
Alexis Secora


Alexis walked through the tall arch that marked the school gate just as the bell tolled loudly. She wondered where the principal’s office was, but was too shy to ask anyone, as even the teachers looked menacing. Or was that her imagination… not that she didn’t have a lot of that, but it was normally dormant or at least hiding until she could use it in her story writing.


She was lost in thought when a teacher walked up to her. ‘’You’re our new student, correct?’’ Alexis feebly nodded her head. ‘’The principal’s office is that way.’’ he said, pointing in the direction of a small office building. She hurried away nodding her head in thanks.


She fought against the throng of chatting students to go to the office. On the way there, four boys that looked remarkably ugly stopped her. The biggest and ugliest spoke to her ‘’Hey, I ‘avent seen ya before. ‘Ow old ‘r ya?’’. Alexis just stared, dumbstruck - though being silent was normal for her. ‘’I said ‘ow old ‘r ya!’’ he said menacingly, cracking his knuckles. She put up nine fingers. ‘’Ya aint supposed to be ‘a this school it’s for years 7-12, you gotta go to the babies school next door" and with that they clumped off.


With Alexis left wondering what just happened she walked into the office. It was a brightly lit office with a sick bay, staff room and waiting area. An office lady was tip-tapping on a laptop keyboard, and looked up to talk to her. ‘’Welcome to Killocots private school for well brought up young boys and girls, how may I help you?’’

"Oh you must be Miss Secora, the new student - take a seat and Mrs. Oliver will be with you shortly.’’  Alexis walked over to the seats and sat on the first soft, white seat. She pulled out her favourite Skulduggery Pleasant book and started reading from where she left off on the bus that very morning. Five minutes later Mrs. Oliver came out.


 ‘’Miss Secora, how old are you?’’ Alexis put up nine fingers. ‘’Well then, when did you turn nine?’’  'last month' Alexis signed in ozlam (basic australian language for deaf people). ‘’but this school is for years 7-12, Not year three's’’ Alexis shook her head. ‘’What year are you in then?’’ Alexis held up seven fingers. ‘’Well, I must say you must have a surprising intellect to surpass others your age and be in year seven. Your placement test said you had the intellect of a fifteen year old.’’. Alexis blushed and looked at the floor. ‘’Well come on then, no time to dilly-dally.”


Two minutes later Mrs. Oliver had handed her the laptop all students get when they go to year seven, or in this case came later in school like Alexis did. Alexis nervously tugged her grey-white plaits. The rests of her family had blond hair, Alexis was the only one that had grey-white hair.


Then they started walking to Alexis’s new classroom. It was the furthest from the library which was Alexis’s lunch and recess place for most of the time back in her other school. She knew she wouldn't make friends, It was to hard. Her sister used to look after her, until she went off to collage.


They finally arrived at her new classroom for the rest of the year. Mrs. Oliver rapped briskly and loudly on the door. A tall boy with red-blond hair opened the door and told Mrs. Oliver to come in and that a Sir was inside.


Sir was sitting at his desk. He had grey eyes and a white button up shirt, and smiled when he saw Alexis. ‘’Why, hello you must be the new student. Class, say hi to Alexis Secora, our newest student’’. The class didn't even look up to mumble hello gloomily. "Alexis is nine years old" Mrs. Oliver added.  Now Alexis was starting to get some interesting looks from fellow classmates. Two boys that looked quite alike had been looking at her with the tall blond boy. Alexis thought she had seen them before somewhere or other. “Alexis welcome to Siberia” Sir said. Than explained that since they were the furthest classroom from the rest of the school they were called Siberia.

Camron Ranch


There was a new girl, she seemed nice. But quite strange, a nine year old in year seven. Thought Camron. He nudged Jack, his bestie and whispered "That girl looks so scared!" "She does." was the whispered reply.

Sir kept on sending the class emails with the required worksheets on them to finish and send back. Alexis ended up finishing every thing early so she read on her laptop. The ugly gang from before kept on staring at her and cracking their knuckles, which is actually pretty threatening. Alexis found out that Camron was the eldest at fourteen with Daniel and Jack being thirteen.


Camron had to admit that Alexis was strange. She didn’t laugh at any of his best jokes or stories.  Jack laughed as if he would never stop, Daniel just had his poker face. Even Sir smiled a touch when he got to the gist of his best story, the one with the boy that ate his sister's homework.


