


Darcee Tana

Smashword Edition Copyright 2010 Darcee Tana

Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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Chapter 1

Grant Mallaby cursed aloud. The engine had died on him and despite several attempts his gleaming black Ferrari would not start. Had it been any other day, he would have called ROADRESCUE, the city’s road assistance service and waited until one of their servicemen


arrived. Unfortunately he had a very important meeting that morning, one he could not afford to miss nor was it possible to postpone it. His firm, T & G Mallaby was negotiating a multi-million dollar deal with an American company and the directors were going to be in Sydney for that morning to finalise the details. Time was crucial, as they were leaving for the airport straight after the meeting for their onward flight. Grant had no alternative. He simply had to reach on time. Having safely maneuvered the car out of the lane and after parking it by the kerbside he looked around and sighted his first option. There were quite a few people already standing at the bus stop. Not having caught a bus for years, he had absolutely no idea about the routes, numbers or timetable. He decided it would be simpler and quicker to catch a taxi.

A good five minutes later, he was still standing by the road, trying to hail down a cab. If only he had his mobile with him, he thought. This had to be the worst day of his life. It started when he burnt his breakfast, then he could not find his mobile, his car broke down on him and now he could not even get transport.

Deciding it would be better to go and make inquiries about the bus service, he made an attempt to walk over to the waiting commuters at the bus stop. Just then he noticed a car slow down and stop by the kerbside. A tiny white mini Morris had come to a halt just in front of him. He saw long slim fingers move from the steering wheel to the passenger door. Then he spotted a brown ponytail fall over the shoulder. That telltale sign gave away the identity of the driver.

Tizzy had seen him standing by the roadside as soon as she turned into the main street. Driving downhill, Grant’s six feet plus frame would have been hard to miss for anyone. Her immediate reaction had been to drive past. Firstly she did not think that he would have recognised her car, and secondly it did look like he was waiting for someone. But then she spotted his Ferrari and saw him look at the watch several times in a space of a few seconds. It was obvious that there was a problem with the car. She had promised herself never to let another man invade her territory. Her car, her home and even her heart, fell within that domain. Her life was uncomplicated and safe. It was the way she wanted it to be. The way, she had worked towards

making it.

Despite her overly cautious nature, she found herself slowing down and before she realised what she had done, her car had stopped and she had opened the front passenger door.

“Would you like a li.lift” - she asked trying not to stutter. The stutter was an unavoidable habit now. Oddly, when she was at work and more especially when she was discussing her work, she spoke clearly and without hesitations. But the moment she was out of those perimeters, it returned like a faithful companion. She had earned a reputation for being ‘the tongue tied, shy little thing’. Everyone thought that it was her stutter that made her shy. It had definitely contributed to it but her shyness was her safety net from the world, and she clung to it with fierce attachment.

Grant looked at the car. How would he fit into ‘that thing’? He had often enough said, ‘if you want to drive a mini, you might as well ride a bike’. He glanced at his watch again, ten minutes was all he had. There was no time to ponder or waste.

“Yes thanks. That is if I can get in.” he gave a worried reply.

A faint smile appeared. So briefly that even he did not see it. Then she pushed the seat as far back as it would go.

After several twists and turns, Grant did manage to get in however his head touched the roof, his legs lay crossed, his left arm hung dangerously out of the window while the right one was thrown awkwardly towards the back seat. All set, they were about to drive off when they heard the sound of laughter from the bus stop. Everyone had stopped to enjoy the scene and found his efforts most amusing. Much to Grant’s annoyance he heard Tizzy giggle too. He himself could not find anything funny about his situation. But he did like the sound of her giggle. At least that was one thing she had going for her.

‘What else can go wrong?’ he thought as she eased the car forward. Looking at his watch again he noticed that he had just eight minutes left. He knew that they were only five minutes away from work but it was peak hour and it was the traffic that worried him.

“What t..ti--me do you to be there?” Tizzy asked

“I have a meeting in eight minutes. Do you have a mobile phone that I can use? If I can speak to my secretary, she can at least let them know that I am on my way.”

“No, I don’t carry a mobile but don’t worry I will g… you there in five.” Tizzy had not taken her eyes of the road and now moved towards the outer lane. A minute later she had turned into a by-lane. Within seconds she was swiftly maneuvering the car through the narrow lanes and one ways.

As much as he tried, Grant just could not get comfortable. He neck felt strained and he was sure his clothes were a mess too. He was glad he kept a spare set of clothes at work. If he looked untidy when he got out at least he could change his suit. Of course that meant wasting another minute and time was his greatest enemy today.

Tizzy had not spoken a word since she turned into the side lane. Grant now turned his attention to the woman sitting next to him. In five seconds he took in as much as he could. She was dressed in a grey skirt, white blouse and a matching grey jacket. As usual, she had absolutely no make-up and her brown hair was pulled harshly back into a ponytail. Her eyes were shielded by her trademark dark glasses. She had dark leggings that went down and disappeared into flat grey shoes, the kind his mother often wore and called her ‘common-sense footwear’. Despite her slim hands and legs, she had a rounded torso. He recalled someone once refer to her as ‘the little rotund mouse’. He had quickly put a stop to those comments however he had to admit that so far he hadn’t seen anything people would call attractive. And the poor girl had the stutter to deal with as well. On top of it all her hideous black glasses made her look stern, almost cold. The only thing she had going for her apart from her brilliant work, was that giggle. A giggle that made her

almost human.

Suddenly for some reason, the thought of this very plain girl saddened him. His association with the rich and beautiful had taught him one thing - many doors open for those with wealth, power or beauty. Those who lack these, have to totally rely on hard work. And Tizzy poor girl had so many more handicaps to deal with than the average person. The reflection on her unfortunate life stirred something in him. He told himself that after his brother’s death he had become a champion of the disadvantaged. He convinced himself that it was the reason for his interest in someone like Tizzy.

The car had come to a halt in front of entrance to Mallaby Towers. Heads had begun to turn as people recognised the occupant in the front seat.

“Blast, what a way to arrive. I am never going to live this down.” No sooner had he said the words that Grant realised the mistake he had made. He was referring to his crumpled outfit and the uncomfortable position in the Mini, but one look at her tightened lips, made it clear that she had misunderstood his meaning. He was not ashamed at being seen with her. Tizzy had done him a favor and he knew his comment was unwarranted.

He squeezed himself out of the car, straightened up and had a quick stretch. He then bent down to apologise and thank her, but before he could say a word, she had simply sped off. He stood there a second, too stunned to move. ‘Blast, she definitely was a strange one. And here I was feeling sorry for her’ he thought. He was about to turn towards the building when he noticed that she had braked. Then she put the car in reverse. Another second and she was back at the spot she was earlier. The window got wound down and a folder was pushed out. As he took it from her hand for the first time, he noticed the ring. The diamond solitaire held back by the wedding band. And then she was gone again.

‘Well, well, well, so she was married’. For a split second the knowledge had a sobering effect and then he told himself that he was glad for her. He had always thought of her as a recluse but

marriage meant she had a family who loved her. Then pulling himself out of his reverie he rushed into the building.

“Gentlemen, my apologies...” with that Grant Mallaby entered the boardroom and back to the world he was familiar with.

Chapter 2

Tizzy parked her car and walked through the side entrance. It was much quicker to get a lift here for very few people used the elevators on this side. In the lift, she clutched her handbag to her body. She was right to take the decision that she had in life. All men were the same. She had thought that Grant was different, but he proved to be like everyone else. Image and outer packaging was all mattered to them.

Back at her desk she placed her handbag down, picked up her mug and went to make herself a cup of coffee. Then she walked back to her desk. Everything on her desk was neatly placed in its spot. She hated to start the morning with a cluttered desk and so even if it took her a few minutes extra each evening, she made sure her desk was left neat and tidy. Only one personal item was placed on it. It was a photograph of two little children, a girl of five and a boy about a year younger.

‘How are those adorable kids?’ Becky questioned.

If any one person had broken through Tizzy’s zone of seclusion, it was Becky. It was through Becky that Tizzy got her job at T & G Mallaby. They had worked together on many projects at their last place of employment. Becky never forgot how upset she had been when she and Tizzy had been paired together for the first time at their first job. At the end of the first week she had felt that she would die of boredom. Tizzy hardly spoke, they never had their lunch break together, nor did they socialise after work. It was the second week that saw the change in their relationship. It was Tizzy’s work that Becky started respecting first. Her advertising ideas were

ingenious. Once they found a common platform, their conversation became easier. Soon their relationship progressed to friendship. As they won award after award, that friendship got cemented into a stronger bond. Becky was the only person who knew everything there was to know about Tizzy. And when Becky went up on the stage to collect the awards she knew that Tizzy should have stood there beside her. Only, Tizzy wanted to remain in her cocoon. And as much as Becky wanted to, she knew that it was not yet time to pull her out of that cocoon.

Then Mallaby had approached Becky to join his firm. She agreed, on condition that Tizzy be employed as well. At first he had refused. He had never heard of her nor seen any of her work and was not prepared to employ people that did not share his vision. It was only after seeing Tizzy’s work that Grant hired the two of them. And five years later, they were still working there as a ‘team’.

In that time Becky had met, fallen in love with and married T & G Mallaby’s Sales Manager, Roger Whitman. Her only regret had been that Tizzy had declined to become her bridesmaid. Becky had even agreed to let Tizzy wear the dark glasses. By the time Becky married, she had come to look upon Tizzy as her sister but no amount of persuasion worked. Becky did manage to convince her to attend the wedding and that had been a big step forward.

“They are fine. I spoke to them last night.” Tizzy answered Becky’s question. Lost in her thought, Becky looked blankly at Tizzy. Then realising that Tizzy was responding to her question she smiled back.

“Get yourself ready for a very busy time ahead of us.” Becky informed Tizzy.

“Why, I thought we were right on top of everything?” Tizzy questioned without stutter or hesitation.

“Roger just walked by a few minutes ago. He said that Grant was sealing a major deal this morning. And that means more work. Much, much more work.” Becky grumbled.

But Tizzy knew that Becky was really looking forward to the challenge. Both of them worked best under pressure. And as long as Roger was also at work, Becky really did not mind staying back either.

“When do you get the kids again?” Becky changed the subject back to the kids.

“Tonight, their father is dropping them off at six. I will need to leave at five. I have them till Monday. I hope you have not forgotten that I have taken Monday morning off. Greg will pick them up at eleven in the morning and I’ll be back here by lunch time.”

Becky did not mind at all. In fact, she wished that Tizzy would take a lot more time off instead of spending so much of it at work. A phone call cut short their conversation.

Becky was glad she had sorted that out, for within ten minutes of their conversation the champagne bottle had been uncorked. T & G Mallaby had taken on their biggest client ever and the entire building was abuzz with excitement. An email invitation from Grant Mallaby arrived at every computer. “Celebrations in the boardroom at 4.30p.m - The American Media have come on board.” Even as she read it Tizzy knew, this was another celebration she would not be attending.

The day turned out to be busier than they expected. Becky went from meeting to meeting while Tizzy continued with their existing work. The last hour was a scramble for Tizzy as she rushed to finish her work by five.

Grant was in his elements. After a disastrous start to the day, it had ended up becoming the most wonderful moment in the company’s history. Grant and his elder brother Tom had started the company ten years ago. He was twenty-three then. His brother had been two years older. Everyone had said their inexperience would be their downfall. But that very inexperience is what proved to be their success. They were prepared to try anything and everything. Failure was not a fear and success was not yet a drug. Within three years they had turned their two-man venture

into a major player in the world of advertising. There was only one way to go, and that was up.

Then Tom succumbed to cancer. Grant’s initial reaction had been to close shop. But during the reading of the will, Tom’s wish was made abundantly clear. And he left Grant with the responsibility to fulfill his dream. Grant tried to do his best alone but work kept flowing in and he found he just could not cope with the increasing workload. When it got to a point where he was sleeping at the office, he began recruiting additional staff. It was at the small business award ceremony that he first got a glimpse of Becky’s work. He knew straight away that he had to have Becky working for the firm. And with Becky, came Tizzy. Initially he could not understand Becky’s insistence on wanting Tizzy to join with her. Then she had shown him Tizzy’s portfolio. After that it was only a question of signing on the dotted line. He remembered thinking, ‘as long as she does the work, what difference does it make if she does not possess the image or the personality that a corporate position requires’.

In the five years that Becky and Tizzy had been with the company he saw Tizzy on a daily basis. She had been polite and professional but totally distant. She had never attended the social functions nor been at the award ceremonies that had taken place. Her life seemed to be her work. She arrived early and left late. That is why seeing the wedding ring had surprised him. Either her husband was away a lot or he was a very patient man. Becky and Tizzy’s friendship also puzzled him. He never understood what Becky saw in Tizzy or how they could have become friends. They were as different as night and day. Even at Becky and Roger’s wedding, Tizzy had arrived just in time for the wedding and left as soon as the couple departed for their honeymoon. She had refused to dance with anyone. He remembered thinking of asking her to dance. She had looked so lonely and forlorn. Then he saw her refuse to dance with Becky’s brother and not wanting to suffer the same fate, he had refrained from asking. He waltzed with Becky and several other people from work and noticed that she had barely looked in his direction. And even when she did, with her glasses, it was hard to know if she was looking at him or someone else.

His contact with her was limited to questions relating to work or glimpses when he walked

through the corridors. As her employer he could have walked into the office whenever he wanted but he had instinctively known not to approach her territory. She worked best when she was left alone. Becky took the orders and Becky brought back the finished product. As the outcome was always satisfactory he went along with the arrangement. With another person this system would never have worked but with Tizzy, he noticed an uncanny ability. Without ever sitting with him or discussing the project, she managed to always give him the result he desired. It was as if she knew what he would have done himself. And when Becky and Tizzy were allowed to interpret the project as they wished, he saw a unique talent that he did not want to interfere with. His clients to date, had always walked away very pleased with their advertising campaign.

Now in the midst of his colleagues and staff, he looked for Tizzy. He felt ashamed at not having thanked her for her help in the morning. But worse still, he continued to feel guilty about his comment. He caught up with Becky just after 5 p.m. and was informed that Tizzy had already left.

Grant could not explain the disappointment he felt. He had hoped that she would be there to accept his apology and his thanks. He had been even more ashamed of his behavior when he overheard a typist comment ‘Poor Mr. Mallaby. She must have bored him to death.’ That statement had made him angry both with the typist and himself. He told himself that his sympathy for Tizzy was the result of the protective feelings he had felt towards his brother. After chemotherapy, when Tom had gone bald and his skin had discoloured, he saw how hurtful people’s glares and comments had been to Tom. Yet he had behaved in the same selfish way. He also accepted that he had indeed felt a bit embarrassed at being seen with Tizzy and ‘that thing’ she called her car.

Then he remembered the wedding ring and thought ‘At least there was a man out there who is better than the rest of us’. With that he joined in the conversation going on around him and told himself that he would leave the words of gratitude until her return.

Just at that point he heard Roger say, “Grant, Becky and I have something to announce.

Hopefully it will be an extension to this wonderful moment.”

Chapter 3

Grant left work at six. His car had been returned to him after the problem had been fixed. What a day it had been. And what a way it had ended - with the announcement that Becky was pregnant. While he was elated with the news, he was also well aware of the consequences of it. Becky had always said she would like to take a career break once she had children, at least until her kids started school. That meant Becky would leave in seven months. He needed to talk to her frankly about her future plans, but tonight had not been the time to dampen their happiness. He would also need to start looking for a replacement after his talk to Becky. At this point when a new client had just come on board, he could ill afford any interruptions.

Tonight however he was concerned with another more pressing problem. Trisha had rung, just as he was leaving. She was flying in for one night and wanted to see him urgently. She had sounded nervous. He had agreed to meet her at their usual restaurant. Trisha was a stewardess with Viser Airlines and a part-time model as well. She had also been his strength when his brother had died. He decided he would concentrate on Trisha’s problem first and then deal with Becky’s.

The music in the car was relaxing and he cruised comfortably along. Then he glanced in the rear view mirror and saw a blue station wagon come into his view. It was definitely speeding towards him. Grant realised that if he did not take some sort of evasive action there would definitely be a collision. The car speeding towards him was too close and much too fast. His only option was to turn into the lane with a sign that read ‘No Entry -Residents only’. It was either a fine or a crash, and he opted for the former. Turning into the lane he brought the car safely to a halt. Then he took a moment to steady himself. ‘How the bloody hell, do they get their license.’ he

complained. Apart from his one major achievement at work, it had really been one hell of a day. The station wagon continued on with the driver not even giving a glance in his direction, far to speak of giving him an apologetic sign. Seconds later he heard a crash as the station wagon hit the car in front of it. Grant no longer questioned the legality of his actions. If he had not taken that turn it would have been him now involved in that accident.

He turned the key in his car, only to cut the engine off again. He was sure he saw ‘that thing’. The white Mini stood there mocking him again. It was parked in the driveway of a white cottage, bordered by a white picket fence. Two Labradors playfully rolled in the grass. The front door of the house was ajar however the main gate remained shut.

Grant could not believe his luck. He decided to thank Tizzy while he was there. With that intention in mind he attempted to park the car in the only available spot and walk back to the house. As he eased the car into the vacant space he saw a man walk out. He judged him to be in his early forties. Then he saw the gray skirt and the pony- tail.

Tizzy had followed the man out holding on to the hands of the two children on either side of her. He recognized them from the photo frame on her desk. At the gate, the children hugged and kissed the man then waved goodbye. Then the man seemed to be addressing Tizzy. Moments later, waving his hands he backed towards his car. The kids yelled ‘We love you daddy’. ‘Ditto you two’ he shouted back.

Grant did not open his door. Instead he took in the picture. The man was obviously the father which would mean that he was Tizzy’s husband. But if he was her husband why had they not kissed each other goodbye nor had he included her in the ‘ditto you two’ bit. And then there was Tizzy’s own reaction. That zone of seclusion was more definitely prevalent. Unless of course, they were separated. That would explain why she could put in such long hours at work. But that then raised another question. Why were the children not with her? One saw courts give custody to the mothers more often than not. And why did she still wear the wedding ring?

Once the car had driven off he continued to sit a moment longer and debated on whether to go over - on the one hand Tizzy might not like the intrusion yet on the other she might appreciate his attempt to apologise.

Again he looked into the rear view mirror. Tizzy was looking in his direction. With her glasses on it was hard to know if she had seen him sitting in the car but that she had seen the car, he was certain. He was also sure that she had quickened her pace to the front door and guided the kids back into the house, then quickly shut the door behind her.

Grant got out of the car and walked over to the little shopping center. Five minutes later he was back in his car and turning into the main road drove towards his home. He never went where he was not wanted. That had been his policy his entire life. He was not going to break it now.

Tizzy had in fact seen Grant’s car. There were not many Ferraris in the area and the two that were there, were both red ones. The fact that he had parked at least five houses away and that he had not got out of the car made her incorrectly conclude that he had come to see somebody else and was waiting for her to go into her home in order to avoid meeting her. She did not blame him. They really did not have anything to say to each other. Theirs was a working relationship best left at work. They lived in different worlds and their one attempt at socialising had already ended in disaster. Tizzy had learnt to ignore people’s looks and comments. She was living her life the way she had chosen to live it. But when Grant had passed that comment, it had hurt. It wasn’t anger that had made her drive off the way she did. It was the fear that he would see the tears that had threatened to fall. It had always been ‘she’, who avoided men. Grant was doing what she had always wanted. Yet for the first time in so many years, she realised there was still a man who could hurt her. And a person with that power must always be kept at a distance.

Inside she asked the kids if they would like a drink before dinner. One wanted an apple juice, the other orange. Leaving them in the lounge room she disappeared into the kitchen.

At that moment the doorbell rang. She decided it was one of two persons, Greg or Grant. She peered out of the window but the Ferrari had gone. Relieved she rushed to open the door.

But it wasn’t Greg either. Instead at the door stood their local florist with the biggest bunch of yellow roses she had ever seen.

“This is for you Tizzy. The card is attached.” With these words the florist handed over the flowers. “What luck Tizzy. You can have my boring boyfriend and I could well do with your handsome hunk. I don’t know what I liked more, the man or the car.”

Tizzy could not help smiling. “That was not ‘my’ handsome hunk. That was just my boss. And you can go for both, the man and the”

“That was Mallaby? You don’t want to swap jobs do you?” Pammy asked trying to be serious. Tizzy knew that if it were at all possible, Pammy would have happily made the swap. Before Tizzy could reply Pammy continued, “Oh drats, I better get back. Look at all those people going into the shop Mr. Smith must have hit the panic button. You know how nervous he gets.” As she walked away she screamed “See you later. Keep the card. I want to know what it says.”

Tizzy shut the front door, carried the flowers inside and placed them on the table. Then she read the card. All it said was “Thank you for the ride and your company. Your help was both, very timely and was deeply appreciated.” He signed it with just his name - Grant Mallaby. She put the flowers in a vase and placed it on the coffee table. Yellow roses were her favourite flowers. Pammy knew that but she was touched that he had bothered to find out her choice of flowers and the colour.

With that last thought, her attension was taken up by the kids and it was all systems go until Sunday night. She took them to the park, to the local theatre, to the library. She cooked and cared for them. This was her joy and she enjoyed every moment of it. It had been over a year now that she got to keep the children over alternate weekends. They even had their own rooms decorated exactly as they wanted it.

Tizzy had been an only child and when her father died she had inherited a huge share as his estate. His marriage to his ‘legal’ wife had proved to be issueless. So much heartache had occurred in the year that followed his death that she sold everything, broke with the past and moved away. She ultimately settled in Sydney. Sydney was a big cosmopolitan city where if one wanted to, one could get lost in and not be missed. She had not wanted nosey neighbours who would stop her for inquisitive chats. Nor over caring ones who would try to match her up with prospective partners. She had just wanted solitude. She spent almost half of her inheritance on the purchase of the cottage. It was in one of the more expensive suburbs, popular for its proximity to the city and its record for safety. And safety was a key issue with her. It had three bedrooms and a good- sized backyard. There was also a loft style room above. This she had converted into her studio. Between her dogs, her birds and her fish, her life was complete. But after a year of hibernation she realised that solitude worked for her soul but her mind was seeking further fulfillment. So she went to university and got a degree in advertising. So impressed were her instructors with her talent that when she completed her course, one of her lecturers lined up her first job. She moved twice to bigger companies until her third job found her seated beside Becky.

Tizzy began to open up to Becky about a month after meeting her. It took a while for their friendship to develop because of their different personalities. Becky wanted a life outside of work; Tizzy wanted her work to be her life. It was almost a year before they both accepted the fact that their friendship would be limited to the time at work. Outside of work, each would live their own life their own way. By the second year of their friendship they had begun to visit each other’s homes. As she got more confident in social exchange, she accepted Roger as an extension of her friendship with Becky. Now that extension was going to include their baby. She was truly glad for them, but like Grant, she too realised that having a baby meant Becky would leave. When Becky had told her the night before that she was waiting on the confirmation, Tizzy had done a lot of soul searching. If Becky left, and she did not like the person she was appointed to work with, she would have to leave too.

Finally she worked out what she was going to do. She would set up her own firm, dealing totally through the internet, emails and chat lines. That way she would not have to meet anyone yet she could successfully run the business. The loft was her office in waiting.

One other incident had helped her make that decision. Her reaction to Grant’s comment and the pain she had felt. It made her question if she was really as immune to him as she had thought. Looking at the roses she realised that even after ten years of living in her secure world, Grant had the power to fill it with insecurity. Leaving was the only option for her. The only decision left now, was when.

Finally she decided that she would leave as soon as Becky’s replacement had got the hang of things. Leaving earlier would be letting Becky down. This was not the time to burden Becky with more work. She would also have to come up with an excuse for her resignation. But she had a goal now and she would have to work towards it. Yet despite her unemotional planning, when Tizzy went to bed that night she took the vase of roses into her bedroom.

Chapter 4

Tizzy’s enjoyable but hectic weekend ended a little quicker than what she had planned. Greg’s work finished a day earlier and he picked up the children on Sunday night instead of Monday morning. He said it would make it easier for him to get to work on Monday morning as well.

With the kids gone, Tizzy did give going back to work a thought but then decided to take the morning off as originally planned and use that time to get the house back in order. That decision lasted until Becky rang and informed her that she was having a very bad time with her morning sickness and didn’t think that she make it to work. With Becky away, it meant that there would be no one in their section until the afternoon. Tizzy knew she could only do one thing and that

was to go in.

At 7.45 am on Monday morning Tizzy was seated at her desk with her coffee mug beside her as she worked through her e-mails. She printed the ones that needed action. Saved the important messages and deleted the rest. Then she quickly sent Grant a thank you note. It was short and polite. Nothing in it gave any indication of the turmoil that was within the writer. It read “Thank you for the beautiful flowers and the words. Tizzy.”

Then she got back to work. At a quarter past nine, Roger walked in and detailed Becky’s horrid weekend. He also brought a folder from Becky.

“Grant will collect this from you sometime this morning.” he said. Then he left after thanking her on behalf of Becky.

As Tizzy put the folder in her in-tray, she heard a sound behind her. Presuming that Roger had returned she turned towards him, but it was not Roger who had walked in. It was Grant.

Dressed in navy trousers and a pale blue business shirt, he had finished off the effect with a matching tie that complimented both items. He always looked incredibly handsome but for the first time, Tizzy was prepared to acknowledge it to herself. Tizzy had always admired Grant, the way he worked and the way he treated his staff. But it was her own reaction to him that she was suddenly more aware of now. The missing heartbeat and the nervous feeling in the stomach, it was all there. That bouquet of flowers had changed everything for her. ‘What is wrong with you?’ she admonished herself. ‘You are twenty-eight years old, not some silly teenager having her first crush. Steady yourself Tizzy, you are moving onto shaky grounds’ Despite her warning to herself, she was still not able to ignore her new awareness of him.

