


Those who can not distinguish the shadow of a dog from a wolf, is lost.


She had a habit of going on the way to work, where she was employed as a technical designer, through the almost deserted narrow streets of the city.

That morning, at the beginning of winter, it had snowed the night before, and it was still dark, but it was this soft mild darkness of the dawn, behind which one feels are the light and good for the soul. Unknown hurried past her, very quickly, without speaking, even with sleep in the corner of her eye, she rushed to their offices or factories where lights were on, there was heat, but also the noise of machinery. They were like shadows under the flickering streetlights and glided to her who was himself also a shadow over. It was not yet light, the road glittered moist under the street lights, the sky seemed full of clouds, a renewed snowfall was possible.

This young woman was fast, it was already late, the road is still long, she had to hurry to have time to get to their workplace.

This young woman was beautiful, tall, she had brown shoulder-length hair that fell over his forehead; she had beautiful almond-shaped eyes, beautiful big eyes, they were the most beautiful eyes you can imagine. She had a small nose; a beautiful curved mouth and small ears that were hidden behind her hair. She had long legs with which they ausschritt far. So at dusk maybe she went through as a worker, so packed as it was. The cold penetrated her clothing.

A tram came squealing therefore, light shone from the windows to the street, she stopped, the doors opened and passengers got out, others got in.

From a distance she heard a siren, that was her starting work and she was not at work! She began to walk easily. The few people who were still on the road began to go faster, some ran well, like this young woman.

The porter looked away as she squeezed through the door. Only when she was through the door, he looked up to her. He said friendly but not without mockery: "Once again overslept, Helene?" And he smirked.

And Helene looked at him, smiled at him, said, "Good morning! Good thing you're here, otherwise no one would have noticed that I'm a little too late! "

"Helene, hurry up dear, the boss is already there! "

She ran to the staircase, because the elevators were a lot of people and they really had no time to lose.

Helene Schröder, just 20 years young, had arrived at their workplace. This was in a large office space by working many technicians, engineers and draftsmen. It was one of those rooms, equipped with air conditioning and the windows could not be opened. The bright neon lights dazzled the eyes and they always needed some time to get used to it.

She had started here their teaching, back when they had completed their compulsory school. Your final grades had been underwhelming, they had just come through so maybe the teachers had also let them get away, because she had always been a well-behaved and shy girl had never noticed she was as expected of girls have been so.

Helene had not really known what profession should learn it. The girls professions did not like her, with these professions, hairdresser, typist, secretary, assistant, shop assistant, so she did not know anything to get started. Helene happy and their parents admired her drawings recorded. Usually they drew flowers, trees that could see them through the window, sometimes their mother. As then came the day of the decision and their parents asked them what they wish to take on a job, they then, as they had no answer. At just 15 years because it can happen that they had no answer to such a question. She just shrugged her shoulders. One thing everyone knew - the profession they should take - that should also bring something, and then all three began to think, what profession for Helene could come into question. Soon they had checked off the popular girls professions and put to one side, as the father recalled the drawings of his daughter.

"But you can draw well and you also like to draw. Is not that right? "

The father had become cautious, he asked rather fall into the house as the door.

"That's true", Helene replied.

"We should worry about whether there is any profession where you can draw. You have talent and you have fun and joy. One thing I can tell you also equal say the profession should you enjoy, otherwise you go crazy, that I can tell you from personal experience. "

And so they started thinking about it.

After a while, the mother said: "The little Fritz, as the neighbor who has started an apprenticeship as a technical draftsman in the steel mill. I talked to his mother, he is very happy and the merit of an applicant appears to be quite good. Would that be something for you? Helene - the technical designer, sounds good at. "

After some discussions, which revolved not only to the teaching profession, but also to the 'small' Fritz, who was a match for them all over the head, but was still referred to as 'small'. Finally, they agreed that Helene should try it and then Helene applied for this apprenticeship. Nothing was decided because the steelworks sent all applicants to take an aptitude test and had to be passed only once positive. That was a hurdle for Helene, but she was summoned to the aptitude test, then still for an interview and during that conversation the steelworks opted for Helene. Not because she had done so well, no, it was decided so because they wanted someone young and have a good-looking females, which should be not only technicians, but also could make coffee. And Helene so got this apprenticeship. Even at 15 she had something special in itself.



Georg Schröder, Helene's father, was in his fifties. He was tall, strong, a bit stocky, but that's not uncommon at his age, his hair had thinned out, he got a receding hairline which was not uncommon, but Helene found this little retreat of hair quite delightful, as they put it, and it could not hide a smile.

22 years ago, George had learned his wife know. He was been traveling on the roll, had crossed the continent from north to south in search of work. He was young, unattached, strong and adventurous, and he was looking for himself. He has not been found, but he had found his wife, Sophie.

Sophie had been a cook in a small inn somewhere on the line between north and south, somewhere in there where George had come. She could cook well and the guests they worshiped, they loved it. Even the innkeeper she wanted love, but Sophie did not want him, he was just too greasy, too old, too smelly, just everything with 'to' begins her was too much. Often, she thought that it is inconceivable that such a pig should lead an inn that can not go above board!

