
Short and sweet

This is my first book i hope you like it,the picture i used is from the internet,this is book one of a series.
Enjoy! :)

What I want

Why me?

I have always asked why me, sure I was happy and had everything- maybe even more than everything- anyone could ever want; money, popularity, a long life- literately I was immortal a vampire to be exact- a boyfriend who loved me, my family, what else could I possibly ask for. To me the answer was simple; love was all I wanted and what I have always asked for. Love was what I wanted the most in the whole world even more than blood- which I didn’t really needed because I was also able to eat human food vampires were half human even when people believed we were dead- blood, yeah it was the best thing in the world but I would trade it just to be able to know how it feels to love.

I was beautiful, there were girls at school who were really pretty but they wouldn’t stand next to me because they were afraid to be compared with me. I was 5’6 not too tall but not short either. I had long strait hair and hazel eyes and ivory skin not pale white as you may think it is. My body was curvy and perfect; the type of body a model would kill to have. But that didn’t matter I was absolutely sure that Michael loved my eyes and not my body- he used to tell me that my eyes were like doors to my soul and that he was able to see that he loved me and not my body-but still everyone thought that was why he was with me .

Once again I was lost in thought and reality was that I was in the middle of the school cafeteria with him and some of his friends, at the center of the cafeteria where everyone could see the “popular” table the place where everyone wanted to be. Everyone but me I had never liked here almost everyone was fake and pretended to be the best in the world which was somewhat a lie because most of us had things that kept us from being happy. In my case I was a vampire, yeah it was awesome but and I loved it but the fact that I wasn’t
happy made me miserable and mad at the same time. I was miserable because I would never be happy until I meet my soul mate and we didn’t have an exact date to know when it was going to happen and some never meet theirs so what warrantee did I had the only thing I could do was date humans like any other teenager and move on before they notice that we didn’t age so I was why I was with Michael thank god we were half vampires and we were able to be with them without causing any harm to them.

“Oh my god, Phoebe baby was wrong with you?” Michael brought me back to reality and I was wondering how long I was lost in my little world.

“Sorry” was all could say

“Its ok babe, what’s wrong is there anything I could help you with?”

“No am fine, thanks so what were you‘ll talking about?”

“We were just talking about the beach trip tomorrow”

“Oh yeah the beach trip I totally forgot about that what time are we leaving?” I was shocked at the fact that tomorrow was Saturday

“at three but I thought it may be better if we leave at six that way we can see the sunset an stay there the whole night or something” before I could say anything Lissa beat me trough it

“Hey that’s an awesome idea” she was the cheerleader captain, she was a short, but really pretty she had short curly blonde hair and blue eyes. The most important thing was that she totally hated me for two reasons one, everyone liked me better than her and two and most important of all she liked Michael. Is not like I blame her Michael is handsome. He has blonde spiky hair, beautiful blue-gray eyes – the best thing about him besides his body- and a sexy ass body with a six pack and everything, every muscle of him was well built and his skin was white couple of shades lighter than mine.

”Yup that’s an awesome idea, I wonder why would you like to stay in the beach the whole night?” Jordan one of mike’s best friends say this but probably didn’t notice that he said that last part out loud, it sort of embarrassing but seeing lissa’s expression made me laugh she was so pissed at the thought of mike and I sleeping together. They all turned around to see him and Michael punch him because he was being disrespectful to me.

“Jordan this must be the last time you said something about our relationship what we do or don’t do is our business not yours”

“Oh my god Michael, why did you punch him? Yeah he shouldn’t said that but still that’s not right”

“Yes baby and I know is not right is just that I don’t like it when people get into our business, Jordan I don’t do that to you or anyone else why would you do it to me that’s just wrong”

“hey men you know I didn’t mean it like that, Phoebe am sorry if I was rude to you” I could tell Jordan was just as embarrassed as I was mike and him had never had any problems and his comment made everyone in the table shut up and there was people staring at us it was like at any second they would get into a fight and I didn’t wanted that to happen

“Don’t worry Jordan I guess it happens, now Michael calm down, come with me” I knew that as soon as we leave they would start talking about it but I just wanted him to calm down it was not a big deal as he was making it look like
As soon as we walk outside I hugged him and then he kissed me, could tell he was pissed but I didn’t new why yes Jordan was sort of disrespectful but he didn’t mean it and to be honest I thought it was nothing, but why would he be so pissed or was there something else to it?