She was a small child too, she sat on a chair that she had to  stuggle to sit on and she was just above the table. Her head resting on the desk. She ended up sitting on her school bag to sit comfortably.


The girl was a major nerd as well. He was the oldest and she finished all the work in a quarter of the time he did. She looked so familiar but so strange at the same time. Jack looked like he thought the same because he kept on looking at her strangely and out of the corner of his eye he saw her looking confused and sure as he was a Ranch it wasn't about the work.


Sir asked Alexis to come up and tell the class about herself but she denied shaking her head stubbornly. “That girl is a strange one” Sir  muttered to himself, Camron had to agree that Alexis is a strange one, very strange. She hadn’t said a word for the entire class session and there was still six more periods until home time, and no-one can stay quiet for that long it’s physically impossible to.


He noticed Stupid Sam and the thugs looking at her in disbelief. He thought he heard them say “that’s the young ‘n from earlier’’ ‘’the nine year old’’ ‘’how’d she get in year seven” in broken conversation. Well true the girl is young, five years in difference for age and she is smarter than he is. That was probably the nuttiest thing about her.


Jack passed him a note it read ‘is that girl smart or what!’ He passed back a note that said ‘yep do you think you’ve seen her before because I have somewhere.’ The passed back note said ‘uh-huh but also do ya think Stupid Sam will bully her ‘coz if they do she might need back up we could help her’ Camron passed back a note that read ‘yeah that's sort of our thing' the last passed note read 'i guess'.


Camron saw Alexis pull out a student diary that everyone gets and check the map. He remembered back to kindergarten when Jack helped him find his way to his classes and they had been best friends ever since. Every day Jack and he had plans to do something, today it was homework in the library. Sir had given them an avalanche of homework to do, including Alexis but she was the only one not groaning.


At eating time people normally had a packed lunch like Jack and Daniel. Most of the class did so it was a surprise when Sir had a lunch order as he was a heath food junkie. Only Alexis didn’t seem surprised about that but well she was new and didn’t know Sir. Camron had his once a year lunch order and Alexis had a packed lunch. Alexis’s lunch consisted of a salad sandwich, an apple, some water in a orange water bottle, a few biscuits and a container of carrot slices (She seemed very healthy, although she put away all of the lunch and ate nothing). Jacks was a nutella sandwich, an orange, some chocolate (which he shared with Camron and Daniel, he offered some to Alexis but she shook her head to some)and some water in a black water bottle. Daniels was some pizza, a cheese sandwich, an orange and some water in a red canteen.


Just as the bell rang Jack told him to grab his hoodie so they could leave. He saw Alexis tidy up her desk and grab her laptop. He knew where Daniel was going. Too his tree as always. They left the classroom Alexis hurrying before the rest so she could get a table far away from the rest of the people. Jack walked beside him “c’mon so we can get our table” he said speeding up so that Camron had to speed up too.


 On the way Stupid Sam stopped Alexis “‘ow come ya never ‘old me ya were smart” he said “you’re a nerd, now ya see we beat up smarticuses ’coz youse make us look bad”. He growled making her gulp. The thugs cracked their knuckles and backed Alexis up so her back touched a tree. Daniel’s tree.


Camron saw Alexis needed help and made the sign at the tree. He knew Daniel would be there as he always was. Just on cue a blur flew down and landed just in front of Alexis he got his fists ready and attacked Stupid Sam in a blur of fists. In the middle he saw Daniel flash him a thumbs up. That’s Daniel though, always ready for a fight and he has never lost one yet.

Daniel Spark


Jack and Camron joined in as they saw the other thugs close in with readied fists. “We’re gonna get in so much trouble.” Jack murmured to him. “Since when has that stopped us Jack.” Camron murmured back. “True” was his reply.  


 Alexis ran straight through the middle of the group making the forth boy move jump out of the way, though she could run straight through his legs. She turned around and ran backward, Camron thought he saw a glimpse of a smile. As she almost super speeded into the library. He glanced at Jack and they knew what each other were thinking. ‘Boy that girl is so fast she practically teleported in there. 


