
The Beginning


It was a rainy afternoon, when Forever and her boyfriend were cuddling in the bedroom. She was just getting home, from cheerleading practice, her legs were sore, body was aching. She's only 15 years old, she's brownskin, 5'5, and still in high school. Devin's 17 years old, He's a senior this year, Him and Forver had only been going out for a month. She suddenly awoke and started to browse on her phone."Babe, please put your phone down! Devin he said gruffly. She made a face and then turned to him and put her phone down. "Your always bugging, you big chump! She said and smiled. Devin looked at her with a smirk and said " Chump? But who loves this chump? He said and winked. They were both going to rent an apartment for summer break, by both I mean Devin. He plans to go to Atlanta Georgia, so they can have a romantic summer vacation together. He always showed perfection and love towards his girlfriend. Later on, that night Devin went out to go get Forever her medication pills. He got dressed, and picked up his car keys and jumped out of the window. Forever's parents didn't know about Devin, nor that he would come over to spend time with her. She was the type of teenager, that couldn't actually have a boyfriend or go to any parties. She always had hated her life, but when she met Devin it all had changed. She smiled more, she laughed more and she just enjoyed living life to the fullest. *Knock.Knock* She got up off her bed, rushed to close the window and removed the dresser that was blocking the door. "Hold On ! She quickly ran to put her pajamas on and her Tank-top. She answered the door, of course it was her Brother. "Can I use your phone charger? He asked in a rush. Forever looked as if she was ready to kill him, she begin " Why? Where's your charger? His facial expression completely changed." Can I use yours, I don't know what I did to mines. I'm about to go over Jordans house. Jordan was their cousin, he stayed about an hour away from their house. "Your staying over his house tonight? Her brother began to get annoyed," Yes, can I use your charger or not? Forever knew she could have Devin spend the night, now that her brother was leaving. She went over to her closet door, and toke out her box with her chargers, USB wires, and other stuff. She went back to the door, "Here, Please Don't loose nor leave my charger over his house. You know he like to steal stuff, and then help you look for it. Boy ain't nothing but a theif. Her brother rolled his eyes and stepped back while she closed the door. She went back over to the window, where Devin had just arrived waiting for her brother to leave. He came in, clothes nearly soaked to death. " Babe, that rain is coming down..I think I better be getting home now but here's your stuff. She said it's only 7 in there for the rest of the week. So I paid her to give you your refill next week and It'd already be paid for. She looked over at him and smiled, grabbing his hand and kissing his cheek. " Aw, thanks babe. You didn't have to do all that.. but I have some good news. Devin kissed both sides of her cheeks and then her lips, " Your worth it babe, and wassup? Forever giggled, and said " My brother.. he's leaving it turns out he's staying over Jordans house. Devin looked in shock, "Theif Jordan? If you drop a nickel he'd dodge for it Jordan? Forever looked and rolled her eyes at Devin's comments."Yes, babe. But he's still our cousin,I guess we all have our addictions. Forever turned around and struggled getting the dresser, to block the door. " Chill, babe I got it. Devin nugged over to the door, gently trying not to hit it with the heavy set dresser. Forever went over to close the window, knocking her socks off. Devin went over and hugged her from behind, kissing her neck gently. "What are you doing? Forever cried, "Quit playing all your life, don't forget You promised to help me study for exams tonight. Devin shrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes. " Dang, Bae. You remember everything haha. Forever tried hard not to smile and laugh at his silly remark. But she couldn't control herself. *Chuckling* "I definitely, don't! Devin took his T-shirt off leaving his soaked jacket over on the carpet next to the TV. Grabbing Forever's hand and throwing her on the bed. Devin laughing, Forever laughing. Suddenly, they began to kiss  and cuddle. Devin reached over to the table beside him, to turn off the light. "Lights Out Punk! Forever laughing, " Fine Jerk.

I'm Pregenat!

