
Dedication & Foreword
For Those Truly-Dedicated Civil Servants, who DESPITE political
persecution, are the ones who get the REAL job done.
Does Government always attract the Best and Brightest or are the
Best and Brightest driven away by discouragement by Office Politicians.
It should be noted that Truly Talented Civil Servants
are often harassed and suppressed by Political Types. Whereas
the Talented, Knowledgeable Civil Servant believes in Quality
and Challenge, the Political Type is often looking for the quantitative
way, often to make it look like something is being
done, even though conditions are not being improved. One servant
discovered when he found that summonses were defective due to
the misapplication of the law, and when he wrote these process
in accordance with the law, he was told to conform with the team
way, or be ostracized. The “Team Way” is to issue sheer #s of
process, even if there are no noticeable results, such as correcting
the conditions. One offender was cited 8 times and
thought it was a joke. When cited correctly, the offender was
fined and the condition was corrected. Yet that civil servant,
instead of being rewarded for the correct action, was told to
conform, so as to protect the group's wrongdoing. In Short,
“Don’t Rock The Boat.”
Political Types are self promoters. They think that quantitative
is the way to show that something has been done.
For the person with the solution is disregarded, while the faker
who spends his/her time running the person with the solution's
reputation into the ground, is rewarded for fakery, though not
solving the problem.
I see it this way-if the problem was to be solved, the justification
for the agency and the agency chief, would be for that
agency or task force to be disbanded. So, in the interest of
those who use numbers to pretend to be useful, it's not in THEIR
Interest to have the problem solved. Just how much is not in the
public interest but for self-profit, is a question which needs
to be asked and answered.
Ross Mac Duncan
New York, NY
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Ross Mac Duncan
Note From The Author
A television set was on, with a political advertisement. Mayoral
Candidate and City Attorney Grenfell Marstern was the star of
this blurb in the 6:30pm time slot on TV 25. Marstern, a crusading
politico, was showing how people were being protected, as
the blurb showed the quick action he had taken against a wine
shop in Brighton for posting a sign reading “Drink Red Wine To
Your Health.”
Over at the Mayor's Office of Licenses, Ivan Yevot, Chief Investigator
of Licenses, was watching the ad he helped produce. Ivan
is also one of the leading campaign aides for Marstern. Ivan, a
man in his 50s, lives with his parents in a condominium in Back
Bay along Boylston Street. His parents are owners of a Boston
communications giant, Harbor Bay Wireless, the official electronic
device supplier to Boston's Municipal Services.
Ivan, an only child, doesn't have any social skills. He has a
fetish for blonde women and mocks Asian women. He often disappears
into his “Library”(bathroom) with sex magazines, in order
to masturbate. During coffee breaks, he ogles blonde women, one
of whom slapped his face, after which he was heard muttering
''My library is a lot safer'', where he then went & did his
thing. Sometimes he rides around Chinatown by South Station,
looking out for beautiful Asian women, preferably Chinese women,
and hollers “Sucky-Fucky G. I.”, in order to get his jollies.
Veronica Mc Dermott from Dorchester, a Senior Investigator with
the Bureau of Licenses, was writing reports on her findings of
an unlawfully conducted Midnight BEANO Game at a hall in Roxbury,
run by “Friends of Yeshiva Yehuda Friedman.” She's intuitive
since why would a game be held at Midnight, Sunday Morning.
She had issued a violation order for an unlicensed game and
for violation of the statute forbidding Midnight games. There
was also something most people didn't know. She discovered that
Grenfell Marstern's Cousin Benny, was the organizer of these
Veronica contacted the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations to
inquire about the existence of the school in Massachusetts, as
Massachusetts Lottery Law only allows for New England Based organizations
to be licensed for BEANO. Her e-mail directed her to
the official website, which showed that no such school even existed
anywhere in New England. She also contacted The Secretary
of Education's Office. She then contacted Marstern's Cousin by
phone. In the conversation, Cousin Benny revealed that this was
done on behalf of Rabbis David and Baruch Bernstein, whose
school is located in the Williamsburg Section of Brooklyn, NY.
She was scheduled to meet with the Boston Police Vice Unit, with
the leading investigator, Detective 1st Grade Paul “Southie”
O'Brien, who was the one who discovered much of the morass that
BEANO had become, with legitimate organizations being replaced
by fraudulently-created paper.
At 0930, Veronica, or “Ronnie” as she preferred being called,
met with Detective O'Brien at a coffee shop in Kenmore Square.
Ronnie was also Southie's Amica. Both were exchanging information
on the games, when she revealed the conversation she had
with Marstern's Cousin Benny:
“Grenfell Marstern's Cousin Benny is running games for Friends
of Yeshiva Yehuda Friedman. He's running them for 2 Rabbis named
Bernstein. They're from a place called Williamsburg, Brooklyn”;
Southie then remarked “It's a land of mystery south of Broadway,
by a bridge to Manhattan, where you have to know Yiddish in order
to make it there. I was born in Brooklyn and moved up here
when I was 8”;
Ronnie mentioned that violations were served on this outfit. She
also mentioned that Ivan Yevot changed the hearing time and date
without her knowledge, in order to get the summonses dismissed.
O'Brien said “Yevot is too busy on knee pads for Marstern, covering
up all his dirty little secrets. Funny thing is that Yevot
is dressed in a Nazi SS Uniform on his Facebook page & hates
Jews. Ditto, Twitter. He's a fucking jerk.” Ronnie then revealed
that on a Bazaar detail, she had issued several violations only
to be jumped by the organizer, a local thug who runs a local development
corporation. Yevot demanded that she apologize to the
thug, even though she suffered a nasty sprained ankle. He mentioned
that to apologize will benefit “The Team”. Southie
cracked that “Team” has “At Me” embedded in the word, and Yevot
and the thug are members of the same political club in Back Bay,
often sharing tickets in the Coca Cola Corner at Fenway Park.
Southie said that he's lucky if he can afford Outfield Grandstand
or the bleachers at Fenway.
O'Brien tells Ronnie “See you Sunday for Mass and Breakfast.” He
and Ronnie embraced and kissed tenderly. Ronnie returned to her
Yevot announced to Ronnie that the change of hearings was done
to protect the City of Boston from embarrassment and scandal.
Then he spoke in a hushed, threatening tone, “This investigation
can cost you big time. I can have you fucked out of a promotion.
I can get people to ruin your reputation. The people won't believe
you. They will believe me. I'm so well-connected.”
Ronnie started to weep. Yevot made an entry in his dossier, remarking
that “Mc Dermott is mentally-unstable. As far as I'm
concerned, she suffered a nervous breakdown”.
Southie got a call from a sobbing Ronnie over this behavior by
Yevot. Southie called Yevot with “You've got the biggest conflict
of interest in this town covering for Marstern, burying
his relatives violations. You should quit while you're ahead,
asshole” & hung up.
2200 hours-the phone rings at Southie's pad in Dorchester. P.O.
Sean Lafferty tells Southie to come to Park Street Station on
the Red Line. Lafferty called it “A horrible accident. A woman
was shoved to her death in front of an outbound Red Line train
headed to Ashmont”.
Southie showed up at the Park Street station entrance. A body
was on the sidewalk. Southie was shown the face of the victim.
Southie, never known for emotion, never cried so hard in his
life. Ronnie was taken away from him. It was going to be a long
night for Southie.
Southie was at his desk, bleary-eyed and heartsick over this
death. Nevertheless, he was readying himself for the challenges
of both the “Accident” and Funeral of Ronnie Mc Dermott. He was
given to tears, freely, something he wasn't noted for previously,
except when his name came up for Detective Sergeant.
Captain Jim Scallopino knocked up his paramour, P.O. Maura Terrazzo
and arranged to have Southie bumped out in favor of Maura.
Maura worked on patrol in Kenmore Square and used to get harassed
on Game Days on Brookline Avenue, especially whenever the
NY Yankees were playing the Red Sox. Maura's dad was a Yankees
fan & Maura followed in his footsteps, as there are a good number
of Yankees fans in the North End, owing to the fact that the
NY Yankees have a long list of Italian-American players. Maura
usually gave Red Sox fans a hard time over drinking beer on
Yawkey Way, while looking the other way whenever Yankees Fans
were going 8 on 1 over some teenager in Red Sox Regalia, often
giving the kid in a Sox cap, a summons for Disorderly Conduct,
while ignoring Joey From Howard Beach, Queens & his Gang of Bullies
who started the whole fight. Maura wasn't liked nor trusted
by other cops in Kenmore Square. Off duty, she wore a NY Yankees
cap and jersey. She hangs out in a bar on the North End, called
the Signal 13 Pub, owned by Terry Topper and Phil Bottomly, who
also own “Spike”, a gay pub on Boylston Street in Copley Square.
Southie headed over to Licenses to read the reports filed by
Ronnie Mc Dermott, in regards to BEANO. In one report, she told
of a plan by then Bureau Chief Investigator, Maria Delgado, to
have her conduct an inspection of the game and any illicit “Line
Bets” taken by the volunteers for “The Benevolent Society of The
Veterans Home of Belmont, MA”. Ronnie noted that Delgado was
turning her head and smiling to herself, then contacting someone
by phone, speaking in Spanish. Ronnie understood Spanish and realized
that she was about to be set up by Delgado, as Delgado
had an associate who ran a so-called “Local Development Corporation”,
in Roxbury. According to Ronnie, Delgado planned to have
that associate state that Ronnie shook down the game for $2G.
Ronnie left the office to call Vice, in regards to what she
heard in the planned setup. Ronnie also took a run up to the
address of the vets home and found that it was a boarded up
building, destroyed by fire. The Belmont Arson Investigation
Unit, revealed that the vets home hadn't existed for 7 years.
Southie uttered to himself “Ronnie was hated by Delgado, who
looked for ways to destroy people, for self-profit. Delgado ran
a Catholic Mariners of Charity Ship out of running games, by repeatedly
citing them for having smudged photos on the id badges
worn by volunteers, yet condones fake paper like this burned out
veterans home.”
Also, Ronnie had detailed that Delgado tried to pressure her
into meeting her in the local Pentecostal Church, to get her
saved from Catholicism.
“Lemme see-Delgado wanted Ronnie to convert, to spare her from
all this harassment, which this Broad is known for dishing out”,
muttered Southie.
Further into Ronnie's reports, O'Brien read details of Ivan
Yevot's plans of changing hearing dates and sending Ronnie to
some assignment so Yevot could have the violations dismissed. As
it turned out, the “Organizations” games were chaired by
Marstern's Cousin Benny.
“Gee, I wonder how many games Yevot sees from the EMC Club at
Fenway”, muttered a disgusted Southie.
Prior to Ronnie's Funeral Mass, Southie met with Monsignor Francis
Fitzgerald, a gruff man with a heart of gold. At times the
Monsignor sounds like a longshoreman, with the use of some
earthy lingua franca. The Mass of The Resurrection is being held
at Holy Cross Cathedral in Brighton. Ronnie was a simple, devout
Catholic Woman with whom Southie went to Mass with, followed by
breakfast together. She & Southie often travelled to Newton
Highlands for the Traditional Latin Mass once a month.
Monsignor Fitzgerald directed Southie to speak to the Cathedral's
Master of Ceremonies, Monsignor Angelo Farrecchio, a
North End Native. There were a few words of caution given by
Monsignor Fitzgerald, like “Angelo Farrecchio is a drama queen.
He was honored in Jamaica Plain with a main drag named for him.”
Southie asked what the name of the street is called, and the
Monsignor replied “Oh, Queens Boulevard! His favorite patriotic
hymn is ‘My Country Tis of Thee’ only because it sounds like
‘God Save The Queen’”.
Monsignor Fitzgerald accompanied Southie to see Monsignor Farrecchio.
Southie discussed the fact that since City Officials
were going to be at the Mass, that no contemporary Mass hymns be
played, and that some Gregorian Chant be sung.
Monsignor Farrecchio was surprised about this request and asked
why Gregorian Chant at such a Mass. Southie informed the Monsignor
that both decorum and the fact that Veronica came back to
the Church through the use of Latin in the Liturgy, is why this
special request is being made.
Monsignor Farrecchio asked “Where am I going to find a Priest
who knows these rubrics. OK, there is a Priest, a known visitor
who celebrates the Salisbury Mass in West Roxbury, named Fr
Francis Mc Bride NYC.”
O'Brien said,”Go with him. I've been to a couple of his Masses.”
Monsignor Farrecchio mentioned about certain politicians being
there like Grenfell Marstern, to which Monsignor Fitzgerald
cracked “Marstern is a jackass, who I'm putting on notice that
if he so much as stands on the Cathedral's steps to hold a press
conference, I'll run his ass back to Back Bay faster than the
Sox running that sore-armed slab of Canadian Bacon back to Quebec.”
Southie went home. He viewed the latest Marstern For Mayor
blurb. Southie shook his head when Marstern was seen raiding the
ticket office of some Independent Professional League Baseball
team, charging them with deceiving the public, claiming to be a
professional team. Southie yelled at his TV screen, saying “I'd
love to see him going after the NY Mets for deceiving fans into
thinking the team is in Major League Baseball.” Southie shut off
his TV set and went out for a couple of ales.
At Holy Cross Cathedral in Brighton the next morning, Boston PD
was setting up barriers on the street, as a huge crowd was expected
to pack the Cathedral. The Mass was to have Agency Chiefs
from all over Government Center, as well as much of Ronnie’s
Dorchester neighborhood at the Cathedral, with Ronnie's friends,
neighbors and teachers. All of her teachers were from Mother Seton
Academy, run by the Sisters of Charity-Halifax, who're based
in Wellesley Hills, as well as her old Grammar School. Ronnie
was a Graduate of Boston University's School of Governmental Administration.
