
The Beginning

Rose . . . . .

Average, that’s how I’d describe myself. I fit perfectly into the middle of life. Neither brilliant nor dumb, beautiful or ugly, fat or thin, rich nor poor, see AVERAGE.
Well on paper. Really on paper I should end up in an easy job, with a simple easy husband and children living in my house in the suburbs. Yeah not really how I want my life to end up. Because my biggest flaw, according to my parents, is that I don’t play to the average girl’s crowd. I don’t want a big house in the suburbs with an absentee husband and a token job, and I really don’t want to live in a little town all my life and never see anymore of the world, which funnily enough is what my mum wants for me, everything she never had, yay me!
I could hear them whispering frantically outside my room, yes no shouting here no matter how annoyed my mum got, and man was she annoyed with my latest announcement. Over the dinner table ten minutes ago I’d mentioned my plan to go travelling around Europe with the inheritance I’d get just before the summer holidays before returning to university, this would be fine but for the fact that I wanted to go by my self, not on a pre-booked tour.
‘Talk to her Richard, please get this ridiculous idea out of her head, she just can’t do it!’ ah yes Maria Stanford my mother was incredulous just what I needed, I was almost regretting my decision to tell her early and not just spring it on her before I drove to the airport.
Dad knocked and came in, “Rose dear, you’ll have to plan this well and quickly find hotels and book them, and try to find a travel partner darling, it’ll put her mind at rest.” He said this quietly after closing the door then came and sat beside me on the bed, “All set for tomorrow?”
I groaned, god I’d almost managed to forget! Now I’m used to moving around, dads only recently retired from the army, half the reason I want to go travelling is that I’m fluent in Spanish, French and German but I never get any real chance to speak the languages anymore, but now I’m 17 and I thought the fact that he was retiring meant I’d get to stay at my English sixth form for the whole two years but alas no his retirement meant that mum could finally get her wish and move to California so here we were, an of course this meant yet another school.
“Sure dad, it’ll be fine nothing I’ve never done before is it? No worries. But I’d better get to bed I guess.” I smiled at him as he got up and left then went to my en suite and got ready for bed. I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.

First Day

Rose . . . . . . .

I smoothed my new Jaguar into a spot near the front steps into the red brick building and got out wearily with my bag, grabbing the blazer that constituted a uniform here off the back seat. The car park was full of every expensive brand of car I’ve ever heard of and I was glad dad had thought to get me a new car after I passed the American test last week, my old Cleo would look so out of place here its unreal, I’d be instantly conspicuous.
I stepped onto the path and weaved my way between the clusters of people on the wide staircase, drawing a few stares that I ignored. Then through the double doors at the top, it had taken a long time to navigate the stairs and when I finally got there I was stumped as to what came next.
I looked around the vast entrance hall with awe, it was lovely and imposing, all light colours marble floors and two fire places with ivory love-seats and arm chairs. The only sign of any reception was a discreet sliding window that didn’t fit into the grandeur around it. I spun towards it and took a hurried step towards my salvation, and slap-bang into a fast approaching body that knocked me backwards and would have sent me sprawling but for strong arms twining around my waist then holding on until I was steady then slowly releasing their hold. I looked up, quite far I must say and as I said I’m not particularly short, straight into a pair of emerald greens.

James . . . . .

“Shit!!” I was late and now my parking space was taken, the gleaming silvery blue jaguar taunted me, yes car I know I should have got up earlier but your owner should know better than to park in my space shouldn’t they? Great, I’m having a mental conversation with a car!
I drove around and finally found a space at the far end of the lot, then basically ran to the doors, through them and straight into someone small with long dark blonde hair and a slim waist, I knew this because I had to put my arms around it to keep her from falling. When she was steady she looked up causing the highlights that made her hair blonde instead of brown shimmered, it was a great effect I have to say. I looked at her face quickly into eyes that were like the sea after a storm when the suns just coming out to shine through the dull waves, wow. Her mouth was deep pink, a vivid contrast to her creamy skin, and plump. Very kissable, I almost leant forward to do just that when I remembered I didn’t know her at all, so probably not the best idea is it James?
I cleared my throat, “Alright?” she nodded so I stepped away both grateful and full of regret. “You new? Need any help? I’m James by the way.” Yes I already knew she was new I was familiar with every face at this school and she would have recognised me instead of looking confused so she was definitely new here.
She looked down and shook her head, I’m pretty sure it was to clear it and not in response to my questions, I was right. She looked up again, “Yes, I’m new and I need help, I don’t know where I’m supposed to go,” she looked around the confused look came back; “do you have any idea where I’m supposed to pick up a timetable?” Her accent was English and her voice musical even though she had an uncertain tone.
“Sure, com’on.”
I automatically picked up the bag she’d dropped when she almost fell and lead her to the office, Mrs. Green smiled while she ushered us in, “Ah you must be Rose Stanford, James good you’re here. You wouldn’t mind doing my job for me? It’ll be better if she’s shown around by you anyway and I’m really busy here right now. Here, this is her schedule and here’s yours I think you have a lot of the same classes, oh and I suppose I’ll excuse you from assembly today as payment for your help, Henry was pretty sure he was going to have to do the speech anyway so it’ll be fine, and here’s a slip explaining you’re her guide so you might have to leave a little early or be a bit late if you have different lessons, it’ll last the week, that okay? Good go on then the bell’s going to ring in a minute.” She hustled us back out handing me sheets of paper and shut the door. I was suppressing a grin, that couldn’t have gone better now I have a legitimate excuse to spend the week with this girl, Rose, the name suited her perfectly, she even smelled like roses.
I studied our schedules, comparing and found we did have 6 subjects together. I grinned at her, “Mrs. Green’s right almost all the same classes only four different, so I’ll be fine taking you around until after lunch then I’ll take you to your classes and introduce you to someone I know in the class alright?”
“Sure, thank you.” She smiled at me showing pearly white teeth, I had to force myself to look away and lead her to our first class. I managed to keep her to myself until lunch when I lead her to our table and sat her down next to Henry and hung my bag on the seat next to her, I then introduced her to him and left for the lunch queue. I knew he was interested in meeting her, James was too, I’d noticed them in five of the classes I had with her, staring, they’d clocked her alright but I wasn’t sure what to do about it. I couldn’t stop her from talking to any other guys, yes I’d noticed half the school was interested in her but seeing that I’d pretty clearly staked my claim they wouldn’t do anything, but Liam and Henry were different, like me, I couldn’t keep her from them I could only hope she’d choose me plus they were my best friends.