The next morning, Devin woke up realizing that he had slept over Forever's house lastnight. He got up and reached for the remote.As he turned the TV on, he heard a car door shut. He went over to the window, looking out of it and recognizing her Grandmother had to work today. It was only 6 am so he knew thats where she had been off to. He slowly watched the car as it back out of the driveway onto the road, driving off onto the highway. He went back over to bed, laying down hugging Forever around her waist, Kissing her forehead. He rubbed around on her beautiful soft skin complection, saying " I Love You. She nugged over and turned to him, smiling her pretty little heart out. "I love you too. Devin smiling back, and turned looking at the TV the only thing that was on was Maury. He loved that show, not only because girls would show off and twerk but because it was halarious. The basic information about the show today was, 25 year old Jamie Bolden comes out to tell her boyfriend a secert she had been keeping from him. Turns out she's pregenat and also had been cheating on 26 year old Byron Mills. He kept the channel to where it was, Forever getting up running to the bathroom. She had been throwing up, she looked into the mirror, disgusted with herself. Devin quickly getting up of the bed rushing to see what had happend. "Babe, whats wrong? Forever had took a preganacy test last weekend with her bestfriend Tia. The results showed that she wasn't pregenat, but now she is guessing the test was wrong. Devin looked at her puzzled. " Babe, you alright? You need me to go get some medicine or warm milk? Forever just nodded her head, " No, Dev. I'm fine it's just I think it's what I ate lastnight. I told you I hate chinese food! She tried to cover as if she was joking. Devin looked at her and asked "You sure thats what it is? Don't lie to me babe whats been up with you? You been carrying around here, body sore and aching and you throwing up babe keep it real wassup? Devin had always knew when something wasn't right, he just did. She overreacting to what he said," Really? What else could be wrong Devin? I mean, like I said it couldn't been something I ate lastnight, the flu anything! Here you go accusing! Forever had really been overreacting, Devin never said anything about Preganacy. The secret she'd been keeping was about to slip. Devin turned around to get dressed and leave. Forever running behind him, begging him to stay and apologizing. " Okay, Okay Babe. I'm sorry I tripped like that. It's just i'm not feeling well, I didn't mean to yell or raise my voice the way I did, I'm sorry. Devin smiling in relieve. "I mean, it's cool and everything. But babe just know I'm here if you need anything, I'm here to listen to your problems and thoughts. I'm riding with you until the end, you don't got to worry about nothing. After, hearing his deep feelings Forever decided wether to tell him or not. If she would just stick to saying she was sick, and stressed out. The Maury show, came back on.. Maury- Jamie, is there something you want to tell Byron here today? Jamie- Baby, It's not easy at all I've just been stressed and we've been together for over a year now.. Byron- What the hell is up? That's all you brought me on this show to say? Jamie- No! Our relationship has been fun and I love spending time with you and just being there when you need me and you being there when I need you. Maury- Jamie, get to the point. *Auidence clapping with applause* Jamie-I'm preganat. *Byron running of stage and cursing*. *Jamie running behind him, " Byron! Byron! * Audience clapping with applause* Byron- Why in the hell you just now telling me, how long has this been, what a year? It's over I'm freaking done. you kept this from me! How in the hell do you wait a year to bring me on this show to tell me? Devin laughing, " Yo, thats my nigga. He ain't showing no type of passion nor fucks! Haha. Forever turned off the TV, and decided it was time. She didn't know how he would react or his feelings, towards it but she's Preganat, and he happens to be the father of the child. " Baby, we need to talk....

Let's talk..

Forever getting up and walking towards Devin. She was in emotional thoughts right now, what would he say? Will he leave me and go on with his Free life? She doesn't want to be without Devin, or with a baby that belongs to him and taking care of it all alone. Devin couiously, concerned about whats happening. "Devin, I'm pregenat... Forever cried. It brought even more tears to see the reaction on his face. He looked disgusted and in shock. Forever just knew their relationship was over, there will be no more "Dever" Everyone calls them that, because his name is Devin, Her name is Forever. Instead of saying, Hey Devin and Forever thats what they called them. Forever still crying, and covering her face. Devin got up and dressed and slipped his shoes on, removed his keys off the dresser and headed out of the window. Leaving Forever there crying and upset, Forever running off in to the other room. Knocking over antiques and pictures of herself when she was a child. She knew her life was over, how was she going to tell her parents? She just wanted to go crazy, physco in there. She didn't even care about how she was going to tell her parents anymore. She was so concerned about Devin, where is going? Is it over? She crawled on the floor, still crying and throwing up. She went into the kitchen to find some thing to clean the throw-up  up with. She went over and got a wash cloth and cleaned it up, and went back into her room. She fell asleep, peacefully. Later on that day, her grandmother arrived home. She knocked on her door, Forever got up to open the door, whipping the tears from her eyes. "Yeah? Her grandmother looked as if she was about to leave again. "I'm going to the hair dresser to get my hair permed, and re-dyed. Forever looking up at what her grandmother had in her hand. "Here, I got you something from Macdonalds, 20 peice nugget, small frie and sweet tea. Forever smiled, happily taking the food in one hand and the tea in the other. She closed her door back, laying on the bed eating her nuggets. *Ring.Ring* *Ring.Ring* She got up opened her door and went to go answer the phone, "Hello? The voice sounded familiar, Of course, it wa her brother. "Aye, tell grandma i'm staying over jordan house i'mma be home sunday. Forever would've been so happy right now and smiling but whats the use? Devin is off somewhere, doing god knows what and ignoring her text messages. "Alright, if she calls. She just left she going to get her hair done, you know she gonna take all day. Forever hung up the phone, and went back into her room. She fell asleep again, and then her phone started ringing. It was Tia. Tia was her bestfriend, she would bug her every now and then, But Tia would always have information well lets say gossip to tell her. "Hello? TIa answering so quickly, and acting like she was gonna die if forever didn't answer. "Girl, where are you at? She asked. Forever replied.."Home.. Minding my own, why wassup? Tia getting irritated by that saying * home minding my own* " Can I come over or nah? Forever had needed company anyway, so what the heck. " Yeah when?.She replied. " Today for a little bit, my mom going to the doctor across from your way so I'mma just chill with you until she get out. Forever hung up the phone, cleaning her room before Tia had come over. She checked her phone for any text messages or missed calls from Devin. None. Where is he?