Faculty were also present.
The “Kyrie” was sung in Greek. The “Credo”,“Hosanna”, &“Agnus
Dei”, were sung in Latin by the Mayor's Director of Communications,
Ashley Solu, singing as if her voice was that of an Angel
in Heaven. Ashley is a rather-private person, not always noted
for warmth, who also sings a Patriotic Solo on July 4th with The
Pops on the Esplanade. She's a Graduate of The Boston Latin
School,the Most Prestigious Public School in Boston, as well as
University Of Massachusetts-Boston.
Southie delivered the Eulogy, describing Veronica as “A Simple
Woman of Faith whose dedication to duty knew no bounds. She was
a colleague, my dearest Amica, & I shall miss her all of my
days. Veronica, until we meet again in Paradise. Love, In
Christ, Paul,” as tears were streaming from Southie's blue eyes.
Conspicuous by his absence was Ivan Yevot. But, present was
Eastern Massachusetts Gaming Association Executive Director,
Maria Delgado. She was joined by the Association's General Counsel,
Jim Scallopino, now a Lawyer with an extermination business
on the side, with exterminator contracts for the Boston Public
School System. Scallopino took an unusual path to law school after
retirement, going to Jesuit Run Fordham University in The
Bronx. He is a NY Yankees Fan. To help pay for his student
loans, he became a licensed exterminator, with active summers.
Now he's busy with the Association as a client. He can be seen
entertaining clients in his seats in the State Street Pavilion
at Fenway Park, especially during a Yankees Series.
Delgado was crying. She was heard uttering “If only she had been
saved as I've been, none of this would've happened”, to which
Southie replied with “Salvation only comes at the end, you
fraud. You are a treachery practitioner. I don't want to hear
your sobbing nor see your crocodile tears. Now get the fuck
outta here. You spent your time tormenting Ronnie.”
Scallopino spoke with Southie. Southie accepted Jimmy's condolences
and moved on.
Fr Mc Bride, the main Mass Celebrant, rushed over to Southie and
spoke words of comfort to him. He then gave Southie some information
about a stalking victim in the Rego Park Section of the
Borough of Queens. Father gave Southie a number from a Massachusetts
License Plate.
“The woman was a recent immigrant from Poland. She was frightened
out of her wits. She has blonde hair and noticed that her
stalker was sitting in his car & masturbating, while eyeing her
and laughing, yelling 'Sit on my face & I'll guess your weight'.
The 112th Precinct was called, but the guy took off before anything
could be done.” Southie told Father that he'll be in contact
with NYPD & him, when further developments come up.
“Padre, join me for some tea or coffee”, asked Southie.
Father Mc Bride asked Southie to take him to Bleacher Bar at
Fenway Park, where both were imbibing a few pints of Smutty Nose
Ale. Neither gent felt any pain, but for Southie, it was only
temporary relief from the pain of the day.
“In Nomini Patris, et Filli, et Spiritu Sancti, Amen”, was
Southie's Prayer.
Oremus(Let Us Pray).
Chapter 2
It was 0700 hours. In that time slot, Channel 4 was running a Marstern Campaign Commercial,
this time with Grenfell calling for more mental health treatments.
In the commercial, so-called ''ordinary citizens'' appeared in the commercial series, commenting
on the unfortunate events which occurred at the Park Street ''T'' Station. This was all
arranged by Ivan Yevot, who also appears in an ad. Two Hasidic Jewish Men appeared with
no names given. One of them only gave his 1st name of David, remarked that ''The poor
working girl Ronnie, should've seen a Psychiatrist, where the Doctor could have counseled
her & given her the appropriate medications for her mood. Grenfell Marstern will help those
who really need the help.'' This was followed by Marstern, on Camera, telling Bostonians ''I'm
Grenfell Marstern and I Approve of This Message''.
At 0730 on Channel 4, another Marstern ad on Mental Health Treatment was on the air, this
time with Yevot as an ''Ordinary Citizen'', chiming in on Ronnie's so-called mental illness issues.
''Poor Veronica Mc Dermott refused my offer to get treatment. She walked around in a fog.
She often talked about Suicide. Grenfell Marstern will help those citizens with the care they
deserve''. This time, Grenfell was seen talking to reporters with Holy Cross Cathedral in the
background in a still shot.
At 0800 on Channel 4, another Marstern blurb, in his mental health series, focused on Ronnie
with another ''Citizen'', a Hasidic Jew named Baruch. ''It's too bad that the poor shiksa,
Veronica, couldn't afford Mental Healthcare. Grenfell Marstern will see to it that citizens of
this city will get the kind of care they need.''
At 0830, the 4th Marstern ad aired, this time with another ''Jane Q Public'', named Maria, with
her observations on the Mc Dermott death. ''I felt such compassion for her, wanting her to get
treatment for her mental problems. Grenfell Marstern will see to it that people will get the
mental health treatment they need.''
Sean Lafferty had been watching ''The Morning Show'' on Channel 4, which he was recording
on DVD. He saw the ads. He decided to take the DVD Disc to work, to show Southie the
campaign ads. Sean realized that it might upset Southie, but since these ''John & Jane Q
Publics'' commented on Ronnie's mental health ''Issues'', the DVD should be seen by him.
At the Bureau of Licenses, a new investigator named Jess Carey was being trained in
BEANO Inspection/Investigation techniques by Yevot. Yevot warned Carey not to cooperate
too closely with Boston Vice, ''ESPECIALLY with that vindictive, drunken asshole, Paul
O'Brien. He caused Ronnie Mc Dermott to lose her mind, so she jumped in front of the Ashmont
Bound Red Line Train at Park Street. He's so vile that he chews on his cigars, while
smoking them.''
Carey reported to Boston Vice to meet with the leading Detective on the Vice Detail, O'Brien
and his partner, Lafferty & Captain Jim Larkin, the Commanding Officer of the unit. They
viewed Lafferty's DVD, with the Marstern adverts.
The one where David was speaking, was viewed and Jess Carey blurted out ''I know him. I
was supposed to go to his Rabbinical School'',
''Where'', O'Brien asked,
''In Williamsburg, Brooklyn. I registered online at The address
was 146 North 6th Street.''
O'Brien has a certain knowledge of the Borough where he was born. He told Carey that the
old Franciscan Academy used to be there. It was not in the Hasidic Jewish Quarter, which is
south of Broadway by the Williamsburg Bridge.
The team went to the school website. The site read ''Domain For Sale.'' Carey told the unit
that he sent $3G to the school over their Pay Pal account.
O'Brien's advice to Carey was ''If a school's website ends in dot com, it's either a diploma
mill, or a money-laundering scheme. Schools, especially reputable colleges, have a site ending
either in .edu or .org.''
Carey also identified Baruch as the 2nd Rabbi, in connection with the ''school''.
Carey inquired about the tuition money. He received an e-mail, with an account number, informing
him that the money is invested with Marstein Investment Trust LP, in Fort Salonga,
Carey revealed that the last name of David and Baruch is Bernstein. Their investment managing
partner is Bernie Marstern, hence Marstein Investment Trust LP.
''BEANO'', Lafferty exclaimed, ''It looks like a Ponzi scheme to me.''
Larkin looked at a rather tired looking Southie. He asked O'Brien if he was disgusted by the
morning Marstern TV Spots. Southie replied ''Seeing these 4, trashing the memory of an
honest colleague, as two of them hounded her without any mercy, causes tremendous stress
as well as doubt that there's any justice in this world, especially with this plan for more mental
health care. One wonders if Marstern's group of lackeys, are going to go after anyone who
disagrees with Marstern's Agenda, through this ''Treatment Plan.'' Larkin replied with ''It
sounds a bit like what the old Soviet Union did with their dissidents, by sending them to Psychiatric
Hospitals, to cause the dissidents to conform to the Soviet way of thought.'' Lafferty
chimed in with ''Marstern must be planning the BSSR-Boston Soviet Socialist Republic. One
wonders if the hammer & sickle will appear on the city flag.''
Jess Carey revealed that his original name was Joshua Kornheimer, and that he changed his
name to prevent being called Anti-Semitic names. He was advised by Southie to be careful of
mentioning that he's Jewish anywhere near Ivan Yevot, because of Yevot's intense dislike of
O'Brien went into the Massachusetts DMV Database, to check out the plate # given to him by
Father Mc Bride. The plate came up to a rental car company at South Station. Southie called
the company & gave them the plate #. A name came up as to who last rented the car, a 2009
Nissan Sentra. The clerk revealed that the man, in his 50s and wearing glasses, asked for
''Your latest model Rice Rocket''. The name of a Mr Ivan Yevot, came up.
O'Brien told Captain Larkin ''We just hit pay dirt on that plate # that Queens Priest told me
about. Yevot is a pervert in NY. He travelled down in a rented car to Queens, stalking a Polish
Woman and jacking off in his car, in front of her. Heʼs going to get a visit from the FBI &
O'Brien notified FBI & NYPD, with the pertinent information. Now the big question was how
did Yevot get the information to find this woman to stalk and frighten her.
Yevot was seen with his iced coffee, standing outside of City Hall, smiling to himself, gawking
at women. He paid most of his attention to young blondes, and Asian Women. He noticed an
attractive blonde in a late model car with NY Plates.
Yevot, a computer expert, hacked into NY DMV Database, ran the plate and decided to take
a trip on a weekend into Rego Park, Queens. NYPD 112 Pct sent a video from a resident,
showing Yevot in action. The Unit watched this video of Yevot.
Southie called Father Mc Bride & thanked him for his cooperation. Father told him that "This
guy is going to spend some time at the 'Bend Over Hilton' in Kew Gardens";
Southie, "Bendover Hilton? Oh, that's the Queens House of Detention. OK, thanks Father."
Southie cracked, "When they get done with Yevot in that jail, he'll be someone's 'Girlfriend'".
Southie went to the Cemetery to visit Ronnie's Grave. He placed a long stemmed Red Rose
on the grave, wept for a few moments and prayed that Justice be done.
Oremus(Let Us Pray)
Chapter 3
Realizing that Ivan Yevot is a pervert, does not take rocket science to figure out. He knows
that no matter what he does, he has protection of the political forces of The Hub. For one
who was born in 1952 & had graduated from the area's Catholic Schools, during the Baltimore
Catechism era, he learned very little about Sin and its' consequences, and let his sinful
practices get the best of him. In his need to ''Choke his chicken'', one wonders if his conscience
has been on holiday.
He feels threatened by those who show initiative and knowledge, so he feels the need to do
damage to that person, to build up his own self-esteem. He would forbid the correct action
and force his subordinates to perform a particular action according to so-called time constraints,
so he could show high numbers. Whenever the operations failed, he blamed the
subordinates. His favorite fallback, though was that the judge didn't know the law. Still, he
kept dossiers on people, with unfavorable things written about them. His particular target was
Ronnie Mc Dermott. One passage in his dossier read as follows;
''This blonde bitch thinks she's Wonder Woman, uncovering Benny Marstern. We need more
Marsterns, who create organizations, so we can create maximum license revenues. We don't
need the Catholic Mariners of Charity(CMOC). I despise Monsignor Fitzy, that Irish Altar Boy
Banger. Ditto, that pompous fat fuckin' guinea, Monsignor Farrecchio. I think that Detective
Paul O'Brien is mentally-disturbed, especially for courting Mc Dermott. That Taxi Detail cunt,
Maura Terrazzo, deserves a bad beating. When Ronnie Mc Dermott was attacked, it was because
she didn't understand the dynamics of Dominican culture, as well as my professional
relationship with Maria Delgado and with Mario Estrada, the local development corporation
executive director in Roxbury. Both are members of the Back Bay Democratic Club. Besides,
Mario scores me seats in the Coca Cola Corner at Fenway, which no one knows about. Hey,
I even tried to take Ronnie to the hospital, where me and Estrada would've dictated the report
on how she got hurt, and have her sign off on it. That way, I would have been covered.
But, that bitch wouldn't go along with it and limped around. That shows immaturity on her
part, and that she doesn't understand teamwork.''
Jess Carey was ordered to mind Yevot's desk, as Yevot was headed to the ''Library''. Carey
saw the paper with all these details. He also saw a list with license plate #s, and descriptions
of the women he saw, usually blondes or Asians. He made copies of the 3 sheets.
Jess checked in with Southie, Lafferty and Captain Larkin. He showed them the papers with
the license #s, names & addresses & the secret dossier of Yevot.
O'Brien, ''Boy is Yevot a pissed off loser. He actually did things for Red Sox prime seats at
Fenway. What a political whore'';
Larkin, ''The next free ride he gets will be aboard a wire windowed bus, in a cage'';
Lafferty, ''Saturday Night Game at 7:10pm, Mets at Red Sox. Any takers'',
Southie, ''Yeah, I'm going. Where are we sitting'',
''Lower bleachers 36 for $26',
''Good, count me in'', as Southie forked over $26.
Southie received a call from NYPD Detective Brian Mc Cue in regard to the Bernstein Brothers.
Jess Carey had spoken to him earlier about them and Benny Marstern.
Mc Cue told Southie that Marstein Investment Trust was about to be raided at their Ft Salonga
HQ, & @ the Bernstein Brothers Residence at 778 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights,
Brooklyn. FBI Special Agent Tom Mc Auliffe, from the NYC Office, who specializes in Financial
Frauds, is coordinating these raids.
