life." he said, breathing right in my ear mailing my body rack a shiver in fear. I felt my eyes widen and I was shocked.




I don't feel fear. I haven't in so long. It made me feel.. normal.


"I had no choice. Fight or flight. I was told fight." My eyes wild and he looked taken aback. "You just kill. Children and babies. As disgusting as the words is. There, innocent." I said the word as though it were foreign to me. he leaned in closer and said. "And I'd do it again." I knew in that money as he pushed away and walked into the darkness that my mate was with out a doubt a monster. I huffed and growled as he came back and threw a bottle filled with water at me. On instinct I caught it and walked in the direction of the clearing.


I was about to talk when people dressed in black jumped from the trees shadows. i felt someone grab my arms and another my legs. I felt utterly defenseless. I was utterly defenseless. And I hated it. The one thing I loved about being a wolf was that I could always defend myself.


I seen Ashton being held down again but he was against a tree. I felt a cloth go against my face and tried desperately to hold in my breath. I seen a girl stand over him and my wolf growled out in anger. He looked at her, with disgust evident in his feature. She smashed the cloth on his face and his movements became sluggish before his eyes closed. They fluttered over to me and they locked with mine. I felt myself become slack as I looked at him and he nodded as if telling me it's okay. I slowly fell under as his dark blue eyes dilated and then closed. The darkness incased me and I welcomed it. But before I could I heard a rough mans voice say, "Hope you enjoyed the forest, little wolf." I on instinct, even though I was slipping fast, shot my elbow back into his family jewels.


I'm not a little wolf.




Hey guys I hope you guys like this. I tried to make it longer the chapter. I hate having short chapters.


So, I made them go home a little earlier then I planned but, the book will now, be revoked adound, well you have to read the rest to find out. ;)


Okay until next time my little pups,,,


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SoftAsFeathers is out. till next chappy.


 I stiffled a groan as I rolled over. I rolled over and opened my eyes. "Mehh." My brother, Mekeel said acting like a goat. I smiled. "I'm home." I said quietly. "Hey, Zafara said you found your mate. But she didn't tell us his rank and pack." My mother, Marie said. I groaned loudly and rolled over. I felt the bed dip as my brother got neck tmy ear. "MEH!" He said loudly making me turn around and him falll off the bed. "What are you 5." I huffed. "You're 23, act it." I said with a smirk, as i got ot of bed and stepped on hs back. "Lay off." Mikah said as he scooped me up into a hug. I hugged him back, but not to long. It made me feel weird. I pulled away, as I seen my father come into the room. "Red," He said using my nick name. He always called me Red, because for one, half the time i was coated in red but no mostly becasue when I was a baby my lips were such a vibrent red and my skin was so white.


"Hey dad." I said and he wrapped his arms around me tightly. I wasn't that much of a daddy girl, I was a mommys girl, but I stil loved my father none the less. I felt small arms wrap around my legs and a geniune smile florished on my lips. I whipped around and grabbed up my little brother, kole. "Hey buddy. Look what I got you." I said, pulling out a small wolf I had carved out of access wood. He squeeled and took it from my hands. "Can we go play. The ther boys said im weird, cos' I don't got a wolf." HE said sadly. I scowled and I thought of ripping the childs head off for disrespecting him. He didn't have a wolf. He was human with Alpha blood running through his veins. They should respect him. "Is it just me or does, Jameela seem more violent then before she left?" Mekeel asked a he circled his arm around his mate, Kasy's wasit. She was a sweet girl with a horrible past. Her old pack beat her and the men did awful things to her. She was treated worse then the omegs. They put her in a cell like a traitor. I smiled at her even though it most likely came out as a grimace. "I feel like she needs to cool off." Mikah said his chin resting on his mate's head. His mate Jamie is a real girly girl, though no one would guess she kicks some serious ass put on the training field. She came from a welthy family, but the only reason he didn't introduse her as his luna yet, and hid her was because she was a Hunter. And even though she is human, She is just a bit stronger faster and all of that then humans. The pack knows that she was a Hunter and thye loved her they also knew they were mates but Mikah didn't think they were ready to hear that she would be Luna. There was still a few weiry of her but she was all in all a nice girl. Complete oppiste of me.