And then, one day, the door was opened and he stepped over the threshold, George. It certainly was not love at first sight, because George came out of the sunlight of the day in these dark taproom and so she could not see anything for a few seconds. It took some time before Sophie George understood and realized what she had a gem.

Georg was a bricklayer, he stayed long in one place as long as he had work was done the work, he moved on. At Sophie's place he found work, it was just a viaduct built and there Maurer were sought, he stayed at the inn, in a small room. Georg soon found out that the inn was just as well because Sophie was in the kitchen, they just did everything, cooking, serving, taking orders, they just made everything. The landlord, this Drecklaus, sat behind the stall, grinned and wiped his muddy and dripping with sweat hands on his almost black apron. And when he was thus grinned, one had the impression as if coins falling over his eyes. The guests came, could be host of Sophie, eating their delicious and certainly plentiful food and left. George knew that Sophie is a pearl in this dark place and he also knew that Sophie everything embodied what he was looking for. She was a head shorter than George, had dark blond hair and brown eyes. She was a little stockier than other girls, though not fat, maybe too muscular one track, but that bothered Georg one bit. Heart is through his stomach, even with George, who had seen so much of the world, it did not take long before George asked Sophie if she would like to go with him to the movies. Sophie felt like, of course, she had already cast their eyes on George, she had seen his gigantic figure, his broad shoulders, his strong arms, his dark, almost black hair, but what do you most liked about him were his gray Eyes. in this dark place and he also knew that Sophie everything embodied what he was looking for. She was a head shorter than George, had dark blond hair and brown eyes. She was a little stockier than other girls, though not fat, maybe too muscular one track, but that bothered Georg one bit. Heart is through his stomach, even with George, who had seen so much of the world, it did not take long before George asked Sophie if she would like to go with him to the movies. Sophie felt like, of course, she had already cast their eyes on George, she had seen his gigantic figure, his broad shoulders, his strong arms, his dark, almost black hair, but what do you most liked about him were his gray Eyes. in this dark place and he also knew that Sophie everything embodied what he was looking for. She was a head shorter than George, had dark blond hair and brown eyes. She was a little stockier than other girls, though not fat, maybe too muscular one track, but that bothered Georg one bit. Heart is through his stomach, even with George, who had seen so much of the world, it did not take long before George asked Sophie if she would like to go with him to the movies. Sophie felt like, of course, she had already cast their eyes on George, she had seen his gigantic figure, his broad shoulders, his strong arms, his dark, almost black hair, but what do you most liked about him were his gray Eyes. Sophie that all that embodied what he was looking for. She was a head shorter than George, had dark blond hair and brown eyes. She was a little stockier than other girls, though not fat, maybe too muscular one track, but that bothered Georg one bit. Heart is through his stomach, even with George, who had seen so much of the world, it did not take long before George asked Sophie if she would like to go with him to the movies. Sophie felt like, of course, she had already cast their eyes on George, she had seen his gigantic figure, his broad shoulders, his strong arms, his dark, almost black hair, but what do you most liked about him were his gray Eyes. Sophie that all that embodied what he was looking for. She was a head shorter than George, had dark blond hair and brown eyes. She was a little stockier than other girls, though not fat, maybe too muscular one track, but that bothered Georg one bit. Heart is through his stomach, even with George, who had seen so much of the world, it did not take long before George asked Sophie if she would like to go with him to the movies. Sophie felt like, of course, she had already cast their eyes on George, she had seen his gigantic figure, his broad shoulders, his strong arms, his dark, almost black hair, but what do you most liked about him were his gray Eyes. She was a little stockier than other girls, though not fat, maybe too muscular one track, but that bothered Georg one bit. Heart is through his stomach, even with George, who had seen so much of the world, it did not take long before George asked Sophie if she would like to go with him to the movies. Sophie felt like, of course, she had already cast their eyes on George, she had seen his gigantic figure, his broad shoulders, his strong arms, his dark, almost black hair, but what do you most liked about him were his gray Eyes. She was a little stockier than other girls, though not fat, maybe too muscular one track, but that bothered Georg one bit. Heart is through his stomach, even with George, who had seen so much of the world, it did not take long before George asked Sophie if she would like to go with him to the movies. Sophie felt like, of course, she had already cast their eyes on George, she had seen his gigantic figure, his broad shoulders, his strong arms, his dark, almost black hair, but what do you most liked about him were his gray Eyes. whether they would be interested to go with him to the movies. Sophie felt like, of course, she had already cast their eyes on George, she had seen his gigantic figure, his broad shoulders, his strong arms, his dark, almost black hair, but what do you most liked about him were his gray Eyes. whether they would be interested to go with him to the movies. Sophie felt like, of course, she had already cast their eyes on George, she had seen his gigantic figure, his broad shoulders, his strong arms, his dark, almost black hair, but what do you most liked about him were his gray Eyes.

