
Chapter one
The Beginning.
It was a normal day outside, sunny, windy and a little bit cloudy and everyone was having a wonderful time except for the Baxter twins. They were stuck inside with their annoying baby sitter “Lucy”. Unlike normal baby sitters Lucy was mean, viscous and very frightening.
Tom and Courtney Baxter (the Baxter twins) who are both twelve and a half, hated Lucy they always tried to get her out of the house, for example they tried to set her hair on fire, locking her out of the house and even throwing dirt (which usually had bugs in) at her. But of course all plans were failed they simply could not get her to leave the house without doing any thing... dangerous, for example Tom once came to Courtney “Maybe we should start a fire so our parents can see how bad she does and get her fired!” But Courtney merely shook her head and Tom would get the message.
One day during a plan “which involves using a hose” the Baxter twin’s received some very disturbing news. They crowded around the kitchen table which Lucy stood, clutching her hands down on the table behind her as she leaned backwards onto it. They walked closer and pressed their eyes upon a piece of paper labelled “telegram” which was tightly grasped in Lucy’s hand. To their horror what they read would change their life’s, what they read was anyone’s worst fear, what they read was that their parents just died in a car crash on their way back from a conference meeting in London just one hour ago.
The twins were devastated Courtney fell to the floor and Tom shook his head in disbelief, they cried with grief and despair over their lost parents whilst Lucy stared. You properly would not have noticed but up close Lucy dropped a tear from her right eye as it landed gracefully on the floor the twins brought themselves up and stared at each other thinking that this was all a dream or a joke or at least that’s what they had hoped. They went out of the house that day to get their mind of things, they went to a park their parents used to take them and sat down on the swings and talked things over. “Maybe they were mistaken” Tom hoped, “No Tom, this is real” said Courtney with a sad tone and they decided to walk back home, Lucy went home after they arrived 30 minutes later and she told them to stay here and don’t leave the house.
Soon after hours of mourning and waiting in the house by them self’s a man named Mr Marks came round and said that he will organise were they are going to go due to their parents unfortunate death. Tom and Courtney started to cry again as they couldn’t bear the thought of leaving the house in which they spent 12 years of their life’s in. He decided that they should go to a boarding school, (a very large and old boarding school). Courtney and Tom both agreed to this but still felt bad and sick in their stomachs, they couldn’t find a silver lining, they felt the world has came to an end. A day later they got into Mr Marks car after packing their bags and where ready to go, after saying goodbye to their house Mr Marks started to drive. Soon enough they arrived at a gigantic boarding school in Mr Mark’s old red mini which had a large amount of bird poop on top it.
The Twins where saddened with the view of happy family’s walking with their children in the town, but they had hope for a fresh start in a new home, and a new school they thought “you don’t know what you have, until it’s gone” They were in a small town in England called “Stanford”. Tom said to Courtney “I hope we fit in here or it is back to Lucy” “Yuck” they both replied. They started to giggle and then they remembered why they were here and there eyes suddenly flooded with tears. “Oh! Stop that” said Mr. Marks. “You would never fit in if that’s how you are going to act”. He was a very posh man it looked like he had never cried before in is whole entire life and he didn’t make the twins feel any better at all.