What are Friends For?

Forever getting up and walking towards Devin. She was in emotional thoughts right now, what would he say? Will he leave me and go on with his Free life? She doesn't want to be without Devin, or with a baby that belongs to him and taking care of it all alone. Devin couiously, concerned about whats happening. "Devin, I'm pregenat... Forever cried. It brought even more tears to see the reaction on his face. He looked disgusted and in shock. Forever just knew their relationship was over, there will be no more "Dever" Everyone calls them that, because his name is Devin, Her name is Forever. Instead of saying, Hey Devin and Forever thats what they called them. Forever still crying, and covering her face. Devin got up and dressed and slipped his shoes on, removed his keys off the dresser and headed out of the window. Leaving Forever there crying and upset, Forever running off in to the other room. Knocking over antiques and pictures of herself when she was a child. She knew her life was over, how was she going to tell her parents? She just wanted to go crazy, physco in there. She didn't even care about how she was going to tell her parents anymore. She was so concerned about Devin, where is going? Is it over? She crawled on the floor, still crying and throwing up. She went into the kitchen to find some thing to clean the throw-up  up with. She went over and got a wash cloth and cleaned it up, and went back into her room. She fell asleep, peacefully. Later on that day, her grandmother arrived home. She knocked on her door, Forever got up to open the door, whipping the tears from her eyes. "Yeah? Her grandmother looked as if she was about to leave again. "I'm going to the hair dresser to get my hair permed, and re-dyed. Forever looking up at what her grandmother had in her hand. "Here, I got you something from Macdonalds, 20 peice nugget, small frie and sweet tea. Forever smiled, happily taking the food in one hand and the tea in the other. She closed her door back, laying on the bed eating her nuggets. *Ring.Ring* *Ring.Ring* She got up opened her door and went to go answer the phone, "Hello? The voice sounded familiar, Of course, it wa her brother. "Aye, tell grandma i'm staying over jordan house i'mma be home sunday. Forever would've been so happy right now and smiling but whats the use? Devin is off somewhere, doing god knows what and ignoring her text messages. "Alright, if she calls. She just left she going to get her hair done, you know she gonna take all day. Forever hung up the phone, and went back into her room. She fell asleep again, and then her phone started ringing. It was Tia. Tia was her bestfriend, she would bug her every now and then, But Tia would always have information well lets say gossip to tell her. "Hello? TIa answering so quickly, and acting like she was gonna die if forever didn't answer. "Girl, where are you at? She asked. Forever replied.."Home.. Minding my own, why wassup? Tia getting irritated by that saying * home minding my own* " Can I come over or nah? Forever had needed company anyway, so what the heck. " Yeah when?.She replied. " Today for a little bit, my mom going to the doctor across from your way so I'mma just chill with you until she get out. Forever hung up the phone, cleaning her room before Tia had come over. She checked her phone for any text messages or missed calls from Devin. None. Where is he?

Time To Start Over.


