
The Beginning of an Old Story.

Krystal gently pushed on the brakes of her car. The end of the long car ride. She slowly pushed air into her lungs. She wasn't tired. Her heart pace grew faster and faster. She couldn't help but think of a million different things that could go wrong. She finished with her long breath. Finally, her hand popped open the door beside her. Her left foot felt the solid ground first. Suddenly, her face lit up at the thought of something. She looked at her mirror to see her hair fall short a few inches from her shoulders, with a tie to pull some of the hair back. Her big glasses made her look as if she spent too much time in front of a computer, for the most part, she has. Krystal sighed. "Five years" she thought. Finally, all the waiting has come to an end.

She first sighted the sign "Celebration" with its neon lights coming from the ways off. Then, her eyes met a lake, that wasn't so far away. Her feet met the ground again and again as she grew nearer to the lake. Here, she would wait. There was a small amount of people that scattered the sides of the lake. She bent her legs so that her bottom would feel the edge of the concrete, next to a man that was spending his time with his fishing rod and pieces of bait.

"Good day, isn't ma'am?" Were the first words of the conversation.

She nodded. 

"What's a pretty girl like you staying out on a night like this?" He asked.

"Nothing, really, just waiting."


"Yeah, for a boy, to sweep me off my feet like he did before."

The man chuckled, "well, I reckon it wouldn't be so much to ask how he did it before."

"No, not at all... It all started when my mother died. My father and I moved place to place to find a home that felt like actual home. This was the place that we went to stay a summer to see how it went..."

It all started here...

I unpacked my bags in the hotel room. Another move, we've been at this for two years... we haven't been able to get a house. I guess it doesn't help that my father gains a ton of money from his job, which allows us to move a ton. I looked up from my bags to see my father standing in the doorway. His head was held about a foot below from the ceiling. He had a rugged beard from not shaving for so long.

"I'm serious Krystal, I think this is it." My dad smiled at me.

"You've said that in like the other twenty places we've stayed at." I replied.

"You never know."

My father was right, I don't think I did. Perhaps, in the one in a million chance that this will be the place that we could finally settle in.

"Why don't you go walk around, to see the terrain of this area." My father suggested.

Perhaps I did need some air. It was really expensive to pay for a hotel for 3 months. Luckily my dad's business pays for it. I got out of my room and walked to the elevator. I firmly pushed the button to go down. I expected this place to be like all the others that we've been through, but somehow something feels different. The elevator opened it's doors for me to enter, and so I did. I pushed the ground floor button. The elevator moved downward. We use to live in New York, till my mother died. The elevator abrubtly stopped. The doors opened. I started outside of the hotel. I saw a lake that was a few meters away. I think I should stay there for a little bit. All this travel makes me sick. At first, I didn't mind it, but after meeting people, then just moving out. I never seemed to get used to it.

I sat down near the edge of the lake, and started to admire the breeze. I closed my eyes. I could smell the fresh air, how it coolly passed my nose, forcing me to smell it's tastyness. I could feel the air, it was a hot day, but somehow the air felt crispy. I opened my eyes slowly. I looked to the left of the lake. There was a boy my age, he was sitting down on a folding chair. He was working on something, it was placed on an easel. Curiousity took the better of me. He wasn't painting on it yet, I could see his supplies layed out on a table. The materials he had were clearly used often. 

"Are you stalking me?" The boy asked.

"Ack!" I started, "No, no... I was just... curious."

"Yeah, that's what they all say."

"Whatever, what are you drawing?"

"I'm drawing the outlines of the lake, so that I can paint it."

 I admit, the boy was cute. He had blue eyes and dark brown hair. He sat upright in his chair, listening to music to his left ear. I didn't know too much about painting. But enough to make a conversation.

"What medium are you using?"

"Acrylic, I'm painting on stretched canvas."

"Oh... ok... Umm."

"... Damn"


"Nothing," The boy said, "Do you wanna join me with a drink at the coffee shop close by?"

"First, tell me your name."

"Westley, Your turn."

"My name is Krystal."

"That's a beautiful name if I don't say so myself."

I stood there astounded. He's trying too hard. He's not subtle at all. But for some reason I enjoyed the comment. My face felt warm.

"Oh, blushies. So, yes or no on the drink?"

"uh- yeah."

He packed his painting and his chair that folded nicely into his backpack.

"Please, take my hand."

Westley gently placed his hand in front of me.

"We just met." I replied.

"Oh, but I'm no stranger."