Southie knew something about Hasidic Judaism, as his Nuns, Sisters of Charity-Halifax,
gave him some insight into that religion. The Jewish kids he knew were a secular. As a child,
he remembered his Jewish Friends sharing in Christmas celebrations. Then, one day he saw
a school bus full of men and boys, with beards and and curls and wondered aloud who they
were. One expression used to describe these Hasidic Jewish men with the beards was “Fox
In The Bush”, as mockery. In college, he learned of the divisions within the Hasaidic Sects. In
Williamsburg, Brooklyn, the Satmar Sect does not recognize the State of Israel. In Crown
Heights, the HQ of the Lubavitch Sect does recognize the State of Israel. The Bernstein
Brothers are Lubavitcher Chasaidim. The Lubavitcher Sect originated in Russia. The Satmar
Sect originated in Hungary. The Worldwide Lubavitcher Sect is headquartered in Crown
Heights, Brooklyn.
Southie realized that the two sects often feuded, like proverbial “Hatfields and Mc Coys”,
which led him to wondering WHY would the Bernstein Brothers set up shop in Williamsburg &
NOT Crown Heights. And of all places, for the so called seminary, why the former site of a
Catholic All Boys School on the North side of Williamsburg, an area which is more like the
East Village in Manhattan.
In the case of the Lubavitcher Sect, there is also the belief that the last Grand Rebbe is the
Messiah, since he died without an heir. The Satmar Sect does not recognize this Messiah.
One Jewish Politician remarked that “When the guy can walk on water, maybe then Iʼll believe
him.” Now the Satmar Sect does not recognize the State of Israel because to them, the
Messiah has not come into the world. Meanwhile, the Lubavitcher Sect is waiting for their
Messiah to rise from the dead, from his grave in some neighborhood in South Queens. As far
as Southie is concerned, these people shouldnʼt hold their breath for too long.
Tom Mc Auliffe, the FBI Special Agent assigned to this investigation, is an interesting man,
given to humor at any given moment. He has a mustache and an iPhone. He has a Mac at
his home. Heʼs originally from Memphis, Tennessee, and is well-read in Irish Culture. He
wears a lapel pin reading “Cead Mille Failte.” He also has a collection of unusual movies on
DVD and has 3 pet cats. Brian Mc Cue, the NYPD Detective from Brooklyn Vice, is a Trivia
Master and is writing a book called “The Possession Of Mr M. Donald.” They obtained a
Search Warrant from the US District Court for The Eastern District in Downtown Brooklyn to
raid the Ft Salonga HQ of Marstein Investment Trust LP. A second Warrant was issued for
778 Eastern Parkway, 4 doors down from Lubavitcher HQ at 770 Eastern Parkway.
Mc Auliffeʼs humor includes such blurts as “Pandoraʼs Box was opened, but Pandora didnʼt
like that too much”, and “ I think that Youkilis would make a good #8 hitter with the pitcherʼs
spot due up.” Mc Cue reminded Mc Auliffe that Kevin Youkilis plays for the Boston Red Sox in
the American League, which uses the Designated Hitter.
The NYPD, FBI and Suffolk County New York Police Department were getting ready with the
plans for the raid at Fort Salonga, on the North Shore of Long Island. 15 Uniformed NYPD
Officers, 10 Plainclothes Detectives, 15 FBI Agents and 10 Emergency Service Cops from
Suffolk County PD were on alert for the Raid in Fort Salonga.
Itʼs 1400 Hours. The Raid commenced. Working in the Marstein Office was a receptionist
named Nicole Mc Anally, a wispy brunette with a whiny, twangy voice who sounds like any
Brooklyn or Long Island North Shore “Princess”. Sheʼs half of Irish Descent and, though being
raised a Jew, went to St Maryʼs Academy in Manhasset, followed by Hofstra University.
Sheʼs working for Marstein to pay for Graduate School at Boston University. She likes being
treated like Royalty, with a diamond ring on her right ring finger.
The Scene was sheer chaos with the warrant being produced and computers being confiscated.
Nicole got on the phone to Baruch Bernstein.
“Barry”, cried Nicole on her Blackberry, “Weʼve been raided in Ft Salonga. Head to the safe
house in North Adams, MA, as Brooklyn will be raided next”.
Baruch, “Whatʼs on the warrant?”
Nicole, “778 Eastern Parkway for tonight. Iʼm going home to Kings Point.”
The Bernsteins with their families, made a Bee Line for North Adams in the Berkshires. All
operations were now outside of New York. David Bernstein called Benny Marstern with the
news that Fort Salonga was raided.
“What was this? A Lightning Raid?” Inquired Marstern,
“Letʼs just say that theyʼve got all the records on all the Macs in your office. the place was
cleaned out”, according to David. “That kid Jess Carey was known as Joshua Kornheimer.
He has $3G in an account with us. Get to Yevot and your Cousin Grennie.”
At The License Bureau, Yevot was, for 20 Minutes, in his “Library”. He then got a call on his
cell from Benny Marstern.
“We got hit in a lightning raid on Fort Salonga. Evidence has it that youʼve got a fucking rat in
your office named Jess Carey. His real name is Joshua Kornheimer.”
Yevot, “So Iʼll deal with him in a way he wonʼt have any idea about. Probably, Iʼll invite him to
Saturday Nightʼs Mets Red Sox Game at Fenway, up in the Coca Cola Corner.”
Benny called his Cousin, who was at a campaign fundraising dinner, sponsored by the
Pharmaceutical Companies. Grenfell Marsternʼs theme was Mental Health and how the
Pharmaceutical Companies can contribute to the mental health of the people.
Grenfell, in tuxedo, was on his Palm Pre, during the call. He broke into a cold sweat and told
Benny to have Yevot handle this, as Yevot is noted for his expertise in getting troublemakers
out of the way.
“Yes, Chief”,
“Saturday Night at Fenway, Mets vs Red Sox at 7:10PM. Tickets in The Coca Cola Corner.
Beckett is starting vs Pelfrey. Hereʼs your ticket. See you then”.
For realizing how hard it is to get Red Sox Tickets, Jess took Yevot up on the Ticket. It would
also be Careyʼs 1st Game in Fenway in 5 Years.
Yevot was seen writing in his dossier that “Carey, that Hebe will not only see his 1st Game in
5 Years, itʼll also be his last game. Unless they benefit me, I think that Hitler didnʼt go far
enough with the Jews.”
Back at 778 Eastern Parkway, a huge crowd of Lubavitcher Jews were battling NYPD and
the FBI. There were about 1000 People throwing things from rocks to food. Precincts from
around Brooklyn, Queens and Lower Manhattan were called in to quell the riot. A station
house was stormed in Borough Park by a group of Lubavitchers. Nothing was found at 778
Eastern Parkway. Mc Cue referred to these people as “A bunch of Inbreds, with more
schemes than certain Limited Partners of some team in The Bronx.” Mc Auliffe called them
the only people in the world to wear fur coats in Mid August & theyʼre awfully strange.
Carey passed on more information to Southie and crew. He even told Southie that heʼll be up
in the Coca Cola Corner with Yevot and a guest. The Guest would be Yevotʼs crony, Mario
Estrada, who is also an ally of Maria Delgado. Estrada is not only a Dominican Activist and
street fair promoter, but owner of a fleet of cabs in Boston.
Estrada was moaning and groaning about Detective Sergeant Maura Terrazzo, that “Yankees
Lover who Blows Sailors for Nickels and gives change.” Estrada was whining about how 5
cabs in his fleet being impounded for smudges on the left side mirrors. Yevot cracked that he
wouldnʼt bang her with someone elseʼs wang, sheʼs so ugly. Jimmy Scallopino, her one time
paramour, called her “Stark, Raving Mad” and “Fuckinʼ Nuts”, according to Estrada, who also
revealed that the blood test confirmed Mauraʼs child was sired by Scallopino.
Southie and Lafferty are in the Lower Bleachers. They are surrounded by Mets Fans from
Connecticut, who are annoying, just like Yankees Fans from ANYWHERE. Some are hollering
“Buckner” in his ears. His retort? “Your ownerʼs son is a retard and an asshole.” That
stopped the “Buckner” Chants. The Mets Fans agreed with Southie, so all was cool.
In the 2nd Inning, it was sundown in Boston, so Carey arrived up in the Coca Cola Corner.
He was seated between Yevot and Estrada. Yevot was dressed in 1986 Mets Regalia. Beckett
is on the mound for the Sox, striking out Mets left and right, except for Sheffield, who
homered up by the Fisk Pole the night before. Yevot was calling Beckett all washed up and
cheered for Pelfrey. Yevot calling Beckett all washed up, attracted the wrath of Red Sox
Fans. One of them threw a Pepsi on his #17-Hernandez Jersey, and a chant of “Cokehead”,
a reference to the very-wild, Cocaine Snorting Antics of The ʼ86 Mets. Carey got sent for
beers. He returned and Yevot and Estrada were consuming Guinness Stouts on tap. The
Stout was going through Carey the way coffee goes through most people, like a diuretic.
“I gotta take a leak”, exclaimed Carey, but Yevot held him down in his seat.
Captain Jim Larkin was two sections away from Southie and Lafferty, being interviewed on
NY Sports Network, the Mets TV Outlet by some oversized dude, with no hair, about the
1986 World Series. Jim told the NY Area audience, that since 1986 the Sox won 2 World Series,
in ʼ04 and ʼ07 and that heʼd love to see another World Series between these two clubs
and it wouldnʼt have the stench of that fraud, “Roggggahhhh”, that guy from Ohio and Texas.
It is the top of the 9th with two outs and a runner on 1st. Some 3rd String Catcher came up.
Southie shouted “Whoʼs the 4th String Scrub the Mets are sending up? He could hit the side
of a barn, but it wouldnʼt be the one he was aiming at”. Papelbon, the sure-fire closer threw a
fastball down Brookline Avenue. The 3rd String Catcher lifted one onto the Green Monster.
There was a stoppage in play and Carey just had to go to the bathroom, as his bladder could
hold no more Guinness. Yevot was in glee at this turn of events. The Umpires went to the replay
bunker to view the two television feeds recording the ball over the Monster. The Home
Plate Umpire, a Country Music Star, gave the Home Run wave of the hand, with Lafferty
cracking “Paps? This is what the METS Bullpen is famous for. What the fuck is wrong with
you, man?”
At the Top of The Coca Cola Corner, Yevot muttered something into Careyʼs right ear. He
lifted Carey by the legs and sent him flying over the back of the corner. Carey landed on
Brookline Avenue, head 1st. A Boston Police Officer called for an ambulance. The ambulance
was there in 3 Minutes. An EMT started 1st Aid, but discovered that Carey had no pulse.
Carey was pronounced Dead at 2253 Hours. People gathered around. In the Coca Cola Corner,
Estrada asked where Carey had gone. “I guess he went home”, shrugged Yevot.
Mets Fans were celebrating the Homer, mockingly singing “Sweet Caroline, Red Sox Never
Sucked So Much, So Much, So Much, So Much. I ʻve been inclined to believe they always
would, oh no no”. Southie cracked that “Sweet Caroline was sung at that oversized sky
dump, Shea Stadium in the ʻ80s. We need the energy of The Dropkick Murphysʼ, not some
song from a Yankees Fan from Brooklyn. These Mets Fans donʼt even know their own history,
for crying out loud.”
The crowd poured out onto Lansdowne Street, Yawkey Way, Van Ness Street and Brookline
Avenue. The corner of Lansdowne and Brookline was cordoned off by Police. Larkin, OʼBrien
and Lafferty arrived at that corner and asked what happened. The Trio was informed that
someone fell from the Coca Cola Corner, head first. Itʼs unknown whether or not it was an
accident or suicide.
Yevot and Estrada were passing the scene. Yevot muttered something to himself and kept on
moving. OʼBrien asked the Officer on the Scene who the man was who died. He was told that
“It was some Male Caucasian, 26 Years Old by the name of Jess Carey, though he carried
other papers reading Joshua Kornheimer.”
Southie huddled with Jim Larkin and Sean Lafferty. Southie mentioned that Jess Carey is an
Orthodox Jew, that Jewish Law required that he be buried before Sundown the next day. “Itʼll
be another Official Funeral and Eulogy. Gawd, Iʼm getting to feel like this is going to be a ritual”
& took off for home. Larkin and Lafferty also took off and told Southie they would give
him a call in the morning, after Mass in regards to the funeral arrangements for Jess Carey.
ʻSed Libera Nos A Malo!”(But Deliver Us From Evil!)
Chapter 4
Southie was at his pad, soundly asleep. He was in the middle of a dream, which was a warmfeeling
dream. In this dream, his beloved Veronica was with him at Mass, then at breakfast,
then the two of them were at a Dropkick Murphys concert at Nickerson Field on the Boston
University Campus. They played the most-rousing rendition of ''Amazing Grace'', ever heard
anywhere. Then their signature song, ''Shipping Up To Boston'' was played. Ronnie turned to
Southie, kissing him tenderly on the left cheek and told him ''I have to go, Paul. Find him, find
him, find him please.''
Southie awakened and wondered what the dream meant. He thought about it, then deduced
that Ronnie was talking about her killer. Southie got cleaned up in a warm shower, then got
dressed to go to Mass.
Southie was at Holy Cross Cathedral. Monsignor Angelo Farrecchio offered the Mass in
memory of Veronica Mc Dermott. At the Sign Of Peace, Southie was given a handshake from
someone not really noted for friendliness, namely Ashley Solu. In fact, she hugged Southie
and was a bit tearful. Both received Holy Communion.
Monsignor Fitzgerald approached Southie after Mass, on the steps of the Cathedral. Fitzgerald
informed Southie that he and Monsignor Farrecchio are having a 4PM Meeting, in regards
to a witness who saw Ronnieʼs murder at Park Street. The witness fears all kinds of
reprisals. “I guess that The Church is mediator of this as well as for sheltering the witness. Iʼll
see you around 4PM”, OʼBrien said. Monsignor Fitzgerald asked Southie if he would like to
make a donation of $10 for the Archdiocesan Youth Fund. OʼBrien gave the 10 Bucks and
received a tee shirt with the Initials “G F Y is G F Y.”