Mikah wasn't suposed to be Alpha, but my my eldest brother malikaih was meant to be Alpha. HIs mate had died. No one knows what happened other then him. He had given up the title and handed it back to my dad and my dad wil pass it to Mikah. Mekeel never wanted to be Alpha, he said so himself. So for a short peirod of time he was Alpha, but with the loss of his mate it tore him up. He moved out to the edge of the territroy and rarely called any more.


I believe that its in his head. Yes he did feel loss, all of us did. But the pain he said he felt the intensity of it, Its in his head.


"Kole, go down and find my shoes." I said not wanting him to be hear and here this fight. He scampered away softly humming spongebob songs.


"I'm not violent so shut your mouth, Mikah and Mekeel." I hissed out loudly. Mekeel rolled his eyes. To be honest if me and him got into a fight he would easily win, but I still would rough him up a bit. Mikah smirked at me like he knew I was t a challenge. "Who is you're mate? Is he coming here?" My mom asked. She sometimes acted as though she was my sister, not my mom. "Ashton is a dick. Me and him don't want each other case closed." I said as I went into my closet. I shut the door, but could still hear them talk.


"Well what pack is he from?" My father asked. I huffed. "He's just a dumb Alpha." I whispered. "ALPHA?" They yelled. Damn.


I walked out and fixed my sweat pants and shirt. "Yes Alpha." I said as I walked out if the room. I seen Kole sitting on the couch my shoes next to his feet, as his eyes were fixated on the T.V. "Come on Kole. We are going to go find a friend of mine." I said as I thought of Maiella. He hopped of the couch fast and slipped on his little Nikes. I laughed as I slipped on my combat boots."We are not done Meela." My mom said with a sly look. I smirked at her and rolled my eyes as I put Kole on my back. Using my werewolf speed I ran inhumanly fast to the pack house that was a few miles away. I dodged trees and bushes and smiled widely at hearing my little brothers laugh if excitement. He bounced on my back yelling for me to go faster. I started to run fast only to break through the tree like and into the back yard. The teens say in the pool seeing as it was scorching hot and little kids played. I set Kole down on his feet and crouched to his height. "Go play and I'll be back in a second, then we'll go see my friend." I said to him. He nodded fast and ran to a group of kids. I smirked as a little girl went and sat next to him on a bench playing with toys. "You're gonna be some player." I mumbled with a ghost of a grin.


"Luca, How is Maiella." I said although it was meant as a question it didn't come out as one. "She is in the infirmary. She will be fine, although she is healing slowly." Luca stated. Be was the pack doctor along side his wife and a few others. I nodded and went to get Kole. I turned my head and my eyes darkened in anger.


"Be quiet, Tony." Kole said as he stood up from the grass after being punched down. "You're such a baby. You can't even shift." The boy taunted. "If u were you I would respect Alpha blood. Wolf or not." I growled out. The boy turned to me and he paled. "My brother is 5 and you're about 9 right? If you show my brother anything other then respect again you will sincerely regret it." I said. I didn't like threatening kids but he needs to learn his place and apparently his rank as a wolf.


The boy nodded his head and ran away. Kole smiled at me and ran to me. "Thanks. There such meanies." He said. I laughed quietly a his choice of words.


I walked down into the house and down the stairs to the basement were the infirmary was.


I walked into the room and walked over to her bed. "Hey, Mia." Maiella said as I reached her bed. "Hey. How are you feeling?" I asked, letting a hint of concern color my features. "Yea, I'm fine. Who is that?" She said. I looked down at Kole staring at her with a blank look. He most of picked it up from one of us. "My little brother. Kole." I stated with a small ghost of a smile out of pride. "Hi. I'm Maiella, But you can call me Mai." She said with a smile. he smiled at her, his eyes lightning up. "You got a pretty name." He said his eyes wide with happiness. He jumped up on her bed and looked towards her stitched up stomach, that was covered with gauze, seeing as she had only a sports bra on. "I got cut too. Yea, when Meela was gone in the woods to find a mans, A huge wolf came and scratch ted me big." He told her with wide eyes filled amusement. when what he said registered I felt my eyes go dark. "Mai. Watch him." I said trying to bite back the snarl that was forming and the growl that wanted to rip from my chest.


I dashed from the room and sniffed the air. Smelling my brothers and parents scent in my fathers office I stomped up the steps, ignoring the frightened stares from the on lookers. I slammed the door to my fathers office open and let the snarl etch on to my face and the growl tear through out the room.


