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"Y'all two are just sooo cute! Yelled a girl from Promise's first period. Promise and Reggie we're walking down the hall to their third period class. They held hands, walking in silence. Every other five minutes, a girl yells " Hey" to Reggie and usually he'll always say " wassup. Promise would roll her eyes, and just continue to walk in silence. When they reached Promise's class, they stopped Promise looked at Reggie and turned to walk in the class. She removed her hand from Reggie's and walked through the door, before she could Reggie pulled her arm and leaned her closer to him. He kissed her and said, "Stop being mad at me. Promise rolled her eyes and moved away, "Let go of me, if you stop doing the stupid things you do I wouldn't be mad Reggie. Reggie let go and turned to go down the hall, he looked sort of mad and as he opened the two-sided doors he slammed them shut. Promise feeling a little guilty of why he was mad, but it doesn't change the fact that he talks to other females. Promise walked into class. Mrs. Miller assigned the class to a partner up with another student for a project.  Promise roamed around the room, almost everybody had a partner. There was a knock on the classroom door, Mrs. Miller turned open the door nob. There it stood, a new student. He was a boy, tall, lightskinned with cute baby hair in a box type of cut. He had on the Grape 5s with a Purple and Black college jacket. He wore two diamond earrings in both ears and an Eye brow peircing. This boy is fine as hell, Promise thought. Mrs. Miller smiled at the principal and led him out the door. Leaving the New student there beside Mrs.Miller. "Okay, class. It seems today we have a new student his name is Rodrique. He looked around the class, and glanced at the students his face stopped when he saw Promise. He looked at her hair, Promise dyed her hair Blue and green and added a little bit of esstintions to the end. She had it up in a full bun, her baby hair would show on her edges. Her lips glossy, her beautiful brown eyes  and he glanced at her nose ring. Promise wore waist pants, and a half shirt that read BOSS. All the guys around school would glance at Promise's booty, she had got surgery on it when she was sixteen, sucked her stomach out and place all of that meat in her booty. Rodrique stared and then looked back at Mrs.Miller. Mrs.Miller glanced at Promise and said. "Promise, since you don't have a partner you and the new student can partner up on this assignment. Please take a seat in any seat you would like. Mrs. Miller smiled and handed out the assignments to everyone. They had only 2 weeks to accomplish the assignment, Promise had honors classes she Aced every assignment she would get whether she was working alone or not. Rodrique sat in the seat beside Promise, he smiled at her but Promise nervously turned her attention back to Mrs. Miller. The bell rang. Promise rushed out of her seat, before she could exit the door Rodrique said. "Promise is it? Promise turned around and looked she walked over to Rodrique to introduce herself. "Yes, hi. She said nervous. Rodrique smiled. His smile was beautiful. He wore braces, he had the colors blue and clear. "My name is.. well my bad you know but I rather have my friends call me Drique. Promise looked over at him, "Oh, so you want to be my friend huh? haha. She giggled. Drique started to flirt a little. "I would love for you to be my friend, why wouldn't I want the most gorgeous girl in my third period class to be my friend? Huh? He said and smiled stratching his cute curly baby hair. Promise smiled. "Thanks thats sweet of you. Footsteps came in the classroom. It was Reggie, he walked over to Promise and Drique. "Wassup? He said to Drique. Drique looked convinced. "Wassup? Reggie looked at Promise and said. "So who's this baby? Promise noticing Reggie bragging she replied. "Reggie this is Rodrique well Drique. She smiled at him. "and Drique this is my boyfriend Reggie. Drique's facial expression changed when