“What does this G F Y mean”, asked OʼBrien
“God For You Is Good For You”, Fitzgerald proclaimed
“Iʼll wear the shirt, proudly, Monsignor.”
Larkin called Southie and offered to pick him up for the 1PM Funeral of Jess Carey. They
drove to the Cemetery. They arrived as the body was at graveside. Southie was asked to say
a few words.
“ It was as if Joshua was a star in the galaxy, shining brightly and speeding away. He was
engaged in a mission to the People Of Boston acting to protect all that is good. And then, he
was taken from us last evening. Joshua, until we meet again, may The Lord hold you in the
Palm of His Hand. Shalom!”
As is the custom at Jewish Funerals, each person was directed to throw dirt on the coffin.
There was much weeping as the dirt flew on to the coffin. Even Southie cried a bit. To himself,
he prayed the “Hail Mary” for the repose of the Souls of his mum and da, Ronnie and
Ashley Solu entered the Bishopʼs Residence to see Monsignors Fitzgerald and Farrecchio. At
first she was nervous from all the coffee she is known to chug down. Fitzgerald then gave her
a tall cup of Chamomile Tea. She began to become far less tense. She began to talk to the
two Priests.
Solu, “There is an awful lot of pressure at City Hall to conform. I have to present the Mayor in
a positive light on a daily basis. He has wholeheartedly endorsed Grenfell Marstern for
Mayor. Yet, Iʼm uneasy about Marstern. He tends to glorifying himself, whenever he picks on
some poor little shopkeeper. He thinks heʼs a big time movie star, but he has nothing to say.
The Mayor didnʼt want me to talk to the cops about the BEANO situation, fearing that it would
be politically embarrassing to the administration, so like a good soldier who follows orders
without question, I did whatever they told me at City Hall. But, my conscience is bothering
me. I had a dream last evening. I was on Park Street, seeing Ronnie pushed on the tracks,
repeatedly. I woke up screaming. I tried sleeping but couldnʼt do it without the dream. I fear
reprisals by going to the cops as a witness but the nightmares changed all of that. This morning
at Mass, I saw Paul OʼBrien. At The Sign Of Peace, I hugged him. Ronnie was also my
dear friend. I saw the culprit. He is creepy. He is also the Chief Investigator of the Bureau Of
Licenses. I shot the murder on my cell phone. I have proof of this murder. Ivan Yevot is tied
into the Marstern Campaign as Director Of Media. Ivan Yevot has a sneaky way of doing in
people. He despises people who know what they are doing.” Ashley then burst into tears.
Southie looked at his watch. He saw that it was 3PM and then called Monsignor Farrecchio
at the rectory. Farrecchio told Southie about the witness. Southie mentioned of the tearful
hug he received during the Sign Of Peace. He found the hug to be both comforting and unusual.
Solu was usually indifferent towards OʼBrien. Then, Southie headed toward the Cathedral
Rectory. Monsignor Fitzpatrick filled Southie in on the details.
Southie was ushered into the main living room. Both Priests were inside with him. Sitting
there, looking exhausted and tearful, was Ashley Solu. She began to tell of her series of
dreams to OʼBrien,
“Peace Be With You, Paul”, exclaimed Solu. “Pax Vobis, Ashley” was Southieʼs Greeting. She
went on to tell of the nightmares,
“I was at Nickerson Field, by B U, for a Dropkick Murphys Concert. I heard their stirring rendition
of ʻAmazing Graceʼ, followed by ʻShipping Up To Bostonʼ. Ronnie was with me. She gave
me a warm embrace, told me that she had to go, and uttered ʻTalk to him, talk to him,
Southie, “In my dream, Ronnie pleaded with me to ʻFind him, pleaseʼ. It, too was at Nickerson
Field. Over the past few weeks, ʻAmazing Graceʼ and ʻGoing Homeʼ have been played by
pipers at Official Funerals I was present for, though neither rendition was as joyful as at Nickerson
Solu, “In another dream, a bit of emptiness came over me as Ronnie and I were at Fenway
Park. We were seated in Grandstand 3, when the Sox played the Texas Rangers. Wakey
gave up 2 homers that landed by The Cask. Then there was a comeback, with the Sox winning
it 5-4 in a comeback. Manny was being Manny when he argued a 3rd Strike call and
was ejected. I was sitting next to some guy from Queens, NY, who shouted ʻManny, I came
all the way in from Queens for this.ʼ And then, Ronnie told me and the guy from Queens that
she would return in awhile”,
Southie, “I was at that game, too. Papi Ortiz scratched out an Infield Single, driving in runs.
For me, it was no dream. Manny was being not Manny, but a jerk. Had it not been a victory,
Manny wouldʼve ruined the day”,
Solu, “I was at Park Street, again, trying to get Ronnie to take the Green Line to come to my
home. She told me that she was on Special Assignment. Then, I saw the fatal shove and
woke up crying. I couldnʼt sleep after that dream”,
Southie, “I was at Park Street Station Entrance. I used to work in Homicide. Now, I work in
Vice. That face of a Lifeless Ronnie, put me in both of my worlds. It reminded me of all those
grueling hours investigating the murders of anonymous victims. Now it was personal”.
Solu wept bitterly for 5 minutes. Southie took her by the hand, teary-eyed himself. Both have
lived with this the past two months. Both people have taken this very hard, for Veronica was
a most-dear friend.
Solu, “Iʼm one who has travelled widely. I was in Italy. I learned that the word ʻCaroniʼ means
ʻDearestʼ, and ʻMaʼ means ʻMyʼ,
Southie, “Next time I order a pasta dish, Iʼll think of Ronnie as My Dearest, as Ma Caroni”,
Solu, “Ronnie tutored me in French and Italian. I majored in Asian Studies and Music at Boston
University, and learned Japanese and Latin at Boston Latin. Yet at times, I played like an
elitist and played along with all those silly political games in Beacon Hill and at Government
Center. And now it bothers me. These are things they never taught us in Catholic Grade
School. Even there, I was an Elitist, as smartest child in the class.”
Southie, “In short, youʼre a prodigy. Whatʼs bothering you is conscience. Conscience is Godʼs
Way of giving you a kick in the Arse to right yourself. He has given us a few kicks over the
Solu, “Over these past two months, I feel as if The Lord has given me drop kicks. Iʼve lived in
fear of reprisals if I talked about this, as they donʼt want to hear anything negative around
City Hall & Beacon Hill. It has been eating me up inside”,
Southie, “From what I understand, Ashley, itʼs as if these insiders want to take away your
humanity. Itʼs like they want a soul-less robot, who blindly follows commands, without regard
to other people”,
Solu, “Paul? Arenʼt you the onetime Lead Mariner of Queen Of Mercies CMOC Ship?”
Southie, “Yeah, Iʼm a Past Lead Mariner or P L M of that Ship. How did you know that?”
Solu, “I was sent over there to sing the Memorial Mass some years ago. I was scared to
death. You comforted me before my engagement. I wasnʼt that good. Your people gave me a
thunderous standing ovation, which I didnʼt deserve.”
Southie, “You were as if a Voice Of An Angel had arrived from the Highest Heaven, which is
WHY the 11 1/2 Minute Standing Ovation was given, punctuated with chants of ʻBravoʼ and
ʻBravissimoʼ. You were as good, if not better than that famous from Wales, who sang for
Pope John Paul II. It was that well-done.”
Solu, “Then you had a nasty problem in a report from a Catholic Charities Social Worker,
named Dina Groton. Suddenly, you were seen as someone who took advantage of children.
She wrote that her daughter was stalked at a Girl Scout Meeting and had terrible nightmares.”
Southie, “Even though Innocent of this, you have no idea just how isolated I felt. Itʼs because
Jimmy Scallopino, that power hungry little shit, wants to own everything thatʼs not tied down
in this town. Dina Groton is his so-called wife. Groton is the penultimate ʻSoccer Mom From
Hell.ʼ I worked with these people. I loved them dearly. Their daughter Alisa had also sung a
couple of CMOC Liturgies. I knew alley cats in Logan Airport who couldʼve done a better job
of singing.”
Solu, “Thatʼs really bad singing. They sound like a Parish Power Couple. Jimmy is Counsel to
every phony BEANO Game in Eastern Massachusetts, running an extermination business on
the side.”
Southie, “Dina Groton and Scallopino arenʼt even married. They practice Concubinage, which
is banned by The Church. In short, they are public sinners who are shacking up. He left his
1st Wife & children for dead in Haverhill. He knocked up Maura Terrazzo, so to shut her up
and avoid a Department-Wide Sex Scandal, he made a deal with Department Brass to give
her a promotion to Detective Sergeant.”
Solu, “Iʼve seen Scallopino at City Hall. He likes to brag about all of his sexual conquests.
Whenever Terrazzoʼs name comes up, he always likes to say ʻI dunno what youʼre talking
aboutʼ. By the way, I saw Maura Terrazzo in Church here.”
Southie, “Thatʼs unusual for Terrazzo. Something must be bothering her.”
Monsignor Fitzgerald told Southie and Solu that “Because of The Nature of your Assignments
and because you face imminent danger during the Murder Investigation, I will be administering
the Sacrament Of The Anointing Of The Sick to both of you.”
The Priest anointed both of them with Chrism. The Priest Prayed over both of them and gave
them his Blessing, with both making the Sign of The Cross.
Southie then laid out $20 for two “G F Y is G F Y” Tee Shirts. He & Ashley both donned them.
Both went into the Cathedral for a short prayer.
Monsignor Farrecchio stopped to tell Ashley and Paul about a woman in the Church, crying
about the lack of respect she suffers from in her job and the stress itʼs causing her through
the years. “Give her comfort and pray for her in her time of fear.”
Southie, “Itʼll be Done, Monsignor. Thanks for the heads up.”
Paul and Ashley went into a pew near the front of the Cathedral. Both began to pray The
Peace Prayer of St Francis of Assisi. The Prayer was introduced into this country by the
Archbishop of New York, His Eminence, Francis Joseph Cardinal Spellman, a native of the
Boston Archdiocese, in 1936. it is a very simple and beautiful prayer, attributed to St Francis
of Assisi. Often, Paulʼs Favorite Confessors are Franciscan Priests. His cousin was a 3rd Order
Franciscan, who once studied for the Franciscan Priesthood.
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy;
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
One Priest used to give this Penance to Paul OʼBrien, whenever he went to Confession when
he was in his late teens. Hence, the prayer became a favorite of his. He and Ashley were reciting
it, quietly. Ashley then noticed a woman, who was crying. She and Paul went over to
her, to give her comfort.
She is Maura Terrazzo. She started telling her story. She told Paul and Ashley that she is being
harassed by connected people, for investigating the operations of Mario Estradaʼs Taxi
Fleet. Audits show that Mario is losing money by the boatload yet he can afford season tickets
to the Patriots and Red Sox. She is investigating ties that Estrada has with Benny
Marstern, Yevot, The Bernstein Brothers, Grenfell Marstern and a Cocaine Cartel in the Dominican
Republic town of San Francisco De Marcoris, a town where Bodega Owners from
Washington Heights in Upper Manhattan, are known to retire to. He also has ties to Maria
Delgado, one of Bostonʼs All Time Great Fixers.
“Itʼs being a Pariah for all of my past actions. Iʼm convinced that someone wants me dead or
to go away. I have a teenaged daughter who needs me. I also have a grandchild from my
older daughter. She wasnʼt sired by Jimmy, That Creep who left me for dead, “ as told by Terrazzo.
Ashley, “Maura, you need comfort.” Ashley embraced her, as did Paul. The 3 prayed the St
Francis Peace Prayer. Paul called on Monsignor Farrecchio to hear her confession and give
her the Sacrament of the Anointing of The Sick, in reference to the fact that Terrazzo is in
grave danger in her investigation.
Terrazzo thanked Solu and OʼBrien for their kindness and comfort. “Where thereʼs sadness in
her life, may she experience true joy”, OʼBrien said. “St Francis & The Christ would want it
that way.”
Paul and Ashley went to a late brunch of Eggs Benedict & a Pint of Ale at Game On Cafeʼ,
where they talked for a few hours. It came time to say good night. OʼBrien said, “See you at
Mass, then a brunch.” Ashley kissed Paul and agreed to that. Both left on the T. The sound of
ambulances could be heard in the background as well as patrol cars, with sirens wailing.
Little did Ashley and Paul realize what was transpiring, was a night of sorrow and chaos, as
they went off into the night, as a foul deed was being done.
Southie got a call from Captain Jim Larkin. Larkin told him “All hell has broken loose at the
Atlantic Avenue Entrance to South Station. An Officer is down. Her face is so badly cut up,
that her face looks like a T Subway-Rail Map. Sheʼs being rushed to Beth Israel Deaconess
Hospital. Meet me there.” Southie hailed a Patrol Car, ordering the cop to take him to Beth
Israel Deaconess Medical Center. He rushed into the Emergency Room. The attending physician
informed Larkin and OʼBrien that her condition was grave. Southie saw the Officerʼs
Face. It was Maura Terrazzoʼs Face. He said a prayer and left. Itʼs as if all heʼs seen is everybody
ʼs blood spilled around him. He went home, drained from all of this.