"Who the fucks idea was it to keep the fact that Kole was ignored by a wolf from me? Speak now or forever ol hold you're death, family." I snarled out. The last part was meant to be sarcastic but from the way Jamie had gulped nervously, it was taken other wise. "We didn't want to tell you. We knew that it would only make you angry." my mother said. "I don't care!" I yelled. My body was shaking something violent as I resisted the shift that wanted to break free. "Be careful, pup." my dad growled, as his eyes flashed black, proving his wolf wanted to show me my place. "Jameela. You need to relax." My mother growled her golden eyes going darker. "I don't end to listen to you." I said as my body shook more from the rage and fury that was rolling off of me in tsunamis. "I out rank you, Jameela. You may be my daughter but know your rank." My mother growled. Her eyes went from gold to black. I snarled and my father stood up. My father wasn't fat. He was far from it. He was musclier and fit. So when he stood up and rounded the desk, towering over me in a predatory stance, that was all it took for me to shift into my snowy white wolf. I got into stance and my eyes narrowed into slits at him.


How dare they keep such a thing from me? Kole is my family and I had a right to know of any attack, especially on family.


My father glowered down at me and my brothers looked at me to see my move. I tilted my head to Mikah as he stared at me and snarled, saliva dripping from my muzzle onto the plush, fluffy carpet. "What's you're move Jameela?" Mikah taunted. I growled at him.


This is what he wanted. for me to act naive and act with out thinking. He would have the upper hand and he would win. Don't do it, Jameela. Don't do it.


I launched at him as he laughed at my hesitance, knocking him out of the glass window. I was about to take the fall for it before Mikah shiftes positions as well as form and took the brunt of it. I snarled at him as we stood up. The people moved away at the sight of toAlpha wolves fighting. This mah seem wrong and compleat lay insane but, this was normal to my family. Mikah lunged at me, catching me off guard and tackled my to the ground. He nipped at my throat and face. I a rated at his under belly, not to hard. I didn't want to spill his organs out all over the place.


I clawed at his face and he yelped, jumping away. He looked at me with wide eyes before they narrowed into slits and he got into position. I stood up, ignoring the way the glass from the window cut into my paws. The glass that had cut me from the window was mainly on the ground or in my think fur. My white fur had stains if crimson red blood in random blotches.


Mekeel stood in front of my wolf suddenly and shook his head as if saying 'no'. I huffed although in wolf for it sounded different and blew the hair out of his face. My father and mother stood to the side along with Kasy, Jamie, Kole and Zafara. My wolf stood up and trodded to her. I used my snout to push Raymond away from her and I pushed her towards the house. She laughed at me and Raymond shook his head in amusement. I walked into the foyer and shifted back, the popping of bones and cracks filled the room. I stood up and stretched my body. "Put some clothes in before you do that next time." Fara said in distaste. I chuckled at her and put on the shorts and sports bra that were on the bench next to the door. "I don't get it." I huffed as I took the sweater from her and zipped it half way. "I mean how could they not tell me something happened to Kole. especially because he can't shift." I said, anger began simmering. "Cos'. They knew how you'd react to the news. It was a better idea to keep to them selves." She said with finality in her voice. "Raymond said you're mat-" I cut her off with my hand and spoke. "Is a complete dick. Yes I know." I said and slipped on a pair of sneakers before walking to the kitchen. the women that were in there scampered away before I could say other wise. "No he's coming here soon." I spit out the water that was in my mouth, my eyes wide with shock and annoyance. "Why?" I yelled loudly at the same time Zafara laughed. "What's did fun-" I stopped mid laugh and looked to Mikah and Mekeel covered in the water I spit out. "Oh that's rich!" I said and laughed like an idiot. "Wow, I needed that. Now, Why the fuck is he coming here, I don't want him here." I stated as my brother shook his head like a dog, getting the water all over. "You mutt." I hissed lowly as the water hit my face. He smirked and went to the island and jumped up, plopping down on it.


"Who's coming?" My father said, his alpha tone coming through. "Jameela's mate." My mothers eyes lit up. "Don't get to happy. Once you here there pack you'll have a fit." I said to my mom. when I realized what I said I regretted it. "Oh yea, what pack is he from, or does he run I should say." my mom asked with happiness shining in her golden eyes.