Daniel finished with Stupid Sam first and ran into the library. Camron and Jack followed fast just as they got through the doors all the windows and doors slammed shut. Shimmering slightly as if by magic. They saw Alexis who was hiding behind a bookshelf. Just at that moment it clicked. He had seen Alexis in his dream. And by the looks of things the others had realized the same thing. Alexis seemed to think that she also saw them in her dream so it was a quite confusing moment for them all.


Then they noticed a strange thing, Books started flying off the walls. Shane got one full to the face. Alexis got one to the stomach. It proved how small she was, it was a pretty large book and it blasted her backwards so she hit the wall and crumpled. Both Jack and Camron got one each to the arm.


It was a pretty weird moment. But it got even weirder when their hair straightened out. Alexis’s long plaits suddenly turned glowing lime green from the roots downwards, her hair undone from her waist-length plaits and it was just touching her feet. Daniel’s hair grew longer a tiny bit and turned red as flames. Camron’s hair turned blue as ice and it grew shorter. Jack’s hair grew scruffier and black as the deepest starless empty black hole.


Then suddenly they lifted into the air and hovered. Daniel doubled over in pain as flames licked up his legs. Alexis was bundled in vines and attached to the roof by the thick green strings. Water drenched Camron, than the water droplets froze into ice and shadows wrapped themselves around Jack pulling him tighter and tighter, All of them up in the air at this time (Alexis the only one not hovering).


Than they plummeted all at the same time. And landed on the hard ground at the same time but they didn’t go splat. Which was surprising because normally when you fall from a high place you go spat and die horribly.

 Than they just blacked out completely. With absolutely no trace of magic left in the room anymore. All the windows opened and the doors opened as if nothing happened.


 When Daniel woke up all he could see was darkness than it cleared and he realized he was in a forest. He looked around and he saw Jack and Camron, it looked like they were discussing something of mild importance.

 A few moments later they walked over and asked him if he knew where Alexis was. Only then did he realize that she was missing. A rustle came from an extremely tall tree with no branches up until halfway up the tall tree. They saw a pair of emerald green eyes peer down at them it looked like as green as cat's eyes. Than the eyes regressed into the tree and a blur jumped down.


Acting like she hadn’t just jumped out of an extra ordinarily tall tree with really high branches. Daniels jaw dropped and he stammered the words “how in hell did you get up there." "How could a nine year old one get up that tall tree?” Jack and Camron asked at the same time.


She just shrugged and glanced up at the tree. “Hurry up and talk you munchkin you're bloody pissing me off.” Daniel yelled annoyed at her silence. Alexis shrank back in shock. “You can’t even talk you idiotic little girl, you are the dumbest creature ever, why don’t you ever talk”. Next thing he knew she was right in front of him and was death staring him. Her death stare was so intense it was easy to prove that if looks could kill he would be a corpse lying on the ground rotting slowly.


She had to look up of course as she was practically half his size. So it was hard to stare him in the eye but somehow she managed it. The other too sort of hang back and stared. She looked away after a few moments. Then she looked back. Her eyes had a confused look on them. And the others didn’t know why until a few seconds later. Camron looked at Jack and mirrored the confused look on Alexis’s face. Jack looked at Alexis and just stood there his mouth slightly open, his eyes very wide. While Daniel looked at Camron his mouth way open, His eyes almost as big as dinner plates.


As they stared at each other well not exactly at each other but more just over their heads. Daniel felt a warm feeling spreading through his body from head to toe and all that’s in between. Camron started shivering and his teeth started chattering and he turned slightly blue. Alexis felt like she was being squeezed smaller and smaller until she could barely breathe. And Jack went momentarily blind, darkness covering his vision.

Jack Mecam


Daniel saw fiery red, literally his hair was on fire which as you know is not normal.    


   Camron’s hair was frozen solid, hard and cold. Jack’s hair was being tousled and played with by shadows, intertwining thick locks of black hair with midnight strands of shadows. Alexis's hair was twisted into two long plaits, instead of hair ties she had vines.


All of them stared at each other and gaped looking gormless. Alexis shot up another tree. Just than Daniel got his voice back and said at the same time as the other boys. ”What?” Than “How?” Than “Who?”. “Stop copying me” Daniel yelled. And accidently shot a ball of fire at Camron. Camron threw his hands in front of him and froze it but it kept on going. Jack’s hands went indistinctly in front of him and a shadow burst up creating a solid wall as to not let anything through.


