
Chapter 1

She stood there, one cuff ground into her skin and a gun in her hand. I've held one before but I'm still shaking like last time

. Looking out into the horizon I clutched it slowly and shakily, lifted it to my head. "YOU DID THIS TO ME!" she screamed, over the whispers of the wind and was about to pull the slick trigger. Sweat was dripping off my face and my hands were getting slippery...I pulled the trigger but my hands were so sweaty that it slipped and hit a tree instead. Right when it feel out of my hand I slammed to the ground trying to breath.
After a few minutes my eyes started closing and then I was lost in darkness. Flashes started running through my head about the place I was kept in. Back tracking, when I was six I was walking around with my headless teddy bear on my birthday. I remember being happy even though it was raining that day. Latter that night my daddy came home and that was the first time I saw him for a while. My mommy was less happy and threw herself at him scratching him with her nails in the rain. All that time I was screaming telling her to stop it. Then my daddy started smacking her, I didn't understand. Running into my mommy's room I went under the bed looking for the wooden box.
Sliding the top off I threw out the wood shavings to find her black topped pistol. When I went out the door they were still fighting, I raised the gun shaking. Neither of them noticed me and right as I pulled the trigger both of them stopped. Sweat and rain ran down my face, I dropped the gun and saw both on the ground with a big red pool underneath. I ran over to see their faces white and still water dripping off and a trickle of blood coming from my mothers mouth. Horrified I stepped back as tears started falling and I dropped on my knees screaming out in the storm.
My feet took off running towards the woods as I heard sirens screaming with the storm. Someone saw me

. The forest was very dense and I remember tree branches scratching my face. I used to play in the woods all the time so I also remembered a little den that I found. My shelter would remain there till I could hear the sirens going away. After three days of no sleeping I heard them passing by the road. Relief passed over me and I got up out of my little den walking back cautiously to the road.
Dirty and damp I walked along till I could see my house, the path leading to the front door was clean. Walking inside I went straight to the kitchen and looked in the fridge for something, anything to eat. I couldn't make up my mind and grabbed an apple from the counter. Still unsatisfied I climbed up on the counter and looked through the cupboards. Finding a box of crackers I also saw a glance of my mothers teapot. I stared back to see it, shiny red then something strange happened. In front of my eyes I could see pictures but familiar ones.
My mother was there in the kitchen with me smiling making tea in her red teapot and placing it on the table. "Mother!" I screamed out to her but she just looked up and smiled and held up the gun. Screaming I feel off the counter onto the ground and blackness instantly meet my eyes. When my eyes started fluttering open I wasn't in my kitchen. "She's awake."
Strange voices meet my ears and confusion settled in.
"Where-where am I?"
"Oh, you'll know soon enough."
"Where's my mommy and daddy?"
"Dead? But how?"
"By your hands."
Then everything hit me like what that bullet must have felt like in my parents skin. Fear masked my face and all I wanted to do was go home.
"So you do remember."
I didn't speak.
"It's alright, when you're older you won't remember a thing."
So I sat in a damp room with no windows in the the dark for ten years. Finally one day my door was opened but the measly bit of light hurt my eyes.
"Do I get to be free?" I whispered.
"Oh yes, just come with us now."
The first bit of joy I didn't feel for 10 years set in and a small smile was placed upon my pale face. But to my dismay they led me into another room.
"I thought I was supposed to be let go."
"Just wait, you have to go in here first."
They sat me in a chair, chained and strapped me up, then left. A very bright lamp shown down on my face and at that moment fear set in. What is this

? Then a figure entered the room, I couldn't make out the face.
Stepping forward into the light I could see was a man but with a doctors mask.What's going on

"You look very confused."
I didn't say anything.
"Silent treatment, huh? That's alright."
He snapped on his rubber gloves giving my a shiver down my spine. Then put a tray next to the chair I was sitting in, placed with ammonia smelling shiny tools. I started jerking on the buckles and chains.
"Now now, none of that. There's nothing to be scared of. Just hold still." He finished as he put a shackle around my neck welded to the chair.
It was hard to move so I sat still fearing what would come next. From under the tray he pulled out a pick and a little hammer. They looked strange but I didn't know what else to do then watch.
"Alright now be very still."
What else am I supposed to do