she said that. "Your boyfriend? He asked. Promise looking at his cute light brown eyes and got back to his attention. "Yeah, we've been dating 6 months now, Reggie me and him are partnering up on this assignment Mrs. Miller assigned us. Reggie looked Drique up and down. "Cool, just know she's my girlfriend and you going have to respect that you dig? Reggie said. Drique answered. "That's wassup, I respect y'all. She's gorgeous keep that beautiful smile of her's on her face. He winked at Promise and walked out of the classroom. Promise smiled. Reggie folded his arms. "So that's wassup with you now? Promise getting annoyed. "What now Reggie? I mean don't you have these hoes walking up and down the hall pointing at you calling you cute and sexy? So why is it a problem when someone compliments me? Atleast he thinks I'm beautiful, you don't even see that in me.She walked out of the classroom. The bell rang. Promise was leaving her eighth period class. Reggie rushing people to move and bumping people in the hall just to get to her. Before you know, Drique walked over to Promise and bumped her on a flirty level. "Wassup? he smiled. Promise looked at him and pushed him back, "Hey, punk ass. Drique smiled. Promise looked at him. "You always smiling. She said and laughed. Drique stopped and look at her. "You know everytime I smile I make you're heart beat. He winked. Promise opened the door to exit the building. "Yeah, you wish. Promise started down the steps, Drique pulled her by her arm closer to him. Promise looked up. "Uuh, what are you doing? She pulled away. Drique looked at her. "I couldn't get a hug, I mean I could die today wouldn't you miss me? Promise thought for a second. She reached over and hugged him. He squeezed her tight. Of course, coming out of the door was Reggie. He had watched them the whole time. "Promise! He called out. Promise let go of Drique and turned around. Reggie walked over to Drique and pushed him. "Bro, didn't I tell you she was my girl, fall back son! Promise ran over to Reggie. "Stop it! Reggie stopped, Drique brushed off himself, and said. "You really need to chill out, if you know she you're girl why you so jealous? Am I a threat to you? Promise said. "Drique cut it. Drique continued. "You scared I might steal you're girl from you? Drique smiled. Reggie walked over to Drique shoved him again. The prinicpal saw the comotion and pulled Reggie away from Drique. "Reggie, I don't want to see you on school grounds for two days now go home and think about what you did to cause all this non sense this afternoon! Reggie walked to his car, "It's whatever. He stormed off. Promise and Drique looked at each other. Drique smiled. Promise walked away. "Promise! Promise wait. Drique ran up to her and tugged her arm. "C'mon don't be mad at me over this, I apologize for my stupid and childish behavior I'm sorry about it. Promise pushed up against him even more. "Don't let it happen again, that was entirely disrespectful to Reggie I should've never hugged you. Drique looked up at Promise. "Man, so now you regreting stuff you wanted to do all day just because he got mad and left. Promise, If you haven't noticed, he's only with you because you're hot stuff I mean damn, If you don't see that by now I don't understand how you're in a honors class. Promise looked at him, and said. "Excuse me? Drique looked at her. " I mean, you're excused and everything. No disrespect at all, I'm just saying maybe it's time you let go. *Honk* *Honk* Drique looked over at a car, "Hey, that's my mom I got to go, but here's my number just hit me up when you get home, I'm sorry again ard? Later beautiful. He ran to the car and got in before he did he blew a kiss at Promise and winked. Promise looked at the note he wrote his number on it read: You're so beautiful, I thought about you all my class periods it's crazy you're steady on my mind, anyway Here's my number you should call me tonight I want to get to know you more, 1-332-567-8968 he left and drew a heart. Promise smiled, and walked over to her car.