"The Blood Orchid Pack." That's when my mothers eyes went wide and she swore harshly. My brother spit out the Oreos that were in his mouth, Mikah looked pissed and my dad swore to god or it could have been something else holy, that he would never get me. Well this went better then I thought it would.


I circled Mekeel, my face blank. He smirked. Even though he was cocky and an arrogant little shit, he was an amazing fighter and helped me step up my game immensely. "Come on, pup." He also had a thing with taunting me. He wants me to stop acting on impulse. It gives the other an advantage, is what he said. I narrowed my eyes into slits as I fought against the urge to leap at him and plummet his face into oblivion. "Im not a pup, Mutt." I growled out, my teeth were clenched so hard that I'm surprised they didn't shatter from the force. His eyes went dark and narrowed, the smirk that was once on his face turned into an ugly scowl, though he was pissed he didn't look like be would lunge. Calling a wolf a mutt is completely offending and you shouldn't do it unless you know you can win a fight, that's why not even ten seconds later it was on my back with his hand at my throat. His eyes flashed amber, his wolfs eyes were rare and beautiful. I kneed him in the stomach. The balls is a little to serious, but, so is holding one by the throat. He groaned, but his grip never faltered only went tighter. I growled lowly, my eyes going black. I kneed him repeatedly in the stomach until he finally loosened his grip. I grabbed his throat and switched positions. I took the knife out of my boot and put it to his throat. I smirked at the victory.


Before I could do much else he had me against the wall my to my throat, my hands pinned. So much for a victory. "Ass." I said, my eyes returning to normal. He smirked widely and let me go. He turned fast and threw the knife at the wall. "Practice." He said and went to leave. Running to the wall holding knives, I picked a random one and threw it at him. I snarled as he turned and caught it in his hand. I seen the blood drip down from his hand. "Awe, the blade cut my palm. Better then my fingers like last time." He said as he threw the knife back. The knife stuck into the wall, inches from my head. "You still don't flinch. I'll have to step it up." He said. The cut had already healed and was now a mere scratch.


He picked up three throwing stars and threw them insanely fast. They were in random spots next to my body, stuck to the wall. I still didn't flinch. "Flinching makes you weak." I said to him. I turned and ripped the stars from the wall. I turned just in time to catch the white throwing star that was mere inches from my face. I still didn't flinch, but I'd be lying if I said my heart didn't speed up.


I walked out of the gym, the cool night air hitting my skin left goosebumps. I walked to the house and took in the brick exterior. I walked up the steps of my house and opened the doors. I walked in and took in the odd stairs. they were not normal and my mother designed them. She had a thing for designing the pack house and our house. They were brown and they wrapped around the wall in a weird way and each time it stopped at a level there was a hallway off of it. It was nice and almost the whole house was neutral colors. Walking up the stairs and into a hallway I walked to the end were my room was. Walking in, I shrugged out of my clothing and headed towards my bathroom. Turning in the shower I waited for it to get hot. I pulled my long glossy black hair out and let it fall. It covered my breasts and went down far to my abdomen. I didn't look at my eyes. I knew they'd be the same as always. Dead, cold, lifeless. I hopped in the shower to avoid the shining mirror. The water pelted my skin harshly and the water burned my skin. I sighed as I rolled my shoulders a bit. Thoughts of my mate coming here filled my brain along with the fact that he won dominance over me. If I had been any other Alpha wolf I would cower away from him, submit even. But I wasn't any other Alpha wolf. He trained me other wise. To be a beautiful creation but a horrible reality is what he made. He instilled things into my brain. He worked me to the bone hours on end, Training. Fighting. Killing. I was made into a ruthless she-wolf who killed at the sign of a traitor, trespasser, or threat of any kind. he made sure that I was emotionless. He ripped them away. And when I thought it couldn't get worse. It did. When my training wasn't good to his standards, the abuse would take place.


Looking over at the mirror on the wall, I seen the deep red scars. I shivered as I remembered how I got them. The whip. With the little silver balls on the end. The water made them more prominent. I hated them. But I wore them with pride. Why you may ask. Because it showed I had over come him. I didn't let it tear me down, I let it build me up. I overcame him on every level. I ripped his throat out. I smirked ruefully at the memory of his blood dry lipping from my snowy white muzzle along with saliva. He deserved worse then he got.