“Hey baby was wrong with you? It wasn’t that bad and Jordan didn’t mean to be rude why are you make this a big of a deal when is not?”

“Sorry baby I just over reacted” as he said this I saw how he turned around to not see me he was definitely hiding something from me and yeah he knew he had over reacted but there was more though it that he was not telling me and I knew this wasn’t about Jordan it had never being about Jordan he was pissed at the fact that everyone thought we were together because of sex and it wasn’t like that at all we had never had sex and it wasn’t because I would harm him that would never happen yeah I was strong but all of us had self control and that self control allowed us to have sex with humans without consequences.

“Michael we have talked about this, I know how much you hate to know what they think about us but we know they are wrong besides I have always told you how I feel about that subject, if you want to we can do it anytime you want”

“Babe I don’t want to force you and I have told you that if we ever do it, it will be because you want not because I want it to be true, that all they think about us is right even when is not, we are together because we like each other not because we have sex everyday as they think we do which would be awesome but……..” I knew how much he loved me and how much it hurt him to say this he did wanted to be with me, he had always been honest about this he always told me what he thought and this was one of the reasons I liked him so much but I didn’t love him and I wasn’t ready to be with him just yet. I wanted him to be happy and I was going to make him happy regardless about what I would have to give up. Once again I kissed him and then I whisper to him

“Baby, I know what you want and your honesty shows me how much you love me…..I want you to be happy and if this is what you want we era going to do it”

“Babe, you don’t have to do this I love you and it doesn’t matter what we do or don’t do I will always feel the same way” he smiled at me and I could tell he was been honest he wanted me to be ready and he knew I wasn’t. We had been together two years and nothing had ever gone to the sex part so I was happy about it yeah I was 17 – for more than four hundred years, I was actually 461 but I looked like 17 and everyone we knew thought I was 17 including Michael. what would he said if he knew the truth? - Years old and I wasn’t like any teen that was with every single boyfriend they had. He knew it and he understood how I feel and he respected my decision

“Thanks baby, I know how this is for you and I wish I could be able to…….” He kissed me and that was his way of telling me he was ok with whatever I choose or say.
The rest of the day went by really fast and finally it was time to go home. As usual there was no one home, my mom was too busy with her friends and daddy was working I didn’t really understand why he was working we had enough money to live as billionaires for at least 50 more years maybe even more, but he hated to stay home and we wanted to look normal and working was one of them. I wanted to do something but there was nothing for me to do so I went to sleep. When I wake up my parents were already home. So I went downstairs to talk to them.

“Hey mom, did I told you about my trip to the beach tomorrow?”

“Yes honey you did, why are you not going anymore?”

“Yes we are is just that we had a little change in plans and we are going to stay over there”

“Is ok with me as long as someone goes with you, you know is dangerous for you to stay over there by yourself what if something bad happens to you”

“Mom I’m sure nothing bad is going to happen to me besides no one would touch me and if they do it won’t be fun they are not even going to live through it”

“Phoebe Grimaldi, what are you talking about? Saffron say something to your daughter”

“bee-bee you can go” I loved my daddy he was always in my side it was him who let me go to high school without my brothers or a body guard –what teenager needed a body guard anyways, not a normal one anyways- he trusted the fact that I could defend myself after all he thought me I would be able to defend myself from humans, vampires and necrons’-evil vampires who kill us just for the fun of it- as well

“Thanks! Daddy I love you” I hurried upstairs and as I did they started fighting

The next day my cell phone wake me up it was Michael calling me


“Hey babe, I know is too early but I wondering if you wanted to eat breakfast with me?”

“Yeah sure, want me to go over or are you coming to pick me up?”