Free Yourself


Promise entered her driveway, and grabbed her phone out of her cup holder. She picked up the note Drique gave her from the passenger's seat. Her mom walked out on the step with her arms folded. Promise squinched the sun hitting her eyes and said. "What now mom? Her mother handed her the house phone. "It's for you baby. Promise grabbed the phone, and continued to grab her stuff and walk into the house. "Hello? She answered. It was Reggie, he sounded like he was crying, you wouldn't believe what he told Promise! "um, hey? Can we talk? Promise dropped her things on her bedroom floor. "Yeah, wassup? Promise said. Reggie started with. "I know we've been having some problems lately and I've been a total asshole towards you whatever you wanna call me, I decided maybe you're better off without me and you and that new kid can start something new I don't want to get in your way and bug and annoy you by showing you I care. Promise got silent she began to cry. "Reggie why? After all this time? Is there somebody else, did I do something  wrong? Reggie could hear her cry. "C'mon Promise, Don't cry and act like you care about me now. You was hugged up with you're new so called friend today right? I'm sure like you said he makes you feel better and confident about yourself and all that other bullshit and now you wanna cry. Save that Promise just save that you don't give a fuck about me and for you to sit on the phone and cry to convince yourself that you're not the reason why  we're breaking up? Whatever man, It's not like I wanted to loose you anyway, but the signs and things you've shown me only lead me to this cause it's gonna be hard for me to, but atleast you have you're new boothang to calm you down. Take care of yourself promise. He hung up. Promise through the phone across the room, crying heavy and turning red. Her make up was smearing and everything. She pulled out Drique's number from her pocket. Dialed it into her cellphone. It rang. Drique answered. "Hello? Promise trying to stop crying she answered. "Hey, how's the weather? Drique could hear the change in her voice and that she was crying. "Promise? Boo what's wrong what happened? He asked. Promise answered. "It's reggie, he broke up with me just awhile ago. Drique listening, and answered. "See this is the dumb shit, these niggas around here always leaving a beautiful ass girl man I swear they never know when they have something good yo. It pisses me off forreal, You need come see me for awhile go for a walk or something? Promise listened and answered, " Yeah, can I come by? Drique replied. "Yeah, sure I mean we can just chill here if you want. I'ma text you my address okay? Promise answered. "Okay. She hung up and waited for the text to come through. She received it and went to put her shoes back on. She walked in the livingroom to tell her mom she was leaving and headed out the door. She got in her car and started it up. She drove around the corner and took a lot of turns and she saw Drique standing outside by his driveway. Promise parked her car and got out. As she did, Drique held her hand and walked her into his house. "Wow, you're house is big and it's beautiful in here. Drique smiled. "Thanks, my mom's a sucker for keeping a house clean. Promise smiled. "oh yeah? haha, where is she? Drique turned them down the hall. "She's at work, she doesn't get off until twelve midnight. Promise convinced. "Wow, she works hard huh? Drique looked at her. "Yeah, 20 dollars a hour. She does 50 hours and this place across town and does another 50 hours around the corner from our school at that bank. She gets over $1,000 every pay check she gets we don't have a problem with our bills or anything she always gets them paid. Promise smiled looking at him. "Hmm, y'all are doing well huh? Drique looked. "Yeah, I'm searching around for a job that pays well, so I can help her out.. that way we have money to blow and I can get this New girl I'm crushing on something. Promise looked away, entered his room. "Do I know her, She's a senior isn't she? If It's Shay Woods, I'm warning you she's a freak she'll freak around with everyone she gets to. Drique laughed. "Chill, nah haha funny though but it's you punk ass. He smiled. Promise smiled, and took her shoes off and layed on his bed. "Yeah, yeah. Drique glanced at her feet. "Nawl, you going have to either put them dogs away or leave out a my room. He said and smiled. Promise sat up on his bed. "No, my feet are beautiful. Drique looked a her and rubbed her feet. "I know babygirl, they are. She pulled him closer to her and he layed on top of her. He kissed her neck and started to suck and bite her neck even more. While she grinded on him, and started moaning a little. He removed her shirt and unstrapped her bra. She unbuttoned his pants, and pulled off his boxers. She glanced down their for awhile and joked. "Jesus, where is it? She laughed. Drique biting his lip and replying. "Yeah, whatever you can't take this anyway punk. He started to button up his pants. Promise slapped his hands and pulled them back down. "Give it to me, I want it now. She said and moaned. Drique continued to bite her neck, and then unbuttoned her pants and pull her panties down and threw them to the side. "I'ma give it to you real good baby, trust me you going to want to go all night. As they did their sexual activity, Drique's phone began to ring. As he started to get it off the dresser beside them. Promise moaned. "Leave it, please just keep going. Drique loved her sexual moan and her begging for more. As they did it, he went in his dresser and pulled out a condom placed it on his private and they began to get more Intiment. As they both came the same time, Promise let out a moan and Drique groaned and they kissed each other. Promise's baby hair sweating and Driques baby hair sweating, he put his hands around her baby hair and whiped her forehead and kissed it. Promise smiling, and turned over to lay down. Drique left his phone to the side, and laid behind her hugging her from the back. He grinded on her a little, and she fell asleep. Drique lie beside her, kissing her neck and face. He then fell asleep and they lied their together.

