


Why do you have to make me feel this way?
You keep taking me on this mental carousel
Why do you have to bring my hopes up?
I know I’ll never find anyone better than you
Every time I convince myself that I’ll be fine
The memory of you drags me down again
Why do you keep reminding me I lost all my happiness
In a corner of my soul, I always knew something was amiss
The sick pleasure was just a ghost of my perfect life
Sometimes I think I’m better off on my own
You were perfect in my eyes, you could make me lose my grip
A bleak thought was the only thing keeping me awake

How could I’ve been so fucking dumb
You were never under my control
I was caught up in your storm of dark lies
But in my heart, I always had a grain of doubt
Where you real or just a figment of my desire?

I never understood what the hell I felt for you
You were nothing of what I wanted from my better half
I needed security, instead you gave me pure adrenalin
You were a bitter cocktail of innocence and destruction
When you got on that cold stage, playing that big guitar
You brought my heart to a standstill and made it beg for mercy
That spark in your eyes mesmerize my trusting soul
I was young and dumb, and I believed in your empty promises
I knew it was never meant to be, we were dead from the beginning
But I wanted that false happiness to make me feel alive
What was I to do?
I fell for you like a fucking fool
Now I laugh,
Because I know I’ll never be happy with you

Now I look at the pictures of you on my wall
That once used to mean the world to me, but now
They remember me of the bitter taste of the past
I hope you’re happy, I hope I’ll be too
So goodbye, I have nothing else to say to you …

The voice of silence

The voice of silence

When you’re hit, do you fall down?

When you’re mocked, do you shut up? 

When you’re hurt, do you brake down?

When you’re pushed, do you fall back? 


Do you believe the lies you’re fed, 

Or do you read between the lines?

Can your mind be molded with big words,

Or do you stand your ground till you’re shot?

Are you a soldier, in your one-man army,

Or do you give your life for a piece of cloth? 


Do you wish for more or laugh at the future?

Have you got the guts to stand up and shout,

Or do you sit and cry and feel sorry for the past?

Are the rules that you go by yours or God’s? 

Do you blend in, or do you stick out,

Like a rat in a field of greedy cats? 


When you’re hit, do you fall down?

When you’re mocked, do you shut up? 

When you’re hurt, do you brake down?

When you’re pushed, do you fall back? 


Are you a minority or part of the majority?

Do you believe the words I just said

Or do you know I’m just full of shit?

Do you speak your mind, or do you

Tell them what they want to hear? 

Are you yourself, or what they think you should be?


Do you walk on bleeding corpses to get your way

Or does a pebble stop you from running away?

Do you face your fears that dwell inside 

Or do you keep and let them rule your life? 

Are you prepared to face this filthy world

Or is the mist too thick for you to breath? 


When you’re hit, don't fall down

When you’re mocked, don't shut up 

When you’re hurt, don't brake down

When you’re pushed, don't fall back 




Now it’s to late, close the door and say good night

You were told to change, but you’re too old to fight

In your head you kept hope that everything will be alright

But in just one flash, you lost it all in a bright light 

 Don’t open your ears to the bad outside, listen to your own beat

Have the guts and pull down the mask to see the raw piece of meat

Lock yourself into that golden volt, where everything is stacked so neat 

Beg for mercy from your master, roll down, play dead and sit 


You thought this world was full of happiness and good 

But everyone was so mean to you, they were so rude 

Deep inside, you always knew you could change something

You saw a big mistake that always stayed the same 

But it turned out that your actions didn’t mean a thing

You knew your enemies were so dumb and so easy to tame

Your eyes are closed again, listen to me because I’m right

Now it’s to late, close the door and say good night


You tried to fit in a world of shit, lies and fake hope

Two faced people aimed to sale you dreams and dope

You were fresh and with ideas that were much too bold

Your mind was set, and no one could make you change

But your words of magic were bought but never sold

You left your mark, but you were out of their range 

The warm blood on the tip of your tongue must be a delight 

You were told to change, but you’re too old to fight


The train of thoughts left you when you needed it the most

Don’t believe the posters that sell you happiness, it’s just a ghost

You’ve dragged your dignity through the mud for the last time

Down in those filthy dumps, the stars seam so very far away

So many poets put there grief and sorrow in just one white rime

Everything you did, you just rubbed God up the wrong way

Leaflets and billboards made innocent urchins give up the fight

In your head you kept hope that everything will be alright


You can’t fight the wind, but you can set your sails

Prides are bent and destroyed by a bunch of rusty nails

Nothing ever made any sense in this storm of smutty lies 

You can’t make the world spin the other way, but you can try

So many childish dreams and hopes, in a blink drown and die

Your last resort will always and forever be to brake down and cry

Your future could have been so fucking bright 

But in just one flash, you lost it all in a bright light 


Angels with dirty hands made you live your life in a crystal bubble

Happiness and riches were your friends, there was no sight of trouble

But when it was broken by the knife that stabbed you in your sleep 

The real world scourged you and now it's your time to get even

The past and the future are just scares of wounds, which ran so deep 

Close your eyes and hold your breath, let out that tarnished demon

You've got to fight until the battle is lost, never accept defeat 

Don’t open your ears to the bad outside, listen to your own beat


You always thought bigger was better, yet good is such a small word

You’ve burned your fucking bridges, and now the only way to go is downward

Reality is a concentrated mix of your favorite nightmare and weird dream 

The coke that pumps through our veins and the smoke that we draw in 

Mutated us into the creature we are today, working for steam 

We’re all born in a vicious circle, which we can’t escape or believe 

One option hasn’t left you yet, try it once and then repeat 

Have the guts and pull down the mask to see the raw piece of meat


You had a knack for creating perfect chaos from the calmest storm 

Try as you might, you’ll only end up submitting to their fucking norm

Be a good puppet and obey, blend in the meek and become that shade of grey 

They cloned our reality and no one can see through the bullshit we are given every day

