
Chapter 1 childhood

In elementary i would not fit in, i was always a loner, could never make any friends, and i was bullied. My life was a disaster since 1st grade. I wish i could have never been born so i wouldn't feel the pain inside me. The only thing that made me stay strong was my crush Vance Serrano. He was the hottest boy ever and popular. I have known him since kinder. In kinder we were friends but then 1st grade started i had no friends just enemies. I still liked him even if he was mean to me i still like him. I hated myself for liking him and while years past by i still liked him. Then at the end of 4th grade i had to go to a new school because i was moving. I felt so sad i could never see Vance again but i felt like i was his girlfriend but i know that i was never his girlfriend so i have no idea why i am acting like this but i know i will forget him soon enough. Years passed by I still have not forgotten him and my life is still a misery but not so bad i had made friends in middle school and enemies but oh well. Tho I still remember Vance i hope i never get to see him again. Though at home was worse my parents always fighted so they got divorced and lived in separate places, my little brother hurts me, and my other brother joined the navy and i wouldn't see him often like never. My life couldn't get any worse. I live in San Diego, California I use to live in Vegas but I had to move since my mom doesn't ever want to see my dad any longer. I choose to live with my mom since California is so cooler than Vegas. I am going to miss my dad so I will call him and visit him once in awhile in Vegas and my friends live in Vegas so I will text them once in awhile tho my best friend Jolicia is coming to San Diego to I am so happy at least one of my friends I get to see, she even is going to the same school as me. I am glad my brother decided to come with us. I love him even if he can get really annoying. I moved here a week ago so I got some time to unpack. The house we moved in is not so big but it will do and it isn't so far from my school so I could walk to school which I would like to do. I am going to East High high school. I hope everything goes good I am hoping to have a nice high school year to remember so I will see how it goes.

Chapter 2 My life now

-Victoria P.O.V.-

I was awakened up by my alarm clock I checked the time 6:00 a.m. school starts today ugh! I got got up, went to the bathroom and took a warm shower. When I got out I went back to my room, grabbed my matching bra and panties then i put on a sparkly green blouse with black jeans. Then i went back to the bathroom to go wave my hair after that i put on mascara. I don't put on much make up really only for parties or no make up at all. I went downstairs to find my little brother eating breakfast while my mom is cooking for me."Hi honey" my mom said " hi mom, Sebbi" thats the nickname i gave my brother even though he doesn't like it. When I finished i said good bye to them and grabbed my bags went outside and wait for my best friend Jolicia to pick me up she can be bossy but she is amazing if you get to know her. When she got here i got in her car and we drove off listening to the best radio station 94.1. When we got to school she asked me "are you ready""ugh no but do i have a choice" we both laughed then we walked into the school. I went to my locker and grabbed my schedule and went to my first class spanish. I don't have Jolicia in most of my classes but i at least get to see her. While i was walking towards my class i bumped into something and I was falling back but someone caught me before i could reach the ground. When i looked to see who caught me to thank them, i was blown out of my mind. The boy i could never forget, jerk, my crush, and the one i never wanted to see ever in my life was standing right in front of me. I felt like i was going to faint but luckily i didn't. He looked a little different but still the same but i don't know how his personality is but i am guessing it didn't change." Oh my gosh are you ok i didn't mean to push you I wa... hey don't i know you?"" No you do not know me. Thanks for not letting me fall to the ground but i have to go, if you'll excuse me."walking away." Victoria, is your name Victoria?" I stopped. OMG he remembers me what should i do, should i just keep walking, or should i tell him the truth?"Sorry you got the wrong person" walking away but he was walking towards me and stoped me by grabing my wrist and turned me to him."No i got the right person Victoria i can't believe that you go to this school do you know how much i have missed you" while hugging me i was shocked. i pushed him away "get away from me Vance i hate you, you were such a jerk i can't believe you can just come back and just..just hug me and think everything is going to be alright. Well if you will excuse me i have to get to class or i will be late." I walked out and went to class.

-Vance P.O.V.-

I was trying to find my way to class which is Spanish. I was new here and I didn't know where the 500 hall is. The next thing i knew someone bumped into me and was falling. I caught the person before it hit the floor. When I lifted it up i noticed that it was a girl but i recognized her from somewhere but I don't know where. I felt bad for pushing her so i apologized "Oh my gosh are ok I didn't mean to push you i wa...hey don't i know you?" I had to question her i couldn't hold it back i was dying to know because i had a feeling i knew her for a long time. When she answered me and said she was the wrong person. I got so angry cause i could see in her face that she was lying but when she was walking away everything came to me her name is Victoria. She is my mate! Yes i am a werewolf but who cares right now, she is my mate i was trying to find my whole life. So i grabed her wrist and turned her to me and said "No am not, Victoria, I can't believe you go to this school do you know how much i missed you." I hugged her and she smelled like lavender. Then she pushed me away and said "get away from me Vance I hate you, you were such a jerk I can't believe you can just..just hug me and think everything is going to be alright." i stopped listening after that. Then I let her go but i felt so hurt after that.