Hearing the door open and slam I quickly shut off the water as I heard Zafara singing, well yelling some new song. I climbed out and snatched a red towel off the rack and dashed to my closet in a blur of movements.


I walked down the hall and then onto the box like stairs and down to the common room. I fixed my tight shirt and put the belt on my jeans. I hopped on one foot to get my socks on my foot. I did the same for the other, but i walked into a white and tan vase, knocking it over. It shattered loudly and I shrugged my shoulders. I heard my mothers loud but soft feet comig down the stairs. I stood next to the vase as she ran and slid next to me. My mothers hair flew around her face, as she adjusted her tank top and pants. She had the body of a 20 year old, which was because, werewolves are almost immortal. Yes it takes more to kill us then a human but we aren't like vampires.


Her eyes blaze, but I could see she could see the smirk that danced on my lips. As I knew, she went on to lecture me.



"Go." She sighed. I nodded my head and went to the pantry. Grabbing the broom and dust pan, I walked back to the room and cleaned it up.


Once I was done, I waked into the room where Zafara and Raymond were. I was suddenly over whelmed by the smell of rain and chocolate. My black eyes snapped Zafara. "Tell me." I said, my voice was dark. Dangerous. "He arrived earlier." She said, her voice steady and eyes holding nothing. I liked that she didn't cower away. That was the number one reason we were friends. I nodded and turned on my heel, as the scent was getting stronger. I heard a loud crash, making me run up the stairs. On instinct I slammed the door open to one of the confrence rooms and when one of my fathers gaurds went to grab me, I lost it. I felt the adrenline rush in my veins and my eyes narrowed as I grabbed his arm and kneed him in the stomach then in his face twice as he bent. I felt arms incircle my form and I struggled harder. I slumped against the man. When the person loosened his hold, I elbowed him in the stomach. I turned and saw Mikah. I snarled at him. "Mutt. Don't touch me." I growled. His eyes golden like my mothers, only they had more yellowish color to them. He stood up, his Alpha power rolling off of him in waves, crashing into me. But I just did the same to him. He suddnely grabbed me, as if trying to make me calm down.


I grabbed the paper weight and lifted it to smash into his head. And I would have, if a blur of a man didn't slam me into the wall. I looked up at Mekeel's green eyes and grolwed. He had me by my throat. I smirked and kicked him in his knee. He dropped me harshly and I smashed my head on the cornor of the tabl near us. I felt blood run down my neck and I groaned. MY brother smirked and I just kicked the back of his knee as he got up. I layed splayed on m back as my head healed. The smell of rain was over-powering and I stood up. I seen my father shaking as my mother spoke to him. "You're mate is here." My father ground out through clenched teeth. As I heard the door down stairs open, I ran to the balcony and ripped open the white doors. Standing on the edge, I put one hand on the marble and jumped over. I landed on the floor with a thud, in a crouching postion. I shot up like a jack in the box and ran to the forest.


I heard feet running beside me and I smelled Zafara's scent. I ran faster to the pack house and dropped against a tree. "Lets go somewhere." Zafara suggested and I contemplated the thought. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I have to get out qof the territory. His scent is all over. It's suffocating me." I said with annoyance in my tone. I was struggling not to inhale deeply. Her eyes went wide before she held a mischievous look in her eyes. "As long as I call the shots for once." She said as I just squinted my eyes at her before nodding slowly. "Give me you're word." she said. If I gave her my word, I can't go back on it. I'm a person of my word. "You have my word." I stated in a firm voice. Her eyes went bright and she dragged me towards my car. I loved my car and I didn't let anyone drive it, so when she asked for the keys I merely walked to her car, airing for her. She huffed and took out her keys beeping the annoying little button the BMW came with. I plopped into the seat and waited silently until we reached the destination, trying not to freak. I was the kind of person who needs control, to be the mind with the wheels turning. I can't let someone else be in control to much or else I'll freak.


The worst it'll be is the mall.




