
Chapter 1: Natalie Porter

"Ms. Porter....NATALIE PORTER!" said Mr. Starks


"Yeah," I said back.


"Since we can all tell you are paying attention, please to enlighten us by explaining the assignment."


"Sure thing Mr. S, we have to pick a partner and do a powerpoint about our future" 


"Looks like Ms. Porter was hald way paying attention class."


Everone in class just clapped and laughed. We all know I was not paying attention and that I had just read it off the board. The thing with Mr. Starks was that he wasn't the brightest teacher but he had the best class. He was teaching us useful things. Think we would use out in the real world after graduation.


Lets take a few steps back, my name is Natalie Porter. I am a senior at West Bell High School and on less then 2 months I will be graduating school. And don't get me wrong I love school but today I was too busy thinking about my future. I was at the top of my class and was very active at school. More then half of the school loved me and the other half couldn't care less about me. I was ready to be done with high school and move on. I even had a plan set and on top of that list was to graduate high.


"Natalie and Aric, you with be partners," said Mr. Starks


"So when do you wana work on this?" asked Aric


"Just stop by my place after school and lets get this done" I said 


Aric Miller was the typical jock, 6 ft tall, blond hair, blue eyes, and amazing body. I only knew that because he was my ex. But now we where friends and he is currently dating my bff Sam. She was crazy for him and I was only dating him to have someone around. So we I noticed Sam liked him more then I did; I stepped aside and let her have him. I love Sam Kirks, she is my bff since middle school. I was new in town and she was the first person to talk to me. We became even closed when my mom passed way in 8th grade. Pretty much after that we became like sister. 


"Bring Sam!" I yelled while we walked out of class.


"Of course but Kyle better be there" he yelled back.


Kyle is my boyfriend. Kyle Bears was they best boyfriend in the world and nothing could change that. 5'10'', dark brown hair, tan, great abs, and bright green eyes; He was prefect.  After Aric and I broke up; Kyle and I started dating. 2 years of dating to be exact. He was truly my other half and the big plus is that my father like him. 


As I walked to my locker to swap out books I noticed Kyle standing there with a rose in his hand.


"This is for you babe," Kyle said


"Thanks baby," I said back while planting a big kiss on with lips. "See you after school, Aric and Sam are coming over."


"Sure thing, meet me at my car" He said as he walked away.


Finally class was over and I walked right out of school and straight to Kyle's car. He was already there waiting to me to get in so we could leave.


"Took you long enough" He said I  closed the door. And we drove off to my house. 


The drive to my house was about 30 min aways from school. We lived outside of town because my dad like how quite it is. My dad had plenty of acers of land and he used most of it. Our closest neighbors where probly half a mile away. Which I didn't mind because when I had parties no one would bother. My dad is CEO of a big car company. He had plenty of money but that didn't mean I was allowed to do or have as I pleased.


"I'm home!" I yelled


"I'm in the kitchen Alie" He yelled back


Kyle and I walked into the kitchen. And my dad was making food.


"You might want to make more then that papa"


"Let me guess, I need enough for 5 people"


"Yup, it's five"


"Great, because that what I made. Now go get cleaned up and I'll take the food the the study room."


"Your good pa, how did you know"


"Sam called and told me there were coming over to do homework"


"Sorry I didn't call I...."


"I know you forgot, now go and get cleaned up"



...........4 hours later..............




"Finally done!" I said. 


"Yeah, it's about time" said my dad "You kids better be getting home it's dark out and I don't want you parents to be worried."


"Ok Mr. Porter" they all said.


"See you at school babe," said Kyle and kissed me goodnight.


After that night the time few by and finally graduation was tomorrow. 





Chapter 2: The Real World

Graduation came and went. I graduated with honors which made my father very proud. It seemed crazy to me that I was done with high school but beleive me I was happy to cross/check that off my list. 


My list stopped after #4 because I'm not sure that I want to do after I start college. I mean there are so many things that could happen. Now back to my list; time to start #2. Finding a job was way easier said then done. I have never had a job since my dad never let me work while I has in his school. While Kyle, Sam, and Aric all had job. They all had what I didn't which was there own money.


"Alie come down, dinner is ready" Dad said.


As I walked into the dinning room I noticed the table was set for 3.


"Pa, do we have company?" I asked. Just then my dad and a short dark haired woman walked in to sit down.


"Hi Natalie, I'm Robin" She said, "It's finally great to meet you, your dad talked about you all the time."


"Um, not trying to be rude but who are you?" I said back in the nicest way I could. I didn't care that my dad was seening someone. But the fact that I didn't know anything about her and she know a lot about me was so not ok.


"Alie please don't be rude, this is Robin my girlfriend" my dad said.


"Ricky, its ok." She said


"Ricky??" I said with the my mouth open


"Natalie...sit down and eat!" He said.


"Look Ricky, I'm very happy for you. It's about time you found someone, mom would be happy" I said. My dad just looked at me as if he couldn't believe what I had just said.


"Thanks kiddo" he said smiling.


After dinner Robin and I sat in the living room talking about my plans for the summer. We talked about how I couldn't find a job because I had zero experience thanks to my dad. Robin was nice and must say I did like her for my father. I could tell he had left us alone so we could talk and 1 hr later we said good bye.


"I'll call you if I hear about any job openings Natalie," said Robin.


"Thanks Robin," I said as she walked out the door.


............2 days later..........


It was early Wednesday morning when I got a call about a job. I missed the call because I never answered the phone that earlier.