? So he position the pick above my eyelid but a little below my eyebrow. Putting it at a slant I figured out what was going on. Holding the hammer back he then brought it forward as I screamed. Blackness met me again and when I woke up I was in the same room but wrists chained to a hook in the ceiling.
I started breathing fast and loud because all I could remember was having a pick hammered into my skull. Trying to remember hurt my head so much so I gave up right now. Since I didn't want to be heard I screamed in my head for I don't know how long. Then something hit me, I could probably get out of here. Swinging myself back and forth I looked up to see the chain for the cuffs coming apart. Even though it hurt I didn't care I just wanted out of wherever I was. Just as I predicted the chain broke and I slammed to the ground. Not the best landing but better than nothing. When I tried getting up my foot I landed on must have landed wrong because I fell back down. Come on! You have to get out!

I dragged myself up on my good leg and ran for the door, freakishly it was a little loose so I jerked it open and ran out. A piercing noise filled the halls of wherever I was so I ran fast down it. Finally I found a window but it was nailed shut.
Using the cuffs I did my best to pull them out I had two left but my ears could hear running getting closer. Cringing I tried jerking every door till one jerked open. Stairs met my feet and I greatly ran down them, finding a safe place to hide while I was at it. I could hear noises coming closer.
"Where is she?"
"I don't know, but we'll find her."
"You better!"
They must be talking about me. Where am I? It must be a prison...but all that I remember...An asylum?!

The noises were getting farther away. I have to get out of here!

I cam out from hiding and saw a window cracked open across the room. Alright this is my only chance

. I ran to the window hoisting myself up and out.
Tripping as I slipped out I ran for the forest in the distance but this one didn't look familiar. All I know is I ran for my life and now here I am on the ground in a clearing of trees slightly waking up. Where the heck am I?

Slowly getting up I looked out past the drop off into the sky where the sun was setting casting beautiful colors. "Something so beautiful but if I got close enough I'd be dead..." So I turned my back to the beautiful sky and walked along in the forest.
I could tell it would be dark again but it was so long since I had seen my face. Ironiclly I found a small pool in the trees looking down I saw my face frammed by black hair. Grey-blue eyes stared back at me with a strange mark on my right cheek. I look so different, but familiar enough it doesn't scare me...

Even though I felt strength inside me I guess there wasn't enough to hold me up and awake. Collapsing I looked up into the now darkening sky and slowly shut my eyes.
Sweating and grabbing my chest I woke up in the pool that I was on the edge of the night before. Sunlight peered through the trees casting shadows on parts of the pool. I dragged myself out of the water spitting up water in the process. Good thing I woke up now or else I probably would've drown.

Spitting up more water I was remembering my dream, it was mostly dark and I couldn't see much but I did make out some strange woman and a teapot she had some sort of expression then grabbed my neck and dunked me into cold water. I couldn't breath and water was entering my lungs all the while I screamed.
At least it's over and now I should get going.

I picked myself up but soarness was screaming louder than the strength I wanted. I'm alive, that's all that matters

. But adding to the soarness I was also dizzy and my head was slamming. Did they drug me? They must have my vision was weird yesterday but all the physical pain wasn't there...One question is stuck in my head....What's Next?

Chapter 2

Suddenly just from all the crap that's happened in one day I felt so angry that I couldn't help myself. My whole body burst into heat I ran over to a tree and punched my fist right through it. Huh....guess I'm just a dangerous freak who should be locked up.

My mind started racing. What parents would do this to their child? Who would have the nerve to lock me up then give me a lobotomy so I could forget..everything

. It was so strong I couldn't help but scream out for as long as my lungs would hold up.
I won't stop running...I don't even know where I am but I don't care life will never stop hunting me down.

With a scowl on my face I began running as fast as I could in my state and didn't stop. Every time my foot meet the ground the anger was hammered deeper into my core. I was so blinded and feeling unlike myself to my dismay my mouth started foaming and I collapsed with my next step. Darkness didn't meet me I just stared up in the sky steam rising off me. I'm going to find out...haha anyone that can play sick jokes will be played's time I strike back or at least that's my gut feeling.

With my new evil grin I trusted my instinct to somehow lead me to some place safer than a forest. Safeness didn't matter as much as not being found. There's no way I'm going back, ever.