“Er, am sort of outside already”

“Oh… ok…um…coming wait for me a little bit I’m going to take a shower and get some clothes for later”

“See you in a bit…love you” as soon as he hang up I run for the restroom
After I took the shower I went to my closet what should I wear, there was so much to chose from so I decided for what I liked, purple was my favorite color but my mom said it didn’t look good on me so I chose a blue and black bikini then I put some shorts and a blue tee on and let my wet hair lose. Then I got another set of shorts and a tee for tomorrow.

“sorry it took me so much to get ready next time call me earlier so I can be ready that way you won’t have to wait so much” he was staring at me from head to toe and his smile widened

“You can take as much time as you want and I would be happy to wait if I get to see you the time you take is nothing compare to what I get for waiting” I just smiled and leaned closer for him to kiss me.

When we got to the beach almost everyone was there I was just wearing my shorts and the top I took my tee off as soon as we got out of the restaurant were Michael took me and headed for the mall as soon as we finish, but he regretted mainly because every guy was staring at me it wasn’t like I was the only one in bikini top in there is just that it look better on me. But that didn’t stopped us from having a good time after he bought me a shirt so I could cover of course the starring did stop but he could deal with it.
As I got out of his car I took off my shirt I was about to take off my shorts but he told me I should just leave them on so we went to meet our friends

“About time we thought you’ll were not coming after all”

“Sorry we were at the mall and didn’t realize what time it was”

“Yeah right they were probably at a hotel or something like that” said Lissa who was a couple of feet away from us she was whispering of course but that didn’t keep me from listening

“yeah Michael was showing me something and we didn’t realize we had been there for too long sorry to keep you’ll waiting for so long” I emphasize some words and made a little smile that said we were not doing what we just said mike notice this and had a question look on his face I just nod in lissa’s direction and nod at me

“Yeah when am with Phoebe time goes super fast even when I wish it didn’t” so he was helping me that did it Lissa was pissed and I couldn’t help but giggle it was so funny to see her jealous. Then everyone started laughing, I saw Jordan and I remember what happen the day before he was probably just keeping away from mike to prevent any other confrontation between them. So I walk to where he was dragging mike with me he saw where we were going and hesitated but then he remember what I asked him to do.

“Hey Jordan”

“Oh, hey Phoebe” he look at me trying to figure out what we were doing here then he look at mike not knowing what to expect.

“Hey bro am sorry about yesterday I shouldn’t done that I overreacted and am sorry” he didn’t knew what to do he knew mike and so he was taken by surprise he wasn’t the guy who apologize for punching someone then he look at me I just smile at him trying to encourage him

“Oh is fine I guess I would have done the same” then they just punch each other lightly in the arm and everything went back to normal
We watched the sunset it was really pretty all the colors –from red-orange to purple- it was amazing, and then out of no were mike pull me up and dragged me co the water before we got to the water I stopped and take off my shorts he looked at me like I was crazy and at the same time regretting it- he didn’t wanted anyone looking at me in bikini suit and it was worse than what he thought- as soon as I pull my shorts off all his friends gasped they were obviously delighted to see me, so he hurried and got me into the water so fast that made me laugh.

“Was that really necessary?”He said this demanding an answer

“What?” I was shocked who was he to talk to me like that even if he was jealous

“Was taking off your shorts in front of everyone necessary?” it was so funny to see him jealous but at the same time I was pissed it wasn’t like he was owner and his attitude wasn’t helping, besides I was free to do or show whatever I wanted

“Look this is a beach, bikini and all that included and I can do or show anything I want is my body and you are not my owner you should be happy that you have what they don’t instead of jealous like a middle school student with his first girlfriend and we are here to have fun not to baby seat each other” as soon as I said this I regret it but it was true and he knew it so I just got out of the water I wasn’t in the mood to be fighting and If I stayed it was going to get worse I pick up my shorts put them on and went for a walk I was half expecting him to fallow me but he just stayed there I saw how Lissa and Beth went to where he was at but I didn’t care after all I wasn’t the jealous type of girl
I was walking trying to calm myself down but I was so mad no one had ever talked to me like that, yeah he was jealous but that was not excuse I wasn’t going to just pretend nothing had happen, yeah it was childish but I wasn’t going to let anyone go over me like that. I hear footsteps approaching and I thought it was him

“Michael just get away from me I don’t want to see you right now”