Alexis had landed jumped from the tree she had originally been on to a tree much further away from the insanity of the fire, ice and shadows that were there a millisecond before.


 "Damn tree, stop it you munchikin!”Daniel yelled at her furiosly. He punched the tree. the heared a small whimper, it was almost animal like. Daniel turned around and looked calmer. Than he doubled over and they saw a branch return to it's normal shape.


As Daniel slowly collapsed into the ground Alexis jumped down and looked apologetic. She looked like she was thinking than she tried to help him up and ended up on the ground next to him. Daniel started laughing hard. The others started too. Alexis looked confused as she stood up and brushed herself off.


"Come on lighten up Lexie" Daniel said. "You gotta act like a child sometime in your life." Alexis just sent him a look that sort of said what and never in one. "Is it just me or should we get a move on" asked Jack. "Sure" Camron said. "I am so going to make you laugh one day" Daniel promised Alexis.


Presently they came to a road with a overly large tree fallen down right through the middle of it. Jack saw Daniel lift it up and throw it as if it was lighter than a black feather. No-one noticed a police car at the end of the road. But Alexis. She also noticed a tall police officer with a large moustache that looked real angry all the time. She started tugging on Daniels arm and pointing. If she talked that would be a lot quicker. Daniel soon got annoyed at her and grabbed the sleave of her school blouse and pulled it up lifting her off the ground. He swung his arm around and dropped her in a crumpled heap.


The police officer started pretending to inspect trees while calling for backup and still looking at them in the corner of his eye. Still they hadn't noticed him well apart from the tiny wimp. What was she doing, a small innocent, looking, five-year old sized girl hanging out with these big violent looking boys. As soon as backup arrived he strode up and said in that big booming baritone voice of his "What are you doing here". Alexis was the only one that didn't look startled Jack noticed.'Thats what she must have wanted to warn us about.' he figured.


      "That's none of your beeswax" Daniel said. "I don't like the way you talk boy" yelled thepolice officer. "I don't like the way you talk either" Daniel yelled back. "Get 'em" the police officer barked another officer grabbed Alexis and twisted her arms behind her back. "Let go of her" Yelled Jack, Camron and Daniel. Alexis surprised them. She wiggled her arms free of the police officer than she twisted around and kicked him into another. It was only a feeble push but he wasn't expecting it so it made him stumble into the other police officer and they landed into a heap on the ground.


"How much hair dye did you use to get your hair like that?" a police officer asked. "None these are our natural hair colours." Shane replied. The police officer looked confused.


           Alexis ran straight up the nearest tree. Jack looked up confusedly. She had practicly ran up it verticly. It was extremly strange. Apparently the police officer thought so too. His mouth was opening and closing but no voice was coming out at all. He looked like a cross between a stunned mullet and a confused goldfish.It took a lot of self control not to laugh at him.


            Apparently Daniel was not trying to be self controlled and laughed at the police officer. The police officer snapped out of his baffled fish look. He pulled out a gun and pointed it right between Daniel's eyes. "Run" Dainel said and they all started running. Alexis had jumped down right in front of them and was running fastest. She looked remarkably calm for someone who had just been almost arrested and found out that they may or may not have magic.


            As soon as they got to the street they found out that they all lived really close to each other. Alexis and Daniel lived next to each other and Camron and Jack lived next to each other across the street from them. This day was getting remarkably strange.

Alexis Secora


Alexis hurried home as soon as she got out of the strange forest and into her street. She realised it was not actually night time but it was only a stormy day. She didn't like stormy and extremly sunny days as she fell asleep on both days. Sort of like a cat. But she was not as violent as Kyo Sohma from Fruits Basket.


                Alexis went through her front door and hung her schoolbag up on a hook. "It's Sis, hi Sis, play with us Sis." Emerald, Crystal and Opal, Alexis's little sisters chirped. Alexis shook her head and went to the kitchen. "Hi Alexis" said Audrey, Alexis's mum. Alexis lifted her hand and gave a small wave. "Please talk to me Alexis" Audrey begged "you haven't talked for five years, ever since your father died." Alexis looked at her but still didn't talk.


