
The First Death

Samantha's Pov:

 People are turning up missing. It is my job to find out what is happening to them. So far the police are trying to keep it quiet, but the missing people's families are getting worried. If word gets out then it will make the job harder. This is just what a typical day in New York looks like for me.

There is a new case that I have been having to look into lately. I have been looking into it for a week. I have found nothing about where she is. I have to not give up hope for the families. The person that went missing recently was Cammi Vasquez.

Her parents came to me just last Tuesday and I am starting to worry if I will even find any evidence to who is behind the abduction. I just hope that she will be brought home unharmed. I don't want to see her parents faces if she turns up dead. Well anyway. I have to go to the station to look into it.

I get in my car to go to the station. As I am on my way I get a phone call. I pull off to the side of the road because I don't talk on the phone while driving. I answer the phone. "Hello?” I can hear breathing on the other end. “If you want her, you have to follow my demands.” “Ok what do you want?” “I want you to drop the case against her and then get me 5 of your most best guns.” “Ok, done. Anything else?” “No. Now get everything done and go to the alley behind the station.” “Ok. How did you get this number? No one knows this one.” “I have my ways now go if you want her to turn up.” Then the line went dead.

I continue my way to the station to tell them. As I tell them their faces turn from surprise to distaste. I would hate to be that guy right now. They say don't do it because we can find her by ourselves. I think of a plan while they are rambling on. "GUYS!!!!!, I have a plan." "Ok, what is it?" "I take the stuff to the alley and then pretend to give it to them but you guys will be there and you will knock them out. After that we grab Cammi and head back here, but we have to anticipate them bringing back-up. I don't want any of you to get hurt."

"Ok so now we need to get going. I need 5 of the best guns we have. Also, someone go and tell press that the case has been dropped and we cannot do anything." They got everything ready and then the press came on. "Surely her parents are going to call so, I need 1 person to stay back and talk to them." "Let's go people."

Surely enough, a lot of people were fuming that I let that happen. They don't know about the phone call and now it is time to head out to the alley."Ok guys. It's time to head out. Remember to stay in the shadows and let no one see you till it's time. Ok, let's go." We all head out and when we get there you would believe that no one was there with you if you didn't know the plan. It was a short time later when a guy popped out od the shadows.

"Who are you?" "Do you have the stuff?" "Ya now do you have Cammi?" "Of course here she is. Now tell your back-up to go away." "You tell yours to first." "Ok. Men go." "Ok guys go."“Now give me the guns and I will let innocent naïve little Cammi go.” “If I know guys like you they get what they want then they kill their hostages.” “Well your smart I'll give you that. Okay how about this I let Cammi walk over to you and you throw me the bag that has the guns in it.” “Fine. I will give them to you but just to keep Cammi safe but I will get you behind bars 1 day.” “Okay let's get on with this shall we.”

With that Cammi was walking over to me and I threw the bag over to him. Just as he caught it, I whipped my gun out and shot hm in the leg. “Cammi get behind me.” As Cammi did as I said, I ran forwards and grabbed the bag of guns. “Okay Cammi I'm Samantha . I am a police officer that your parents have talked to about you going missing. I am going to help you but for me to do that I need you to trust me okay?!” “Okay.” “Good. Now I need you to stay by my side while we walk okay?” She nodded ”Okay, let's go.”

We started walking back, but then there 2 shots fired from behind us and I got hit in the leg. I looked over to see that Cammi got shot also. She had gotten shot right in the chest. “Cammi I need you to stay with me. Look at me. I need you to keep your eyes open. I know your tired and want to go to sleep but you can't. Just.... just hold on.”

“I..... I want you to tell my parents that I'm sorry.... that I should have never went to that club...... Tell them not to blame themselves and that I don't want to see them sad but happy as they remember the years that we have shared..... I want them to know that I will always watch down on them and that they were going to be grandparents that's why I went......”

The rest of her sentence was dropped because her eyes fluttered closed and she took her last breath. “No.... no Cammi you have to get up. Open your eyes. We are so close Cammi, you have to get up.” “She's gone. There's nothing you can do about it.” “Oh ya wanna bet.” I got up with a little pain in my leg and limped over to where he was.

As soon as I got to him I pushed down on his leg, when I did that he started squirming. “If you run I can get your blood and figure out who you are. I will figure it out and not because I want to, I will do it for Cammi.” As soon as she said that a person came up behind her and put a cloth to her mouth and nose. The cloth smelled funny and she was starting to get dizzy. She stopped breathing because she figured out why; chloroform.

The Second Missing Person

    When I woke up there was a bright light in front of me. I sat up, but when I did I got lightheaded. I got up a few minutes later and looked around. I was back at the station. I went outside and looked around. It was light out so I went back to the crime scene.

When I got there, there was other people there. “Hey what's going on?” “Since you got injured you are apart of this case and you can have your station do anything for you so we are here for the case.” “Okay. I don't care that your here but how long was I out?” “The night. Your one strong one.” “Ya okay. I have to go now.”

