
Episode One

The bar was completely dismantled. Bodies were scattered all around the room; more than likely dead. 


I did it. My name was, Serena Miles.


I sat at the bar with the only other person living, the bar tender. He looked at me with fear dancing around in his eyes. He hid it well on the outside, but when you looked into the eyes of someone, and really studied them; that's when you can tell how a person was really feeling. And he was scared senseless, because he knew what was coming to him. 


"Do you mind if I talk a little?" He asked. 


"It won't change anything. You were involved with Donte." 


"I know that. I just want to talk. It's funny though. I've never really been much of a talker," He laughed nervously.

"My wife can vouch for that. She was always tellin' me to speak my mind... to tell her what I'm feeling. It was annoying at times. But that was Amy. She's beautiful you know? Do you have a lover?"


"No." I wiped blood from my lips. I'm not superhuman, it was 6 against one. I shifted my eyes to the glass of whiskey that sat in front of me. I gulped the rest of it.


The bartender looked at it. He pulled up the bottle of whiskey and refilled my glass, but my eyes remained cautious.


"It's a wonderful thing," He continued. "Love is wonderful. But by now I assume you know that I'm a cheat. There's no hiding it, I guess. I don't know why I do it. I love Amy. I really do," He's deep in thought, clearly reminiscing. I saw that it pained him the more he talked about it. The sincerity seeped out with every word. There was words he would like to tell his wife, and the guilt tore him up. "I figured because of all the other vile things I've seen and done over the years — I guess I thought cheating was the less evil... It helped me sleep at night."


What about your daughter?" I asked. Does she know what her dad was up to? How many of her friends were sold into slavery? How old is she?"


"Twelve," He pulled out another empty cup and dangled it while asking, "May I?"


"Go ahead,"


He poured some whiskey into the glass. Screw sipping — he gulped the whole thing.


"I wish I can tell them I'm sorry," then with an innocent smile to himself, "Then again maybe I wouldn't feel like talking."


I studied him as he stared straight ahead blankly. Thousands of regrets hitting him like a freight train. At least he was accepting all the wrong he did.


"Do you have any regrets?" He asked. 


"Everyone does," I said.


"Killing isn't one of them? Don't get me wrong, I understand why you're doing this. I understand these men deserve it. I deserve it. But doesn't it bother you a little bit?"


I stared at him, but I wanted to look away as guilt buried deep inside me started to claw its way out. I didn't back down. I looked him straight in the eyes. I figured he got the point and realized he wasn't getting any where with me.


He continued, "I'm staring at death. But you know the more I talk, the more I realize there's worse ways to go in the business I'm surrounded by."


"That's one way to look at it," I said. 


"Thank you,"




"Not having me on my knees begging for life. For allowing me to have this conversation,"


He looked at me for approval so I gave him a nod. He showed me that even the most evil of people have some morals. That even the ones that do the worse, sometimes do regret it all. As my heart raced and my hands tightened all I could do was look at him. He wasn't scared any more. He was at peace. But even with all that, he was still involved with Donte. He murdered many innocent people and sold many kids into slavery. He was a part of it all!


"I'm really am sor—" He started to say, but...




He dropped dead behind the bar. It was done. 


I spun around on the bar stool and hopped off. I grabbed my heels and moved toward the exit. 


When I got to my hotel room, I closed the door behind me. I strolled pass the bed and dropped my heels on the floor, and continued to a mirror. I stared at myself. Was I any better than the people I killed? I asked myself that every time I finished a job and as much as I wanted to say no, as much as I wanted to say I was the same monster as them; I realized I became the monster because of them. They took everything I loved, and continued to do the same to innocent people every day. They deserved it.


I unzipped my dress, and it fell to the ground. My naked body was near perfect. Years of training and physical workouts made it that way. Everything was tight and fit; probably a body most girls longed for. If only they knew the hard work, blood, sweat and tears that went into my training. However, as good as I looked, I still felt unworthy of any thing. Because at the end of the day, I was still a monster. I was still a murderer.


I had no plans of changing who I was until I completed what I started. I wouldn't stop until Donte was caught with a bullet in his head. 




A car parked along side a curb outside of DANDIE'S CAFE. It idled for a few seconds before shutting down. The car door opened and Detective Andrew stepped out of the car. He quickly crossed the road with each step exploding with confidence. Traffic? So what; they could wait. 


He Entered, and stood at the door inside. He took off his shades scaned the cafe, instantly picking up on certain things like, how many people were there, who the people were and making sure who had weapons and who didn't. He did all it in a matter of seconds. 


