
My Life Memories: The Good and The Bad

This book was written for a contest about life's memories. In my book I will share things that are not all that great and things that are great. First off I can't remember much of my childhood as I suffer severe PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) so it affects my remembering things. Let's start at the beginning shall we? Before I forget; this book may make you sad so I am just warning you and it may not. Okay now we will start.


Everything started at age seven, really young, now I don't remember really anything before that age except for raising my hand in Kindergarten, which has no meaning to me. So my life pretty much starts out crappy. My mother was dating a guy named *Ben. He had black curly hair that went a little past his ears. In the beginning of the relationship it was great, but like all relationships it starts out that way. After awhile he started becoming aggressive towards my mother and he would drink and later we found out he was using Cocaine too.


Then he started beating my mother right in front my siblings and I. It scared me to death and after the third or fourth time I went to the neighbors and told them. They called the police and back then you were given two choices about putting people in jail so he didn't go. Sometime passed because he apologized. *Ben also liked to scare me until I cried and still didn't stop; so I have an issue with being in the dark especially by myself. Anyway he continued to beat my mother, but it was months apart from the one before and again he always apologized. In between that *Ben, my mom and I went to one of his friends house to visit.


His friend had a roommate and from what I remember there was a small kitchen table and big windows and an orange sofa. I was wearing a long purple winter coat that came down past my knees. I went to go sit on the sofa by *Ben's friends roommate and after about ten minutes I took my coat off and he became interested. He asked me to sit closer in which I did (at seven you are not going to know that someone is about to do something horrible to you). He grabbed my coat from me and put it over both of our laps. The next that happened was unbelievable. He touched me and made me touch him. My mother didn't know what was going on because she was busy over by the table talking to *Ben and his friend.


I kept quiet about the whole thing until I was about eighteen years of age. My mother asked me why I never said anything and I told her that I didn't think that she would have believed me. I don't remember much after that incident except that *Ben went into rehab and we went to visit him one or two times. My mother did have a child by him. My mother went on to date others and later found out that *Ben died of an overdose of narcotics. I also found out that the guy that did that to me died of the same


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Deborah Kaminski
Lektorat: Deborah Kaminski
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.05.2013
ISBN: 978-3-7309-2832-5

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This book is dedicated to those who read it and get something out of it. To those who have suffered the same things as I have. I would also like to dedicate this book to my Husband who has been supportive of me even during the very hard times. I love you a lot and you will always be my first true best friend.

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