Sophie and George got on well. The landlord saw that with increasing anger. Then one day came even George in the kitchen. Sophie was just the plants. And since George had to do nothing other than playing the cook. While Sophie eggs and fat with the potatoes kneaded together, he took over the care of the stove. It was really amazing for Sophie as he knew how to handle a stove.

And George flirted: "The higher the temperature, the better," he told her. As the blush of the cooking plate slammed into his face, you could tell that these two formed a single world. He wanted Sophie still amaze with his kitchen skills: "Do you know this dough" he asked, and the red of the hot plate was reflected in his face.

"That's even faster than potato pancakes. It proposes an egg into the flour, kneaded, rolled out, folded back on. So several times consecutively, then to cook from it. "

"What is has everything! "Sophie said, and they laughed heartily. In reality, they had understood nothing, but said nothing, kept it better for themselves, because they knew when a man speaks of cooking, it's funny anyway. he knows nothing about cooking, he disgraces himself; However, he really knows something about cooking, then even more so. And Sophie, it was important to be able to laugh at him and George, it was important that Sophie could laugh at him because he could think of nothing better than to have a woman who could laugh like Sophie.

In this summer they came closer. After working on the viaduct Georg always aspired only back to the inn. Sophie was waiting for him - eagerly, without saying anything - he sat down at his table, he had 'his' table, and it was immediately told him his supper.

It got around that between George and Sophie was something that there was something in the hallway. With their hands they whispered to: "The two have what ..." - "The Sophie shines ever so if he's there." - - "The stranger, this Georg" I think Sophie is the stranger! " which gets on my nerves! "-" Say it but as it is. Georg are you fucked up and you want to own the Sophie have! "That was spoken. And the host noticed something and he was not delighted. In the village there were many young men who had his eye on Sophie, her sometimes when the mood was very romantic, it gave even flowers or chocolates. And now came a strange, almost wild, he gave her nothing, he does not snuck around them, as they had done it as moths buzzing around a light. They could do nothing, these young men, Sophie wanted all not, even not if they were rich. And there were some who were rich, had the estates, the animals had and fields, servants and maids, but Sophie wanted something different. George was not rich, not rich in money, Georg was rich in experience. He had traveled to many countries, he had lived there for a short time, but he had learned one or another language, not completely, but he could communicate. Only one thing he had not - money. Sophie had the distinct feeling that he would not care too much about money, not to make a lot of it and for that they loved him with George. Yes, she loved him these adorable young man with strong arms and dark hair. She loved his clear gray eyes that could flash so beautiful when they passed him. Often, when she was in her room, as she imagined how it would be like if she would be in his arms, as these strong arms they would press against his chest as they would have to hold his breath so as not happiness los screaming, then she felt lucky to have this dream.

One day it was time. George wanted to talk to Sophie, he wanted to tell her: "Sophie, I love you." What happened was not planned, not wanted, it was just so happens like a downpour. The power of nature had his hand in it and we can not escape. It was in the evening, George had waited in his chamber until the last guest had left, the restaurant was closed, Sophie had quickly made clean, then he heard it go up. At this moment George had waited, he opened the door and stepped out. He saw them coming, in this dim, where the rise was. He went to meet her a few steps. She did not see him at first, only heard a noise on the stairs, looked up and there she could see a figure, but not yet recognized correctly. At first she thought it would be the host, but she saw right away that the man who was standing up there, way too big, was too slim to be the host. Georg! She had recognized him, it was George who was standing there waiting for them. She felt her shot the blood in the face. Bravely she went on, step by step. George had come to Sophie to confess his love, he saw them as they approached him, he tried in the dark to see their light, trying to read in her eyes, but it was too dark to see anything exactly. Now they faced each other, silent. They did not speak, Georg had forgotten everything he wanted to tell her he felt to take her in his arms only this great desire. He held out his arm and pulled her to him and Sophie let it happen. She felt his breath, then she felt his moist, hot lips to her and it seemed to her as her would soften his knees, like chocolate in the sun. It was a long and passionate kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and clung to him. Only now he regained consciousness.

"I love you, "he whispered in her ear. "Do you love me too?"

Sophie had to restrain a loud laugh, it escaped her a giggle, she stroked him his head.

"You fool, "she replied softly.

He pulled her back to him and kissed her again. She turned her head back and he kissed her neck, then pulled her with him in his chamber.

It was their first night together. The next morning they looked as if they had all night made a marathon, so finished and exhausted they were. On this day the food prepared Sophie tasted, not as good as usual, the guests were not complaining though, for they had before Sophie too much respect, but they made guesses what she had, and these suspicions were also violently discussed. Even with Georg it did not go as it should have been, he was to have survived the glad day when he came to the inn in the evening.