They left a voicemail that said:

"Ms. Porter, this is Mark at West Computer Repair and my friend Robin told me you were looking for a job. If your interested the job is your."


After listening to the voicemail I decided to get up to get dressed and go apply. My dad and Mr. Starks always said that applying for a job and person makes you look better. I started looking through my walk in closet to decide what to where. I decided on black dress pants, flate silver shoes, and a silver and black top. I curled my hair and put only the basics in make up. To me basics were eye liner, blush, and lip gloss. And I looked professional. As I went down the stairs and out the door my dad reminded me not to be home too late. I don't think he notcied how early I left since he hadn't had his coffee. 


As I walked in to West Computer Repair, I noticed only one other girl work there and everyone else were guys.


"Welcome to West Repair, how can we help you today" she said.


"I'm Natalie Porter, I'm here to see Mark" I said back with a smile.


"Welcome new girl, I'm so happy to finally have another girl working here"


"Thank you," I said back as she signaled me to follow her to the back.


Without even trying I had a job thanks to Robin. I was excited but a bit confused because I hadn't even talk to Mark.


"Mark, this is Natalie" She said.


"I see you got my voicemail and decided to come to work," He said joking.


"Yeah, sure why not" I said back.


It was no joke, I really did stay but not to "work". I filed out paper work and got loging and my new ID for work. It was going to be a long week rest of the week since I had to train.




Finally all done with my training and I get to work on my own. My work hours were good, 36 hrs a week and pay was $10.00 per hr. It was a perfect summer job for me and when school started I would be able to continue to work there. I had my first real world job and I was happy that I would be to learn a lot from this place.


Working had kept me pretty busy and Kyle and I only talked when we could. Our relationship seemed so perfect in high school but now I didn't know where things were going.


I heard my phone ringing while I was getting ready to go to work. Finally Kyle had taken the night off so we could hang out after I got out of work. I had a half day since I was filling in a lot for other and they didn't want to pay me over time. Finally I would get to see my love, Kyle.


....Texting Kyle....


Kyle: Hey baby, I outside your job. Could you please hurry.


Me: I'll be out in 10 mins


Kyle: Fine, take your time. But you said you would be out at 1 and it 1:20


Me: You were late, so hold on


I finally finished closing my last ticket and I was starting to question if going out was a good idea. I hadn't seen Kyle in weeks since he was busy at work and never had time for us. And the time he is off he wants to start off fighting.....Ohhhh how i hate him complaining sometimes.


i walked outside and Kyle was sitting in his car playing on his phone.


"Finally, you're out" he said.


"Yup, so what do you wana go do?" I said back


"I actually have a surprise for you babe," He said winking back at.


He started to drive and we talked about how we have been doing just caughting up before we got to where every we were going. I few minutes later he made me put a blind fold on and it felt like for ever. He helped me get out of the car and we walked. When up a few stairs and I could hear a door open.


"Okay babe, you can talk that off" He said.


As I opened my eyes I was actually suprised. I was in a room covered with roses. He was standing there with movies and pop corn in his hands.


"Oh my god Kyle" I said, "Your the did you do all this"


"I did all this for you baby, I'm sorry for the past weeks. What movie do you want to watch?"


He had all my favs: Twilight, Lovely bones, and Step Up. I went with Twilight and eventhough he hated those movie we laid in the bed covered with roses. I just laid next to him in bed and wrapped my arms around him. I like this feeling, things felt just right. I forgot the movie was on because all I did was stare at him.

He finally looked down at my a started kissing me.I kissed him back with no hesitaion and from a slow kiss it turn into a rough kiss. Kissing each other like never before. We slowed down to cath are breath and began slowly. He got on top of me slowly kissing my lips, then my neck, and stopped at my collarbone. I couldn't help but moan. It had been almost one month with out kissing and more without sex. He sucked on my collarbone and back up to my lips. I turned us over and now I was on top. I started at his lips, down to his neck, and he began to moan. He lefted my head and started to take my shirt off. As his hand reached my bra, I took his shirt off. He flipped me over and he began to take his pants off and he pulled my skirt off. I helped him take his boxers off and he took my panties off and he touched me. He touched me and I started to get turned on. He kissed my lips and made his way down to my nipples. He sucked on them and made me moan even louder. He put two finger in me and began to pleasure me. I started to got crazy on the inside. He pushed his finger in and out getting me wet. I pulled him down to me and he inserted his penis. It hurt a first because it had been awhile but after it was magical. I wrapped my leg around him as he pushed in and out, in and out. I yelled and moaned even louder. He finally stopped and we just laid in bed breathing heavy. 


We ended up staying the night in the room he got and in the morning he took me home. My dad wasn't home either so I didn't have to worry about getting bitched at this morning. I jumped in the shower and got ready for work. Things suddenly felt like they were going to go back to normal.

Chapter 3: The New Guy

I never speed while driving but today I did. I hated being late to work but after last night I am surprised I even came in to work.  As I walked in the first things I heard was Mark.


"Natalie Porter, I can't believe you were almost late"


"I know, but I wasn't so ha," I said back and I heard someone's quiet laugh.


I turned around to see a new guy. Might I add a very hot new guys, about 5'8" or 5'9", I couldn't really tell cuz he was sitting, Dark bown hari, blue eye, body of someone who worked out a lot but not body builder. He was H O T...HOT! And of course Steph, the only other girl who worked here was too busy flirting with him. Though I'm not sure he was paying much attention to her since he was looking a me. 