“Here already? Becky said you were having the morning off to be with your kids.” he commented.

“Becky rang and as Greg had taken the back last night, I thought I would come in.” she replied.

“Um..Roger said he had left the Branson file with you. I am glad you came in early. With Becky away; I will need your help on the Branson project. Becky said you know all about it.” Grant was looking directly at her as he waited for her answer. He noticed that she either had not heard the stress he had put on the words ‘your kids’, or she was not going to clarify things for him. Then he wondered why he wanted clarification in the first place.

“Yes, I am loooo..king at it no...ow.” her stutter was worse than ever. Her hands were shaking. ‘Oh hell Becky’, she thought, ‘I will never get through this day’.

Grant continued to look at Tizzy, annoyed at this turn of events. Then noticing her nervousness, his eyes suddenly softened. So this was why Becky was so protective about her. He could see the tremor in her hands. At first he was going to leave Tizzy to deal with Peter Branson. Peter was a good client but he could be a bit curt and abrupt. Becky had strongly objected and had asked him to conduct the meeting himself. Now he was glad he had agreed.

“Look, I know you hate meeting people so I’ll speak to Branson, but I do want you to be there beside me just in case he has any questions. Let me have a quick look at the notes and then we’ll take the stuff over to my desk. Branson is already there so we don’t have much time.” Grant continued looking at the papers, hoping that would ease her nervousness.

Tizzy heart began pounding. She knew this sensation well. The difficulty in breathing, the feeling of nausea, the perspiration on her face and claustrophobia! Her doctor called it a panic attack. She could hear Grant’s voice but nothing made sense. She knew she had to sit down soon or she would fall. So close was she to fainting. There was no way she could attend the meeting. She wouldn’t even be able to make it to the door, forget going past it. She knew she was letting Grant and Becky down, but there was nothing she could do about it except wish that she had not come in either.

The sensations grew worse as she felt her head swim and her body sway. Grant seemed to sense that something was wrong and looked up from the notes. He saw her move slowly around the desk, holding the edge until she was safely in her seat. Within seconds he had gone to the kitchen and returned with a glass of cold water. He saw her try to stop her unsteady hands from spilling the contents. ‘Lord hell’, he thought, ‘this was not going to work.’ Tizzy was a mess. He would have to handle this as best as he could. Again he thought ‘No wonder Becky would never let Tizzy attend any of the meeting.’

“Are you all right? Look, forget I asked you to come. You stay here. I’ll handle it. If I have a question, I will come over. I better get Roger to come and sit with you for a while. You still look very pale.” he turned to walk towards the door.

The tears had started. Tizzy did not know if it was from relief at not having to face Peter Branson or disappointment at letting everyone down. A second later he was back by her side. He reached out to comfort her but she shrank from his touch and he withdrew his arms to his side.

Maintaining his distance, he squat down and said “Tizzy, will you be ok if I leave you alone for a little while. I have to go and see Branson. I will be back as soon as our meeting is over. I’ll call Roger or one of the girls to sit with you.”

“No ..I www..ill be all right. I am so...orry...” Tizzy let out in between tears.

Grant stood a moment. He saw the tears fall down her cheeks. She wiped them with the back of her hand. He noted that even now she had not taken off her glasses. ‘Oh hell’, he thought. He better excuse himself from the meeting. She wasn’t his problem and his show of concern had not been wanted, so he asked himself as to why was he still worried about her? A minute seemed to have passed and she said “Ppl..ease. go...i will fine.”

He picked up the folder and was just about to do as asked, when looking up he found Branson standing at the doorway. With disapproval clearly written on his face, he looked from one to the other.

“I am sorry, I seem to have come in at the wrong moment.” Branson said sternly “Look we can make this another day.” Branson hated being kept waiting and hated it even more when that delay was because of a woman. If Grant was having an affair, that was his problem but Peter Branson was not going to put up with unprofessional behaviour from anyone. The fact that he was very fond of Grant made no difference to this policy.

Grant too was equally annoyed. Branson’s tone clearly expressed what he was thinking. It was clearly apparent that Branson thought that he had caught them out. He would have to set things straight later on but clarifying things at that moment would have been like adding fuel to the fire. He continued to look at Branson and noticed Branson’s expression change. Branson was not looking at him anymore but at Tizzy with an unreadable but strange expression. Then he glanced at Grant and back at Tizzy. That action irritated Grant for he knew exactly what Branson was thinking. It was transparent. ‘There was no way Grant would be involved with someone like Tizzy’. Grant wondered why this should upset him. It should have brought relief.

Grant was not wrong in his deduction. When Branson had first appeared at the doorway, he had only seen Tizzy’s bent head.Now he saw her properly. This girl was ‘a nothing’. There was no way Grant would be involved with someone as plain as Tizzy. He had seen the women Grant had previously dated. He had recently even heard that Grant had been seen with a stunning model. He felt guilty at jumping to the wrong conclusion. This was no ‘office affair’. He would have gone back to Grant’s office, but something about Tizzy held his interest. Maybe it was that forlorn aura she had about her or maybe because she reminded him so much of his own daughter.

Tizzy in the meanwhile had calmed down considerably. Her palpitation had stopped as soon as Grant had told her that she would not have to meet Branson. The cold water had eased the pain in

her head but she still did not trust herself to stand up. She continued to look at the man standing at the doorway. ‘If Grant would just walk out with him, everything would be fine’.

As if Grant had heard her prayer, he walked over to Branson and said “Peter we might as well get back. I’ve got everything I need now.”

Grant knew well that courtesy demanded that he introduce Peter to Tizzy but having witnessed the panic attack, he now feared the consequence of the introduction. He began to move as if to leave but instead of following him Branson walked further into the room and in Tizzy’s direction.

“So this is where your geniuses work.” All the while Branson kept his eyes focused on Tizzy. Grant could feel his annoyance grow. He was very fond of Branson. Their relationship extended beyond their business dealings. But Branson should have followed his lead and left the room. Unknowingly Branson was going to aggravate an already delicate situation.

“Yes and unless we leave one of my genius alone, she won’t be able to live up to her reputation.” Grant voiced in a hurry and hoped Peter would get the message. Instead Peter seemed more adamant to stay in the room.

“With such a compliment it would be remiss if I left without meeting her myself” All the while Branson was moving closer to Tizzy.

Reaching her, he held out his hand. Grant looked apologetically at Tizzy and hoped she would be able to cope.

As soon as Tizzy noted that the attention had focused on her, all the earlier sensations returned. Her breathing visibly increased, perspiration covered her forehead and her mouth began to go


Grant was now angry but he was unable to display it for he could not establish the subject of his anger. Was it Peter? Becky? Or was it Tizzy herself? ‘Hell, this was really no way to run a business’

Branson continued to look at Tizzy and then suddenly looked around as if searching for something. Pulling a sheet of butcher’s paper off the table he cupped it into a ball and taking it over to Tizzy commanded “Breath into this. Breath!” The voice was stern but strangely soothing to Tizzy. She did as she was told. “Now sit with your head tucked between your knees and breathe slowly. Very slowly.” She did that too.

Five minutes later Tizzy sat up. The colour had returned to her face and she looked better

“Ttthaank y..ou.” she whispered.

Branson’s eyes welled up with tears. Grant was shocked to see a grown man get so emotional. Branson’s action to wipe the tears away did not go unseen either.

“Peter Branson.” Stretching out his hand, he introduced himself.

Grant recovered from his shock and made the formal introduction “Peter this is Tizzy McKenzie. Tizzy, Peter Branson.”

Tizzy shook his hand and was embarrassed by her clammy ones. Branson did not seem to mind but when he hadn’t released them straight away, Grant noticed that Tizzy actually pulled hers back.

“I will leave you gentlemen to talk. I have some work to do in the printin..g department.”

Without another glance she walked away towards the coffee room leaving Grant and Peter staring after her, noting her unsteady gait.

The two men recovered as soon as she was out of view.

“Sorry Grant. I guess I should have waited in your office”. Branson apologies but his tone said ‘I am glad I came’.

“That is all right. How did you know what to do?” Grant questioned.

“My daughter had the same problem.” He answered as they began to walk towards Grant’s office.

“You have a daughter? I thought you didn’t have any children. Didn’t you say your wife and you blamed each other for not having a child?”

“No, we blamed each other for losing our child.” Branson whispered

“I am sorry” Grant did not know how to proceed further.

“She left home when she was seventeen. We rarely heard from her and then one day the police knocked on our doors. It was too late for everything by then. Too late to say sorry. Too late to make amends. She was our only child you know. Margaret and I blamed each other for her death. The pressure of it took its toll on our marriage and we both decided to go our separate ways. How old is Ms McKenzie?”

“I am not really sure” Grant acknowledged.

“Does she have a family?” Peter continued.

“She wears a wedding ring and I have seen her with two children.” Grant replied finding his answer strangely dampening. Suddenly he realised where Branson’s questions were going.

“Peter, is she your daughter?” Grant asked looking straight into Peter’s eyes.

Peter was stunned by the question. “No Grant, as I said my daughter is dead and even if she was alive, she would have been in her early forties. Ms McKenzie looks a lot younger than that.”

They reached Grant’s office and were soon immersed in work. The meeting went off really well and Peter was extremely happy with the progress. He asked for a couple of changes, Grant took them back to Tizzy and the changes were successfully made within minutes. They agreed to meet on the Friday to see the final product.

Grant bid Peter goodbye and returned to his desk to take a call. The conversation was brief. Another corporate company wanted T & G Mallaby to take over their advertising campaign. Grant first instinct was elation but reality soon brought him back to earth. He had a major problem on hand, one that would need his urgent attention. Becky’s replacement would have to be found quickly as she would commence her maternity leave in a few months. That would leave Tizzy as head of the department. He had seen her go to pieces this morning. There was no way she would be able to cope with the additional requirements. The success of his company depended on the happiness of both the clients and the staff.

Though worried, he had to admit that he was intrigued by Tizzy’s past and her problems. He told himself he would need to speak to Becky. If anyone knew anything about Tizzy, it was Becky.

Picking up the Branson file he walked back in the direction of the Art’s department. As he took the turn he stopped dead in his track. There behind the protection of the room divider stood Branson, quietly observing Tizzy at work. Grant stood a moment longer and then went back to his office. He called the Human Resources department and asked for Tizzy’s file to be brought to him. He assured the HR Manager that there was no problem. That due to the expansion of the business he was looking at suitable staff to take over some additional work and as Becky would be going on maternity leave he wanted to check out Tizzy’s credentials. The explanation sounded plausible and Steven, the HR Manager was in Grant’s office within ten minutes.

Grant felt guilty at his little lie but he really needed to know if there was a possibility that she could be Peter’s daughter. Peter had declared her dead but then why was he so interest in Tizzy.

He almost felt a voyeur looking into her life. Her bio data was neatly typed. Her name was Trizella McKenzie. Her date of birth was 09 May. The year of birth made her just twenty-eight years old. He wasn’t sure if he was relieved to discover her age or if he was even more intrigued at Branson’s action. He read on but apart from details about her education and qualifications, there really wasn’t anything revealing in her Bio-data. She had done her schooling in Western Australia and obtainer her degree in advertising in Sydney. It was company policy not to ask if people were married and she had not volunteered the information either. Becky had been named as her contact in the case of an emergency. From here he was back to guesswork. He noticed Steven looking at him. To make the situation look realistic, he got up and photocopied her bio-data, flicked through her reference and certificates and returned the file. There were no references before that first job in Sydney.

Steven left taking the file with him. Like everyone else he knew Tizzy was a brilliant worker but he also aware of her many drawbacks. He could not understand how Grant could consider her as a suitable applicant. In his view, Grant would be better off getting someone new. Tizzy could not even greet him without stuttering. Meetings and public relations would be out of the question.

Grant walked in the direction of Tizzy’s office. Branson was no longer there and Tizzy was not at her desk either. Blast! He had to return the file. Forced into leave it on her desk along with a note, he walked up to it. As he placed the folder down, his eyes fell on the photograph. It was of the children he had seen with her. He noted that both children resembled their father.

“Was everything all right?” Tizzy’s voice broke through.

Grant turned “Yes, actually better than all right. Branson was very happy. Didn’t he come back here?” he queried.

“No. Did he want something?” Tizzy gave a puzzled reply.

Grant noticed that the two sentences had been said without a stutter.

“I must have been mistaken. He seemed to have been heading this way.” Grant replied

“He didn’t come to this office.” she said and then after a moment’s hesitation inquired “Grant did you want to speak to me about the Branson file?” She noticed the file lying on her desk.

Without answering her question Grant remarked “They are beautiful children. How old are they?”

“ and four” she stuttered back. Grant noted that she was also fidgeting, a sign that she was nervous.

“Who looks after them when you are at work?” he could not help asking

“Their father, I only get them on alternate week...eeends.” she replied.

“And you are happy with that arrangement?” he inquired

“More that Every minute I get with them is a bonus.”

There was no bitterness in her voice. Grant wondered at the kind of marriage she must have had and was curious to know as to what had ended it? Had she wanted it to end? And why had the father got the custody of the children? But he knew these questions were too personal to ask at this moment. As these thoughts were doing nothing to uplift his spirits, he decided to get back to work.

Realising that he was still holding the photograph in his hand, he quickly placed it back.

“I’ve left the file on your desk. Let Becky know that Branson will be in on Friday to finalise things.”

With that he was gone. Tizzy had a few sips of cold water. She had worked so well for the past five years but now suddenly she could not be in the same room as Grant without feeling nervous and shy. She again reminded herself to stay in her safe world. She recalled that Grant could not wait to leave her car and now he had rushed out of the office. That was the reality and she would do well to remember it.

Half an hour later she was once again busy working at her desk. An hour later she had not moved. Two hours passed and she had completed one more job. She looked at the end product with pride. She knew the clients would be happy. After the first couple of jobs, the company had made it a pre-requisite that Tizzy do their work. She knew once again she would not disappoint them.

So engrossed was she at looking at her work that she failed to notice Grant walk by. He looked straight ahead. Only those watching closely would have seen him glance at Tizzy. He was now acutely aware of Tizzy’s presence, just as she was of his. He did not miss her standing by her desk inspecting her work, nor the smile that had touched her lips. ‘She should smile more often’, he thought. And take those hideous glasses off. Surely she could find a frame that would be more complimentary to her looks.

‘What a pity that the outer package did not match her inner talent’ he thought. She would have been an ideal replacement for Becky’s position. Tizzy knew what the clients wanted. This was an amazing feat for she never spoke to the clients themselves. Becky and Tizzy’s partnership was brilliant. What a great pity it was all going to change!

Chapter 5

Becky arrived after lunch. The morning sickness had taken its toll and she was barely able to drag herself around and raced to the toilets every time someone walked by with coffee or food. Never the less she remained at work and struggled through the morning. By 2 p.m. she could barely sit up at her desk. Still she refused to go home knowing what that would do to the three meetings that were scheduled for that afternoon. At 2.10 p.m. she walked into Grant’s office to

discuss the Branson and Henderson files. Grant took one look at her, marched her out of the door and asked her to head home. Her concern about the meetings was totally ignored. Tizzy noted Grants actions with both pride and dismay. Pride at the concern he showed for the welfare of his staff, and dismay at what Becky’s absence would mean for her. Becky had been sick in the past as well, but the meetings had always been postponed or Tina from the sales office had stepped into Becky’s shoes. Tina unfortunately had resigned so that she could join her husband overseas.

As soon as Becky left, Tizzy braced herself for Grant’s call. Instead of a message, Grant came himself. He confirmed that he had given Becky the next couple of days off. In face she was not to come in until she was feeling a hundred percent. Now Grant wanted to familiarise himself with all the urgent files, so they spent the next hour sitting in a corner and going through each project. Tizzy knew every detail of every project. She had anticipated the situation as soon as she saw Becky leave and had made detailed notes for Grant. Tizzy’s conversation remained limited to work. Her speech was fluent and her manner professional. Grant found himself listening to the tone of her voice. He found himself watching her hands as she made notes or amendments. It was only when he found himself hoping that she would take off those hideous dark glasses that he brought himself back to reality. Tizzy was not his type. Hell! If she was not working for his firm he would never have even given her a second glance. What was happening to him? She had been working for T & G Mallaby for all these years and he was used to her, sowhy had he suddenly become more aware of her and her movements?

While Grant fought his thoughts, Tizzy tried best to ignore her feelings. For five years she had worked for the company and had watched everyone swoon over Grant. She even known that despite giving all of his attention to his company he did continue to socialise and enjoy the company of women. She was also aware that he met a model on a regular basis, which was every time she was in town. She had been happy to sit in her little corner and do her work. She told herself, it was her work that was important not who she worked for. Yet after that short drive in her car just a few days ago, everything had changed. Her feelings no longer seemed to be under her control. She remembered the pain she had felt at seeing him rush to leave her both her car and her company. The cruel remarks others had made in the past had only added to her feeling of

insecurity but had never made her cry. Grant’s comments on the other hand had caused her so much pain. Why had she cried herself to sleep that night? And the palpitation yesterday! She knew Grant’s presence had caused it. Fear of the impending meeting had only aggravated it. But beyond all these feelings was the sense of disappointment that she felt in herself. She wished dearly that she could take on Becky’s role. But she knew that she could never manage that. She never wanted to be the center of attention again. The thought of everyone looking at her, listening to her, was making her sick in the stomach even now.

“Just the person I’ve been looking for.”

Both Grant and Tizzy looked towards the doorway. They knew who would be standing there for Peter’s voice had announced his arrival.

“I didn’t know we had another meeting today.” Grant remarked, finding Peter’s presence strangely irritating.

“Well actually we don’t. I was just passing by and wondered if Ms McKenzie would like to join me for lunch?” Peter replied Grant but his eyes were focused on Tizzy

Tizzy was taken aback. Everyone knew she never socialised outside of work and morover she had only just met Peter Branson that morning. Why would he want to take her out to lunch? She did not have to think before giving her reply. It was polite, but it was a no.

Grant was pleasantly relieved when she declined, Peter looked visibly disappointed and Tizzy found herself immediately softening the blow.

“Becky has gone home sick. With the additional workload, I won’t be t..taking a lunch break. It was nice of you ask Mr Branson.”

“Please call me Peter.” he clarified and then continued. “I understand. What about dinner then?”

“I wish I could, but I am taking the to the movies tonight.” she answered quickly.

Both men knew thatTizzy was lying. No one took their children to movies on a weeknight but Peter was astute enough to know that if he insisted, he would jeopardise his relationship with both, Tizzy and Grant. He could see Grant getting more annoyed by the minute. ‘I guess he has a right to be’, he thought. With Becky away sick he only had Tizzy to rely on and with her problem it meant Grant would have to take on a greater load.

“I understand again. Maybe another time then By the way Grant, I have asked Wayne Lundy to contact you about the work I mentioned earlier. Guess it is the wrong time with Becky sick but they really want Tizzy to do their job anyway.” Again Peter spoke to Grant yet continued to look at Tizzy.

“Thanks. Becky’s is only a short-term problem. We should be fine soon. Thanks for that. I’ll look forward to his call.” Grant answered. Any other time he would have been really grateful for the additional business, but in his heart he knew that Tizzy would not be able to do it on her own, and Becky’s problem may not be short term. Roger had already hinted that some women go through months of morning sickness. He should have foreseen this problem and had more staff working in this department. It was after all, the pivot on which his company revolved.

They shook hands and said their goodbyes. After Peter left Grant and Tizzy got back to work. Though she continued in the same professional manner he could sense that Tizzy was now tense. Neither spoke of Peter’s invitation but it pricked like a thorn in each of their sides.

After the briefing session, Grant went in to the first meeting. With the help of her notes everything went like clockwork. The second followed in the like manner. It was the third that he ran into trouble with. The directors questioned everything and wanted the minor changes to be done straight away. Running in and out of the meetings was neither professional nor appropriate. This was not how Grant worked. He hated doing it to Tizzy but he had to finally call her into the meeting. He could tell she was nervous as hell, her hands would not stop shaking, her voice was almost a whisper and her stutter was worse than ever. He explained the situation with Becky and

luckily the directors were gentle in their questioning. After the initial horrific moments of spilled cups, broken nibs, disastrous sketches, Tizzy seemed to settle down. She listened carefully and spoke only a few words, but her artwork spoke for her and won the respect and awe of the directors. Satisfied at the outcome, they left praising Tizzy’s efforts. They parted shaking hands, praising her and complimenting him on the good fortune of having such a valuable employee.

For the first time, Grant realised that this plain and simple woman, in her old fashioned clothes and her hooded eyes, had made him very proud. She had made him far prouder than any other woman in the past. That pride must have been expressed by his eyes, for Tizzy quickly looked down and began to collect her things.

“Tizzy, I am sorry, I just could not avoid calling you in. They wanted too many changes and asked too many questions. I needed you here.” Grant felt compelled to explain his action.

“That’s ok Mr Mallaby. Things worked out better than I expected. If there is nothing else, I better get back and complete this.”

“Tizzy, as we are going to be working together a lot now, maybe calling me Grant would be better.”

Tizzy looked in his direction and smiled. It was the first time that he had actually seen her really smile at him. ‘It’s a pity she doesn’t use any make up for she could make herself look quite nice’ he thought.

“I will try Grrant but I find it easier to say Mallaby.” With that she collected her things and walked out. She left Grant with a smile on his lips.

Grant went back to his desk and from the second he sat down, he did not have a moment to spare. It was phone call after phone call, punctuated by meetings. Tizzy did not see Grant at all that afternoon but she was aware of his presence more than ever.

At 1 pm Roger walked passed her desk and left a lunch time pizza on it.

“Roger, I think you have the wrong desk. I did not ask for one.”

“Grant did. He said you were not going to take a lunch break and asked me to drop it off for him as he was running late for his meeting.”

Tizzy had the most wonderful sensation in her heart. He cared. And then she remembered his kindness to Becky and admonished herself for getting carried away with her fantasy. She removed her glassed, stretched her legs out and sank her teeth into the cheesy delicacy.

At 5 pm when the phone calls stopped, Grant had a quick look at his emails. He worked through them in order. When he came to the one Tizzy had sent, he opened it with a strange eagerness, only to be disappointed with the contents. He told himself he was being foolish. She was just another employee, possibly a married one. Grant had one rule he never broke. He never got involved with another man’s woman. He decided the email did not warrant a reply. But he could not help remember the pride he had felt when the directors had praised Tizzy and her work. Becky too had received many compliments but none had given him such gratification. Once again he told himself it was because he felt sorry for Tizzy. Then he saw the email thanking him for the pizza. No he no longer felt sorry for her, his feelings were now very different. Hell! He even liked the way she had said Grrant.

He worked on for another couple of hours. At 8 p.m. his phone rang. It was Becky ringing to apologise and to ask if things were running smoothly. She had asked Roger to take some of her ‘non-urgent’ work home and promised to bring them back when she returned. Grant reminded her to take it easy but he was grateful when she insisted on finish some of her tasks at home.

“What’s this I hear about Branson wanting to take Tizzy out to lunch?” Becky asked out of the blue.

“Who told you that?” Grant expressed his surprised.

“Roger. He heard it along the grapevine. Is it true?” Becky knew the grapevine had a habit of being the carrier of the truth.

“Yes he did.” Grant was short in his reply

“He seems to have developed a sudden interest in Tizzy. Grant just keep an eye on him. He’ll

scare her off, if he goes after her.”

Becky had said too much and shut up but Grant on the other hand was intrigued. “Is that what happened with the husband?” Grant has asked the question before he could stop himself.

“Look Grant, just keep an eye out for her. And don’t force her into attending any meetings. I have never told you but she suffers from panic attacks. They can get pretty bad.”

“I know about them now. She had one this morning when I asked her to come into the Branson meeting. And it’s too late not to call her into meetings. I had to get her to come into the Wallis one this afternoon as well. She seemed to have coped pretty well.” Grant said casually

“Blast, I am sorry to do this to both of you. I’ll try and ring her at home again. I tried to ring her

earlier but the work phone has been switched onto the answering machine and so is the one at her

home. Listen, if there is problem don’t hesitate to ring me tomorrow. And Grant, I am sorry. I

really mean it. You did not need my problem as well at this busy time.” Becky expressed the

guilt she had been feeling the whole day.

“Look kiddo, just take care of yourself and that little one inside. We’ll manage. Luckily we could

borrow the two new recruits from sales. For the moment I’ve asked them to assist Tizzy.” Grant

reassured her.

“Thanks, you are wonderful. Roger and I are very lucky. And keep that Branson away from my friend.” Becky continued

“I am only her boss; get her husband to do that if you are that worried.” Grant replied.

“Grant, Tizzy has no husband. She has no one else in this world to protect her, that is, besides the three of us.” Becky’s words stunned Grant

“But the man and the children?”

“How do you know about them?” Becky queried

“I was driving past her home and happened to see them together. And she has a photo of the kids on her desk.” He replied

“Grant, she has no husband.” Becky repeated.

“What about the children? The wedding ring?” he asked

“I’ll tell you everything when I come back. Just keep an eye on things OK.” Becky pleaded

“You should be thinking of yourself and your kid at this moment. Stop worrying. Tizzy is a grown woman and from what I saw of her with Branson, can look after herself too.”

Becky was not as sure of the situation as him but she said her goodbye and tried to ring Tizzy again, only to meet with the same result

Grant could not explain the momentary joy that he felt on finding out that Tizzy did not have a husband. But this was soon replaced by the sobering thought of knowing that her loneliness was probably the reason why she had made her work her life. He could not wait to find out why she wore a wedding ring and who the children were.