George went straight to his table, sat down tired. Sophie was in the kitchen, had not seen it yet. The guests saw George, they looked closely and there was a light on them, they knew what had happened. The restaurateur, who had up to this time not noticed and noticed was attentive, he could see a sudden and strong anger rose up in him, he began to sweat, trembling even more than usual, his hands began and he had to to pull himself together as he poured himself a brandy and this poured down his throat. He still retains a certain attitude, not much, only very little, for Sophie had already rejected him, and now the !. If he hated someone, then it was George!


"I want you, possess you, you shall only be mine! "The landlord said to Sophie. It was one afternoon, a day later than he had made this discovery, that Sophie and George were a couple that they had a relationship and he had to do something, he could and he could not give up so easily. Giving up was not his thing, he had to fight for them. Only with this announcement, he replied Sophie to an extreme excitement. She saw the host astonishment, she saw everything that was repugnant to her, and she had to laugh at so much audacity.

"You're laughing at me? "He stood beside Sophie, his head became redder than he already was, it included Sophie's wrists, a shudder went through her body, as if a bolt driven into a tree. She wanted to back away, but could not, the heart was her quiet. She had become quite white in the face, all the blood had evaporated. she had this approach, not expected before God. She had her head high, her eyes sparkling with contempt for this bastard.

"Not yet, but if you continue like this ... "

The host blocked her retreat, he had certainly felt and expected. His voice, hot and smelling of liquor and of rotten teeth breath slammed into her face.

"And if I go on so, then what? "It was a threat. Sophie felt as if her whole body in iron, they could not move, only their faces glided back and forth. He came closer, too close, she felt uncomfortable, even physically threatened, she felt her nose was flattened, she felt his hands, and then she noticed his rotten breath as to the ear he wandered from his chin, as were it there, just for a moment. Since she took courage, he should feel that they had enough strength to resist the all in all.

"Let me finally! "With this determination, he had certainly not expected and Sophie this second perceived the surprise and freed himself from his greasy hands. She took a step back, now she could, now she was free again, it seemed as if she had only now noticed, with the smallest fiber of her body, this body belonged to her and she stretched out violently in which they surrounding air. They did not speak loud word.

"You can "make a man mad, after all, said the host. He looked at her in astonishment and Sophie realized that this ferocity that he had put the day had given way to a certain shame.

"I would prefer that you were sober, "Sophie said coldly.

"I'm not drunk, dear Sophie, "he tried to justify himself. It almost seemed as if he'd get teary-eyed, but that could also be of liquor and not the remorse that he perhaps felt he was to be at all able.

"I am not their love Sophie and I will never will be! Note the up. "She had become angry.

"Georg you're talking about certainly quite different. I'm right?"

"That does not concern you! "She yelled at him.

"That's looking forward to what that is fornication in my house! That's what me to! "

"And if it were so ?. If I were to climb into bed with you, it would be even fornication? "

"You would do that? "He had completely misunderstood the liquor clouded his brain.

"Never! "She said between her teeth.


Sophie was already kicking. Beside her, sleeping peacefully George. He was breathing regularly. She sat up, prop up on one elbow and looked at him as he lay next to her so peaceful. She saw him at very closely. His dark, almost black hair, which he had always beautifully combed, was now rumpled, as if a storm raged. Then she saw his thick eyebrows, his long eyelashes and she said that before her a woman would lie. Its curved lips that had kissed and then she saw this ear, on the ear lobe she had nibbled, last night. Only the nose was a little too big.

She thought, really, she had been really lucky that right now this handsome man had come occurred in their lives, it has enriched, has shown in her so much love that she nearly choked. He's really nice, he is not only beautiful, it is an Adonis, a god in her heart.

She stroked him gently the hair from his forehead. Now what was going on in his head? he loves me, too? Will he leave me when this viaduct is built ready? She was their cause not sure. George is a restless spirit, he always moves on, he never stays in one place. And when he moves on, we he take me? Will he stay?

This village slowly developed into a small town. The village character has given up long ago. More and more people move here, houses are built factories erreichtet. Almost every day new people arrive. For the future, it would be quite good here, she thought.

Georg move. He had become frisky, he turned to face her, eyes still closed, but he could smell her, he could smell her scent, he smelled her hair and he knew that it's there.

"Are you already up? "He asked, eyes still closed.

"Long time. I look at you for some time. "

"I have my eyes closed. "

"I see."

She laughed, her very adorable laugh that could lift the whole world upside down.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Oh, just like that. "

"Then let it be good. "

Sophie had to think she did not know if she should say something about the incident that happened yesterday with the host George. She did not know how George will react if he were experiencing. She liked to tell him because she felt cornered, threatened, though ... so great the threat was now again not. This drunken pig, as he had turned on them - unbelievable. She's angry, on her forehead were formed ugly wrinkles, furrows. At some point I'm going to tell him, but not now. It has time. We will see.

She leaned toward him and kissed him lightly on the forehead. His forehead was smooth, no grooves, no anger, nothing. George smiled. He opens his eyes.

"Good morning, my darling, "he whispered to her. "Did you sleep well?"

the wrinkles and furrows on Sophie's face immediately disappeared.