Later on that afternoon, Forever decided that she needed to take a nap. It was almost 10:15 when she laid back down, peacefully in her bedroom. She heard a noise that kind of made her wonder what was outside but she just ignored it. She fell asleep curled up in a ball. Before you know, Devin comes up at the window urging to get inside. When he finally gets a hold of the lock button he opens the window and climbs in carefully. Without waking Forever up he removes his Leather jacket and slips off his sneakers. He laid down with Forever and cuddled her, Forever could smell his Addias Colone, and the feeling of his hands around her waist. She stayed calm and continued back to sleep, when she woke up Devin was rubbing his soft hands across her beautiful face. She decided not to say anything to him. Devin started with. "Babe, I'm sorry I ran off like that I don't want to be that guy that walks out on his Pregnat girlfriend.. maybe I was stupid for doing that. But I was nervous, I didn't know what to do nor say. Forever looked into his dark beautiful brown eyes, she knew when he was serious about his feelings or not. But he was. "If thats so, where have you been all this time? Why show up now? Devin looked over to the window, and back at Forever. "I've been with someone, she explained to me about the consequences of having a child and the options I would need to know about.Forever turned to him, and stared at him for a minute. " Wait, She? Who in the hell were you with Devin? Who the hell is she? Devin knew what would've came to Forever's head when he said "she". " Babe, Chill. Your homegirl Tia, she inboxed me on facebook, explaining how upset you were and how you were worried about me. Forever sat up and removed his arms from around her waist. "Yeah, I was.. but what do you care now? Huh? You had all this time, to come back and all of a sudden you decide to appear out of no where. Devin was getting annoyed by her accusing, so he handed over his cellphone to her. " Here Ever, take it. Keep it for the rest of the week, damn it i'm tired of you accusing me of cheating on you, I don't want no other female out here but you, so quit it. I've never accused you babe, never because I trust you, and It would kill me to even think you're with another nigga. But babe, If you don't come to your senses and trust me how will there ever be room for us and a baby? Forever looked up at him, her eyes were beginning to water. "Devin, if you leave me after I tell you i'm pregnat and don't text or call me or even think to show up and be here for me, what do you think i'm thinking? Of course, I'm gonna think you with some other girl because it feels as if you just stopped caring. Devin moved over closer to his girlfriend, kissed her forehead and kissed her two cheeks and then her lips, he knew for sure he wasn't gonna leave her over this. She doesn't deserve it, she deserves a good boyfriend, someone who is there for her not someone who just gonna run out on her Devin began to sing."Babe, I promised the day we got together I would always be there for you, never leave your side, Love you forever and until the day I die. Remembering in my casket the girl in my life, I don't want to be without you babe, your mines, and you deserve me and it's crazy, how you thinking I want another girl, I wouldn't trade you for the gold and  all the money in the world. Forever knew for sure, he was being as honest as he could be, she loved him so much just as well as he loved her. "You mean that? She asked. Devin stopped and got more serious. "Yes, babe I do. I've always meant it, just trust me babe you got to. He began to cry, but tried to put his serious strong dude face back on. Forever began." aww, babe it's okay to cry.. look at me. He turned to her beautiful face. " It's okay, I love you. He started to smile, "I love you too, promise to trust me? She put his hands back around her waist, and kissed it. "I promise. Devin kissed her back. "Alright, good. Now let's go over some names for this baby of ours. He said and smiled..