               "Amythest is coming tomorrow Alexis to help me with Em, Crys and Opal, I'm sure that she will be stoked to see you to." Audrey said slowly. "She hasn't seen you since the funeral, she doesn't know that you have became non-verble since Dad was murdered." Audrey stared Alexis in the eyes. She got that same cold, dead and sad look as always.


                Alexis left the room, She went to the hallway and grabbed her new laptop. She went to the hammock out the front of the house. She collapsed onto it, feeling all the bumps and bruises that she had gotten that day. She started on the homework she was given and finished and sent it back within the hour. She put her laptop in her room. Than she grabbed her favourite Skulduggery Pleasant book, and lay back down on her hammock. After a while Audrey called her in for dinner. Then she went back to the hammock, (She loved her hammock, it had cat pictures and pillows on).


             She saw Daniel cross the road and start fiddling with a telescope that Jack and Camron had been fiddling with for an hour. They soon got it fixed just right. They waved over at her but she just sort of kept on reading and pretending that she hadn't seen them. They tried to get her attention a bit more but then gave up and went inside. Alexis breathed a sigh of relive, she was glad they thought she didn't notice them. She didn't know why but she didn't want to hang out with them right now. They were possibly her  'friends' now although she had known them for only a few hours.


She woke up a while later. 'I hate falling asleep on stormy days it's so annoying.' Was the sole thought in her mind. "Hey Alexis, i didn't want to wake you but Amythest is on skype on the computer." Audrey said in a rush. "She want's to talk to you, I told her you were non-verble but she still wants to see you." Alexis nodded and went to the computer.


 Amythest was taller and her hair had turned blonder than before. "Hi Alexis i have missed you more than you know." Amythest said bouncily. "..." Was Alexis's reply. "So you don't talk anymore huh sis, how old are you now?" Alexis held up nine fingers. "Wow nine already? You are growing up so fast. What year are you in Alexis?" Alexis held up seven fingers. "What! Well you were such a smart kid though still how did you manage that Alexis?" Alexis shrugged. "Well gotta go sis, see ya tomorrow."


Alexis went to her room to get her uniform ready. She lay down on her bed, She didn't sink into the fluffy matress. She simply couldn't, it didn't feel right to sleep on a bed. She ended up piling her bankets up with her stuffed toys. And created a cat nest. She suddenly felt so cat like, It was so strange. Especially since it had started a week ago. When she moved to England from Australia.


Alexis deceided that it was past time to go to sleep. So she just snuggled in and slept. She dreamed of Daniel as a dragon, Camron as a snake, Jack as a dog, herself as a cat and a strange boy as a red fox. It was a strange dream, but that just goes to show that she did have an overactive imagination.


When she woke up it was six o'clock. Her normal wake up time, no-one else is ever awake at this time. She was just going to go get herself her breakfast. She decided on musli with some yogurt on top, She didn't it much of it. she mostly just watched the news. She decided that living in England is a lot safer than Australia. Less kangeroos beating up people and less dingos eating babies. She chucked out the leftovers (she had barely had any, only a few spoonfuls.


 She was just about to start fixing her lunch when she saw something startling. Daniel, Camron, Jack and herself where on the news. They were wanted for assult against the police (her), for arguing with a police officer (Daniel) and for assisting with both of those crimes (Camron and Jack). She decided to wear her school hoodie today to hide her hair. As it was a glowing green.


She started fixing some lunch. She found some chocolate bars and deceided to take the last four to give the boys, Her mum wouldn't mind. She packed the same lunch as she had the day before. She sat on her hammock and just swung, Feeling sort of bored so she read. She started going to school at 7:00 so she could finish her study.


Daniel Spark


                Daniel woke up at 7 am that morning and got his boxing gloves ready, School didn't start until ten am so he had plenty of time. Out of his window he saw Alexis walk out her gate. She looked even smaller from his two story window, If that was possible.


               'Alexis was quite nice... for a girl' he thought to himself. He wasn't used to girls because he didn't like them. They were annoying and pink and princessy. All bad qualities.


                 Alexis was annoyingly silent all the time but that was ok as she was probably shy. She was the littlest child he had talked to for a while. His brother was five but he lived with Daniel's mum and Daniel lived with his dad.


                  He started hitting his punching bag, lost in thought so not noticing his punchs were better than normal.