After looking for my class for 5 min. I finally found it and entered my class I went to the teacher Ms. Tyra I like her already. I found my mate sitting there and I was assigned to sit right next to her I so excited but I did not show it. When i went to my seat I did what i was told to do. When the bell rang Victoria was packing and when she got up I got up with her and stopped her. When i stopped her i looked at her her curved body, beautiful face, and her kissable lips that i was wanting to kiss so badly. I was getting to dreamy, my grip loosened. When I was going to tell her something she ran before i can catch her again. Then i went to my next class math my favorite class. I found it quick because i passed by it already. When i got there I saw VIctoria sitting there talking to someone. Luckily it was a girl because i would went up to him and beat the shit out of him. I walked towards them and sat behind Victoria. When she saw me she jumped in shock and cursed under her breath and told me "what are you doing here" she whispered/screamed."This is my next class" "I mean why are you sitting behind me" "I want to sit here." She sighed harshly and turned back to her friend. I faced her friend and asked "Hey my name is Vance yours" holding my hand out she shook it while saying "Hi Vance my name is Jolicia its nice to meet you"" nice to meet you to." Then Jolicia whispered something to her that made her blush and i was wondering what made her blush. Then this boy who looks like a football player comes in and sits 3 seats away from us. Then i saw Victoria staring at him!! I got so pissed but I knew i can't do anything. Then the bell rang and everyone took their seats and then the teacher just came in and told the whole class that there was a new kid which was me. Then the whole class stared at me. Which scared the shit out of me then class started but Victoria didn't stop looking at that boy. I am going to blow if she keeps on staring at him.

-Victoria P.O.V-

"Hey Victoria, look Miguel just entered the classroom" Jolicia whispered. I looked at the door and there stood Miguel in his handsome body. That made me blush and i saw Vance staring at me with a face of jealousy."Hey do you still like Vance or are you going to ask out Miguel.""I don't know now that Vance is here." When class finished I tried my best to pack up as soon as possible so Vance doesn't talk to me but my wish was not granted. "Who is he" he asked, "what are you talking about" I said in a innocent voice. "Don't play stupid with me you know what I am talking about,""fine, his name is Miguel and I met him in 7th grade. He is a total hottie," I said. While I said that Vance's face got so mad that he pushed me to the wall and said "you are mine and only mine, know won can take you from me." i was so frightened but i could feel him relax and taking a breath then out of the blue he kisses me. MY FIRST KISS!! With Vance, wow, I didn't think that i would ever get my first kiss with him but it happened. OMFG! Then he moved away and said "I wish you could have kissed me back but I guess you don't feel the same way i feel." Then he started walking away but I grabbed him before he could leave the classroom."I do feel the same way" I said blushing"I didn't kiss you back because that was my first kiss" I looked down at my feet feeling embarrassed. Then Vance lifted my chin and we locked eyes while he was leaning forward to kiss me until the bell rang. "OMFG i am going to be late, I got to go actually we both have to go so come on" i say in a rush then we both go our separate ways. Then i bumped into something again but this time I just fell to the ground and passed out.


I woke up in a strange room  with white walls, I tried to get up but something held me down. When I looked down I saw Vance with his head on my lap I shook him a little  so I can get up and he woke up so fast he almost fell back. Then he looked at me and said "OMG thank goddness you are ok""where am I""you are in a hospital""WHAT" i nearly screamed. Why am i here, did I get hurt, what happened. I was panicking so much Vance got more worried. Then a nurse came in and said "Hi Victoria how do you feel""Panicked"" well u don't have to panic you are safe here. Now you may go home and relax, you hurt your head pretty hard""what happened to my head." I am now so scared. What happened to my head I don't remember anything." well i don't know" then I looked at Vance. He said "I don't know either, I found you on the floor bleeding." Wow i don't remember that. Thats good that Vance saw me because I would be dead by now. While we were leaving I stopped and stared at the amazingly beautiful car"meet my baby" Vance said. I got in the car and i we were driving to a place i never went to. We got to a stop and entered a huge house with 4 floors and a kickball field out in the front. "Where are we?" I questioned, "we are at my house""why are we here i need to get home my par...""your parents don't even know, it is still school hours so i brought you here so you can relax""with you I ... don't....know."I mumbled. "It will be okay i won't push you if you feel uncomfortable" he said, so I just nodded my head saying i will be ok. When we got inside I was shocked of how more beautiful it is in the inside then the outside. I found the living room and went straight to the couch, it felt so soft I went to sleep right away. I woke up and i was in this strange room I haven't seen, it looked like a guys room. When i was getting up a strong grasp on my waist holding me down. I looked to see who it was and it was Vance sleeping like an angel.Its Vance's room, I said in my head. I tried to get out of his grasp but that only woke him up."Your"he said letting me go but then I grabed him and hugged him. I never wanted to let him go, I feel protective around him. He hugged me back and kissed my forhead and then on my cheek. I looked up to him and told him "I love you Vance with all my heart. You have no idea how I felt without you."Then I smashed my lips to his lips and he kissed me back. We were pratically making-out and I was having the best time of my life since I last saw him.