Worst Behavior


Devin and Forever were clearly on the right track. Until Forever got a phone call, she didn't know who was calling.. on the caller ID of the phone read: PRIVATE NUMBER. Devin looked puzzled and asked, " Who that? Forever turned to Devin and replied, " I don't know the number blocked they must've been calling Restricted. Devin put his hand across Forever and reached for the phone, "Hello? Devin answered. "Who this? Devin started to get annoyed," Nah, nigga who the fuck is this you called my girl phone? The line was silent for about a minute, "Look, put Forever on the phone nigga don't try to play hard on the phone cuz' you don't want the wreck son. Devin handed forever the phone, got up and started to leave. Forever looked, "Devin, what's wrong? Devin moved over to the window and started to exit out, before he could Forever grabbed his shoulder, "Atleast talk to me. Devin didn't want to leave his Love hanging, him getting mad over a phone call she could of had nothing to do with. He turned to her, backing back inside of the room, " Just tell me who was that on the phone just then, that's all I'm asking. Forever honestly didn't have a clue in the world on who that could've been. "Baby, I don't know ..who know's it could've been anybody. Devin looked and started thinking, " nah, baby that nigga voice sounded hella familiar. He went over to the door, and went into the bathroom, Forever not knowing, he slipped her phone in his pocket. Dialed, * 611 *. "hello, welcome to verizon wireless phone company. The operator answered, devin replied." wassup um, I mean, Hello I would like to ask a question, if somebody calls from a private number can't the number it really was calling from show up on our account online? The operator replied, " Yes, you can visit, , sign in using your cellphone number and right now we can set up a password so you can visit your account on a daily notice, just give me a 10 charterized digits, etc. "Uh, Dever112012 is that good? "Yes sir, okay we have a sercurity question, what would you like it to be and what's the answer to it? " Um, Who was your first Love? and the answer is Forever. The operator repiled, okay I am sending your information now, you can grab a pen and paper write it down so you can remember it. IF you loose your password or information we will have to send it to your phone and have a confirmation code sent. "Alright, thanks. Devin rushed to view the message the company sent him, and already memorized the information, he deleted the message. He went back into the bedroom, forever answered, " Baby, I'm about to get in the shower, want to join? As bad as Devin wanted to he couldn't he was more focused on the jerk who called his girlfriend's phone looking to speak to her. " Nah, babe .. I'm not feeling it right now I'mma just wait for you to get out and watch some tv. He smiled, trying not to look suspicious. She smiled back and answered, "Okay fine, your lost then. She closed the door, and got undressed and walked into the room to tease devin a little, and took a  sexy walk back  into the bathroom. Devin hurried, got the Labtop that was on Forever's dresser, Logged in to her computer and went online, he typed in the search bar, ( He typed in the sign in, Forever's cell number. He typed in the password. ( Dever112012 ) It was their nickname, and relationship anniversery. As he did, he went to security check. There it was, under private number, viewed at 10:35 p.m March 31 2013, the number was revealed, Devin wrote it down, dialed it into His cellphone and waited for an answer. "Yo? The voice still sounded familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it. "Who this? The voice replied, " I know damn well this ain't devin, nigga what the fuck you want man? Devin got irritated, " Nah, fuck that nigga.. the fuck you want with my girl? and who the fuck is this? The voice replied, "Darrion, aka: Day Day Simmon's. Devin knew who the name was, " You don't get it do you? The fuck I tell you last time about calling my girl's phone? You just wait nigga. Darrion replied, "nah, you don't and your girl gonna be my girl again just watch and you want the wreck come on nigga you know where i be at. Devin slipped his clothes and shoes on," Bet!

Do or Die