                  He had wished for Alexis to be  there at the time for some reason. He felt really confused for the rest of thet day. He snapped back into the real world when he accidently hit himself in the arm. He wouldn't get a bruise though as he never gets bruises.


                  He went downstairs to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Dad had forgotten to go shopping again but there was some strawberries, He loved strawberries. He ate them and felt satisfied. He changed into his school uniform. He left out the school tie though and added a pair of red sunglasses. He was known for being individual and also being tall and deadly if crossed.


                  He wondered if Alexis would be at school today, And what power she had if she had one of course. He had fire, Camron had ice and Jack had shadows. Alexis was a puzzle in his mind, A puzzle he wanted to solve because he was annoying to not know these things.


                  If there was anything to know about Daniel it was that once he put his mind to something he won't give up for anything. The mystery that was Alexis Secora was a mystery that he would solve even if it took years.


                  He started to get his stuff ready. He got his gloves ready. It was winter was very cold in England. He left his house just as his dad was waking up, Around 9:00 was the time he left.


                  He saw Jack and Camron chatting away in fast tones. Their faces tense with what looked like worry. Alexis turned the corner back into the street with tears in her eyes and a tense face. They all spotted him at the same time. Camron walked over to Alexis, He grabbed her arm and pulled her behind him as he walked fast. Jack simply walked over to Daniel and started to babble about the news or something.


                 Daniel just looked at Alexis's worried face and started to feel very confused. But he wore his usual poker face so it was illegible to read. "What's going on?" He asked in a level tone."


"It was so suprising to see and hear a police car driving around and shouting our apperances and what we were wanted for over a loud speaker." Camron almost yelled "..." Alexis just nodded and looked even more worried than before.


                  Daniel looked at Alexis and took in her apperance, She had a beanie on top of earmuffs. She also had gloves and a thick, thick scarf that covered her mouth. But Camron on the other hand had a singlet, some shorts and a pair of sandles on only. "Arn't you cold at all?" Asked Daniel "Nope" said Camron "He is so frosty, like a snowman!" Chuckled Jack, singing a few bars of Frosty the Snowman at the top of his lungs. In a very out of tune voice. Alexis put her hands over her ears.


                  Daniel punched Alexis softly on the shoulder and called her a wimp. Alexis fell over, a bruise appearing on her shoulder.


                  Camron helped her up, and glared at Daniel. "Meanie" Jack said poking his tongue at Daniel. "Why are you so protective of her?" Asked Daniel "Because she is little" Camron said firmly still holding on to her wrist while Alexis went through her bag. "How old is she anyway, Ten or eleven?" He asked "She is nine for your information." Camron said icly "Nine, wait nine as in nine years old" He said, a confused look glimpsed on his face so fast that only Alexis saw it.”She is in year seven with us isn’t she?”

                  Alexis finished going through her bag and had some chocolate in her hand. She handed a bar to Camron, a bar to Jack and walked slowly and cautiously up to Daniel "...." She dropped the chocolate bar on his hand and put a bar in her bag.


                  "Aren't you going to eat that?" Asked Camron. Alexis shook her head. "Yesterday you had lunch but you didn't eat it, why didn't you?" Alexis had a 'wasn't hungry' look on her face.


                  They glanced down the road and saw the police officer from yesterday. He was running towards them very fast. "I got 'em" he yelled as a bunch of police officers from hiding places appered and joined him. "HOLY MOTHER OF HELL RUN FOR IT!!!!" Yelled Daniel as they started running.

Saychi Tokiwa


Hiya!!! I am Saychi Tokiwa (As you know) and this is the first chapter of my story "The Four Elements." I have already started the second chapter of it. It is called "A Single Spark." If you have any comments or complaints, questions or other things please feel free to ask me.


I shall keep you updated with information that i have but i have one thing i am willing to say.

Two of them are related!!! Guess which!!!

So my little puppets.

(Although most of you a bigger than me!)


Remember feel free to ask anything. I will get back to you as soon as i can because i love people asking me questions.

Also tell me if you are waiting expectantly to read my next chapter. It won't be long i promise you.

(Shane would murder me if he had to wait for too long, he has a short patience... Like most type A personalities)




Texte: Saychi Tokiwa
Lektorat: Saychi Tokiwa
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.03.2014

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To Camron, Daniel, Jack and Alexis

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