“Mysterium Fidei” (Mystery of Faith)
Chapter 5
Members of Bostonʼs Finest rushed over to Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital to do whatever
they could for the badly-assaulted Officer, Detective Sergeant Maura Terrazzo. One patrol
officer remarked that “Sheʼs a Sonovabitch, but sheʼs our sonovabitch, so sheʼs Family. We
take care of our own.” A new medical report came out, stating that her condition has been
upgraded from Grave to Serious. She had just come out of surgery, where 270 stitches were
needed to close up all her wounds. Several Officers donated blood. Her face was massively
Hours passed. Larkin, OʼBrien and Lafferty went to the Hospital. The attending physician told
them that Terrazzo was lucid and wanted to give details of what happened and what is going
on in this investigation of hers. Boston PD Sketch Artists were brought into her room to get a
drawing of the assailant. the composite showed an Hispanic Man and a Male Caucasian in
his 50s. The one in his 50s wore glasses. Maura told Larkin, OʼBrien and Lafferty that the
Caucasian whispered “You want to see my little friend” and dragged her into his crotch, cutting
her face with a box cutter.
Maura told the three Vice Officers that in an audit of taxi receipts,very few metered fares
were recorded. What has been going on is that drug couriers, all of them being Dominicans,
have been transporting Cocaine from South Station to Roxbury & Jamaica Plain, after pickups
from couriers from the Washington Heights Section of New York City. She told the three
that Mario Estrada is the President of ''Dominicans For Justice'', a front for the drug dealing
operations. He also has ties as a recruiter for Marstein Investment Trust, the Ponzi Scheme.
Maria Delgado is Executive Consultant to ''Dominicans For Justice''. A series of known drug
locations, all of them being groceries and taxi companies, have been raided, with Cocaine
being found in these locations. Maura told of drivers for Estrada's taxis, openly carrying Cocaine
in their shirt pockets, driving taxis around with expired inspection stickers and bald
tires. Thousands of dollars in Cocaine and cash have been confiscated and forfeited. She
has collared a number of these mutts.
O'Brien, ''There's more to this whole morass than we first thought. There are mobsters from
other places. Yet the Feds are too busy investigating some 80 Year Old guy named Joey
'Gas Passer' Sclafani from Newton, for selling counterfeit handbags in Hyde Park.''
Larkin, ''Like the Feds give a flying fuck. Too many politicians are on the cartel's pad.''
Lafferty, ''It's sad. Maura may be risking her life over something the Feds consider trivial.''
O'Brien, ''Give me that crazy Redhead Terrazzo, any day. She could run rings a hundred
times over ANY FBI Agent.''
At the South Succotash Democratic Club in Back Bay, Mario, Maria and Yevot met for a
strategy session over brunch. It was about all the money being lost as Maura Terrazzo has
been putting a major dent in Estrada's Cash Flow. Politicians are feeling the pinch, as bribe
sources are drying up, as well as campaign contributions.
Yevot, ''It may be a good idea to make this Terrazzo out to be a racist, who is targeting one
group of people. This is sure to get attention, in a good way.''
Degado, ''Look, we have the US Attorney in the club, along with her cousin, a Federal Judge.
Both of them are useful.''
Estrada, ''A diversion has to be created. I think that a 'Jewish Lightning' attack on my cab garage
may have to be staged, plus a few well-placed rumors about 'Police Brutality', will work
just fine. Besides I could use the new cabs and the insurance money.''
The Evil Trio agreed with this plan to set up a meeting with US Attorney Beyonce' Galaranga
to discuss action against Maura Terrazzo, to send a message that the Power is to be left
The next morning, Southie received a call from a director from the Red Sox TV Network Operations
Center in Watertown. He told Southie that one of the cameramen, a stringer working
the NY feed, shot this video of the pushing of Jess Carey from the Coca Cola Corner.
Southie took a trip up to Watertown. He viewed the video disc and saw the pushing of Jess
Carey. He saw the face of Yevot. Southie called Jim Larkin with the information about the
video. Southie then found out the name of the cameraman. The man's name was Johnny
Palumbo, an employee of the Arlington Public Schools, who did cameraman work on the
Palumbo, a native of Hyde Park, grew up in the North End, where he still resides. Palumbo
has some relatives in ''The Family'', the kind that the Feds are interested in. Southie went to
meet him in Arlington at the high school. Johnny talked about what he saw.
''I was walking around taking scenery for the feed on NY Sports Network. Then I saw this guy
in a Mets Jersey holding some guy by his legs and dropping him into the street below. I heard
a loud sound of something breaking. I guess they were his bones cracking as he hit the
sidewalk. The guy in the Hernandez Jersey wore glasses and said 'Bye, Bye, You Kike', and
walked away smiling to himself. You need me for anything more.''
''We'll be in touch Mr Palumbo & thanks'', said Southie, who went back to the television center
and received a video disc, with the recording of the murder. He returned to his squad
room near Government Center to show the video of the 2nd Murder.
A Press Conference was organized by ''Dominicans For Justice'' Executive Consultant Maria
Delgado, in Copley Square. At this conference, covered by all Boston Television Stations in
English and Spanish, Delgado, Estrada, Grenfell Marstern, Ivan Yevot and US Attorney Beyonce
Galaranga appeared. Estrada called for the Boston Police to stop persecuting the
Dominican People, calling for the prosecution of those people who persecute “Our People.”
Estrada, whose Taxi Fleet has taken several hits during this Cocaine Investigation, stated
that Boston Police Detective Sergeant Terrazzo must be brought to justice or “There may be
a massive problem in our streets.”
Southie, “Oh, Poor Baby! Terrazzo must have gotten in the way of your 50 Yard Line Luxury
Suite in Foxboro. When is the bonfire at your taxi stand?”
There was an evening of rioting. Estrada's taxi stand in Jamaica Plain was the ''Victim'' of
Molotov Cocktails. Five of his vehicles were hit with these ''Cocktails''. Estrada owns 15 taxis.
Later on television, the press conference was seen on all Boston & Manchester stations. In
the squad room, Larkin is heard commenting that the Feds are ignoring a major problem. The
Dominicans are the big ''New Mob'', but the Feds prefer grandstanding. All of this mess ties
together. & Grenfell Marstern looks to be the beneficiary.
US Attorney Beyonce' Galaranga crashed her car after a night of drinking & drugs, at the intersection
of Brookline Avenue & Yawkey Way. She was high. She hit a pizzeria, which was
closed. A Police Cruiser noticed the accident. An officer asked for her license and registration.
She shoved her shield-id in the officer's face. The officer ordered her to walk a line. The
officer gave her a breath test. The breath test revealed a 0.45. A Police Supervisor showed
up. Ms Galaranga was cuffed and taken to Division and booked for DWI. She was allowed a
phone call. The FBI Boston Chief took the call. She mentioned that she and a group of
prosecutors were at a party, thrown by Mario Estrada, at the South Succotash Democratic
Club and that she had an accident in Kenmore. The FBI Chief awakened the Police Commissioner
with the news that Galaranga was being held at a Division Station House, in Kenmore.
The FBI Chief and the PC both went to the station house and ordered that the arrest be
voided, as Ms Galaranga has a ''Sensitive Investigation, underway. It involves 'National Security
Issues', which we cannot talk about with you.''
Lafferty called Southie up with a tip that some hotshot was arrested for DWI, after crashing
her car into a closed pizzeria in Kenmore. ''She's the US Attorney, and she was shit-faced.
The FBI & The PC had the arrest voided.''
Southie, ''Let me guess-she and her associates were drugging and drinking until the cows
come home. Sounds like another rough night in either Jamaica Plain or that clubhouse in
Back Bay. It sucks.''
Around 1400 Hours at Vice, NYPD Detective(& Red Sox Trivia Consultant), Brian McCue,
arrived with FBI NY Special Agent, Thomas Mc Auliffe. They were to spend a total of three
days to go over their findings on the Ponzi Scheme that is the limited partnership being run
by Rabbis David and Baruch Bernstein & Benjamin Marstern. Mc Auliffe showed a chart of
the major organization players. It showed four recruiters in Massachusetts, all four based in
Boston. All four are known to Vice. They are Maria Delgado, Benjamin Marstern, Mario Estrada
& Ivan Yevot. Next, there are investors in this business, including a NY Based Firm,
which owns 2 Professional Basketball Teams and a National Hockey League Team, as well
as a Cable TV operation. Also, there are investors who own a Major League Baseball
Team+a former MLB Manager & Baseball Hall of Fame Pitcher. Mc Cue cracked that ''It's too
bad that it isn't that team from The Bronx.'' Everybody there chuckled. O'Brien cracked ''It
must be those assholes in Queens, who haven't won since 1986.''
Detective Sergeant Maura Terrazzo was in her hospital room, being prepped for further surgery,
this time for some skin grafts to repair her badly-scarred face. Little does she know but
the US Attorney is preparing to impanel a Federal Grand Jury, looking to indict Terrazzo on
Federal Civil Rights Charges, stemming from complaints filed by Delgado, Estrada and
Yevot, also backed by Grenfell Marstern. This hideous plot is underway. The latest victim is
about to be subjected to a ''Death Sentence'', not unlike the deaths which happened to Ronnie
Mc Dermott and Jess Carey. Whenever the Feds go after someone, they have unlimited
resources to work with. The trouble is that their bizarre case could jeopardize the potential
combination Murder-Ponzi cases being worked on by Boston PD. The US Attorney's Plan is
to charge Terrazzo with the Systemic Targeting of Dominican Businesses for the purposes of
Harassment of One Ethnic Group. The US Attorney is from Dominican Bloodlines.
Up in North Adams, Baruch and David Bernstein are convincing the owners of a Quarry to
invest in Marstern Investment Trust, LP. They got the owners to invest $500G, promising to
pay 7.18% per year on the money. David called Benny Marstern on his cell to tell him the
good news. He also had some instructions on what to do about that “Meshugana NYPD Detective
Mc Cue.” A photo was sent cell to cell of Mc Cue. He has to be followed was David
Bernsteinʼs instruction. Benny called Yevot and told him to follow Mc Cue and do something
drastic. Yevot thought about this situation & went to his “Library” to think of something.
Yevot headed up to a costume store in Beacon Hill to obtain a getup so as to disguise himself
as a Hasidic Jew, complete with fake beard, a wig with curls, a white shirt and long black
coat, as well as an oversized hat and yarmulke, so he could stalk Detective Mc Cue. His plan
was to confuse the Police by making it look like the Jews conspired to kill Mc Cue. He tried
on everything and all of the getup fit nicely. Only one problem was that he didnʼt know any
Yiddish, in the event that another Hasidic Jew ever stopped him on the street for directions.
Yevot went home to get his unlicensed Projectile Gun as his weapon, so as to kill Mc Cue
with, so as not to attract attention with gunfire.
After another day of briefings by Mc Auliffe and Mc Cue, Mc Cue stated that he was going
back to NYC by Amtrak out of Back Bay Station in the early evening. He and Southie headed
to the nearest Starbucks for a couple of Lattes and to talk. In another corner, Yevot overheard
the conversation as to where Mc Cue was going to be. Yevot headed back to the office.
Later,Yevot, dressed like a Hasidic Jew, walked around Boylston Street. He was hungry, so
he stopped in a burger joint and ordered a bacon cheeseburger. Unlike a real Hasidic Jew,
Yevot forgot to take off the crucifix he was wearing, he being such a jerk.
He went to Copley Square, sitting on a Park Bench, waiting for his prey. At 2000 Hours, Brian
Mc Cue started to come along. He pulled out his Boston Tour Book and approached Yevot to
ask him for directions. It was fatal, as Yevot shot Mc Cue with the Projectile Gun, with the
knife-like projectile hitting Mc Cue in both the throat and neck, killing him instantly, leaving Mc
Cue behind with blood gushing out of him. Some blood landed on Yevotʼs costume.
Ashley Solu was out for an evening stroll. She was knocked over by the Fleeing Yevot, who
stripped off his long coat and fake beard, while running away. She saw the lifeless body of
Mc Cue, screamed and dialed 911. She saw a bloodied body in Copley Square and gave details
to the 911 Operator. Within 5 Minutes, Cops were crawling all over Copley Square Park.
Mc Auliffe and Southie arrived first. Patrol Cars showed up en masse. Southie cried “A
Member of New Yorkʼs Finest, who was assisting this investigation, was murdered in cold
blood by some cretin. Itʼs going to be a long night.”
Lafferty and Captain Larkin arrived at the scene. Lafferty found a receipt in the pocket of the
long coat, with the name of the store in Beacon Hill, with Yevotʼs Signature on it. Larkin found
the projectile gun, with another projectile. Southie interviewed Ashley, calming her down. She
revealed that she saw Yevotʼs face when the fake beard was thrown off, as she was knocked
over. She was shaking and crying. She also told Southie that she overheard US Attorney Galaranga
in a pub mentioning that Detective Sergeant Terrazzo was “Going to be indicted for
Federal Civil Rights Charges, for Terrazzoʼs Systemic Harassment of Dominican Businesses
and the Targeting of Dominicans.” Southie let Jim Larkin and Sean Lafferty know what Ashley
told him about Galarangaʼs Plans.
“The Corrupt Royalty is running this town. Itʼs lawless, I tell You, Lawless”, exclaimed Larkin.
OʼBrien, “I just want to find a pub to crawl into & have a few pints. This is getting to be too
Lafferty, “Ditto!”
The Next Day, US Attorney Galaranga announced that Sergeant Maura Terrazzo has been
indicted on 12 Counts of Federal Civil Rights Charges, stemming from the activities of the
arrests of various members of the “Dominicans For Justice” Organization. Appearing at the
press conference are Maria Delgado, Mario Estrada, Ivan Yevot, Grenfell Marstern and
Benny Marstern. Itʼs a “Whoʼs Who” of assorted miscreants. Galaranga, to prove her worth
as to how tough she thinks she is, had Terrazzo arraigned after Terrazzo returned from Surgery
& cuffed to her bed by US Marshals, to prevent the escape of the prisoner. Galaranga
never tried a drug case in Massachusetts, probably because the dealers would rat her out
along with her colleagues for being at all those drug parties in Jamaica Plain and Back Bay.