They got out of the red mini and walked towards the school, they could not see the school in the car for it had been too stormy outside, almost like the weather teased them as they began to descend outside the school. They carried on walking slowly and anxiously towards the square shaped building and opened the doors followed by a lowed creaking noise. “This place must be ancient?” questioned Tom; “no kidding” replied Courtney wiping the tears out of her eyes. Courtney was a clever girl she loves to read and Tom well; he was usually the trouble maker as their parents used to say “a lot can change a twin in just four minutes” because Tim is four minuets younger than Courtney, although they never quiet understood this.
It was like a ghost town; well they where an hour early so all they could hear was the rushing sound of showers and people making their beds up in some of the privet and more expensive rooms upstairs in the school. The walls were made up of thick brown paint which had been scratched and cut. Finally they reached the expensive looking brown oak desk and rang a gold bell which made a very loud “ding” that seemed to echo throughout the small room.
After they had rang the loud bell they waited for someone to appear. “Come on I don’t have all day I am a very busy man” whispered Mr Marks in a grumpy tone. Finally a small old lady who looked as she was wearing a wig approached the old brown desk and said “Hello how may I help you?” Tom and Courtney could barely hear what she was saying because she was so quiet. Mr Marks introduced the twins one by one, “well this is Courtney, say hello Courtney,” “Hello um... what is your name please?” wondered Courtney “Why sorry I’m Miss Thorn” “lovely to see you” said Tom, Tom was quiet shy he was hiding behind Mr. Marks practically the whole time.
“Oh and I nearly forgot this young lad is Tom” Miss Thorn smiled at him and glanced back at Mr Marks. “Ok I hope you remember what I told you on the phone earlier they need a place to stay, because of well” he paused, “their parents” he whispered. “So that’s why I took them here oh and make sure you show them there rooms first ,ok I got to run if you need anything just ask Miss Thorn to give me a ring” he was already out of the door when he had finished speaking.
“Come on then I will show you to the headmaster you need to know your time plan before you can see your room”. They reached the Headmasters office and sat down on a giant leather chair each. “The head teacher will arrive shortly” said Miss Thorn as she limped out of the room. They saw a unique collection of model air planes on his desk they also saw a name tag left on the desk which read: Mr. Freelance inputted onto it with giant bold letters and a picture of the headmaster. But before they could see a good look at the picture the headmaster walked in shouting “Miss Thorn? Are you sure that you haven’t seen my name tag? I can’t seem to find.....” He paused.
“Oh hello” said the man, he stood tall with a fur coat covering the howl of his large body. “And who might you be then oh! Let me guess you’re Courtney and you must be Tom ah it is a pleasure to meet you I am Mr Freelance and I’m the head teacher of Stanford boarding school Miss Thorn has told me that you were coming, it is such a terrible thing to lose someone you love especially your parents.”
He picked up his name tag “I found it” He shouted “Ok” said a small squeaky voice from the reception room, they presumed it was Miss Thorn. “It is really nice to see you sir” whispered the Baxter twins. “That’s nice then, so why don’t I tell you your lessons plan?” “OK” Said Courtney Then she nudged Tom “Oh sorry that will be nice thanks” he muttered “Ok these are your lessons and don’t worry they will be printed and sent to you within the next half hour.” He explained and if you get lost just don’t be shy to ask any one or a member of staff.
“Your lessons are the following: Science in room 1in the science block, Drama in the drama block room 3 then break, French room 11 in the languages block, Art room 2, then lunch, History room 5, and lastly Maths room 4 in the maths block. These lessons are on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. Saturdays and Sundays you have of.” He explained. “So you’re lessons on Wednesday and Thursdays are R.E 7, then wood work 9, Break, and double P.E inside the hall and maybe outside on the field, Lunch. And then English in the drama block room 5 and Geography in room 8.”

Breakfast is at 8-9 Am Lunch is at 12-1pm then Dinner is at 5-6pm bed at 9 lights of at ten no earlier or no later do I make myself clear?” “Yes sir” said the twins. “Miss Thorn will show you to your room, Miss Thorn! ... Miss Thorn!” once again the old woman who looked like she was wearing a wig approached the door and entered the room “Come on then children” she whispered and they started to walk out of the room following Miss Thorn.

Courtney and Tom both found it very hard to get up of the giant leather chair as they found it so comfy and relaxing. They walked out into an old hall way with lovely paintings of the previous headmasters and the headmistresses and the one at the moment they noticed that the picture of Mr Freelance was highly polished, more than the others. The walls had some expensive looking wall lamps as well as the pictures and paintings they also saw some amazing artwork drawn by pupils. They arrived in the room block which had five corridors with an estimate of 15-16 doors on each side all leading into rooms.

Chapter two
Fitting in.