At the end of this thought, he looked at his watch. It was 9 p.m. That explained his gnawing hunger. He decided to call it a day. Picking up his briefcase, he switched off the lights and walked out. He took the lift down, bid goodnight to the security man and walked out of the building. He felt exhausted and decided he would pick up a Chinese take-away on his way home. He no longer had the energy to prepare a meal for himself. After that he was going to hit the bed. Getting into the car he began driving out of the car park. It was dark outside but as he took the bend he spotted ‘that thing’ again. The mini was parked in the car park facing the side entrance. There was only one other car there and it belonged to their security company.

On impulse he turned the car around and drove back to the entrance. Parking his car beside Tizzy’s he took the lift up. The security guard was surprised to see Mallaby back so soon but accepted his explanation that he had forgotten his mobile phone. Grant prayed that it would not ring until he was in the lift and out of hearing range for he could feel it lying in the safety of his coat pocket.

The light was on in Tizzy’s office. He walked towards it. Tizzy was standing barefooted packing her things away. Her weary shoulders arched for relief. Her dark glasses were lying on the table. He must have made a sound for she reached for the glasses and put them on before turning to look towards him.

“I thought you were security.” she began. Then she noticed his weariness. He looked drained and she felt even guiltier. If Becky had been here, she would have taken over the meetings. She on the other hand was letting everyone down. “I thought ev..eryone ha..d left.”

“You look tired. You are going to kill yourself if you go on like this. I must get down to advertising for another person. I should have done it today.” Grant surprised himself with his reply. He paid his staff well and for that he expected them to complete their task. If that meant working overtime, then it simply meant that. He knew Becky and Tizzy often worked back. It had never bothered him in the past.

“You look tired yourself, maybe we should advertise for another d...irector.” And then she smiled.

Grant laughed. This was the first time, Tizzy has ever joked with him. In his heart, he knew how true the words were. Tom and he had been good together. Now he was one partner short and with two times the volume of work. No, three times. Maybe another director was not such a bad idea after all. But this was a family concern and must always remain a family concern. That was Tom’s dream. It was his too. And it would be impossible to find someone who had his views and his goal and more importantly had his vision. But she was right in that they definitely needed more help.

“Touché! Are you having any problems?” Grant asked

“Not really. I was actually jjj..ust about to leave.” With that she slipped her feet into her shoes and picked up her shoulder bag.

They walked out together and took the elevator down

“Have you eaten yet? I am famished. If you haven’t, would you like to join me?” he asked

Tizzy thought of lying but just then her tummy growled. ‘Well there goes my excuse’ she thought.

“I have dinner prepared at home. Ttthanks anyway. I am already indebted to you for one meal today.”

Grant smiled. He really looked so tired. Unable to stop herself she said, “You are welcome to join me if you like. It w..won’t be anything elaborate, just yesterday’s rice and Thai curry and the company won’t be w..wonderful either.”

Grant was exhausted and just wanted to head home but he knew how difficult that invitation had been for Tizzy to make.

“I’d love that if you are sure you have enough.” then before she changed her mind he said. “I’ll follow you”

They reached her house in fifteen minutes. She parked in the garage and as he could not find another spot, he parked in her driveway. Once inside, Tizzy made him a drink, put on a CD and disappeared into the kitchen refusing his offer to help. In five minutes she had their dinner heated and served. They talked about work during their meal and he informed her that Becky had been trying to contact her. Dinner turned into a relaxed occasion. They were often silent yet neither felt the need to rush into constant conversation. Grant in particular felt peace around him. It was oddly comforting to know that nothing was expected of him.

After dinner, Tizzy washed up and then she checked the messages. Becky had left ten messages

for her. The last one was more of a curse. Tizzy rang her back, and took a good five minutes to

calm her down. During the entire conversation, Grant noticed that Tizzy had not stuttered once.

Then he heard a frantic note in her voice as she remarked “You told him! Oh Becky I wish you

hadn’t.” Grant knew she was referring to his conversation with Becky earlier that day.

Tizzy put down the receiver, paused a moment, and then hesitantly walked toward the lounge room where she had asked Grant to relax.

“Gg grant, about what Becky told you”...she started.

“Tizzy the day you want to talk about it you can count on me being there to listen, but let’s not talk about it now. I can tell you are not ready.”

Tizzy was relieved. She had not known where to begin. Her loyal glasses once again hid her worried eyes.

She offered coffee and he accepted. Minutes later she walked in armed with two mugs and a plate of her favourite mint chocolates. In the lounge room, stretched across the sofa, Grant had fallen fast asleep. So deep a sleep, that even when she placed a pillow beneath his head and covered him with a quilt, he did not wake.

Tizzy sat in the chair opposite him and had her coffee. She was free to observe Grant. Not a quick glance, here and there, but really look at him. Suddenly she knew the answer to all her questions. The palpitation when he was around, her eagerness to hear the sound of his voice, the reason why she worked so hard. It was him. It had always been him. She hadn’t realised the feelings she had as love, but she knew now, she loved him with every breath in her body. But they lived in different worlds. It was not fair to expect him to come down to her world and she would never be able to reach up to his. She could never bring herself to go out of her secure universe. The chains of her past were too strongly bound around her to let her do that!

She finished her coffee and went into her room. After she changed, she got into bed. She had locked the dogs in the guest room for the night just in case Grant and the dogs frightened each other.

She feared that she would not be able to sleep after her mammoth ‘discovery’, but the moment her head hit the pillow she fell off to sleep. But it was not a dream that she had, it was a

nightmare. It was happening again and she did what she always did. She woke up screaming. The next minute Grant had raced into her room. He switched on the light and found Tizzy in a daze. He called out to her several times. Finally she looked up and he stared at a terrorised pair of cobalt blue eyes. With her hair hanging loose and her pale pink nightie, she looked so young and so very afraid. He took a step forward but she shrunk further back. “Tizzy, it’s me. Grant. It is Grant.” His words continued to meet a blank dazed look.

Finally Tizzy seemed to recognise him. A second later, she rushed out of the bed and flew into his arms. Grant held her tightly until her sobbing subsided. Then he led her back to the bed. He went into the kitchen and got her a glass of water. After she had drunk it, he lay down beside her and held her until she fell asleep again. He could not get the cobalt blue eyes out of his head. He had never seen eyes that shade before. They were hypnotic; mesmerising. He looked at her face. Why would anyone with those magical eyes and such beautiful hair, deliberately make themselves look so ugly. He gently supported her face against his shoulder and found himself caressing her soft hair.

Tizzy’s breathing had settled into a steady pace but still he could not bring himself to let her go. He scanned her face once again. She really had quite a nice face. Each feature being evenly placed. Finally his eyes rested on her lips and then his own followed in the path of his eyes. He thought he felt her respond. But then put it down to his imagination for Tizzy had gone into deeper sleep.

Holding her in his arms, Grant closed his eyes. His last thought was, “Grant Mallaby, you would be wise to leave now. Leave before it is too late. You are used to dealing with confident beauties. You know nothing about Tizzy or the baggage she has surrounded herself with. Leave before you can’t. But instead of leaving, he too fell asleep, still holding her in his arms.

Chapter 6

Tizzy had got used to waking up with her nightmares and then spending hours calming herself back to slumber. It was always the same. She could see their faces, smell the alcohol, and feel the pain as they punched her again and again. She could see blood ooze out of her cuts. She could feel the boots kicking into her, the knife slashing. Could hear their vulgar comments and could feel groping hands. She could never go beyond that point. Each time she would wake up drenched in perspiration and shaking like a leaf. Each time it would take her hours to get back to sleep. Only her precious dogs could make her feel secure again.

But last night had been different. The nightmare had been the same, but for the first time she had found comfort and security in a man’s arms. She had never allowed any man to touch her since that fateful night. After years of terror, she had for the first time, felt safe and secure with a man. Instead of hours, she had fallen back to sleep within minutes. And from a nightmare she had gone straight into paradise where she was in Grant’s arms. Where Grant was holding her; kissing her. She even felt herself respond. This was one dream she had not wanted to wake up from, and she hadn’t. That is, at least not until 7 am in the morning. So wonderful had been her dream, that on waking she still felt Grant’s arms around her. It was only when she tried to move, that she realised that it had not been a dream. That Grant was still beside her. And his protective arms were still around her. Her paradise had indeed been real!

Gently she moved his arm away and slid out of the bed. For a spit second she felt terror. Then she remembered her nightmare and Grant coming into the room. Her next emotion was embarrassment. Finally she was overcome with guilt. Poor Grant. He looked so uncomfortable lying on the edge of the bed, without even a cover. She slept in a single bed, two people would always have been uncomfortable, but a tall man like him, must have suffered real discomfort. She took her blanket and covered him. He did not wake.

She left the room. She could hear the dogs whimpering to be let out. She released them, gave

them huge cuddles and let them out into the back yard. She filled their bowls with milk and returned indoors.

Then she went and had a shower. When she came out, Grant was still sleeping. She got dressed and organised breakfast. Laying everything on the table, apart from the eggs, she went to wake Grant. It was 7.30 in the morning. He would need time to go home and change. She entered the room to wake him.

Grant could hear Tizzy’s voice. Then he felt a gentle push. His eyes flew open as he remembered where he was. There was no sign of the youthful looking vulnerable woman he saw the night before, so traumatised that she had gladly accepted his arms. Now she stood in front of him, distant as before. Her hair was tied harshly back, her hideous glasses were back on, and her plain dress echoed how she looked. Grant remembered her eyes, the eyes he had seen last night. Why was she hiding such beautiful eyes?

“It’s 7.30 Grant, I thought you might need to go home and ch..change before work. Breakfast is ready when you are.” Tizzy rushed through her sentence and left the room.

Grant got out of bed and looked around the room. Unlike the image Tizzy had created for herself, her room was feminine and pretty. Yellow dominated the decor. On the corner table, in a matching vase, was his bouquet of roses. He has especially chosen the yellow blossoms, remembering Becky had once mentioned that it was Tizzy’s favourite colour. It was company policy to give every female staff a bouquet of flowers on her birthday. On Tizzy’s last birthday he had asked Becky to choose the flowers. She had returned with yellow carnations, saying ‘I could not get roses but as long as they are yellow, she’ll love them”. Grant had been surprised that he had remembered the conversation when he ordered the roses at the florist. He was even more surprised that she had kept the flowers. Just knowing that she had placed them in her bedroom gladdened his heart. Whistling he walked out.

Tizzy had put the kettle on and it had begun to whistle too. She looked up as he entered the room

saying. “I’ll wait till you freshen up before I make your coffee and eggs.” Grant proceeded to the bathroom. Tizzy had placed a new toothbrush, soap and towel for him. He returned to the table feeling fresher.

“I am sorry ab..bout last night. You should have gone home. It must have been very uncomfortable for you lying in that position all night.” she felt the need to apologise. He had been exhausted last night and to have to sleep in that awkward position was the last thing his body needed but Grant was strangely surprised that he had actually felt no discomfort at all. Rather, he felt relaxed. He missed his king sized bed and his pillow all right, but he never the less had enjoyed a deep sleep. An exhausted body can sleep anywhere, his father used to say. He had to agree.

“How are you this morning?” he asked, instead of answering her question.

“Fine thanks.” she answered.

“Do you get them often?” he continued.

“No, not often” she lied. She knew he was referring to her nightmares.

“How long have you been getting them?” he questioned further

“About ten years. It’s really not that bad now” she replied

Grant looked at her face. If the terror he saw last night was ‘not that bad’ then how bad had they once been? And what had caused them? He looked at her hands. The wedding band and the diamond solitaire were still there. Maybe losing the children had something to do with it. Maybe she had gone through a violent abusive marriage. That would explain the distance she maintained with that man. It would also explain the scar on her arm.

“How did that happen?” he asked, pointing to her arm.

“I got a bit carried away with the garden saw.” she once again hoped the she would get away with her lie.

Grant looked at her arm again. “Yes the garden saw can be a lethal weapon” he joked. ‘So she was lying again’, he thought. What was she hiding? And more importantly, who was she hiding from?

They finished their breakfast and went back to a more comfortable topic. Work!

“Grant I know I am letting you down. You did not need my problems added to all the other things happening at the moment. I wish I could take some of the load of you, but I know I will mess things up if I try.” Tizzy expressed her regret.

“Tizzy, just keep producing the work you have been. That is all I need. Once Becky is back, and we have a bit of time to spare, I will get down to finding extra staff. If business comes in at the rate it is, we might even look at adding a fourth position before Becky goes on maternity leave. ” Grant relieved her anxiety.

After breakfast, instead of leaving, he asked if he could take a shower at her place. He always carried a spare set of clothes in the car. In fact an overnight bag was always ready for an emergency. He went to the car and returned with it. Then she heard the water running.

All of a sudden Tizzy felt a stabbing pain in her heart. Grant had an overnight bag ready in the car. She had overheard that the model was expected in Sydney sometime soon. That meant one of two things. He was going to spend the night with her. Or that he made it a regular habit of staying the night with his women. This time her heart did not thump, it actually ached. Her dreams were taking her onto a dangerous path where only one person would get hurt. That person would be her.

She heard the shower stop and rushed around collecting her things. She would not let him see the effect this knowledge was having on her.

But Grant was no fool. A minute back into the room and he could tell that the atmosphere had changed. Just minutes before he had thought they had been heading towards friendship. No, heading towards more than friendship but now the indifference had returned. He wondered what had caused the drastic change in her mood, but he said nothing. Fifteen minutes later, they both sat in their respective cars and drove out. Half an hour after that they had parked their cars and

were seated at their own desks.

The day was again a busy one and both were grateful for that. During the course of the day he needed Tizzy to fill into Becky’s shoes during the two meetings they had. And once again she left the clients in total awe of her work and him, even prouder of the outcome. The afternoon gave them even less time with their thoughts. The first Tizzy saw of Grant was when he popped his head in at 6 p.m. to say that he was leaving and that Becky would be coming in to work the next day. It was news that they both secretly welcomed. He suggested she call it a day too.

“I am nearly finished. See you” she turned away trying to make it sound very casual.

She did not tell him that Becky had rung her to let her know the news as well. Ten minutes later she took the lift down. As she started her car, she saw a taxi drive in and head towards the main entrance. There, Grant stood beside his car. The taxi stopped behind his Ferrari and he went and opened the passenger’s door. She could see him smile and then they were enfolded in each other’s embrace. Tizzy had to look away. The pain was too much to bear. As she drove away, she told herself, ‘It’s time to leave T & G Mallaby’. She must start her own business. Be on her own, away from everyone, especially away from Grant and more importantly from the pain that now came with him.

Chapter 7

Tizzy reached home and was received by her babies, barking and jumping around her. She cuddled them first and then let them out into the back yard. Not feeling like having dinner, she made herself a cup of tea which she took to the pergola. There she sat and watched her dogs frolic around. But instead of enjoying the setting as she normally did, all she saw was Grant’s

face, heard Grant’s voice, felt Grant’s arms. She lowered her head into her hand. Tizzy, you fool, she told herself. Why have you gone and fallen in love with him? In love! She repeated her words again. She still was not sure when that had happened. Could she have always felt something for him? Then why hadn’t she ever felt jealousy before? She had always valued his appreciation of her work but she never set out to seek his attention. She knew she had been grateful that he had given her a place in his company, despite her looks and drawbacks. She had always known about the condition Becky had made on her behalf too, but Grant had only agreed on seeing her work. She remembered the joy she had felt when she had overheard him refer to her work as ‘brilliant’. Her work was her one and only concern. No, she told herself. These feelings will end up giving her more pain. ‘Until you can let go of the past, the future must remain as you have decreed’ she told herself. She got up and went upstairs. There she looked around the room. It was perfect. She could set up her little office here. Make it her studio too. With the help of the internet and the phone, she would not have to meet her clients. Technology had provided her with the escape from her handicap. Yes, she thought, it was time to hand in her resignation. As soon as Becky was better, she would give Grant her notice. Becky would be leaving after the baby was born anyway and that would have made things difficult for everyone. The sooner she herself left, the better. She knew she would always dread the meetings and presentations. Without Becky, that task would inevitably fall on her. The precedent had been set. And she could not do that again for anybody, not Becky and not even Grant.

She was jolted out of her deep thoughts when the doorbell rang and the dogs barked their way to the front door. She ran down the steps and looked through the keyhole. At first she could not believe her eyes, then, she debated if she should open the door. Finally pulling the dogs back she unlocked it.

Peter Branson had seen her drive into her garage from the coffee shop across the park. He had given her a few moments to settle in and then he had walked over. He therefore not only knew that she was in, but also that Tizzy had been at the door debating whether to open it or not. He prayed that she would. He was thrilled when his prayers were answered.

“I was wondering if you would join me for dinner. I would have rung you during the day, but I feared you might invent another excuse.” Peter was gentle but direct

“I aaa”, Tizzy wished Branson would leave her alone. She liked him as a person but she did not want the attention he was giving.

“Tizzy, please, it’s going to be a very innocent meal.” Branson found himself clearing any doubts but the way she stood blocking the doorway, told him clearly that she did not believe him.

“For heaven’s sake, Tizzy, you are much younger than what even my daughter would have been. I am not into cradle snatching. Gosh child, I am 64 years old. I only want your friendship, nothing more, and I swear it.”

Tizzy, absorbed what he said, then asked “Why me Peter? I don’t talk much, I don’t like going out and I have no r.real interest outside of my work. It all adds up to rotten company”

“The truth?” he asked raising an eyebrow.

“Yes, only the truth” she replied.

“When I saw you having your panic attack, something about the way you looked, the way you spoke, reminded me of my daughter. I lost her a long time ago, but seeing you, was like seeing my dead child again. We parted on bad terms. Maybe I am hoping our friendship will ease the guilt and loss I feel. Give me some sort of comfort”

Tizzy too had lost so much. She was an orphan in every sense of the word now. Those were the unfortunate cards that destiny had dealt her. And to complete destiny’s pack she had herself dealt the ace card, by secluding herself from everyone. Becky was the only friend she had allowed herself. Then she had let Grant into her car and since then her life was turning upside down. She was not sure if she wanted Peter entering her home and creating more chaos.

She was about to refuse, when she saw his eyes tear up again. “Tizzy, one dinner and after that if you don’t want to socialise, I promise, no more meetings outside of work.” Peter implored.

Tizzy relented. She let the door open fully. Her dogs gave Peter a friendly reception, and then they walked into the lounge. She offered to make something at home, but he insisted on taking

her out. “You are tired, and this was an invitation to go out. If there is a next time, you can be the hostess.” he promised

Tizzy gave the dogs their food, locked the back door and pulled the strap of her handbag over her shoulder. It was Peter’s suggestion that they drive in his car to save themselves from the problem of finding two parking spots and they did just that. Peter noted that even now, she had not bothered to put any make up on or change herself out of her drab outfit. But it did not bother him at all. He was just glad that she had agreed to go out with him.

They drove to a quaint little Italian restaurant by the harbour. As soon as Tizzy stepped into the foyer, she regretted her decision to come. She not only looked out of place, she felt it too. Everyone was dressed in glamorous clothes. The women looked beautiful while the men with them looked elegant. Several diners sitting at the first few tables were openly staring at her. She could sense some were looking down their noses at her and as soon as they saw her partner, the frowns would crease up their foreheads. Tizzy knew what they were thinking. What the hell was Peter Branson doing with a ‘nobody’ like her? She felt her eyes prick with tears. Then she felt Peter’s supporting hand upon her elbow as he led her to the table. As they passed, she noticed everyone turn and look at her, then the whispering would start. ‘I should never have agreed to come.’ she said angrily to herself.

Peter too realised what was happening. He spoke to the waiter and got his table changed to the level above. Few liked to sit up there for it was secluded from the other patrons and defeated the purpose of being seen. After spending hours on their make up and dollars on their attire, the last thing the women wanted was to be hidden from their peers.

As he had expected, all the tables were empty giving him the liberty to pick the one he wanted. Once upstairs he saw that Tizzy had begun to relax. In ten minutes he had extracted a smile. He kept to the safest topic and discussed her work and qualifications. She stuttered through her answers, but when she began asking questions as well, he knew the worst was over for both of

them. He chose the main dishes as he had firsthand knowledge of every dish. Since his wife left him, this restaurant had become like a second home.

As the meal progressed and no other patron came up, Tizzy totally relaxed. What she did not know was that Peter had organised it with the waiter so that it would remain so. Wealth and fame had their honourable uses too.

They enjoyed their delicious meal and occasionally Tizzy was brave enough to look down towards the other patrons. It was a pretty restaurant, where apart from her, every other woman was as lovely as the surrounding. Then she told herself not to be silly. She was lucky to look the way she did. Lucky and safe! At this moment in time, she was quite happy. And she had Peter to thank. Without his invitation, she would have been at home, thinking of Grant. ‘Stop it Tizzy, stop it, there you go again’ she scolded herself ‘Grant belongs to another world and its best they stay far away from each other’.

But Grant was really not that far. And worse still, he had seen her enter with Branson. Seated at one of the corner tables, he was deeply engaged in his conversation with Trisha. She had rung him at 5 p.m. just after her flight landed at Mascot airport. He had sensed the tension. She seemed nervous and elated at the same time. And he had been curious to find out what was behind the urgency. Now he knew. She had just asked him how he truly felt about the news. He had been about to tell her that he was thrilled, when he felt a strange pull, making him look up towards the entrance. There he saw Branson and with him, Tizzy.

At first he could not believe his eyes. He looked away and then looked back. Tizzy was definitely there, as was Peter. He picked up on Tizzy’s nervousness and noticed the reaction the other patrons were giving her. A couple of insensitive remarks almost made him rush over to her side. Then he saw Branson come to her rescue with a reassuring hand on her elbow. He watched them move in one direction, then retreat their steps and walk up the stairs. ‘How the hell had Branson got Tizzy to come’, he thought. ‘God help him if he used his connections with T&G

Mallaby to force her into coming with him.’

Trisha was waiting for Grant’s answer when she noticed that his attention has been transferred to the couple who had just entered. She looked at Tizzy, then at Branson. Grant must know Branson, she thought. But Grant’s eyes had softened as they rested on the woman, and then hardened as they transferred to the man. When he transferred his look back to the lady, his expression became unfathomable, almost cold. This was a new side to Grant that she was seeing.

“Are you OK Grant?” her voice broke through his thoughts “Who are they?”

“He is a client of mine. I am sorry Trisha it’s been a hard day. What were we saying?” Grant asked, but Trisha realised he had not waited for her answer. Once again Grant had returned his attention to the couple.

Grant looked up several times. He saw Tizzy deep in conversation with Branson. He no longer asked himself as to that bothered him. He knew. But he also knew that Tizzy felt nothing for him. He tried to concentrate on Trisha but found it impossible. His eyes kept drifting to Branson’s table, and Trisha found her own eyes following his.

She also noticed that he had become considerably quieter. Nor was he listening to a word she was saying. But she had come a long way to find out his reaction. And she had to find that out this evening. She was flying back on the midnight flight.

“If there is anyone else at this table, can they please respond” she tried once more

“Trisha I am sorry. You have just given me such wonderful news and instead of expressing my happiness, I have got lost in my work again. I am thrilled, overjoyed is the word.” Grant was truly apologetic.

Trisha was relieved by his words. She reached out and covered his hand with hers. “Thank you, I was so worried, on account of the past.” she said.

It had to be that just at that precise moment, Tizzy looked up. She recognised the lady as the woman who had arrived in the taxi. So this was the model everyone was talking about. She took in the scene, the two were very comfortable with each other and Trisha’s hand was covering Grant’s. There she saw the ring. A diamond solitaire that shined so brightly, that seated far away it still shone in her eyes.

Branson too had noticed Grant and his companion. But it was Tizzy’s reaction that intrigued him more. The way, her shoulders had suddenly slumped. The way sadness had encircled her as soon as she had sighted them.

“Tizzy?” he asked with concern. “Is something wrong?” Tizzy looked down at her plate.

“It’s nothing. I seem to have a headache. The food was lovely but would you mind if we left.” she pleaded

“Not if that is what you really want to do. But Tizzy, one must never run from a battle, and one must always fight for love.” he replied with concern.

Tizzy was surprised by his comment. Could Branson know how she felt? How could he, when even she was not sure herself?

Turing to the couple she saw that Grant and his companion had risen to leave. As they walked past, Grant looked up. His eyes were expressionless but Branson was sure that when they rested on him, those eyes were icy cold. ‘That’s interesting’, he thought. On impulse he waved to Grant. He knew Grant would acknowledge his salute and Grant did that. Then, Grant led Trisha to where Peter and Tizzy were seated.

Tizzy’s heart began thumping again. ‘Why couldn’t Branson have let them just go past?’, she thought.

“Peter, Tizzy” Grant shook hands with Branson, and nodded to Tizzy. “This is Trisha O’Neil.” Then looking at Trisha he said, “This is Peter Branson, a client and ‘friend’ of mine. I’d like you to also meet Tizzy. Tizzy works in the advertising department.”

Branson did not miss the stress on the word friend. So Grant was definitely upset, but why? Either he did not like seeing an employee dining with a client. Or could it be that there was more to Grant’s feeling for Tizzy? Both reasons would explain the cold look and the anger. But which reason was the truer one.

While the men exchanged their looks, the women greeted each other. Looking at Trisha, Tizzy understood why everyone called her stunning. She could also see why Grant had fallen in love with her. And she also knew she could never follow Branson’s advice. This was one battle where, even if she never ran, she could never win. Any kind of competition should be between ‘like versus like’. Any other scenario would give one side ‘unfair advantage’. And that side would never be her. The strange part was that she had instantly liked Trisha. There was something genuine about her. That was the word, genuine. She was a model, but untouched by the vanity and snobbishness ‘that’ career produced. She looked at her hand. There was definitely an engagement ring there. She was once again glad that she had her dark glasses on.