Southie had a copy of a tabloid, showing the bedside arraignment of Terrazzo cuffed to her
bed. He and Jim Larkin went to hospital to visit Terrazzo. Both were roughed up by a US
Marshal, who tried to strip two of Bostonʼs Finest of their weapons. Southie went off in the
assholeʼs face. The Marshal told him to butt out. Southie pushed the newspaper in the guyʼs
face.“I donʼt think you want any bad publicity”, OʼBrien said, “So, unlock her.” The Marshal
complied. Just then, Galaranga arrived, looking stoned, and screaming “I want the Country to
KNOW how we donʼt fool around when it comes to scum like Maura Terrazzo.” She reached
into her pocketbook and a few vials of crack fell out along with a crack pipe. Southie and
Larkin cuffed Galaranga, gave her a Miranda Warning & led her to a waiting Police Cruiser
for a ride to the station house. Galaranga was permitted one phone call. It was to the PC.
Southie and Larkin were ordered to let her go. Maria Delgado picked up Galaranga. Delgado
warned Larkin and OʼBrien that things could come to blows if this happens again. Lafferty
made this snide remark, “Iʼll keep my zipper open if it comes to that.” Lafferty, Larkin and
OʼBrien all laughed aloud over that crack.
Federal Judge Morena Zerega, a Cousin of Galaranga, set bail at $250,000 & ordered the
defendant released.
Maura was to go home to recuperate. She made it to the T, but never made it home because
she was followed. Somebody disguised as a conductor on the Orange Line, grabbed her arm
and she was dragged by the train into a brick wall. She suffered a fractured skull and was
found dead on the platform at Ruggles Station. MBTA Police found her body a few hours
later. The Death Toll has reached 4 people.
“Blessed Are They Who Hunger & Thirst For Justice For They Shall Have Their Fill.”(From
The Beatitudes)
Chapter 6
Southie and Miss Solu are on Amtrak out of Boston-South Station.
They are on the way to New York City for the Funeral of Detective
Brian Mc Cue. Captain Larkin left instructions from the PC, on whom
Southie will meet at Penn Station in Midtown Manhattan. A Command
Order from NYPD Chief Of Detectives directed that Detective O'Brien
and Ashley Solu are to meet with the Chief Of Detectives in order to
debrief various NYPD Bureau Chiefs. Both Ashley and Paul had tea on
the train to stay awake for this important meeting before Mc Cue's
Funeral Mass.
Back at Division in Kenmore, Lafferty had questioned an alleged suspect,
the conductor on the Orange Line, named Pierre Jean-Baptiste.
Jean-Baptiste informed Sean Lafferty that a male white in his 50s
claimed to be an MBTA Supervisor, and relieved him for about 10 minutes
over a uniform issue. He had his hand out of the window of the
conductor's seat, grabbing someone by the arm, as the train accelerated
and a woman hit the wall at the end of the station. The “Supervisor”
then told him that it was okay to take over he train again.
“Sounds like the 'Caped Chameleon', Yevot, has struck again”, Lafferty
told Larkin. Larkin called the timekeeper at the Bureau of Licenses.
Larkin asked for a record of time taken off by Ivan Yevot.
It was faxed over to Division in Kenmore. The chart of time off
showed that the only day he took off was during the afternoon, a
couple of days ago, when Maura Terrazzo was killed at Ruggles Station.
All of the other killings took place when Yevot wasn't scheduled
to work. The timekeeper revealed that Yevot took today off so
he could attend a funeral, somewhere in New York.
Detective O’Brien received a call on his Blackberry, informing him
that Yevot may be in New York City for a funeral. Yevot didn’t specify
what funeral he was going to, but O’Brien was told to look out
for Yevot as Yevot is a Major Suspect in all 4 killings. O’Brien
asked Captain Larkin to e-mail the pertinent information to him, including
any sketches and other information, which would be shared
with NYPD.
A witness came forward with a video, as the woman was on the Ruggles
Platform on the day of the murder. She had a phone video of the
events leading to Terrazzo’s Death, including a shot of Yevot’s
face, though slightly obscured by a trainman’s cap. She is Nicole Mc
Anally. Larkin got a copy of the video. Larkin exclaimed “BEANO”!
Lafferty hit Southie by Text Message that another witness with a
video phone, showed Yevot murdering Terrazzo at Ruggles Station.
“Send me the video so NYPD knows what we’re up to. This is now a
Manhunt in the 5 Boroughs. All NYPD Commands have to know this mutt
is on the loose. We don’t need any more stiffs”, Southie said.
Further at Division, the Costume Salesman from Beacon Hill came forward.
He has a signed receipt and American Express Card Receipt,
showing that Yevot also purchased a “T” Uniform and Smokey The Bear
Hat, as well as a trainman’s cap. Southie was sent an e-mail revealing
what Yevot had purchased.
The Meeting arranged by the NYPD Chief of Detectives, Robert B. De
Kalb, was a short session where all pertinent information on Ivan
Yevot, was exchanged. The Housing Bureau Chief, for instance, revealed
that 7 Asian Women were stalked by Yevot at the Pomonok
Houses in Flushing, in the confines of the 107 Precinct, near Queens
College. His favorite chant to them was “Sucky-Fucky, GI.” His Massachusetts
Plates were traced by Boston PD. Yevot was seen masturbating
in the car, according to the women. Southie knew about the
Rego Park woman and told De Kalb about it. A total of 8 stalkings,
involving Yevot, took place in Queens.
Ashley and Southie were rushed to the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual
Help in Brooklyn. Southie was asked by NYPD to give a brief
Eulogy, representing Boston Police. Ashley Solu was to be the Soloist
for the High Mass, on recommendation of Monsignor’s Farrecchio
and Fitzgerald to the RC Diocese of Brooklyn. Fifth Avenue in Brooklyn
was closed off between 57th Street and 62nd Street, as a sea of
NYPD Cops & other Law Enforcement Agencies, were to throng these
streets. Southie was no stranger to NYPD Funerals, as he had been at
one, in the 2nd Grade in 1964, as a classmate of his suffered the
loss of her father, a 1st Grade Detective, in a shoot out.
At a YMCA in Park Slope, Yevot checked into a small suite. He had
his costume bag. He thought to himself about claiming to be an Iowa
State Trooper. So he donned his uniform with smokey hat. The trouble
is that a “T”(as in MBTA), is on the right sleeve. He came up with
an idea-he’ll explain it away that he’s at the “T” Barracks in Sioux
City, IA.
Robert De Kalb, the NYPD Chief of Detectives, had a list of all Police
Departments and Sheriffs Offices, who were coming to the Funeral.
Iowa was not on the list of Departments sending Officers to
the Funeral Mass, which by the way was open to the public. The Basilica
is large enough to hold a few thousand and is the Church
where the RC Diocese of Brooklyn holds many of its’ public celebrations.
Back in Park Slope, Yevot asked for directions to the Basilica. The
clerk at the “Y” didn’t understand this “Trooper” from the "Midwest"
because of his thick Boston Accent. It took a few minutes to get directions
from the man at the desk. Yevot then went to the MTA 4th
Avenue R Line, to take the train to 59th Street-4th Avenue. He made
a notation in his little black book, which reads “O’Brien and that
Solu? You’re going to meet your maker or baker today.”
An all points alert was sent all Tri-State Law Enforcement Agencies
& the FBI. The alert, via Boston PD Profiler, stated that Yevot is
also known for disguises, some of them not very-well done. His Twitter
and Facebook pictures show him wearing a Nazi SS Uniform.
The NYPD Bagpipers intoned "Amazing Grace" on the street. The Coffin,
draped with the American Flag, was borne on the shoulders of 8
NYPD Pallbearers. Officials from the Mayor to the Governor and other
dignitaries came in to the Basilica. Southie and Ashley went up to
the Church Sanctuary in advance, as Southie was to eulogize Mc Cue
and Ashley was to be the Cantor-Soloist, singing in Mournful Tone,
as to emphasize the Solemnity of The Mass of The Resurrection. Fr
Francis Mc Bride was chosen as Celebrant of this Mass, as parts of
the Mass were to be sung or chanted in Latin, or in the case of the
"Kyrie", in Greek. Miss Solu was to sing the designated prayers and
the Petitions of The Faithful.
Detective Paul O'Brien gave a brief but moving eulogy to the throng
inside of the Basilica. Paul was on the verge of tears as he eulogized
his friend of only a short time, as he knew that he had to do
this again in two days at Holy Cross Cathedral, for Maura Terrazzo's
"For as Soldiers and Brothers-In-Arms, Brian Eamonn Mychal Mc Cue
was a Brother In Arms. In such fashion, he gave of himself, with
Love and Devotion, as well as Compassion. He was a devoted son of
New York and of his Beloved Brooklyn, and of his Loving Parents. Let
us always remember him with Joy and Love. Slainte'!" Paul sat down
in the Sanctuary, his eyes filled with tears. Ashley began to sing
the Responses for The Intentions of the Faithful(Let Us Pray To The
Lord. Lord Hear Our Prayer).
But during one Intention, Ashley went Off-Key. Her face was filled
with Fear. A Male with piercing eyes and goofy smile, took her picture
with a cell phone camera. Then the man took off for the rear of
the Church, where some NYPD Operations People were discussing a plan
for O'Brien and Solu. Instead of leaving via Amtrak, O'Brien and
Solu would take a Metro North Train to New Haven and then the Amtrak
Train to South Station, later in The Evening, or early morning.
Ashley recovered and sang like a pro. After the Prayers, she spoke
softly to Paul, mentioning "I saw Yevot, That's why I went a little
off-key. Paul, I'm Scared."
O'Brien, "We're all scared. Now we're even getting stalked at a Funeral
At the conclusion of the Mass, Jim Mc Cue, Brian's Father, shook
Paul's hand, thanking him for the eulogy. He also surprised Paul
with this bit of information. "I knew your Uncle Jack. We were on
the Harbor Unit of The Fire Department."
O'Brien,"Thanks for that memory, Jim. It's been about 40 Years he's
been gone."
Paul and Ashley marched in the NYPD Procession behind the Bier of
Brian Mc Cue. Three Flower Arrangements appeared in front of the
Coffin. Brian was also a Boston Red Sox Trivia Consultant, so the
floral arrangement from the Red Sox, adorned the coffin. Someone in
NYPD had the NY Yankees Floral Arrangement, but the Yankees Floral
Arrangement, using a blue interlocking NY, was the Original Symbol
of the NYPD Honor Legion. The Chief of Operations then whisked Ashley
and Paul away to Manhattan to 1 Police Plaza. From there, Paul
and Ashley discussed the taking in of a Ball Game. Ashley asked Paul
about his Uncle. Paul told her that when he was born, in Brooklyn,
the Dodgers were 3 days away from playing their last Major League
Game in Brooklyn. Paul never got the chance to see "Dem Bums", as
the Brooklyn Dodgers were known as. Paul's Uncle died in 1969, before
the landing on the moon, and the Mets Miracle 1969 World Series
Championship. His Uncle was his Father's Brother. Paul and Ashley
went via the 7 Line Train to Mets-Willets Point to get tickets for
the Game between the Washington Nationals and the NY Mets. Tickets
were bought for The Pepsi Porch at the New Citi Field.
Ashley and Paul stood in the parking lot of Citi Field on the site
of 1st Base of the now demolished Shea Stadium. Both gazed at the
gleaming structure. Both Ashley and Paul have seen pictures of
Ebbets Field in Brooklyn. Paul heard stories about Ebbets Field from
relatives. Paul had even gone to Shea Stadium a few times in childhood.
The Mets were awful then as now. At 1st Base, both Ashley and
Paul wore Red Sox Caps, and a wisenheimer Mets Fan shouted “Buckner”.
Ashley and Paul chanted “1986” with rhythmic claps. Ashley and
Paul made their way into Citi Field through the Jackie Robinson Rotunda.
Both were awed by it. It was an evening of Major League Baseball,
even if the Mets were calling in players from their Short Season
Class A Team in Coney Island, Brooklyn, with the record # of injuries.
It was 7th Inning Stretch Time at Citi Field. There was a moment of
silence in memory of Detective Mc Cue, with singing of "God Bless
by the Harlem Boys Choir. Then it was sing along to "Lazy Mary".
At Division in Kenmore, Jim Scallopino told Larkin & Lafferty that
Yevot headed to NY explicitly for the purpose of murdering Solu and
O'Brien. Yevot is in cahoots with Delgado and Benny Marstern is the
go to guy who relays these hit orders from Delgado, Estrada or the
Bernstein Brothers. Yevot despises O'Brien & Solu, because Yevot realizes
how thorough these two people are.
As far as that guy chanting "Buckner" to O'Brien and Solu, he introduced
himself as a New Haven CT Police Officer who was at the Funeral
Mass in Brooklyn. He was with 3 other officers at Fenway Park,
razzing the Red Sox with their rendition of "Sweet Caroline". The
other 3 New Haven Officers were also at Citi Field. All 4 spoke to
Southie and had information regarding Yevot and one embarrassing
episode where Beyonce' Galaranga had purchased Cocaine by New Haven's
Sports Arena. Yevot was stalking Asian Women. There were 8
Complaints about him. He had received 4 Summonses and paid the $25
Fine for Disorderly Conduct. All 4 Officers shook Southie's Right
Hand. All 4 Officers bowed before Ashley for her exquisite performance
at the Mass. All 4 recommended a great Red Sox-Themed Pub at
East 13th Street and 2nd Avenue called "The Hairy Professor." It was
the main pub for Detective Brian Mc Cue. It emulates the atmosphere
of Fenway Park, in beer, food and music.