"Very well. Thanks. And you?"

"I also slept very well. "He sat up in bed. The ceiling fell on his upper body and she saw his strong arms, his broad chest as they rose and fell with the rhythm of his breathing. The Adonis is mine, she thought. "What shall we do today? It seems it is still very early, or am I wrong? "

"You're right, it is still very early. Today I have to go. "


"I go to my parents who live 60 kilometers away, which must visit today I waiting for me. Are you mad?"

"No, of course not, but you could have let me sleep. "

"Excuse me."

"That's fine."


The bus rattles on, Sophie sat by the window and looked out. Georg had accompanied her to the station and now he stood there all alone and waved at her. Sophie just wondered what she will tell her parents. The best thing will be nothing! Everything was so new, so unfamiliar to them.

She looked out the window, saw pass by the fields, villages, forests, people who go to church, because it was Sunday. The bus stopped at the bus stops, people got on and off. Some are sleepy others are already more cheerfully, but all seem to be tired, have heavy limbs. Children were crying. Mothers scolded. The bus drove rattling.

At last she had arrived. Her mother was waiting for them at the bus stop. They greeted each other, embraced, then they went into a small house. Her father was in the kitchen, he made coffee. On a small table was a plate and this plate was a cake. It was all set for their visit to the daughter. Sophie went to her father and hugged him.

"Are you all right? "The father asked immediately.

"But Father, let them but it was only down once translated "interrupted the mother interrupted. "Sit down once drink a good coffee, eat a piece of cake and then tell and."

Sophie sat down at the table, poured coffee into a cup and her mother gave her a piece of cake on a plate, then sat down also. The father was busy still around.

"Come on, stop that now and sit down to us! "The mother cried a bit angry. "It's always the same with this old man."

Sophie smiled, she knew it all before, these taunts between spouses as they occur frequently, but their parents had done no harm. Her father dropped everything and stand, and sat with the two women.

"So tell already, what's new? "Asked the father and looked at her.

Sophie told what she had seen such all in recent times, she talked about her work, she told the host that this would be a real pig, they talked about the weather, she told the guests, she talked about her food, just Georg she told nothing. The two parents listened, looked at each other and the father said to his wife: "Sophie now looks better. Do you find it not to? "

And his wife replies: "Now that you mention it! The last time she was here because she had not been so healthy color. Well you've noticed that, it would perhaps have escaped me. "

Sophie was red in the face. The mother smiled at her husband, what it meant so much that they will know the truth now, now we have surprised them. Still, Sophie was reluctant to tell anyone about George, still trying to find an excuse they doggedly, but she also knew that she could not lie to her parents and it should not. You have a right to the truth, even if they will not like.

"Now, tell already, what happened? "The father asked.

Sophie lowered her eyes, she was ashamed. She could not see her parents in the eyes, for those eyes saw more than she would have liked, before these eyes could not hide who saw it all.

"Take your only time, Sophie, we can wait, "said the mother, stroking Sophie easy on the hand. "Whatever it is, it is better you tell us. But I think I know what it is ... you've made an acquaintance. Right?"

"That's right, "Sophie whispered.

"Tell me about him. Who is he? What does he do? What's his name? How does he look? Tell! "Asked the mother Sophie. The father said nothing. Fathers are always overwhelmed in such a situation.

"His name is George, he is a mason. One day he came through the door into the restaurant. "

"Well, now we know how he is and what he does. What's his name? Where does he comes from?"

And since Sophie had willy-nilly to admit that they did not know. She became suddenly aware that she knew only the first name of her lover that she knew nothing about him, except that he was beautiful. "It's a nice, young man. And strong he is, too! "She said, the blush rose to her face again.

"The next time you bring it with you. This guy I have to look at me. "His father snorted with rage. Since his daughter had a lover and she knew nothing of him! That can only be a swindler!

"Father, do not be so! He will already be the right one. But insofar as father quite that next time you bring it with you. I want to see him. "

"I am going to tell him."

"Will he come? "The father asked.

Sophie shrugged, she was close to tears. Her mother stood up and walked behind her, stroking her lightly on the shoulder, then her head. The tears began to flow like a torrent after the snow melts.

"Cry, Sophie, although there is nothing to cry, but crying frees the heart and makes her head clear, "she comforted the mother.

"I'm just out "said the father, got up from the table and walked out of the kitchen. Sophie and her mother stayed behind.

"Now he is gone, "the mother said to Sophie. "What I gather from your tears, you know each other only recently. You have him right willingly. "

Since Sophie could only nod his head. "He's such a nice man and so dear. I love him and he lives me too! "

"Are you sure? "


"Then he will come again next time. "

They heard something falling to the ground, out in the hall. Sophie jumped up and ran out into the hall. Her mother followed her. Her father lay on the floor. She did not know what had happened, she ran to her father, who tried to raise but it's not contrived. It was not uncommon for her father stood up when they came to visit, only one guest, a stranger, would be able to keep him in the house, especially on a Sunday, where he met with his friends. Sophie sensed a very strange feeling. They recognized this air they breathed, and she found that she was very close to her was hard to breathe. Her father kept trying to get to his feet, but he was too weak. He could sit up only on one elbow, that was all, more was not and he looked at her. Sophie looked into the face of her father and she knew that she would never have thought it possible that this face was so tanned from the air and the sun could be so pale. He was so pale that the whites of the eyes seemed almost as dark. Sophie had never seen her father like that. He looked confused, it seemed that he would read the same forward and backward views of the just recovered.