“Well I don’t know who this guy Michael is but I can see you are pissed at him and I think he is real stupid to make someone so beautiful so mad, if you want I can kick his butt” I could tell he was a vampire so I turned around to face him

“Mind your own business, what do you want, are you fallowing me?” I hadn’t realize that I had gone so far from my friends I had probably walked 3 or 5 miles I was by myself and that was good how was I going to explain my friend I killed someone we just meet besides it wasn’t like they were expecting me to do something like that

“Well am sorry, I just wanted to make sure you were ok you know is not safe to be by yourself at night, and no I wasn’t fallowing you I live right here you are technically in my front yard I just saw you walking all by yourself what if something bad happens to you not like I care but if the police comes they are going to think it was me and I don’t really want any trouble right now” he smiled at me and just then I got a text from a number I didn’t knew it was a picture, I couldn’t believe my eyes it was Michael kissing Lissa it was taken today obviously, whoever send me the picture wanted me to break up with him and they were going to get what they wanted because I wasn’t going to be with him again this was too much for me to deal with and all of the sudden everything was black………………………….

When I wake up I was in a room I had never seen before, what was I doing here? Then I remember the vampire I saw in the beach and remember everything that happen.
“Hey are you ok?” he was worried about me and he probably knew I was a vampire as well, and it wasn’t normal for vampires to past out for no reason and it was probably because I haven’t drink blood in almost a month now I didn’t needed as long as I eat -a lot – but today I only eat in the morning an my body couldn’t go that long without food or blood

“Yeah am fine, I’m just hungry you know how that is” he look at me like I said too much

“Wait, you know that I now that we are” I couldn’t help but laugh was he expecting me not to notice it was obvious not just because of his scent but because he was gorgeous he had brown hair, grey eyes and a body that in other case I would have considered sexy if it weren’t for the fact that it was menacing at the same time but if he wanted I would be death right now so there was probably no danger at all.

“Of course I know, didn’t you notice I was since I walk in front of you or when I talk to you that how I notice, because of your voice” we were starring into each other’s eyes, I didn’t realize I was walking until we I felt his body he was warm and soft, I wanted him to hug and kiss me. I thought he was going to move away but instead he leaned closer to me and kiss me. It was everything I dreamed about it was gentle and sweet and he made his way through my mouth his tongue touch mine and we explore each other’s mouth it was the best kiss in my life it was perfect, I put my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist , I wanted him to hold me tighter as if he was reading my mind he did his fingers sent electric currents through my skin and then I remember I was wearing a bikini it would be so easy to just take it off and do what I knew we both wanted but why was I feeling this he was a complete estranger I didn’t even knew his name. at this point we were in his bed he was on top of me I pull my hands from his neck end reached for his shirt as soon as it was off I put my hands on his neck but then my cell phone ring and he saw where we were at and he pull himself off of me and answer my cell phone clearly annoyed at the fact that whoever it was distracted him from what we were doing

“Hello?” he was staring at me, I was breathing unevenly so I tried to control myself he just smiled at me

“Who the hell are you?, and were is Phoebe at?” Michael was mad at the fact that another man answer my phone if he was worried about me now he was only mad.

“Who the hell I am?, well my name is Aiden and Phoebe is right here with me want to talk to her” he wink at me and I just smile at him instead of being mad at him for answering my phone I was happy he did it now thanks to that I knew his name and mike was pissed once again but shouldn’t be mad he kissed someone while I was gone and I wasn’t going to forgive him for that at the same time I was happy if it weren’t because I got mad at him for the way he talked to me before I would have never meet Aiden in the first place so I owe him and Lissa a lot

“Aiden do I even know who you are and what the hell are you doing with my girlfriend?” was he really expecting Aiden to be jealous

“Well am Phoebe’s friend and no I don’t think you know me and as far as am concern she doesn’t have a boyfriend anymore that unless she decides she wants to be my girlfriend” uh I could tell mike was furious but the fact that he knew exactly what to tell mike was making me happy. Was he just trying to make him mad or did he really wanted to be my boyfriend?