It was the top of the 8th Inning as the Mets led Washington by the
score of 7-0, so Ashley and Paul took off for Manhattan's "The Hairy
Professor" via the #7 Line to Grand Central Station, then grabbing a
taxi to East 13th Street and 2nd Avenue in the East Village.
The Red Sox wrapped up a victory over the Baltimore Orioles at Fenway
Park, which appeared on the HD Screens at "The Hairy Professor",
in part owned by Tom Mc Manus, who was tending bar. The nickname for
those going to the "Prof" on nights when Tom is tending bar, is
"Thommies". He's being assisted by an Irish Lass named Leah. There
was a singing of "Shipping Up To Boston", a favorite song of Brian
Mc Cue.
Ashley introduced herself and introduced Paul to the crowd on hand
at 'The Prof', and proceeded to initiate a toast to the memory of
NYPD Detective Specialist Brian Eamonn Mychal Mc Cue, singing "A Nation
Once Again". NYPD Bagpipers played "Going Home" and "Amazing
Grace" & "A Soldier's Song."
The eyes of everybody present, were moist from the musical tribute
to Mc Cue. Tom Mc Manus told of the time when he was Bar Manager at
"Kazmareks’", a Red Sox Themed Pub at West 3rd Street and 6th Avenue
in Greenwich Village, which was deserted when Tom was canned. A huge
chant, to cheer up the denizens was bellowed, as "Fuck Kazmarek",
followed by Rhythmic Clapping.
It was the bottom of the 10th Inning when the Mets finally defeated
the Washington Nationals, 8-7. The Mets 'pen collapsed, as if they
were Arsonists. One more toast was done in Mc Cue's Honor & Memory.
Ashley and Paul then ordered a Caesar Salad, and a cup of tea, as
they would soon be on the move back to Boston.
Southie was reading the latest advisory on his Palm Phone that Yevot
went to the NY Area to attempt the dual murders of both him and
Solu. The information had come from the legendary insider, Jimmy
Scallopino, via Jim Larkin.
NYPD Directives for the safe sending home of O'Brien & Solu, was for
both of them to go to Grand Central Station, at the East 43rd
Street-Lexington Avenue Entrance. They would be met by MTA Police-
Metro North Branch, so as to be escorted to the New Haven Branch
tracks. Both Southie and Ashley arrived, only to find the Police
were engaged in a commotion. A man in his 50s was being arrested on
assorted charges, including disorderly conduct and soliciting of sex
in a mens' room. His name was Ivan Yevot. He was wearing his "T"
Uniform, possessed a bogus Iowa Police Shield, & was masturbating in
the bathroom stall, making a pass at an undercover officer in the
next stall.
Paul and Ashley asked about the arrested man. Paul identified himself
as a Boston Detective and asked about what the charges were
against Yevot. The answer was that Yevot was being delivered up to
Boston by US Marshals, in the morning. Paul informed Captain Larkin
& Paul's partner, Lafferty that Yevot was captured in NYC & Southie
was on his way back home, along with Ashley Solu. Metro North Police
then delivered Paul and Ashley to Penn Station, for an AMTRAK run to
One thing for certain is that Yevot fell short of his goal by giving
into his passions. It also saved Paul's & Ashley's Lives.
"Deo Gratias!"
Chapter 7
The trip by AMTRAK was comfortable, a relaxing end to a tensionfilled
journey to a funeral in New York City. Detective O'Brien &
Ashley Solu are both relieved that Ivan Yevot is in custody for his
murderous rampage in Boston, as well as for all of his crimes and
misdemeanors in New York & Massachusetts. Added to this rampage was
Yevot's plan to murder both O'Brien and Solu, after stalking both of
them. Ashley and Paul both napped on the way to South Station, where
a Boston PD Escort awaited them.
Maria Delgado is in a restaurant on Atlantic Avenue, across the
street from South Station, having Bagels and Cream Cheese with Grenfell
Marstern and Marstern Tactical Aide, Barrette Adams, who comes
from a Well-To-Do Beacon Hill Family. Adams, a 14th Cousin of John
Quincy Adams, Seven Times Removed, is the 1st Choice for Police Commissioner,
as well as closely allied with the Yevot Communications
Interests. Adams is Counsel to Harbor Bay Wireless and Ivan Yevot
The Threesome discussed the Hot Marstern Topic of Mental Health
Treatments for those who, in the opinion of the Administration, need
to be “Rehabilitated.” Delgado gave Paul O’Brien as an example of
one who needs “Rehabilitation”, because he could hurt so many “Innocent
People.” Sean Lafferty and Jim Larkin were also cited by Delgado
as those in need of “Rehabilitation.” As for Ashley Solu, for
her “Re-Energized Profession of Catholicism, helped by O’Brien and
those two serial Altar Boy Molesters, Priest Farrecchio and Priest
Fitzgerald, she seriously is in need of rehabilitation and Spiritual
Counseling.” Delgado even recommended the “Rehabilitation” of the
two Monsignors, “By Court Order.”
Meanwhile in North Adams, FBI Special Agent Tom Mc Auliffe and a
team of FBI Agents and Local Police, were arresting Benny Marstern,
David and Barry Bernstein in connection to the Ponzi Scheme and the
Murders of Terrazzo, Mc Cue, Ronnie Mc Dermott and Jess Carey, with
more records being confiscated. That crew was being delivered to
Courthouse Way within a couple of hours.
Back at the restaurant, Delgado talked with Barrette Adams and Grenfell
Marstern about a certain Psychiatrist named Mariano Soriano, a
brilliant Schemer and major campaign contributor. Dr Soriano claims
to be a Filipino, but was born an American Citizen on the Lower East
Side of Manhattan. His mom is a Jew, making him Jewish. He speaks 3
languages fluently, namely English, Yiddish and Tagalog. In the
Philippine Islands he was Grand Master of The National Illuminators
Lodge. He also claims membership in the CMOC Ship in West Roxbury,
as a Past Lead Mariner.
Dr Soriano, “O’Brien is a fucking asshole. We can always have rumors
spread about him, city-wide. Solu is NEVER to be trusted for cooperating
in the Murder Investigation. Lafferty and Larkin are both a
couple of Irish lushes. Monsignor Fitzgerald likes to corn hole Altar
Boys, while Monsignor Farrecchio is a Drama Queen, who likes to
corn hole Seminarians. All of them NEED to be rehabilitated. That
FBI Agent, Mc Auliffe? He’s moronic enough to sit shiva for his cat.
They will be dealt with my way. BTW, as for protecting the New Administration,
I will give a favorable evaluation for no one to stand
trial, thus nullifying a trial to embarrass the Administration.” Adams
smiled like a conspirator with Dr Soriano, along with Grenfell
Marstern and Maria Delgado.
Delgado received a phone call from Benny Marstern, that Benny, The
Bernsteins and Mario Estrada are in Custody, along with Yevot Jr.,
in Courthouse Way. Delgado told Dr Soriano to “Be Prepared for a
HUGE Pay Day.”
It was 0930 on Friday at Holy Cross Cathedral in Brighton. Boston
Police Officers lined the street. NYPD sent the Chief Robert B. De
Kalb to Maura Terrazzo's Funeral. Officers from other towns were
there. The Scene was similar to the Mc Cue Inspectors' Funeral in
Brooklyn. Absent from this Liturgy were all of the Political Types,
who showed their faces at Ronnie Mc Dermott's Funeral Mass. Chief De
Kalb shook hands with Detective O'Brien. Paul noticed the initial
"B" for the Chief's Middle Name. Paul inquired about Chief De Kalb's
middle name, to which the Chief replied "Baron". Paul said "Nice,
Royal Name."
It was a sad Liturgy, as Maura's Teenaged Daughter, Jeanine, sobbed
uncontrollably. She was with her half-sister Maureen. Jeanine's
other half-sister, as sired by her father, Jim Scallopino, was the
Soloist for this Mass. Paul turned to Ashley and asked why the
change of Soloist to Alisa Scallopino, who has been compared with
wailing alley cats by Government Center. "According to a report,
Dina Groton told the Vicar General that I made a pass at Alisa. Now
I know what happened to you a number of years ago Paul. It's shocking."
"And Alisa's Mom and Dad did this because Alisa would win a Scholarship
to BC, after an endorsement from yours truly as the third party
endorsement sought by the College, from the CMOC," as told by Paul.
Paul gave a brief eulogy, something he's had too much experience
with lately. After the Eulogy, Jeanine hugged Southie. He broke down
into tears. All these funerals are getting to him.
Jimmy Scallopino decided to talk to Paul O’Brien. Jimmy needed to
tell Paul about a number of things.
“The Gang with Grenfell Marstern have all kinds of plans. One of
them is to take out Ashley Solu, but not in the way Maura, Mc Cue,
Carey & Ronnie were taken out.”
“How’s that Jim?” asked Paul
“They plan to go the ‘Mental Health’ route. They have DR Mariano Soriano,
as part of their crew. He’s looking for a ‘Big Pay Day’.”
“That fucking Dick couldn’t diagnose a case of ‘The Clap’ at whorehouses
in Chelsea & he wants to fuck with people’s heads? He
couldn’t find Babe Ruth’s Monument in Yankee Stadium. He couldn’t
find The Pope in The Vatican. He probably thinks he could score Red
Sox @ Mets Tickets at Shea Stadium, he’s so fucking stupid”, cried
Scallopino told O’Brien that Jeanine was going to live with him and
Dina Groton. O’Brien wished him “Good Luck” & thanked him for the
info on DR Soriano.
Paul stopped Ashley for a moment, to give her info from Jimmy Scallopino.
“He did alert Jim Larkin that the jerk, Yevot, was planning
to whack us in Grand Central Station.”
Ashley, “I have to watch it. They’re looking to silence those who
tell the truth.”
Paul,”Keep me informed. Call me.”
Barrette Scott Adams, known by his “Friends” as Scotty, is the current
Mayoral Chief of Staff. Some people consider this guy as “So
Stupid, that he couldn’t fart and chew gum at the same time.” Scotty
called DR Soriano at his home in Jamaica Plain.
Scotty, “ According to a report from the people at the Cathedral,
Solu made a pass at Alisa Scallopino. I think that she swings from
both sides of the plate.”
Dr Soriano, “If she swings from both sides of the plate, the Mets
might be interested in her.”
Scotty, “No, it means that Solu is a LESBIAN and the Mayor HATES
LESBIANS. Can you come up with some obtuse questionnaire?”
Dr Soriano, “Sure! What’s in it for me?”
Scotty, “One Huge Pay Day. In fact the 1st of many Big Pay Days.”
Soriano, “BEANO! I’ll do it! She’ll never get out of this. Think of
it as an Unceremonious Exit.”
Scotty hung up the phone and let loose with a loud laugh. As he was
chewing gum, he cut the cheese. Unfortunately, a few stains showed
up in his shorts. “Ahhh, to ‘Mental Health’”, cried Scotty Adams,
“The Witnesses will be eliminated.”
Scotty called Maria Delgado with the plans. Delgado, anointed Chief
of Staff to Grenfell Marstern, came up with plans for the Boston Police
Department. “There are people who NEED Help. They NEED to be
eliminated. Mental Health ‘Help’ is NEEDED. Dr Soriano is OUR Answer.”
Scotty, “I KNOW the THREE who NEED ‘Help’.”
Dr Soriano faxed over his Questionnaire to Scotty Adams. Adams was
laughing his arse off. It was lunch time. Ashley Solu was at a pub,
having light lunch. She then returned to her desk. Scotty waited a
few minutes, then presented Solu with the questionnaire, which
Scotty explained was a survey, which Mayor’s Office Employees were
required to complete.
The Questions were written as follows:
“Did you ever have love for a Woman? Explain”;
“Do you practice your Faith? Explain”;
“Did you ever have a bad dream? Explain”;
“Have you had any recent fears for your life? Explain”
Miss Solu filled out the questionnaire & handed it to Scotty Adams.
Adams faxed it to Dr Soriano. Soriano then called Scotty,
“I want to give her the courtesy of a cursory ‘Examination.’ However,
you already have my answer. She’s officially a patient & out
the door. You won’t have a spy & witness to testify against those in
jail. Who’s going to believe the 1st Official ‘Nutcase’?”
Scotty laughed like a Hyena. “One Down & 3 to go”, laughed Adams.
Ashley arrived at her desk in the morning. On orders of Adams, a Police
Detail was sent to drive Miss Solu to Dr Soriano in Jamaica
She sat in the Doctor’s Office, filled with Illuminator Symbols, as
well as Phallic Symbols & a picture of Soriano receiving the “Mariner
Of The Year” at his CMOC Ship.
Ashley answered every question, explaining that she loved her mom
and sisters and was a friend of Ronnie Mc Dermott. As a Soloist at
Cathedral Masses, she professed her love of God The Father & Jesus
Christ. Her bad dream was when Ronnie was pushed to her death, which
is WHY she went to see Detective Paul O’Brien at a neutral site. She
stated that she feared for her life at the Funeral of Detective
Brian Mc Cue in Brooklyn as she was being stalked in the Basilica by
Ivan Yevot Jr.
Dr Soriano told her to go wait in the waiting room, so he can render
a “Diagnosis”, which Soriano had predetermined for his fee. He got
on the horn to Adams,
“She’s out, Scotty. No more fucking worries from this cunt”,
Scotty, “Great Work! I’ll be over with a nice-sized Cheque.”