A male voice erupts, "Detective, you made it."


Andrew turned his attention to the sound of the deep voice.


Sitting at the table was Donte in all his glory. Three men stood beside him, all holding machine guns at their side. Andrew once again, confidently struts to the table, pulled out a chair and sat. The two men share a look. Maybe they were sizing up each other or maybe not. They were both very good at their poker face. 


Donte cracks a smile, and said, "How you been Drew?"


"Probably better than you,"


"You ain't lying," He replied. "How's the family?"


"I ain't here to talk about my family. Say what you want to say or I'm out of here."


Donte smirks while gesturing for his men to calm down. They all gripped their guns a little too tight with the tone Andrew gave. No one talked to Donte like that. He had more power than the politicians, and in his head, more power than God. 


"I like you, detective. I really do, and I mean that with sincerity. I tell the guys all the time, 'you see this guy? If I was a stand up citizen, I would have voted for you to be Mayor.' Who wouldn't want a Ex- superhero to be Mayor of this city? But now look at you. Meeting up with a crime lord."


He studied Andrew, waiting for an emotional response. 


Andrew tightened his jaws. The subject was always a touchy one for him. He didn't choose to give up on his super hero days. His powers were taken from him. 


"I respect that though," Donte continued. "You know why?"


"No," Andrew replied.


"Because it goes to show, that even the most noble of people have a little dark side to them. At least you aren't afraid to show it."


"You called me. You're men are being blown to bits out there by a female vigilante,"


Donte almost broke his composure, but eased it with a deep breath. Then he gave another grin. "But you're coming to me for weapons to help bring her down."


"The police force is..."


"What was that?" asked Donte, "Couldn't really hear you,"


"I'm here for the police force,"


"Never forget that. I have everyone under my belt. That's how much power I got. If I tell the Mayor jump, then he jumps. It just so happens that both myself and the police force can benefit with this teaming up. This is the third vigilante case that you guys can't seem to get a grip on, and frankly this new one is putting a deep hole in my business. She's also killing all my men. They have families too, you know."


"So do the innocent people you kill every day for your business," Said Andrew. "You've been frank with me, so I'm gonna be frank with you Donte, I don't give a damn about you, your men or your business —"


Donte gestured for his men to close in on Andrew, but Andrew stands up ready to fight. "You're going to need more men Donte," He said. 


The first guy swings at Andrew but misses completely as Andrew ducked. He comes back up with a uppercut under the man's chin. Super powers or not, it was a hard punch that scattered some teeth. The other two men lunged forward to attack, and with ease Andrew deflects and dodges every blow. And for every hit he evaded; the more punishing hits the other men received. It wasn't soft either, they were bone crushing hits that laid the men out. 


Andrew turned his attention to Donte who had a gun pointed at him. 


"If you're going to shoot, you better hit me." Said Andrew. 


Andrew wasn't playing around. His eyes were vicious, his bloody knuckles tightened even more as his heart rate galloped at a hundred miles an hour. 


"I'm going to ruin your life," Said Donte. It could be because he was scared. Rumors went around that Andrew had lost his super powers, but it was only rumors from his point of view. "I ain't going to kill you. Ima turn you into a lesson on what happens when you mess with me. Your wife is too old to be sold, but she can be some use to my men. But your daughter — she'll sell for a fortune."


Anger boiled in Andrew. He looked straight into Donte's eyes and saw that he was serious, but he couldn't do anything. He wouldn't be any better than Donte if he was to kill him right now; no matter how bad he wanted to reach over and break his neck or punch that sly smirk off his face. Andrew released his fist, and turned around to the exit.


"You ain't going to have a job tomorrow!" Screamed Donte. "You hear me? You're done! You mess with me, you get my wrath!"

Episode 2


I sat at the edge of the building as my eyes scanned as far they could see. The city was vibrant for being one of the oldest cites in the Uncharted Lands. It always amazed me at what all they could do with in a 1,000 years. They built the city from nothing; making it beautiful, and for what? Just so that it could be run by criminals. 


I was never alive before the war between scientist and governments, but I couldn't imagine it being this bad. It couldn't be. Because even the cities beyond the wall, the cities governed by the scientist now, couldn't have been as polluted with criminals the way Danvel was. I refused to believe it. 


It wasn't my job to clean up the city. There was another guy running around doing that — although no one has heard from him since he saved all those kids from that creepy lab. Well, where ever he was; that was his job. He chose that. I was just here to get my revenge


There was still no sign of Donte. I've been hitting all his hot spots, but he never showed up. I guess he was smarter than I thought, but there was no where he could hide. I was going to find him — that was a given. 