Devin started to get dressed and and decided to call up some of his boys in case someone would try to jump him, and not fight fair. Forever came in just in time, before he could leave. "Devin, what's going on? Devin nodded, and pulled his phone out and texted, Brian Macall. That was his bestfriend since the second grade, they always had each other's back. "I'm just going home, I've been here for the whole weekend..I'm kind of home sick babe. He lied. Forever looked up, and replied. "Oh, I get it haha. Your homesick right? So which one of your little girlfriend's called? huh? Devin started to raise his voice. "Don't fucking go there with me not tonight yo! Shouldn't I be asking which one of your boyfriend's wanted to see you? The nigga fucking called for you, I knew I should've listened to my boys, you ain't nothing but a hoe.. You stupid as hell too, how the fuck you gonna cheat on me with one of your exes that cheated on you, stupid mother fucker. He stormed out of the window, angry, king kong angry. Forever closed the window seeled, cut off her lights, lied down and started to cry. All she could think about is what devin called her, " I knew I should've listened to my boys, you ain't nothing but a hoe" She thought. She couldn't believe he would do anything or say anything like that to her. She got up, cut her light's back on and saw that her labtop was open. There was a tab on the screen from google. "What the.. She clicked the tab, that revealed the number that called her private from earlier. She decided to call the phone company. "Welcome to verizon wireless, how may I place your call this afternoon? "Hi, I know this is kind of a crazy question but.. *SILENCE* Is there anyway you can send me a recording of a phone conversation that was called from my phone? "Ma'm, we're sorry I couldn't find any recent calls into your phone from that direct number, but I am receiving message's from an account, that's cell number is 7575674950 they called that exact number and it's location is exactly where your's is placed. Forever thought, "Wait, that's my boyfriend's number! The women replied "Yes, we had a male call today around 10:40 p.m March 31, 2013 asking if we could reveal a private number and I suggested he make an account to notify his data whenever he need's to. Forever asked the sweet young female if she could still get the conversation from devin's phone. The women replied, "I'm really not sopposed to do this, but you sound really concered and been respecting me and being patient so I'll help you out, but warning to you, you can't exactly hear the conversation, but we do have a moniter that can verifed every word in word's as if they texted it to each other. Forever decided that was cool too. "That's fine. The women replied "It will be reached to you in about 3 minutes, thank you for calling Verizon Wireless have a wonderful afternoon, if you have anymore question's feel free to call me back. Forever hung up and in about 2 minutes she recieved the text. "Oh noo, what was he thinking Devin has one more strike and then he goes to jail, No wonder he was so angry it wasn't about what he thinks I did, It's about what that lying Darrion says I did! Forever got her cell phone and called her friend, his name was TJ. Devin really didn't like her talking to him, but she had to he was the only friend with a car. "Beautiful babygirl? he answered. Forever replied. "Hey, I'm sorry to bother you this late, but my boyfriend he's about to get in some trouble and I need a ride to the destination and I need you to be there for him because Darrion him and devin are about to get into it, and you know darrion carries a gun I can't let devin get hurt! Forever cried. TJ replied " I'm on my way get ready, I'll be there in about 15minutes. Forever hung up. Quickly got dressed and rushed over to her window and got out. Before you knew it, Tia was calling her cellphone. OMG Forever thought, It's not the time for gossiping right now. " Hello? Forever answered. Tia sounded out of breath, "Girl you won't believe this! Forever was curious. "Tia, what is it now? Tia sounded like she was crying and out of breath. " Devin got shot, they are rushing him to the hospital now, blood everywhere you need to come right away. Forever's heart was beating, non stop. She cried and cried, then TJ came up in the driveway. Forever ran to the car and jumped in, "Tia I'm coming to pick you up your going to the hospital with me and TJ! Tia hung up. Forever was so impaitent when they were on the highway, she couldn't believe Darrion. She wants to hurt him, so bad right now. TJ said " I hope he's okay babygirl, I really do don't cry it's gonna be alright we just got to pick your girl Tia up and we will be to the hospital I promise. TJ said convinced, Forever turned to him grinning a little in releif hoping what Tj said would be 100% true. They arrived to Tia's house, she was standing in the driveway. She got in the backseat, and they drove off.