Branson took in all the exchanges. Grant was visibly upset. And his anger was directed at him. He had already explained his situation to Grant. Surely Grant did not think he was interested in Tizzy in a romantic way. And then he kicked himself. He maybe 64 years old, but he knew a couple of things about life that these kids had yet to learn. One was that you should never leave your feelings unexpressed, for sometimes it could end up being too late.

And if his guess were right, then he would have to ensure that Grant’s feelings were exposed sooner than later. But how was he going to go about it? He did not want anyone to be hurt, but there were too many hearts playing the game that was made for only two.

Soon after Grant and Trisha left the restaurant Branson took Tizzy home. At the entrance, he

carefully manoeuvred the situation so that he had invited himself in for coffee. Even though there were several vacant parking spots along the kerbside, he parked in the driveway. He told himself that if his guess was right then the black Ferrari would drive by. Since Grant knew what his car looked like, it would be wise to park it where it would be most visible.

They had their coffee. He looked at the watch. It was ten o’clock when he heard the roar of a car. Under the pretext of checking on his car, he opened the front door and walked out. The dogs escaped and Tizzy came running out to control them. Yes, thought Branson, it was a black Ferrari all right. It was time for Act 1 Scene 1.

“Peter, I am sorry for spoiling the evening. It was really a beautiful restaurant. And I loved the food.” Tizzy was still feeling guilty for leaving the restaurant without having their desert and coffee.

“I am glad you came. Listen Tizzy, I have many friends, but I am just as lonely as you. We both need family. If you will allow me, I would love to be that for you. And it would give me great happiness, if you will be mine.” Again Tizzy saw his eyes glisten with unshed tears. He had meant to act a scene, but found himself, living the moment.

Her own eyes were filled with tears, but she could not control them as he had. As the tears fell, Branson put a protective arm around her. ‘Thank you God for giving me a second chance’ he sent up a grateful look.

Grant could no longer bear the scene. He started his engine and drove away. Branson smiled. My guess was right. Act 1 Scene 2 will follow tomorrow. As the car went out of sight, he too said goodbye and drove off himself.

Tizzy had promised him that she would go to bed immediately, but sleep would not come. She

kept seeing Grant and the engagement ring. She told herself again and again, that she was being very foolish. Grant was not hers, she had no claims on him and she should never have ventured where there was nothing to gain.

At 2 am in the morning, she wrote what the outcome should be. It was time for her to leave T & G Mallaby. Tomorrow she would hand in her resignation to be effective as soon as they found a replacement. And then she would start her business from home, away from everyone, especially Grant.

Chapter 8

Thursday morning brought with it chaos at T & G Mallaby. Grant woke up in a foul mood, once again burnt his breakfast, stormed out of his apartment and blazed into his work. He thought he would catch up on the work left incomplete as a result of taking an early mark the day before. Seeing Becky’s car in the parking lot at 6.30 am brought some relief to him. Then seeing Tizzy’s car parked beside Becky’s reversed the condition again. ‘Hadn’t anyone been able to sleep last night?’ he thought

He left his briefcase on his desk and walked over to their department. He needed to know if Becky was going to be in for the day. His appointments and meeting depended on her plans. As he neared the room he heard Becky.

“I knew this would happen. I told Grant to keep Branson away from you.”

“It’s not Bra..nson. It’s me” Tizzy sounded nervous

“You loved it here. Until last week; T & G Mallaby was your life. So what has changed in this past week?” Becky asked the question.

“Becky you are having a baby. In less than seven months you will be gone. I can’t go through the meetings, the socialising. I hate it.”

“So what will you do? Find another job. Please talk to Grant. He knows your work, he can work something out.” Becky pleaded.

“I can’t Becky, I just can’t. This past week, instead of being a help, I have added to his problems. Oh, I know my work is good, but the job needs someone who can carry out the public relations as well. I can’t, we all know that.” Tizzy pleaded

“Tizzy, the same arrangement that exists between us can continue with the person that takes my place, and I am not even sure of my plans yet. I am working through them now. It could work Tizzy, just give it a try. If you leave now, we will never know.” Becky words were her prayer as well.

Tizzy leaving! Grant knew he could not let that happen. That, damn Branson! It had to be him. Tizzy was fine until yesterday. He would give Branson a piece of his mind later, but first he had to talk to both Becky and Tizzy.

Becky and Tizzy took one look at Grant and knew that he was upset. They also knew he had overheard their conversation, so there was no point in pretending that their conversation had not taken place.

Grant spoke to Becky first, asking about her health and then asked if she was feeling well enough to return to work. Becky assured him that she was and made an appointment to see him at eleven that morning.

Next Grant looked at Tizzy. Her hands were clasped together. So tight was her grasp that the knuckles of both hands had turned white. His eyes softened. Becky noticed the change and frowned.

“So what’s this about wanting to leave?” He questioned.

“G…Grant. I am not good at meetings, and at socialising…”she started

“From what I saw last night, I don’t think you really have a problem with either” Grant had not meant to sound either angry or sarcastic but that is exactly how he sounded.

Tizzy’s face fell and Becky’s frown deepened. She had been away for less than a week. What the hell had happened in that short time? They rarely spoke but whenever they had in the past, Tizzy and Grant’s conversations had always been civil. Now there was a totally different ball game in play, with Becky still not sure as to who was playing what.

Looking at Tizzy’s face, Grant once again realized he had said the wrong thing.

“I am sorry. I should not have said that. It’s really none of my business.” Grant corrected the situation.

Becky sensed that the moment had come when she should leave. Under the pretext of making another coffee she left them alone.

“Look Tizzy, I’ll be honest. I know you are not comfortable at presentations. But the few I have seen you at, you were quite good. In fact you are getting better with each one. Give me a little time and I will work things out so that you do not have to participate in the presentations if you do not want to. Ok? Now I am asking you to be honest with me, is this the only reason for your wanting to leave?”

Tizzy told herself that she should feel happy that Grant thought so well of her and her work, that he was prepared to work around her problem. But instead she felt more miserable. For the first time in over ten years she wanted someone to look past her work and at her, but all Grant was seeing was a valuable employee. Yes she would love to stay and work for him forever, but it was not Becky’s absence that was worrying her, it was Grant’s presence. And then there was Trisha. Much as she liked the woman, she knew she could not go through the future, seeing them together. The pain she felt now would be nothing compared to the pain she would suffer then. But what answer should she give? She could never tell him the truth, and lying to him was not

an option

“Grant if I could stay, I would, but…”Tizzy had just begun, when Grant cut her short

“In that case, I won’t stop you. When do you want to leave?” Grant questioned abruptly.

“As soon as you find someone else” Tizzy began

Just then the phone rang and Becky ran in and answered it. Grant and Tizzy listened.

“Hi Peter, I am very well, thanks. Did you want to speak to Grant? To Tizzy? Yes sure you can.” With that Becky handed the phone to Tizzy

Tizzy looked at Grant, held her hand over the mouthpiece. “I won’t be long” she whispered.

“Branson better not be the cause for your resignation.” The cutting remark floated in the air even after Grant had left the room.

Once again Becky frowned. And Tizzy spoke into the mouthpiece only to find that her voice had died within her. It took a few sips of water for her larynx to work again.

By then Becky had followed Grant out of the room.

“Grant, wait up, this is a pregnant woman chasing you.” she called after him

“I am sorry Becky, what is it?” he growled

“Maybe I should ask you that, what is it Grant?” she returned.

“Look Becky, maybe I should have listened to you. You asked me to watch over her. You said Branson would scare her away. Last night they were dining together, and today she resigns. I think Peter has had some influence over Tizzy’s decision to leave, wouldn’t you say that?”

“Dining with Branson? Tizzy? Are you sure?” Becky could not believe her ears. Tizzy did not socialise with anyone apart from her and Roger. Dining with anyone else would be out of the question and especially not a man she hardly knew. Grant had been given the wrong information. She was sure of it.

“I saw her myself. She arrived with Branson and believe me, he was all ears.” Grant could not hide his irritation

“And you think he is stealing one of your employees, is that it? But Grant, he is just a client. He does not run an advertising business. He is not competition. Why would he even bother to do that?” Becky could not see the logic behind such a move from Branson.

“Becky, don’t you see, he is not stealing an employee, he is dating one.” Grant fumed back.

Becky burst out laughing, but Grant continued to smother in anger.

“Grant, did you hear yourself. Tizzy is not interested in any man, I hoped for a long time that she would find someone nice or someone nice would find her. But Tizzy will never get involved with any man. At least not at the moment” Becky commented trying her hardest to be serious and without giving too much information.

“How can you be so sure Becky? Branson is rich, he has power, and he is also lonely. Tizzy is talented. And when she chooses to be, she can be quite attractive and she is also alone. Branson said Tizzy reminded him of his dead daughter. That would explain only his motive for a relationship. What is hers?” Grant babbled on

“Grant what are you really upset about, Tizzy leaving us or Tizzy dating Branson?” Becky could not understand Grant’s reaction. Yes Tizzy was a brilliant employee, but even brilliant employees left. It was never the end of the world. But Grant was acting as if it was. And the way he had looked and spoken to Tizzy. Would she be wrong, if she said, Grant was interested in Tizzy himself. Surely he could not be jealous of Branson? But there was definitely a jealous undertone to his voice when he had spoken to Tizzy last.

“Why would I be upset if she dated Branson? Tizzy is a grown woman. At any other time if she liked Branson that would be fine, but Tizzy is very fragile at the moment and vulnerable. You yourself asked me not to let Branson scare her away. But Branson must be using his leverage as a valuable client, to force Tizzy into going out with him” Even Grant realised that his argument was sounding weak. In this day and age, that kind of intimidation did not work.

Becky heard Grant but her mind was elsewhere. Suddenly she asked, “You said just now, ‘when she chooses, she can be quite attractive’, what did you mean by that?” then before he could reply, she fired her second question to him “Grant are you interested in Tizzy yourself? Is that what the problem is?”

Grant became silent. ‘Interested in Tizzy? What an understatement. No Becky, he wanted to say, I am not interested in her, I have gone way past mere 'interest'.

“The problem is Branson. He is going to cost me a very valuable employee.” His phone rang and with than Grant made it very clear that the conversation was over. He asked Becky to come in for the meeting at 11 am.

Becky walked back to her desk. On route she popped into Roger’s office. “Roger, have you noticed anything strange with Grant?”

“He seems to be very thoughtful lately but I would hardly call that strange. The poor guy has been holding the fort single handedly for five years, and now with our little problem, I have been told Grant has basically taken it all on himself. Tizzy has managed things beautifully but with her problem, it’s Grant who has done all the presentations and conducted the meetings.” Roger hoped he had been helpful

“I don’t mean strange as in overworked. I mean strange as in, do you think he is emotionally involved with a lady?” Becky tried to beat around the bush in her attempt to be loyal to everyone.

“From what I heard, he met Trisha last night again, that makes it twice in less than a fortnight”

He replied thinking that he had solved the puzzle

“Roger, please pay attention. Do you think he is interested in someone at work?” Becky decided to pursue her chain of thoughts

“At work, come on Becky, as long as the work is done, Grant is least interested in the figures or faces around here. The only figures Grant is interested in are the ones on the paper, besides there is only one beauty here as far as I am concerned, and I have already married her.” Becky beamed

with joy at his remark but she still hadn’t heard what she came for.

“You are a sweetie, I am lucky to have bagged you” she answered.

“But ..” she started

“Becky, who do you have in mind? You know you do, so let’s hear it” Sometimes Roger knew his wife better than she knew herself.

“OK since you asked and only because you asked,” Becky began “I sense something odd between Grant and Tizzy”

“Tizzy!” Roger burst out “Oh come on Becky, Tizzy hates men.”

“She does not hate men, Roger, she is afraid of them. There is a difference.” Becky fiercely defended her friend. “Did you know she dined with Branson last night?”

“Now that you mention it, I did overhear something in the lift the other day. Branson apparently asked Tizzy out for lunch. Grant it was said made his displeasure known. I just thought it was because Grant does not like employees being involved with clients. But I still think you are wrong Becky. Tizzy is not Grant’s type.”

“Roger, I noticed something today. There was softness in Grant’s eyes and tone when he addressed Tizzy. Then Branson rang for Tizzy. You should have seen Grant. He was blazing mad. I have never seen him that way before. And Tizzy, she resigned today.” Becky continued

“Resigned? This is getting serious whichever way we look at it. What the hell is she going to do? How will she manage alone? Maybe Grant or Branson is not the problem. Maybe Tizzy is nervous about being on her own, as she will be, after our baby arrives and you are not here.”

“No, that’s not it. She knows the same arrangement could have been made with my replacement. No it’s got to do with Grant. Look honey, I have to get to the bottom of this. Would you mind if I went to Tizzy’s place after work? We can’t talk here, and I think a talk is urgently needed. For my sanity, if not for any other reason.”

“Yes my little Sherlock Holmes, go solve your case. I have a sales call to make at seven anyway.” Roger thought Becky’s imagination had gone way overboard this time but he also knew telling her so, would have no effect on her enthusiasm to solve her mystery.

Once back at her desk, Becky was lost in her work. It was 11.05 am when she remembered her meeting with Grant. Picking up her folders, she raced to his office. Grant was not there. Becky took a seat and waited for almost twenty minutes before ringing Grant on his mobile.

“Yes.” he growled into it

“Grant, it’s Becky here. I am at our 11 am meeting. Where are you? Is everything alright?” she spoke hesitantly

“Oh hell, sorry Becky, I am in the middle of something at the moment. We’ll have to meet later. I will ring you when I return to work.” And with that he was gone.

“And have a nice day to you too” Becky yelled back into the dead phone.

Chapter 9

Grant had been in Branson’s office for over half an hour and Peter had not said one sentence that either acknowledged or denied his involvement with Tizzy. Grant had burst into his office much to the dismay of Branson’s secretary. Branson himself seemed more amused.

“I was wondering how long it would take you to come storming into my office.” Branson said amusement coloring his tone.

“Of course I will bloody well storm in. What the hell did you tell Tizzy last night? I will not allow you to scare off my employees like that.”

“Employee! My dear man, it’s singular. I am only interested in one employee. As far as scaring off anyone is concerned. What would I gain by that? We had an innocent dinner. Grant you were there yourself. We had a decent meal, in a public place and in a civilized manner.”

“So why did she resign today?” Grant burst back

“Resigned? She gave me no indication of that. In fact I got the impression that T & G Mallaby was her life, … and love”. Branson added hesitantly.

The news however threw Branson. He mentally went over what Mallaby had just said. ‘Now why would she go and do that? This is an interesting development’ he thought to himself. ‘Mallaby what would you say if I told you I think if anyone is scaring her off, it is you’ he thought to himself. ‘I think I have correctly guessed what Tizzy is feeling, now let’s see what is going on where you are concerned’.

“If you like, I can try and find out the reason. I am having dinner with her tomorrow.”

Branson asked Grant. Having said the lie, Branson told himself that he had better be able to convince Tizzy to go out with him again.

His guess had been right. Once again the ambers flew from Grant’s eyes. No, Grant certainly did not like his meeting Tizzy. And the reason could only be one. Jealousy!

“What for?” Grant queried, knowing it was none of his business anyway.

“Because I love Tizzy and..” Branson was cut short when Grant did not let him complete his sentence

“Love! For heaven’s sake Branson, you barely know each other.” Grant fumed.

“What has time got to do with the kind of love I have for Tizzy? I loved her from the moment I saw her. And I am sorry if it displeases you, but now that I have found her, I am not letting her go. Not for anybody.” Branson said

“It’s talk like this that has frightened her off. Don’t tell me you have already told her all this rubbish” Grant was wild

“That, young man, is none of your business. Tizzy and my life is not your concern.” Branson tried to sound as irate as Grant.

“Are you making this a fight Branson?” Grant knew he was being insane. He was jeopardizing not only his relationship with Branson, his commercial dealings with him, but he could also be putting T & G Mallaby on the line. And for whom? Tizzy? Hell for all he knew Tizzy might be leaving because she did not like working with him.

“We are not fighting for the same thing Mallaby. I do not want Tizzy as an employee.”

Branson stressed on the last word.

“Oh come on Branson, are you trying to tell me that you really love Tizzy?”

“Why is that so hard to believe?” Branson sounded hurt “Tizzy is a wonderful woman, talented, and ”

“And she has wonderful children.” Grant cut it hoping this news would scare Peter off.

“That would make no difference to my feelings for Tizzy.” Peter cool reply irritated Grant further.

This was not the reaction that Grant had hoped for. When his ploy did not work, he told himself, ‘if I could fall in love with her knowing about them, why shouldn’t Peter?’

“Peter you barely know her. What less than a week, how can what you feel be love? You admitted to being lonely. I can understand your wanting a companion, but Tizzy is not like other women. She is not one who will just walk a few steps and leave.”

“Grant, if I can help it, Tizzy will never leave. I have asked her to move into my home. It’s too big for one old man.”

“I don’t know what sort of game you are playing Branson, but Tizzy better not get hurt.” Mallaby’s rage was almost uncontrollable. Tizzy, move into Branson’s home? Branson comfort her during her nightmares. No he could not bear the thought of that. Tizzy belonged by his side, in his arms, as his wife. Wife! Did he just think of her as his wife?

He smirked at the contradiction in his own remark about knowing Tizzy for less than a week. Didn’t he know from experience, a day was all he had needed to fall in love with her himself. ‘Tizzy, why can’t you feel the same way about me, as I feel about you, he screamed within himself. ‘Branson is all wrong for you’.

“Mallaby, explain this. Why are you worrying about Tizzy getting hurt, when Trisha should be your concern at the moment?” Branson watched closely for Grant’s reaction.

“What has Trisha got to do with any of this?” Grant exploded.

“If I was having a dinner with a lady, so were you” Peter continued

“Trisha is an old friend, though why I have to explain that to you is beyond me. My relationships are none of your concern.”

“Well said, Mallaby. My sentiments exactly.” Branson hit back

“Except that Tizzy is my employee and you are my client” Grant put forward his justification

“Soon to be ex-employee, and if you ask it of me, I can terminate our contract too.” Branson knew their game of words was now heading towards dangerous grounds.

“Let’s just put it this way, Branson, if Tizzy goes, as far as I am concerned, so do you.”

Grant no longer cared if the Branson account was lost. If Tizzy went with Branson, he did not want to meet Branson ever again.

Grant walked out of Branson’s office, without a nod. Just then his mobile phone rang. Becky was waiting in his office for the meeting. He needed sometime alone. He had come to ask Branson to leave Tizzy alone for a while, instead had ended up party to a caveman approach to a simple matter. He should have enforced his unwritten rule, ‘no socialising between employee and clients’. It was too late to enforce that rule now. Tizzy would leave even sooner, if he took that step. No, he would have to ensure, he inundated her with so much work, that dinner dates would be out of question while she was employed at T & G Mallaby.

He drove around for a while then stopped and had a Cappuccino at the local café. After that he head back to work. When he reached, it was 3 pm. He had missed two important meetings, he had missed lunch and he had missed Tizzy. She had gone home early complaining of a headache. So much for keeping her back with extra work he thought before turning his attention to the messages on his desk.

He called Becky in at 4 pm and asked her to bring in all her files. Then with her he went through each and every one, and transferred almost all of them to Tizzy. He told Becky he wanted her to take it easy.

“But Grant, with Tizzy leaving, wouldn’t you be better off transferring her files to me, instead of the other way around?” Becky was surprised by his move

“No I intend to recruit new staff for that section. I want you to concentrate on training and helping them. With three on the team we won’t face this problem ever again. And Becky, let me know what you decide about returning to work. Your place will be secure, no matter how many people we finally recruit.”

“Thanks Grant. I have to admit, I hate the thought of giving up the work I love. Can I take another couple of days to decide?" Becky was elated that Grant valued her so much.

“Take all the time you want” Grant said. A minute’s silence followed then Grant spoke again.

“Becky, do you have any idea why Tizzy decided to leave?” Grant knew that if anyone knew the real reason it would be Becky.

“No Grant I don’t, but I for one am not going to believe the reason she gave. There is something that is worrying me. Tizzy was tied up this afternoon and Branson left seven messages for her in about half an hour. Maybe she is leaving the company, so that she can pursue her relationship with him, or maybe she is running because of him.” Becky thought out aloud.

Then she looked at Grant and wished that she had not said a word. His eyes burnt with amber flecks that made his look almost fierce. His hand was clenched in a ball with the knuckles shining white. Lately Grant was exhibiting a lot more emotions that he ever had in the past. He was known for his cool professionalism. Nothing had ever frazzled him in the past. Cool was not the word that would apply to him at this moment.

“In either case, I am the one who will lose her.” Becky somehow knew he was no longer talking of Tizzy as an employee. She had to have that chat with Tizzy. I must be crazy; I have to be crazy to even think it. But could it be possible? Was it possible that Grant was in love with Tizzy himself? She would have to watch the two of them more closely but this evening she would grill Tizzy till she had her answers. All of them!

Becky could not wait until 5 pm. She took the files she wanted to work on at home and drove to Tizzy’s place, stopping to pick up Pizza for the two of them.

At 5.30 pm she was ringing the doorbell and happily welcomed by the barking dogs. Tizzy had a pressure band around her forehead. ‘So at least the headache was real’ she reflected.

“I thought I would bring dinner. Roger is working back tonight, and I could not face dinner alone, but if your headache is bad, I’ll go” Becky felt guilty now that she was here.

“No don’t go, I am glad you came. The pizza smells lovely. Let’s eat it while it is hot.”

Tizzy said as she moved indoors.

Becky got the drinks while Tizzy laid the table. They ate in silence until their first slice had disappeared from their plates. Becky took another piece but Tizzy refused to have another slice. “You are eating for two, so don’t look guilty. Enjoy it,” she told Becky

Then Tizzy laughed when Becky looked at a third slice. “Maybe you are eating for three” she joked.

“Heaven forbid.” laughed Becky, then sobering down she continued. “For someone who loves Italian food, you didn’t have much.”

Tizzy looked straight into Becky eyes and said “Becky, was that comment going somewhere?”

Becky did not bother to beat around the bush any longer.

“Tizzy, you know the office grapevine. What’s this about you seeing someone?”

“Seeing someone, who?” Tizzy was intrigued

“Branson of course! He has made his interest in you apparent. And you have gone out with him too.” Becky was direct

“Becky have you gone mad. Peter is a very nice person and I like him a lot, but there is no such thing between us. He is lonely after his daughter’s death. He is looking for that daughter in me. And besides, he is Grant’s client. I would never do that to Grant.” Tizzy replied surprised by Becky’s words. And then she pursued another line of thought. “Becky, who else thinks this? Don’t tell me the whole office believes this gossip?”

The look on Becky’s face told her that she had guessed correctly.

“Oh no Becky, what is Grant going to say? What’s Peter going to think? Oh shivers, what will this do to their dealings. I better clear this up.” Tizzy mumbled.

“I should never let men enter my life. It always ends up in a mess,” Tizzy continued in a whisper.

“Tizzy if Branson is not the reason you are leaving, what is? Don’t give me the bit about meetings etc. You know Grant would work things around so that you will not be in this situation again”. Becky continued.

While Tizzy thought of an answer, Becky found another piece to fit into the puzzle. Only this morning, Grant had spoken of having at least three staff in the department. Grant was working the situation around so that ‘Tizzy’ would not be in this situation again.

Branson may love you Tizzy, but it’s Grant, who is in love with you. Now I have to know what you really feel about Grant. Thank God you are not in love with Branson. That’s one less complication to sort out.

She told Tizzy about Grant’s plans for the department, but Tizzy remained expressionless. “With three staff, you won’t need to worry about presentations. Won’t you think again about your resignation?”

“No, Becky I have to leave.” Tizzy remained adamant.

“What will you do? Find another job?” Becky questioned

“No I am going to start my own business. I can work from home. Use the internet. That way I won’t have to have contact, and yet be able to run my business successfully.”

Becky admitted the idea was brilliant and suited Tizzy’s situation, solving all her problems.

“Why don’t you talk to Grant, maybe he can set the same thing up for you there” Becky added

“No! Please Becky, don’t say a word to anybody yet. Please.” Tizzy implored

“Alright, I won’t say anything. I do feel a bit guilty though” Becky continued

“Why should you feel guilty?”

“Well if I had not been unwell, you would not have had to attend the meetings and today you would not have resigned.”

“Becky, my leaving has nothing to do with you. I promise”

“Then who does it have to do with, Tizzy? Grant?” Becky already knew the answer

“Becky let’s talk about something else.” Tizzy implored

“Tizzy how far will you keep running? Maybe it’s time to stop. The past can no longer hurt you. But if you run now your present will.”

Tizzy was silent a moment then smiling said “Aren’t pregnant women supposed to have memory losses or something?”

That was the cue that ‘Tizzy’ was no longer a subject for their conversation. Well! Thought Becky, if you close that topic, let’s open another.

“I heard you dined at the same restaurant as Grant and Trisha. What’s she like? Everyone one says, drop dead gorgeous.” Becky said the words, while closely observing Tizzy’s face

“Very beautiful” was the answer she got.

“Was it just the two of them or were they dining with others?” Becky pursued

“Why the sudden interest in Trisha?” Tizzy asked

“It’s not sudden. It’s just that you are the only one who has really seen her. Did Grant introduce her to you both?”

“Yes, as they were leaving. Becky she really seemed quite nice. But we really did not have a chance to talk much.”

“Come on Tizzy, if Grant was dating a beautiful woman at a table for two, surely there would be

more to tell”

“You are a hopeless romantic, that’s your problem. Why don’t you ask Grant? He is a good friend of yours, not mine” Tizzy averted the question

“Well actually that is the reason I am asking all these questions. I don’t want some money hungry woman catching him. He deserves better.” Becky went on

“Then he has got better. Trisha seems a lovely person and if I were you, I would not question Trisha’s motives or feelings, now that she is his fiancée. It won’t do your friendship any good.”

