
You are not in control of your life.

Get over it.

It doesn’t make you a puppet on a string. It makes you super, great, fantastic, and with the capability of living life like no one else could ever live it. You were made as you were and the only thing unique about you is what exists deep down in you, your instance, your incarnation in this life.

God does not make mistakes.

If God does make mistakes or if you feel that God has made a mistake with you, then pick a different god.
Think on a New God.

Feel on a New God.

Ask a New God to guide your thoughts.

Turn your every moment over to this New God.

Open your eyes to the life this New God can, and will, present to you.

Trust this New God to do all things for you that you seemingly cannot do.

As I heard in church a long time ago…

”We are full of problems.”

And that poor preacher man had it all wrong.

We make mistakes, we are full of problems, but only from the outside looking in. From the inside looking out, these mistakes and these problems are but means to an end, an end to show us who we really truly are. And you really truly are something special, something great, something worthy of knowing and being known.
You are an individual incarnation of Your Maker, Our Maker, My Maker.

But we screw it up so so well. We try to “be this” and “be that” and feel compelled to “enjoy this” and “be grateful for that”. I cannot tell you how many homeless people I have met who were grateful for the handout of 5 bucks I gave them. They, we, all of us, are worth so much more than that.

But we accept 5 bucks. I would have gladly given 50 if asked or if he felt himself worthy of more.

Imagine what Your Maker would give?

Would you think me queer for saying Your Maker has already given it?

You just haven't been able to accept it yet.

We rely on outside opinions, chemicals, and viewpoints to help us fight the battle of what we truly want, of what we truly desire, of who we truly are. No one I have ever met, who truly let go of all outside influences, ever really wanted a life of poverty and lack, misery and loneliness, sickness and despair, unfulfilled dreams and desires, doubt instead of faith.

But they got that. They inadvertently asked for that because that was all they knew.

Or, rather, that is all they thought they could have.

It’s amazing when, in our quietest moments, the truth and the honesty of what we truly want come to light. The only real devil, not the horned kind, is that there is a wily creature that inhabits the ramblings of our minds, and the minds of others, to intrude on that which is perfect for the each of us.

And here comes the paradox of knowing one thing and living another.

There is more to life than God and that missing link is you. We were built to fill a gap that no one else can, in our own special way. But we have to let go of that which binds us. And the only thing that binds us is our illusion of control, the illusion that we must alter ourselves in order to fulfill some obligation or some will of a god, a moral law, a societal view, a parental figure, or a religious teaching that has been handed to us.

Our desires, our dreams, our insides tell the tale of our life ever so quietly but we are so hell bent on resisting it because we are concerned with what isn’t “right”, so concerned with fear of ourselves, so full of fear of God, so concerned with others, so twisted in anxiety, and keep dwelling on what doesn’t feel good or look good.

Stop the fight.

Don’t resist.

Be yourself.

Fully human.

Which is fully divine.

Inside, deep deep inside, we must put down our wishes and dreams. Don’t pretend they don’t exist but put them down. Don’t chase them. Don’t pursue them. Merely recognize them without fear or regret and let That which made you, as you are, pursue those dreams and those very natural inclinations on your behalf.

It’s what the Divine wants.

It’s what the real God wants.

It’s what the real God, the real You is.

It’s nothing more and nothing less.

It’s simply you being you without any strings attached and Your Maker being Itself with any attempts of control from you and me.

As if we could control God?

And here comes the scream I have screamed so many times, for so many years, in so many circumstances…..

“But what about my life? It’s so not what I want it to be! I want a new life. I want to change my life! I pray and I hear nothing but the sound of crickets chirping back at me. Silence. That’s all I get when I ask for things. Who stole God? I try to change things around me and I hit brick walls. I spend my day getting by with what I can and spend the rest wishing for something so natural to me. Why do others appear to be so happy with their life? Everyone tells me I have it better than most or that I should be thankful that I’m not a victim of some horrible disease. But that’s not what my insides want! Where is MY diamond?”

Stop the resistance.

I had to. It nearly killed me.

The only true, sincere prayer I have ever really truly prayed in my entire life happened on the day I decided to just give up. I simply screamed as loud as I could…

“Ok God, what about this life? Fix me or kill me. If I’m not dead in the morning, then I’ll be waiting to see what happens next.”

And the “next” start happening. And that’s all I can really say about it.

If God is truly God and you are truly perfect as you are, and you are destined to live a purpose meant for you and you alone, then everything in your life RIGHT NOW is designed to help you see that which you need to see, to put you one step closer to that which you need to be, and live the life you need to live.

And “need” is a bad word really.

It should be “destined” to live. No one is happy with the clamor a word like “need” puts on a person.