Revenge, a word very much on my mind. I started walking out God only knows where if there is a where to go to. All I could think about at these moments were the strange dreams I've been having. Some woman I've never seen in my life that I can barely see and a stupid silhouete of a tea pot. Every single time she has some expression and trys to kill me...I'm more confused than anyone knows.

There I was walking around in the forest, not familiar with anything. To my surprise I could see part of something that interested me. What the heck is it?

It felt cold and when I knocked on it it sounded like metal. Could it be some abandoned house or base?

But the most intresting part is when I stepped back I realized most of it was covered in vines, hiding the whole place completely. I wonder if there's a door...

Taking my first step I started walking around the strange building a few times till finally a door meet my eyes.
I held the door on my sweaty hands expecting it to be sealed shut or unable to be opened from all the vines. But again to my surprise, it opened. That's a little weird...

Not wanting to think twice I stepped inside to be welcomed by mostly darkness. A few rays of light peered through the vine covered windows. One of the rays shone on what looked like a kitchen. When I opened one though all I could see were meds. Wait a sec...this must be the place that supplies meds for the asylum...well since I'm hallucinating with hot sweats and weird vision I better get something. What was it called...

I opened every single cabinet then looked at each label.
Narcotic...Claritin...Antipsychotic...Dextromethorphan..Oh! That's it, I think...

The name sounded familiar enough that I took the bottle, took out three and threw them in my mouth. Even though it took a little while I finally swallowed them. There...hope it works.

The light started to disappear and I new then the sun was going down. All I could do was sleep and as soon as sleep reached my brain waves I started freaking out, for a little while. Finally my eyes got the best of me and I feel into sleep. A deep sleep took hold of me and swallowed me whole.
This time the dreams were different, distorted and weird. It was sick and made me horrified. Unfortunately, this time among all the other ways she tried killing me this was by far the worst! Not long after I woke up screaming bloody murder I heard a bang outside. What the heck...

Shaking I tried standing up but feel down knocking the pills all over the floor. I couldn't see anything then I saw weird things flashing around. fire..or..something...

My eyes searched but I didn't even know where my body was...I couldn't feel anything just heat.
Before long I passed out on the floor because I started breathing super fast and then just stopped moving. But before I was completely out I heard a muffled sound and saw a bit of light with a shadow or something in the midst of it.

From that point on I was locked in my mind...which I'd rather be dead than locked in my mind because was different. Don't be mistaken at all, it's not a good different it's the most worst different you could ever fathom. I can't get out...LET ME THE HELL OUTTA HERE!!!!!!!!!!

But of course right when something is about to kill me, me milliseconds to death and I again wake up screaming my guts out. Then something weird happened, even though I couldn't see him the way he was, there was a guy right next to me saying something. Even though my ears (and vision) were distorted I could barely hear him saying,"Calm down,it'll be alright. It's ok I'm right here..." All I did was slowly blink my eyes in response and when I opened them he was different like when I was locked in my mind. I backed up screaming.
"It's ok."
"GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!!!!"
But instead of leaving me alone he wrapped his arms around me and listened as I screamed for such a long time...then it stopped. He took out a syringe and gently injected the liquid in my neck.
"I'm sorry but I can't feel and hear you suffer, you'll hurt yourself more."
When I woke up I couldn't see any more things flashing around. My head was pounding...I looked around the room then down at my arms and saw a tube running from my arm to a clear bag with liquid hanging on a hook in the wall. Why am I hooked up to an IV?.....Wait a sec....They only hook people up to these in emergency care or when someones on drugs to counteract them.....I don't think I'd be in emergency care in such a small building...which can only mean...

Then little by little I started remembering. So I guess I'm not alone...then again I didn't see what he looked like...

But I guess I spoke to soon, right then he walked in the door.
"Good morning sleepy head."
"What happened?"
"As far as I know you took some drugs and I heard a scream so I came inside and you were freaking out."
"I kind of remember but not totally."
"Ya, sorry but I had to inject you so you'd stop and so I could clear out the drugs."
"Don't be sorry unless I was a hell to deal with."
"Not to bad."
"So where am I?"
"Oh, this place used to keep the drugs for the asylum but they needed a bigger place."
"So it's just abandoned?"
"Yep.....Why did you take those drugs?"
"I was having hallucinations."
"You took the wrong one."
"Figured that out. I couldn't remember."
"Remember which medication they gave...."
"WHOA! Let me get this straight you came from that asylum."
I looked down at the floor. So what? You gonna stereotype me now?