Say Goodbye


They were on the highway, about twenty minutes from the hospital. Forever sunk down into the seat, sad and emotional looking. Tia looked over the seat and decided to comfort her. "Ever, I promise it'll be okay. Forever ignored her and continued to do what she was doing. TJ looked aside to see Forever's reaction, then he turned back to look at the road. They arrived to the hospital, TJ started to speed as they drove into the parking lot. Parked the car, and the three got out and walked into the building. Forever ran up to the desk and asked the lady for the room in which they were holding devin. "Hi, um can you please tell me the room of Devin Mitchell please? The lady nodded and pointed to the room across from the water fountain. Forever nodded in thanks. The three of them rushed down the hall, and entered the room. When they did, they noticed Devin lying in bed hurt to death, but aside him was a teenager about Forever's age but Big boobs, Big booty, and attractive looking face. Forever was worried in a way and concerned about who in the heck was this girl, with her hands all over devin. "Devin. Forever walked into the room. Devin dropped his attention from the attractive girl, and looked to forever. "Forever? What are you doing here? Forever looked up to him, puzzled. Why wouldn't she be here, your hurt and plus that's your girlfriend. "What do you think devin? Who in the hell is this? She looked to the girl who had a smirk on her face. The girl got up walked over to forever and stood in front of her all up in her face. "Mmm, this must be Forever.. what's good Goregous? Forever drew all of her attention to the girl's tattoo, it read: I love girl's, who are attractive as hell I'm just the type to get who I want and what I want, and If I want you best believe I'm going to get you. I'm a ladies girl. *LES-BI-Honest. Forever still didn't like how she was all up on devin. "No, I don't roll that way, and the question is why in the hell were your hands all over my boyfriend! Devin replied, "Ever, stop it. Forever rolled her eyes, "Shut the fuck up, I'm talking to this bitch. The girl had peircing on her belly button, on her upper eyebrow, on her nose, her lip and her side ear. "Sweetheart, I don't like devin in that type of way, I'm a lesbian I'm not attracted to these funky ass dudes, who break girls heart and since I know all about nigga's, I'm the bad bitch that will change these females minds, so wassup? She winked at forever and chuckled. "I'm just joking, your my boy's girl.. I wouldn't do that to him, but wassup I'm Jay. Forever ignored her introduction, "Devin we need to talk, right now, can you guys step out and give us a minute? Everyone walked out. Devin sat up on the bed, "Babe what's up with you tonight? Forever walked over to the bed, slapped devin in the face. "The fuck? All of a sudden I'm your babe, when that bitch was in here my name was Forever or Ever right? I don't know what got into your head that you can have these female bestfriend or what the hell ever, but Lesibian's NO Fuck that, and beside's earlier you called me out of my name, walked out and  did some stupid as shit and got shot, but yet i'm the stupid one? You must be crazy, on top of all of that I can't deal anymore, we need to break up and just go our seperate way's. I don't want a relationship were, when you want to be with me when you feel like it noo, I'm your so called "Love of your life". If i really was you wouldn't have said what you said, did what you did or even reacted the way you did..I don't know if it's your brain making you act the way you do, but you need to control it before your next girlfriend breaks  up with you, I can handle this baby and myself I don't need you". Forever walked out, as she did she could hear devin calling her name. She didn't look back, she walked away, whiped a tear and told Tia and Tj it was time to go. "Beautiful babygirl, and Tia, Yall go wait in the car, I have to do something real quick. Tia and Forever walked out of the door. Tj walked into the room  that devin was in, he noticed devin crying like a sissy, but Tj understood why. "Bruh, wassup with you? Devin tried to look hard as usual. "Man, I don't like you, you know that shit son. Tj could  care less if devin, liked him or not. "Bruh, look I don't give a flying fat rat's ass if you like me or not, I'm just going to keep it real with you. Devin listened. "You lost one Beautiful, Smart, funny and Independent girl..Man, If I was in your position I would treat her like a queen, Honestly, I don't know what you did or didn't do, but you need to think about that shit , and try to win her back because it's too many attractive guy's out here trying to holla at her, on some no homo shit, but you need to tighten up. Devin answered back, "Like you? You want her man, just admit don't walk up in here like oh be a good guy get her back, when you was up her ass the very first time yall met. Tj sat down in the chair next to him. "Straight up, I honestly did want to be with her at that point, but she turned me down because she was crushing on you, yeah she was single and yall wasn't together but she was more faithful to you and loyal even when yall wasn't together, she would always talk about Devin Mitchell this, Devin Mitchell that, it killed me inside, but I couldn't change how she felt about me so I consider us being friend's after all, I got over it.. Moved on because she wanted to be with you, she felt as if you were differnet from all the other guys. Man look, all i'm trying to say is, she didn't deserve you calling her a hoe or listening to what your friends said about her, if they your real day one nigga's then they would respect your girlfriend and to be real they probaly just saying that to you so when you break up with her they can try to get to her. Devin knew what Tj was saying was right, so he put all his pride aside and talked in a better manner. "I get it, I guess your right man, I'm just pissed right now I lost the best thing that ever happened to me, she just doesn't understand that I don't want anybody else but her, this is the first relationship I've actrually to seriously, only because I love her more than anything, My mom loves her and my two little brother's enjoy her gifts and spending time with them. But I'm going to need a lot of help to win her back, I admit me calling her out of her name was wrong and saying what I said was wrong but.. I guess I was really mad about that whole darrion dude calling her phone,asking for her. Devin released tears and put his head down, "I don't want no other nigga taking my place, I love that girl and I swear on everything that I will be there until my last breath man, I don't give a fuck what anybody has to say about. He began crying even more, Tj patted him on the back. "It'll be alright bruh, I promise you man hang in there, get fixed up and as soon as possible head to her house or call her up and tell her everything from your heart, just like you told me, You got deep feeling's for her I can tell  because you crying hard as hell and turning red and shit, I mean I'm lightskinned to but damn, you went from a bananna to a apple. Devin laughed, and whiped his face. "My bad son, it's hard loosing the one's you love the most, the type of emotion's i'm showing right now is the type I showed when I lost my grandmother last year. Tj nodded in awe, got up and shook devin's hand. "Just do what I said. He walked out and stopped, "oh yeah, I lost my grandmother too, I felt what you felt, but she's in a better place right now she's watching over you. Tj walked out and closed the door behind him. Devin thought, "He not that bad, I feel bad about me dogging him all the time, I needed that advice. He layed down, and rubbed his chest.