“Your room is corridor 3 number11” said Miss Thorn “ok thanks” She handed them a key and then she left the bock in a matter of seconds. The twins walked towards there room and inserted the key they turned it and then entered the room. They heard a loud bell ring and presume it was time for lessons, they herd cars pull up and people leaving them whilst saying goodbye to their parents; “they don’t realise how lucky they were to still have a parent” Tom thought to himself .
They found their time tables lying on their beds and scanned through them quickly. Then they got changed into their school uniform and left for their first lesson but they had to constantly be asking where to go because the school was so big. “This place is huge!” They shouted. It was a Monday so there first lesson was science in room1 with Mr. Clams. The lesson was really boring to the twins well even know Courtney has a great first for knowledge she still found it boring. And they noticed people in the class talking about them yet so quiet they couldn’t make out what they were saying.
They learned about acids and safety rules. They sat at the far back corner for they were shy, “Would you like to give us an example of safety Tom?” wondered Mr. Clams. “What about don’t run?” “We already have that one Tom.” Mr. Clams pointed out “Don’t eat in class?” answered Tom “very good” exclaimed Mr. Clams followed by a quiet cluster of whispers from the rest of the pupils “I heard there really secret agents” they heard one boy say. Then shortly after they made their way to lesson 2 which was drama in room 3, the lessons lasted 45 minutes each and there were six in a day, they asked a boy in year 9 for directions to drama and he was not very nice in fact he just carried on walking and grunted like a ogre in one of the fantasy films they used to watch with their parents.
They tried to follow him but he soon disappeared in the large hall ways that seemed endless like a gigantic maze. “Were lost!” cried Courtney “Come on let’s try and go back the way we came.” About half an hour later they managed to get to their lesson they explained why they were late and the angry teacher just let them off for it was their first day at school yet glanced at them every so often like he saw one of them in a murder case.
Then they had break the time of day when you can just relax, mess around and make new friends but this was a problem the twins did not have any friends nor any games to play and mess around in. Soon the time drifted away, “I really hope that we find a friend” questioned Tim “Same here” Replied Courtney. As hoped for by the Baxter twins the bell rang.
Now it was time for French in room 11. They entered the room to be greeted by a huge; “Salut” which is French for hi or hello. “Je m’appelle Monsieur Harris” Said Mr. Harris, (Which meant I am called Mr. Harris.) They really enjoyed French they were learning about things in your bed room such as: un lit as a bed, une chaise as a chair, une chaine hifi as a radio and others like une bureau and un réveil as a desk and an alarm clock.
After their best lesson so far they ventured onwards to their next lesson in their never ending day, which was art, Courtney really enjoys art she loved every last second of it that’s why she sat there as still as a crocodile waiting for its pray in anticipation of what it might taste like but in Courtney’s case anticipation of what she might be doing next in the lesson, they were drawing and shading in pictures of bugs: hairy ones, dirty ones and ones that were as small as an ant and as big as a pigeon.
Next was the second time of the day to relax “Lunch” but Courtney was thinking: “let’s be explorers!” “Cool” replied Tom. “I’ll be the map holder” “And I’ll be the equipment carrier!” they pretended. So they went to the lunch hall and got some delicious scrumptious chips and beans you could have jacket potatoes, beans or pees; “mash potatoes!” Tom cried obviously they were his favourite food along with pizza. When they sat down they saw all the teachers sit down and laughing about pupils in their lessons and people pigging out on cakes and crisps.
But what really cached there eye or eye’s was the blond heard gill sitting at the back staring and pointing and even laughing at them. They hurried out of the room eating as fast as they can trying not to make a fool of them self in the process, “It seemed a shame to rush such a lovely meal” Moaned Tom, Courtney agreed seconds after. The bell rang and they made their way to their next lesson, History in room 5. They went down a large corridor filled with people running up and down. The twins did not get time to play explorers so they decided to sneak round the school at the dead of midnight.

