
Feelings Expressed (Part 1)

A girl born & raised at paisley road west,
Shares with you her feelings expressed.

This is the beginning,
Of my life's making,
I stand not alone,
My desire is not the throne,
Gone will be the pain ,
With me will be the rain,
And every other game,
Will be destroyed the same,
I'm real I'm not a fake,
Its time for a break,
I will make a change,
Not to be blamed,
As it is not in my belief,
To stay put in grief,
My words now speak,
No longer are they weak,

A girl born & raised at paisley road west,
Shares with you her feelings expressed.

Sun And The Child

The rise of the sun and its fresh beam of light shows the start of a new day,
Like a new born baby ready to start its life and learn its ways,
Full of happiness and a childhood full of play,
Not knowing ahead, that pain and misery are the biggest of life's plays.

The heat of the sun burns the burned, like a troubled child in search for help and continues to fight,
Its light blinds the blinded, like a teenage child being brainwashed and unaware of the right,
Its presence is like torture for the tortured, like the child getting neglected but still tries its hardest to stay bright.

The sun goes down for a new rise,
That child is now used to the ways of life,
The present will become the past as the sun sets with spite,
Its like washing the fires in your heart with its cries,
Again its the same depressing sun set, no surprise,
but their always will be another day, another story with a new rise.


I'm lost within my own thoughts, confused about things, though unknown what, these are difficult times, being strangled in stressful knots, I myself don't understand my feeling’s, this is what the outcome has bought.

I feel it deep and I feel it strong, it don't feel right its completely wrong, it’s like broken glass and plant thorns hurting my heart all along, listening to the same emotional song, amongst the hidden angels is now where I belong, and when there’s no way out everything feels painfully long.

My problem is that my problems aren't just one, theirs like a trillion and one, it’s a never ending story someone shoot me with a gun, I can't take it anymore I just want to run, I see kids playing and laughing I've forgotten the meaning of fun, life has forbidden me from the light of the sun, and now I see the darkest hours and in my heart the fires burn.

Another Sleepless Night

Another sleepless night, awaiting to be blessed with your light, these eyes can no longer wait for your sight, before your love my life didn't feel so right. Come, come oh Beloved, come and bless me with your charm so bright.

Prepare me before you appear, as my heart may stop beating right there, I want to know everything so clear, let me recognise your scent so I know you're near, the sweetness of your voice I want to hear, the light of your soul I know its rare, let me peak at the beauty of your face sparkling so fare, even then I may not be prepared for you to appear but by then waiting any longer knowing your near, would be difficult to control every tear. Come, come oh Beloved, come here!

Its been far too long, come out from behind the veil, just one glance and I would heal, your one smile would bring me a smile that no one would dare to steal. Come, come oh Beloved, come for real!

Again a torturous night went by, neither a whiff of your scent nor a glint of your beauty so high, how long do I sit in despair and why, don't test my patience any longer its with you I want to fly. Come, come oh Beloved, come and hear my cry.

Loving You

You are my love my only desire, you are the one I admire, don't worry I'm not a liar, without you my heart would burn in fire, come and take me, take me higher.

You will stay in my heart forever, I think of you day and night wherever, thinking you will come around sooner, I'm sure of that because their can never be a never, come and take me, don't make me suffer.

You are the light of my life that shines in my soul, you are the reason of my every breath in this world so cold, you are the beat of my heart as I have been told, you are my only and every happiness I hold.

You are the one I think of day and night, you are the one I want all my life, you are the one I need as my every morning light, you are the one I can't let go of no matter what's wrong or right, you are the one I pray for under the moonlight.

Nana (Grandad)

Two years today, you passed away, it was a wednesday, yeah we were hurt and had no words to say but to shed tears in grief that was left to stay.

From your children to your grandchildren who love you, we all sit here and pray for you, and in our hearts flow the wonderful memories of you.

In life you were always true, a man who was humble, kind and loved Irn Bru, You were the coolest romeo even at the age of 82, loved your wife so much that you knew, even if she's away for an hour two, you'd miss her so you put her on a curfew.

Miss the times at walmer crescent, yours and Dada's friday night missions, it was dinner and WWF live on television, both the grannies having their mad conversations, these times were the best I keep on reminiscing.

Wonder if your looking down at me from the heavens, watching me write this in your remembrance, I wish I could see you just once I'd read this in your presence.

(This was written in remembrance of my Nana Abu (Grandad) on his 2nd death anniversary.)

Dada (Grandad)

As far back as I can remember, till your very last breath in september, you loved us from the bottom of your heart with tender, brought us up in your style of being the most amazing grandfather ever.

You would walk me to school and shout 'JAO' out aloud, if I were lucky you would give me a pound, watch me from the gate to make sure I got in safe and sound, sometimes at intervals you would come round and check from the gate if you could see me around, those are the memories from which my smile I found.

You must be chilling up in heaven with your buddies, Nana Abu must have celebrated your arrival with heavenly goodies and fruits like oranges and strawberries, you're probably with your mother and glad that feeling of missing her is over, which to you felt like centuries.

Now you're not with us but in a much better place, over are the hardships of life which you had to face, no more pain no more problems for you to taste, as God has called you to your awaited space, many have seen you in their dreams and felt your soul through God's grace, you will be missed forever and in our prayers always.

('JAO' = 'GO') (Dada = Grandad)


When situations get complicated,
Every other problem becomes related,
These stresses are more or less hated,
How can one be at peace leaving everything belated,
Even when one tries fixing it matters still get violated,
It's like touching the wrong button and it gets activated,
Touch another few to turn it off and the system gets irritated,
You keep trying and trying even when you know its fated,
It's like running miles without drinking water and getting dehydrated,
People sit you down like your being interrogated,
No one understands you because your life's mistranslated,
Living in misery it now feels obligated,
Another reason to feel suffocated,
Looks like magic can't even get this all treated.

Feelings Expressed (Part 2)

There’s so much my heart wants to express,
A mixture of every emotion that says,
Don’t keep it in, show your Feelings Expressed.

To write what I feel helps release my emotions,
And also helps clearing my tensions,
For me it’s like a form of relaxation.

My words can be rough,
Depends if my life is getting tough,
Only then do I stay in a huff,
Time I should speak up and say I’ve had enough.

I'd prefer the sky rather than the ground,
I want to walk on the clouds,
And shout out aloud,
All my feeling’s to hear how they sound.

My heart tells me to be strong,
To remember to whom I belong,
To keep up the faith and things will never go wrong.

I thank my lord who blessed me with a talent like this,
The people that gave me the confidence and courage to make this the best,
Who helped me to be able to show my feelings expressed.


Texte: © Rukhsar Tahseen
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.03.2012

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