“Fuck you, Phoebe is mine”

“You better shut the hell up before I go and beat the crap out of you Phoebe is not yours and neither is mine, she doesn’t have an owner” Aiden was furious as well if we were near Michael he would be death in a blink of an eye, I walk to were Aiden was and motioned him to give me my phone back but before he did Michael spoke again

“Keep dreaming you son of a bitch you are lucky am not near you, and give Phoebe her phone”

“What did you call me, you have ten seconds to apologize before I rip you head off” and he darted to door I run behind him he was going to be there in less than five seconds and I didn’t wanted him to kill Mike yeah he was being an ass but I didn’t wanted him to get killed. I was faster than him so I tackle him to the floor before he could get up I kissed him, it worked he calm down and I took the phone away from him.

“Hey mike just shut up will you? Am coming wait so we can discuss this better” and I hang up then I look Aiden still on the floor with me on top of him
“You know am going to run more often if every time I do you are going to be on top of me, you have no idea of how good this feels, I haven’t been this close to a girl in more than 50 years" smiled at me and kissed me again “thanks”

“What for?” he was right It felt good, I had been with others before but not this close and it felt different it was like we were made for each other

“For kissing me, for not letting me kill your boyfriend even when he deserves it, for been alive, for been here, for making my heart beat again, and I know is too soon but I love you” he brushed his fingers in my back and I moaned in pleasure and then he kissed me forcefully but it still felt good I moved my lips away from his and brushed them along his jaw then I kiss his neck and he moaned

“Bite me!”

“What? No I can’t do that you know I haven’t drink in a while I don’t think that’s a good idea”

“Yes, bite me please do it, nothing is going to happen I promise” I did it was wow I don’t have words to describe it his blood tasted like honey, sweet and smooth rich and tasty it was great and once again he moaned in pleasure, then he slightly turned and my back was to the sand I moved my mouth to his and we kissed it was great and I was sure it was going to happen, instead he pulled both of us up

“I told you nothing was going to happen, thanks”

“You are welcome hey what time is it?”

“ Nine fifteen, why?” why didn’t I brought my car am so stupid now I have to stay near Mike all night

“Well as you know I was here with my friends and boyfriend” he made a face when I said boyfriend “well ex boyfriend and we were going to stay here all night and I don’t have my car with me so I can’t go back home and I don’t really want to stay all night near him”

“ We can solve that easily you can stay home with me or I can take you home if you prefer” his face changed as soon as he said the last part he obviously wanted to stay with me and so did I

“Why don’t you come with me Aiden, I need to talk to mike and then we can go to your house together..If you want….but if you come with me please promise me you won’t kill mike or anyone else”

“Sure I won’t kill anyone I promise” his smile widened

“Oh yeah I …I love you too” I couldn’t believe I said it but it was true I did loved him this time it was real I loved him and this was my dream come true this was all I needed and all I had
“I guess soul mates do exist at least mine does I love you and I know is not official yet but I heard you were single so do you want to be my girlfriend for the rest of our lives?” he loved me as much as I did so this mean that we were going to be together forever instead of answering I kissed him “Do I take that as a yes”

“I don’t know if you are my soul mate then yes, and if you are not just walk away and take it as a no” he smiled and then he reaches and bite my lip without making it bleed he was just teasing me “if you keep kissing me it will never be official”

“Oh yeah let’s meet the stupid human….well no he is not stupid I owe him thanks to him we are together”Mike was waiting for me at the parking lot apparently no one had notice his discussion and I could hear the others half a mile away saying that we were probably having sex and also talking about the Lissa and Mike’s kiss apparently he kissed her and they make out in front of everyone and of course Lissa couldn’t say no so she just follow his lead and it wasn’t until Lissa started taking his top until he pull away from her and started looking for me, someone smart enough to take a picture the others were just shocked about the fact that he was making out with her and not with me that reacted after they stopped. There he was now his eyes were red he had probably cried or something I didn’t wanted to make things worse for him yes he made a mistake and I did too but how was I going to explain this. As he hear me approaching he pull his head up he wasn’t expecting Aiden and then as I fallow his gaze I saw what he was looking at Aiden and I were holding hands as soon as I saw this I drop his hand Aiden notice it but did do anything about it I guess he knew what I was doing it