"Earth to Natalie," Mark said.


"Yeah Mark, I heard you" I said


"Wow looks like you and Steph are gona have to fight for him," He said laughing


"I have a boyfriend," I said yelling back while he walked away.


Did I just say that. I sounded so desprite, like I was trying to remind myself that I was happy with Kyle. And I was still just looking at Steph talk to the new guy. They both got up and walked over to me.


Steph: "This is Chase, the new guy."


Me: I Chase I'm....


Chase: You're Natalie


"Yes," I said trying not to smile but inside I was yelling.


Chase: Well I'm your new call boy/internet/computer repair guy


Me: Nice to meet you, if you need anything you can ask me


"Or me," Steph said interupting me and walked Chase back to his desk.


I could tell Steph liked him and I was happy for her. I never really talked to her at work so I new nothing back her personal life. We have been working together for a month and all we say is hi/bye. 

The whole day at work those too flirted and talked. I can't say they did much work today. Which kinda pissed me off, due to the fact the we were busy. 


..........Later that night..........


Texting Kyle


Me: Hey baby, I just got out of the shower. How was work?


Kyle: Good, not bad day. N u?


Me: Sucked


Kyle: Y?


Me: New guy


Kyle: n that sucked y


Me: Steph was all over him n got zero work done. which i had to do X(


Kyle: i guess, well i work early. so nite


Me: Good night I guess


All our converstion are usually like that and he passes out. I wish I could say the same thing. That night I couldn't stop thinking about Chase. All I could think about was Chase.


.........3 weeks later........


"Beep,beep,beep!" my alarm went off and I couldn't find my phone to shut it off. Finally I found my phone under my bed. How it got there I have no clue and as I shut my alarm off I noticed a next form Mark:


Mark: Hey Nat, Steph called in sick. So it's gona be u and chase at work.


On Sundays the repair shop was pretty slow, more people picking things up or dropping off. So only Steph and me worked. Well not today. I really hadn't talked to Chase since we first meet. Steph made it crystal clear to back off. I don't know why she said that but she did. Plus last we Chase and I fought about him showing up hung over to work. He was only 2 years older then me and acted like he was 4 years old. I was not very happy about working alone with him. Especially since we were always slow on Sundays.  



....30 min later....


I parked my car in our empty parking lot, we rented a suite in a big building which where all closed on Sunday but us. Of couse I was the first one there and no other cars but mine. As I shut my car door I noticed Chase drive in. I acted like I didn't notice and walked to the front door. I walked to the back room and shut the alarm off, turned all the lights, and put some music on. Chase walked in a clocked in and went to his desk.


Me: Good morning to you too Chase


Chase: Wow, you are talking to me


Me: look we have a comedian


Chase: Oh and a smart ass too


We both just looked at each other and laughed. He walked over and sat next to me. Our desk were high up and our computer along the counter.


Chase: I must fell nice sitting in a high chair shorty


Me: It helps 


I wasn't very talk 5'1", long light brown hair with natural high lights, carmel skin tone. 


Chase: So what do you usually do on a Sunday


Me: Nothing, listen to music and help the 3 clients that come in


Chase: Good, now I can get to know you better


Me: Oh really, what makes you think I wana get to know you


Chase: Maybe because you can never stop looking at me


Me: I'm sorry, I have eye and thats what there for


Chase: So you do look at me


Me: Wait, thats not what I meant


Chase: Sure Alie sure


The only other person that was allowed to call me Alie was my dad. But I must edmit I like how it sounded when he said it. Well talked for hours and by the time we noticed it was lunch time.


Chase: Lunch is on me, Pizza ok?


Me: Thanks and pizza sound perfect


"Beep,Beep!"  I got a text from Kyle.


Kyle: Hey baby, I wana buy you  lunch. What do you want


Me: No thanks, Chase bought pizza. Maybe dinner?


Kyle: What? Chase????


Me: The new guy, Steph is sick or something so he came in for her


Kyle: Ya wat ever


Me: R u mad?


After waiting 10 min for a respond I shut my phone off the rest of the day. I dont know what the problem is. Kyle sometimes forgets about me all weekend and when I say something to him it's always my fault. Today was different he could be mad all he wanted I was too busy with Chase anyways.


Chase: Some one looks upset, everything ok?


Me: Yup, I'm good


The rest of that Sunday we didn't talk. Even though I couldn't stop thinking about him. I don't knw what came over me but I didn't like this feeling. I've never felt like this for anyone else other then Kyle. I was getting scared about my feels that that Sunday caused. 


Chapter 4: Crossing the Line

School was starting in 2 weeks and this summer was coming to an end. I would be working less which meant I wouldn't get to see Chase anymore and maybe thats a good thing. I would get to see me real friends once again and most importantly Kyle. I was actually happy that school was about to start again, I loved my current job but I needed a better one. Maybe Kyle and me could fix what ever it is we had now.


"Alie come down stairs, there is someone here to see you" yelled my dad.


"I'm coming" I yelled back.


As I walked down the stair I saw Sam standing at the bottom. 


"Sam, your back" I said excited.


"Yeah, Finally back!" She said back, giving me a big hug.


Sam had been away all summer long with her parents. They took a long family vaction which my dad didn't let me go to. I missed her so much, I had no one I trusted to talked to and now she is back.