“His fiancé! Who told you that? Branson?” Becky was sure this was Branson’s doing.

“No. She was wearing an engagement ring, they were holding hands, and they left together.”

Becky needed time to absorb this. If Grant was engaged to Trisha, then why had he not mentioned it to her? If he had promised himself to someone else, why then was he upset about Tizzy’s involvement with Branson? Nothing made sense anymore. Maybe what some people said was true. Pregnancy made you more stupid.

Just then the doorbell rang. Tizzy rushed to the front door. The dogs gave a knowing bark. A minute later Branson walked in.

‘Come in Branson, you might as well add to my confusion’ thought Becky

“Hi Becky, I hope I am not interrupting anything?” Branson asked

“Not at all, I was just checking on Tizzy.” Becky answered

“Yes, that’s why I have come as well. I rang your work and was told that you had gone home sick. I hope it was not last night’s dinner?”

“ The d..dinner was lovely. This is just a headache.” said Tizzy

“Mallaby said you have resigned. Is that true?” once again Branson was direct in his questioning.

“When did you talk to Grant?” it was Becky who asked the question

“This morning, when he accused me of scaring Tizzy off.” again he was direct

“He did what?” once again it was Becky. So that explains Grant’s foul mood when she rang him

about their 11 O’clock meeting.

“That pup has the nerve. He was out with a stunner of a model, and he has the gall to object to my dinner with Tizzy.” Branson was talking to Becky but constantly glancing at Tizzy as if gauging her reaction.

Tizzy was silent.

“I don’t blame you for leaving. He is the most arrogant, selfish man I have ever come across. I don’t know how you both put up with him.” Branson rambled on

Becky could feel the seeds of dislike rising against Branson. How dare he walk in here and put Grant down.

“Peter, I am sorry, but I think it is really all my fault. I timed it badly, with Becky’s situation, the extra workload; all Grant needed was my resignation to push things over the edge. I should have waited. I can see that now. I will explain the situation to Grant tomorrow.” Tizzy tried to defend Grant’s action.

“Peter, it’s unfair to say the horrid things you just did about Grant. He is the most wonderful boss one can hope for. If our situations were not what they were, we would never leave T & G Mallaby.” Becky said sternly

“Your reason is your pregnancy and the baby. I can understand that. But Tizzy has no such reason to give. She has cleared me from being the cause. So that leaves Mallaby”.

“I am right, am I not Tizzy? I am not the cause for your flight Tizzy, he is? You can’t stand working for the man. And if his behavior this morning is anything to go by, I don’t blame you one bit”

“Peter, I am leaving for my own reasons. None of you are responsible for that decision. And you are wrong about Grant. I had never been happier than during the past five years working for T & G Mallaby.” Tizzy felt compelled to clear Grant. Why, she asked herself was she doing that, when the truth in fact was that, Grant was the reason she was running. But she was not running away from him, rather, because of him.

Becky by now was very upset with Branson. How dare he come in and slander Grant’s good

name. If this had been her home, Peter would have been out of the door by now. She was annoyed with Tizzy for not taking that stand.

“Well my personal opinion is that Mallaby wants to spend more time with that Trisha, and your er.. situation and Tizzy’s resignation, is going to force him to spend more time at work instead of with her, and that is what is really annoying him, not that I really blame him for that either. She was a stunner, wasn’t she Tizzy?” Branson said watching Tizzy closely.

Both Becky and Branson saw the effect the conversation was having on Tizzy. She was hurting so much that Branson wanted to rush and console her, tell her that he was joking, but he had come very close to breaking through the barrier, and he forced himself to continue with the cruel remarks.

At first Becky had been so angry at the callous statements that she almost told Peter to get out. It was when she saw Branson take a step towards Tizzy to wipe away her pain, then saw him stop himself, that Becky realized what was happening.

Like her, Branson suspected, that Tizzy was not as unaffected by Mallaby as she pretended to be. In fact, if Branson pushed just a little more, Tizzy would break. Her pain was almost unbearable now.

“Well, it will do him good to have his little comfortable world turned upside down. You are leaving, Becky will leave shortly and I told him this morning that I was taking my business elsewhere. Oh I know, one account will not break T & G Mallaby, but if I pass the word around that Mallaby’s best, have left him, I am quite sure, a major dent will be felt by his firm.”

“That’s enough Mr. Branson.” Tizzy was now shaking in anger. “How dare you come and pretend to be a friend to us and then do this. If I had known how horrible you really are, I would never have paid attention to your words. I thought you were a nice man, who was lonely and missed his daughter. Instead you prove to be this ..this ruthless person. I don’t want to know you. Please leave at once” she cried distressed

“Well that’s a strange one. You desert the ship and accuse me of sinking it. If everything that I have said is wrong, then tell me why are you leaving?”

“It’s none of your business” Tizzy’s voice was hurting even her own ears

“It is very much my business. I have been accused, by the great Grant Mallaby himself, of deliberately trying to scare his staff away” Branson hated what he was doing, but he had to go on. Act 1 Scene 3 depended on it.

“I said I would clear that up.” Tizzy was short

“How? By running away and justifying his accusations” Branson sounded angry

“Look Tizzy, we both hate the man...”Branson continued

“I don’t hate him. For heavens sake Peter, I have no cause to do that….” Tizzy could not complete the sentence for Branson cut in.

“The blow that hurts the most is the one that is hit when the opponent is at his weakest. You Tizzy dear are giving him that blow, not me. Only hate can make someone do that. Only hate can make you walk away from someone the way you are walking away from Mallaby.”

Tizzy was in tears now.

“Peter, I think you better leave now. Can’t you see what you are doing to Tizzy?”

Becky tried to intervene.

“I thought you were my true friend. That, I was like a daughter to you. You were using me as a pawn in some sort of sick game of yours. Go Peter, I never want to see you again.” Tizzy said between sobs.

“Tizzy, please stop, look up, it’s ok, just ignore the man.” Becky spoke, and then looking at Branson said “Mr. Branson I think it’s time you left.”

“It’s always the same, Becky, men end up behaving like animals.” her tears flowed on

Becky looked up, but Branson had left by the front door. She held Tizzy for some moments longer and then said,

“But he was right about one thing wasn’t he, it’s Grant you are running from. You really don’t like him do you?"

“Oh Becky, if you only knew the truth.”

“Then tell me, help me understand the situation. Tizzy, tell me, am I right, have I guessed correctly. Are you in love with Grant? That’s it, isn’t it Tizzy. You are running from yourself.”

Finally Tizzy broke down. The deluge of tears acted as a balm to her pain. She felt a relief as the burden of her knowledge was now shared. Finally she decided to tell Becky everything. But where was she to start, and more importantly where would she bring in the end.

Becky waited with abated breath, and then listened to every word. She realized it was time to bring Tizzy out of her cocoon, before it was truly too late and Grant was lost to Tizzy. If Grant loved Trisha, then the story would end as it was. She was the only one who could find out what Grant truly felt about both these women. And, for that matter, she also had to know what Branson really felt. Did he mean what he was saying, or was he acting a part? This sudden dislike of Grant, this wish to hurt him, did not make sense. The two men had got along so well. Branson was even giving him new business. The only way she would learn of the truth was if she met Branson and Grant separately.

“Tizzy, does Grant know how you feel about him?”

“No Becky, and you won’t tell him either. Becky promise me, you won’t. Or I will disappear. No one will ever see me again.”

“Tizzy, what if he feels the same way?” Becky pleaded

“Look at me Becky, then look at Grant. Would you wish me on him? Didn’t you say he was a good friend of yours?”

“And so are you. Gosh Tizzy, there is nothing wrong with you, except your desire to look undesirable. Let Grant see the real you.”

“Becky this is the real me. The way I am now. I stutter, I am plain and I hate meeting people. I have no place in his life, and he would be out of place in mine.”

“Tizzy, let us just pretend for one minute, that Grant might feel the same way…”Becky started

“Becky, he can’t feel the same way. You don’t feel love for one woman, and offer marriage to another.”

“This engagement? Why has he not told anyone of it?” Tizzy asked

“Maybe, he has only just got engaged. Becky, I saw the ring, I saw them holding hands and the truth is they make a lovely couple.”

“But..” Becky again began

“No buts Becky, you promised. Now I better let you get home or Roger will never forgive me.”

It was past 10 pm. Roger would not be worried but he would be anxious. Becky rang him and told him that she was on her way. Then bidding goodbye she left. Tizzy assured her that she would be fine and refused to go over to Becky’s place for the night.

Chapter 10

As Becky drove away from Tizzy’s home she noticed a car follow her. Then it sped up into the lane beside her and drove along side. Becky looked sideways. It was Branson. He motioned for her to roll down her window. At the next set of lights she did just that.

“Becky, I need to speak to you.” Branson pleaded

Becky began to wind up the window, when he said, “Please Becky, let me explain my actions back there. It was all an act”

Becky thought a second then said, “Follow me Peter, I am heading home. We can talk there.”

When the lights changed, Becky drove on and Branson maneuvered his car behind hers. She rang Roger on the mobile and warned him that Branson was coming back with her. When they reached home, Roger was waiting at the door.

The two men shook hands. Roger looking confused.

“Roger I am terribly sorry, but I had to speak to Becky urgently. I did not want Tizzy to see me talking to her, hence the dramatics.” Branson explained then turning to Becky “I hope I did not scare you”

“A little at first, but I have to admit, I am very curious to hear what you have to say. I will make one thing clear, hurting Tizzy or Grant is not an option you have.” Becky was still on guard.

“And, if I was meaning everything I was saying about Grant, I would not blame you for feeling that way. Becky the truth is that I have great respect and admiration for the man. But I was playing a part for a reason.” Branson explained.

“In that case, you better come in Peter. We can talk there.” Roger invited him in

Five minutes later they were seated at the kitchen table, coffee mugs in their hands.

“OK Peter, so what was all that about?” Becky started

“Becky you are a good friend to both Tizzy and Grant. Almost from the very first moment that I saw them together, I have believed, that Grant did not look upon Tizzy as just another employee. I am ashamed to say that the first time I saw them; I thought this was another sleazy little office affair. Then I saw Tizzy. The truth is, she was not the kind of woman Grant would just have an affair with. And I also saw the way Grant looked at her, protected her. The irritation he showed at my lunch invitation to her, his anger at seeing us having dinner together. These were all signs of a man who feared losing someone who was very special to him. Again, at first I thought it was because she was a valued employee. But his behavior today, cleared up any doubts that I may have had. I believe he is in love with her himself.”

“Peter, even if he is, which I personally do not believe, it is really none of our business. His personal life is his to lead as he wishes.” Roger said

“That is very true. But if we can see two people love each other, and also see that they are drifting apart because they are misreading each other’s clues should we not put them back onto the right path?” Peter asked.

“And what if we put two people on the right path, but they really don’t want to travel together, what happens then Peter?” It was Roger again who did the asking.

“Then I’ll stand by the wayside and befriend the one that wants to leave” Peter said soberly.

Roger and Becky exchanged glances. ‘Wasn’t this the very thing, I told you this morning, her eyes said.’ But it was too early to express their sentiments to Peter. They had to know more about his intentions.

“Peter I work with them. Their relationship is purely on business terms. In fact until my recent bout of morning sickness, they barely spoke to each other. They have never met socially, they don’t know the first thing about each other. Believe me, there can be no romance there.” Becky uttered words that were contrary to her thoughts

“Then why does he drive by her place at 10 pm at night?”

“Peter that is a public road, anyone can drive through it” Roger said

“True, but why would a man drive through a ‘No through road’, park, then seeing me with her, drive off in a mad rush?” Peter added

“What were you doing there?” Becky asked

“Soon after Grant and Trisha left, Tizzy complained of a headache and wanted to leave. I drove her home. So sure was I that he would come there after dropping Trisha,that I hung around until he did.” Peter sounded as proud as a sleuth would have sounded when he had solved his cases.

“Since you have studied him so closely, do you think Tizzy feels likewise?” Becky asked

“Oh she is in love with him. Whether she is aware of the knowledge herself or not, I am not certain. You see, at the restaurant, she saw Grant dining with Trisha. I could feel the pain she felt at that moment. Grant told me she resigned this morning. Now I told myself, what an odd thing for a girl to do who less than 24 hours earlier had told me of her love for her work and the company. So I asked myself, if she was not running to something, what was she running from? It was definitely not Grant himself because she was happy to work for him. So it must be her feelings for Grant” Peter saw he had Becky and Roger’s full attention. “Believe me, if I did not feel that Grant is in the same boat, I would never try to bring them together. One sided love-affairs are the most painful and damaging relationships.”

“Peter, you are forgetting one thing. If Grant loves Tizzy, then why is he engaged to Trisha? Your meddling will mean at least one person will get hurt, if not all of them” Becky added

“Engaged? Who said that to you? He did not introduce her as his fiancée. In fact just this morning he said that Trisha was an old friend. You don’t call the person you are marrying as an ‘old friend”. Things have changed a lot from when I was young, but surely not that much. There was no mention of romance between them. Did he tell you himself?” Branson was bemused by this piece of information

“Tizzy saw them holding hands, saw her engagement ring. And they have been seeing each other regularly” Becky continued, while Roger merely listened.

“Now how did I miss all that? Guess I was concentrating on Tizzy reactions, though that in itself is a hard job when she never takes those glasses off.”

“She has sensitive eyes.” Becky defended her friend

“Did you say Tizzy saw them?” Peter said reflecting back “Don’t you see that proves my theory. Why would she mention that to you about someone who was a mere “boss”? Hang on Becky, you know more that you are telling me. In fact, I’d say, you already knew what I have just concluded, didn’t you Becky?” Peter had once again judged correctly.

“Peter, I have a question. Why are you concerned? Granted you have known Grant for a long time and are very fond of him. But Tizzy is a very new acquaintance. If you really want them to become an item, then why are you giving the wrong impression at every step? My feelings were that you liked her yourself.” Becky said avoiding his question.

“I don’t just like her Becky, I love her.” Branson addressed them, then after a moment’s silence, continued, “I need an assurance from both of you that this conversation will be kept in total confidence. It is of paramount importance.” Branson waited for their response.

“Will such a promise, hurt either Grant of Tizzy?” Becky was the first to ask.

“No, but breaking that promise will” Branson finished

Becky and Roger were now more than intrigued. Branson’s actions and comments this past week had been very strange. His attack of Grant’s morals and work was slanderous. Yet now he was sitting with them, wanting them to believe that all he felt was concern for Grant and Tizzy’s feelings for each other.

“You have our word.” Becky said, confirming it with Roger

“Peter, I don’t understand one thing, if you love Tizzy yourself, then why are you pushing her towards Grant?” Roger was the one to ask

“Yes I love Tizzy, but I am not in love with her, he is. There is a difference in the kind of love we both feel for her.” Branson replied promptly.

“Answer this then Peter, why have you taken on the task of becoming their match-maker. What do you gain from it? And who are you really trying to help, Tizzy or Grant?”

“It does not matter who I am trying to help. If my deductions are correct, then they belong together.”

“Then let’s go back to what I asked earlier. What do you gain by it?” You are practically a stranger to..?”

“No Becky, I am not a stranger. Far from it! You see, I am Tizzy’s grandfather.” Peter’s words stunned Roger and Becky. Becky’s mug fell from her hands. Roger merely stared at Branson’s face.

“You are what?” Roger exclaimed

“My wife Betty, and I shared one child. A daughter named Cynthia. Though we loved her very dearly, we got caught up in ensuring that our business was a success. Betty and I worked long hours and we established a thriving company. Cynthia went to the best of schools and lacked nothing that money could buy. We did not realise that the one thing that she wanted from us was the only thing we could not give at that stage. That was our time. We grew apart. Then when she was seventeen, she announced that she was pregnant. Twenty-eight years ago, society was not so accepting of unwed mothers. We gave her an ultimatum; it was either marriage or an abortion. The next day she left home. For a week Betty and I searched every nook and corner and met with all her friends. But there was no trace of her. From her friends, we learnt that her baby’s father was married. A week later we received a letter from Cynthia. She told us she never wanted to see us again. She wrote that we had let her down at a time when she needed us the most. That she would not abort the child and that she could not marry the father. She said she would bring up her child herself and that as long as we did not try to find her, she would send us a photo of the

baby every year on its birthday, for old times’ sake. But if we made any attempt to find her then she would break all contact with us. Betty and I decided that some news of our daughter was better than none, so we agreed. Cynthia had a baby girl twenty-eight years ago. Every birthday after that, she sent us a photo. Seeing our grandchild grow year by year and finding that we were missing our child too, Betty and I began fighting and blaming each other for what happened. In the end, the pressure was too much for our marriage. We first separated, and later divorced fifteen years ago. Cynthia wrote of her disappointment is us. She sent one last photograph of our granddaughter. Our granddaughter was 12 years old in it. We never heard from Cynthia again for the next five years. Then suddenly I received a letter from her. She told us that she was dying. That finally she came to realise how hard parenthood was. That she had promised to always be there for her daughter. But when Tizzy’s father died she was unable to cope with his loss and had taken to drinking. Her daughter began keeping very late hours, dancing away till the early hours of the morning. Then one night Trizella was brutally attacked. Had it not been for a couple of men who had come out of the dance hall to have a cigarette, she would have been raped, maybe even killed. When Cynthia learnt of it, drunk as she was, she accused her of ‘asking’ for it with the way she dressed, and the hours that she kept. Trizella left home that night, taking all the money in her personal bank account. Her father it seems had made large deposits on a regular basis. I guess it was his way of making up for not being there for Trizella. Cynthia was sure Trizella would be able to cope on her own and at twenty-one would inherit not only a home but also a substantial amount of money from her father’s estate. She said she did have one regret, that in her anger at our divorce, she had told Trizella that her grandparents had died in an accident. That was our last communication from her. We searched everywhere for Trizella. The letter was postmarked Broome, but no one in Broome had heard of either of them. We lived in dread for a couple of years. Dreading every phone calls in case it was the police with the bad news. Dreading the papers, in case we read her name. In her letter the only clue that I had about my grandchild was that her name was Trizella. I didn’t know if my daughter lived under an alias. And I didn’t know what surname she had given her daughter.” Peter saw Roger and Becky listen with rapt attention.

“I am sorry to hear all this Peter, I really am, but how can you be sure that, Trizella is Tizzy.” Roger asked

“Cynthia had the same breathing problem. I think Tizzy is about the same age as what Trizella would be now. I am sure of it. Her features resemble her mothers.” Then looking at Becky he said “And I think Becky is sure of it too.”

“Tizzy has not told me much of her past. But I do know she was attacked once. And that she left home as a result of that attack. And that she was disappointed that her mother had not stood up for her.” Becky said “but the two incidents could be totally unrelated and mere coincidences.”

Peter reached into his back pocket and took out a wallet. From it he produced a photo. In it a twelve-year-old child was smiling back. Her brown hair fell in gentle curls around her shoulder. You could call her a pretty child, but what made her look truly beautiful, were her eyes.

“I have never seen Tizzy without her glasses, but I can bet anything, that her eyes are cobalt blue. Becky, am I right?” Peter asked. Roger too looked at Becky questioningly.

“The deepest cobalt blue: the clearest cobalt blue. God! Can it really be true? Why haven’t you said anything to Tizzy?”

“Both Tizzy and her mother have this habit of disappearing on us. I wanted to make sure that Tizzy had reached a point when she could trust me enough to stay when I told her about us. Don’t forget that she has been told that her grandparents are dead. I was hoping to befriend her, and once she trusted me enough, I would have told her my side of things. But then the two of them had to go and fall in love. And I could see that Tizzy was going to run anyway, unless I did something about it. The girl had already resigned. I thought if I could get her to admit her feelings or to stay on at T & G Mallaby a bit longer as a result of my so-called dislike of Grant, I could buy more time. I need that time, Becky.”

“Peter even if we are sure of Tizzy’s feeling, Grant has not confirmed our suspicions. What if he is just being nice? Grant has always taken care of his employees. And since his brother’s death, he has been extra careful of any employee who has a disability.” Roger put in

“Grants parting words this morning were ‘Let’s put it this way, Branson, if Tizzy goes, as far as I am concerned, so do you’. Now why would a man jeopardise an annual quarter of a million dollar account, for a mere employee?” Peter finished

“So what do we do now? There is Trisha to think about, Tizzy’s resignation, and Grant’s feelings too.” Becky started.

“You are going to concentrate on the little baby within you, and leave the rest to both of us. You haven’t been well lately anyway.” Roger clarified.

“I agree with Roger, though I will ask you to keep an eye on Tizzy for me. I know I hurt and upset her today. Until I get a chance to explain, please put in a good word for me every now and then. I don’t want my only grandchild hating me too.” Peter said

“Look I will take care of myself, but Grant is a very good friend of mine. I think I should be the one to talk to him.” Becky argued

“Don’t tell him anything about our conversation. That all can wait till later. By the way, what’s this about Tizzy having children? The times I have been there, she has been alone and she has never spoken of them.” Peter asked

“Who told you she has children?” Becky asked

“Grant, I think he thought the news would act as a deterrent to me.” Branson smiled

“They are not her children. Tizzy does voluntary work at a cancer hospital. Their mother has cancer. Tizzy gets the children every alternate weekend, to give the parents time to rest and be by themselves. The mother is at her worst after her chemotherapy on Fridays and her husband likes to give his full attention to her needs. It’s a regular arrangement at the moment. So I just hope, it’s not going to be Grant who is going to be deterred by their presence.” Yes, thought Becky, she needed to have that talk with Grant.

“And the wedding ring? I noticed she wears one.” Peter questioned

“Even though Tizzy has pretty much recovered from that attack in physical terms, she is still emotionally scarred. She has done a lot to herself, in order to protect herself from anything like that happening again in the future. Trying to make herself look ugly and inconspicuous was one of her defenses. She had built a fortress around her against all men, but I guess she must have a guardian angel somewhere out there. In less than a week, she has two men fighting for her love. I used to pray that someone nice would come along for her. Now I hope that ‘the someone nice’, will want to stay.” Becky became pensive. A lot of relationships could be irrevocably damaged if things did not turn out as they hoped. Their little game could back fire really badly on all of them.

Roger and Peter were thinking the same. Becky’s meeting with Grant, was going to decide if

they, the ‘three match makers’ were going to get involved.

Chapter 11

Tizzy tossed and turned in bed. It was 10 pm. She had hoped to have an early start the next morning in order to make up for the time she had lost in the afternoon. Her headache had worsened and sleep was evading her. Finally she got up and made herself a cup of tea. Taking it into the lounge room she sat down in the same seat she had the night Grant had gone to sleep on the lounge. Her dogs followed her in, one sitting on either side of her.

She stared at the now empty sofa, and then the tears once again fell. She told herself she was right in taking the decision to resign. She prayed that somehow, Grant would find her replacement soon so that she could get away from work soon. She had thought that she would be able to avoid Grant for the next few months and carry on with her job as before, but she knew now that Grant did not have to be in the room, for her to feel his presence. He was now a part of her and the pain she felt was never going to ease. But at least if he was not in sight she might have a better chance of keeping him off her mind too.

Suddenly the dogs barked and Tizzy jumped out of her seat. Then the doorbell rang. Tizzy guessed it had to be someone she knew from the way the dogs were wagging their tails. She looked into the keyhole. Her heartbeat once again ceased. Wwhat was Grant doing standing outside her door at this time of the night,? Something had to be wrong. Without thinking twice she opened the door, and stuttered “G..rr..ant, is everyth..hing al right?”

Grant did not answer. He was once again mesmerized. Her eyes had the same hypnotic effect on him as they had on the night of the nightmare. He could not look away. He was almost sure he did not even blink. Words would not come out either. It was the dogs that broke the spell.

“I am sorry I did not mean to alarm you. I was passing by and your lights were on. I thought I

would just check in and see how you are feeling. I hope your headache is better?” Grant hoped he would be forgiven for his little white lie. No one passes by anywhere at this time of the night.

“I am fine. I was not able to sleep so I was having a cup of t.tea. Please come in. In fact would you like one?” she asked

“If you are sure I am not going to keep you awake longer.” he hoped he sounded genuine. The truth was he wanted to see her again, if that meant that she would miss out on a little sleep, he’d rather that than miss out on her company.

Tizzy returned with his tea. She also returned with her glasses.

“Tizzy you have the most beautiful eyes that I have seen. Why do you hide them behind those glasses?” he had said it before he could stop himself.

“They are sensitive to light. They hurt if I don’t have my glasses on.” she replied ignoring his compliment.

He knew that she was making up the excuse for she had been sitting in the light without her glasses when he entered but still, Grant got up and switched the lights off. “In that case we will talk in the dark.” he remarked.

Then he tried to make his way back to his seat in the dark, only to yell, as his right foot hit the leg of the coffee table. “Hell!” he gave out a small curse.

Tizzy made her way to the switch and soon light flooded the room again. She looked a moment in his direction, then asked “Are you ok?”

Grant nodded and walked slowly back to his seat. Tizzy stood another few moments by the switch, then dimmed the light and came back to her chair.

“I can’t have you dropping tea on yourself as well.” with that she took off her glasses. Even in the subdued lighting he could tell that she had been crying Her eyes glistened with the after effects of her tears. If he had been more in control of their situation and their relationship he would have been over consoling her. But Tizzy had once again built up the wall that only her nightmares seem to bring down. He decided to stay where he was. The dimmer had added

softness to her features and he watched them as he took a sip of his tea.

“Tizzy, I have to be honest with you, I wasn’t just passing by.” Grant acknowledged after his sip.

“I know Grant” Tizzy said, a smile escaping her lips “You can’t pass through here. There is nowhere to go.”

Grant was glad he had owned up. He was also glad that she was smiling about it. The sign was an encouraging one.