“So it is true? We are not together anymore? Why you know I love you…how long have you been with him did you cheated on me?” he was pleading me to tell him the true but what was I going to tell him obviously not the true it was Aiden who answer

“look man am sorry about all this, o know she feels bad about it but we didn’t planned it just happen and we got in all this mess it happen so soon I, I mean we didn’t expected and we are sorry we hurt it we didn’t mean it to happen, and if this helps I promise you I will take care of her I would like for you to do the same if it were the other way round sorry” he was right we didn’t mean it to happen but it did

“Mike am sorry, and no I did not cheated on you, since the minute that you kissed Lissa we were not together anymore, and we have not done anything wrong it was just a kiss not a make out scene as your and am not making excuses I just want to be honest...Um I, am sorry really sorry”

“So you know about that? Guess I deserve it I was a bitch to you and I cheated on you am sorry and I hope you are happy, after all am not your owner I learned the hard way and am sorry you wasted two years with a selfish bitch like me” he was trying to make me sorry, to make it seem like I was the one that make all the mistakes and like it was my fault yeah it was but it was his as well I we didn’t deserve this I hurt him and now he was hurting me, it was like he was expecting me to leave Aiden and come back to him and I was sure it wasn’t going to happen because I loved Aiden too much yeah I just meet him but I love him more than my own life

“Hey you don’t have to act like you are the victim cause you are not and making Phoebe feel guilty is not going to change anything, Michael I know you like her I mean who doesn’t, but you don’t love her if you did you would have never kissed that other girl and just stopped doing it she is been honest to you and you are making her feel miserable for something she had never done, if you want to blame someone blame me I got in between she didn’t mean to hurt you” it was like he could see what I was thinking and he had the right words to describe it but it wasn’t his fault either

“Who are you her spokesman or something I was talking to her not you” everything was an act he wasn’t sorry at all he just wanted to get his way. I walked around to the other side of his car to get my stuff out so I could leave and end this conversation once and for all. I could feel their gaze against my back, they probably got the wrong idea because when I turned around Michaels expression was triumphant he probably thought I was going to leave with him and Aiden’s was hurt he thought the same thing and it hurt him to think I was going to get away from him

“Mike am sorry you don’t understand what is going on, and Aiden is right this is not my fault is not even yours or his, it just happen and is not anybody’s fault sorry and I got to go”

“What? Where are you going? You don’t have your car remember we were going to stay here “he glared at Aiden he probably knew I was going to stay with him or something
“that’s a dumb question you are probably are going to sleep with him aren’t you?”

“no am not going to sleep with him I call Selene to pick me up pick me up Aiden is just going to take me to where they are picking me up and am going to stay at her house for the rest of the weekend so don’t look for me home I won’t be there, am sorry but we are not together anymore, sorry” Selene was my best friend she wasn’t here with us today because she wasn’t friends with anyone here besides me. Michael believed me I was really good at lying but Aiden didn’t I knew I wasn’t fooling him at all he probably knew I was trying to make things better for mike so he didn’t said anything about it “Am sorry and we got to go bye mike and once again am sorry”

“Bye Phoebe” well at least he understood it would be hard for him, his ego was broken-not every day a girl broke up with him it was always the other way round- but it was better for him to know the truth we left him by himself and I call Jordan and tell him to come here by himself mike needed a friend and Jordan was like a brother to him besides I wanted to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid because of me. We were walking along the beach back to his house he was holding my hand but didn’t said much I was grateful about it I wasn’t ready to talk I wasn’t hurt or anything I just feel bad because I caused Mike pain but it was better for him to know the truth.

“Hey I know you liked him and that you spend some time, and am sorry you are unhappy after all he was your boyfriend for quite long if you want I …. I can get away from you so you two can be together” I was hurting him too but he got everything wrong I wasn’t sad because I wasn’t with him I was sorry for him I stopped walking and he drop my hand and kept walking

“Aiden please stop” he did but didn’t turn around so I walked a little to face him but he didn’t wanted to see me. I put my hand in his jaw and make him face me. There was pain his eyes he hated the fact that I was been miserable and didn’t care to sacrifice himself to make me happy. “Aiden please, I love you and there in not anything I want more than you, yeah I spend a lot of time with him but I had never loved him, am sad because I hurt him and the least I want right now is to hurt you too so please don’t you ever say or think about leaving me ok we just found each other, I want you and no one else so now can we go to your house?”