Are We Together?

The next morning, Promise turned over shocked noticing that Drique was laying beside her. She thought, omg what just happend? Did I really just sleep with him, on the first night all because Me and Reggie got in a arguemnet and broke up? Oh no, I feel soo stupid it's so pointless now, Reggie was cleary jealous of my friendship with Drique and that's why he thought I'd be better off.. I don't know what to do! Drique awoken, turned over and said "Morning Beautiful." and smiled. Promise didn't know whether to reply or just get up get her things and leave! "Morning, um I think it's time for me to go home now. Drique stood up and lied beside her, "noo not yet spend at least the morning with me. Promise rolled her eyes and looked down. "Look, what we did was a mistake it met nothing! I was angry at Reggie for breaking up with me and I won't ever get him back knowing what I just did! Drique got up from the bed, pulled on his tank top. "Yeah, you can go. He walked out of his room, leaving the door open for her to exit. Promise grabbed her things and got dressed and left. Trying not to look at him as she walked out, he turned the other way when she decided to glance.

Promise Me!

Promise walked inside her room, noticing her mother sitting on her bed with her arms crossed. She saw her mothers look and it wasn't a good look, she looked as if she was dissapointed or angry. "What? Promise said. "What? Where were you lastnight I've been calling and texting you're phone girl! Her mom yelled. "I stayed over Danielle's chill out. Promise replied. "Oh really? Because I called danielles mother to speak with her they both said they haven't heard from you and danielle hasn't seen you since school. Promise's mom said. "God mom, stay out of my business, it's not like I was anywhere bad i'm home now I'm not drunk, drugged up or preganat please can you just give me some space? Promise's mother walked out and shook her head. Promise slammed the door, and hopped on her bed. She received a text. It was danielle. Danielle-wassup blue? Promise-chilling, laying down. Danielle- well are you going to that party on 54 street tonight down by the beach house? Promise- nah, I'm stay in tonight i'm tired of partying every weekend I need a break. Danielle- Omg, stay over my house tonight I want you to go with me pick out something sexy I heard them boys from West high gonna be there! Promise put down her phone, looked in her closet. "Ugh, Danielle just works my nerves man. She said out to herself. Promise picked something out and put it in a bag. Picked out her 6-inch black heels and placed the in the box. She walked out her room closed the door and went into the living room. "Ma, I'm going over danielle's i'm staying there tonight. Promise said. "Go ahead, you want you're space don't check in with me little girl. Promise rolled her eyes, got her keys off the table and left.Promsie arrived to Danielle's house. *knock knock* "Bitch what took you so long? Danielle yelled. "I've been in traffic asshole! Danielle walked into her room and fell on her bed. "Let's get cute I got a feeling I'm meet my true love tonight,Is Reggie going? Girl, you better tell him to stay home them girls from West high some hoes and tricks. Promsie looked down. "Girl, we broke up don't ask why I don't want to talk about it right now I'll tell you when we get back. Danielle looked, "dang, alright. Promise went to take a shower, Danielle went in after. They both got dressed, got dolled up and walked out. "Girlll, it's about to be on and popping tonight. Danielle said putting on her lipgloss. "Yeah, right I bet it's going be the same old stupid no good dudes from school. Danielle rolled her eyes. They got to the party, and saw over like 80 or 90 people there it was packed! Danielle and Promise walked in and started dancing around, Promise glanced around and saw Drique! He was standing by the fire talking to some thin, skinny girl. Promise turned. Drique glanced over at Promise and smiled. Though she wasn't looking at him, she could feel him staring at her. So she continued to dance. A tall brownskin dude, walked over to her. He wore camoflodge shorts and a bob marley shirt that matched it. He was cute. "Wassup goregous? Promise smiled. "Just having a good time. Drique frowned and walked over to Promise and the dude. "Wassup homie? Drique said to the dude. "Sup, nigga? Drique turned all his attention back to Promise. "Y'all talk or something? Promise looked. "We we're having a conversation, you interrupted it. Drique rolled his eyes. "I bet. But bruh you going have to chill and leave my girl alone. The dude walked away. "Really? Promise yelled. "So you let lastnight happen and then be done with me and talking to other people now? Drique said. "Like I said this morning, It was a MISTAKE. It was all out of guilt, it wasn't real. Promise yelled. "You made it clear already. Drique said and walked away. Promise looked down, and walked down to the beach stream thinking, while Danielle was dancing with dudes and yelling "TURN UP IN THE MF!".