Sam: Lets go to breakfast, I have so much to tell you. God I missed you


Me: I missed you to but I can't I have to go to work


Sam: Boo you suck


Me: You should of told me you where coming I would of called in


Sam: Call in now


Me: Ok fine just this time


I sent Mark a text saying I was taking the day off and I would be in for the afternoon shift. He was fine with it but said I owed him one. I knew what that meant, more work when I went in. Which I didn't mind at all. More work meant working with Chase on the phones which for once I didn't mind.

Sam and I spent all moring talking about her trip and how my job was going. She seemed to have a better summer then me but I woldn't change the way my summer turned out. We talked about starting college next week and how we needed to pack our bag to move in to our place this weekend. Next thing I knew it was time for me to head to work. We said our goodbyes and made plans pack up this weekend.


I walked into work and the first thing I saw was Steph kissing Chase. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Not that I care what they were doing but during work. 


"I mean come on, get a dam room" I said crossing my arms


"We will tonight" Steph said laughing. 


I didn't understand what was so dam funny, people could of walked in and left. Not like they would have noticed or cared. But I did care because it was during work hours for crying out lound. I was so pissed off I walked right past Chase and bumped right into him. I couldn't stand being there with them so I walked straight to the back to Marks desk. Mark wasn't at his desk, he had left me a to do list. Which I was thankful for because that meant I would be at his desk the rest of the day. 

I heard the back door open and in walked Chase.

"Mark just called, I'm suppose to help you finish you list" Chase said smiling.


"Nope, I'm good you go back to work" I said back, not even looking up at him.


"Fine" He said as he walked over and sat next to me. "So what do I have to do?"


"Thats not what I meant Chase but since your not gona leave, just unpack those boxes so we can count inventory" I said back him while I pointed that the 10 stacked boxes.


This was going to take us at least 2 hours to do and we had 20 mins left of being open. Great that means Chase and I would stay late and I didn't want that. I was so mad at him and Steph. I couldn't be alone with him or I would blow up.


"I'm clocking out Natalie, and see you tonight Chase" Steph yelled.


"I'll go lock the door" Chase said to me and walked off.


I'm pretty sure he didn't go lock that door, he just wanted to go lock lip with that slut, Steph. I didn't like how I was feeling, I felt like punching that slut in her dam face and I felt like kis....No, no, no. What am I saying, I can possibly be jealous for her. Um, could I?

Chase walk back to the boxes and kept unloading them. Almost 1 and half later we were finally done. I has so happy I kept calm, we didn't say a word to each other the whole time which made this easy. But that wasn't gona last long.


"So we are done" Chase asked


"Ya thats it for tonight, you can go. I'm pretty sure Steph is waiting for you" I said trying not to sound mad.

"I'm not leaving yet, when you leave I leave" He said "God I'm tried my shoulders hurt"


Without thinking I said,"Do you want me to give you a message?"


"That would be nice" He said laughing 


Chase was sat down in a chair right in front of me. I felt my body shiver and I was trying to calm my self down. I put my hands on his shoulder and he laided his head back. He was looking up at me and then closed his eyes. As I messaged his shoulder his eyes stayed closed and smiled. For some reason I couldn't take the smile off my face. I liked being able to touch his muscular shoulders.  My thought we filled with so many things I wanted to do to him.


"What are you smiling about" Chase said standing up


"Um nothing" I said back, walking to him


"You have soft hands Alie" He said reaching to my hand. He then reached to my other hand and pulled me towards him. He wraped his hand around my waist and kissed me. At first I hesitated but it to a second for me to give in. His lips were big and soft. I reached my hand to his hair and played with it. While he lefted me hand sat me on Mark's desk. I didn't care that this was wrong, I forgot about Kyle. He kissed me hard and we stoped to catch our breath and then kept going. I put my hands under his shirt helping him take it off. He began to lift my shirt up and then I pulled back. So many thoughts rushed through my head, how wrong this was and how Kyle would never do this to me. I pushed him back and jumped off the desk.


"I can't do this, just leave Chase" I said to him


"Alie please, I'm sorry" Chase said putting his shirt back on


"Please just leave, I'll close up" I said while tears started running down my face


Chase was out the door and I just sat on the floor wondering what the hell I was thinking. I was getting really late and I finally managed to stand up and leave work. It was dark out and I ran to my car. I heard my phone beeping inside my purse. It was a text from Kyle.


Kyle: Hey babe, just wanted to tell you I loved you and I will see you tomorrow for dinner.


Then my phone beeped again and it was Chase.


Chase: Alie we need to talk


I didn't answer either of them. I couldn't answer either of them. I was so confused and I didn't know what to do. Should I tell Kyle about tonight or should I just make sure this never happens again. My head just hurting thinking about what just happened. I couldn't deal with it tonight so as soon as I got home I went to sleep.


I woke up earlier then normal and went for a run. When I got back my day was suprised I was up before him.


"Everything Ok, Alie" He said.


"Ya dad, I'm gona shower and leave to work" I yelled back as I ran up the stairs.


 I walked into my room and took my clothes off. I walked to my bathroom and jumped in the shower. As the cold water ran down my body I began to think of Kyle. I could go out to dinner with him like everything was fine. Like I didn't just cheat on him with Chase. I couldn't tell Kyle I loved him when I was the worst girlfriend. I couldn't hear him tell me he loved me or kiss him like everything was ok. 