“Really is that it? I love you too and is not my home anymore, now is our home if you want”

“Yeah that’s it, really our home? I would love that”We run the rest of the way to our home; he opened the door for me and kissed me.

“Hey Aiden were is the restroom at I need to take a shower”

“Down the hall the first door to the left, mind if I come with you?” what was I supposed to say I wanted him to come but….. Once again the blackness come to me and I found myself in his arms somewhere in the house. I could tell he was worried and it was unnecessary because I knew this was about the fact that I needed to eat something my body wasn’t used to not eating anything in so long, his blood help but just a little and now I needed to eat or I would pass out again.

“Phoebe was wrong? Are you ok what can I do for you? Oh my god please say something, love please” he was near hysterics

“Don’t worry am fine” before I could say anything else he interrupted me

“Fine? What the hell is wrong with you, you are not fine this is the second time this happens”

“Let me finish, am fine this is nothing is just that I haven’t eaten in almost the whole day, I ate breakfast but that was it and it wouldn’t be a problem if it weren’t for the fact that I haven’t drink any blood in more than a month”

“What are you crazy? You now we can’t go without blood for so long, and food is not enough to keep us strong, that was irresponsible of you come on let’s get you something to eat” I started to get up but fell back again, he pull me up in his arms and carry me to the kitchen. Ha made spaghetti for me and I finish everything even though it was enough to feed three people

“It was delicious, thanks”

“You’re welcome, now let’s go get you some blood I bet there’s still people around here”

“Am full, maybe later”

“Ok, I thought you wanted you take a shower?” I totally forgot about it. I got up and dragged him with me

“Wait I was just kidding you don’t have to do this if you don’t want”

“I, I do want to take a shower with you…”


“But I don’t know what is going to happen after that am sort of afraid I have never done it before” I pull my head down as I said this it was sort of embarrassing there was nothing to be afraid but I was what if I don’t do it right what if he didn’t like it.

“Don’t worry about it we won’t do anything you are not ready to do I promise I would stop as soon as you tell me, we are just going to take the shower and go to sleep as soon as we get out no sex involved” he look at me and smiled “ We can keep our underwear on if you want”

“Ok, but if I take mine off will you keep yours on?”

“Of course mine won’t come off unless you take it off” I just smile at him and take him to the restroom. I turn the water on and went inside the water was warm and he was too like he said he didn’t take his off

“Hey can you do something for me?” I asked I wasn’t ready yet but I knew I would soon be

“Yeah I can do whatever you want me to do”

“ Can you take my bikini off, after you do wait for me to take your off”

“Are you sure? I can wait as long as you want; would you get mad if I touch you while you decide when to take mine off?”

“Am sure, and I won’t get mad” he kissed me again and pull his hands to my back and pulled the stings of my top and tossed it lightly to the floor then he went down to his knees and pull the rest of, as soon as he finish he take a steep back and looked at me he stay there admiring my body and then pull me to him and started kissing me again our body’s fit perfectly and the touch made both of us moan it was like a signal he lower his hand and brushed his fingers all the way down to thighs and pull me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he pulled his hands up and hold me tighter to him. I unwrapped my legs and pushed the button to fill the tub to take bath as I got down to seat I pulled his boxers off

“Are you sure about this? I want you to be sure and if you are I would like to make love to you, like I said we can stop whenever you want”

“Am sure”

when i wake up the next morning he was gone i got dressed and started calling his name there was no answer so i got out of the room and look for him in the rest of the house, he wasn't anywhere near, i was afraid what if i didn't see him again what if he didn't came back. my knees give up and i fell to the floor and started crying i was in front of the door and he found me there

" Phoebe was wrong? are you sick again Bee-bee answer me please what's wrong?" did he just called me bee-bee tha was my nick name but only my family used it, he was worried about me and i coulnd't stop crying it was a stupid thing to do after all he was back and he didn't leabe me as i thought he did "please love tell me what's wrong"