They wanted to do this for two reasons, reason one is to see if there were any paranormal things going on in the school or even better a secret passage hidden inside or outside of the school. And reason two they just wanted to get a better look at the school of course without being noticed in the process and expelled on the first day. So they entered history and sat down at any random table just to be expected by the person who sits there, the blond hared girl who was making fun of the Baxter twins for no particular reason. “You’re in my seat idiot!” She screamed “Betty sit down” Argued the teacher, “But sir these people are in my seat!” monad Betty “well they don’t know do they?” “Well no but...” “Sorry what are you names” interrupted the teacher.
“I’m Mr Ford. And you are?” “I’m Tom, and I’m Courtney it is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Ford.” They said glancing their eyes on Betty. Then they started to move and Betty went red in the face. They were learning about the battle of Hastings and why William the duke of Normandy won the battle. “This is very fascinating” They both replied after the lesson, “especially the smart board” said Tom. A smart board is a touch screen computer but reflected on to a giant board on a wall of a class room. “They all have them” Answered Courtney “What? I mean pardon?” Tom said confusingly. “All of the classes have smart board at least I think they do?” said Courtney
“Oh ok.” replied Tom he was very amazed as he had never seen the “Smart Boards” before. They saw on their way to their last lesson a number of pupils getting told of and civilly punished just for running and picking on some one. This changed their minds a little about their plan of being explorers in the school but they were not actually breaking anything just exploring but they still felt like they are going to get told of if they where to get caught. After the seventh person to be punished for picking on someone and the twenty second person to be punished for running they said: “I hope that Betty gets told of for picking on us” “yea” They whispered. As they began to realise how easy it was to get told of in this school.
They finally entered the maths block in room 4, that certain room was different to all of the rest probably because of the size, it was the biggest room in the maths bock and the twins presumed the other rooms would not be anything like the size of this one, however there was a down side Mrs Dawn was the meanest teacher in the school in fact she even got ten boys and six girls expelled because apparently they tried to kill her, but instead they were only shouting in class and she thought they were trying to give her a heart attack, well at least that is what a boy called Marcus said.

Marcus was an unusual boy, he was shy and quiet all day (a bit like the Baxter twins), even know they have only been here for one day they could just tell, He was also particularly good at math. Marcus carried on speaking about the incident of the teacher expelling those innocent ten boys and six girls (16 pupils in total!)
“And luckily no one was hurt physically but the people who were expelled where pretty upset.” He finished just as Mrs. Dawn began to explain the lesson, they had to learn fractions and division “your basic maths lesson”. That was it finally it was the end of the first day at Stanford boarding school. The bell rang and the Baxter twins gave a small tear from their eyes because the parents that had come to pick their children up from school once again reminded them of their dead parents. (Not everyone lived at the Boarding school) They then got carried away in a large group of boys and girls walking to their rooms and Tom and Courtney soon fell behind.
When they entered their room they decided to have a really good look around after they unpack. Because early on today they did not even have time to unpack for they needed to get changed quickly when they here’d the bell ring. “Wow such a lovely cream wall paper and we each get our own wardrobe or as Mr. Harris would call it, Une armoire.” Courtney said then they started to giggle. They unpacked their bags and put their belongings in the wardrobe beside their beds one of these belongings included a picture of their family, took only a week before they died. “I want Mum and Dad back” muttered Tom as he began to tear up, Courtney walked closer and stretched out her arms, she hugged her brother and they felt happiness like no other in days. “Me too Tom, me too” she replied, they sat together on one bed and waited for about 15 minutes to finish crying then they started to go to bed
It began to get dark and they decided that it was time to go explore. They had a look outside their door and heard a door slam shut, they jumped back scared that they would be caught, they waited and then set of and they sneaked past rooms on their tiptoes constantly stopping as they are afraid that someone might come out to catch them. But this never happened; unusually everything turns so creaky and noisy at night, as they did not notice a slight creek in the floor boards as when they first arrived in the 3rd corridor that very morning. As they walked out of the room block out to a path and a small patch of grass they stopped “we did it!”Whispered Tom, “Good, let’s go quick!” Courtney replied anxiously.