"not Are you all right, Father? "Sophie asked, leaning over him. She shivered slightly, they did not dare to touch her father, but she had far too much respect for him. The mother stood behind her, his fist in his mouth and bit her finger so she could not scream. The mother had turned white when she saw her husband lying there so helpless and so white in the face. Sophie waited a few minutes until her father had recovered, slowly his crazed look came back into this world.

"I do not know what was wrong with me, "the father tried to make a statement and it was the first time that he looked at Sophie from below. With one hand he wiped his forehead, then slipped it back to the heart.

"Mother, come, help me "asked Sophie to her mother, who stood pale behind her and had made no movement.

They bent down to his father, took him under the arms and pulled him up. They led him into the bedroom and laid him on the bed. He reached out and took a deep breath. Sophie went to the window and opened it.

"Fresh air is good, "she said. And really, after a few minutes, her father had recovered. The color had returned to his face. The mother was reassured when she saw this transformation.

"We leave you now disengage, so that you can recover you. We go into the kitchen and keep talking, "the mother said.

"Should we have a doctor come? "Sophie asked.

The father said no: "I do not need a doctor, it'll be all right, I'm feeling all right again."

Sophie looked at him suspiciously. He now saw again quite good, by the rain which he had completely recovered had a few minutes ago.

"Well, as you like true "Sophie, then closed the door and went back into the kitchen.

They talked a long time about everything, but mostly they talked now about the father who was sick in the bedroom and what it meant this precipitate. George was forgotten. When Sophie is made on the way she looked again at her father, but was sleeping peacefully and firmly. The big red ball of the sun had long since disappeared, the sky was just light enough that the station had enough light. Clouds moved across the sky. The village was after a few minutes in the dark. The bus arrived and Sophie got in.


They were all sitting together in the pub, old and young people, workers and peasants. They had come to have fun, to make this a long working day, which lay behind them fade away and rinse the dust of labor from the throats. They had picked a table where they had all the space and someone had brought playing cards. They began to play cards, it was quite loud and the guests were thirsty. They began to drink as do the camels, after a few days without water in the desert.

George had not yet arrived and Sophie had his hands full to do this noisy, screaming and cheering men to please. She worked alternately in the kitchen and in the bar. The innkeeper stood with a sullen face behind the serving and filled the beer glasses, always being careful that the foam always stood high in the glass. He would really not that have to make a sullen face, because the business went well, and every time he turned on the tap, he heard ringing the coins in his brain. The landlord put the glasses on a tray and Sophie took it and brought it to the table where the players were sitting, took offense when they lost; cheered when they won.

"Here, gentlemen, their beer, "said Sophie from cheerful.

The men paused at the game and saw Sophie with great interest. That was really unusual and Sophie felt the looks that rested on it that they went forth, and she blushed. It was to be still not accustomed to staring so, even after all these years she had worked at the inn and knew all the guests by name. No one was unknown to her.

"What is it, gentlemen? Why are you staring at me? "She asked and turned away from the table again, where she had bent down to put down the glasses.

A young man, barely old enough to drink a beer said cheekily: "You and George, you are still a couple?"

And when he saw that she demurred, he added: "Admit it, only we know everything."

Sophie was only redder, as it would the evening sun shine directly in the face, the men noticed her embarrassment and took advantage of it shamelessly, "You do it? Is it not so? "

Sophie did not know the answer, it had drifted their language. So a verbal attack on her private life, her love life, she had never experienced before. Some men laughed gleefully, they rejoiced at the agony that had to live through Sophie.

The boy did not let up: "Say 'know? Do you do it? "He makes it good? Are you satisfied?"

Sophie had found her voice, which she had forgotten. "Little," she said to the boy, "hold you back a little," she reprimanded him. "Do not be so cocky that concern you nothing. And you think you could do something that the little one is not quite as naughty. "

The men burst out laughing just as laughter. For them it was just a joke, for some revenge and that it was George, whom she had chosen and not one of them. Men who are offended in their honor can be quite cruel and some of them felt offended. It was a rough fun, they knew only that kind of fun, where one had to suffer, otherwise they knew nothing. As men are equal, without feeling and sense of the fine, the pleasant.

"Small, stop "you back, an elderly farmer said the boy. The boy was to be reprimanded not used by another, he went on, wanted to jump, pounce on the farmers, but the man beside him, held him, pushed him back into the chair.

