
So I guess I should start at the beginning. My name is Brianna, I am now 19 years old. I got pregnant at the age of 17 when I was about to go into my senior year. I was raised to wait to have sex until marriage but it wasn’t forced, having 3 kids my parents just wanted some rules and boundaries, but who ever listens to their parents?

My boyfriend Josh and I had been together for about a year before I got pregnant. We were both terrified but I don’t believe that adoption or abortion never ran thru our minds, but everyone is different and has different opinions. I felt like we were the ones who got ourselves into the situation and we needed to take responsibility for it.

I wouldn’t say that I was super popular but I was friends with everyone, I guess our school wasn’t that big to have too many different cliques anyways. So I got along with everyone, and loved my group of best friends. They were Ashley, Kristie, Savannah, Sarah, Amanda, Kayla and Liz, we did everything together and always had so much fun, I guess our group had been “the party group”.

Amanda and Kayla were there when I found out that I was indeed pregnant after taking all of 5 tests that were all positive, and we were all nervous. There was a lot of excitement about genders, names, room colors and shopping, not thinking about the big things like money, diapers, and sleepless nights. I got really bad morning sickness during my senior year so I was allowed to get a tutor. I guess that’s a big reason I lost all my friends because then I never really saw them too much after that because I only went to the school if I needed to see a teacher, get a book, or use the computers. It wasn’t like they were dying to give up their Friday nights of drinking to come do nothing with me anyways, so I guess they weren’t really good friends to begin with, even though they always acted like it when I did run into them when I was pregnant, always acting excited and feeling my belly to see if they could feel the baby move.

Amanda was the only friend to totally stand by my side. For a while though she did disappear like the rest of them. I remember all of them came to my shower hung over and Savannah didn’t even come because it was her 17th birthday the night before my shower and was way to hungover. Really your 17th birthday isn’t to important, I thought that my baby shower was pretty important, but I guess only to me, but I also did do a lot of growing up while I was pregnant. If your responsible it is kind of hard not to grow up, I worked almost the whole 9 months of being pregnant and watched my friends party and have fun and look like idiots and I was sort of glad that I wasn’t like that anymore. I also stayed focused on school work because I know how hard it would have been with out a diploma, as one of my older brother didn’t get his and I saw his struggle.

Josh also needs a lot of credit because he stood by my side. He worked and went to school and stayed home with me. He also dealt with my crazy mood swings and food cravings. It was easier to save money because we lived with my mom.

So nine months fly by and before I know it my due date was coming up. We had already found out that we were having a boy. We had one last sonogram and they told me that I would need a c-section, surgery to get a baby out, they said it was because his stomach circumference was bigger than his head circumference and he could have been up to 9 lbs 13 ounces, I guess I was more comfortable with the surgery because it just seemed easier then pushing, and until I got to the operation room I didn’t see it as surgery.

I remember crying right before going in for surgery because I finally realized that having this baby wasn’t just “aw how cute I have a baby!” it was our whole lives that we would be responsible for another person. But before we knew it we had a beautiful baby boy in our arms, were happy and crying and named him Ben. He was 8 lbs and 13 ounces. Amanda was the only friend to come to the hospital to see me. Of course family came and I was too happy and busy to care if anyone came. I also remember one of my friends, Sarah, got upset with me because I didn’t text her when I had Ben and I had to explain to her that I was a little overwhelmed after giving birth. It was easy in the hospital because the nurse's took care of the babies at night. Home was a whole different story.

Josh and I were still trying to graduate high school and take care of Ben, good thing we lived with my mom or we would have never made it. A baby changes your life so fast in so many ways. There were nights without sleep, bottles, fights and diapers. But we did both graduate.

When you have a baby young, you will most likely lose all of your friends. If you’re a good dedicated parent you stay with your child if you don’t have someone watch him so you can go out drinking and have fun. I never did and I guess that’s why I don’t have friends anymore because no one wanted to hang out with me if I couldn’t party.

Yeah they all try to act like they are your friend but none of them have ever seen Ben unless it was at a public place that we happened to run into each other at. And then they try to pretend that "Oh we should get together sometime", well needless to say I’m still waiting a bunch of dinners and drop bys to “catch up”.

Its been 2 years and my son is two. He looks like both me and his father, we made it this far and have struggled though out it all. I still am friends with Amanda but that’s it, oh and I have a few friends that have kids and our kids play together. I just found out my friend Kayla is pregnant, I sure hope for her sake that our friends are better to her then they were to me. I don’t want to come across as a victim or for anyone to feel pity for me because I don’t feel like a victim, I feel blessed. In every point of view I believe that my son has changed me and my life and my family’s life. I lost all my friends, I sing cartoon theme songs, I don’t bother with make-up and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.06.2010

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