I'm sorry

While promise went to go sit in the car until the party was over, she glanced over at the beach side and saw Drique standing by the low tides. He was just standing there kicking rocks, putting his hand over his head and just yelling. Promise decided whether to go talk to him or not, she put her pride aside and went to go talk to him. "Drique.. Promise started with, than look down. "I'm sorry if I made you feel some type of way about what happened, it's just that when I was uspet and worthless you were there for me to lean on, to cry on and talk to I don't know why I had to take it this far, your a good friend and I think thats all we should be for now on. Drique stood in silence for about a minute, turned to promise and said. "You know all this time I'm thinking that I wasn't good enough for you and that I needed to try harder to win you over but.. it seems as if I was wrong I guess you deserve better. He walked over and kissed her forehead and walked back into the Beach House. Promise felt a tear drop on her face, she quickly wiped it off. She ran back in the party to find Daniellle, it was time to leave. "Danielle! Promise yelled, but of course Danielle had been twerking on dudes, giving them lap dances and whispering in their ear. DANIELLE! LET'S GO! Promise yelled more eagerly. Danielle shoke her head, waved bye to the dudes and winked. "Dang, Promise. You know i'm not ready to leave yet. Drique looked over at Promise, Promise turned whipped a tear and left. "Danielle let's go. Drique walked quickly over to Danielle, Go enjoy yourself for a bit me and her need to talk. Drique left out and saw promise struggling to open the car door. "Promise wait. Promise turned and walked over to drique. "why make me feel like hell? huh? You must love hurting feelings, that was wrong and brutal to turn this all over on me as if I wanted this to happen, you think I asked for all of this? Well I didn't I didn't ask for Reggie to get jealous I didn't ask for me to cry and be uspet I didn't ask to kiss you and have sex with you I didn't ask for my mother to ignore me.. I didn't ask for none of this! My whole life is coming apart at this moment, My feelings are weak I'm broken. She cried. "I have no strength to go on and think , Hey does he like me? Am I good enough? Do I want this? It doesn't matter anymore, yeah you made me feel like I was in heaven and life was everything, now I'm just in hell right now. She shoke her head and cried somemore. Drique hugged her tight, kissed her forehead, held her hand and kissed her cheeks. "Stop. I don't like to see you cry, I didn't mean to hurt you, but you tore me apart, I mean like.. I really really like you, I never really liked any other girl or felt this way about any other girl the way I feel about you. It's just something about you that keeps bringing me back and making me try even harder. Promise looked and turned to him, face to face. "You don't mean that. She said unsure. Drique smiled. "Now stop playing you know I do, If i didn't feel this way or care the way I do, seeing you run off and cry wouldn't have ment nothing to me, and ecspically If you saw me crying over you. Promise giggled. "Yeah, it was kind of funny but it was cute. Drique frowned his face. "Don't brag. Promise laughed. "Yeah sure I won't. Drique picked her up and swung her around and kissed her face everytime he would let he drop. "Promsie... He said. "Yeah? Drique dropped her, and held her cheeks. "I love you. He said and kissed her, she smiled and kissed him back. "Now I'm on Cloud 9 haha. She laughed.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.04.2014

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