
Saychi Tokiwa

So i do not have many songs so far, if you find a song you think I could turn into a parody it would be very appreciated, also it can be on a specific subject if you want it done it doesn't matter what I can try and make it for you!!!



Please remember that these are not the original songs, they are only parodys!















White night true true light parody (doctor who parody)

White Night True Light parody:

Masters of time,

You can through the T.A.R.D.I.S take your flight,

And become the one,

To save the world,

Spreading bright and new tonight.


Brought back to earth at last,

By my blue T.A.R.D.I.S,

I was gifted freedom tamed,

To become the 11th one.


Through the asylum,Daleks shoot,

At me and my companions,

The sight of me induces fear,

Into the strongest enemy.


Run along pond,

I say as we run for our lives,

But she had to bring the roman guy,

He might just save our lives.


Regenerating time,

I never want to go,

But with a new face comes my new heart,

That companions might just like,


Strong yellow light and

Suddenly different,

And hopefully i'll stay this way forever more.

Let it go parody (Naruto parody)

A monster is sealed inside a boy tonight,

Not a family to be seen,

A childhood of isolation and it looks like,

he's the one.

The world is taunting him and stopping him from sleep,

Couldn't save his family heaven knows he would,

Don't let them in,

Don't let them know,

They can never find the sadness inside me,

It's to hard to control,

So use it up.


Laugh it out,

Laugh it out,

Can't let anyone see me now,

Laugh it out,

Laugh it out,

Move away and mess it up,I

don't care what that old man does,

Let the Hokage rage on,

His lectures never bothered me anyway.


It's funny how one Emo,

Like Sasuke Uchiha,

Can change my life intentions,

And make me want to win,

I'm gonna be Hokage one day,



Laugh it out,

Laugh it out

Sakura will notice me one day,

Laugh it out,

Laugh it out,

You'll never see me die,

Here I'll train,

and here I'll grow,

Let Sasuke try,

He'll never beat me anyway.


My chakra moves through my body to my feet,

I use it strongly to beat Sasuke and climb trees,

And one thought zooms around through my mind,

I'll beat Sasuke and get respected one day.


Laugh it out,

Laugh it out,

I'll become the best Hokage one day,

Laugh it out,

laugh it out,

You'd better believe me now,

Here I train in the dark of night

Let the Hokage rage on,

His lectures never bothered me anyway!

Pompeii parody (not based on anything)

Pompeii parody:

Eh-eh-o eh-o

I was left all alone for so many days,

All my life fell away with nothing to show.

And my hope kept crumbling down

In the house that I loved,

Great hate rolled over my head,

Bringing pain from above.


But if you shut it out,

Does it almost feel like you have missed it all?

And If you shut it out,

Does it almost feel like,

You have lost before?

How am I going to stay sane with this?

How am I going to stay sane with this?


We were all hurt and beat down in all of our places,

by your side as the hurtful words settled around us.

And my hope kept crumbling down In the house that I loved,

Great hate rolled over my head,

Bringing pain from above.


But if you shut it out,

Does it almost feel like you have missed it all?

And If you shut it out,

Does it all most feel like,

You have lost before?

How am I going to stay sane with this?

How am I going to stay sane with this?


Eh-eh-o eh-o


Where shall I begin?

The lost love or my tears?

Where shall I begin?

The lost love or my tears?


And my hope kept crumbling down (where shall I begin)

In the house that I loved, (the lost love or my tears)

Great hate rolled over my head, (where shall I begin)

Bringing pain from above. (The lost love or my tears)


But if you shut it out

Does it almost feel like you have missed it all?

And If you shut it out

Does it all most feel like,

You have lost before?

How am I going to stay sane with this?

How am I going to stay sane with this?


And if you shut it out, does it almost feel like you have missed it all?


Eh-eh-o eh-o


Moonlight Shadow parody (also Naruto parody)

Moonlight Shadow parody:


The last that ever she saw him,

Carried away by orochimaru,

He passed on tough and smirking,

Carried away by orochimaru.


Left her alone last Saturday night,

Far away and out of sight,

He left in the middle of a desperate fight,

And she couldn't find how to push through.


The smirking face in the evening,

Carried away by orochimaru,

The brilliant fighter,

Carried away by orochimaru.


All she saw was the back of his head

Far away and all alone,

He was snatched up by a man on the run,

And she couldn't find how to push through.


I stay I pray,

I see you in Konoha far away,

I stay I pray,

I see you in Konoha far away.


Late afternoon,

Carried away by orochimaru,

I watched your vision fading,

Carried away by orochimaru.


Life moves slowly when I'm all alone,

Far away and all alone,

Will you come back on this nice night?

But she couldn't find how to push through.


I stay, I pray,

I see you in Konoha far away,

I stay, I pray,

I see you in Konoha far away.


Caught in the middle of a inward fight,

Far away and all alone,

She was crying deeply and sadly,

But she couldn't find how to push through.


Carried away by orochimaru,

Carried away by orochimaru,

Far away and all alone.

Lost ones weeping parody (also not based on anything)

The stabbing pain finally breaks my heart,

Through the bullying I can feel it sink in,

The fragile sanity that I held so dear within,

Becomes a problem as it stops me fitting in.


It's my problem.


I excel at History and English as I love it,

As for socialising I'm not that good I admit,

I'm so worried I will expose myself,

I have too keep hiding my inner self.


The project a painting

of you and your best friends,

I realise I have no friends to paint,

Who am I,

who are they,

when were they last seen,

I start to wonder if,

I can actually live like this.


Can you read the blackboard with its words written large,

Can you read my mind and its breaking points,

Can you tell me who stripped my humanity away,

Tell me now,



So fix that crack and make sure it won't show,

So fix my sanity and and fill in the breaks,

What would happen if I never let on,

What should I do,

What should I do.


My homework from yesterday is left alone

Sat down and tried but couldn't finish,

While their hate piles on, ton after ton,

I think that I should just suffocate now.


I hurry and try to stop being late,

While my teacher says to stop being antisocial,

It's not my fault that I was grown this way,

I start to wonder if,

I was meant to end it.


Can you read the blackboard with its words written large,

Can you read my mind and it's breaking points,

Can you tell me who stripped my humanity away,

Tell me now,



So fix that crack and make sure it won't break,

So fix my sanity and and fill in the cracks,

What would happen if I never let on,

What should I do,

What should I do.


Can you remember the old times?

Although it has been awhile?

Can you remember all of those 'happy' memorys?

Because you know, its too hard to remember.


You are really mad why don't you get some help?

It's too late already so why don't you stop?

How can I get my sanity back?

You know it's too late!!

It's much too late!!!

Lie (based on nothing)



Why can’t it stop hurting

This pains not even real

Why don’t I just grow up

Dreams were fake from the start


I don’t see you

I can’t hear you

I never knew you


You never mattered


I’ll play alone

Forgetting your song

We weren’t friends


I hate you


No you are all wrong

Why did you go?

You know I hate this song

Listen to me

We never were ever




The things you listen to

Hatefully Popular

I don’t see how can’t

See my beating heart



I can’t see you

I can’t hear you

I never knew you


You never mattered


I'll play alone

Forgetting your song

We weren’t friends


I hate you


No, you are all wrong

Why did you go

You know I hate this song

Listen to me

We never were ever




And maybe one day I’ll

Get to stand your smile

All alone without love

And forever alone


No, you are all wrong

Why did you go

You know I hate this song

Listen to me

We never were ever




Texte: Saychi Tokiwa
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.07.2014

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This book is dedicated to my parents Mum for supporting me and giving great hugs Dad for your dad jokes and fun I love you guys

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