Happy Annaversariy

The next morning, Devin was awaken by the Dr. Madison. "Rise and shine, today is the best day for you! She said. Devin turned over and rubbed his eyes as she opened the curtain to the beaming sunlight. "Why, whats today? Devin asked. Dr. Madison served his breakfast, lifted his bed up and replied " You get to go home at 3:00, you have a time set because we still have to run two more tests. Your first one is at 10:30 and your second isn't until 12:00 so after your first you can come back and rest and talk to that beautiful girlfriend of yours. She winked and said. Devin almost had forgotten about him and Forever's arguement and how they broke up. He found himself a little upset. "Nah, she broke up with me lastnight it's understandable I'm going to get her back anyway. Dr.Madison sat aside the chair beside his bed as he crumpled a peice of toast in his mouth. "what makes you so sure? you know us women have a way with going about after a break up. Devin chewed the last bit of the crust, " What do you mean by that? Dr.Madison rubbed Devins back. "Are you cool with telling me what happend, or is it personal? Devin drunk out of his glass of milk, "It's not personal. We've been together almost 3 months already, wait whats today? Dr.Madison pointed at the calendar, and said. " Monday, Febuaray 10. Devin rose up in his bed, and realized he had a text on his phone from Tia, It read, Happy 3 Month Annaversiery Devin! Just go talk to her this afternoon, get things back on track you two need each other! Devin smiled at the text. Dr. Madison waved her hand to get devin's attention back at her. "You two okay now huh, well I have to get going I wish you both the best and good luck on your sugery. Devin nodded. "Thanks. Dr. Madison got up and left the room. All Devin could think about is Forever, seeing her beautiful face, watching her smile everytime he would wink at her and just everything about her he missed, he loved that girl more than anything. The hours went by and It was time for Devin to leave the hospital, as soon as his mother picked him up she took him to Clear's. He looked through the glasses with beautiful diamond neckalaces and rings. He was engaged into this neckalace with pretty diamond laces on it and a pair of diamond earrings that went with it. It was, $65.39 he decided that's what he wanted to get her he could only imagine how beautiful she would look with it on. Afterwards, they went to the mall.. To the Bath & Body Works section, He loved the smell of Sweet Pea, that was his favorite fraquence Forever wore. He saw a kit with Sweet Pea lotion, two bottles of sweet pea perfume and a Sweet Pea bodywash with a bar of Soap. He picked it up, after they came from out of there It was time to find her a beautiful dress. Something she would look great in. He saw a Beautiful Black dress with no lace shoulders to it and diamonds to go around the area of her breast part, and to the end was beautiful ruffles. It was only $88.75 he purchased the items he brought and the dress and his mother took him to Tia's house. Where Forever had spent the night, lastnight maybe so she could have someone to talk to. Devin waved goodbye to his mom and walked up to her stoop and knocked on the door. Forever answered, not knowing Devin was at the door. She had her hair up in a messy bun with a bandana around her side edges, pajama booty shorts on her cute fuzzy slippers with the monkeys to it and a black tank top on. "Um, what are you doing here? She asked embarrassed. Devin smiled and picked up the bags that we're hidden behind him. "Goodafternoon beautiful, Happy Annaversariy Darling I got you something special. Forever tried her best to hide her smile but she couldn't resist she never could. "Come in. She walked in sat on the living room couch beside Tia. "DEVIN! You came, what a surprise..what's all this? She said and looked at the bags. Forever turned to her in sarcasicm and said " Something special. Devin walked over to Forever grabbed her hands and stood her up in front of him. "Before I say anything at all, I'm sorry about everything I swear I am. I've never intenisonally wanted to hurt you the way I did, I didn't mean what I said when I called you out of you're name.. Just forgive me and let's go on with our lives baby, summer is going to be here in one more week. Remember our plans? My mom brought the brochures and everything baby, look we got a master bedroom apartment and one of the best views in the sun beach around there. Forever glanced at the brochure and smiled. "It looks so beautiful. Devin moved the brochure from her hand. "And I bet you would look even more beautiful in this. He pulled out the beautiful black dress, and handed it to her. "Here. Go try it on and here my mom got you these heels I tried to tell her you couldn't walk in heels but it's for a try. Forever grabbed the dress and heels and ran happy into Tia's bathroom. Tia and Devin smiled at each other happier than ever, that she was happy and things we're going good. Fifteen minutes later Forever stepped out of the bathroom, she wore her hair down and curled and her foundation on her face and her beautiful eyelashes, her body looked beautiful in the dress and heels she walked slowly towards devin and smiled. He said. "Baby, I can only imagine you walking down that alsile one day and being my wife. Forever smiled. Devin walked up towards her, and stepped behind her. Pulling out the Diamond Neckalace he had broughten for her, and put it around her neck. Handed her the earrings that went along with it and she quickly put them in her ear. Tia clapped her hands, and yelled " Beautiful senur`itia. Forever smiled and kissed Devin on his lips and hugged him tightly.  She then said, " Thanks for everything, I'm sorry too. I love you so much. She kissed him again. " I love you too baby, always and forever. They heard a horn outside the door, it was Devin's mom. " I almost forgot to tell you, well no I didn't my moms dropping us off at a Resturant it's expenisive too but don't worry I got it baby, Our annavesirary it's going to be the best I promise! Tia waved goodbye and they stepped outside and got into the car, they drove off.




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.02.2014

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To all Teenagers with these types of problems, just take one step at a time and never give up.

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