Chapter 3 What should I do now

-Vance P.O.V.-

I was walking to my class when I remembered I don't know where it is so I went back to ask Victoria. While I was walking I saw someone on the floor with a puddle of their blood when I went over there to see who it was, it was Victoria bleeding. I picked her up and called a paramedics so I went outside to wait for them but first I went to the bathroom to stop the blood from getting worse. While I was passing the place where I saw her I noticed blood on the edge of the wall. I was so pissed I don't know what happened but I intend to find out when she wakes up. When they got here I  got in my car and followed them to the hospital. When I got there I sat in the waiting room. They said it wasn't an emergency so it would be quick and I could take her home as soon as she wakes up.  When they finished, they informed me that I could go in but she is still conscious and she will wake up soon. Once I got in her room I saw her there lying there like a goddess. I sat beside her and watched her until I fell asleep on her lap holding her hand. Then after like an hour I felt something moving I got up so fast I almost fell back but I caught myself.She was asking many questions and when I mentioned that she was at a hospital she freaked out. She was frightened like she didn't know why she was here. It might be because of what happened to her head, that she doesn't remember anything.Then the nurse came in and told her that her head was fine that all she needed is to relax. Then Victoria started to panic when the nurse mentioned her head. When she started to panic I got worried because she still has not healed and she got crazy. When I told her that I found her there in a pool of her own blood she relaxed. Thankfully. "She can go now but take her home so she can relax", the nurse said to me while I followed her outside. Then Victoria got ready so we can go and then we went outside to get in my car. When I was walking to the drivers seat, I saw her stop and stare at my car, I told her "meet my baby." After that she got in the car and we drove to my house. When we got to my house she was worried/suprised. Then she asked "Where are we"" we are at my house," I told her then she got worried."Why are we here I need to get home my par.." I cut her off at that sentence. "Your parents don't even know, it is still school hours so I brought you here to relax" she was shy I think because I was going to be with her."With you I...don't...know" she mumbled. Then I got embaressed for bringing her here."It will be okay I won't push you if you feel unconfortable" I told her but she just nodded her head that it is alright. When we entered the house Victoria was shocked of how my house looked like. I saw that she was heading to the living room couch and slept there. I went towards where she slept and made sure she was fast asleep so I could carry her to my room. When I layed her on my bed my wolf was wanting to mark her but I ignored my wolf and got in bed with her. My arm circled around her waist so I know when I wake up.Mark her already, why wait when you have the chance my wolf said, because I don't want to push her into doing anything. Then I fell into the best sleep I ever had especially that I have Victoria in my arms. After an hour passed I felt something moving, trying to get my arm off. I noticed it was Victoria I got up and said “ you're” letting her go feeling embarrassed. Then Victoria pulled me into a hug.I hugged her back and kissed her forehead and then her cheek. She looked up to me and said the most magical words I was wanting to hear “I love you with all my heart. You have no idea how I felt without you.” Then she smashed her lips to mine and kissed me passionately. I kissed her back with the same force.I grabbed her waist and she grabbed my neck pulling me into her. She is a good kisser for her first time doing this. Then she pulled back, both of us breathing heavily after a while she says “we can't do this””what” pulling back.” I love you but we can't be a couple...I have moved on and now that I have seen you... things have to changed” she said sadly that made me break down. “You say you love me but we can't be a couple?I don't get it I love you since I first meet you and I just found you but you don't want me.” I didn't know what to do. I just found her but we can't be together!?”I'm sorry me home.” I didn't know what to do.I just went straight to the door and went down the stairs to the front door. She was following me but then stopped and asked “you carried up these stairs?” I just nodded and keep going to my car while she followed me. I got in and then she did and we stayed quiet the whole ride to her house. When we got there she got out of the car but before she shut the door she whispered” I am sorry, k I just need to think about it” when I didn't do anything she just sighed and closed the door to my car.Before I started the car I smashed my hands on the steering wheel. I got the car running and went to the woods that wasn't so far from her house. Thats where I usually go when I am stressed out and I get to shift into my wolf form. I parked my car near the woods. I got out and ran into the woods. I changed into my wolf form and ran to the lake. I sat there for a while looking at the sparkling lake. After a few minutes past I started walking around the woods. I got tired of being in my wolf form. First I made sure no one was around catching me shifting. I got behind a bush and shifted, then I changed into my cloths. I got up and started walking but I was stopped by someone calling my name. I turned around and saw the person I never want to see right this moment… Victoria. Her eyes were filled with shock. Oh no, please tell me she didn’t see me shift.”Your....a...werewolf”she whispered half anger.