The Predetermined “Diagnosis” read “Is in state of DENIAL that she
is a deep-seated LESBIAN; She belongs to a Magical Cult, which controls
her mind. She is PARANOID and has unnatural feelings for her
lover, called Ronnie.” THAT was faxed over to Adams, with the fax
sheet reading “For Your Eyes ONLY, Scotty.” Dr Soriano then gave a
bottle of a Medication, with the name of “Pax” & its’ generic name
of Lipadapadolomine. She was to take the medicine to keep her calm,
once a day. She took it in front of Dr Soriano. Her Boston Police
Escort was waiting for her to take her back to Government Center.
She felt tired at her desk.
Adams, meanwhile, was at Soriano’s Office. Adams and Soriano are Illuminator
Members at some Lodge in Beacon Hill as well as CMOC members,
both being Past Lead Mariners. Adams presented Soriano with a
cashier’s cheque for $25G.
Robert Baron De Kalb, the NYPD Chief of Detectives, was in Boston on
Business. He talked to Paul O’Brien, Jim Larkin and Sean Lafferty on
the subject of a Psychiatrist who had his license revoked in NY
State, by the name of Mariano Soriano. His NY Clients referred to
him as “Senor Mariano.” His Office used to be in Kew Gardens,
Queens. Soriano got busted for injecting some “Feel Good” prescription
of Cocaine into his patients. One of the patients is part owner
of a couple of Sports Franchises. “It might explain why that NBA
Team absolutely BLOWS”, O’Brien bellowed. De Kalb laughed and advised
that he was going to be at the Boston Police Honor and Promotion
Ceremonies at TD Bank North Garden, in two days. A FAX came
over to the Vice Unit. Southie, Sean and Jim are listed as promoted
to Sergeant of Detectives, Detective and District Superintendent,
respectively. Paul, Jim, Sean and Chief De Kalb went to The Signal
13 Pub in the North End and drank a few toasts to the memory of Ronnie,
Jess, Brian Mc Cue and Maura Terrazzo. Paul called this promotion
At The Garden, by North Station, the Ceremony commenced. Paul, Sean
and Jim received Commendations for Excellent Police Duty and received
their new ranks. All were in Uniform, unusual for all three
of them. Ironically, they received their ranks from Barrette Adams
and Commendations from Grenfell Marstern, the City Attorney.
Ashley Solu was at the ceremony, weeping. Southie saw her. She spoke
to him about her removal as the Mayor’s Secretary. Southie saw the
prescribed pills and asked who gave her this Medication.
“Dr Mariano Soriano” was Ashley’s Muffled cry. Paul took the bottle
and did a prescription lookup on his Palm Phone. Side Effects in-
clude Depression, Diarrhea, Hallucinations, Sleepiness & Insomnia.
Paul told Ashley, “Stop taking this, as Dr Soriano had his license
to practice Medicine in New York, revoked for prescribing Cocaine to
his patients. Join me for tea, Ashley?”
“Yeah, Paul, why not! You’re my friend”, Ashley said, softly.
Adams was seen with a Cheshire Cat Grin, mumbling to Marstern, “Before
the Trial, Soriano will give a ‘Diagnosis’ for those being arraigned
on Monday in Superior Court, where nobody will ever see Jail
“Cut The Good Doctor a nice cheque. It’ll be a great day to celebrate”,
intoned Grenfell Marstern, “You’ll make a great Police Commissioner.”
Ashley and Paul were at Mass at the Cathedral. Both received Holy
Communion on that Sunday. Both went for Breakfast, then to the Cemeteries
to visit the Graves of Ronnie, Jess, & Maura, placing a red
rose at each of the graves. Paul, sobbing from all of the stress,
remarked that “Their Murders Cry Out To Heaven For Vengeance & Justice.”
“In Paradisium”(The Final Prayer of The Catholic Church, in the time
of The Latin Mass).
Chapter 8
Dr Mariano Soriano spent the weekend working on his plan with
Scotty Adams, over pints of Harpoon Ale at The Spike Bar, a Gay
Pub on Boylston Street. The Reason? Well-Known Barrister, Roderick
Mc Burney, noted for winning cases on technical grounds, was
in on the conversation. Roderick is also gay and frequents the
They discussed how a NYC Police Officer beat a murder rap in
1976. A rare disease was diagnosed, which allowed the officer to
be declared not guilty by reason of insanity. The Officer only
went to a State Hospital & was discharged in less than a year
after trial. The Officer responded to a 911 call in East New
York, Brooklyn in a Housing Project. The son of his fighting
parents answered the door to his parents’ apartment in the Cypress
Hills Houses. The Officer asked a couple of questions of
the boy and then shot him in the head. The Officer returned to
the 75th Precinct at Sutter Avenue and Linwood Street in East
New York, with no memory of what took place. He looked loopy.
Another alarm via 911 was called in. More cops arrived from NYC
Housing Authority and NYPD. Witnesses gave their observations
and then the Officer was arrested, charged with Murder in The
2nd Degree. He was given a lawyer, who must’ve known the right
Psychiatrist to call.
Dr Soriano, “This is The East New York Combat Defense. I looked
up a rare disease, discovered in 1942, called Psychomotor Epilepsy.
It’s where for a single moment, a person under stress
loses memory and acts on an impulse. (S)He has no memory of the
event. It was that diagnosis which freed the Officer from Criminal
Culpability. It is going to work here.”
Mc Burney,”You’re one a fuckin’ genius, Mariano. Another round
on me. No one will try someone who’s mentally ill. Grenfell will
have to be notified. I could see him peeing in his pants, tasting
election victory.”
Soriano, “Not yet. The 3 targets just became 4 with Mc Auliffe,
that Southern Fried Bozo. Get into court for a 2 day postponement
so I can come up with my expert diagnoses of the arrested
crew. Judge Miranda Galaranga, Beyonce’s Sister will be the
Trial-Arraignment judge. I can just taste victory in the preliminaries.
The Feds won’t even touch the case.”
“They don’t call you ‘The Master Fixer’ for nothing”, exclaimed
Scotty Adams, “Mc Burney? Make your calls and call in your favors.
This will be better than cheap sex in Chelsea.”
Southie received a panicky phone call from Terry Topper, one of
the 2 Owners of The Spike Bar. Topper told him that Scotty Adams,
Roderick Mc Burney & Dr Soriano were plotting to have the
trial-arraignment postponed for two days, until Psychiatric Exams
are conducted on the Defendants. “Yevot once stalked me outside
of Spike and I challenged him to fight me like a man, only
for some wisecrack he made, ‘Silly Faggot, Dicks are for
Chicks.’ My partner, Phil kicked him in the groin & cracked ‘My,
My, you’re gonna be someone’s Gal Friday tonight.’”
Southie, “Yevot is really a dick, mistaking you two for women.
Charges are added for Bias. Take care, Top.”
Southie spoke to Jim Larkin and Sean Lafferty about the Trial
Postponement. “Old Dr Feel Good is at it again. I wonder if he
is bringing his Powdered Elixir to the Suffolk County Jail.”
“Time will tell”, said Larkin, “We gotta wait it out.”
Ashley was in Copley Square, reading an article on why Grenfell
Marstern received huge donations from the Makers of Pax.
Marstern holds huge amounts of stock in the French Company making
Pax. Dr Soriano is on Board of Directors, despite his New
York License Revocation, for his creative uses for Pax. She met
Paul O’Brien and showed him the article.
“Sadly Ash, most people in this town aren’t that literate. They
don’t read articles in newspapers anymore. Rather they would
rather watch the Idiot Box or go online for snippets of information,
instead of looking for the whole story, and making a
judgement. These Pharmaceutical Companies know this, which is
why they’re big sponsors of sporting events. Ancient Rome declined
when people voted not on real issues but on who gave the
most free food and most exciting entertainment”, was Southie’s
sad commentary about what was to come.
“Circus et Panem Maximus”, declared Miss Solu, “I love you,
Paul.” Both embraced in tears, in fear of what was to come. They
then went for a couple of ales in Kenmore on Newberry Street,
listening to their favorite Celtic Punk Band, The Dropkick Murphys.
It was Election Night. Grenfell Marstern won an easy victory by
over 50%. It was apparent that no matter what evil the Marstern
Camp was involved in, most citizens believed in “Circus Et Panem
Maximus.” Interpreted loosely, it meant that the voters didn’t
really give a flying fuck.
At Courthouse Way, two days after the election, Benny Marstern,
Ivan Yevot, Rabbis David and Barry Bernstein, Mario Estrada, Beyonce’
Galaranga and Maria Delgado, were arraigned on Conspiracy
to Defraud Charges, stemming from the Marstein Investment Trust
Company, with Ivan Yevot having to face 1st Degree Murder, 4
Counts. Counsellor Mc Burney entered pleas of “Not Guilty By
Reason Of Insanity” for the 6 Defendants. Mc Burney approached
the Bench, along with the Rookie Assistant District Attorney, to
present an important Defense Expert, Dr Mariano Soriano. Judge
Galaranga allowed for the witness.
Dr Mariano Soriano made his Philadelphia Lawyer Style presentation
of the Disease called “Psychomotor Epilepsy”. He called it
“East New York Combat Disease.” He presented a prior case where
this occurred in the NYPD over 30 Years ago. Everyone, except
O’Brien, Lafferty and Larkin, were spellbound. Those three know
what a bullshit artist Dr Soriano is. But the three wondered WHY
the ADA didn’t object, or bring out Soriano’s Criminal Past, or
even ask that Judge Miranda Galaranga excuse herself, since the
Judge’s Sister was being tried.
The Presentation having been so brilliantly concocted for a fee,
which is quite-hefty, Judge Galaranga announced that the Commonwealth
has no case and all charges are dismissed.
Southie cornered the ADA & demanded an answer. The ADA told him
that “My Boss ordered this as he was promised a judgeship by
Marstern. You can’t beat this system.”
Southie, Larkin and Lafferty wondered about justice and what the
next line of bullshit Soriano could come up with. “What Next, a
rape conviction overturned on Overactive Bladder Syndrome”,
cracked Lafferty.
A night of Celebration was held by Benny Marstern at S & W
Steakhouse in the Downtown area. Scotty Adams ordered rounds of
Champagne. Meanwhile, all that Southie and Company could afford
was a few of rounds of beer. Soriano got his huge pay day from
the Marstern Campaign Fund, in the neighborhood of $240G. Crime
paid big on that day.
Southie and Miss Solu went to the Cathedral, They told Monsignors
Fitzgerald and Farrecchio about what took place on Courthouse
Way. Fitzy remarked that the only true justice occurs when
it’s before the Lord at The End.
Southie cracked “Marstern and Company need a change of heart.
Either that or they need to go fuck themselves.” Ashley laughed
herself silly as did Monsignors Fitzgerald and Farrecchio. Then
Paul and Ash went into the evening, for another couple of Harpoon
It was New Years Day. Grenfell Marstern was sworn in as Mayor of
Boston. He called for “A Much Saner Society, where one’s Mind is
important to us.” Both Ashley and Paul were at Mass, as New
Years Day is “The Solemnity Of Mary, Mother Of God”.
A few days later, Police Commissioner Scotty Adams called for
testing of O’Brien, Larkin and Lafferty. Dr Soriano came up with
4 Questions to rid the Department of certain problematics who
could expose Marstern once and for all.
The Questions are:
“Are you sexually attracted to young girls? Explain”;
“Do you worship God? Explain”;
“Did you ever have any bad dreams? Explain”;
“Did you have any Recent Fears For Your Life? Explain”.
Scotty got this by fax from Soriano, who called him to say “Say
goodbye to all your problems. The FBI in NYC has been contacted
to rid themselves of that useless doofus, Mc Auliffe.
All 4 were ordered to fill out this Questionnaire. Southie
sighed “It’s our ticket outta here. Marstern’s Crusade for Mental
Health will go way too far, especially when he could make
Yevot 1st Deputy Commissioner.”
Southie, Larkin and Lafferty were ordered out after Soriano released
findings, making all 3 sound like Sexual Deviants.
Soriano got his big pay day. He got an even bigger one for getting
Mc Auliffe removed from the FBI.
“The Witnesses are gone”, proclaimed Yevot, “Let there be celebrations
of our accomplishments.”
Some accomplishments they were, what with a rising crime rate,
Cops with all the effectiveness of Meter Maids, and “Circus Et
Panem Maximus” style entertainment, in the form of Rappers on
the Boston Common, the city was indeed a circus, not unlike some
baseball team in Queens.
Ashley, Paul, Jim and Sean got together and took over the Signal
13 Pub from Terry Topper and Phil Bottomly & called their venture
“Expatriates”, where all are welcome ‘From Wherever You
Hail.” Tom Mc Auliffe joined the Venture.
Southie, “People must know the real story of those who went before
us, who served with valor. May this Venture, keep their
memories alive.”
“Pax Vobiscum. Et Cum Spiritu Tuo”(Peace Be With You. And With
Thy Spirit), Amen.
A Few Words By Ross Mac Duncan
What you read here can happen anywhere in the World. An uncaring
populace can vote for garbage dressed as something delicious and
have no idea what they’re getting into.
Politicians of all stripes are this way. They have nothing to
offer the people in the way of true needs. They come up with
agendas, knowing that people don’t really read anything.
Politicians only care about personal projects and seek to destroy
Civil Servants, who fail to put over some half-cocked useless
Publicity Stunt.
The Persons portrayed here are fictional.
My Good Friend, Eamonn Furlong from County Wexford, Ireland, is
my Editor of this project, injecting humor and other ideas. I
certainly appreciate his humor and input.
Peace Be With You All.
Ross Mac Duncan
Friday, July 31st, 2009.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.07.2009

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