Chapter three
A ghostly presents.
They both stood there for about two minutes wondering what to do next then they heard a noise a loud creaking noise as if someone was scraping their nails across a black board. “Ouch” “My ears!” They shouted then they suddenly covered their mouths and ran, fortunately the noise the Baxter twins was not a teacher scraping her fingers across a black board but it was a pupil shutting a very loud and a very squeaky door. “Few I’m glad that was over, so much adrenalin I have never felt so much better in my life ” Whispered Tom, But it was not over and they should not be glad as they were inside the school building with a janitor walking strait towards them.
They stood petrified and could not move until that something very strange and very scary was gone; the man disappeared, in fin air, just gone “Wow!” Exclaimed the twins in shock and amaze. “He was a ghost wasn’t’ he” Asked Tom. “I think so; I’m so scared right now!” replied Courtney, still petrified; now they were just shivering as it was so cold and Courtney felt as she could of fainted, she let out a silent scream and sat down onto the cold floor. They thought for a second that they should turn back but they had a sense of adventure in side them witch made them want to see and find out more.
They silently creped down the hall way down some old hidden stairs and in to an old art room which they had never seen before, “It’s so dark in here!” murmured Tom “I think that I found the light switch!” Replied Courtney, with a loud creaking noise Courtney pulled up a giant light which made the lights flicker on and of rapidly. Soon they set and what they could see shocked the Baxter twins and they will never, never want to see it again, it was a ghostly figure of a janitor, standing, pale and stood proud and looked as if he was a statue before their very eyes. The ghostly figure slowly pointed at a metal pole coming out of the ground then vanished. This sent the Twins running and silently screaming back to their room.
Once inside they locked it as fast as they could and ran to bed trying to stay awake as in case the ghost, spirit or demon comes back. They forgot to even get change or even brush their teeth the next morning, but they both decided, that early in the morning they were going to tell the head teacher and if he does not believe them, they might break their fear of never going to see the ghost again and try and video record the ghost with a camera they took from home which was inside the suit case with their belongings. There was so much rush or excitement and fear inside them they had a brainstorm of ideas they felt like doing but just didn’t know how with all the fear taking over him, he wanted to tell someone, someone like Marcus.
They could hear other people next door waking up so the Baxter twins got changed into their school uniform, a tie a smart looking blazer and some black trousers. They ran out of their room and past the hallway (which was full of teachers and pupils) then into the main office once again with the thick brown paint on the walls and up to the brown old oak desk just as they saw it yesterday, Courtney rang the bell at the desk and Miss Thorn came, “Hello again” she said silently “you’re up and ready early today, how may I help?” she claimed, “We would like to see Mr. Freelance please” Replied Courtney, “sure” “Mr. Freelance” she said as loud as she could but we know that was not very loud at all.

Mr. Freelance entered the room and told the twins to meet him in the office. So the twins slowly walked past Miss Thorn and into his office wondering what to say and then saw the magnificent leather chair and the unique collection of model air planes. “Sir” asked Tom “Yes” He answered, “we have something to tell you, you might think that it is a little bit crazy but it is 100% the truth!” Cried Tom “Ok then spit it out I don’t have all day!” “We saw a ghost, of a school of a Janitor.” Shrieked Courtney, then suddenly “Ha ha ha! That’s preposterous!” “They felt stupid and left the room still hearing the Head teacher laughing. “Let’s go and get the camera ready for tonight to capture this ghost once and for all!” Said Tom. “Hold on” said Mr Freelance, “your serious right?”
Yes of course we are” replied Courtney. “There are no such things as ghosts!” “Is there?” asked Mr Freelance. Looking puzzled the Twins answered “We did see him, well at least we think we did?”
“Miss Thorn! Tell the cafeteria to change to food I think there’s something in it” he shouted still laughing, he walked back to his room and closed his door and they could hear him say “Ghosts, in my school? I don’t think so, ha-ha!”