There was something about him, he made me so good inside. It's hard to explain. Or rather... Inexplicable. I took his offer and put my hand on top of his. He firmly took it and led pulled me in closer to him. He grinned. He held my hand as if we were a couple. I can't believe how fast he could move to me. He had this vibe to him. Already, I liked him. He led me to a coffee shop. Well, it's actually pretty popular. 'Starbucks' is what the letters formed at the top of the building. He led me inside of the building. There was no line inside the building.

"Cafe Latte please," Westley ordered, "make it a tall."

"Ok, how about you." The cashier asked me.

"Umm..." I looked at the menu in the back, "...Iced Vanilla Latte, also make that a tall. Please." I replied.

The cashier put punched numbers into the cash register. "Do you wanna make that 2 different orders, or just one."

"Just one, I've got it." Westley said.

"No, you don't ha-"

Westley smiled and looked at me, and said firmly, "I'm serious, I've got it."

"That'll be $6.09." The cashier said.

Westley already knew the damage. He payed exact change. 

"I feel like I should pay you back." I said.

"You will, but in words."

We found a table inside. It was near the entrance of Starbucks. 

Side note

"So let me get this straight.," The man with the fishing pole said, "There was a boy you just met, and you're already on a date with him?"

Krystal nodded, "well, I don't know if you could call it a date, but yeah it was something like that. He was really good at getting me to speak."

"So what did he make you talk about?" The man asked.

"Just let me finish the story."

"Wait a second. Is it okay if we actually move to Starbucks. There's no fish biting."

The tide became low, and the fish went closer to the forest that was across the lake. Krystal didn't care. For all she knew, she had to be at Celebration, that's where they would meet. They had no specific meeting place.

"Yeah, sure."

Moments later, they found themselves in the Starbucks coffee shop. The man's supplies were to the side of him.

"So, please, if you would continue."

Krystal nodded...

Background Stories

"A CAFFEE LATTEE AND AN ICED VANILLA LATTE!" One of the workers shouted.

Westley got up to get the drinks, and he brought them back to the table. He passed my drink to me. I could feel the ice cold plastic.

"So tell me about your family, and why you're moving all the time." Westley said.

I took a long sip of my drink. Where should I start? I thought to myself.

"I used to live in New York," I started, "My mother died two years ago. She died of cancer. You should know, we loved our mother very much. We couldn't stand the idea of not being with our mother. So, my father took a traveling offer. He travels all across America to work on... I'm not really sure, but really, his primary objective is to find a place to stay at. I dunno what he does, but it does pay him handsomely. So we stay at different places and different hotels every summer. So that's most of my story. Your turn."

He smiled. He looked at me and said, "I'm sure there is more to you, but I'll find that out later. I used to live in Louisiana. With my dad and my mom. My dad used to draw a lot. I have some of his paintings and sketches. He was amazing. However, he was quite the patriot as well. He joined the military. He died when I was three or four. I heard he died because he selflessly saved his comrades, by covering a grenade before it exploded... a rather tragic cliche. But anyway, we moved here because of that. My mom works as a dentist here, and I know all my neighbors, we've started a new life." 

I noticed the time read 6:45 on the analog clock near the exit of the door. My dad was planning on going to a restaurant at 7pm.

"I hate to say this, but I've got to go." I said.

"Nah, it's alright. Go ahead, it's getting dark anyways."

Side note 2

"So what happened after your first date with him?" The man asked.

"Nothing for a few weeks. I guess now that I think of it, it was a blessing in disguise because I was always working on unpacking," Krystal started, "wait, I'm telling you a lot about myself. You don't tell me about yourself."

"There's not much about me I guess."

"Start with your name atleast."

"Brian. I'm 28... and i fish... I'm telling you, there's not much about me."


"Please, continue about the story... you've intrigued me."

Krystal shrugged and started again with her story.

"July, July 4th, that was when we actually started our first actual date..."



After meeting the boy at the lake, I always went outside to find him, everyday. Sadly, everytime I tried to find him, failure seemed imminent. So long days passed without me ever talking to anybody other than my Dad.

"Dad, I don't think I'll go out today."

"Why not? Isn't your boyfriend waiting for you?"

"Ugh! He is not  my boyfriend."

"Oh, so there is a guy you look out for, he must be pretty cute to have you going out everyday." My father chuckled.

"He isn't ever there."

"Oh darling, it isn't good to lose hope. I'm alright if you ever have a boyfriend or whatever. Go outside, even if it seems as if he isn't gonna be there."