Here is an easy measuring stick…if you don't feel an undercurrent of guidance and direction, a sense of Something with you every step of the way, no matter your circumstances, then something is not clicking.

You are not letting go.

You are stuck in the mud because you are laying down mud on your path.

You are not participating in the journey.


Utilize don’t analyze!

You “think” you know what you want. You "feel" you know what want. And that’s wonderful. Fantastic. Keep on thinking it. But there is only One Power. And until you and I stop fighting against this Power, nothing is going to pan out in a perfect manner. If anything, it may get worse until you let go.

Spiritual teachers abound, books of “the Lord” occupy many bookstores, writings and songs of the wonderment of God are so easy to find. Of equal ability to locate, are the books on what is wrong with us.

And the preachers who tell us we need to be saved or repaired.

We are already saved. We don’t need to be repaired.

We only need to let the Power do Its job.

Accept the gift of life; your life, this life, both now and forever.

Don’t resist what is “wrong” with you. Don’t be humble about what is “right” with you. Abandon the labels; abuse the privilege of being an eterntal entity of the Almighty.

Let go of everything; I repeat, let go of everything, and simply rest in the wonderful relaxation that even if you are living and doing right now that which doesn’t resonate with your most absolute potential and longings and desires, there is Something that wants you to live that life you long to live.

There is a reason you long for that life.

And the doors will open wide if you but let them.

And doors have a way of opening in an instant if required.

Or weeks and months later.

The timing is really dependant on our ability to let-go and trust and be okay with right here, right now.

Let-go and trust.

The strongest word combination ever.

No effort on our part.

Simply let!

And the Power will go.

And you will go right along with it because you decided to.

And you will find the Life has been there the entire time, waiting for you to just accept it with no effort.

The only problem is our ability to block off this wonderment. Our only defect, if there is such a thing, is our inability to let things be, let OURSELF be, and learn to simply flow with the Universe in whatever is in our life.

You yourself know what you want and desire when you strip away all outside influences. All those things in your head and environment that are a paradox to the life you so know you want to live, are simply there to refine the wonderment of yourself. Whether they are to help you see what you really don’t want” or rather they are to help you see more clearly “what you really DO want” is irrelevant.

It's irrelevant because you cannot be concerned with all the particulars all the time.

Your life, right now, serves a Divine Purpose. Let it be so.

There are only so many ways you can see what you need to see and your path is something that is unique to you. A banker will see the same Glimpse a waitress will see, but not in the same set of circumstances and not lived out in the same way. The prisoner, the drunk family member all are in the right place for their right time. They may be fighting something more beautiful and need a smack to see it.

It doesnt' matter.

The end result is always the same, if we would all just let-go and trust.

When one let’s go, one finds their place. People, places, or things that don't belong have an uncanny way of just leaving, sometimes immediately, sometimes slowly, but they will move on into their rightful place in life. And our place in this world becomes something absolutely special, no matter what anyone else says.

And all who let-go and trust end up at the same place. Peace with oneself and life and God.

God never had a bone to pick with us. God has always been at peace with us. It’s us who have a problem being at peace with God, ourselves, and the circumstances of our lives. And our circumstances may be a paradox to what we feel to be truth, but there is a reason for them: a Divine reason leading into something even better.

We are all uniquely fulfilled and living a life second-to-none, a life that ONLY we could have lived. And Your Maker will do what It can to break away all the crap to get you to that point. How long that takes is entirely dependent on how much you are willing to trust and enjoy all the "coincidences" that occur when you let go with a sense of Guidance other than the normal clamor we hear from outside of ourselves or all those screaming voices inside our own head

Peace and Knowledge of one’s place in this world is right here, right now.

I heard a song growing up as a Christian and one of the lines said

“Not a lot to lean on, roaming through the night to find my place in this world…my place in this world…”

And that silly song is Horseshit.

Letting go of the crutches, stopping our natural insistence to fold our arms or throw our emotional and philosophical ramblings onto others is yet another resistance to What is waiting.

While we let things outside of ourselves hold us, it is so much more profound to drop the kiddy act and rest your weight against an Invisible Solid object. And you but need to let go of all that you thought you knew to see it, especially if your number one method of comfort has always been the "Big Man in the Sky" or whatever other form religion has shaped the Invisible into.

When you let go, an ever better Solid object supports you, minute by minute. When you don't TRY to rest on It, but simply rest on It, then the shifting of things in this world occurs. A benediction starts to sing. You begin to hear. Life starts to take shape. All is well with your soul.

We shouldn't much care for leaning on the things of this world, those things in our peripheral vision or placed within our head by the teachings and ramblings of others, ourselves included. We should seek to lean on something Firm and only then does the world and our fellow travellers fall into their rightful place in our lives. We don’t resist the world; we simply recognize it for what it is by letting go of its promises and illusions of control.