"Let it go, boy. This is an older man, much older than you, that could be your father, you should respect him and you ought to listening to what he says. "

"When will the wedding be? "Asked a man with a tie, he was the only one with ties, Tie drivers were unusual.

Sophie shrugged. "I do not know, but most of all, as far as it is not yet."

"Because maybe we also still have a chance? Tell Sophie, we have? "

Sophie laughed. "Maybe one or the other might. We will see, maybe you hard, then! "

"We can perhaps better than him! "

"That depends on a sample. "Men who began again to enjoy themselves Loud laughter.

"Now she has admitted it, they have already done it! Otherwise they could not make a decision. "

"So what if he is? "

"I would marry Sophie on the spot! As it now stands before me, with her apron and her slippers on their small and dainty feet. "

"And if she is no longer alone? "

"What does that mean, then? "

"If she is pregnant, then what? "

"Then I take it also, almost in a double! "

"Are you crazy?"

"No, crazy I am not only in love, in this radiant being. Look at them! These Sophie - a Prachtweib. It embodies everything a man wants to have what he needs. She looks damn good, can cook well, has with which they can grab two hands and it works like a horse, it has no special requirements ... It is simply the perfect wife. "

Many clapped their hands, applauded. It was true what this man had said about Sophie, she was a simple girl, she was just perfect for these men and that made the loss of her only worse.

Sophie said, "You get on my nerves," took her tray and stomped to the poodle to the tray there shut. The host had all been listening, his face was red, he was sweating. He saw Sophie's eyes: "The is right," he said quietly, so could not hear him the guests. "You really are perfect."

And after a few minutes he asked: "Is it really true that you and this stranger ..."

This was too much for Sophie. She became very white in the face, from excessive anger.

"Stop but the face! "She hissed.


George now came at noon to eat, and that was good for Sophie, as she had for it to cook someone paid off. And it gave her pleasure to cook for George, even the preparation of the simplest food, gave her joy. She turned to even more care when cooking, that anyone who ate the first time it, searching for the secret ingredient, thereafter, asked with this delicious food was prepared, she could not find, because it only because was Sophie liked to cook and especially that she cooked with love and for love's sake.

Sometimes who sat Georg in the pub, at his table, and ate as he looked at her with those knowing, yet questioning look: 'You did well cooked'. And she smiled, she understood that look. She liked it when he looked at her that way. She knew she felt it, that he loved her, she liked it when he looked so contented face that expressed all there is beautiful and good in this world. They also knew that George, as far as he was got around, did not even know really know how to hold a wooden spoon. This science had remained closed to him.


He almost ran, he snorted at her, one might have thought that he was getting ready to storm a fortress. He came not to her room, but invited them immediately for a walk. She thought that he was afraid of the air of her room, it was too close to him that he would have to squeeze into it, then he would have lost heart.

"You have a walk needed! "Said George. They also knew why they wanted to do this walk. Sophie had been hoping for some time thereafter, but she had a real recklessness and to vorwagendes hope and a very certain tenderness in her face.

They wanted to leave, because George said: "Would not it be better to take a headscarf?" "It clouds move on."

"This time of year? Not even in the winter I wear a headscarf. "

They talked to each other a long time and they felt that time when a short time, then walked them to the conversation, and as they walked shoulder to shoulder, it occurred to him that they were alone and that he would speak the same of them. He was somewhat inhibited, but now he had to do it, it was time, he dropped his embarrassment, he felt as if a huge boulder lying on his chest, crushing him. He tore a straw from, and Sophie saw that he wondered what words he had ever thought he could begin.

George held her by the hand, she had to look him in the eye. Just as he looked at her that she could not mistake that was simply impossible.

"George, you know, my father ... "she whispered, she whispered to him.

"I know Sophie, but you must not assume that I'm pushy. No one can understand you so well as I do. Such exceptional person can be so filled with fear that all other feelings ... You do not kränkst your father, believe me. He will recover, then it's all over. Under other circumstances, I would say we wait until he has recovered, but so ... "

George looked at Sophie with a desperate look as he beg her for his life. Only his heavy breathing between words showed how hard he was doing and what he asked. "Believe me Sophie that I with the same reverence ... I'll always be there for you, I will lead you, turn you, that you will not hurt. My love for you is more of a prayer than worship or sensuality. "

George had also recorded her other arm, and his hands moved slowly up, up to their shoulders.

"Do you agree? Can we go to your parents? "His voice resonated with a large amount of fear.

She had lowered her eyes and as she raised her eyes and watched him, she gave him, with her red mouth, a long, deep kiss.

She felt relieved, their fate was decided. She knew there was a good bottle of wine at the inn, and she sent George to fetch them. They sat down on the bed and Georg pressed the wine bottle between his strong legs and pulled out the cork.

"What we say to the landlord? "Sophie asked which began at this bottle of wine and the host to worry.

"We'll pay him. What else? "Was George replied. Sophie was relieved then, then Georg filled the glasses. Both Sophie and George, glowed in a silent happiness. She knew it already, it was in his face written that he was upset and that his crying was closer than the talking. She saw it and she ignored it, deliberately, as future wives often overlooked something they should not have better vision, they did not want to rush into a greater trepidation him, he had to calm down once.