"What are you going to do? Call the cops on me?"
"No, I can relate.."
"I was kept there..."
"I'm guessing you escaped?"
"No, how could you tell?"
Psht, smart alec!

"Sorry, just I couldn't remember anything and still can't."
"Ya, whatever."
"I'm not judging you at's just that I pushed that experience away and now here's someone to remind me."
"I'm sorry alright! Just because I happened to show up doesn't mean you can blame me."
"I'm not trying to it's just hard being reminded."
"Ya I guess I can understand that...So why can't you remember?"
"I don't know..."
"What about you?"
"Unfortunately I do remember...they gave me a lobotomy."
"Damn...I'm sorry you had to remember."
"Well at least you're out."
"Same goes to you."
"I think you're name slipped by."
"Ya dito."
"I'm Derian."
"I'm Ebony."
"Nice to meet you."
"You too."
We sat there talking for a while about what little we did remember.
"Are you feeling any pain at all?"
"Yeah, still in my head."
"Well since you had a lobotomy you would. Just sit there I'll get a pain killer."
"Ya, I can totally run away full force."
He looked back with a sarcastic look and then focused on finding the drug. I wonder how long he's been out...

"Found it. And you shall take...How bad is the pain from 1 to 10?"
"Probably 8 and a half."
"Ummm...I'll give you 2 for now, when it gets worse just tell."
"Will do."
"Here you go."
"Thanks....You know you don't have to do this."
"Take care of me and all."
"Who else would?"
"I don't know..."
"Just let me do this it kinda well takes my mind off of stuff, I'm useful."
"Wow, so you just want to take care of me cause you're bored?!"
"No, I didn't mean it that way...I just meant that you need to be taken care of till you're cleared out so you can..well move on."
"Oh..fine I guess."
"So, did the pain killers start working?"
"Kind of.."
"Just rest, I'll be right here."
Closing my eyes everything went out of focus and for a while I was in darkness. Then...
I was sitting in a small chair. Where...where am I?

It was very dimly light in the room almost a familiar lighting but not a familiar room. Then there was a morphed figure holding some object. A smile appeared on the shadowed figures face. Why is it smiling?

Then it pulled something from behind it's back large and distorted. What the hell?

It stepped closer and slowly walked smiling the whole way. All I could do was stare , I tried to move but I couldn't. Move, dammit! Move!

I couldn't even lift a finger. Sweat started dripping from my forehead down to the unseen floor.
It took the distorted object and stabbed me so many times. I couldn't scream, blood came up my throat and out my mouth. Waking up screaming I realized no sound came from my mouth. I was sweaty and my head hurt a ton. Looking to the side of me I saw him sleeping with a distressed look on his face. I wonder what he's dreaming about?

Crawling over I put my head on his shoulder and went to sleep.
He looked down to see me resting on his shoulder I flinch a little but continued to sleep.
"You had bad dreams to?" he whispered. I didn't answer so he held me while we both slept, a little safer.
When I woke up that morning I didn't expect to find myself being held in someones arms. I tried moving as little as possible and decided to zone out till he woke up. As I zoned out staring at a crack in the vine covered window to many thoughts rushed to my head. What are you doing? Where are you? Why were you in an asylum? What happened? Who are you? What have you done? Why do you have nightmares? Who is in your nightmare? What did you do? What's next....?

"Oh whoa sorry I zoned out.."
"Oh, haha I was talking to you all that time and I saw your eyes open but you didn't respond."
"Sorry, like I said I zoned out..."
"Well...what were you thinking about?"
"A lot of questions...."
"Dude, I'm starving."
He got up next to me and went back to the cabinets.
"Is there any food around?"
"I kinda just woke up so thought process very small, I'm checking."
"It's ok, I'll wait."
So he looked in all the cabinets and finally at the far right down below was a food stash (oddly convenient).
"Well, looks like we're having breakfast."
So we ate and then tried to figure out what we should do the rest of it.
"How are you feeling?"
"Right now about a six."
"At least it's a little better. Would you want to go on a walk?"
"I guess, there's not much to do around here other than sleep."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.08.2011

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