 The drive to work was even worse, I didn't want to see Chase. We had crossed the line. We were both seeing other people. I mean Kyle and I had a serious realtionship and Him; well he had Steph now. I'm stomach started to twist and turn; I just left like vomitting. I finally reached the parking lot and park right infornt of the door. I opened my car done and the first thing I did was puke. I now felt like crap and didn't want to stay at work. Steph had just arrived at work and saw me bent over just pukeing my guts out. 


"Oh god, that's gross." She said "I'm gona go get Mark"


"No thanks, I'm fine" I said walking to the door.


I walked straight to the back and Mark looked at me like you look like crap what are you doing here look. I felt like crap and I guess everyone notice my accident outside.


"Well, your going straight home. I'll tell Chase to take you" Mark said.


"No, I can drive myself. " I said back trying not to fall over.


"No your not Alie, here take his trash can and give me your car keys" Chase said handing me the trash can.


Great, just what I needed for Chase to take me home. I hated the fact that Mark went to him. He could of let me call someone, anyone that wasn't Chase. I handed Chase my keys and he helped me walk back to the car. We walked around to the side and he opened the door and helped me sit down. He laid the seat back and handed me the trash can. He knew there was know way I wanted to get my BMW dirty. He walked around to the drivers side trying to avoid my puke. He turned the car on and started driving. I didn't even ask if he knew where I lived and I closed my eye.


"I think we are here" Chase said poking me in the arm.


I pulled the seat back up and in fact we were at my house. I noded that he was right and he drove into the drive way and parked by the front door. He didn't want me to walk after he said. That was ok with me because I felt so weak. I got out of the car and came around to help me out. We walked together to the door and I took my keys from him. I walked inside first and turned to say bye.


"Is anyone home" he asked.


"No my dad left and won't be home until tomorrow" I said back.


He walked inside the house and closed the door. "I'm not leaving you here alone, you need me" He said.


"Since I know you won't leave, fine but stay out of my way" I said trying to walk to the stairs. He came behind me and of course didn't stay out of my way, he carried my up the stairs. And I pointed to my room. We went inside and he laid me on the bed. He took my shoes off and graved a blanket. He laid next to and touched my forehead.


 "Alie, your burning up. I'll see if I can find anything for you to take" He said and walked out of the room. A few minutes later he walked in with a glass of water and meds for me. I took them and turned around. I left him get in to my bed and he told me to rest. I started to fall asleep when I felt his arm come around my waist. I lending back into his chest and fell asleep.

Chapter 5: Our Secret

We I woke up Chase was not laying next to me anymore. I stood up and look at my alarm and it was 7 pm. I had slept for hours and I didn't even realize it. I rubbed my eyes because they hurt from sleeping. I looked around the room until I spoted my phone on the dresser. I walked over and I had missed calls for Kyle and text messages from Kyle, my dad, and Mark.



10:30 AM

Called your work you not there, where are u?

12:00 PM

I've called you like 10 times, where are u?

2:00 PM

Guess your too busy, call me

5:00 PM

Can't do dinner tonight, my parents need me to do some work

5:10 PM

Not that your care. but Call me

6:00 PM

??? Call me


I could tell Kyle was pissed off at me but I didn't want to call him. All we would do is get in a huge fight and not talk to each other. I'll just let him calm down and I'll talk to him tomorrow. I checked the rest of my texts.



10:00 AM

Mark called and said you were sick, I spoke to Chase he said you were asleep. Becareful I'll call you tonight



12:00 PM

Your dad called he knows your home and chase is with you. Chase and you have the day off tomorrow.          feel better 


I couldn't believe my dad wasn't freaking out that a guy that isn't him is home alone with me. Last time Kyle came over and my dad found us in my room he told Kyle he wasn't allowed to come over for a while. I don't understand fathers. But I was happy I had the day off tomorrow. I felt like I needed more sleep. As I walked back to my bed I heard the door nobe turn. Chase walked in.


Chase: "Your finally awake, thank god" 


Me: "Have you been here all day?"


Chase: "Yea, I fell asleep next to you and woke up like 5 hrs ago"


Me: "And you stayed here"


Chase: "I told you I wasn't leaving you home alone"


Me: "Oh yea, you did say that"


Chase: "Please tell me your hungry, I made dinner"


Me: "Um yeah, I didn't know you cooked"


Chase: "You have a lot to learn from me Alie"


He turned around and I followed. We went into the dinning room and he had set the table. Food smelled so good, I couldn't wait to try it. He pointed at the chair and told me to sit. He was into the kitchen and walked back with two plates of pasta, garlic bread, and salad. I loved Italian food and he had nailed it. We sat across each other and began to eat. He kept looking at me and smiling. He has the best smile, his teeth were pearl white, and when he smiled small dimples appeared. I tried not to look at him much, I didn't want him knowing I was thinking about him. 


Chase: "So did I pass the test"


Me: "What test?....Oh you mean the food, um yes it taste good"


Chase: "I'm glad you like it, that makes this better"


He actually cared if I liked his food, he wanted me to like it. And I loved the fact that he was here with me, that he had stayed all day with me, and that he cooked for me. I hate to say it but Kyle would never do that for me. A text that said "get better" is as far as it would ever go. 