I wanted to punch Zafara. She took me to the watering hole. It's just a huge lake with a tree that has a rope swing. And there was a party going on. Our pack had hundreds maybe even thousands of members, which sucked at times like this. Zafara squealed, taking of her tank too to reveal a dark blue bikini top and then she shrugged out of her shorts and the matching bottoms were there. "Come one." She yelled. "I don't have a bathing suit." I said flatly. She took my hand leading me too the car. Shuffling stuff around and throwing stuff over her shoulder she grabbed something before spinning around, not before hitting her head on the roof. I snorted as she swore harshly. "Here." She said a scowl etched on her face. I took the bikini top and threw it behind me. "It's the color of mustard." I said with annoyance leaking into my tone. she swiveled around slamming a football into the steering wheel abruptly making it honk loudly. As the car horn honked, the teenagers making out on the hood yelped and scooted away.


"Here it's black." She said as she placed it in my hands, running to the tree. she climbing up high on to wood that was stapled there. Standing on a branch she grabbed the dark brown rope splattered with water droplets and flung herself out into the water, splashing loudly. Cheers erupted as she sprung herself up with a million watt smile.


I huffed as I walked behind a tree. I hated this idea and I wanted so badly to leave. I put on the bathing suit and as I tied the hip I grew annoyed that it wasn't as tight as the other. "Son of a-" I was cut off as Zafara grabbed it and tied it. I smirked and snatched the shorts and shirt from her, slipping them on along with my boots. I walked out and everyone bowed there heads in respect at me I smiled as the boys and men looked at me with nothing but respect. I walked to the car andgrabed my phone, hesitating on taking my knife. I looked at it with temptation, but I willed myself to put it down. I stood straight as averyone bowed there heads, not making a move to go ack to what they had previously been doing. "Go back to what you were doing before." I said. They all rose there heads and nodded before chattering filled the watering hole and the grounds once again. I stood and observed as they behaved. If an attack happened right now they'd kill but then they can flip back into bubbly people. How? I can't do that. I can attack and even after the threat is dead, im still in a fit of rage. Which is normal. For me.


I was soon grabbed by my arm and I spun around ready to attack, my eyes narrowed into slits. My heart pulsed faster with adrenline as I sized up the person. 


Fight or flight.


His words repeated over and over until I seen who the person was. "Nick." I reathed, my heart tp eating eratically, adrenline still pumping in my veins, slowing slowly. "Whoa. Calm down Meela." Nick was Zafara's brother, I didn't see him offten. He was the next in line Beta and he was eyond protective of Zafara and there younger siblings.


"Shut up Nicky." I said with a smirk. His face went sour. My heart was normal and the adrenline was gone leaving me fine but still alert as ever. Zafara skipped over and told her brother to buzz off before she took me to the tree with the rope. "Go." She said her voice firm but excitment was clear. "No." I said just as firmly. "You gave me you're word." She said her eyes annoyed. "That's a traitors move." She said and I narrowed my eyes. "You're doing that so I do it." I stated and she nodded. I huffed as I slowly took off the shorts and shirt. Putting them along with my shoes in her arms I seen everyones eyes filled wiht shock as they watched me climb up and hold onto the rope. "Im only doing this cos' I gave you my word." I yelled and everyones face filled with understanding. I don't break my word. If I give you my wpord and you break it then you're a dead man walking. 


I held it and swung myself out and let go and held my knees. I was plunged under the water and when I came up everyone was going insane. But one person. My mate. I swam to the edge and grabbed my boots from Zafara and my clothes running with my clothes in my hand with her by my side. A growl ripped around and I pushed even faster. I dropped my clothes and kept running in a bathing suit and boots. Wow this muct be a sight. Running to the car I slammed the door open and started it as Zafara got in. I was peeling out before Zafara shut the door. Then I stopped. I slammmed on my breaks and said aloud, "I'm runnning like a little bitch." I said with annoyance at myself. I watched as he came around, his dark alurring eyes kept me in my spot. His jet black hair was perfect and he was the idol of a males beauty and perfection. As much as I wanted to say there was something unperfect about his looks, I couldn't find anything. And I wanted badly to say I didn't feel attracted to him. But I do. I;m insanely attracted to him, and it confuses me the feelings I'm feeling because I've never felt such things. because right now as he opens the door, and Zafara scampers away wit hRaymond, and makes me move over, the way his hand barely touched my arm, there was eruption. Something so strong and powerdul filed me in jolts. Shocks and tingles ran up and down my body, settling in the pit of my stomach. And the worst part. I want to hate it. But I don't. 




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.06.2014

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this is for me to prove that i can write more then poetry.

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