I hopped off the building and allowed my self to free fall a few feet before I effortlessly landed on an extended ledge that was in front of my open window. I crawled back through it. 


My apartment wasn't much. To be honest, it wasn't even an apartment. It was just a studio where everything was in one tiny room. Thankfully I didn't have any furniture. I didn't need any of it. A bed? I slept better on the floor. That's what happens when your deep in the jungle training. You don't get a bed. I was lucky if I was able to sleep laying down. 


I crossed over to the refrigerator, opened it, and grabbed a soda. I popped it open and began to sip it as I stared at the wall, thinking. 




My eyes shifted to the door with curiosity. 


Another knock echoed through the studio. I tiptoed over to it, slowing down my heart rate in case it was an assassin coming after me. 


I was a huntress being hunted. It's a long story. 


I leaned my ears against the door as I listened closely for anything that would give me a clue as to what was behind the it, but I got nothing. 


"Hey, princess let me in, huh?" 


I rolled my eyes at the sound of the voice, and opened the door. It was Josh.


"I don't like when you call me that," I said. My arms were folded as I blocked the entrance.


Josh was an old friend. I knew him ever since I was a little girl. We practically grew up as siblings since our moms were also really close to each other. He wasn't always this good looking — with his broad shoulders, piercing green eyes and long locks of hair that curled like surfing waves. Actually, look up the story of the ugly duckling, and his picture would be there. He was kind of hideous, but oh how the years done him justice. Then again, I was in a jungle for a few years, with nothing but dirty, vicious and down right dreadful men. 


Josh tossed a plastic bag on the counter, "I got you food. I hope you didn't eat yet."


"I wasn't planning on eating tonight," I said. 


We looked at each other for a few seconds before bursting into laughter.


"Yeah, and I wasn't planning on kissing Tonia tonight," He said, sarcastically.


"Are you still going through with that?"


"Well, I didn't come all dressed up like this nice for you."


I tried to force a smile, but failed. I guess I didn't like Josh in any other way than just a friend, but for some reason when he said that — even though he was joking — it stung. Why couldn't I find a guy who dressed up for me like that? Take me on a date? Why couldn't I have a guy who thought about kissing my lips, all day?


Because I was a murderer. 


"Any closer to getting Donte?" He asked, breaking my train of thought.


"No, but I'm close, but I haven't made any progress. I don't know where else to look. I know he's out there, Josh."


I started to eat the food that he brought me and noticed his eyes on my bruised knuckles. He looked back up at me with concern.


"How much men was it this time?" He asked.


I swallowed my food that danced around in my mouth; trying to avoid the question. He wasn't going to let it go.


"About 6 maybe," I said. "I'm fine though. I barley got hit,"


"But how much of them did you kill?"




"Jesus, Serena. you killed all of them didn't you?"


"Don't act like you didn't know this was the reason I came back to this hell hole of a city!" I blurted out, my defense on guard. "You knew the day I came back I wasn't the same person."


"How much more people have to die until you catch Donte?" asked Josh.


"If I'm lucky, all of them," 


Josh looked at me with pity as if I was on a fools run. "They have families, Serena."


"So did I!" I screamed at him. I couldn't believe he had the nerve to say something like that. "Donte took them from me! He killed them in front of me, Josh. He killed them and sent me off as a sex slave. I hate him." 


Tears flooded from my eyes. Josh moved in closer to me, inches away from my face. He placed is hands to my cheek gently as his kind eyes searched through me. 


"I hate him for what he did to you as well," he said. "But I don't want you turning into him."


He rested his other hand on my other cheek, and my heart started to race when I thought he was moving in for my lips...


In stead, it was for my forehead. I smiled to myself for thinking it was going to be anything other than a friendly kiss on the forehead. Either way, I knew that Josh cared for me. He always did and always would. 


I grabbed his two hands and held them as our eyes connected again.


"You better get going before Tonia gets impatient." I said. 


His eye opened wide when he realized the time. He smiled, gently pulled his hands from my grip and stood up, towering over me. "Don't become him, okay?"


I answered with a small nod. Josh was right — there was no denying that. I didn't want to become like Donte. I really wanted to live a regular life — dating, having friends, having a family of my own — but I wasn't sure if my revenge would allow it. 


"Go get that kiss," I told him, while miserably failing at a smile once again. 



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.10.2016

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