I let out a short sigh. I had nothing to lose, other than time that I had a ton of. It wasn't long until I found myself into the hotel's lobby. Looking down into frustration, I couldn't see Westley looking at a ton of paintings that the hotel displayed. "Oooh, this is quite nice." I heard near me. Curiously, I look to my left, and I find a familar blue eyed boy staring down paintings. 


"Uh- what?" he was puzzled till his eyes met me. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. How right they were! I couldn't help but run up to him and almost knock him down. He let out a smile and wrapped his arms around me. "Don't worry, I'm here."

His voice was so soft, and sincere. I could melt in his arms. "I was actually looking for you Krystal."


"I was going to formally ask you out on a date."

"Oh. Well go on then."

Westley theatrically cleared his throat and said, "Would you care to join me under the fireworks tonight at 5:30 near the lake?"

"Would I!?" I check my watch, astonished, it read 5:25. "It's 5:25 already..."

Westley smiled, "Is that a no?"

"I couldn't ever say no to that offer. I just have to tell my dad, don't worry, it'll be quick."

"Don't worry about me, I'll be here."

I rushed to my hotel room on the 4th floor. Quickly, I inserted and then extracted the card from the reader. There was a short click. I opened the door. 

"Dad?" I yell.

"I'm here."

I see him watching tv on one of the beds. 

"Umm.. Can I-"

"Go on a date with the boy that's downstairs in the lobby?"

"Yeah, how did you kn-"

"Yeah sure, go, have fun."

"Thanks Dad."

Without any sense of stopping, I make it downstairs in the lobby. I see Westley sitting on one of the chairs. He finds me and winks. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded. He took my hand, "Follow me."

 He led me to the lake. There was a small boat a few meters away. There was quite a crowd gathered around the lake. I'm guessing that this is an annual thing. Westley looked at his watch. "Just a bit longer" he said. I saw Westley gaping into the sky. He was so interested into what was gonna happen. I'm feeling gutsy. I cautiously move my hand. As soon as I could feel Westley's hand, he stopped looking at the sky and looked at me. He smiled, and we soon started to hold hands. I could feel a warmth swelling up inside me, it was like a fire that was burning suddenly exploded. There was a loud pop followed by a feint screech.


There were "Oooohs" and "Aahhs" coming from the crouds, but Westley and I never stopped adoring each other's eyes. Slowly, we both closed our eyes, in anticipation of what was coming.

We kissed. Time slowed to a stop, and I could feel our connection. It was my first kiss and I never knew that it could become so overwhelming. Time started to go back into play. It was a short kiss, about a second long. I was there just thinking about what just happened. I saw Westley in front of me, wondering if he made the right move or not. I smiled, Westley got the message and kissed me again. It was definately the right move. It was a picture perfect moment, Westley and I kissing over and over again while there were fireworks as if to celebrate my happyness.

After we finished kissing, (AN: I have no way else to say it) we scooted closer to each other. As the fireworks casted it's light upon the spectators faces, I rested my head upon Westley's soft shoulders. Westley embraced me by pulling me closer with his arm, sharing our warmth.

If there ever was a word to describe the feeling I have now.


Side note 3

Brian laughed wildly. Krystal was confused. "What? What's making you laugh?"

"Oh jeez, it's so cheezy, it's so hard not to laugh."

"Try harder then."

Brian calmed down to silent chuckles. "Okay, okay. What happened after your first date?"

"At the end of the date, we gave each other our phone numbers, so that we could contact each other."

"Wait, you have his number? Why didn't you call him or something after all these years?"

"I did, or I tried to, his number got disconnected."

"Too bad for you."

"Apparently so."

"So anyways, a few weeks later, I noticed why he was never near the lake. I noticed by walking around the area and I saw him with a group of his friends..."

Close Pack

I figured that it would clear my mind a little if I got to know the area. I started off near the lake and started towards the near houses. I found an elementary school, and I looked closer at it, I saw kids playing in the fields. The kids looked older than elementary students. I might as well make new friends.

As I walked closer to the students, I noticed a familar figure. Westley! Plus two of his friends. They were talking in the grass near the school. I slowely walked towards them. It's not like I didn't want them to see me, I just didn't want to interrupt their time together. I was a few yards away when Westley was the first to spot me. He looked surprised for a moment, then he smiled.

"Hey, guys, I want you to meet a beautiful girl, her name is Krystal," he pointed at his friends, "meet Lionel and Christy."

I waved to them, Lionel smiled, except Christy, she just looked at me for a second and then nodded. It looks like I'm not on good terms with her for some reason.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.06.2013

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