“I actually wanted to speak to you.” he was still mesmerized by her eyes. He noticed she took every opportunity to look away; the dogs were her most frequent excuse.

“I was thinking the same thing before you came.” she said

“In that case its ladies first. What did you want to talk to me about?” he asked

Now that the moment was here, she did not know how to begin. How was she to explain her relationship with Peter and how was she going to pressure him into finding a replacement for her sooner than later.

“How long do you think it will take before you aad..vertise my position Grrant?”

She stuttered

This was not what Grant wanted to hear. The question upset Grant and this time he knew why. He was in love with her, but Tizzy did not return that feeling. She just wanted to leave. He was going to ask her not to make any rash decisions. He wanted to tell her that he had worked things out so that she would never have to attend a meeting. That he was setting up a new department with her heading it and it would be totally based on the internet. Where, unless there was a problem, she would never have to meet the clients. That he would do anything not to lose her. After the question she had put to him, these were not the things he could tell her. Her question meant that she could not wait to get away. Did that mean that she was going to move into Peter’s home? Tizzy I wish you would sit still long enough for me to be able to read your eyes, he thought. What do you truly feel?

“Are you so very unhappy at work?” he asked in a sober tone.

“Unhappy! Never Grant, I love, er my work too much for that. I just thought that now that I have decided to leave the sooner I do that the better.” Tizzy said

“So you are moving in with Peter?” Grant moved to the point

“Move in with Peter? Grant I knew that the rumours had started about my relationship with him, but how can people assume a thing like that? How could you even think I would do that?” Tizzy felt insulted. Despite all her guarded actions the time had once again come where people misjudged her actions. First her precious mother had done that, now her beloved Grant. No, she thought ‘My decision to move out was the right one’

Grant peered into her eyes. There was hurt in them now. Hurt, was one thing he never wanted to see in those eyes or be the cause of it.

“Don’t Tizzy, don’t look at me that way. I did not mean to hurt or insult you in any way. I met Branson this morning. He said he had asked you to move in with him. I just thought that your need to get away from work had something to do with that offer.” Grant had to clear his name. He could not bear to have her think badly of him.

“Peter told you that himself?” she asked

“Yes. Are you? He replied and questioned at the same time

“Did he say I was?” Tizzy asked

“He said he had asked you, I presumed you had not yet given your answer.” Grant was watching closely.

“If he said it, and you believed it, I guess I must be.” Tizzy said in a matter of fact tone

“Tizzy, I want to believe differently. Peter is a nice enough person. In fact, I got along quite well with him, but leaving the work you love, and he is so much older..” Grant said

“I am not leaving because of Peter. That decision was mine alone. Peter has not asked me to move into his home. Even if he did, I would not be doing that. I have my own place. I am happy here.” Tizzy cleared the situation up.

Tizzy, Grant thought, ‘all you are saying is that you will not move into his home. What I want to

hear is that you will have nothing to do with him’. But to her he said

“So we come back to my earlier question. That means, you are not happy at work. Is that correct?” Grant had taken a full circle and he was back to the start with not a question answered the way he wanted. She did not reply.

“Tizzy I will be honest with you, I don’t want you to leave. I had already made plans for the future to ensure you never have to attending presentations and meeting. You will only have to deal with me and maybe Roger. I was setting up a separate division that would be based on orders over the Internet...” Grant got no further

“Oh Grant! We really do think alike. Come with me.” with that she led the way to the studio upstairs. On the way up, she smiled to herself at the irony of things. Grant was ensuring that she would only have to deal with him, and it was him, that she was running from, her feelings for him that she was escaping.

Once upstairs, Grant saw her little production unit. It was fully equipped, down to the draw pins and pencils. Everything was ready. She only had to advertise and wait for the business. The sight should have made him happy but instead he felt utter disappointment. Tizzy would not change her mind now, she had planned and organised too much. She had even designed her business card. TM it read.

“How long have you been planning this?” he had not meant to sound as if he was accusing her, but his tone implied that.

“Grant, you don’t t..think I was doing this behind your back? This room has always been like

this, it’s my workshop, and it’s where I usually b..brought my work. But in this past week, the

idea took concrete form. I only showed it to you so that you don’t think later that I stole your


Tizzy was hoping Grant would be happy for her. It seemed he wasn’t. He must think, she was

going to take his business with her.

“Grant, I won’t be competing with T & G Mallaby. Nor am I going to try and take any of your

clients” she rushed the words.

“I thought you would want to look after the Branson file at least.” again Grant could not hold back the sarcasm.

“Never, ..P..Peter asks too many questions. I don’t want direct contact with any of my clients.” she joked.

Grant found himself smiling back.

“So you are definitely leaving. In that case, I will put the ad in this weekend’s paper.” he said hoping to find some sort of reaction in her eyes.

Instead she walked up to the desk and returned with her business card “Then, can I give you my very first business card. Who knows you might bring me luck?”

As he took it from her hand, his fingers gently brushed hers. They stood looking at each other for what seemed to be an eternity. Both hearts beat wildly but neither was able to hear the others. Grant moved forward. The spell was broken. Tizzy turned and walked to the wall to switch off the light. Grant looked at her standing with her back to him and then he began descending the steps.

At the bottom, he turned and watched as Tizzy maneuvered the last of the steps. He did not go back into the lounge. Instead he stood by the front door. If Tizzy had already decided to go, there was no point in staying on.

“I am sorry to see you go but I do wish you every success. I won’t be seeing you tomorrow at work. I am flying to Melbourne. I have a presentation there. I’ll see you when I return”.

“ T..Thanks Grant, I am sorry to let you down. This was the worst moment to do this to you.” she began

“Don’t feel guilty Tizzy, you should feel proud of yourself. It’s a bold venture. Though, why I am happy for you is beyond me. One day you are going to end up being competition. I can already see that.” He tried to joke, but his eyes were serious as they met hers.

“Hardly a rival, G..grant. I only want a small business, just big enough to keep me busy. But it will be mine and that is important to me right now.” She said

‘Say the word and a lot more can be yours’ Grant thought. Instead he moved backward to let her open the door. At that very moment she moved forward and the next moment they had collided. Each tried to steady the other. This time the spell refused to be broken. And when it did, Grant had lowered his lips. After her initial hesitation, Tizzy found herself kissing him back. Was this another dream? Because if it wasn’t, then, had the other night been real as well?

“G..Grant!” Tizzy took his name.

“Tizzy, I can’t let you go out of my life after this” he whispered.

Then suddenly, Tizzy saw Trisha’s face> She also remembered that he was her boss, and their wonderful kiss would one day be remembered as a mistake. She had to stop now.

Pushing him away, Tizzy stared with tear filled eyes. “Please leave Grant. Just as this street leads to nothing, any relationship between us is going to go nowhere.”

Grant looked at her. He saw fear, he saw pain, and he saw distrust. She had kissed him back, had clung to him. What happened to that moment? But it was the look of distrust that froze his hands to his side.

“Please go Grant, can’t you see, this was a mistake?” she pleaded

“A mistake! How can you call it a mistake? ” Grant questioned, hurt that she should think so.

“Grant please go. Please.” Tizzy pleaded again.

Grant stared at her, hoping her expression would say otherwise. But she had closed up. He turned and walked out of the door. Even when he shut the gate behind him, he did not look back.

Tizzy shut the door and sank to the floor as her body was raked with sobs. It was hard enough

working in the same office for the past week, how would she cope now? And that Peter! She

would have to make sure she kept her distance with him too. On the one hand he talked of

making things hard for Grant then he lied about asking her to move in. Peter was playing some

sort of sick game and she had no wish to join in. She would not be one man’s plaything and

another man’s game. This game would end now.

Chapter 12

Grant flew out on the 9 am flight to Melbourne. He hadn’t slept at all the night before. Tizzy dominated his thoughts every waking moment. And even now, instead of going over his notes during the flight, he found himself thinking about Tizzy, trying to comprehend the situation that existed. Surely by now Tizzy knew how he felt about her. Hadn’t he given enough hints, didn’t she realize that he was not the kind of man to play around with women’s feelings? He knew people had the perception that he was involved in one affair after another. But that was far from the truth. The reality was that it had been well over four years since he had any kind of serious relationship with anyone. Suddenly things appeared clearer to him. Had Tizzy been the reason? He had told himself that his work had been the most important thing for him. But here he was prepared to throw away a quarter of a million dollars. He was prepared to change the entire set up of his company. Hell, he did not even want to attend this presentation. All he wanted to do was be back to Sydney. Just see her once more. He knew it was time to talk to Becky. She was already close to guessing the truth about his feeling anyway.

At 11.30 am he was standing near the overhead projector. For the first time in his life, he had a hard time concentrating. Every time cobalt blue came up on the screen, he saw Tizzy’s eyes.

Grey, reminded him of her clothes. Yellow took him back to her room. He was glad when the lunch break was called. The first thing he did was to ring Tizzy, on the pretext that he wanted to speak to Becky about her afternoon meeting. Tizzy was as polite as she was with everyone, quickly transferring him to Becky’s line. He was disappointed when she had not even asked him about his presentation.

Becky on the other hand showed she was glad to hear from him. She assured him that everything was under control. When he asked if he could speak to her on his return, Becky invited him for dinner, and asked him to drive straight from the airport to their place.

As Becky spoke to Grant, her eyes were focused on Tizzy. She had been worrying about Tizzy from the moment she had walked into the office. For one thing she was very quiet. For another, she had dark circles under her eyes. She refused to take any kind of break despite having started work at 6.30 am. Not even stopping for lunch.

And now there was sadness in her eyes. Tizzy appeared to be concentrating on her work, but Becky knew she was listening to every word Becky was saying. Her hand had not moved during the entire phone conversation.

After Becky hung up, she invited Tizzy as well. She said it would complete the table and they could discuss the problematic files over dinner. Tizzy excused herself. She said she wanted an early night, as the headache had kept her awake the night before. She did look tired and Becky did not force her to go. What Tizzy did not tell Becky was that she had already asked Branson to meet her after work. She intended to sort things out with him. She had to find out why he had lied to Grant.

The rest of the day was again a busy one. Roger dropped in a couple to times to check on Becky. Even he remarked on how ill Tizzy looked. Then he told them of his conversation with Grant about the Lundy file. “Grant must be going mad. Branson put Lundy on to us. And just when it looked like Lundy was ready to discuss details, Grant has asked me to pull the plug on the

negotiations. This Branson-Mallaby rivalry is going to cost Grant heaps.” Both Becky and Roger kept glancing at Tizzy to see the reaction. While they could see her tense up, she did not contribute in any way to the conversation. All three knew the situation was getting well and truly out of hand.

At five, Roger came to collect Becky. They once again asked Tizzy if she would like to join them. Again she refused their invitation, asking them to enjoy themselves. After they left, Tizzy finally let down her guard. Her hands covered her face as the tears fell freely.

Tizzy was meeting Branson at 6.30 pm at ‘Pancakes abound’. She had always loved the pancakes there, but for the first time, she was not in a mood to eat them. She would have asked Branson to come to her home, but a public place allowed her the freedom to walk away if things got unpleasant.

She left work at six, went home, fed the dogs, and was at the restaurant at 6.30 pm. Branson was already seated at a table. He rose as she walked to it. This time she just nodded to him. After they had given their order and the drinks had been placed in front of them, Branson spoke first

“I am glad you rang, I was thinking of doing the same. I wanted to apologise for my words the other day. I was angry with Mallaby and his accusations. I want you to know that I would not hurt him or his business.”

“I am glad to hear that. I am leaving the company soon. I honestly don’t want your relationship with each other to be affected in any way because of me.” Tizzy was honest

“It won’t be. I was hoping we could be friends too.” Branson asked

“Peter, I can only offer ‘friendship’ and I only want ‘friendship’ in return. Nothing more.” Tizzy was still angry with him for the things he had said about Grant but found that she could not bring herself to dislike the man. She had come with the intent to telling him that she never wanted to see him again. But found that she could not do that either. So she hoped he would understand what she was trying to convey. He had.

“I have, only ever wanted that myself.” he said

“And you won’t ask me to move into your home?” that should clear up the air without having to ask why he lied, she thought

Branson looked down for a moment then said, “He told you”

“Peter, did you really lose a daughter?” she asked immediately. She wondered if he had lied to her about that too, to win her sympathy.

“Tizzy, my child, I would not lie about that. Yes I lost my daughter. And yes, I looked for that daughter in you. I am still doing that Tizzy. I will never stop doing that. I am sorry about telling Grant before I spoke to you. I realize now, that I should have asked you first. I intended to. I am an old man now and the house is much too big for just one person”

“I can’t Peter. I have a home and I have my dogs. Besides ..” she started then changed her mind. There was no point in saying that such a move would only make Grant more upset.

Just then Branson saw Becky enter with Grant and Roger on either side of her. He crossed his fingers and hoped that their plan was going to work. If Becky had her own way, it definitely would. He noticed Becky direct Grant into the chair that directly faced them. That meant Becky had seen them on entering the restaurant. Once their drinks arrived, he noticed the three get deeply involved in their conversation, to the point that Mallaby had not once raised his eyes in their direction. ‘Come on Becky, get him to look in our direction. That was the plan, remember!’ he thought.

At Branson’s table he asked Tizzy about her future plans. Between sentences he gave a quick glance towards Becky’s table. He looked at Grant. Grant looked grave. He wondered what it was that Becky had just told him

If he could have overheard Becky, he would have heard her say, “Grant a couple of days ago, I thought Tizzy’s leaving had something to do with Branson’s interest in her. I now believe differently. I think you are the reason she is leaving.”

“Me! In what way? What has she told you?” Grant was stunned by Becky’s comments. Did Tizzy dislike him that much?

“Grant how do you really feel about Tizzy?”

“Who is asking, her colleague or her friend?” Grant questioned her in return

“I guess both. As her colleague, I want to know why you accepted her resignation. And as her friend I’d like to know why you are letting her go?” Becky began playing with words

“I am only, her employer, I can’t force her to stay against her will. And I am not letting her go Becky. Tizzy was never mine to let go.”

“Were you hoping she would have been.” Becky asked again.

“I thought for a while, that there would be more to our relationship than just work, but I was wrong. Tizzy wants to leave as soon as possible. There is nothing that I can do to hold her back” he said

“Roger told me about some of the changes you had been planning. Maybe if she hears of that, she might change her mind. I know she loves it at work.”

“She knows about them. I saw her last night. She is going to start her own business. Roger, you won’t believe, what! Advertising through the internet.” then he let out a small laugh “Talk about coincidences.”

“What coincidences?” Becky looked from one to the other.

“Actually I had forgotten to tell you about this one. Grant was setting up a separate division that would only deal through the internet, so that Tizzy would not have to interact with people personally.” Roger explained

“Grant, you would have done that for her?” Becky was thrilled.

“I even told her that she would only have to deal with Roger and me, but that seemed to have made her even more adamant about leaving.” Grant related

“Oh Grant, I think that is Tizzy’s problem. She can’t handle working with you anymore.” Becky said

Becky realised too late that the words expressed a totally different meaning to what she had

meant to say. Grant looked devastated on hearing her words.

“She hates me that much?” he inquired

“Hate you Grant! Gosh you men are really blind. Actually all except one, Branson.”

At the sound of his name, Grant exploded

“Not you too! He has Tizzy eating out of his hand. Now he has you oozing compliments.”

“Did I just see the green eyed monster in you Grant? Wow, you have got it bad. Who would have thought Mallaby would one day be jealous of a man almost twice his age, and for someone like Tizzy.” Becky winked at Roger

“Oh leave him alone, Becky, Grant doesn’t feel that way about Tizzy. I know she is your friend but she is plain, and ...” Roger began and when he hesitated pretending to seek a terrible word to describe Tizzy.

“Roger don’t. Sorry mate but I don’t want to hear anything against her. Even if she was as plain as she pretends to be, I would still not have liked anything said that was derogatory” Grant was not rude, just firm.

“What do you mean, ‘pretends to be?” Becky asked

“Becky have you ever seen her with her hair loose and without those hideous glasses. She has the most beautiful eyes that I have ever seen. There should be a law against people with such eyes hiding them behind glasses.” Grant was once again seeing the blueness of them.

“And when may I ask, did you see all this?” Becky asked. One week away and a lifetime of events had already happened.

“The night I stayed at her place..” Grant began

“You what! Why didn’t Tizzy tell me any of this? That little devil! She has left out all the interesting bits.” Becky was smiling as she cursed Tizzy.

“Look it was all innocent. We worked late, I offered to take her out for dinner, she had leftovers, we ate, I was exhausted and fell asleep, ‘on the lounge” Grant said emphasizing the last three words. “Then in the middle of the night she woke up screaming. I went in. She was absolutely traumatized. I had to scream her name and mine to get her out of the trance. That’s when I really

saw her. Not harsh and uptight as she makes herself look, but soft, vulnerable and so utterly beautiful. I guess that’s when I realized that, I had fallen in love with her.” it was out

“In love? You in love with Tizzy! Grant if that is true, what are you doing getting engaged to Trisha?” Roger asked

“Engaged to Trisha? What gave you that idea? Branson brought up her name as well.” Grant was curious now.

“Well she has been the only person we know that you have been seeing on a regular basis. For the past three years the rumor has been that you have been in love with the model.” Roger put in

“I was never in love with Trisha. Trisha and I consoled each other after Tom’s death. I thought it was common knowledge, that Trisha was Tom’s fiancé. She too had as hard a time getting over his loss, as I did. In fact just last week, we had dinner together and she announced that she was engaged to a friend of ours. She feared I would think that she was being disloyal to Tom’s memory. We were never an item. She could not get over Tom. And I wanted to concentrate on the business. Actually, she is coming down next weekend. I’ll bring her over to meet you both. She is bringing Mike with her. That’s the man she is marrying.” Grant was glad he had sorted that out

“I am sure we will like her. Tizzy liked her. Said, she was stunning.” Becky said

“I suppose Trisha is. It’s funny how different they both are. Trisha dresses up to look stunning, Tizzy goes out of her way to make herself look unattractive.” Grant said making the comparison.

“She has her reasons Grant. Her unattractiveness is her security.” Becky said

“I am sorry, I don’t understand.” Grant began

“Grant this is in total confidence. If you had not acknowledged your love for her, I would not have said anything even now. But the time has come for Tizzy to come out of her cocoon and I think you are the person to bring her out.” Becky started

“Becky, tell me all that I need to know.” Grant saw a ray of hope in Becky’s words.

“Tizzy was born illegitimate. Her mother fell in love with a man she did not know was married. By the time she found that out, she was pregnant with Tizzy. Twenty-eight years ago, it was hard for single mothers, even harder if you were unmarried. Her family asked her to choose between

an abortion or marriage to the father of the child. She could do neither, so she ran away. Becky then related all that Branson had told her and ended with ‘the two men involved were killed as their car crashed into an oncoming truck as they tried to escape. Six months later when Tizzy was released from hospital, she turned to her mother for support. By now her mother had gone deeper into depression and guilt. I guess in her guilt and frustration, her mother blamed the incident on Tizzy. The clothes she wore, and the hours she kept. Tizzy left town, taking with her all the money she personally possessed. She left behind everything else from her clothes, make up, high heels, and even her jewellery. She has never worn any of them since.”

Grant could not believe what he was hearing. He could feel the pain she must have suffered. Understand the humiliation at her mother’s words. No wonder she was plagued with the nightmares. He remembered the slash he had seen on her arm.

“Tizzy said her eyes hurt in the light. I had not believed her when she said that. Were her eyes hurt in the attack as well?” he asked Becky

“There is nothing wrong with them, thank God. When she asked the men, why had they picked her, one of them had growled, “It’s those blue eyes. We chose you because of those gorgeous blue babies.’ She has kept them hidden from public view and once outside her home her horrible glasses are her constant companion. You and I are the only ones to have seen her without her shades.” Becky related.

“It took her over two years to build up enough courage to even speak to a man again.” She continued “That’s why she hates meetings and presentations. That’s why she won’t trust herself with a man alone.”

“Becky darling, I think that is no longer true. She let Grant into her home. And now she is sitting with Branson. Don’t stare, but” Roger did not go further, for Grant was already glaring in that direction. The atmosphere was suddenly charged. Since Becky and Roger knew Tizzy had been there all along, it was Grant who was responsible for the change.

“Roger, so it is. No wonder she did not accept our invitation for tonight. Well, well, well, this is interesting.” Becky pushed the subject further.

Just then Grant rose. “Where are you going? I hope you are not going to fight with Branson?” Becky for the first time that evening was scared. Grant had always been such a level headed person, that she had not anticipated this angry reaction.

“No Becky, much as I dislike seeing that man anywhere near Tizzy, I would not do that to her now. Not after knowing what she has been through. I would be no different from those two vile creatures before.” he said, putting a reassuring hand over her shoulder.

“You won’t argue either.” she asked

“That would equal verbal mauling. I don’t ever want Tizzy to see a violent act or hear an angry word again. No, I am just going over to talk. If I don’t talk to Tizzy now, I think it will be too late. There is a lot that needs sorting out. There are too many misconceptions to be cleared.”

“Grant just one more thing. Be kind to Branson. In his own way, he really does love her too.” Becky added

“I don’t mind if the entire world loves her, as long as she is in love, with only me.”

Grant was suddenly very determined that Tizzy was his. Only his!

“What if she does not return your feeling, what then mate?” Roger put in

Grant looked at them, then at Branson and Tizzy.

“Love has been known to blossom after marriage. Look at so many people who have had arranged marriage. Their love for each other is no less real, than those that have love marriages. I am prepared to wait for her to feel the same way about me, as I do about her. A lifetime if need be.” Grant put in

“You are going to ask her to marry you?” Becky was thrilled but still concerned.

“I am going to ask her alright, and if she does not listen to my reason, you our dear friends are going to play cupids and convince her.” With a wink, he was walking towards Tizzy.

Becky clasped her hand over Rogers. And the lady seated at the table next to them wiped away her tears.

Tizzy saw the last of the interactions. When he stood up, she thought she was hallucinating. Then she blinked her eyes. They were still there and Grant was looking in her direction. What were they doing here? Becky had invited him for dinner. Of the many restaurants to choose from, how on earth did they manage to end up in the same restaurant twice?

“Peter may we leave?” Tizzy’s hands were shaking.

“Tizzy, I said once before, never hide from battle and never run from love. I have known for a long time that you were in love with him. And despite his pig headed behavior with me the other day, Grant is everything I would like your husband to be.” Branson knew he had only a few seconds more before Grant was within hearing range.

“Peter, you don’t know what you are saying. He is not in love with me, he is marrying Trisha, and please don’t say anything to Grant. I will disappear forever if you do that.” Tizzy feared the worst.

“And what if I say you are wrong on all three counts.” Grant was by her side.

Tizzy could hear her heart thumping against the ribcage again. She should have been used to this feeling by now, she had felt it for over a week, but the thumps seemed to be getting stronger almost deafening. Grant had heard their conversation, how was she going to face him now? She would have to go away, to some other city, maybe Perth. And in future she would remember never to give a lift to any man.

As if fearing she might bolt, Grant rested one arm against the back of her chair.

“Peter, would you mind if we exchange tables. You already know Becky and Roger and I need to talk to Tizzy, alone” Branson shook hands, and left saying,

“I’ll be at that table if you need me.”

“She won’t.” Grant was abrupt

Branson turned and walked away, giving the impression of a man controlling his anger. But as he looked at Becky and Roger, he was beaming from ear to ear. His eyes said, “It worked.” Then instead of heading towards Becky and Roger, Peter stopped at the table beside them, where the

solitary lady looked at him.

“Did you see her Betty? That is your granddaughter.” The next minute, he was holding his sobbing wife.

Chapter 13

“Tizzy, what if I say, you are wrong on all three counts.” he repeated himself “ I am in not marrying Trisha, I am not going to let you leave, and yes I am in love with you.”

Tizzy could feel the room spinning. She was sure her eyes were playing tricks on her and that her ears were being deceived. Then she felt his hands take hers. And the next minute the tears were once again rolling down her cheeks. She seemed to have been crying a lot this past week. This time she took off her glasses to wipe away the tears. Oh God, she thought, the room is spinning.

“Grant, I ..” she began

Grant had seen the symptoms before. This time, he held the glass of water to her mouth.

“Drink it Tizzy.” He said. Her breathing was not affected and Grant decided a paper bag was not required.

A couple of minutes later, when Tizzy seemed calmer he said “Let’s go Tizzy. Let me take you home.” Supporting her with one hand he led her towards the entrance. Stopping at the reception to pay the bill, he found Roger was by his side.

“I’ll take care of it Grant. You go.” Roger said. They shook hands and Tizzy and Grant walked out.

They drove the whole way in silence. Every few minutes Grant would look at Tizzy seated beside him. He was still not sure of her feelings but he did notice one positive sign. Tizzy no

longer had her glasses on. Instead of going to her place, he drove straight to his. He lived in a Penthouse at the city’s edge, and the moment Tizzy saw the view, she knew why. The Sydney Harbour Bridge was dead straight ahead. Every room in the apartment had a water-view. And the vision was breathtaking from each of them, but none so lovely as that from the balcony. So much so that Tizzy refused to leave it, so they sat and talked there. During the course of the night they told each other everything about their lives, they cleared all the misconceptions, and finally at 4 am they finally said the three magical words, I love you. The first thing Grant did after that was to release her hair from the hair band. He never wanted to see it tied that way again. At 4.15 am Grant took out a small box from the pocket in his jacket and asked Tizzy to be his wife. And his beautiful Tizzy with her flyaway hair and shining cobalt blue eyes, said yes, without any hesitation. And this time when their lips met, Tizzy knew, things were as they were meant to be. Her breath seemed to stop, her heart thumped, and the world spun around her, but for the first time, she was glad for all of them.