Me: "Chase....Thanks for everything"


Chase: "You don't have to thank me, I glad to be here"


Me: "If you're done, I'll clean up the table"


Chase: "I got it, go back to bed. I'll be right up"


I smiled at him and stood up. I walked up the stairs and into my room. I left the door open. I decided to take a shower; so, I picked out some clothes and laid it on my bed. Black pajama pants and purple tank. I walked in to my bathroom, turned the water on, and waited for the water to warm up. When the water was warm, I took my clothes off and dropped it on the floor. I stepped into the shower, the water was so warm and I just stood there letting the water run down my body. After about 10 min, I grabbed the shampoo and scrubbed my head. And then I wash my body with a cucumber wash. I loved that smell, so fresh and calming. I turned the water off and reached for my towel. I stood in the bathroom drying my body and brushing my hair. I could hear the tv on in my room and I opended the door. Chase was laying in my bed watch TV. 

"I need to change" I said to him as I walked towards my bed. Chase sat up and got off the bed. I thought he was leaving but instead he walked behind me and put his arms around my waist. "Don't ask me to leave" He whispered. I turned around and we looked into each others eyes. He kissed me and I gave in. I couldn't help myself, I just fell into his arms and kept kissing him. His lips were big and so soft. Me bit my bottom lip and I let him explore my mouth. I lifted his shirt and took it off. He unrapped my towel and pulled it out from under me. I helped him slid his jeans of and then his boxers. Wow, his body was amazing. He was fit and his abs were hard. He kissed me so gentel, then moved down to my neck, the way he kissed me turned me on and I began to moan. He looked but trying not to laugh. I could tell he was happy that I wanted him as much a he wanted me. I turned us over and now I was on top. I kissed him and he pulled me towards him. "Are you sure?" he whispered in my ear. I just looked at him and kissed him some more. But no I wasn't sure but I wasn't going to stop. He sat up and I had me legs wraped around his waist. He turned us over again and he put his penis in me. He started slow so he wouldn't hurt me, he was so careful with me like he was afraid to hurt me. "Go faster" I said to him. And he started to go faster and harder; it was making us moan louder and louder. Thank god no one else was home. He slowed down and lending into and kissed me. "Alie..." He said, "I...I think I'm falling in love with you". I smiled at him and kissed him back. 

He got off of me and I got up and grabbed my clothes off the floor. I walked in to the bathroom and locked the door. I got dress and came back out. Chase was laying my bed ready to go to sleep. I got into bed and wrapped my arms around him. "I think I'm falling in love with you too," I said back. He turned the TV off and we fell asleep.  


I woke up the next morning and he was still asleep. I decided to make breakfest so I got out of bed as quite as I could and headed down stairs. I walked into the kitched and got things out to make pancakes, eggs, and bacon. I finished making the food and started setting the table in the kitchen. I set up plates and placed the food in the center of the table. As I walked to the frig to get the orange juice out I heard a "beep". It was Chase phone, it was charging on the counter. It was a text from Steph. 



08:25 AM

"Chase we need to talk, Please call me!"


I put the phone down and walked away. "Beep,Beep"



08:27 AM

"I can't wait for you to call, I'm pregnant"


I dropped the phone on the counter and walked to the table. I sat there think about that message. Steph was pregnant, Chase got Steph pregnant. I covered my face with my hands and tears ran down my face. How stupid could I being. I heard Chase coming and I wipped my tears away.


Chase: "Good morning, beautiful"


Me: "Hi"


He walked towards me and kissed my lips and I couldn't help but kiss him back. But I was so mad at him I pulled back.


Chase: "This looks yummy"


Me: "You should probly eat and get going. My dad should be home soon."


He walked over to the table, sat down, and started eating. When he finished he walked over to his phone and read the messages. His face turned from happy to blank. I already knew why. And he didn't have the nerve to say anything to me.


Chase: "I gotta go Alie"


Me: "Is everything Ok?"


Chase: "Ya, I just remembered I have to take my mom to the doctor"


Me: "Is she ok?"


Chase: "Um, Ya just a check up"


Chase kissed me goodbye and walked out the door. I couldn't believe he had lied to my face. What else did he lie to me about? I can't believe I trusted him, I can't believe I actually believed he was falling in love with me. 

I stayed home the rest of the day. Tomorrow I had to work and I knew the sult would tell me about it. I wasn't looking foward to that. She was such a big mouth and I really couldn't stand her. I layed in bed and my dad didn't even come home that night. 

The next morning there was a knock on my door and my dad popped his head in.


Dad: "Morning kiddo"


Me: "Hey pa, your home"


Dad: "Can I come in, I need to talk to you"


Me: "Is everything ok pa?"


Dad: "It's great kiddo, I just want to share some news with you"


Me: "ok, spill then"


Dad: "I asked Robin to marry me and she said yes"


Me: "Dad, your getting married! Oh my god, congrats"


I gave my dad a big hug and kiss. I has so happy for him; it was about time he moved on. He got up and told me he was going to call Robin and tell her I was happy for them. And the thing is I was more then happy, with me moving out this weekend and college starting next week;my dad really needed a women to care for him. I got out of bed a took a quick shower and then I headed down stairs. When I got to the bottom of the stait the door bell rang. "Ding,Dong". "I got it dad," I yelled. I opened the door and it was Kyle. He gave me a hug and walked in the door. I was suprised to see him here, it wasn't like him.


Kyle: "Good morning babe"


Me: "Good morning"


Kyle: "You look amazing, you wana get lunch today"


Me: "Sure but what are you doing here so early"


Kyle: "Just making sure my girlfriend was alive"


Me: "Oh sorry for not calling, I was dying"


Kyle: "I know, thats the only reason I'm not mad"


I felt horrible. I felt like a big slut for cheating on him with Chase. Kyle was an amazinf guy and a good boyfriend most of the time. He kissed me good bye and said he would pick me up at work. Oh my gosh, work! I didn't even want to think about that but I had to be there in an hour. I went to the kitchen and I saw Robin and my dad eating. I walked to the table and gave Robin a hug.