When I got back to the station my phone went off. “Hello?” “You think you can do that to me? I will always be on top. I have another girl. You can't save her or anymore girls that I take.” “Okay but I have one question.” “Okay ask away.” “Why are you doing this? Why take all the girls?” “I had a bad childhood and they are wasting theirs.” “Okay but if you turn yourself in we can make a charity about teens who waste their childhood.” “No. I can't.” “Okay, but please don't do anything else that will get you in more trouble please.” “I can't. This is all I have known.” “Well let me help you. Just don't get yourself in more trouble.” “I can't. Sorry.”

The line went dead. After that I kept my phone with me all the time even if I went to the bathroom. After that I went down to the station and got a call from a person. Her daughter Hannah Green went missing. She went to a friends and never came back. I called in the squad and we got to work.

I got to the friends house and figured out that it was my sisters'. I wonder why she have to get involved with it. I always have protected her from everything. She is my twin. We are identical twins. We have everything the same but our eyes and we dyed our hair.

I talked to her and she said that they went to a club the night she went missing. I waited till that night and went to check out the club for myself. After I talked to all the club staff I got out of there. I went out the back entrance and noticed that there were marks. The marks were from someone struggling. I followed them till I got to an abandoned factory.

The Witness

    Made a note to go there in the morning. I headed home and fell asleep. The next day I went back with a few more people and when we got there we scoped out the place. As I was scoping the place out I got a phone call. “Hello?” “Uhm this is Cleo Johnson. I saw a girl get kidnapped and I saw the guy.” “Okay. I need you to describe the girl for me.” “She has long blue hair with green and pink strips, dark gray eyes, and pale complexion.” “Oh my that is Hannah. Okay now I need you to describe the guy.” “He has medium long dark brown hair with a dark magenta streak, blue eyes with green tints, and a tan complexion.”

I go into the building and my sister is there. I ran over to her because I thought that she has been kidnapped, but when I did she pushes a button and a cage falls on me. “Why? Why did you do this?” “Oh well lets see... I was tired of not being the sister who does nothing with her life. The sister who is wasting time. The non-detective sister.” “Is that what this is about? Jealousy? Seriously... people have died because of this because of you and whoever you are working with. I held one of them while they died. This just proves them more wrong. You can do way worse.”

“SHUT UP! Your the one in a cage. Oh and you have a cellmate.” I look over and saw Hannah there. “Oh my god. Hannah are you okay?” I asked as I ran over to her. I got down on my knees and checked her over. She had a bullet in her arm and leg. I applied pressure to the wounds so that the blood would stop flowing. I checked her pulse and it was barely there. “Did you shoot her?” “Yes I did.” “Well you are going to be charged for murder when I get out of here because I just got your confession on tape.” “Crap, why do you always do this?”

After that I stayed quiet. I kept checking on Hannah but she had no pulse, so I gave up. I was in a cage, stuck. Then I remembered that I had my phone. I called back up, told them to get more people, and get to the factory. As I sat there a guy came in. He squatted down in front of the cage, like he was trying to remember something. “Take a picture. It'll last longer.”

“Ah.... I knew I recognized you from somewhere.” I looked at him like he was crazy. “Let's make you remember shall we. You shot me in the leg I shot you in the leg and I killed a person in front of you.” Then everything came back to me the voice, the images, and most of all the death. “You. Your the reason I'm here why?” “Let's just say that my past is not so good.”

I scooted up to the bars and grabbed his hand. “You can tell me.” I looked at him and he searched my face like he was looking for any sign of a lie. “I'm not lying. You can trust me. I think that everyone has good in them but some just choose to let the bad control the good.” “Thank you. But I think that you have that wrong I grew up in an abusive home. My mom left us, and my dad abused us. It was me and my younger sister. I did everything to keep him from hurting her. I came home late from school one time and saw her on the ground.”

“I ran over to her and took her to the hospital and they asked what happened so I told them. They sent the police after him and when they came back with the news I couldn't handle it. There was bleeding in her brain. I couldn't save her. When they told me that I lost it. I took off. I mean who wants to see there 10 year old sister die because you were 17 and didn't come home fast enough.”

“It wasn't you're fault. You did everything that you could to save her." He cut me off, "No I didn't. I should have known he would try something like that. I ran all the way home but I was too late. I wish I could go back in time so that I wouldn't snap at the teacher like I did." "Why did you snap at the teacher, if you knew that he would do something?" "I wasn't thinking, and I was being an idiot."

"No you were just being a teenager. Everyone makes mistakes. I have and so has everyone out there. We are only human. We just have to live with it and try and fix it." "I'm going to let you out. Promise not to run to the police even though you are the police?" "Ya. I will have backup go away too." "Wait you called for backup?" "Ya. Hey what's your name?" "Cole Crooni. What is yours?" "I'm surprised my sister didn't tell you. My name is Samantha Vernandez."

Epilogue: The Ending

10 years later:

Samantha pov;


“I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride.” He leaned in and kissed me. Thinking back to the year that I met him, it's hard to believe that he was on the run and killed someone. My life would be very different if I had not been kidnapped by him.

We had 3 kids over the years. We had 2 twin girls and little boy. The girls are Ella and Stella. And then there is Royce. They are gifts from the heavens. Right now I am at my wedding reception. It took him 3 months to ask me out after the kidnapping. Then after 3 years of dating he proposed. Then 7 years later we got married. I am 3 months pregnant with our fourth child. To my eyes life couldn't get better.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.11.2013

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To my language arts teacher who made me do a project.

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