Let’s burn the building and hang the priests, we have something to say

We’ll bring anarchy to the world, every day from June to bloody May

Believe it or not, you have a choice, you can be a robot or you can be a cheat 

Lock yourself into that golden volt, where everything is placed so neat 


We were abandoned in the dark, with a thorny hands on our eyes

But we found our way back, and now it’s time he pays the price for his lies 

Have we missed the signs, because our race is damned to self destruction

We do nothing anymore, computers tell us what we have to do

Our humanity has been lost in the trances of that dreadful war of seduction 

We ended up all the same, like soulless clone, every me and every you

Bar codes, broken promises, fake realities and a nation of misfits 

Beg for mercy from your master, here's your treat, now sit 


Beg for mercy from your master, here's your treat, now sit 

Lock yourself into that golden volt, where everything is put so neat 

Have the guts and pull down the mask to sit see the raw piece of meat

Don’t open your ears to the bad outside, listen to your own beat

But in just one flash you lost it all in a bright light 

In your head you kept hope that everything will be alright

You were told to change but you’re too old to fight

Now it’s to late, close the door and say good night


Never going to win

Never going to win


My entire life I have been told

I couldn’t do but wrong

Always in the shadow of the better child


Good job and nice try

But try it one more time

And this time do it right

Because you’re never good enough


Why should I even try?

When I know it’s all in vain

My victories are always compared

With my brother’s flops 

And I never seam to win

Because I’m just a stupid kid

Who doesn’t know jack shit

Just a little girl

Who should have stayed home


Good job and nice try

But try it one more time

And this time do it right

Cause you’re never good enough

Never going be someone

Just the little sister

Of that brilliant man

So I never seam to win

So I’ll never try again.



I’m so sorry

I’m so sorry 


I know I was always a bad kid

I know I was never polite

I know we spent our time Fitting in World War 3 

I know we never saw eye to eye

And for that, I apologize


I’m sorry for what I did

I’m sorry for what I said

I’m sorry for everything wrong

I’m sorry, even though it is too late

I know you only wanted

What was best for me

I know you only wanted to see me happy

I know I never listened

And I did everything my way

I know all that, and for that I apologize


I’m sorry for what I did

I’m sorry for what I said

I’m sorry for everything wrong

I’m sorry, even though it is too late

I know I wasn’t perfect

And we never really talked

Only now I know how wrong I was

I know I should have said

All these things years ago

And for that I now apologize 


I’m sorry for what I did

I’m sorry for what I said

I’m sorry for everything wrong

I’m sorry, even though it is too late

I know time has been wasted 

Words that should have been said

Have been bottled up till now 

Between us there was a concrete wall

That should have been destroyed many years ago

Only now I know, and I apologize for that 

What happened

What happened


I used to have blind faith in you

But now you give me no reason to

We’re two different girls, who endure a painful silence

Two distinct worlds that fight without violence

Nothing can change what we had

Then why has our future become so sad?

The times when you were what I needed the most

Are long gone, why have you become a ghost?

Let us close the door without making a sound

Guess it’s all over, guess I’ll see you around


How can everything vanish so fast?

Maybe we were never meant to last

How could our tower be demolished so easily?

Maybe our foundation was built too foolishly


What have we become, when have we gone bad?

We were so close, now we are strangers

We read each other, now our words are empty

We did it all together, but now our roads don’t cross

Was it all my fault, maybe it was yours

We could feel without speaking, now we speak without feeling

We’ve grown apart, who let this happen?

Have I let go too soon, or was your grip too weak?

I look at us now, I cry for us then


How can everything vanish so fast?

Maybe we were never meant to last

How could our tower be demolished so easily?

Maybe our foundation was built too foolishly



GRab me

GRab me


GRab me and hold me tight, because

I can sense my earth shaking

I can see my dreadful demise

Every sacred second seams to

Sacrifice my scarred soul

You are my serenity, you are my balance

You are the only one who can

Calm my panic, destroy my abyss

Absorb my hate, release my bloody wings

My senses yearn for one more

kiss before my eyes close

touch before I break 

hug before I fall


Please tell me you are prepared

to tame my monster

not scared to see me bare

willing to face the storm

not aware of my pernicious perfume


I feel it in my bones you can

draw our castle with both hands

bluntly paint our future to be colorfully unique

sculpt our sky to have no shadows of shades

So please don’t be shy, give me your hand

My skin is aching for your fingers

My lips crave your breath

My eyes won’t stop searching for your light

My soul burns to hear your soothing voice

My hand feels incomplete without yours

Every piece of me needs

Every piece of you, my dear Come a little closer so I can whisper

The words that carved memories inside

And I have one thing to ask of you 


GRab me before I hit the GRound




The final minute

The final minute


My glasses are on,

I can see clearly

We can both sense something is amiss

It was fun, I can admit

But the past cannot replace the future

I’m sick and tired of feeling low

Of blaming myself

Of waiting for you to call

I’m fed up of being angry

Of pretending not to care

Of wondering what went wrong

I don’t want to change for you

You don’t need to better yourself for me

Let’s stop searching for Eldorado

Let’s quit imagining we’re fine

The colorful masks have faded to gray

You’re not fit to play my saving sun

The garden décor is slowly routing 

I can see it coming, I can sense it dying 

Here is your trust, give me back my insanity

Let's call it a night and take a bow

The show has ended, the curtains will soon close

There is no need for a pitiful encore


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.11.2008

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