"Congrats, I'm happy for you. You have a good catch so don't let him off the hook," I said laughing. 


"I'm just happy you're ok with it, you want to eat?" she said back.


"No thanks, I'll see you guys tonight. You're helping me pack, don't forget" I said as I walked to the door. 


Tonight would be my last night at home; tomorrow Sam and I were moving into our dorm. I couldn't wait for that. I got in my car and drove to work. Know that reality would hit me in the face. Chase had Steph and I had Kyle. What happened between Chase and me meant nothing to him. He was to busy getting Steph pregnant to actually care about me. I took the long way to work because I wasn't look forward to being there. I got there just in time. As I walked in the door Mark came over and gave me a hug.


Mark: "You're alive"


Me: "Indeed I am but take it easy on me today"


Mark: "No can do, busy day ahead"


Me: "You suck Mark"


Mark: "Hahaha, I'm your boss that's my job"


Mark walked to the back room and I walked to counter. No sign of Steph or Chase. I wondered were they were but next thing I knew they were walking in the door. They both had big smiles across there faces and they were holding hands. I left my heat break into a thousand pieces and i could feel a tear coming. I turned around and walked to the back. "Everything, Ok?" said Mark. "Oh, um yeah" I said back. I walking in to the restroom and tried to calm myself down. I took a deep breath and walked out to the front and sat down at my desk.


Steph: "Please don't tell me your pregnant two?"


Me: "Wait...what?"


Steph: "I just figured people don't puke for nothing"


Me: "No, I'm not pregnant Steph. I'm not a stupid as some girls"


Steph: "Oh really?"


Me: "Ya really, Why would I ruin my life this young. How stupid don't you think"


Before I even finish walking she had tears running down her face. I didn't feel bad I meant what I said and I hope Chase heard me. He got up and walked over to Steph and hugged her. She stepped back and walked to the restroom. Mark heard her and came to the front.


Mark: "Is something going on, I mean I've never had to people crying on the same day"


Chase: "No everything is fine, Steph just gets to emotional"


Mark: "Personal issue stay out of work, you understand"


Me: "Ya boss"


Mark walked to the back and Chase just stood there looking at me.


Me: "Can I help you"


Chase: "What's your problem, Alie"


Me: "What's my problem, why don't you tell me"


Chase: "It's nothing Alie, it's none of your business"


Me: "Fine...I don't care anyways. What happened between you and me was the dumbest and biggest mistake of my life. I hope you and Steph are happy together."


Chase: "Alie, p..please don't say that"


Me: "Why don't you go see how you baby mama is doing and leave me alone"


Chase mouth dropped open, he couldn't believe what I had said to him. I was holding back my tears and as soon as he walked away they ran down my face. I couldn't help to realize that the guy I loved was never going to be mine. 


"Beep,Beep" I looked at my phone and it was a text from Kyle.



I'm outside, babe


Me: Come in and get me





I sat at my desk and waited for Kyle to come in. He came to the counter and waved at Chase.


Kyle: "Whats up Steph?"


Steph: "Nothing much just her working, your girlfriend is such a doll to work with"


Kyle: "Hey babe, you ready for lunch"


Me: "Of course honey, let me lock out"


I walked to the back and locked out. I told Mark that I was leaving for lunch. He told me not to come back to day and he would see me on monday afternoon after class. I smiled and walked to Kyle. I told him I had the rest of the day off. He offered to help me pack and start moving tonight. We talk in the lobby were I knew Chase could here. I wanted to make it clear that what I said I meant. I gave Kyle a kiss and we walked out holding hands.

We decided to got into cars and to get pizza at my place instead. We walked in the house; Robin and my dad where already home. There was already three boxes packed. We walked up the stairs and Robing was packing my clothes.


Me: "Someones in a hurry for me to move out"


Dad: "Kiddo, your home early"


Me: "What can I do my boss loves me"


Robin: "He sure does. Don't stand there you two come help"


Kyle: "I'll order the food, you start babe"


Me: "Hurry, I'm hungry"


By the time the pizza got to the house we where done packing. With four of us packing we were done in no time. We all sat down to eat and then we started to load my dad's and Kyle's trucks. I was happy that I was going to be moving out but I wasn't happy it was today. I called Sam and she was ready too. It's like both of our families wanted us out, TODAY. We didn't mind at all. A few hours later we meet at the dorms. Kyle and I went in his car, My dad took his car, and Robin took mine. I was happy to be moving in with my bestfriend Sam. But next thing I knew we had passed the University and our dorms. I picked up my phone and called my dad. All he said is not to worry he knew where he was going. 10 mins later we had arrived to a very nice gated appartment complex. My dad punched in a code and the gates open. Robin and Kyle followed my dad. I noticed Sam's car was already there, along with Aric, and her parents. Sam was standing out side her car just waiting for us to arrive. 


Sam: "Finally, you're here. They won't tell me why we are here"


Sam's dad: "Well girls there have been a change of plans"


Dad: "Instead of living in dorms we agreed that you are resposible enough to care for your own town home"


Sam and I: "Wait, what?"


Me: "Pa, are you serious?"