Henry . . . . . .

She sat awkwardly, watching James walk away, she looked lost, this beautiful, beautiful girl. Her scent was intoxicating and I could tell she was going to be trouble, because though James clearly didn’t want her hurt and I didn’t, surely Liam would feel the same. But what about the rest? What, were we going to protect her from those who would only have to see and smell her purity once then try to consume her into themselves, or leave her to be killed or enslaved for a fault of birth? Well I knew my answer, just watching her fidget nervously for a few seconds I knew I wouldn’t let her be harmed if I was around to stop it, I could tell James was of the same thought process though not so sure he’d realised the threat.
I started talking to her to put her at ease and every word I drew from those lips I fell more and more in love. Yes, she was going to cause a lot of trouble. And what’s worse, she’d have no idea why.

Liam . . . . . .

I walked up behind her chair, smirking as I watched Henry’s desparate attempts to draw the clearly shy girl into conversation. All I could see of her was her long slightly curled multi-coloured locks and slim legs crossed and one small foot tapping in shiny ballet pumps. As I got closer it hit me, that scent.
I placed my hands on the back of her chair causing her to jump and turn, capturing me within her gaze. I mentally shook myself and smirked at her.
“ah, a newbie, Exiting stuff right there, name? occupation? Music lover? Or have you been quizzed enough by dear henry here? Oh and james, not surprising really, someone as lovely as you.” I tried for sarcasm to get her to laugh feel more at home and I did. I got a delightful quiet giggle that made me almost change any plans I had and instead dedicate my life to receiving as many of those endearing sounds as I possibly could. “Liam Geoffrey Docherty, at your service mi lady.” I bowed a little over her chair and heard again her giggle.
“Rose Anna Eleanor Stanford, and such a pleasure to make you acquaintance Mr. Docherty.” she held out her hand clearly trying to hold back a laugh but not quite keeping the grin off her face as I shook it.
“I must insist you call me Liam, Miss. Stanford.”
“Ah yes but then I must insist you call me Rose.”
“Deal!” I grinned at her and was about to flop into the chair James had reserved when the man himself lowered into the seat carrying a tray with perhaps the whole menu pilled onto it. “Hey James, enough food there buddy?”
“Gotta let Rose trial the local cuisine right” he chuckled and started organising the snacks handing them to Rose, “try them all choose what you like, don’t worry me and the guys will finish anything you don’t”
As she did this we chatted around her giving her a chance to nibble with no obligation to join the conversation but a entrance to do so if she wanted. By the time the warning bell rang she’d tried almost everything and found a favourite in Reese’s peanut butter cups, “what’s your next lesson Rose?”
“Oh, urm I’m not sure” she handed me her timetable and Henry and I leaned over it bringing ours out to compare.
“You’re with me for the rest of the afternoon, com’on off to history” I smiled at her and lead her out, followed for some reason by James and Henry all the way to the class though neither of them were in it. Rose didn’t notice and I decided not to mention it instead joining them in a careless chat.

Rose . . . . .

At the end of the day I was fast friends with Liam, he was gorgeous, and funny. He was very tall, I reached somewhere near his collar bones, and built slim with elegant long fingers and high cheek bones, but he was full of power. You could tell in the way he moved, he had a graceful way of moving that seemed effortless and his strength was betrayed by the powerful muscles under his clothes working with each motion. He also had lovely eyes, a hazel colour very dark at the base but lightened by the green and gold flecks and rings, and framed with lashes the same jet black as his hair. He endlessly amused me in the lessons we had making me feel comfortable and helping me in any areas that I hadn’t studied before.
He walked me out carrying my bag because he was rushing me and the first people I saw were James, tall with broad shoulders and dark red hair that matched his emerald eyes and clear complexion into a thing of beauty but he didn’t hold the same raw attraction to me as Liam did with his cheeky charm, and Henry, maybe two inches taller than my 5”6 and broad with dark blonde hair that waved around his head dimming his masculine features into and all American charm blue eyes and all but he held himself back clearly more shy than he’d like to show.
Around them hovered groups of model thin and tall girls with varying levels of beauty flirting with the smattering of boys around them but constantly checking to see if they were being watched by apparently oblivious James and Henry. Then when Liam came out they all waved or shouted hi at him to which he nodded then moved to join the guys pulling me with him once he discovered I wasn’t moving on my own.
I was amazed, the whole day I’d been so nervous that I hadn’t noticed any of the other students, but Liam had put me at ease, so when I stepped into the crowded hall and saw all the beautiful people around me I suddenly felt inadequate, god how am I ever going to get by in this school I’m definitely on the bottom of the food chain here which makes the boys attention even more bizarre since they were clearly the top. Okay just friends then, I glanced at Liam, I’ll just be friends with him, not like he wants more anyway, best not to embarrass myself anyway.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.07.2011

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