" You left me, here and i thoght i wasn't going to see you again i was so afraid of losing you" he smiled at me and hold my head in his hands and forced me to meet his gaze

" I would never leave you you are my life, am sorry i left but i wanted to get breakfast for us and i didn't wanted to wake you up so i just left, am sorry"he hug me and then kissed me

I spent the whole day with him i wanted to know everything about him. he lived with his mom and his dad had been killed when he was little - he was 515 and his dad was killed when he was 5- they didn't knew why but his mom was looking for his killer since then he was with her most of the times but he decided to stay this time. they wanted revange and they would do everything to get it they were sure his dad was innocent and that motivated them to keep looking. He had never been with anybody, he had a couple of girlfriends every now and then but he usually broke up with them before they could have anything more serious -before they had sex in this case- he loved his freedom and he was willing to change that to be with me. i told him about me i had my parents and two brothers who were twins, my dad was part of the counsil who ruled the vampires and it was maded of five people-i was part of the most powerful families in our world- and he didn't understand what i was by myself all the time when i should be guarded every minute to keep me a live i was an easy target and he didn't like to think about me been in trouble but i tell him what my dad thought me he still thought thhe same just like my mom but i wanted to have a normal life well if that is possible considering who i was. i hadn't realize it was late the day had gone by so fast and it was time forme to go home. i call my mom and tell her what happen and to see if Aiden could talk to my dad-he insisted on asking permission cause it was the propper way to do this- i didn't thought it was necessary but i did as he told me. i was happy because i knew everything will be right and i would be with the love of my life but that thought didn't last much.

As soon as my dad saw him, my happiness dissapear apparently they knew each other from before, when i turned to see him he was as shock as i was it wasn't normall for my dad to be this mad at someone who he barely knew "what the hell are you doing with my daughter"

" Excuse me? i don't even know you sir, what have i done to you to deserve this"

" Don't act like you don't know what your father do to our kind" daddy saw the same as i did Aiden was as surprised as i was he tell me about his dad and they didn't knew anything about him just that he was killed for something they didn't know "your dad killed our king and we killed him, he betrayed his people to make a fabor to the necron's if your dad did that what would you do? probably the same i don't want you anywhere near my doughter you have two second to live our life before i kill you" as he said that we were surrounded by the guard i was afraid they would hurt him, he was still trying to figure out what was going on it was impossible for him to believe his dad had actullly done whta my dad said, he found the answers to all his questions and with that knowledge, everything change the guard started to get near us i shoked him and tell him to leave, that it was better for now i was sure i would never see him againg but i didn't wanted to get him killed he saw me i was pleading him to leave before something happen, we run for the door i wanted to go with him but my dad stopped me."Phoebe where do you think you are going you are going to satay here or i will have to kill him, you have the opportunity to leave if you don't am going to kill you and if my daughter tries to help you i will have to kill her too because of you, i would not see her be with someone like you"

" No dad there's nothing yoy can do i love him and you won't tell me what to do"

" Phoebe he is right if he is telling the true you shouldn't be with some one like me" he couln't believe any of this but he didn't wanted get me killed he hug me and opened the door ready to leave

" no, please don't leave me i need you"

" am sorry Bee-bee love, am not good for you i don't want anything to happen to you i love you and is because of that that i have to leave" this hurt him more or as much as it hurt me i wanted to be with him but if we stay together we woul get both of us killed he was doing this to save me- he didn't care about him he only care about me and no one else" please promise me you will not do what you did yesterday before i meet you, keep your self strong that way i would know that you are alive and tht this was the right thing to do"
he left everything was gone with him, i wished i was normal but i wasn't and this was the end of my life. i run to my room as soon as i was inside i cried my self to sleep at leat i could forget for some hours my life was gone, Aiden was my life and now he was gone, and the worst part was that he had never done anything if it was true he wasn't responssible for his dad's actions but this was our worl and loyalty come before everthing i hated my life i hated my dad for been the cause of my pain we didn't deserve this and he killed me, as he promisse he would but at least some where- as hurt as i was- Aiden was still alive.

TO BE CONTINUE..........................


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.06.2011

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