"I go to my room "now again he said, standing up. Sophie stood up, at the moment she did not understand what that meant all, they were engaged, they will get married, why go to all the world, he went to his room? She knew that George is a really righteous young man that she loves him. She had waited a long time to find such a man it, and some day, when they thought that life had played a trick on her that it would be wiser to indulge a man, because the one they had hoped, that this is someone decide not to come. Sophie had been brave and has always rejected, she had repeatedly said that will come right, you just have to wait, you just have to look, somewhere in this wide world of right will be. And they waited doggedly and really, one fine day, as opened this old and creaking door and he entered. It was like a fairy tale. Now she was engaged to him and she felt happy and satisfied.

Life always has a surprise. Sometimes sooner, sometimes later, but one is always surprised when it happens.


And then, a few weeks later, it was also so far. Sophie had to talk to George, what you do not just easily fell. Although they were engaged, Georg had brought it to the language, had already indicated the suggestion that he wants to go to her parents and to her hand to stop, but she did not know exactly whether it is the right time, right now.

They were sitting at breakfast, Sophie had gotten up earlier to prepare it, George was still lazy stayed in bed as they touched his courage to talk to about the inevitable.

"Georg, "she began hesitantly. George did not notice that it was something on his mind that she wanted to talk to him that she wanted to tell him something important, and so he continued to eat his bread and butter.

"Georg, "echoed Sophie. Only now he looked at her, she had this worried look he did not know about her.

"What is it? "He asked impatiently.

"Sophie swallowed, then took a sip of coffee to her fear that she felt wash down. George waited patiently, he feared what could follow now, just as most men dread it. "You know, I was a few weeks ago with my parents to visit," she began. She had decided to start slowly, not to come straight to the point, so that George could on what she had to say to adjust.

"I can remember."

"You want to get to know you, "she blurted out, all caution renouncing, and in her eyes he saw the fear that tormented her.

"You told them about us? "

"I had it, Mother had noticed it immediately. "

'These mothers, "thought George,' it is much easier to perform around a policeman on the nose to trick than a mother. '

Sophie but he said: "When do you want that we should visit them?"

Since you took a load off the heart, he saw how this tension came off in her face, as her smile came back again and the color returned to normal in her face.

"This weekend, you would be right? "

"This is, "he replied curtly and put the sandwich in his mouth.

"How's your father? "He asked later.

"He had a heart attack. They were at the doctor and now it's back halfway. He has a lot of lying. "

"Well, then we will pay them a visit. "


And then it was time. They boarded the bus.

Sophie knocked on the door, but that was not necessary, because the people were waiting eagerly for her daughter and her fiance, whom she wanted to look at very carefully and not much knew of the Sophie, only his first name, but that was for Sophie, who was hovering in seventh heaven, more than enough, but parents did not fit that. The door was opened, the mother stood before them and asked them into the house. Her dress was village, was just as worn at that time, she was wearing no cloth but wore her hair rolled up on her head, on her shoulders she wore the bacon of farmers. There was something of dignity in their appearance, the Georg noticed immediately. She was different from the farmers he knew.

The father was lying on the sofa in the living room. He was still weak, sick and the doctor had advised him to often lie down to rest and take it easy at work. That would not necessarily have to mention the doctor, because the father was weak, too weak to even be able to go a longer distance. He was a big man, as he stood Diwan, so thought George, that this man would have to stoop to stand in the room. What Georg also noticed right away was his huge hooked nose. He secretly looked at Sophie, admired her little nose, which was so small and dainty, and he came to the conclusion that this nose was not from the Father but from the mother. Sophie was taller than her mother, so she had inherited the size of the Father.

George was somewhat embarrassed, he had never made such a visit and Sophie saw that George felt uncomfortable, whatever it was that her parents staring at him closely and unabashedly.

"This is George "put Sophie in front. Less was to introduce been impossible for her him.

George had bought a bouquet of flowers as a precaution, he had kept all the time in the hand and did not know what to do with it. Happy that Sophie had broken the silence and this mutual stalking finally went back to some normalcy, he made a step toward the woman of the house and handed her the bouquet.

Very well-behaved and smiling, the mother said: "Dear George, that would not have been necessary."

Necessary it had been on, that George knew very well and also knew that what his mother had said was only an empty phrase.

"I need to put "his father said. His face had lost its color and Georg also suspected that the father had excited too much. he felt his heart beating, but slowly let it by.

"Take a seat, "the father Georg asked. George sat down obediently, he could already imagine what will happen now. Sophie knew it and her mother gave her a sign to go with the eyes, with her in the kitchen.

"I help the mother in the kitchen, "says Sophie apologized. George just nodded.

"Let the two men alone, "whispered the mother Sophie as they walked out of the


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.09.2019
ISBN: 978-3-7487-1584-9

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