At 6 in the morning they decided it was too late to sleep. Instead Grant offered to cook the breakfast,

“I can see why you bought this place. The view is worth dying for.” she said

“Well we can keep this place for our private getaway, but once we have kids, I don’t think it will be a safe environment to bring them up in.” he said casually.

‘Kids’ oh hell, she had forgotten. He wanted kids. Suddenly the shine went out of morning. No, she told herself. ‘You can’t do this to Grant. Not your Grant. Even if he stands by you, somewhere a part of him will feel let down. Feel cheated. Tizzy, what were you thinking when you said yes’ she told herself. She had to move fast. She had to think fast. They had talked about everything, but not kids. She should have told him everything before saying yes. How could she have forgotten such a major issue.

“Do you want to eat it on the balcony” Grant asked. He repeated it a minute later but when she still had not heard him, he went and knelt down beside her.

“Tizzy, what’s wrong?” Grant asked

Tizzy looked at him. He was so good looking. He would have such beautiful children. She reached out and hugged him.

“I am sorry, I just realized that I have to go home to feed the dogs.” she said

“Is that all? Phew, I was worried. I’ll drive you home after breakfast, and then if you are up to it, we can go to work. Otherwise I will let you rest and come back for you after my meeting.”

“I feel guilty now. You should have slept.” She said

“Not on your beautiful life, I can catch up on sleep any time.” he pinched her nose

“In that case, I will do as you say and have a bit of rest at home. Would it be alright if I take the morning off?” She asked trying to sound official.

“Since the boss is very happy today, let’s give everyone the afternoon off.” At first Tizzy thought he was joking, then saw that he meant it.

“Grant, don’t say anything at work. I just want a few days to get comfortable with everything myself. Then you can tell everyone.” she pleaded

“You are happy about it, aren’t you Tizzy?” he asked

“Sometimes I think I am going to wake up from my little fairyland and find myself alone again. This time the loneliness is going to hurt.” she replied

“In that case, I will never let you wake up. And to demonstrate the point.” with that he lifted her up in his arm and carried her towards the bedroom. He looked at her face, and instantly knew he had done the wrong thing. He could see the fear written on her face. He could feel her tremble.

“Tizzy, it’s ok, hell I should have known better”. With that, he set her down, but held her hand as they walked to the table.

But for Tizzy her little utopia was gone. Kids, marriage, sex, she may never be able to give him any of these. Grant deserved better, he deserved the lot.

She ate in silence. Grant tried to joke about his cooking to break the ice. And while she smiled a lot, she said comparatively little. She insisted on washing up while he had a shower. When he returned she was once again on the balcony. The balcony she knew she was never going to see again. For finally, she had made the decision, that was truly right.

She was extra lively on the drive home. She told herself, that she must be careful, so that Grant did not guess anything. Once he had seen her safely inside, he took her in his arm. This was going to be her last kiss and she did not want to let him go. It would be so easy for her to be selfish, surely after losing so much in life she had the right to have Grant. But even in those self-absorbed moment she knew, she could never do that to Grant. That would not be love. When Grant left, her eyes lingered on his retreating figure. This would be her last memory of him. He had said he would be back at 11 so they could have lunch together. That meant she had no time to lose.

She waited until the car drove out of sight. And then she raced around. First she packed her suitcase. Then she got the dogs into the car. She also put in her laptop, artwork set, and other essentials. Then she locked the front door. She popped over to the florist and gave Pammy a letter to give Grant when he came at 11am. She was going to leave it beside the door, but then feared it falling into the wrong hands. She told Pammy an emergency had come up and she had to go out of town. She did not know when she would be back and asked her to ring Becky if there was a problem with the house. She also left her email address with Pammy. She asked Pammy to feed the birds and the fish.

By 9.30 am Tizzy had left her suburb well and truly behind. She took the freeway and headed north. At Gosford she tried to check into a motel, only to find that no one would let her keep the dogs with her. Where could she go now? Becky and Roger would alert Grant. She had no family. How she missed one now! Then she told herself, Tizzy, you do have a friend. She stopped at a phone booth and rang Peter’s number.

“Tizzy, my child, I just got a call from Becky. I hear congratulations are due. I am really happy for..” again he was cut short.

“Peter, I am not marrying Grant. I need your help. Can you put me up for a few days? Just until I can sort myself out.”

“Does that mean you want me to ask you to move in?” Peter asked with a laugh “I’ll meet you at

home. The address is 15 Bellamy Close, Bellevue Hill”

By 10 am Becky became frantic. She had been trying Tizzy’s phone for over half an hour and constantly got the answering machine. Finally she walked into Grant’s office. She called him out of the meeting that was in progress.

“Grant, did Tizzy say if she was going out. It’s just that she won’t answer the phone.

She could be sleeping, but I am just not getting a good feeling.” Becky whispered. Grant tried ringing and met with the same fate. “Look I’ll just rap up this meeting, and drive over to her place. I was meeting her at 11 anyway.”

Once again, Grant found his concentration was lost. Somehow he got through the meeting. As soon as the last person walked out, he grabbed the car keys and left. Becky was standing by the lift, “I am coming too.”

“Becky I need you here. I need Roger and you to hold the fort.” He said

“Ring me as soon as you are there. Here take these keys. I look after a spare set for her.” She pushed him into the lift

“Thanks, you know my mobile number. Keep me informed.” the lift doors shut on Grant’s words.

Grant drove quickly but safely to Tizzy’s place, thinking all the while that she must have fallen off to sleep. He himself had found his eyes shutting until he had about six cups of black coffee. .

Then he thought of his engagement and a smile broke through. He could not believe his luck at the turn of events. He had been carrying the ring ever since the night he had spent at her place. Then their relationship went on a roller coaster ride, but the ending was worth everything. There was only one small problem, the fear that came into her eye on seeing the bed. Thank God, for Becky. Knowing what was causing the fear, meant he knew how to act when that fear arose.

Tizzy was going to share his life and home. He was prepared to wait for everything else. He had been a celibate for over four years now, what are a few years more.

Tizzy looked at the house from where she stood at the gate. The long driveway was edged by blue gums. She was sure a koala balanced on one of the branches.

“Who is that?” a lady spoke into the intercom

“It’s Tizzy. I have come to see, Peter Branson.” Tizzy could feel herself getting nervous.

“Come in Tizzy. Just drive up to the front steps.” the lady said in a friendly voice.

“The gates opened and she drove in. The driveway must have been a good five hundred meters and ended in a circle around the fountain. She parked the car and got out, glad so glad to see Peter’s smiling face and his outstretched hands.

“Betty, this is Tizzy" then addressing the dogs "yes yes I hear you both." Then he turned to Betty and said," and her dogs." They laughed

“Tizzy this is Betty Branson, my wife.” He was beaming

“I am so glad to meet you. I am sorry I misunderstood. I thought Peter lived alone. I hope I am not intruding.” Tizzy felt embarrassed.

“Not at all, my child, Peter has spoken so much about you that I feel I already know you. And we would love the company.” Betty spoke, looking intently at Tizzy.

Peter had gone and let the dogs out and they ran wildly about on the lawn. A butler appeared and took the suitcases. Peter opened the back gate and let the dogs into the yard. He then shut the gate again. “They’ll be safe there.” he told Tizzy.

“Why don’t we take you to your room first and then we can have some morning tea.”

Betty directed Tizzy up the steps.

“It’s the first room to the right. Yes the purple one.” Betty and Peter followed closely

Tizzy entered the room and let out a small gasp. It was the loveliest room she had ever seen. It was as though Betty had recreated another era. The furniture had to be antique. “It’s just

beautiful. I think the most beautiful room that I have ever seen.”

Tizzy said with sincerity.

“This was our daughter’s room.” Peter added

“Your daughter, are you sure it’s alright for me to use it. I mean the memories.”

“Tizzy, that’s our daughter, there on that wall.” Betty pointed out

The next moment, Tizzy swayed. Peter and Betty rushed to her.

“Mum, th..hats my” Tizzy stuttered Then she looked at Peter “ You are Grandpa? And Grandee? You are not dead? When did you know? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“The first time I saw you gasping for breath. Your mother had that problem too. Every time I saw you, another piece fit into the puzzle. After leaving your home that evening I went over to Becky’s place. The stories matched up. Tizzy, apart from your eyes and hair, you have inherited another trait from your mother - the desire to run. I had to ensure I did not make you do that too. I came back and rang Betty.” Peter said

“And I flew down straight away. Trizella, there is so much we need to say, to hear, but first won’t you tell us about today. What made you ring Peter?”

Tizzy related everything, to the very last detail.

“You should have trusted Grant. Not every man wants everything. And Grant loves you dearly. I saw that in him at the restaurant.” seeing Tizzy’s raised eyebrows “yes it was all a set up. Becky and Roger were to bring Grant there. Peter had already told them where you both were dining, and I had been told, ‘if you want to see your grandchild, come to the restaurant and a table would be reserved’ She smiled at her husband “At sixty four my husband was quite a match maker.” Then she became serious “Tizzy, we lost a lifetime with Cynthia and you, because she ran. Don’t lose a lifetime with Grant, doing the same thing.”

“But I will be half a wife, is that fair to him. I am not much help to him at work. And I will be even less at home. That’s not what I want for Grant.” Tizzy tried to make them understand how she felt.

“He must be sick with worry. At least let him know that you are safe.” Peter said

“I will let Becky know. Pete..Grandpa, no more match making. Don’t tell them where I am.” She again pleaded

“OK I promise,” he said

Grant looked at the house and knew something was wrong. He rang the bell, but Tizzy did not open the door. Neither did the dogs bark. He hesitated a moment. If he opened the door and the dogs were there, they could very likely pounce on him. Yet if Tizzy had fallen and needed help, he did not have a moment to lose. He turned the key and the door swung open. Before he could step in, Pammy came running across

“Mr. Mallaby. Tizzy left this note for you. I am sorry but I have left a room full of customers. I better rush back. It was nice seeing you. I am Pammy, by the way.”

Before he could utter a word, Pammy was gone.

Grant stood at the door and ripped open the envelope. Tizzy’s note unfolded in his hands.

‘Grant, I should never have said yes. I got carried away with the moment and all that talk of love,

that I forgot the two most important things. You deserve your own children. I may never be able

to have them. I don’t know if Becky told you, that the two stab wounds were both in my

abdomen. I took one in the uterus and the other in my left ovary. Only a miracle can see your

dream coming true with me.

Secondly, even you saw me freeze this morning. I have been like that since the attack. A platonic love affair is no basis for a marriage. I won’t do that to you. I won’t let myself, be that selfish.

I am leaving Sydney. I don’t know when I will return, if I ever do. I have taken the last of the

files I had to complete, with me, and I will courier them to you when they are ready.

Take care of yourself. I am sorry for running away. It’s a family trait. When the going gets tough, we keep going.

I don’t know how else to say how sorry I am nor do I know how else to end this letter.


While Grant was reading her letter, Becky had opened her email.

‘Becky, I am fine. Tell Grant I have left a letter with the florist. He will know which one. I don’t know when I will be back. Take care of yourselves and that little baby. I would have rung but that detective in you would have traced the call back to me. I could not risk that.

Love Tizzy

After that she had sent Grant an email too. It basically repeated what she had said in the letter, just in case he did not get it.

Chapter 14

Grant went over Tizzy’s note several times. At the end of which, he had come no closer to knowing where she was. But the note did clarify one important point. She was no longer running from him, rather, because of her love for him. ‘Tizzy, you should have spoken to me. You should have had faith in me, instead of leaving like this’ Grant thought aloud.

Of course he would have liked to have children someday, but if for some reason destiny was not going to grant them their own child, then they could have looked at other options, adopting, fostering, or just doing what she was already doing. As far as sex went, he knew enough of Tizzy to now know, that she was not frigid, only scared. He was prepared to give her all the time in the world. Love was far more important to him. He knew with time everything else would fall into place.

Grant rang Becky, only to find that she was just as anxious as him. She told him of the e-mail she had received. There too, Tizzy had not revealed anything about her whereabouts.

“Becky if you have got an e-mail, I might email her too?”

“Of course, but she won’t reply Grant. I have sent her five messages already asking her to contact me, but she has not rung.” Becky said

“If she is not speaking to you, then she most definitely will not contact me, but I feel I must at least get my message across.” Grant spokes despondently

Becky promised to ring back if there was any news. Grant informed her that he would stay on at Tizzy’s for another hour or so and then would head back to work. After his conversation with Becky, Grant went to the car and returned with his laptop.

He clicked the inbox, and saw the copy of the letter she had emailed to him. Then he began banging the keyboard.

My beautiful Tizzy,

I am sending this email in the hope that you will open and read this message. Hell, where are you Tizzy? Please let me know that you are ok. I am sorry that things scared you last night. Ever since last week, the only thing that I have wanted was to be with you, to love you, to marry you. All that I see around me, are your blue eyes, all that I feel is your presence. Having known that, I cannot just walk away. Nor will I let you do that either and force us both to live half an existence.

Where children are concerned, I am asking you this - if I could not father a child would you have left me for that? So what if we cannot have our own child, there are a millions of babies out there, who need a home and loving parents. We can be that, together. And if, even that is not possible we can do what you are already doing. We can be there for any child that needs us.

All I ask is for you to give me and our future together, a chance. Please don’t run from me. I know now, I cannot live without you. I have always organised other people advertising for them, this time I am doing it for myself. Tizzy I am advertising for love. Your love!

I am at your place. Ring me, or e-mail back. I need to know that you are ok

Yours in whatever form you want,


He pressed the send button. And then he waited. Ten minutes. Fifteen minutes, He looked into the history. The mail had been opened which meant she had read it. So why had she not contacted him back?

He rang Becky again. She too, was waiting for a response from Tizzy.

“I don’t understand this. Where can she have gone? Grant she must have left town. She could not have gone to a hotel, because of the dogs. And she really does not know anyone else here

except ...Oh hell, why did I not think of him before? Grant look hang in there, I am going to call someone and ring you back.” Becky was excited

“Who did you think of? Please, tell me, where do you think she is?” Grant implored

“Look Grant I am not even sure if my guess is correct, you see he is not in Tizzy’s good books at the moment, so I may be totally wrong. Let me ring Peter.” A click followed “Grant,...Grant are you still there?” Becky asked, but there was no reply.

At the sound of Peter’s name, he momentarily lost his sanity. Grant hung up and dashed out of the door. What a fool he had been. He should have guessed that. Once in the car he realised that he should have asked Becky about her comment that Peter was no longer in her good books.

What had Peter done? He dialed Becky’s number as he drove. But her line remained busy.

Grant raced through the streets keeping just within the speed limits. Seven minutes later, Grant was parked outside Peter’s home. Tizzy’s car was not there. Somehow that too was disappointing. He had thought his search had ended. Then he saw the dogs. They were Tizzy’s. If the dogs were there, she had to be there too. He rang the buzzer.

“Yes?” a ladies voice came through

“I am here to see Tizzy.” Grant spoke nearing the microphone.

“Er . I am sorry but there is no Tizzy here.” The lady replied after a moment’s hesitation.

“And I suppose those dogs are not hers either!” Grant cut through. “Look I know she is here. If she will not see me, I would like to see Peter Branson”

“Peter is not here either.” Came the controlled reply.

“Hell, he is not. I can see his car. Look lady if you do not open the gate and let me speak to either or both of them, I am going to climb over and come in. I don’t think Branson would like his neighbours to witness that, now would he?” Grant exploded

Seconds passed then he heard a click and the gate opened. He drove along the driveway, stopping along the entrance. The door unlocked and Branson stood at the entrance.

“Glad to know, you can be omnipresent.” Grant knew he was being sarcastic, but he no longer cared.

“What do you want Grant?” Peter was equally insulting.

“Look Peter, I won’t play games, where is Tizzy?” Grant asked

“How would I know?” Peter answered

“The fact that you have not even raised an eyebrow or shown any concern for her well-being, just proves that you know where she is. Peter, if she wants to stay here, I will not force her to leave, but I need to know she is ok. Hell Peter if she is on her own out there, anything can happen to her.” Grant was almost pleading.

“Come in.” with that Peter moved aside, his eyes never leaving Grant’s face.

Grant followed Peter into the formal lounge, his eyes being drawn to the huge portrait of a little girl. She was smiling at the lens, her brown hair blowing in the wind, and her cobalt blue eye, shining with mischief. Peter’s eyes followed his “My daughter.” he said

“No wonder you saw the likeness in Tizzy.” Grant replied. “Peter, Tizzy is not your daughter. I checked her bio-data. Tizzy is twenty-eight years; you said your daughter would be in her forties.”

“I know she is not. I have already told you, my daughter is dead.” Peter replied

“If you already know that, then don’t play with Tizzy’s feelings. She is very vulnerable at the moment.” Grant once again pleaded

“As you can see, Tizzy is not by my side, Grant. But if she ever turns to me for help, I will not turn her away, not even for you.” Peter clarified.

“Has she turned to you?” Grant asked, fearing the answer

Peter was silent for a few moments, and then he said, “Grant, if you were in my shoes, would

you answer that question?”

“I know she is here Peter, as are her dogs. Hell Peter, I refuse to lash out at you, but I am damn

close to losing my control. I know Tizzy is in love with me, just as I know I am with her. I will

not let her run from me or ruin things for us. Now I am going upstairs, I am going to find her and

I am going to take her home with me. And there is nothing you can do to stop that.” Grant began

walking to the door.

“No, but I can” the voice was the same as that of the lady on the intercom.

Grant looked at the woman who had entered. Graceful, elegant and immaculate, were the words that came to his mind. But what made her stand out, were her eyes. They were the same eyes, those unusual cobalt blue eyes. Grant looked at Peter. Peter looked at his wife and said

“You had already seen him at the restaurant, now let me introduce you to Grant Mallaby.”

Then looking at Grant he said, “This is my wife, Betty”

“Your wife?” Grant looked from one to the other “I am sorry, I seem to have misunderstood”. Quickly recovering from the shock, he looked at Betty, extended his hand and said, “I am very glad to meet you, so very glad.”

“I am sure you are. And a bit relieved if my guess is right?” she said, smiling back. Then looking at Peter, she gave him a wink.

“Why didn’t you tell me Peter?” Grant asked

“What and miss out on the most fun I have had in many years. No way in hell, mate.”

Peter was almost laughing.

“And Tizzy, has she been part of the ‘game’ as well.” Grant felt an utter fool

It was Betty that answered. “Grant, don’t be upset. So much has happened in this past week and both of us, Peter and I, are still reeling from the shock of it all. You don’t know the half of it yet. There is so much to tell you but we will let Tizzy do that.”

“And where is she?” Grant asked

Just then they heard the footsteps coming down the stairwell.

“Darling we are in the lounge.” Peter shouted. Grant looked at Betty to see her reaction to the endearing term. She seemed very comfortable with it. This is strange, he thought

“I am ready to leave. I’ll ring you once I have seen Gra..” and Tizzy stopped dead in her tracks at the entrance. If she was surprised to see Grant there, he was even more surprised at seeing her. There was not a sign of the old Tizzy in the woman who stood in front of him. He knew he had fallen in love with her already, but now she simply took his breath away. Peter too was stunned

to see the new Tizzy. Betty on the other hand was happy to see the reaction of both men.

Neither had taken a breath in over a minute. Grant gaped at Tizzy. Her hair had been brushed loose and hung in gentle curls about her shoulder. That much he remembered from the night he had spent holding her. But the rest, the rest was nothing like he remembered. She stood taller in her stiletto heels. The white georgette dress gently clung to her now visible curves. The pink flower in the material emphasised the blueness of her eyes. And those eyes! They appeared even larger outlined by the dark eyeliner. Her lipstick matched the colour of the flowers in her dress. Her, slim ankles were enclosed by the straps of her white stilettos. Grant’s eyes where then drawn back to her eyes. Was this Tizzy? His Tizzy. It just could not be!

Grant had always looked handsome, and he did that now too. But he had never looked at her that way before. As soon as she had read the e-mail, she had realised the great wrong she had done. She had found a man who so many women dreamed about. And more importantly found a person who loved her just as she was, with her stutter, her plainness, her awkwardness and she had thrown away her chance at happiness because of her insecurity and fear. It had been a unanimous decision that she should contact Grant immediately, but it had been her own idea to dress up as she had. She was going to surprise him. It was going to be her gift to him; for all that he had done for her. This was her mother’s dress, her mother’s bag, and Betty’s make up. And together they had created a new Tizzy. A Tizzy, who felt proud to walk beside Grant,

She had planned all that she would say, but now standing in front of him, she could not speak. She could not even breathe. She knew Grant was feeling the same way too, for he had not spoken a word either.

“Grant my boy, I was never looking for a daughter in Tizzy, because, I knew almost from our first meeting that I was looking at my grand- daughter.” Then seeing Grant’s shocked face, Peter continued “Grant Mallaby let me introduce you to Trizella Branson- McKenzie”

“When did you know?” were the first words that Grant addressed to Tizzy.

“This morn .ning, as soon as I saw my mother’s ph..photograph upstairs.” Her stutter, revealed her nervousness.

“You knew nothing until then?” Grant questioned further, but this time he was gentler.

Tizzy merely shook her head from side to side, afraid to speak in stutters again. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears. So Grant thought she had planned this. That she had played some sort of game with him.

“Grant, Tizzy was as much an innocent player as you were. Peter wanted to find out your true feelings for each other and more importantly force you both to reveal it to yourselves. The only ones who knew anything were Peter, Becky, Roger and I.”

“Becky knew?” Tizzy and Grant said simultaneously

“No wonder she suspected you might be at Peter’s place.” Grant continued, then looking at Peter he said, “I should be wild with you, but I find I am actually grateful. We both might have missed finding each other without are very own cupids.”

“I am glad you feel that way. Now these cupids need some time to themselves too. We have had as much to deal with as you both. It isn’t every day that you rediscover your marriage and your grandchild, all in the one week. So, off with you both.” Peter grinned as he spoke.

“Grant, at the start, I said, I won’t let you take Trizella away from here. That was not entirely true. What I meant was, it is our dearest wish that you both marry in this home and that you take her away from here as your bride. We would like to do what we should have done for our own daughter.” Betty asked

Grant looked at Tizzy then said, “That is not a problem at all, but I not risking her running away again. I am going to organise things so that the wedding can be at the very first date possible. It could be next week, will you be able to manage that?” he asked Betty in return. Tizzy stood silently, noting that Grant had moved to her side when he used the words ‘run away again’, then she looked at him and knew she would never do that now. The Bransons were going to quit

running forever. Then she looked at Betty’s face. ‘Besides’ she thought ‘how can I take away the pleasure of organising the wedding from Grandee’.

Instead of being dismayed at the thought of a wedding in a week’s time, Betty had a sudden burst of enthusiasm pumped into her. Finally she was going to farewell a bride from this home. She had lost hopes of ever seeing that happen.

“A week! My dear Grant, if you had asked it of me, I could have had things ready in three days. But a week’s fine. We need that time with Tizzy.”

Tizzy kissed each of their cheeks. Grant kissed Betty’s cheek and shook hands with Peter. Suddenly Peter gave him a hug “I knew I always liked you for a reason. I know you’ll take care of her. If anyone loves her more than us, it is you.”

If Grant was embarrassed by the hug and the kind words he did not show it. But he did smile to himself at the thought that he had once considered Peter as a rival. Communication! That is the key to avoiding all confusion. He was going to make sure Tizzy always knew how he felt and what he thought from now on.

Then together they walked out into the driveway.

“My car or yours?” Tizzy asked, knowing what the answer would be

“Definitely mine – you will need to invest in a bigger car if you intend to drive me around.” They both laughed

Chapter 15

“Tizzy we need to talk. We can go to a café, but I really think either your place or mine is better.” Grant asked

“Your place is fine. You are right we need to talk and coffee on your balcony sounds ideal.” Tizzy agreed.

Once again they drove in silence and when they entered the penthouse they still had not spoken a word. Their clasped hands and the looks they exchanged were their only communication.

Once inside the unit, Grant made the coffee. Even within the confines of the apartment he refused to let her out of his sight. Still unable to believe, that she was truly there and still unable to comprehend the change in her. He had seen beauty in the ‘plain Tizzy’, but now he found perfection.

They carried their coffee out to the balcony. Once again they began to clear the misconceptions and set new ground rules for their life together. No more running away - that was the first commandment. When the sun had set and the chilly night air made its presence felt, they went indoors. Her engagement ring was back on her finger. Happiness now resided in both their eyes.

When the doorbell rang, Grant went to open the door, and found Becky and Roger walk in looking sheepish. Then just as he had done earlier that evening, they too, froze.

“Tizzy? Is that really you?” Becky asked

“Phew! What happened to our ‘plain Jane’? And I am meaning that in the nicest way.” Roger whistled

Tizzy smiled.

“You both should be sacked over this.” Grant exploded at them, still smiling.

“On the contrary, we were thinking, we have earned a promotion.” Becky laughed back.

Then looking at Tizzy’s engagement ring, Becky said, “Grant if I was you, I would not go for a long engagement. She needs a wedding band to secure that ring in place.” She joked but there was seriousness in her eyes as they met Grant’s.

“Is a week too long?” Grant question was his reply.

“A week, oooh” And then she was hugging and kissing them again. Roger was still too stunned by the change in Tizzy to say anything.

“And we are in desperate need of a matron of honor and a best man.” Grant said

“We’d love to.” Becky said “Is Peter giving you away?” She added looking at Tizzy.

“Yes, he is. Becky you should have told me. How long have you know?” Tizzy asked

“That you and Grant had a thing for each other; since I came back to work last week. That Peter was your grandfather, since the night he came and spoke against Grant. He followed me after I left your place, and had coffee with us. That’s when he told us everything.” Becky revealed

“You mean, Peter was in Tizzy’s bad books because he spoke ill of me.” Grant felt strangely elated at the thought.