Dad: "Yes, we are very seriouse"


Sam's Dad: "Here are your keys girls"


Sam and I couldn't believe it. Our fathers were the best. We walked to the town home and it was already decorated. My I say they have very good taste. Everything was modern and so our style. It was a so Sam and me kind of place. We finished bring all out things in and unpacked what we could. Our parents left but our boyfriends stayed. I fell asleep next to Kyle.

When I woke up Kyle was gone and I had a note next to my pellow. 


I love you Natalie, I see you later. 

Call me when you wake up.




He loved me but I didn't love him back anymore and I didn't know what to do. I got out of bed and put my run gear on. I went down the stair and out the door. It was a nice day out, the sun was out but it wasn't too hot. The complex and a running trail so I decided to follow that. I put my head phone in and started to run. About 20 mins into my run so idiot ran into me with his bike.


"Oh I'm sorry" the man said and kept on going.


I hit my leg on a rock and it ripped me legging. There was blooding going down my leg and it hurt even more when I walked. I was basicly just sit on the ground waiting for some random person to come and help me. I just never expected that person to be Mark. 


Mark: " that you?"


Me: "Yeah it is I"


Mark: "Did you fall while you were running?"


Me: "No, some idiot ran into me with there bike and left me here"


Mark: "Let's get that taken a look at, I live in that town home"


Me: "Well hello nieghbor"


Mark helped me up and carried me all the way to his place. He put me down and opened the door. He helped me walk in and he sat me on his couch. His place was nice and he had very good taste. I had never noticed how cute he was but now that I had, I liked him better out of regular work clothes. He cut the rest off my all ready ripped legging and handed me a pair of his shorts. I changed while he turned around and looked away. He then cleaned me cut and put a bandage over it. He was go gental with me and was scared to hurt me. Even though I told him I could take it. Mark was so different at home and I turly like that.


Mark: "Want anything to eat?"


Me: "Sure, why not"


He made me sit on the couch while he made food for us. When he was finish he brought over a tray with food and drinks. We sat and eat quitly. I felt weird having him so close to me. Mark was 28 I think, regular bulit but looked fit, about 5'10'' or so, light brown shaggy hair, and dark brown eyes. I was just looking at him thinking it would be nice to go for someone older then me. More expirenced then me for once and not the dumb ass kids I was with.


Mark: "So are you busy tonight?"


Me: "I'm supose to go to dinner with Kyle"


Mark: "Why do you even go out with that jerk"


Me: "Excuse me"


Mark: "Sorry but you deserve better then him"


Me: "Look Mark my personal life is my personal life"


Mark: "I'm not trying to upset you Natalie but you deserve a better guy. If you would, Never mind"


Me: "If I would what"


Mark stay quite and stood up from the couch. He started to walk around the couch with his hand on his head. I don't know what was wrong but I had an idea what he meant. He walk over to were I was sitting, grabbed my hands and pulled me to him. He kissed me, I wasn't expecting that. He pulled back and let me go.


Me: "Mark, what the hell are you doing"


Mark: "Natalie, give me a chance to prove to you that you're wasting your time with Kyle"


Me: "I..I..."


Mark: "Please don't say no, think about it"


He let me go and walked away. I never expected this to happen. My boss, my boss had a crush on me. He wanted a chance to prove himself to me, he wanted me. I sat in his living room thinking to myself of both Kyle,Chase, and Mark. Kyle on one hand was my long time not caring boyfriend. Chase was a fucking lier and soon to be baby daddy. And Mark was a buisness man, a settled guy with plans and no other commitments. I never looked at Mark as anything other then my boss but what did I have to lose.


Me: "Mark....Mark"


Mark: "Yeah...."


Me: "Don't make me regret this..."


I stood up and gave him a kiss. It felt different this time, it felt perfect, like it was meant to be. We pulled back, looked at each other, and laughed. We sat on the couch and talked. Other then at work I didn't no much about him. Thanks to Robin he knew everything about me. I knew Robin had something to do with this. Made me wonder what else she knew that I didn't. We talked until I noticed the time. We agreed that this was "our secret" and kissed. 

Mark took me home that night. I waited for 2 hours and Kyle never arrived. I was so pissed at him, I called and texted him for those hours. He never answered or texted back. I think I was ready to move on.



Chapter 6: Three + Me = Trouble

I fell asleep wait for Kyle to call or text me but he never did. Two days later and nothing. Not one thing have I heard from him. It was Monday morning and I had to get to class. I hopped in the shower and got dressed. I headed down the stair and Aric was asleep on the couch. I walked pass him and he woke up. 


Aric: "You're up early"


Me: "Class starts to day Aric"


Aric: "Oh shit, I better go home and get me things. Say bye to Sam for me"


He ran out the door and drove off even faster. Class started in about an hour and he lived 30 mins away. He was going to be late to class for sure. Aric and I were studying the same thing, we were Art majors. My dad wasn't too happy but I didn't care. Art was my first love and when my mother died it helped me through it. Sam came down the stairs and looked around but didn't find Aric. I told her he forgot about class today and went home to get his things. Sam and Kyle were in the same program too, they were English majors. We sat and ate. Sam and I hadn't really talked much, something didn't feel right.


Me: "So hows it been, I havn't really seen you"


Sam: "Good just busy"


Me: "I know that, but anything new"


Sam: "Ya, who the hell was that guy that brought you home?"


Me: "My boss, Mark...why?


Sam: "Your love life isn't my issue but don't hurt Kyle"


Me: "Sam i don't know what you're talking about"


 Sam got up and walked back up stairs. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.08.2014

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