Circumstances are not your enemy. They are your friend. They are my friend. If your life and the circumstances in it do not truly truly truly resonate with you, then you know they are here as a passing perfection making your own perfection even more perfect. You are not improving. You are simply seeing more of what has already existed.

You are driving through the fog with the sun just over the hill but enjoying it all the same.

And my only prayer to you, and to myself, is that we continue to let go, let Whatever Is Out There Be Itself, and quit assuming Our Maker doesn’t already know of the kind of life that will make us supremely happy and satisfied and fulfilled during our time here on earth, in all areas, no matter how “dirty” or “human” or “selfish” they may seem to our mind, ego, or others opinions.

I have heard mention of “union with God” as being the highest goal. I have experienced that for myself. I didn't ask for it. It just happened in the oddest of circumstances. Timeless. Eternal. Peaceful. As if my mind was an outsider looking at something it could not comprehend.

And nothing anyone had ever said to describe what God is like could fit into this. It was as if all I had ever been told about God melted away when I experienced the Ultimate Reality.

I couldn't help but laugh for the next week.

And it’s so funny. It was as if My Maker was playing a game of hide and go seek!

There I was, searching for years trying to find My Maker and It was right there the whole time.

God does have a sense of humor.

Perhaps we should get one too?

Right now, no matter where you are at in your life, laugh about it. Laugh that you have taken yourself too seriously and that life is very simple if you would but let it.

God is already here. The experience of that “union” is already here. It is only being blocked by our inability to look beyond our mind, our eyes, our society, our world, and others views of it.

Having been one of those people who found the benefit, and the the detriment, of AA and rehabs, people would always tell me, like a bunch of parrots on a perch…

“There is only one God, may you find him now.”

That is not true.

There is only one God and God is here RIGHT now. You simply must put down your resistance to that. Simply put down your resistance of not having what you love the most in life, of what you desire the most in life. Drop the longings of what your heart, mind, body, and soul desire to see, live, do, and be during your time here on earth.

Drop it all. Let it just be there. Don't chase it.

Get out of your own way.

And you’ll find God was, and most certainly IS, there the entire damn time. And God is such a damned beautiful, and dare I say POWERFUL, thing. And your dreams and hearts desires shall come to pass in their due time.

Remember, you have all the time in the world. Clocks are not part of God. There is not a schedule to keep, a place to be. You’ll find yourself there without effort if you will be just let go.

Let the wonderment of that which made you, and exists right now, open all doors, prepare all ways, and provide for you the ability to enjoy and live the Gift already presented to you. A gift you already possess.

You are eternal, you will never die, life is a gift, and your job is to simply let go of all that is in the way of your own perfection. And your own perfection won’t be my own perfection and we may never see eye to eye on many things, but it is real and true never the less.

We will all mix and mingle with smiles and laughter.

Relax. Don’t Struggle. Common sense can, and will, become uncommon sense once you start getting yourself out of the way.

And that process can be easy or it can be hard. It is up to you. One can easily enjoy a month in jail if they knew 10 years in Tahiti was the end-result. The funny part of that equation is that a jail was never really a necessary holding pattern if we had let go sooner. It likely could have been catching a tan by a nice pool in preparation for the beach.

But, becoming a part of the end-result is often the hardest to deal with since we are such impatient and demanding entities until we relax and rest. We block off life when we don’t be patient and drop our insistence on the answer. But if you ask to be shown, to see what needs to be seen, and then drop it altogether, well….

Your Maker, and all the beauty that comes with It, will rush into Your life.

Have you ever tried to get a point across to a friend who continually talks and never listens? Now you know how God feels. He can clear up years of confusion in a single moment but we are too busy mentally masturbating on what is in our head; complaints, questions, problems.

Stop it.

Let God speak, be they in whispers or shouts, quiet or spontaneous inspirations, instant changes in your life or slowly developed story lines.

It is not as if Your Maker hasn’t already been trying to do that, but we keep resisting what is given to us. We feel the circumstances of our lives are problems. We see them with our minds eye but not with the Divine’s eye.

There is such a thing call Permission. Give your Permission to God. It is all the entryway your Maker needs to give you a life that is perfect for who you really are.

And Permission is simply an attitude of letting go of it all and living in the trust. And you are not trusting if you are busy praying or spinning on your miserable life all the time.

No action is required on your part.

You must live that. No force, only Power from God.

God is Bless. God is Speed. God is Eternal. God knows no time. Which makes us think God is Slow. You just let God do it. And you enjoy every human-second of it.

And that is all I have to say to you, my fellow travelers.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.04.2010

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