Tizzy smiled, but before she could tease him with her reply, the door- bell rang again.

“Someone please reassure me that I did not organise a party tonight, and forget all about it?” Grant laughed

“Peter, Betty, what are you both doing here?” Grant was surprised to see them.

“When Becky said she was coming over, we could not miss out on the excitement now could we?” Betty said bubbling with joy.

“Well, we thought we would come over and give you the good news. The wedding is on Sunday. Everything has been organised, except the wedding outfits. Grant can you spare Tizzy from work for the rest of this week; we have a lot to do starting with the wedding dress etc. I need her for all of that.” Betty asked

“ Grandee, it’s r..really busy at work and I have caused enough delays. I might take a couple of afternoons off and work the fittings around that.” Tizzy said

“No you won’t, you are going to take the time off as your Grandmother suggested.” Becky cut in “I can manage our work. If there is an overload, I’ll bring the urgent stuff over. Beside I don’t want anyone at work to see you until the wedding. Let’s just say, it’s going to be sweet revenge on Sunday.” Tizzy knew this was a reference to all the people who had passed what were once very hurtful ‘put downs’.

“I agree with Becky, you should take the time off. It will also give you a chance to be with your grandparents.” Grant said. Then looking at Betty he continued “Betty are you sure the entire office is not going to be too many people. There is almost a hundred staff in all. I would have taken time off, but I have several things to settle before the wedding.” Grant asked

“Nonsense, I have catered for a thousand in the past. If Becky can give out the invitations at the office, all things will be running on target.” Betty replied.

“Grandee I hope you haven’t ordered a bride and groom too?” Tizzy laughed

“Don’t laugh Tizzy, she almost did. I had to remind her, that Grant and you exist and have already taken those roles.” Peter added and watched with pleasure as everyone found the humour in his comment.

Tizzy was not at all hungry, but everyone else insisted on going out for a meal. They settled on a Thai restaurant that was on Peter’s list of ‘good ones’. He promised them the best ‘satay chicken’ ever. And so they set off in their respective cars.

While driving, she once again offered to go in to work. Grant refused to look at that option any more. She had not even taken one day from her annual leave in five years. He said it was time to take it now. He would bring back whatever she needed from her work.

The food was indeed delicious, but neither Grant nor Tizzy had the appetite to eat. Every time

Grant looked at Tizzy, the butterflies in her stomach flew hither thither.

Grant was in no better shape. By the time the dessert menu came around, everyone had given up on asking the two of them to eat anymore. They finalised the wedding arrangements and then came to the honeymoon. For an instant, Grant saw alarm in Tizzy’s eyes and then she looked away.

“Sorry to disappoint you all, but that is one arrangement I am looking after.” Grant took over the situation completely. He would have loved to go to secluded island on the Great Barrier Reef. But in that setting, with Tizzy looking the way she did, even a saint would have difficulty keeping his promise. He was a mere mortal, so totally in love with her. For him it would have been impossible. And neither did he want to pressure her in anyway.

The rest of the evening was passed deciding other arrangements, but the wedding dress and now the honeymoon were taboo subjects.

Becky and Roger left soon after dinner. Tizzy offered to go home with Betty and Peter, but Grant would not hear of it and insisted on driving her himself. Tizzy had agreed to stay on at Peter and Betty’s place until the wedding. The three felt they needed the time together. And Grant too, felt it would be better if Tizzy did not stay alone.

On the drive home, Grant did bring up the subject of their honeymoon. “Tizzy is there any place you especially want to see?”

“Grant we don’t have to go anywhere. I am quite happy to just sit on your balcony and watch the world go by” Tizzy replied.

“No way!. Between your grandparents, our work, and our loving friends, the phone will never stop ringing. No we need to get away if we want time to ourselves.” Grant said

“In that case, I’d like to see ‘your’ Hayman Island” Tizzy replied.

“My Hayman Island? How did you know I wanted to go there? The only reason I have hesitated in suggesting it myself, is because, I don’t want you to think I am pressuring you in any way.” Grant said

“I heard you talk about it when you returned from the conference. Roger had said something about ‘you should go with a woman’ and you replied, ‘Not just any woman. That place is for my bride.” Tizzy reminded him

“You remembered. I didn’t realize that you had even heard that. You are the only one who had never shown any interest in my conversations.”

“Maybe my problem was that I was always too aware of you, of what you were saying, of what you were doing. I wish I could have let the past go a long time ago. I have wasted so much time” Tizzy lamented.

“Are you sure you are ready to let the past go now Tizzy?” Grant asked. He wanted her to let go of it in every way.

“Can we take one day at a time Grant. I know I am fine about going to Hayman Island, but beyond that I don’t know.” Tizzy replied honestly

“In that case, Hayman Island it is. And you take all the time in the world. We have the rest of our lives now.”

“Grant, I am truly the luckiest woman in the world” Tizzy said with teary eyes

“Not half as lucky as I am to have found you” with equally sincerity.

Suddenly Tizzy reached out and clasped his hand with hers and raised his to her lips. He left his hand in hers for the rest of the journey home, gently unraveling his when the gears needed to be changed.

The Ferrari stopped in front of the gate. This time it opened automatically. Grant drove and parked beside Peter’s car.

He came in briefly but declined the offer of coffee. Five minutes later he said goodbye to Peter and Betty and left. Tizzy saw him to the car. It was only when he had opened the car door, did he lean over, and raising her chin with his finger, kiss her lightly. But that too was enough to set Tizzy’s heart beating so fast that she felt her heart would explode.

Grant had intended a quick peck on the cheek, but found he was kissing her instead. It had taken a mammoth effort to pull away. What had gladdened him was the fact that it was he, who pulled back, not her. And when he saw the love in her eyes, he knew, all they needed was time and everything would work out. He was sure of it.

As Grant drove away, he looked in the rear view mirror. Tizzy stood in the same spot as she watched him drive away. Even as he turned into the street, she was still standing there.

Chapter 16

The days between their engagement and their wedding went faster than any other time in either of their lives. Apart from their work, both had so much to get done.

The wedding dress took longer to find than what they had anticipated. The dress became a gift from her grandparents and Betty refused to accept the simple ones Tizzy inevitably chose. Finally on their third day of searching, they found a bridal boutique that was prepared to alter one of their displayed gowns. As they entered the shop they spotted the dress on the mannequin. It was ivory in colour, a mixture of silk and chiffon. The plain silk bodice was close fitting with the full length of the silken sleeves ending in a peak on the back of her hands. The v shaped neckline plunged discretely emphasizing her long and swanlike neck. The short skirt was also of silk and clung to her shape, gathered up in the shape of two leaves. Beneath the skirt and falling

to the floor was another skirt of matching chiffon. The crinkled chiffon swished as she walked encircling her ankles with each step. The pattern added inches to her height and revealed curves Tizzy did not think she possessed.

She had already decided to have her dark hair encircled in a net of delicate yellow and white roses, above which she was going to wear her grandmother’s veil. The sheer lace had made her look almost angelic bringing back memories and tears to Betty’s eyes. Now looking at the complete outfit they all agreed that the veil complimented the dress perfectly.

Becky too chose her outfit from the same shop in order to blend in with the bridal dress. This too was a gift from Betty. Of similar style but pastel lemon in colour, Becky’s skirt was much shorter, falling to just below her knees. It had the same double-skirted pattern, but the bodice was of simple chiffon. Becky was quite proud of the little bulge that was now visible and refused to be persuaded by the shop assistants into buying a more concealing outfit. Betty chose a baby blue two- piece silk suit.

Having sorted out the wedding outfits, Tizzy went on alone to do the difficult part of her shopping namely the 'going away' dress, and her wardrobe for Hayman Island. She found the perfect outfit in a white floral chiffon dress that came with matching sandals and a large floppy hat just five doors away from the bridal shop.

That evening however when she spoke to Grant, he sounded exhausted and Becky sounded just the same. No one was going to keep her away from work any longer and she landed up after the rest of the staff had left for the day. Reverting to her old disguise, she put in five hours at work before Grant found her, and forced her back home. But seeing how determined she was to go through her workload, he agreed to let her to go in for a few hours until their wedding.

By the end of the fourth day all her shopping was complete and so she spent her days with Betty.

During the afternoon she worked on the folders and in the evening she went over to the office but the moments that brought her the greatest joy was when Grant would pick her up from work and they would drive over to his place for coffee.

Tizzy thought that seeing Grant daily would lessen the butterflies she felt, but the moment she set her eyes on him, they would return and her heart would beat away at an erratic pace. At the end of each night he would leave with a simple little kiss, and every time Tizzy found herself wishing that the kiss would never end.

Becky faithfully rang her during the day with the gossip from work. Everyone had accepted his or her invitations. At first many thought it was some kind of a joke but when Grant had himself confirmed his engagement, the acceptances began to arrive. “Tizzy, I think some of them are going to drop dead this Sunday, and I can’t wait to see that happen.” Then she related Marina’s vicious remark ‘Well at least we know what the bride will wear, something old and something gray, maybe borrowed from grandma’s days.”

For the first time, Tizzy realized how much Grant must have loved her. Even before her makeover, he had been prepared to marry her, and more importantly face the world with her by his side. He had accepted her as she was, stutter and all. ‘Grant, I will work on everything, I promise. I will make sure that you will always be proud of me’ she told herself.

On Friday morning the last free day before the weekend, Tizzy went out and bought herself a whole new wardrobe. She was going to be Mrs. Grant Mallaby and by jove she was going to look it.

Grant in the meanwhile found himself thinking of Tizzy every moment that he was away from her. He looked back on the past few days and realized if any one moment deserved to take the credit for their love it was when his car broke down. That one small journey brought with it the

happiness he felt today. Thank God he told himself that the wedding was only a couple of days away. It did not matter if they did not say a word to each other; his joy now was just to have her by his side and in his view.

On Saturday afternoon Grant took a very nervous Tizzy with him to the airport. His parents were arriving from Perth for the wedding and even thought Tizzy had spoken to them over the phone a couple of times, meeting them in person unnerved her. And nothing Grant said could ease that nervous feeling. Only when an hour later she stood enfolded in her mother-in-laws embrace did she wonder at her foolishness. She should have trusted Grant’s words, for he knew his parents well. They had already welcomed Tizzy into the family, sight unseen. Now she looked gratefully at Grant’s mum as she heard a mother tell her son “she was worth waiting for, my son.”

They drove back to Grant’s penthouse happily chatting all the way. His parents were spending the night there with their son. And the next day they were moving in with Betty and Peter. Betty and Peter had insisted on having Grant’s parents with them until Gant and Tizzy returned from their honeymoon.

After leaving their luggage, the four of them went straight to the rehearsal. There, Grant met Greg and his children. That they adored Tizzy was an understatement. They accepted ‘the new look’ Rizzy without a second look saying ‘but Tizzy was always beautiful’ and Grant wondered if kids always saw the beauty within in a person, before they saw the packaging outside. Through the rehearsal they stood by Tizzy. That they soon accepted Grant too, was also source of great relief to him. With them Grant saw another side of Tizzy. The maternal side and he prayed with every breath in his body that God would one day grace them with a child their own.

After the rehearsal, Grant, Tizzy and his parents drove over to the same Italian restaurant for dinner. Peter and Betty drove in their own car. Becky and Roger joined them too. During the meal, Tizzy learnt all about Grant’s childhood, his antics, and his relationship with his brother and their family life. It turned out to be such an enjoyable meeting that when the clock struck

mid-night they forced themselves to return to the car. Grant first drove his parents home and then took Tizzy to her grandparent’s place.

When they were once again alone in the car he said “I am going to be the envy of every person at the wedding tomorrow. My parents already adore you”

“I hope I do make you very p proud of me t..tomorrow.”

“You did that a long time ago. Now each time I see you, you simply take my breath away.”

The look in his eyes confirmed his feeling. And this time instead of looking away, she returned his look. This wonderful man had not only become her friend and her protector but also the love of her life. Grant’s feelings were equally visible. Sitting beside her, for the first time in his life he felt at peace with himself and with the world. His heart ached with the love he felt for the woman by his side, the woman who had come to mean everything for him. He was going to share the rest of his life with her and never again would he ever let her go. Her running had ended; his searching had finished.

When he said goodbye that night, it was not Grant who bent down to kiss her, but it was Tizzy who reached up to him. Taken aback, Grant hesitated for a second and then enveloped her in his tight embrace. And this time, for the first time, they kissed as lovers and not once did Tizzy try to break the spell that enveloped them.

Breathless they had finally parted. “Go in Tizzy, otherwise I won’t be able to drive away.” Tizzy walked back to the house while Grant looked on until she had gone inside. Then he drove off. He could not wait for his wedding day. This was their final parting. There would be no more partings after tomorrow. That was a promise he made to himself.

Chapter 17

Sunday morning, the sun woke everyone up with eager anticipation. More than five hundred people wanted 10 am to arrive soon. And no one wanted that more that Grant and Tizzy themselves.

Betty had transformed her home into a floral garden. The lawn had been broken up into segments. The wedding was taking place in the central lawn, with the aisle, in line with the back door of the house. Ten seats had been placed on either side of the aisle, going back into twenty-five rows. A gazebo had been set up on a raised platform. The pillars were covered with yellow garlands that wound themselves up to the top. On the left of the wedding area, an open air dining area had been organised with each table holding a central floral decoration of yellow roses. The area on the right had seats scattered all around, a sort of waiting room for those that came in too early. At 9.30 the guests that had been waiting in that area were asked to move into the central region.

The guest room downstairs had been opened up for Grant and his best man. Tizzy got ready in her own room and Becky was given the room next to her. The make-up artist and the hairdresser had already completed their jobs and Tizzy now stood in her wedding dress in front of the mirror. Even she was astounded by her reflection. She prayed she would not let Grant down. A knock on the door brought her out of her reverie, as Peter and Betty came in. She need not have worried. The look in their eyes, told Tizzy that Grant would be just as astounded.

Betty opened the box in her hand. Set amidst the blue velvet was a diamond and pearl set. Hanging from the center of the necklace was a large teardrop shaped blue sapphire pendant. Tizzy found herself gaping at the magnificent jewellery.

Tizzy, this was Peter’s gift to me at your mother’s birth and we want you to have it.” Betty tried to place the box in Tizzy’s hand.

“Grandee it’s truly beautiful, but I can’t. It is ...” Tizzy replied.

“Tizzy, it will give us so much happiness. When Cynthia was a little girl she always wanted to wear this. I never let her. It is something I have never forgiven myself for. Let me make amends today.” Betty said tearfully.

“Grandee don’t you start crying. It’s taken over an hour to get me looking like this. If I start crying now….” Tizzy said

“Oh no you don’t child. Grant wants the wedding to start at 10, not a minute later. Honey you are everything we have now. Don’t disappoint your Grandee, she has waited a long time for this moment.” Peter said

Tizzy looked at both of them then turned so that Betty could clasp on the necklace. The matching earrings completed the picture. Not wanting to ruin the dress and makeup, Betty gave her a gentle hug and then left the room in a hurry. The tears in her eyes were just as threatening as the one in Tizzy’s.

Peter looked at his grand-daughter. ‘Thank you Lord, for the miracle that you have performed in our lives’. With that prayer he placed Tizzy’s hands on his left elbow and walked out of the door, beaming with happiness and pride.

Becky met them at the top of the stairs. She openly gaped at Tizzy, and then blew a soft wolf whistle. No words were needed. They walked down together. At the base of the stairs, they stopped and took their places. Tizzy froze.

“Grandpa, I can’t,” she whispered.

“If you run now child, you will give up one who is truly the best person in your life. Don’t do that Tizzy.” then with a twinkle in his eyes he removed what looked like a brown paper packet from his pocket “Grant sent me prepared.”

Tizzy looked towards Grant. He was looking ahead, with Roger standing beside him.

The bridal march began and the first of the wedding guests turned to look towards her. Just then Grant turned and found that this time the breath had truly been knocked out of him. He could not

look away even when the kids began their march.

First Kathy walked up, keeping in step with the music. Her while organza dress had little yellow roses embroidered in it. She also carried a basket of yellow roses. Then her brother Kramer followed in a navy suite, white shirt and a yellow rose in his lapel. Behind them Becky carefully edged forward. Her lemon chiffon dress blew lightly in the breeze. And then there was Tizzy. In her chiffon and silk gown beautifully offset by the sapphire, Tizzy carried a trailing bouquet of white and yellow roses. Pammy had insisted on gifting that and had made it herself. Now it lay gently against Tizzy’s dress, moving softly as the wind blew.

Tizzy moved forward. As she stepped out into the open pin drop silence fell over the crowd. All eyes were now focused on the bride. Becky could not help the smile that escaped her controlled features. Marina was standing there her mouth agape and eyes bulging out of their sockets.

‘something old, something gray indeed, that will teach you’ thought Becky.

Tizzy refused to look at anyone, keeping her eyes focused on the ground ahead. “Look up Tizzy, not down. Look at him. There is the man who loves you the most in this world, who fell in love with the old Tizzy and is taking away the new.” Peter whispered, knowing that unless she did that, there was still a chance Tizzy would turn back. Tizzy did as he said and looked into the eyes of the man she had waited for, for a whole lifetime.

Grant was still too stunned to react. He could not wait for her to reach his side. She looked like an angel floating towards him. The only woman he had ever truly loved was now just minutes away from becoming his wife. To have and to hold from this day forward, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for all eternity. Soon she would be his wife, and he could finally let go of all his fears. Never again would he be parted from those cobalt blue eyes.

And then he saw Tizzy freeze, unable to move forward nor retreat back. Grant saw the terror in

her eyes. He knew he had to do something himself. Leaving his position, he walked slowly towards her. Then as he reached her he took her free hand in his.

“Just hold my hand. I am here now, forever by your side. Just keep looking at me. And remember there are only you and me here. Everyone else is just in our imagination.” he whispered.

Peter placed Tizzy’s other hand in Grant’s free one and moved back. After that everything was like a dream. Grant walked back with Tizzy and five paces later they were standing at the dais. The ceremony began, the vows made and the wedding bands sealed their fates. Tizzy stuttered, she teared up, she clenched onto the Grants arm. but none of it mattered. not to them, nor to the guests that had come to witness their marriage. When they next faced the crowd, they did so as husband and wife, Mr and Mrs Grant and Trizella Mallaby.

The reception and lunch followed. The speeches were said, leaving a lot of people in tears, or hiding it. The video and the cameras captured every moment of that precious day. When it came to their turn, Tizzy refused to speak forcing Grant to do the honours on their behalf. Then they cut the wedding cake. Simultaneously several white doves were released from the four corners off the garden.

At the very first table Grant reintroduced her to Trisha, who gave her a big hug and said “Tizzy, Tom had always wanted Grant to find love. I am so glad he has found it with you and I truly believe Tom had a hand in your marriage.”

“I don’t understand.” Tizzy said.

“Grant, don’t you find it strange that Tizzy’s initials are the same as Tom’s? Now the company name will always remain the same as Tom wished.”

“I wish I had met him. From all that I have heard, he seemed to have been a wonderful person.” Tizzy replied not wanting to sound too complimentary as Mike stood beside Trisha.

“He was ‘the’ most wonderful person. That is why it took me so long to find someone who is equally wonderful and not in the least bit intimidated by Tom’s memory” Trisha replied, giving

Mike a gentle push.

Mike had met Grant and the two had liked each other instantly, and were now busy in conversation. Grant was saying “I will ring you once we are back in Sydney.”

They then went to each table and thanked everyone. Grant faced Greg at the second table. Beside him, his wife Marcia still feeling weak remained seated in her wheelchair and her two kids Kathy and Kramer sat beside her.

“Grant, Tizzy came like an angel in our lives. We are so glad she found someone equally worthy. Take care of her” Marcia spoke faintly.

“I will. You just concentrate on getting better yourself. You have a lot of people counting on your doing just that.” Grant spoke gently

“I’ll do that.” Marcia smiled.

After that, Grant and Tizzy continued from table to table greeting every guest personally. Grant had the satisfaction of seeing several people look a bit ashamed when Tizzy spoke to them. He remembered one of them clearly. She was the woman who has passed the remark the day Tizzy had given him a lift. Now she gaped at Tizzy with open admiration. Marissa, seated at the same table murmured her congratulations, never taking her eyes of Tizzy.

At one o’clock that afternoon they left in Grant’s car and drove straight to the airport. Soon after their arrival they commenced their journey that consisted of a flight and a launch to Hayman Island. They docked at Hayman Island just before five that evening. The sun was setting and the striking orange was a stark contrast to the deep blue sea.

So beautiful was the view that Grant insisted they watch the sunset before going to their room. Grant had his arm casually about Tizzy’s shoulder, but when he felt her move closer to him, he tightened his hold. They sat on a ledge by the pool until the sun disappeared and then walked hand in hand in the direction of their room.

Once inside a strange awkwardness fell, neither wanting to take the wrong step, neither wanting

to say the wrong thing. Finally Grant suggested that she use the bathroom first to freshen up and then they could proceed to the restaurant for dinner.

Dinner was wonderful, but again Tizzy could not eat anything. Noticing her nervousness, Grant asked her to dance. But this made things worse for Tizzy. At a distance she could at least pretend that her heart was not thumping. Now, in his arms, she knew he would hear it as well. But it wasn’t Tizzy’s heart that Grant was worried about but his own. Holding her in his arm, yet not being able to express his love, was the hardest thing he ever had to do. Before the dance finished, he took her back to their table. At an arms distance he still had a chance of fulfilling his promise. or did he? Especially, when she looked up at him with those hypnotic eyes. They drank their coffee in silence and then left the dining room.

Instead of going to their room, they walked along the beach for a while still holding hands like lovesick teenagers. Then when it got a bit chilly and he felt her shiver, they returned to their room with neither had spoken much.

“G grant, are you upset” Tizzy asked

“Upset? Why would I be upset on the most wonderful day of my life?” he asked

“It’s just that you have been very quiet. You even left the dance floor abruptly.” Tizzy said

“Tizzy, how can I explain what I am feeling without scaring you again?”

“Grant, I am not scared, not of you.” Tizzy replied

“I gave you a promise, but you are making it very difficult for me. Every time I look at you, all I want to do is take you in my arms.” Grant began

“Then do that Grant. I don’t want you to keep that promise either” Tizzy whispered.

“Tizzy, are you sure?” Grant asked unbelievingly

“Very sure. When you kissed me at the wedding I knew that very moment that I wanted to be your wife in every sense of the word.” she said in a low voice.

“And you kept that to yourself all this time. Tizzy?” he raised an eyebrow.

Tizzy looked into Grant’s eyes and then suddenly overcome with shyness she hid her face in his shoulder. With his hands on either side of her face, he gently pushed her head back. Then, as he had done for the past few nights he lifted her chin and kissed her. But this time the kiss did not end. Instead, lifting her gently in his arms, Grant carried his bride to their bed.

Chapter 18

Eighteen months after their marriage, Grant and Tizzy, once again stood together in front of family and friends. This time all eyes were on a little bundle cradled in Tizzy’s arm, all ears listening as she was christened, Caitlin Cythia Elizabeth Mallaby. She had inherited every feature from her father except two. Those cobalt blue eyes and the brown tresses had made it through to one more generation.

Once the rites were over, Caitlin was back in her father's arms. It could be confidently said, that when she was not feeding, she could always be found in the crook of her dad's arms. Tizzy had the luxury of holding her baby only when Grant was at work. She had even given up asking for her turn, for all it meant was Grant’s turn always followed a second after hers began.

At Caitlin's birth, Grant had introduced flexi-time for all staff. On becoming a parent he knew the anguish and problems parents faced, and he made many more changes to accommodate those parental needs. A long day care centre was set up at the premises. Job share and part-time work was encouraged. Paternity leave was offered to all fathers with Grant being the first to avail of the benefit.

Caitlin's birth brought about another couple of changes. A new home was the first. Straight from the hospital, Grant had driven them to their new address. A five-bedroom mansion just seven houses down from Peter and Betty. How he had managed to organise everything and keep it a secret from Tizzy, amazed everyone especially Tizzy herself. They then rented out the penthouse. Becky and Roger had already bought Tizzy's home from her. Working three days from home, it was now Becky who had converted the room upstairs into her studio.

Grant and Tizzy had set up the internet business with Tizzy heading that division. She worked mainly from home, going into work the same two days as Becky. Despite all these changes, the company expanded both in profit and in workload. Grant ended up recruiting four more staff in the department, among whom was a husband and wife team who they considered absolutely brilliant. The only file Tizzy held onto was that of Peter Branson. The rest of her clientele was from the net. She was not able to avoid meeting the clients totally however it no longer traumatised her as it once would have done.

Through their marriage Grant had shown time and time again, what a perfect husband he was, but never more than when he took Tizzy, Peter and Betty for a drive one evening and stopped in front of a huge white building set amidst sprawling lawns. It was named, 'Caitlin’s world”. It was to be a safe haven for unwed mothers. It was Grant’s tribute to the mother-in-law he never met. Grant had set up a trust, which would fund the center’s financial needs. It offered free and temporary lodging until the single mothers could establish themselves in their own homes.

And as for Grant, he still could not believe the happiness that had come his way. The fulfillment of his brother’s dream, the love of a very special woman, and the joy of his own child! He had watched with pride as Tizzy blossomed on a daily basis. After a year of speech therapy she had even begun giving her own presentations. It would take longer for her to feel totally confident but she had made the start on her own and of her own free will.

Now outside the little church, he stood and looked from mother to child. He watched with pride

and took credit for creating the two most beautiful women in the world. What he did not know, yet, was that his third creation was already on her way! It was therefore a good thing for Grant and Tizzy that his parents too had decided to move to Sydney as well. Their grandchild, they said, had become too strong a magnet for them.

The end


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.06.2015

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