They started to walk towards their first lesson science in room 1 as it was a Tuesday, once again they met with Mr Clams and learned about more acids and not safety rules but alcohols and how they are bad and what chemicals are in what type of alcohols. They met up with Marcus at the end of the lesson and told him all about their experience last night. “Wow” he stated “Do you believe us?” Asked Tom, “Of course I do, can I come, when are you going to go again?” asked Marcus excitedly. “We are going to go back tonight” said Courtney “you can come to, our room is corridor 3 number 11 be there at dead of midnight” said Courtney, in anticipation.
“I can’t wait to come!” said Marcus and he walked away. Their lessons where normal as usual drama next, then break and French with Mr Harris which was always enjoyable due to the kind heartiness of the teacher, Courtney came so close to telling him about what had happened but decided to keep it a secret from now on, until they had proof they didn’t want everyone in the school thinking their nutcases.
Marcus was beginning to be a very good friend, trustworthy and reliable; he was like the third musketeer or the third blind mice to the twin’s crew, all they needed now was a nice Betty and a nice Mrs Dawn but they knew this would never happen. When the day was over they all walked to the dorms corridor together crossing the small patch of grass and walking on the pathway to the doors that guarded the hallways. “What room are you in Marcus?” asked Tom. “Corridor 3 room 1” that was down the far end and round the corner of the Twins room, because the numbers start at the bottom of the hall and work their way up which the twins found very unusual.
Although it would make it easier that he wouldn’t have to walk so far to get to the twins room tonight, Marcus was in the same year as the twins so Courtney and Tom both agreed that the corridors may be sorted by year groups, so they would be in year 8. “Catch you later” said Marcus as he walked off into the 3rd corridor ahead of the twins. “I can’t believe it” Said Courtney, “What?” wondered Tom “We have a friend!”
Time went fast tonight as the anticipation to meet Marcus kept them awake from getting any sleep, although they tried every time they couldn’t. It reached 11.55 pm and the Baxter Twins set up their camera and where ready to go find the strange identity that was lurking in the hall ways and abundant art room.

“Courtney, what we saw yesterday do you remember what the ghost pointed to?” Tom asked “Well didn’t it point to a metal poll? Sticking out of the ground? But that doesn’t mean anything?” they didn’t say anything to each other for the next five minutes until Marcus broke the silence with a small knock on the door. “It’s open” whispered Tom and Marcus walked in.
“Hey guys” said Marcus, in a cautious tone as he closed the door behind him. “So are you ready to catch this ghost?” said Marcus. “Well I hope we do” replied Tom, “yea it better not be a waste of time, I haven’t had a decent sleep in days!” replied Courtney, they gathered their equipment which was: A Torch, a camera, a packet of biscuits which they got from the canteen that lunch and a note bad and a pencil (in case they need to write anything or document any findings) They were all set and ready to go.
They left their room quietly and tip toed once again down the hall and out of the doors, over the patch of grass and walked along the pathway leading to a main building of the school, there was a smell of chips in the air as they past the canteen presumably from that days lunch, and thats when the fog came in. A strong thick greyish fog spread from out of the corner of the hallway and was directly the way they came, Marcus was close behind, feeling comforted by having a friend near them, they ventured forward into the deep mist until they were out of site from the naked eye. “I can’t see a thing!” exclaimed Tom, “Me neither!” agreed Courtney, “Marcus? Are you there? Marcus? Start filming!” demanded Courtney “Why did we give him the camera!” Argued Tom, Ignoring him Courtney shouted “Marcus!” but shore enough they found them self’s standing face to face with a ghostly figure of a Janitor, his coldness spread as fast as the mist disappeared and the coldness froze them in place, they could feel their lips turning to rock and their ears turn to ice, with a loud scream the Ghost vanished pointing at the stairs leading to the basement to the abundant art room, within a matter of seconds they heard footsteps from all around them and found themselves standing in the middle of Mss Thorn and Mr Freelance along with some other teachers all wearing their pyjamas and night robes, who they didn’t know standing around them completely puzzled.
“Oh what reason do you think you should be wondering around at midnight?” shouted Mr Freelance, they could hear Mss Thorn shout (or attempt to shout with her tiny voice)” We know your new but you should know better than to walk around at night time” followed by a sound of agreement from the people around them. “Marcus where is Marcus?” shouted Courtney, “Marcus?” Asked the teachers “Marcus Goth” “Our friend he has been going to this school since year 7!” explained Tom, “what on earth are you talking about dear boy, there is no one in this school named Marcus Goth, nor has there ever been!” Claimed Mr Freelance. “Yes there is he was hear a second ago, and we saw the ghost we tried to tell you about sir!” The twins tried to explain. “Don’t be so foolish! There is no one of that name now of the bed, and detention for both of you, tomorrow!” Bellowed Mr Freelance. Agreeing defeat the twins walked back, without their camera, without their proof, without their Marcus.
Shore enough news travels fast about how the freaky twins go round school looking for ghosts and pretending to lose “Imaginary friends” so they called it, but they knew that Marcus was real and they were going to prove it.
Chapter four
Marcus who?


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.03.2011

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