 -Victoria P.O.V.-

 Once Vance dropped me off at my house I got inside and ran to my room. I closed my door, got in bed and stared at the ceiling thinking what just happened. What did I just say I want him so badly not to move him away from me. the song beautiful by Christina Aguilera stop me from my thoughts. I know its my phone so I am looking for my phone and found it on the floor with my cloths on top of it. I grabbed it and checked the caller ID. Jolicia. Shit, I forgot I didn’t go to school the rest of my other periods. ON THE FIRST DAY!! If I get caught that I didn’t go to school I will be grounded for the rest of my life. I answered the phone, “hey Jolicia””where the fuck are you. You weren’t here at lunch or the library and when I  was waiting for you outside after school you didn’t come””yeah I know sorry. I wasn’t feeling so good so I came home” I really wasn’t feeling good after Vance dropped me off but thats not the whole reason  why.”Thank god I thought something happened to you. I was going to call the CSI to go looking for you””hahaha k sorry I didn’t tell you. Now I have to go, I need to go to the restroom””alright call me k””k TTYL”TTYL.” Then I hanged up and went to my closet to change. I really didn’t have to go to the restroom I just had to come up with an excuse so I can leave the house. I put on green sweat pants with a sparkly green tank top. I went outside and jogged to the woods to forget what happened today. I stopped when I got to the woods to catch my breath. I started to jog into the woods. I stopped by a huge tree to catch my breath leaning on it. Then I heard footsteps. I looked to see who it is but I only saw a white werewolf walking towards a bush. Then it stopped to look around. I hid myself so I don’t become dinner. Then I looked back a minute later. Instead of seeing the werewolf I saw….Vance. He was walking away from me so I called his name to get his attention and he stopped. He turned around then are eyes locked. I think its because I have a shocked expression on  my face and that I am here.”Your...a....werewolf”I whispered half anger. He came towards me but I just keep stepping back until I hit a tree and I couldn’t go any further. I was going to move to the side to escape but Vance already pinned me to the tree holding both of my wrists above my head.”What did you see” he nearly screamed,”I saw a wolf then I saw you. I can’t believe you are a werewolf. And you didn’t tell me bitch” I said half yelling.I tried to get out of his grasp so I could slap him but he only tightened his grip. “you're going to break my wrists bitch”I said in pain. “Sorry” he said losing his grip a little bit. “Shit!” he said kind of angry.”You think that I am going to tell the world that you are half werewolf and half human well you are right” I told him.”If you tell anyone of what you saw I will....I will..”sounding sad”Will kill me. Ha. Like you would do that you feel bad when ever you see me sad or whatever I am feeling”I told him but that only made him sadder I think he was about to cry. “I can’t no I wouldn’t ever hurt you Victoria”he said “If I ever hurt you wish will never happen I wo…”“Actually you just hurt my wrist”“Okay sorry but I am talking about like hurting you real badly. I would never do it, I couldn’t do it. I would never be the same if that ever happened.” those words were strong filled with love, hurt, and lust.“I love you Victoria I couldn’t live without you when I didn’t see you for 5th grade. That year I was going to tell you how I felt and tell you how sorry I am for hurting you for 4 years.” I couldn’t believe my ears what they are hearing. Especially when it is coming from Vance’s mouth. I didn’t notice that I started crying “Baby please don’t cry” he said letting me go and started hugging me. I didn’t back away or push him away cause I was to weak to until I thought why was he dating girls and he liked me since we meet? I pushed him back a little so I could look at his face. “ Ok lets forget about the werewolf thing now. So if you liked me since we meet then why did you go on dates with other girls?” I asked “ so I could make you jealous. Thats why I never got a girlfriend from any of them.” he said blushing. Ahh. His blushing so adorable I could pinch those cheeks like a his  grandmother. I didn’t notice that I was blushing with him but I am even redder than him. Vance noticed me blushing and kissed my cheeks." Why did you reject me when I could tell you didn't want to" he whispered in my ear. He knows."I..I...uh" I didn't know what to say I can't tell him I actually feel about him."Let me tell you a poem of how I feel about you" What! "Uh...sure" Ug! Why did I say that. He took a couple steps back and..."I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart) I am never without it (anywhere I go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling) I fear  no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) I want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true) and its you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you  here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart I carry your heart ( I carry it in my heart)" Vance


Texte: Lovebooks
Bildmaterialien: me
Lektorat: me
Übersetzung: me
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.02.2015

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